Every year on September 4 our country celebrates Specialist Day nuclear support Russia. This memorial day was established on the basis of a presidential decree of May 31, 2006. The date September 4 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1947, a Special Department was created under the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, which was entrusted with the management of nuclear testing. Nowadays, the main functions of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are to ensure the operation, storage and protection of the country's nuclear weapons.

To work on the development of the Soviet atomic bomb Numerous military specialists were involved, as well as nuclear industry specialists, nuclear scientists led by Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Igor Kurchatov, as well as the KB-11 design bureau (today it is the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, RFNC- VNIIEF, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region) led by its chief designer Yuli Khariton. A special department of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces ensured the preparation and testing of the first atomic bomb. As a result of preparations for testing, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was created in the Soviet Union (today located on the territory of Kazakhstan, it was closed in August 1991). It was at this test site on August 29, 1949 that the first Soviet missile was tested. nuclear bomb.

On September 20, 1949, the Special Department of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces was transformed into the 6th Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, this department was entrusted with the tasks of coordinating all research work and developing special requirements for combat use armed forces when used by the enemy nuclear weapons, as well as conducting and coordinating nuclear weapons tests, monitoring the activities of special departments in the branches of the armed forces. By March 1, 1951 in the arsenal atomic weapons The USSR already had 15 RDS-1 atomic bombs. All these bombs were stored on the territory of nuclear “facility No. 550” (KB No. 11) in a storage facility specially prepared for these purposes. At the same time, the bombs were kept here in a disassembled state; components and components for the bombs were also located in reinforced concrete ground (covered with earth) storage facilities. By January 1, 1952, 35 Soviet atomic bombs were already stored here.

The first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1

Since then, the country's nuclear arsenal has only grown, new delivery vehicles have appeared, more and more advanced and deadly species atomic weapons. Since August 29, 1949, 715 nuclear tests. Last nuclear explosion thundered on Novaya Zemlya only on October 24, 1990.

Currently, the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (12 GUMO) is the Central military command authority for the implementation of the country's military nuclear-technical policy and nuclear support for the Russian Armed Forces. The directorate was created on April 29, 1958 on the basis of the Main Directorate of Special Weapons of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In February 1959, the 6th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense was included in the 12th GUMO, retaining its name; this directorate was created back in 1949. Thus, it was possible to ensure a more centralized and targeted implementation of technical policy in the field of nuclear weapons within the framework of the policy of the Ministry of Defense Soviet Union.

The 12th Directorate was assigned the following tasks: ensuring testing of various nuclear weapons; control of ongoing developments; organization of storage and operation of nuclear weapons, as well as accounting of ammunition adopted for service; planning the supply of nuclear weapons to both military and central bases storage of nuclear weapons, including during a special period; supply planning components YaB after the expiration of their warranty period. The bodies of the special military mission, which controlled the development and production of nuclear weapons, as well as various special military units, were transferred to the subordination of the 12th GUMO.

By decree of the USSR government of December 17, 1958, the 12th Main Directorate was included in the newly created branch of the Armed Forces - the Missile Forces strategic purpose(Strategic Missile Forces). At the same time, the head of this department became a member of the Military Council of the Missile Forces. In connection with the achievement of strategic parity between the USSR and the USA, as well as a significant expansion of the tasks of nuclear support for all types of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, by another government decree of November 28, 1974, the 12th Directorate was removed from the subordination of the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and transferred to the direct subordination of the Ministry of Defense countries.

The tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 forced us to reconsider many usual stereotypes, primarily related to issues nuclear safety states. Due to the need to tighten control over compliance with its requirements, a new organizational structure was created within the USSR Ministry of Defense - the Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Munitions. In the context of the lessons that Chernobyl taught the country, the creation of a professional emergency rescue service within the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense should also be considered.

Each stage of the existence and development of the 12th Main Directorate was significant in its own way in Russia. At the same time, experts identify three fateful stages in the history of management. The first of these was the withdrawal of nuclear weapons stored on the territory of former socialist countries of Eastern Europe, as well as from the territory former republics THE USSR. On the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union (in 1989-1991), the 12th GUMO carried out the return of tactical nuclear weapons stored on the territory of the countries Warsaw Pact, as well as union republics Central Asia and Transcaucasia to the territory of Russia. And in 1992-1996, nuclear weapons were removed from the territory of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan to facilities located on Russian territory. This important political point vision and very complex state task was carried out in a short time and with all possible care and precision: without accidents, losses and violations of nuclear safety requirements.

The second, no less important period for the 12th Main Directorate can be dated to the end of the 20th century. beginning of XXI century. For this time period, the most characteristic process was the concentration of the country's nuclear weapons within the framework of the 12th GUMO. The structure of the headquarters included nuclear units of the Navy, Air Force, and the Central Test Site of the Russian Federation. Currently, the nuclear headquarters in its current updated state can be called the custodian of all Russian nuclear weapons.

Finally, the third stage is a more than ten-year period of reform of the country’s nuclear support system. The result of work on at this stage, which began in the mid-1990s and ended only in 2009, became the unification of all military units nuclear support into a single organizational structure under a single command. Centralization of management made it possible to ensure an increase in the efficiency of all components of the system: management; nuclear safety; operation and technical readiness of nuclear weapons; combat readiness. Taking into account the importance of the tasks being solved in providing the branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces with nuclear ammunition, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, nuclear technical support was transferred from a technical to a strategic type of support.

On this moment Russia has well-developed strategic nuclear forces, which consist of ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBMs) both stationary and mobile based, as well as sea and air strategic nuclear weapons and their carriers. Today the main function of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense is Russian Federation is to ensure the safety of storage and operation of nuclear weapons, as well as monitoring compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1996). Currently, the development of the country's nuclear weapons complex is taking place within the framework of State program Armaments and federal target programs (FTP). The implementation of the measures provided for by these documents is designed to ensure the safety of key basic Russian nuclear technologies, scientific, technical and human resources potential of Rosatom organizations, as well as ensure further development and strengthening nuclear shield our country.

On September 4, the Military Review team joins in congratulating nuclear support specialists, both active and retired. We congratulate the personnel of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, veterans of the department, as well as all those involved in the structures subordinate to this department on their professional holiday, we wish you good health and success in the difficult task of serving our Motherland.

Based on materials from open sources

Almost every profession has its own special day. This good tradition has not spared people working in one of the most dangerous, complex and strategically important areas - the nuclear industry. Let's take a look at Nuclear Support Specialist Day. And let's start with the date of its holding.

When is the celebration held?

September 4 is Nuclear Support Specialist Day. The tradition appeared not so long ago - in 2006, by special decree of the president.

The choice of date is not accidental - it was then, in 1947, so far away today, that the Special Department was created under the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Its main mission was to create and test nuclear weapons. The department still exists today - it is the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This is why Nuclear Support Specialist Day in Russia is a relevant holiday.

Holiday traditions

What is traditionally done on this day? Of course, there are warm congratulations and words of gratitude to everyone involved in any way in the nuclear military industry. From colleagues and superiors, family and friends, Russian government and the public.

But congratulations on Nuclear Support Specialist Day and festive events are not all. On this day, veterans are always visited and honored, and all victims of accidents and incidents in the industry are remembered.

Let's do it short excursion to the past to assess the significance of Nuclear Support Specialist Day - to the history of the development of the Soviet and then Russian nuclear industry.

As we already said, main goal The Soviet Atomic Department was to create its own atomic weapons, which would deprive the United States of its monopoly on it. A team of talented nuclear specialists led by Honored Academician of the USSR Igor Kurchatov, as well as the KB-11 Design Institute under the leadership of Yuli Khariton, were involved in the implementation of the task. The latter successfully continues its activities today under the name of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center of the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics - RFNC VNIIEF in Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region.

It is impossible not to mention the creation of the first nuclear test site in the Soviet Union - Semipalatinsk, located on the territory of modern Kazakhstan (closed in 1991). It was here that the first atomic bomb was tested in the USSR - August 29, 1949. Dedicated to the Day nuclear support specialist, postcard pictures often reflect this event.

Creation of the 6th Directorate

On September 20 of the same year, the Special Department received the name 6th Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. His tasks were the following:

  • Coordination of scientific and research work.
  • Development of instructions for the use of atomic weapons in the event of their use by the enemy.
  • Control over the activities of special departments that are in one way or another involved in nuclear weapons.

Let's take a look at the historical statistics of the Department's activities:

  • 1951 - there were 15 RDS-1 bombs in the USSR atomic arsenal. In disassembled condition they were stored on the territory secret object No. 550 (KB No. 11).
  • 1952 - the number of domestic atomic bombs increased to 35.
  • Interesting fact - from 08/29/1949 to 10/24/1990 (the last test was on Novaya Zemlya) 715 atomic tests were carried out!

12th GUMO

In 1958, on the basis of the Main Directorate of Special Weapons of the Ministry of Defense of the Union, the 12th Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense was formed. It became the central body coordinating military nuclear policy and generally dealing with the country's nuclear support. The 6th Directorate became its integral part.

The tasks of the 12th GUMO were as follows:

  • Control over the development and production of nuclear weapons by military special representative bodies.
  • Providing testing of atomic weapons.
  • Storage and operation of nuclear weapons.
  • Strict accounting of elements of atomic weapons.
  • Both supply planning and the actual transportation of nuclear weapons components to storage bases.
  • Replacement of components of a new type of weapon after the expiration date.

In the same year, the 12th GUMO became part of the newly created branch of the USSR Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces, missile forces strategic purpose. In 1974, it was removed from subordination to the commander-in-chief of these troops and transferred to the subordination of the Ministry of Defense.

Tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Not a single Nuclear Support Specialist Day in Russia passes without remembrance of the victims of the Chernobyl tragedy. The Soviet state did not ignore this cruel lesson of history:

  • The Nuclear Safety Inspectorate was created within the Ministry of Defense to tighten control over compliance with safety regulations.
  • Training and creation of professional rescue teams under the supervision of the 12th Directorate.

Stages of development of the 12th Directorate

When talking about the Day of Nuclear Support Specialist, one cannot help but note three stages of the activities of the 12th GUMO that are positive from a humanistic point of view:

  1. Withdrawal in 1989-1991 atomic tactical weapons from the lands of the Warsaw Pact states, as well as the former Soviet republics of Transcaucasia and central Asia. In 1992-1996. the same fate befell nuclear weapons located on the territory of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. All operations were carried out quickly, without accidents, losses, or violation of international nuclear safety requirements.
  2. The 12th GUMO becomes the custodian of all nuclear support for the country. So, among other things, in its structure - Central test site, nuclear units of the Air Force, Navy.
  3. A decade of reforms (from the mid-90s to 2009) led to the centralization of management of the nuclear support system. This became the reason for increasing the efficiency of all its components.

Modern nuclear support of the Russian Federation

On their professional celebration, Nuclear Support Specialist Day, workers in this industry have something to be proud of - the country's strategic nuclear forces are at their most modern level. It's about about mobile and stationary ballistic intercontinental missiles, aviation, naval nuclear weapons and their carriers.

The modern functions of the 12th GUMO are as follows:

  • Fully ensuring the safety of both storage and use of atomic weapons in the country.
  • Monitoring compliance with the 1996 Treaty on a complete ban on nuclear testing.

The complex is being developed within the framework of the State Armament Program and targeted programs at the federal level:

  • Ensuring the safety of nuclear technologies developed by Russian scientists.
  • Preservation of personnel and scientific potential of Rosatom.
  • Strengthening the Russian nuclear "shield".

September 4th is a significant day both for the 12th GUMO and for everyone in any way involved in atomic history our Fatherland. The work of a worker in this sphere is difficult to overestimate, it is so complex, responsible and dangerous. After all, a nuclear specialist has no right to make even the slightest mistake, as history has bitterly taught us.

Nuclear Support Specialist Day is celebrated on September 4 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Date of signing the document: May 31, 2006

The military department and the nuclear industry department were involved in the development of the atomic bomb. The result of their work was the creation of a nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk, where the first nuclear test in the Soviet Union took place. This event, which put an end to the US monopoly in the nuclear field, took place on August 29, 1949.

The tragedy that occurred in Chernobyl forced close attention on nuclear safety. The Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Ammunition appears in the USSR Ministry of Defense. Today, this holiday is celebrated by awarding veterans of special risk units, and also perpetuating the memory of those who died.

Your work is celebrated
In global significance,
Nuclear specialists
You provide.

Happy holiday today
We congratulate you,
Atom under control
We wish you to keep it.

We wish that atomic
The mushroom didn't scare us
Helper and friend
The atom has become peaceful for us.

Today, nuclear scientists, you
We congratulate you on your day,
Specialists are of the highest class,
You couldn't be better.

We wish that you atom
Kept under control
So that Hiroshima, Chernobyl
It wasn't on repeat.

Let him be the guarantor of peace
Our nuclear stockpile
And let the world not be afraid,
And he respects us.

On Nuclear Support Specialist Day, I wish you endurance and hard work, perseverance and good health. Let success be achieved in business, let happiness and love surround you in life, let responsibility, attentiveness, luck, skill and desire help you climb to the desired heights.

The newspaper noise has quieted down
And the interest of the onlookers faded,
But that doesn't mean
That we don't have missiles.

Arms race
The strength has reached its limit,
And with nuclear power
I've added more things to do for you.

With a cool head
With an unwavering hand,
Continue to keep it
There is great peace in the country!

On a professional day
Anywhere in the country
Our nuclear workers
We want to congratulate you.

We want to wish you
So that the atom is peaceful,
Hiroshima and Chernobyl
So that he doesn’t repeat it to us.

We wish you work
Calm, safe,
So that we can be friends with the atom
And life was wonderful.

Atomic bombs for you -
Subject to study.
Congratulations to the specialists
Nuclear support.

May hard work bring
Joy and salary.
May the country be with you
Powerful and rich.

I wish you strength, patience,
Understanding in the family.
Let the department be yours
Definitely on horseback.

Your work is truly dangerous,
After all, we are close to nuclear energy.
I wish that your enthusiasm does not fall,
And they didn’t give up in grief.

Health is extremely important in this type of work.
This means you need to be more vigilant.
May fate shower you with finances,
To make your life more comfortable.

The calendar tells us
What to celebrate the holiday:
Let's remember Sakharov together
And Kurchatova and Curie.

So many months and years
You were able to work so hard,
To atomic explosions
They died down on the ground.

Don't let the war happen
Work honestly, guys.
So that the almighty atom
He defended our country.

Nuclear scientists, congratulations
Happy profession day to all of you.
Let your nerves be strong,
The mood is just great.

Safety you keep
Our whole big country,
Never let it go out
Your spirit is powerful and fighting.

Congratulations, nuclear scientists,
Happy holiday to you,
You are a pro in your business,
Guys are just great!

Thank you for your work,
For everyday risk,
May she be kind to you
There will always only be life.

Good health to you,
Success, prosperity,
Let it give only joy
Not an easy calling.

I am sending it to nuclear scientists today
I greet you with all my heart,
I wish you strength in your work,
Don't lose your authority.

I wish you developments
Only you can do it,
To atomic bombs
They didn’t bring us grief or drama.

Congratulations: 22 in verse, 6 in prose.

September 4 is Nuclear Support Specialist Day in our country. The Soviet Union paid special attention to the development of a nuclear bomb and the implementation of nuclear testing programs. Every year, scientists made more and more discoveries in this area. The main focus was on scientific tests to create nuclear charges with their transformation.

Nuclear program victories

The main achievement during the development of the nuclear industry is considered to be the creation of the Semipalatinsk test site (Altai Territory). The first, and in 1990, the last nuclear tests in the USSR took place in 1949. Thanks to nuclear scientists, their implementation became possible with unfavorable conditions. Nuclear Support Specialist Day is dedicated to these heroes.

The photo above is the site of the first bomb that exploded, a kind of “landmark” of the Semipalatinsk test site. All domestic specialists in the nuclear and military industries worked on the creation of atomic weapons. After the first test, nuclear scientists carried out another 715 such works.

About the profession

Atomic physics is a branch of science that studies the structure and properties of the atom. After it happened (1896), it split into several more directions. In the 40-50s, nuclear fission was studied, and as a result, the nuclear energy, weapons and reactors. Nuclear fusion activity soon began.

On the solemn Nuclear Support Specialist Day, nuclear physicists across the country are congratulated. What is their work? Nuclear physicists maintain nuclear reactors and monitor their condition using special instruments. Also, the knowledge of these specialists is applicable at research institutions, laboratories and specialized educational institutions.

Problems that arose after nuclear tests

Scientific progress has led to whole line serious questions. Negative consequences residents of the regions experienced nuclear discoveries Altai Territory, where the radioactive background sharply increased. There is a need for recycling nuclear waste. The question also arose about the effect of radiation on people. All these problems needed to be solved by someone. And so a new profession arose - nuclear physicist. In 2006, the Russian government established a separate holiday for such workers, which is called Nuclear Support Specialist Day.

The post-war country had high hopes for the creation of nuclear weapons. The world-famous physicist Andrei Sakharov made a significant contribution to the development of Soviet science and the creation hydrogen bomb. In their scientific works he talked about the huge destructive force a nuclear bomb capable of destroying all of humanity. The research brought world fame to its author.

What do nuclear physicists do?

Nuclear Support Specialist Day in Russia is intended to remind those who play important role in the safety of the country. Nuclear tests have already for a long time are not carried out, but issues of protection against nuclear weapons are still relevant today. At the Russian Research Institute they examine each one, dissecting it into individual elements. Using special devices, they create electromagnetic pulses that are released during an explosion.

MiG-29 is a model for experiments, which is initially tested without load, and then increased to maximum values. In such conditions, the missiles of a disabled aircraft will begin to fly out spontaneously. The task of nuclear scientists is to anticipate possible scenarios.

There is another famous installation - this is a giant pipe. This closed space, where it is created shock wave. All Russian military armored vehicles passed through such a device. If the tanks did not withstand such a test, they were sent for modification. That is, any piece of technology must be approved by scientists before it goes into operation.

Required professional qualities of a specialist

Being a nuclear physicist is a great responsibility. On the significant Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist, congratulations and warm words are heard for people who must have the following virtues:

At the moment, special state armament programs have been developed, which provide the whole complex activities that ensure Rosatom's potential. National security is ensured by the presence of nuclear weapons in Russia. Scientists have the opportunity to create a weapon and know how to defend against it. The research institute began to develop laser weapons.

Ceremonial events for the Day of Nuclear Physicist

September 4 is the Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist, the one who stores ammunition and controls all nuclear tests. There is a series of festive events dedicated to this event. All specialists in the field of nuclear development consider the celebration to be theirs. Those who particularly distinguished themselves are awarded certificates, veterans are honored, and the dead are remembered.

The date of the event is dedicated to the creation of the Special Department under the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union (1947), which was responsible for carrying out all nuclear tests. Military nuclear scientists dedicated their lives to science and the state. They are the backbone of the country; it is to such people that the Russians owe the presence in the state of the most advanced of all known weapons in the world.

September 4, Russian Nuclear Support Specialist Day is a professional celebration of nuclear physicists. When congratulating representatives of this profession, there is no need for poetry or long phrases. It is enough to say simply and from the heart that their work is very important and will not go unnoticed both in the military and in Peaceful time.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” established professional holiday Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist.

The main task of the USSR in troubled times post-war years was the development of nuclear weapons. The military and nuclear industries were involved in this work. Accordingly, nuclear tests were important for the country. The preparation and organization of the tests was carried out by the Special Department of the General Staff. IN as soon as possible The Semipalatinsk test site was built, where the first atomic bomb test in the Union took place. It was this event that put an end to the US nuclear monopoly. The first test was carried out in 1949 on August 29. Since then, 715 nuclear weapons tests have taken place. The last bomb exploded on October 24, 1990.

Nuclear Support Specialist Day is celebrated on September 4. It was on this day in 1947 that the Special Department of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces was created, later renamed the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry. The task of the 12th Main Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense is special storage and use nuclear stockpile Russian Federation.

For every worker in this field, this is the most important professional day. Nuclear support specialists take readings from instruments installed on reactors and perform maintenance and monitoring of reactor halls. The state of the reactor is studied and, based on their results, a decision is made to restart it.

On this professionally significant day of nuclear support, veterans of nuclear forces are awarded and tribute is paid to those who died while fulfilling their duty to the Motherland, and various celebrations are held.

Nuclear weapon

Nuclear weapons are the most terrible weapon, which can destroy entire countries, continents and billions of people. Usage nuclear missiles not only causes enormous harm to the enemy, but also guarantees strength and “success” in a military campaign.

There were a lot of nuclear tests going on at that time. Nuclear scientists were required to take into account all the characteristics of missiles and have a complete picture of all issues related to this type of weapon. Making this terrible weapon brought upon the USSR great amount problems. This applies primarily environmental problems. Availability nuclear potential fraught with the risk of infection environment. Secondly, during military operations there is a threat of explosion or accident.

It is shocking and terrifying that a devastated post-war country was able to find the strength and potential to begin work on creating nuclear weapons. However, everything related to nuclear weapons: production, testing, new developments was deeply and for a long time classified. People living in the areas where the tests were carried out had no idea about the threat. They also swam in ponds, got wet in radioactive rain, and picked contaminated mushrooms and berries. The whole truth was revealed only in 1999. Society was shaken up.

Nuclear support troops guarantee national security Russia. Nuclear potential makes our country a great power of our time. Nuclear support troops carry out activities: exercises in peacetime, as well as actions during periods of any threat and during combat operations.

Chernobyl tragedy

The terrible accident that occurred in Chernobyl shocked the world. After the disaster at the nuclear power plant, people died from radiation sickness and cancer internal organs, children were born with all kinds of mutations. Until now, people who have at least some connection to this disaster are dying from cancer.

All these events forced the leaders nuclear powers think and reconsider its previous position on atomic weapons. The most important thing that now faced the world's countries was security. Measures were taken to tighten control over nuclear development. In Russia, an Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Munitions and an Emergency Rescue Service has been created. On Nuclear Support Day, we remember all the liquidation soldiers who gave their lives saving the lives of others.

Nuclear troops

Russia's nuclear forces play a huge and important role for the country's security. IN nuclear arsenal there are 448 carriers that are capable of carrying 2323 nuclear warheads. Russia's nuclear forces include naval as well as strategic aviation nuclear weapons. The nuclear potential of the Russian Federation also includes mobile ground-based and stationary ballistic missiles.

The nuclear support troops have their own symbols: the flag is presented four-pointed cross white orange-black-orange rays, the ends of which are expanded. central part The flag is three intersecting silver orbits with electrons.

On the day of the nuclear support specialist and not only on this professional holiday, the most best gift- this is the symbolism of nuclear forces. To some extent, nuclear forces also include radiation, chemical and biological defense troops. These are units of chemical and smoke protection and chemical and radiation reconnaissance, etc. Availability special equipment for various types of reconnaissance activities, conducting various actions for protection against weapons mass destruction- the main difference between these nuclear forces.

Nuclear Support Day is a celebration of the professionalism of every nuclear scientist who is in one way or another involved in weapons, whether peaceful atoms or not. Russia's nuclear forces are a powerful argument against aggressive enemy forces. Today, the work of nuclear forces takes place within the framework of the State Armament Program. Nuclear support troops are the shield of the Fatherland.


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