My sister is studying at the Faculty of Ecology and recently prepared some work on the wetlands of our country. My ears were just buzzing with information on this topic. Now at least go and give a report to the teacher.

What is a swamp and why does it form?

A swamp is an area with very high moisture levels, where groundwater come to the surface of the land. As a rule, in such places there is a lot of precipitation, and so much water does not have time to evaporate.

Swamps can form either due to swamping of the area, or due to overgrowth of the territory of the reservoir. There are several factors that can contribute to the formation of swamps:

Most often, swamps can be found in flat areas near rivers. Water in such places drains slowly, the soil becomes oversaturated with moisture, and mosses appear. And, of course, many swamps in the past were lakes that gradually became shallow. The plants in them die and form a dense layer. Peat gradually begins to form, deposits of which in large quantities available in territories with temperate climate.

Swamps in Russia

City residents probably don’t even imagine how much of Russia’s territory is occupied by swamps. Everyone knows that our country has huge size, so as much as 10% of its territories are occupied by swamps. Most of them are found in the region of Western Siberia, in the north of the European part of the country, in Polesie and the Central region.

In terms of territory, the marshy area in Western Siberia is in first place in the whole world. About 42% of the land is occupied by swamps. In addition, they grow every year. There are much fewer swamps in eastern Siberia.

In the European part of the country, the wettest areas are in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. A third of the entire territory is occupied by swamps. They are special here, they are surrounded by hills formed in the distant past by glaciers. Even in arid regions of the country there can be swamps; the source of moisture for them is groundwater and river water.

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The purpose of the lesson: give an idea of ​​the location, features, origin and significance of lakes, swamps, groundwater, permafrost.



  • Test your knowledge about the rivers of Russia;
  • Update knowledge about lakes as an integral part of the hydrosphere;
  • Identify the origin, features and geography of lakes in Russia;
  • To form an understanding among students about the types of wetlands and the reasons for their origin and the importance of conservation;
  • Characterize The groundwater as the most important natural resource countries;
  • Get an idea of ​​the distribution of permafrost in Russia, its impact on nature and human economic activity;
  • Get acquainted with the features of cover and mountain glaciers.


  • Develop geographical thinking.


  • Contribute to the formation of ideas about the beauty, richness and diversity of Russian nature;
  • Develop a caring, rational attitude towards inland waters.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: physical map of Russia, multimedia equipment, handouts (creative homework, test tasks).

During the classes

I. Org. Moment.

II. Checking homework.

  • Show on river basin map Pacific Ocean, Arctic, Atlantic Ocean.
  • Repeat terms: river system, source, river mouth, basin, fall, river slope, river watershed, flood, flood.
  • Test tasks.

    The main river with all its tributaries is:
    A) river system; b) river regime; c) river basin

    The excess of the source over the mouth is:
    A) river slope; b) river fall

    The place where the river begins is called:
    A) source; b) mouth

    Sudden rise in river water level:
    A) flood; b) flood; c) flood

    The volume of water that flows in a river bed in a year is called:
    A) solid waste; b) annual flow; c) water consumption

    Most low level water in the river is:
    A) flood; b) low water; c) flood

    Most rivers in Russia are fed by:
    A) rain; b) glacial; c) snowy; d) mixed

    Depends on climate:
    A) river regime; b) flow speed; c) direction of flow

    The causes of the flood are:
    A) spring melting of snow on the plain; b) prolapse torrential rains

    The greater the fall of the river, the:
    A) more speed river currents; b) greater annual flow; c) larger pool area

III. Learning new material.

Guys, before moving on to studying new material, guess the riddle:

Young mountain ash trees look at it,
Colored people trying on their headscarves.
Young birch trees look at him,
Adjusting your hair in front of him.
And the month and the stars -
Everything is reflected in it...
What is this mirror called?

Tell me, what are we going to talk about in class today? ( About the lakes)

Lakes, like rivers, are inland waters. Besides rivers and lakes, what else is classified as inland waters? ( Swamps, glaciers, groundwater, permafrost)

Formulate our lesson topic for today. ( “Lakes, swamps, glaciers, groundwater, permafrost» ) (slide 1)

Let's remember from the 6th grade course, what is a lake? (student answer options) (slide 2)

The famous Russian poet A. Blok conveyed to us his perception of the lake as follows:

Like a tired woman, it
Spread out below and looking at the sky,
It's foggy and the distance is filled with fog,
And it took away the entire sunset from the sky.
("Over the Lake")

There is no other country in the world with such a number and such variety of lakes as in Russia, 3 million lakes. (Slide 3) They are unevenly distributed throughout the territory of our country. What is this connected with? ( the location of lakes depends on the type of climate, the location of impermeable layers, geological structure ).

The largest number of lakes is concentrated in the North-West of the Russian Plain, in the lowlands of the Middle and North-Eastern Siberia, as well as in the south of Western Siberia.

Most of the lakes in Russia are fresh, drainage lakes from which rivers flow, but there are also salty ones, for example, Baskunchak, Elton, Chany, the Caspian Sea-lake. Elton Lake is the largest and most famous salt lake; it is famous for its healing properties. People who came here on crutches returned home after a while, leaving their crutches at the local sanatorium. (slide 4)

As you already said, a lake is a natural depression, and a depression is a basin formed on earth's surface. Let's remember which lakes are distinguished by type of basin.

Tectonic lakes (slide 5)

The Caspian Lake is the largest on Earth; in the past it was connected to the ocean and was a sea. Due to the size and composition of the water it is called the sea. As a result of tectonic movements, there was a slow subsidence of vast areas earth's crust, That. the basin of the Caspian Lake arose.

The Baikal basin was formed as a result of the subsidence of sections of the earth's crust along a fault. Baikal is the most deep lake world (1642 m.)

Glacial lakes(the basins were formed under the influence of the gravity of an ancient glacier) are located in the north-west of the Russian Plain. The largest of them are Ladoga, Onega, and Imandra.

Volcanic lakes are located in the craters of volcanoes on the Kuril Islands, on the Kamchatka Peninsula. During an eruption, such a lake boils away.

Thermokarst lakes(slide 6) are formed in areas with permafrost. In summer, the permafrost thaws, the soils subside, and shallow basins filled with melt water form. There are many such lakes in Yakutia. The most famous is Lake Nedjeli.

Karst lakes are formed if there is a distribution of water-soluble rocks (limestones, gypsum, dolomites).

Estuary lakes (slide 7)

On the low-lying shores of the Black, Azov and some other seas, estuary lakes are widespread - a product of the interaction of the river and the sea: the river mouth, flooded by the sea, is gradually separated from the sea by a spit, erected between the sea and the river, and turns into an estuary. Estuary lakes are narrow and shallow, and their outlines retain the tortuosity of flooded river valleys.

Oxbow lakes

Floodplain lakes are scattered along the river valleys. These are oxbow lakes - channels left by the river, narrow and long, heavily overgrown with reeds and reeds.

Dammed or dammed lakes

A special group includes dam lakes, or dam lakes, which are formed as a result of landslides in the mountains. Cluttering the narrow valleys mountain rivers, landslides often create high, strong dams, above which the formation of a lake begins along the river. There are many such lakes in the Caucasus and other mountainous regions of the country.

Reservoirs created on large Russian rivers ah for the accumulation and storage of water for the purpose of its use on the farm. For example, Kamskoe, Kuibyshevskoe, Rybinskoe, Krasnoyarsk, Bratskoe.

Guys, what is the importance of lakes in nature and human life? (slide 8)

Notebook entry:

  1. Lakes influence the climate by cooling and humidifying the air on the coast in summer.
  2. Lakes feed rivers.
  3. Lakes change the topography (creating a bottom and shores, cliffs and terraces, etc.)
  4. Contribute to the rise of groundwater.
  5. Fresh lakes are sources of drinking water.
  6. They fish in the lakes.
  7. Lakes are transport routes.
  8. Lakes are wonderful vacation spots.

But besides positive points, there are also negative ones, for example, the creation of reservoirs leads to the destruction of banks, flooding of forests, agricultural lands, villages, roads (for example, the construction of a whole cascade of reservoirs on the Volga led to the disappearance of many settlements and rendering fields and pastures unusable).

IV. Physical education minute.

And the seagulls are circling over the sea,
Let's fly after them together.
Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,
And above the sea - you and I!
(wave hands)
We are now sailing on the sea
And we frolic in the open space.
Have fun raking
And catch up with the dolphins.
(swimming movements with hands)
Look: seagulls are important
They walk along the sea beach.
(walking in place)
Sit down, children, on the sand,
Let's continue our lesson.

Remember how swamps are indicated on a physical map? What places in Russia are the most swampy? ( Western Siberia, North-West of the Russian Plain, South of the Far East).

And now we will listen to a report on the topic “Swamps”. (slide 9)

In addition to rivers, lakes and swamps, inland waters include glaciers, groundwater and permafrost. We will listen to the following messages about them prepared by your classmates. (Messages are read out on the topics “Glaciers and permafrost”, “Groundwater”) (slide 10, 11, 12)

V. Consolidation.

Frontal survey:

What types of lake basins are there in our country? Where and why are they located?

Which areas of our country are the most swampy? Why?

What is the significance of groundwater for human life?

In which regions of Russia are glaciers concentrated?

Name the reasons for the formation of permafrost, the areas where it is located, and the impact of permafrost on nature and human activity.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in class today?

Assessment, marking.

VII. Homework.

(slide 13)

§13; mark on contour maps the boundary of permafrost, the most large lakes countries; creative task the strongest students (

Lecture No. 8

Concept of emerging global problems

The essence and main types of global economic problems

Global economic problems:

1. Political

- problems of peace and disarmament

- Problems local wars and conflicts

- problem international terrorism

— the problem of rogue countries (North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Belarus)

2. Economic

- the problem of transnational capital

- problem economic wars and conflicts

- lag problem developing countries from developed

- North-South problem

- the problem of international debt

3. Social

— the problem of growing income inequality

- the problem of unemployment and poverty

- the problem of combating diseases and drug addiction

- the problem of megacities

4. Environmental

- problem of limited resources

- food problem

- demographic problem

- problem of waste and pollution

- problem global warming climate

Common features of global economic problems:

1. they affect the interests of all humanity or its general part

2. they can only be solved through the common efforts of all humanity

3. all problems are closely interconnected

4. problems need urgent and immediate solutions

These are problems that may threaten humanity in the future.

For example, the emergence of deadly viruses and diseases, problems associated with space exploration,

Topic: Basics of wetland hydrology.

Swamps are excessively moist areas of land with moisture-loving vegetation and a peat layer of more than 0.3 m, due to which the bulk of plant roots do not reach the underlying mineral soil. Wetlands are also excessively moist surface areas, but with a thin (less than 0.3 m) layer of peat or even without it; therefore, water-salt exchange occurs here between plants and soil. The total area of ​​swamps occupies about 2% of the land area. The territory of Russia is dominated by swamps of dry origin, which arose mainly in previous climatic periods.

Swamps are formed in two ways: when lakes become overgrown or as a result of swamping of flat interfluves. The main way of formation of swamps is swamping of land, which begins with the appearance of periodic and then constant waterlogging of soils.

Waterlogging is promoted by:

— climate - excess moisture as a result of abundant precipitation or weak evaporation;

high level groundwater;

— the nature of the soil - poorly permeable rocks, permafrost, rocks caked in fires, worsening water infiltration;

— relief - flat areas with shallow drainage or depressions with slow flow;

- prolonged floods on rivers, etc.

On waterlogged lands, moisture-loving vegetation, adapted to the lack of oxygen and mineral nutrition, settles, and hypnum mosses are replaced by sphagnum mosses. Moss turf, which absorbs and retains moisture well, contributes to even greater waterlogging of the land. In this connection, in the future, it is vegetation that plays the leading role in waterlogging.

Bog soils are formed under the influence of two processes: peat formation and gleying. Peat formation is a biochemical process of accumulation of semi-decomposed plant residues on the surface due to their slow humification and mineralization under anaerobic conditions. Excessive moisture inhibits decomposition organic matter and the involvement of ash elements and nitrogen in new cycles of the biological cycle of substances. Gleyization is a complex biochemical restoration process that occurs under conditions of difficult access to oxygen with the obligatory presence of organic matter, the participation of anaerobic microorganisms or the products of their activity. The most favorable conditions for peat accumulation exist in forests temperate zone, especially in Western Siberia, where within the forest-swamp zone the swampiness reaches 50-70%, and the peat thickness is 8-10 m. To the north and south of the forest zone, the thickness of the peat deposit is reduced: to the north due to a decrease in the growth of plant mass in cold climates ͵ to the south due to more intense decomposition of plant residues in a warm climate. In a hot, humid climate, a huge increase in biomass is compensated by the intensive process of decay of dead plants and the formation of peat bogs practically does not occur, although evergreen equatorial forests are waterlogged, and in depressions and valleys there are very wetlands.

The structure of the peat deposits of swamps that arose in place of lakes or dry lands is different. Peatlands formed as a result of swamping of lakes have lake silt - sapropel - under a layer of peat, and when swamping land, the peat lies directly on the mineral soil. Peat - sedimentary rock plant origin, a water-filled fibrous or plastic dark brown mass consisting of decomposition products of plant materials with preserved plant remains. Peat contains 85-95% moisture and has a complex chemical composition. The elemental composition of peat: carbon 50-60%, hydrogen 5-6%, oxygen 30-40%, nitrogen 1-3%, sulfur up to 1.5%.

Raised bogs predominate. There are small raised bogs.

Often, lowland peats are formed at the base of the upland deposit. There are few lowland swamps. On the periphery, raised bogs are bordered by transitional swamps. In the north-west of the European part of Russia, raised bogs predominate, in other regions - lowland ones. Swamps are concentrated in the Tomsk region and in the north of the Novosibirsk region.

The swamps are heavily watered.

Swamps account for about 1.4 million km2 or 10% of the territory of Russia. On the territory of Russia, swamps are found in all natural areas ah, mainly in drainless depressions with excessive moisture. Raised bogs, fed mainly precipitation, there are advantages in the tundra and taiga zones Eurasia.

In the northern and northwestern regions, swampiness reaches 50%; the development of large raised watershed swamps is typical here, the area of ​​which reaches several tens of thousands of hectares.

The most common are polygonal and flat-hilly swamps. In the Kola-Karelian peat-bog region, the formation of bogs is due to the development of the youngest forms of glacial relief - accumulative and erosive. In the mountainous part Kola Peninsula There are mountain swamps, mostly shallow.

The southern part of Karelia is poor in swamps. Among the lowland swamps, treeless ones predominate, completely covering the watersheds of the Sudogi, Shogdy, and Aredogi rivers.

In the Komi Republic, swamps are confined to depressions in wide lowlands. Raised bogs occur on non-flooded terraces above the floodplain and belong to ridge-hollow massifs with a convex surface.

The Amur swamp region covers the upper and middle reaches of the river.

Amur within the Amur region

The North-Western peat-bog region, which occupies the Valdai Upland and the Ilmen Lowland, includes the Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions. Large lowland swamps are rare; small lowland swamps occupy lake depressions, ancient lake terraces, sources and floodplains of the Luga, Plyussa, and Sheloni rivers.

IN middle lane swampiness is reduced to 15-10% and different types of near-terraces appear peat bogs medium size.

In the southern and southeastern regions, swampiness decreases to 0.5%; lowland floodplain swamps of small, elongated shapes predominate, often with thick upper mineral sediment.

In the southern part of the Middle Urals, where the Ural ridge narrows greatly and borders the forest-steppe, small lowland swamps predominate

Conditions for the development of swamps are unfavorable.

Which areas of Russia are the most swampy? Why?

They feed mainly on groundwater and river floods. Accumulations of swamps in areas with homogeneous geomorphological and orographic conditions form about a thousand swamp massifs. Swampiness Northern Urals poorly researched. On Subpolar Urals swamps fill depressions among glacial and fluvioglacial deposits.

On the eastern slope of the Middle Urals the swampiness is higher. Swamps occupy interfluves, depressions in mountain valleys, river valleys and lake basins.

The swamps are mainly of lowland type, in some cases transitional and very rarely raised.

In the Nizhny Tagil-Ekaterinburg region, large swamps located in the wide valleys of Tagil, Neiva and Iset are fed by spring waters from the foot of the banks. The peat deposits of these swamps are underlain by sapropel. On Southern Urals large lowland swamps are confined to depressions between gentle mountain slopes, feeding the swamps with groundwater and surface wastewater.

In Western Siberia, the area of ​​marshes reaches 32,538 thousand hectares (Table 2.17), and half of the marshes are upland.

They occupy the predominant part of the interfluve spaces and are located both in low areas and on watersheds. Swamps with deep deposits belong to the relics of the Holocene.

Polygonal and flat moss-sedge bogs are common.

Large hummocky swamps occupy the northern part of the forest zone and the southern forest-tundra.

The hummocky peatlands are composed of up to 0.6 m of peat, under which lies an ice-saturated mineral core. Northern part The West Siberian Plain is covered with high-moor swamps, while the southern plain is covered with low-lying swamps.

Swamps, occupying up to 80% of the territory, form complex systems, cover flat interfluves and high river terraces. Raised, shallow, convex, heavily watered sphagnum bogs with ridge-lake complexes dominate.

For the river basin Konda is characterized by raised ridge-lake, ridge-lake-hollow and ridge-hollow bogs. Transitional swamps located mainly on the second terrace of the river. Konda and its tributaries.

The area of ​​tundra swamps occupies northern zone European part of Russia. To the north, swamps are widespread and located on low-lying terraces.

Transitional ones are found in the form of forested and treeless swamps on the periphery of swamp massifs.

Almost 10% of Russia's territory is covered with swamps. The main area of ​​their concentration is the area of ​​maximum humidity. In the area of ​​this region (tundra, forest area) upper swamps predominate, the formation of which is associated with excessive humidity. In the south, low-lying forests and steppes are dominated by low-lying swamps, which form with insufficient moisture. The most large areas swamps are located in Western Siberia and the north-west of the Russian Plain.

Karelia and the Kola Peninsula are the most populous regions European territory Russia.

Swamps occupy about 30% total area region. The gorges are located between rolling hills that connect narrow peat channels and form an intricate lace-like pattern.

Western Siberia is the swampiest region not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Bolgi stretch with short breaks for more than 1.5 thousand km from north to south and from west to east. About 80% of the territory of this spacious layer is flooded.

IN West Siberian swamps Huge reserves of water are concentrated - about 1 thousand cubic meters. km. This is one and a half times more than the annual outflow of the largest Russian rivers, the Yenisei, and 2.5 times more than the Ob River. This concentration of moisture contributes to the further spread of the swamp.

The thickness of the peat in some places reaches 10 meters here.

East of the Yenise in Eastern Siberia, the furrows are much smaller. They only use 10% of the surface.

why are the most congested areas in the country in the northern region

The gorges are located mainly in lowlands along river valleys. The most widespread in this regard are the central Yakut, North Siberian and Yan-Indigir plains. The depletion here is facilitated by the presence of permafrost, which prevents moisture penetration.

Due to the low temperatures prevailing most years, and the presence of permafrost, peat forms very slowly. The average thickness of the peat horizon is 1 meter.

In places there are thick (up to 5 meters) relict peat deposits, which have been abandoned since ancient warmer periods of time.

As in Central Siberia, on Far East banks are mainly located on flood plains large rivers. In the Amur region it reaches 36%. A fifth of all bars are impractical. The coasts are characterized by four-legged mounds, special swamps that contain a layer of water below the peat land. Sakhalin and Kamchatka, especially its ocean coast, are heavily flooded.

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Swamps of Russia. The largest swamp in Russia

Swamp. Hearing this word, many feel an inexplicable fear. It’s terrible to imagine how many lives were swallowed up by the dark swamps covered with mists.

From time to time they sparkle with lights of spontaneously combustible gas. How can you not believe that kikimoras, waterworts and other evil spirits live there?

The swamps of Russia are a special topic. They are found throughout our vast country. And there are many legends among the people. We will look at places with standing water (they can be low-lying, transitional, or high-lying) from different angles.

Secret cranberry picking

Swamps of Russia, Mother Rus': damp, stale air, an abundance of blood-sucking mosquitoes, horseflies.

In the old days it was believed: this is a place to communicate with evil spirits. It is known from legends that people who, from generation to generation, received secret knowledge from their ancestors (witch doctors, healers), retired to bear corners to perform magical rituals.

Perhaps it was so. There is also an opinion that sorcerers here were engaged in collecting medicinal plants. As you know, there are a lot of them in the swamps: wild rosemary, cranberries, cloudberries, hops, string and others.

It is difficult for many to imagine: how can one build a house in a disastrous place?

But there were brave men. They selected patches of dry land, built a dwelling and whiled away the years, eating game and berries. The reasons for retreating from the world were often explained very prosaically: some hermits were hiding from enemies, others from persecution by law enforcement officers.

Only a select few knew the paths to their owners.

Mentally walking across all of Russia (for example, from the borders with Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus to the Kamchatka Peninsula), we will find: swamps are found everywhere. Favorable environment For their occurrence, an increased moisture content in the air and shallow occurrence of underground rivers (groundwater) are considered. These characteristics are distinguished by high and temperate latitudes Northern Hemisphere.

One of the hundred wonders of Russia

The rivers of Eastern Siberia and the Far East are very swampy at their mouths.

The tundra is rich in destructive spaces, where frozen layers prevent moisture from permeating the soil. The swamps in northern Russia are impressive.

Western Siberia is called the most swampy region in the world. Just imagine the scale: they stretch over 570 kilometers from north to south and over 300 kilometers from west to east.

On the Vasyugan Plain, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers there is Vasyugan swamps. They are included in the list of “One Hundred Wonders of Russia”. Their area is 53 thousand square meters. km (more than the territory of some European countries).

But no matter how unsuitable for human life swamps may seem, they are of enormous ecological importance for the regions, since they perform biosphere functions (accumulative, biological, inter-circulation).

Video on the topic

The ice age helped

The area of ​​distribution of the West Siberian swamps is huge: 1.7 thousand kilometers from north to south and the same amount from west to east (with rare breaks).

More than a quarter of the world's peat deposits are concentrated here. The heavily swampy regions of the European part include Karelia (30% of the territory, in some places up to 70%) and the Kola Peninsula.

Before the swamps formed (Russia, as we already understood, does not occupy them), glaciers worked well on the area, creating a landscape of hills alternating with lowlands (all this is the bottom of the ancient sea).

Swamping began approximately ten to twelve thousand years ago. If you look at it from a bird's eye view, it seems that the unsteady spaces are woven into an unusual lace, connecting with each other through peat channels.

The connection took place as follows: the scattered depressions in the relief were gradually filled with the dense remains of rotted plants, and crawled out from there, like dough from a pan, merging with each other. This type of swamp is called Karelian.

Ryams and zaimkas

Large swamps forest edge have been for two and a half thousand years.

And today they are expanding, occupying the territories of interfluves, river terraces and floodplains. In the old days, many names were invented for these places.

Take, for example, round or slightly oval ryams, overgrown with bushes and forests. There are many of them in the taiga regions in the south of Western Siberia.

They disperse fan-shaped, in stripes of different widths (from 100 meters to many kilometers). Thanks to the connection points, the branches form extensive systems.

Many people have heard of such a name as a loan. This is often the name given to swamps overgrown with reeds. The forests and swamps of Russia are closely interconnected. There are swamps in the wilderness. Popularly known as cleaver.

Swamp forest on the plain - yudal. The extreme stage of waterlogging is bareness.

The lake will become a swamp

The West Siberian swamps contain huge reserves of water, amounting to almost a thousand cubic kilometers. The mighty Ob carries 2.5 times less into the Kara Sea per year!

It is not surprising that peat bogs are growing year after year. The Vasyugan swamps are huge, but there are others large swamps Russia: Tyuguryukskoye (Altai), Velikoye (Vologda) and others.

There are many lakes in our country.

There are almost three million closed reservoirs. The deepest lake is Baikal (1620 meters). Even under the USSR, every schoolchild knew: it contains half of our reserves fresh water. The lakes are distributed unevenly.

This depends on a number of factors. Firstly, from the geological structure. But the relief, climate, at what distance from the surface of the earth the groundwater lies, etc. are also important.

d. Where the climate is arid, the number of lakes is smaller. Drainless lakes are filled with soil particles and become shallow. If you don't take care of them, they can become the very places where kikimores live. Although, it would seem, how are the lakes and swamps of Russia (and not only Russia) connected?

Many researchers say that the fate of the swamp awaits the Volga River, the speed of which, after the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations (and other man-made reasons), slowed down sharply and its self-purification was disrupted.

If trouble has affected one of the greatest blue arteries of the Earth, then one can imagine the fate of smaller rivers and lakes. As we already know, the existing bogs (swamps) of Russia also formed gradually.

The Amur Region is in the lead

There are not so many swamps east of the Yenisei-Father. Eastern Siberia covered by them only ten percent.

The most areas are lowlands along the valleys (including the Central Yakutskaya, vast swampy plains of Indigirskaya and North Siberian, at the base of which lies the Khatanga depression).

Permafrost has an effect. Due to low temperatures, humus (peat) forms and accumulates extremely slowly. The thickness of the existing layer is only one meter, although there are places where it reaches up to 5 meters. This is a legacy of those periods when the climate was warm.

In the Far East, swamps also gravitate towards the floodplains of large rivers.

The Amur region is the leader (up to 36 percent of them are concentrated there). A fifth of the swamps are completely impassable. There are ripples: at the top there is a layer of peat, and underneath there are deposits of water. Kamchatka (especially the Okhotsk coast) and Sakhalin are considered swampy.

help with the test please 1.Which continent is crossed by all meridians? Eurasia; 2. Africa; 3. North America; 4. Antarctica

p>2. The boundary areas between lithospheric plates, in which volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, are:

1. platforms; 2. seismic belts;

3. mountains; 4. oceanic plains.

3. What forms of relief are formed primarily under the influence of external forces?

1. continental protrusions; 2. vast plains;

3. deep-sea trenches; 4. river valleys.

4. Determine the climate type based on this characteristic:

“Temperature in summer and winter +25º…+28°С, annual quantity precipitation more than 2000 - 3000 mm."

5. At what latitudes do ascending air currents prevail and belts form? low pressure?

1. in equatorial and polar; 3. in temperate and equatorial regions;

2. in polar and tropical; 4. in tropical and equatorial regions.

6. Cold currents include:

1. Peruvian and Gulf Stream; 2.Peruvian and Californian;

3. Californian and Brazilian.

7. Natural areas are named according to their nature:

1. animal world; 2. vegetation;

3. human economic activity.

8. Which one natural complex formed as a result of human activity?

1. river valley; 2. mountain system;

3. irrigation canal; 4. altitude zone.

9. Determine what natural area is being referred to:

«… low temperatures all year round, precipitation is rare, mainly in the form of snow, the vegetation is dwarf, lemmings and arctic foxes are found...”

10. 90% of all living organisms caught by humans in the ocean are:

1. shrimp, crabs; 2. shellfish;

3. algae; 4. fish.

11. Using a map of the natural zones of the world and a soil map, determine which soils predominate in Africa in the wet zone equatorial forests:

1. red ferrallite of seasonally wet forests and high-mountain savannas; ferrallite evergreen woods; savannas;

4. reddish-brown desert savannas.

12.What are the coordinates of the westernmost point of Africa?

1. 14° N; 15°W; 2. 14° S; 17°W;

3. 17° N; 26°W; 4. 11° N; 3°E

13. B North Africa more than in South:

1. diamonds; 2. gold;

3. oil; 4. copper.

14. Which lake is the largest in Africa by area?

1.Victoria; 2.Nyasa;

3. Tanganyika; 4.Chad.

15. The shortest people on Earth, living in Africa:

1. Bushmen; 2. pygmies;

3. Ethiopians; 4. Berbers.

16. What do they call screams in Australia?

1. underground artesian waters; 3. temporary drying up rivers;

2. light eucalyptus forests; 4. fenced pastures for livestock.

17. There is a bitch devil:

1. in Northern Australia; 2. in Eastern Australia;

3. on the island New Guinea; 4. on the island of Tasmania.

18. Which islands are located in the Caribbean Sea to the north of South America:

1. Tierra del Fuego; 2. Falkland;

3. Lesser Antilles; 4. Galapagos.

19. Descendants from marriages of blacks and whites are called:

1. mestizos; 2. sambo;

3. mulattoes; 4. Indians.

20. Who discovered Antarctica?

1. J. Cook; 2. M.P. Lazarev and F.F. Bellingshausen;

3. R. Amundsen; 4. R. Scott.

21. What river is it on? national park"Grand Canyon"?

1. rub. Colombia; 2. r. Colorado;

3. r. Niagara; 4. r. St. Lawrence.

22.The lowest territory of Eurasia is:

1. Caspian lowland; 3. Dead Sea;

2. Mesopotamian lowland; 4. Lake Geneva.

23. “This country is the birthplace of Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and Walter Scott. In its capital you can visit the Tower, watch the changing of the royal guard at Buckingham Palace" About which country we're talking about?

1.France; 2.Spain;

3.Italy; 4.Great Britain.

24. Match the rivers of the world:

river mainland

1.Congo; A. Eurasia;

2. Mississippi; B. South America;

3.Mekong; B. Australia;

4. Darling G. North America;