In the Soviet Union, since 1918, studies were conducted on nuclear physics, prepared the test of the first atomic bombs in USSR. In Leningrad, in the Radia Institute, in 1937 the cyclotron was launched, the first in Europe. "What year was the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR?" - you ask. The answer you will learn quite soon.

In 1938, on November 25, the commission of the Academy of Sciences was created by the Commission atomic kernel. Sergey Vavilov, Abram Alikhanov, Abram Iof, and others entered it. They joined them in two years Isaai Gurevich and Vitaly Krestov. Nuclear research by that time was carried out by more than 10 scientific institutes. Under the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the same year was organized by the Commission for Heavy Water, which became known as the Izotopam Commission. After reading this article, you will learn how further preparation and testing of the first atomic bomb in the USSR.

Construction of cyclotron in Leningrad, discovering new uranium ores

In 1939, in September, the construction of a cyclotron began in Leningrad. In 1940, in April, it was decided to create an experienced installation that would produce 15 kg of heavy water per year. However, due to the plans that began at that time, these were not implemented. In May of the same year, Yu. Khariton, Ya. Zeldovich, N. Semenov offered their theory of development in uranium chain nuclear reaction. At the same time, work was launched on the detection of new uranium ores. These were the first steps, providing several years later, the creation and test of the atomic bomb in the USSR.

Presentation of physicists about the future atomic bomb

Many physicists from the end of the 30s at the beginning of the 40s have already had an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bhow it will look. The idea was to focus quite quickly in one place a number (more critical mass) dividing under the influence of neutrons of the material. It should begin after this avalanche-like rise in the number of decays of atoms. That is, it will be a chain reaction, as a result of which a huge charge of energy will be distinguished and a powerful explosion will occur.

The problems faced with the creation of an atomic bomb

The first problem was to obtain a dividing substance in sufficient volume. In nature, the only substance of this kind that could be found is a uranium isotope with mass number 235 (i.e., the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus), otherwise - uranium-235. The content of this isotope in natural uranium is no more than 0.71% (uranium-238 - 99.2%). Moreover, the content in the ore of the natural substance is in best case one %. Therefore, a rather complicated task was the allocation of uranium-235.

As soon as it turned out, the alternative uranium is plutonium-239. It almost does not occur in nature (it is less than 100 times than uranium-235). In an acceptable concentration, it is possible in nuclear reactors if the uranium-238 neutrons irradiate. The construction of the reactor also presented significant difficulties.

The third problem turned out to be required amount The divided substance in one place was not easy. In the process of bringing the subcritical parts, even very fast, the fission reactions begin to flow into them. The energy released at the same time may not allow the main part of atoms to participate in the division process. Not having time to react, they will scatter.

Invention V. Maslova and V. Spinel

V. Maslov and V. Spinel from the Physical and Technological Institute of Kharkov in 1940 filed an application for an invention of an ammunition based on the use chain reactionthat runs the spontaneous division of uranium-235, its crate mass, which is created from several pretritic, separated by an explosive, impenetrable for neutrons and destroyed by undermining. Big doubts causes the performance of a similar charge, but nevertheless the evidence of this invention was still obtained. However, it happened only in 1946.

Walking scheme of Americans

For the first bombs, the Americans assumed to use cannonic schemein which a cannon trunk was used. With its help, one part of the dividing material (subcritical) was shot in another. But soon it was found that such a plutonium scheme is not suitable due to the fact that the rate of rapprochement is insufficient.

Construction of cyclotron in Moscow

In 1941, April 15, SNK decided to start building a powerful cyclotron in Moscow. However, after the Great Patriotic War began, almost all works were discontinued. nuclear physics, designed to bring 1. Testing an atomic bomb in the USSR. Many nuclear physicists turned out to be at the front. Others were reoriented to more pressing, as it seemed to the sphere.

Nuclear Information Collection

Collecting information regarding nuclear problem Since 1939, the 1st Office of the NKVD and RCR RKKKA. In 1940, in October, from D. Carkencross received the first message, which referred to plans to create an atomic bomb. This issue was reviewed in the British Committee on Science, in which Carcross worked. In 1941, in the summer, a project to create a bomb was approved, which was called "Tuba Elli". England by the beginning of the war was one of the world leaders in nuclear development. This situation was largely due to the help of German scientists who fled to this country with the arrival of Hitler to power.

K. Fuchs, member of the CPG, was one of them. He went in the fall of 1941 to the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bwhere he reported that he had important information about powerful weapons created in England. S. Kramer and R. Kuchinskaya (Sonya Radine) were allocated to communicate with it. The first radiograms sent to Moscow contained information on a special method of separating uranium isotopes, gas-diffusion, as well as a factory under construction for this purpose in Wales. After six gears, a connection was interrupted with Fuchs.

Testing atomic bomb in the USSR, the date of which today is widely known, and other intelligence officers were prepared. Thus, in the United States Semenov (Twain) at the end of 1943, he said that E. Fermi in Chicago managed to implement the first chain reaction. The source of this information was Pontecorvo physicist. On line external intelligence At the same time, the closed works of the West scientists concerning atomic energy dated 1940-1942 were received from England. The information contained in them confirmed that great progress was achieved in creating an atomic bomb.

Konenkov's wife (in the photo below), a famous sculptor, worked with others to exploration. She got close to Einstein and Oppenheimer, the largest physicists, and provided for a long time Influence on them. L. Zarubina, another resident in the United States, included in the circle of people Oppenheimer and L. Scylarda. With the help of these women, the USSR managed to introduce agents in Los Alamos, Ok Ridge, as well as the Chicago laboratory - the largest centers Nuclear research in America. Information on an atomic bomb in the United States transferred soviet intelligence In 1944, Spouse Rosenbergi, D. Gringlass, B. Pontecorvo, S. Sake, T. Hall, K. Fuqs.

In 1944, in early February, L. Beria, the Nark NKVD, held a meeting of exploration leaders. It was decided to coordinate the collection of information relating to the atomic problem, which came through the RCA and NKVD. For this, the department "C" was created. In 1945, September 27, he was organized. P. Sudoplatov, Commissioner GB, headed this department.

Fuchs handed over in January 1945 Description of the construction of an atomic bomb. Intellite, among other things, materials were also obtained for the separation of uranium isotopes by electromagnetic method, data on the work of the first reactors, instructions for the production of plutonium and uranium bombs, data on the sizes of the critical mass of plutonium and uranium, about the design of explosive lenses, about plutonium-240, about the sequence and the time of operations to assemble and produce a bomb. Information also related to the method of bringing the bomb initiator into action, the construction of special plants for the separation of isotopes. Diary records were also received, which contained information about the first test explosion of the US bomb in July 1945.

The information came accelerated on these channels and facilitated the task set up to Soviet scientists. West specialists believed that the bomb could be created in the USSR only in 1954-1955. However, they were mistaken. The first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR occurred in 1949, in August.

New stages of the creation of an atomic bomb

In 1942, in April, M. Zamerhin, the drug industry, was familiar with the order of Stalin with materials relating to work on an atomic bomb conducted abroad. To assess the information set out in the report, initiates proposed to create a group of specialists. It includes, on the recommendation of Joffe, young scientists Kikooin, Alikhanov and Kurchatov.

In 1942, on November 27, a resolution "On uranium extraction" of GKO was published. It envisaged the creation of a special institution, as well as the beginning of work on the processing and mining of raw materials, geological exploration. All this was supposed to be implemented in order for as soon as possible, the test of the first atomic bomb in the USSR occurred. The year 1943 was marked by the fact that the NCTSM began to mining and processing uranium ore in Tajikistan, at the Tabarsh Mine. The plan was 4 tons per year of uranium salts.

Mobilized previous scientists at this time were withdrawn from the front. In the same 1943, February 11, Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences was organized. Her chief was appointed Kurchatov. She had to coordinate work on creating an atomic bomb.

Soviet intelligence in 1944 a reference was received, which contained valuable information on the presence of uranium-graphite reactors and determining the parameters of the reactor. However, even a small experienced uranium nuclear reactor, even a small experienced nuclear reactor, uranium was not yet in our country. In 1944, September 28, the Government of the USSR ordered the NCCM to pass uranium salts and uranium to the State Fund. Laboratory number 2 was assigned to the task of their storage.

Works held in Bulgaria

A large group of specialists led by V. Kravchenko, the head of the 4th specialtoman NKVD, in 1944, in November, left to study the results of geological exploration to the liberated Bulgaria. In the same year, December 8, GKO decided to transmit processing and prey uranium ores From the NKMC, the 9th administration of the State University GMP NKVD. In 1945, in March, S. Egorov was appointed chief of the Mining and Metallurgical Department of the 9th Department. At the same time, in January, the NII-9 is organized to study the uranium deposits, solving problems of obtaining plutonium and metal uranium, raw materials processing. From Bulgaria by that time there were about one and a half tons of uranium ore.

Construction of a diffusion plant

Since 1945, since March, after receipt from the United States on the Channels of the NKGB, information about the bomb scheme built on the principle of implosion (that is, the compression of the dividing material by explosion of a conventional explosive) was started on the scheme that had significant advantages over the cannon. In April 1945, V. Mahanyev wrote a note of Beria. It said that in 1947 it is supposed to be used to obtain uranium-235 diffusion plant, located at Laboratory No. 2. The productivity of this plant was supposed to be approximately 25 kg of uranium per year. This should have been enough for two bombs. For American, in fact, it took 65 kg of uranium-235.

Attracting research of German scientists

On May 5, 1945, during the battles for Berlin, the property belonged to the Physical Institute of Society to Germany on May 9 was sent a special commission led by A. Zaveyagin. Her task was to find scientists who worked there above the atomic bomb, collect materials on the uranium problem. Together with families in the USSR, a significant group of German scientists was taken out. Their number included Nobel laureates N. Riel and G. Hertz, Professor Gaib, M. von Ardenne, P. Tissren, Posse, M. Volmer, R. Deplep and others.

Creating an atomic bomb is delayed

For the operation of Plutonium-239, it was necessary to build a nuclear reactor. Even for the experimental needed about 36 tons of metallic uranium, 500 tons of graphite and 9 tons of uranium dioxide. By August 1943, the problem of graphite was solved. His release was established in May 1944 at the Moscow Electrode Plant. However, there was no necessary amount of uranium in the country by the end of 1945.

Stalin wanted to test the first atomic bomb as soon as possible in the USSR. The year to which it should have come true was originally 1948th (until spring). However, by this time there were no materials for its production. The new term was appointed on February 8, 1945 by the Government Decree. The creation of an atomic bomb was postponed until March 1, 1949.

Finishing stages that prepared the test of the first atomic bomb in the USSR

The event, to which you strive for so long, happened somewhat later re-outlined. The first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR took place in the year 1949, as was planned, but not in March, but in August.

In 1948, June 19, the first industrial reactor was launched ("A"). To highlight from nuclear fuel, the purchased plutonium was built plant "B". Uranium blocks irradiated, dissolved and separated chemical methods Plutonium from uranium. Then the solution was additionally purified from fission products in order to reduce its radiation activity. At the plant "B" in April 1949, it began to produce parts of a bomb from plutonium, applying NII-9 technology. The first research reactor operating in hard water was launched at the same time. With numerous accidents there was a development of production. When eliminating their consequences, there were cases of reveling staff. However, at that time did not pay attention to such trifles. The most important thing was to carry out the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR (his date - 1949, August 29).

In July, a set of charge details was ready. At the plant for conducting physical measurements I left the group of physicists, which was led by Flears. A group of theorists, headed by Zeldovich, was aimed to handle measurement results, as well as calculating the probability of incomplete rupture and efficiency values.

Thus, the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR was produced in the year 1949. On August 5, the Commission was adopted by Plutonia charge and sent to the CB-11 letter train. Here were almost completed by this time necessary work. The control assembly of charge was carried out in KB-11 on the night from 10 to 11 August. The device after that was dismantled, and its parts are packed to send to the landfill. As already mentioned, the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR took place on August 29. The Soviet bomb was thus created in 2 years and 8 months.

Test of the first atomic bomb

In the USSR in 1949, August 29, a nuclear charge was tested at the Semipalatian landfill. There was a device on the tower. The power of the explosion was 22 CT. The design of the used charge repeated the "fat man" from the USA, and the electronic filling was developed by Soviet scientists. The multilayer construction was atomic charge. In it, with the help of a compression of a spherical converging detonation wave, a transition of plutonium was carried out into a critical state.

Some features of the first atomic bomb

5 kg plutonium was located in the charge center. The substance was established in the form of two hemispheres surrounded by the shell of uranium-238. It served to curb the kernel inflating during a chain reaction in order to react as most of Plutonium. In addition, it was used as a reflector, as well as a neutron retarder. Tamper surrounded the shell made of aluminum. She served for uniform compression shock wave nuclear charge.

Installing a node that contained the fusive material was carried out immediately before applying the charge. For this, there was a special through a tapered hole, closed with a plug of explosive. And in the inner and outer corps there were holes that were closed with covers. The splitting of the nuclei of approximately 1 kg of plutonium was due to the power of the explosion. The remaining 4 kg reversely did not have time and was sprayed useless when the first test of the atomic bomb was carried out in the USSR, the date of which you are now known. Many new ideas for improving charges arose during the implementation of this program. They concerned, in particular, increasing the utilization factor, as well as weight loss and dimensions. Compared with the first, new samples have become more compact, more powerful and more elegant.

So, the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR occurred in 1949, August 29. It served as the beginning of further developments in this area, which are still being conducted. The test of the atomic bomb in the USSR (1949) has become an important event In the history of our country, putting the beginning of its status of the nuclear power.

In 1953, on the same Semipalatinsky polygon, the first in the history of Russia, the test of its capacity was already 400 CT. Compare the first tests in the USSR of the atomic bomb and hydrogen bombs: Power 22 CT and 400 CT. However, it was only the beginning.

On September 14, 1954, the first military exercises were carried out, during which an atomic bomb was applied. They got the name "Operation" Snowball ". The test of the atomic bomb in 1954 in the USSR, according to information, declassified in 1993, was carried out, including to find out how radiation affects a person. Participants of this experiment gave a subscription that they would not disclose information on irradiation for 25 years.


One of the most ambiguous tests, which, after some time, caused hot discussions and criticized the military, became the Operation Plumbbob series, implemented in Nevada from May to October 1957. Then the 29 charges of different power and properties were detonation. Military, among other things, studied the possibility of using warheads for missiles intercontinental and medium range, checked the strength and effectiveness of shelters, and also investigated the reaction of a person to an atomic explosion from the point of view of psychology. Rather, they tried to explore. Such tests were conducted as part of DESERT ROCK VII and VIII.

Thousands of military participated in the operation, among which there were many volunteers who were ready to go to the bunker and feel on their own skins (albeit steel, concrete and equipment) the consequences of a nuclear explosion. The military was interesting to learn not only about physiological changes in the body of the soldier subjected to the irradiation - some information on this topic they possessed.

Experts wanted to understand how the soldiers behave, which is happening in his head, how the perception is transformed and the psyche is changing on the field of "nuclear battle."

According to official data, 16 thousand (according to other data - 14 and 18 thousand) of employees took part in PlumbBob american army And staff. Some of them were placed as close as possible to the epicenter of explosions - to work out actions in a possible future atomic war. "This is absolutely harmless," they assured them, which explains the zeal to some extent, with which the victims treated the task of command.

Almost immediately after the explosion on August 31 thermonuclear bomb Smoky (was the 19th charge of the series) with a capacity of 44 kt, the soldier was sent to "see how it is there." In protective equipment of the middle of the last century and with film indicators of the level of radiation. According to a number of organizations, more than 3 thousand people suffered from the effects of radiation. It is this achievement of smoky that is still famous, at least on her account was and a record at that time, the ratio "Power per kilogram" - 6 CT in the equivalent. By the way, that the bomb was not at all harmless, it became widely known only in the 70s, and in the next decade they reported almost three-time increase in the risk of leukemia among the participants of the exercises.

And even before that, in 1954, within the framework of the Bravo project, the Americans dropped a nuclear bomb on Marshall, resulting in 236 local residents Specially were subjected to radiation. One of them died, the rest of the radiation disease.

In the USSR, these tests could not not know. If only because in 1953, the Americans stopped a little and arranged radiation pollution in Utah, which caused a loud scandal.

Soviet Union at that time did not have delivery means nuclear weaponscapable of hitting the USA. Nevertheless already in last years Stalin's life began preparing such exercises. Specialized literature on the conduct of hostilities in the context of nuclear conflict, protection against affecting factors, etc.

By 1953, the USSR was already ready to conduct military tests. Now one fellible could catch up and overtake the Americans. Those were limited to the participation of small groups of military personnel, a number from 10 to 20 thousand people, half of which did not participate in the maneuvers in the affected area at all. The Soviet Ministry of Defense proposed to use 45,000 servicemen at once in the exercises.

In addition, the Soviet bomb of the RDS-2 had a capacity of 38 CT, which was two more times more than the capacity of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and about 6-8 CTs more than American tests.


The final decision on military exercises with the use of nuclear weapons was made in the fall of 1953. Originally planned to use the Kapustin Yar polygon for these purposes. However, at that time it was the only Soviet test landfill ballistic missilesAnd the plan was canceled. The search for a suitable place began.

In the spring of 1954, a Totsky landfill in the Orenburg region was chosen as a final goal. The assessors of the Military Polygon were based on several of its advantages. First, he was in a relatively incomplete area. Secondly, the crossed terrain was of interest to researchers, since it was possible to evaluate its influence on factor striking. Thirdly, the relief was closer to European. As already mentioned, the USSR then did not have a means of delivery capable of reaching America, so Western Europe was considered as a potential goal.

A few months before the start of the exercises in the area of \u200b\u200barrived engineering troops. They had a lot of work. It was required to dull trenches with a depth of 1.5-1.8 meters, to build blocks and strengthening, shelter for artillery, ammunition, fuel, etc. For tanks and armored transporters, the shelter of the pitted type was created. The whole decor was to fully comply with the real combat.

A target for bombing was created - white square, each side of which reached 150 meters. Inside the cross was drawn. For this purpose, pilots were supposed to be guided. Daily pilots trained, dropping blanks. A visual aiming was a prerequisite, without which the teachings could not take place.

Troops began to arrive at the polygon. A total of about 45 thousand people. Soldiers did not know about the real goal of events. Only a day before the start of the teachings, they were informed about the use atomic weapons, warned about the secrecy of the event and took from them a subscription on non-disclosure. The exercises also took part 600 tanks, a similar number of armored personnel carriers, more than three hundred aircraft and several thousand trucks and tractors.

Part of the technique was placed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat, another part is in shelters. This not only had to simulate the situation on the battlefield, but also allowed to assess the affected explosion potential. In addition, animals were placed in shelter and open areas.

Commanded the teachings Marshal Zhukov. For observing the teachings of profits, the Ministers of Defense of the Socialist Camps.

All troops were divided into two groups: defending and attackers. After applying atomic impact and artillery training, the attackers had to break through the defense strip of the enemy. Of course, at the time of applying the strike, the defendant team was taken to a safe distance. Their participation was provided for at the second stage of the teachings - they had to counterattack captured positions. It was planned to simultaneously work out and attacking actions under the conditions of attachment of atomic strike, and defensive under similar circumstances.

Within a radius of 15 kilometers from the place of the future explosion there were several settlements, and their residents should also become involuntary participants in the teachings. Residents of villages that were in a radius of eight kilometers from the explosion were evacuated. Residents of villages within a radius from 8 to 12 kilometers, at an X-hour hour had to be ready to carry out the orders of the elders in the group of houses or specially left there. By this time they were supposed to collect things, open the doors in the houses, to move the cattle in a pre-agitated place, etc. According to the special team, they had to lie down to the ground and close their eyes and ears and remain in such a position to the "Ottobi" team. These residents, as a rule, were hidden in ravines and other natural shelters.

Residents of settlements within a radius of 12-15 kilometers did not leave them. They only needed to move away for several tens of meters from their homes and on the team to lie on the ground. Residents of more remote cities and villages were planned to evacuate only if something goes not according to plan.

In addition to one present atomic explosionIt was planned two more fictitious. Their role was performed by barrels with fuel. All for the sake of larger realism of the combat situation and verification psychological qualities soldier.

The day before the events arrived the highest military leadership, as well as Nikita Khrushchev. They are located in the so-called government town, significantly removal from the epicenter of the explosion.


At six in the morning, on September 14, the Tu-4 bomber left the airfield. The weather was favorable, but the teachings could be broken at any time. If it were not necessary for visual aiming, the operation would have been canceled. In addition, it was necessary to take into account the direction of the wind (all southern and west wind). The "wrong" wind also put the teachings at risk. If the pilots were missed, the consequences would be the most serious. If the explosion was not air, but terrestrial, it would have happened a catastrophe. Then all the participants in the teachings were subject to immediate emergency evacuation, and the surrounding settlements were likely to evacuate forever.

However, everything went well. At 9:34, the bomb was dropped and less than a minute exploded at an altitude of 350 meters. 10 minutes before that, the soldiers took place in shelter. They were forbidden to look at the explosion. The officers distributed special windows filters to not damage their eyes. Tankists hid in the technique, shudding hatches.

Colonel Arkhipov was one of the few who saw the moment of the explosion with his own eyes and described it in the memories: "From the frightened, I dropped the films from my hands and instantly turned my head to the side. It seemed that the air had shone blue light. The flash instantly turned into a fireball with a diameter of approximately 500 meters, the glow of which continued for a few seconds. He quickly rose up, like aerial balloon. The fireball turned into a societary radioactive cloud, in which the raspberry flames were viewed. The team was admitted to land, as the shock wave approxes. Its approximation could be observed on the rapid "run" of the pegless herb. The arrival of the shock wave can be compared with a very sharp bulk discharge. After hitting the flurry of hurricane wind.

Immediately after passing the shock wave, artillerymen left the shelter and began artery preparation. Then I hit the targets of aviation. Immediately after that, radiation intelligence departments went to the epicenter of the explosion. Scouts were in tanks, so the effect of radiation was reduced several times at the expense of armor. They measured the radiation background on the way to the epicenter of the explosion, establishing special flags. Within a radius of 300 meters from the epicenter of the explosion almost an hour after it, the radiation background was 25 p \\ h. For these borders, the servicemen were forbidden to go. The area was protected by part of the chemical procurement.

Following the intelligence moves the fighting parts. Soldiers drove on armor BTR. Once parts appeared in the area of \u200b\u200bradiation pollution, everything was ordered to wear gas masks and special capes.

Almost all the equipment placed within the radius of one and a half or two kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion was very damaged or destroyed by a shock wave. The damage was less significant. In the next to the place of explosion, the villages were very damaged by many at home.

As already mentioned, the troops were forbidden to appear in the epicenter of the explosion, where the radiation level was still high. Having completed his training tasks, by 16:00 the troops left the landfill.

Victims of radiation

Totsky military exercises were classified for three decades. It became known about them only on the perestroika, already against the background of the recent Chernobyl catastrophe. This has led a huge number of myths that accompanied this topic. Chernobyl spawned strong anti-nuclear moods, and on this background a message about such exercises was shocking. There were rumors that prisoners were in the epicenter of the explosion, and all the participants in the teachings died of cancer within a few months after their completion.

Already then, two points of view were addressed from each other on the consequences of atomic teachings that remain so far. The first states that exercises were carried out exemplary, with maximum attention to the safety of participants, as well as civilians from the surrounding villages. No one received not the fact that large, but even significant doses of radiation, and the victim of the exercises was only one person - an officer who died from a heart attack.

Their opponents believe that the teachings made terrible harm both to the soldiers and the civilian population not only the surrounding villages, but also the entire Orenburg region.

The explosion on the Totsk polygon was air. From terrestrial nuclear explosions, air are characterized by two features. They have a much greater striking force due to the shock wave, but at the same time practically do not leave long radiation pollution. Ground explosions, on the contrary, are much less destructive, but they are able to put the surroundings for a long time, making them unsuitable for living.

The main problem in assessing the consequences remains that no serious research has been conducted. In theory, the authorities were to carefully monitor the possible consequences for all participants in the teachings and civilians. And do it for decades. Only then could confidently appreciate specific negative influences Explosion.

However, nothing like this was done in the USSR. The main goal the exercises were working out the fighting in conditions nuclear war, as well as psychological training Personal composition of troops to such conflict. For decades, no one was going to track the impact of radiation on the body of the soldier.

Back in the restructuring time, the remaining participants in the exercises were trying to achieve compensation. They stated that out of 45 thousand to the time of the collapse of the USSR, no more than three thousand were left alive, and they are mainly seriously sick. Their opponents argued that in the zone adjusted to the epicenter of the explosion, there were no more than three thousand servicemen, and for the remaining radiation doses were not large than when the fluorography passes. In addition, the presence of diseases that appeared for more than 30 years, cannot be unambiguously associated with the effects of radiation.

Oils in the fire poured various studies in the Orenburg region, which often, according to the researchers themselves, "gave rise to more questions than answers." The level of oncological diseases in the Orenburg region is higher than on average in the country, but lately The region is not among the top ten regional leaders. It is overtaken by regions where no atomic explosions and productions have never been.

In 1996, a full-fledged study of the size of doses received by the participants in the teachings was published in the Bulletin of the National Radiation-Epidemiological Register "Radiation and Life". The authors rely on the documents of the Ministry of Defense declassified by the moment. Taking into account the measurements of radiation pollution, routes of military units, as well as the time of their stay in the infected zone, were estimated doses of radiation obtained by them.

The authors came to the study that most of the soldiers participating in the exercises received a dose external irradiation No more than two BER. This is a slight level that does not exceed the permissible for the staff of nuclear power plants. As for radiation intelligence, it received significantly large doses. Depending on the routes, the potential irradiation could range from 25 to 110 BER. Signs of acute radiation sickness begin to be observed in a person who received more than 100 BER. In smaller doses, once irradiation, as a rule, does not cause serious consequences. Thus, some of the scouts could get very significant doses. However, researchers negotiate that it is about approximate calculations, and more accurate studies need to be carried out.

Unfortunately, after the successful conduct of the exercise, the Soviet leadership did not show much interest in the subsequent fate of potential affected. No studies have been conducted for almost 40 years. Therefore, it is almost impossible to unequivocally assess the consequences of the Totsk explosion.

Meanwhile, it turns out that the French authorities also deliberately subjected their soldiers to the effects of radiation - during the first tests of the atomic bomb held in the Sahara desert in the early 1960s. This approves the document provided by the Air Force of Arms Observatory researchers in Lyon.

France implemented its first nuclear explosion on February 13, 1960 at the Reggan Polygon on the territory of Algeria. And the fourth nuclear test, which took place on April 25, 1961, was carried out specifically to study the impact of nuclear weapons per person. Conscripts were sent to the landfill - essentially as experimental rabbits.
The infantrymen received an order in 45 minutes after the explosion to get closer to the distance of several hundred meters to its epicenter and turn there for 45 minutes. They had only a standard field uniform for the desert.

"The authorities knew that they were subjected to their dangers when they sent them to these maneuvers, and at least they had to take measures to protect their health," an employee of the Arms Observatory officer Patrice Bouver said in an interview with the Air Force.

The French government has long argued that it has nothing to do with it, but in 2009 agreed to adopt the law on compensation to veterans.


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In early 1954, on the secret decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the order of the USSR Minister of Defense, Marshal N. Bulganin was decided to hold secret corpus exercises with the real use of atomic weapons at the Totsk landing grounds for the South Ural Military District. The leadership was instructed by Marshal G. Khukov. The teachings were called a solid "breakthrough of the enemy's tactical defense with the use of nuclear weapons." But it is officially, but the code name of Totsk military teachings was peaceful and affectionate - "Snowball". Preparation for the teachings lasted for three months. By the end of the summer, a huge combat field was literally written by tens of thousands of kilometers of trenches, trenches and anti-tank phones. Built hundreds of women, sucks and dugouts.

The exercises participated military formations of the Belarusian and South Ural military districts. In June-July 1954, several divisions were transferred from the Brest district to the exercise area. Directly, judging by the documents, over 45,000 servicemen, 600 tanks and self-propelled artillery plants, 500 guns and reactive mortars "Katyusha", 600 armored personnel carriers, over 6,000 diverse automotive vehicles, means of communication and rear were participated in the exercises. Three Divisions of the Air Force took part in the exercises. The real atomic bomb was to reset the defense area under the conditional name "Banya" (with a 195,1 mark). For two days before the start of exercises, N. Khrushchev, N. Bulganin, and a group of scientists led by I. Kurchadov and Yu. Khariton came to the landfill. They carefully examined the constructed fortifications and gave advice to commander how to protect the servicemen from the atomic explosion.

Five days before the atomic explosion, all troops were taken out of the forbidden eight-leather zone and occupied the initial positions for the offensive and defense.

On the eve of the teachings, officers showed a secret film about the action of nuclear weapons. For this, a special kinopavilion was built, which was missing only on the list and identity card in the presence of a regiment commander and a representative of the KGB. At the same time, they heard: "You fell out a great honor - for the first time in the world to act in real conditions for the use of a nuclear bomb." In the old oak grove, surrounded mixed forest, A lime cross was applied with a size of 100x100 m. Deviation from the target should not exceed 500 m. The troops were circle.

September 14, 1954 from 5 to 9 hours a movement of single cars and individuals was prohibited. Movement was allowed only as part of teams led by an officer. From 9 to 11, all movement was prohibited at all.

On the mountain of bearish, 10.5 km from the planted epicenter of the explosion, the supervisory point was built by the superior part, which was a stationary viewing tower with a three-storey house height. In it, large open loggias were arranged as the observation tribune. At the bottom there were open trenches and a concrete hopper with embrasures. There were closed shelters and three more observation points.

Early on the morning of September 14, the Higher Military Command, headed by the First Deputy Minister of Defense and the head of the Marshal Zhukov, went on 40 vehicles "winters" from Totsky-2 to the main observation post. When adjusting the carrier aircraft to the goal of the beetles, it was released on the opening tribune. All marshals, generals and invited observers followed him. Then Marshals A.Vasilevsky, I. Koniev, R. Malinovsky, I. Bagramyan, S. Budennaya, V.Sokolovsky, S.Timoshenko, K. Meshinin, P. Perespenko, V. Kazakov and Academicians Kurchatov and Hariton rose to the tower In the right wing of the observation tribune.

The delegation of the Army of the Commonwealth countries headed by the Ministers of Defense and Marshals, including the Marshal of Poland, K. Crosovsky, Minister of Defense of the PRC Pyun De-Hui, Minister of Defense of Albania Enver Khoja.

The observation tribune was equipped with a loud-speaking connection. Zhukov heard reports on the meteorological situation at the landfill. The weather was clear, it was warm, and a temperate wind blew.

Marshal decided to start teachings ... was given the order "Eastern" break through the prepared defense of the "Western", for which it is possible to use the strategic aviation group of bombers and fighter aircraft, an artillery division and tanks. At 8 o'clock, the first stage of breakthrough and the onset of "Eastern" began.

According to speaker-speaking settings located in the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe exercise, it was announced that the aircraft - the atomic carrier of Tu-4, on board which there was a bomb, flew from one of the airfields of the Volga Military District, located in Saratov region. (For participation in the exercises, two crew were selected: Major Kutyurchev and Captain Liaznikov. Until the very last moment, the pilots did not know who would share the main, and who would be a double. The advantage was the crew of Kutyurchev, who had already had the experience of the atomic bomb flight testing at the Semipalatinsky landfill .)

On the day of departure, both crews were prepared in full: nuclear bombs were suspended at each of the aircraft, the pilots were simultaneously launched engines, reported on readiness to task. The team at the takeoff was the crew of Kutyurchev, where the scorer was Captain Kokorin, the second pilot - Romensky, the navigator - a woman.

10 minutes before applying atomic strike at the "Lightning" signal (atomic anxiety), all troops that were behind the forbidden zone (8 km) were taken by shelter and asylum or fell face down in trenches, posts of messages, put out gas masks, closed eyes, that is, According to the memo, personal security measures took. All those present at the supervisory point "Mount of Medvezhya" put the gas masks with dark protective films on eyepieces.

At 9 o'clock 20 minutes, the carrier aircraft accompanied by two IL-28 bombers and three MiG-17 fighters flew to the territory of the Totsky Polygon and made the first intelligence approach to the target.

Making sure the correctness of all the calculations on earthly landmarks, the commander Major V. Kuttchev introduced a plane to the designated corridor in Zone No. 5 and at the second occasion lay down on a combat course.

The crew commander reported to Zhukov: "I see the object!" Cops on the radio gave an order: "Perform the task!" The answer was: "Cover, dropped!"

So, at 9 o'clock 33 minutes the crew of the aircraft - the carrier at a speed of almost 900 km / h from a height of 8000 meters, the atomic bomb "Tatanka" was reset ( beautiful name Sticking a symbol of death) weighing in 5 tons, with a capacity of 50 kilotons. According to the memoirs of Lieutenant General Aspen, a similar bomb was previously tested at the Semipalatinian landfill in 1951. After 45 seconds at an altitude of 358 meters, an explosion occurred with a deviation from an epicenter scheduled to 280 meters. By the way, in Japan, during explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bombs with a capacity of 21 and 16 kilotonn were used, and the explosions were produced at an altitude of 600 and 700 meters.

At the time of breaking the thick steel shell of the bomb there was a loud stunning sound (thunder), then a blinding flash in the form of a large fiery ball. The emerging ultra-high pressure in a few trillion atmospheres squeezed around them the surrounding airspace, so there was a vacuum in the center of the ball. At the same time, an ultra-high temperature was formed from 8 to 25 thousand degrees with ultra-high disposable all-pervasive radiation in the air, on the surface and in the ground.

Explosive in the bomb turned into a plasma and scattered in different directions. In the resulting vacuum hole from the surface of the Earth, the trees were touched with the root, earthwood ground with living vegetation, dust and smoking weight of several thousand tons.

As a result, a leg of a nuclear mushroom with a diameter of 2.5 - 3 km was formed. At this time, people and animals became difficult to breathe. At the same time in the center of the explosion, a shock wave of high power was formed. She hit the plane - the carrier and accompanying his planes. They threw up to 50 - 60 meters, although they have already retired from the place of the explosion by 10 kilometers. The shock sound wave swung the surface of the earth within a radius of up to 70 kilometers first in one direction, and then in the other side. The shaking of the earth within a radius of 20 kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion was the same as during an earthquake in 6-9 points. At this time, a reaction continued in the center of the explosion at an altitude of 358 meters. First around the fire formed a cumulous white-gray spinning cloud, which began to turn into a huge hatch of the mushroom, raging as giant monster. In it, "swam" raised trees thicker in three clashes. The mushroom hat was overflowed with multi-colored colors and at an altitude of 1.5-3 km, its diameter was 3-5 km. Then she became white-gray, rose to 10 km and began to remove east at a speed of 90 km / h. On the ground, within a radius, up to 3 km from the epicenter, there was a fiery firm, which caused strong fires within a radius of 11 km from the explosion. From radiation, radioactive contamination of air, earth, water, experimental animals, technicians and, most importantly, people began.

Zhukov and observers at the time of the explosion were at the observation point. Bright flash burned to everyone. Then there were two powerful blows: one from the bomb explosion, and the second is reflected from the ground. According to the movement of the kit, it was visible as a shock wave. Many were torn caps, but neither beetles nor Konev looked back. Zhukov looked at the move and the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

5 minutes after the nuclear explosion, artillery preparation began, then a blow of bombarding aviation was applied. The guns and mortars of different calibers, Katyushi, tanks, self-propelled tanks spoke. Shells and bombs on that day were released more than at Berlin's storm.

An hour after the explosion, the infection of the landscape of the landfill is unrecognizable, infantry passed the infantry in gas masks and armored vehicles. To protect against light emission, fighters were recommended to put on an excess set of underwear. And all! Almost none of the participants in the tests did not know then than the radioactive contamination threatens. No checks and surveys of military and population for considerations of secrecy has been conducted. On the contrary, from all participants in the exercise, a subscription to the non-disclosure of state and military secrecy For a period of 25 years.

Pilots who dropped a nuclear bomb, for the successful implementation of this task, were presented in the Victory Machine Machine. On the analysis of the exercises, the crew commander Vasily Kutyurchev from the hands of Bulganin received the Order of Lenin and, early, the title of Colonel.

"... in accordance with the plan of research and experimental work in the last days In the Soviet Union, a test was carried out by one of the types of atomic weapons, the purpose of which was to study the action of a nuclear explosion. When testing, valuable results were obtained that will help with Soviet scientists and engineers successfully solve the tasks of protection against an atomic attack. "

This TASS message was published in the Truth on September 17, 1954. Three days after the military teachings with the first use of atomic weapons carried out on the Totsk Polygon in the Orenburg region. It was these teachings that were hidden for this blurred wording.

And not a word about the fact that the tests, in fact, were carried out with the involvement of soldiers and officers, civilians who were committed in essence, invited before that sacrificial feat in the name of the future of the world and life on Earth. But then they themselves knew about it.

It is now difficult to judge how justified such victims were, because many people later died from radiation sickness. But one thing is obvious - they despised death, fear and saved the world from nuclear madness.

It is believed that to develop a new nuclear weapon test - a mandatory necessary condition, since no simulators on computers and simulators cannot be replaced with a real test. Therefore, the restriction of tests is first followed to prevent new development nuclear systems To those States that have already have them, and do not allow other states to become owners of nuclear weapons.

However, a full-scale nuclear test is not always required. For example, a Uranium bomb, discharged at Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, did not pass any tests.

This is thermonuclear aviation Bomb It was developed in the USSR in 1954-1961. Group of nuclear physicists under the leadership of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR I. V. Kurchatov. This is the most powerful explosive device in the history of mankind. The total energy of the explosion, according to various sources, was from 57 to 58.6 megatons in TNT equivalent.

About the upcoming tests of the 50 megaton bomb announced personally to Khrushchev in his report on October 17, 1961 at the XXII Congress of the CPSU. They took place on October 30, 1961 within the nuclear polygon "Dry Nose" (New Earth). The carrier aircraft managed to fly at a distance of 39 km, however, despite this, he was thrown a shock wave into a dive and lost 800 m heights before recovery.

The main political and advocacy goal, which was raised before this test, was a visual demonstration of the ownership of the Soviet Union unlimited weapon mass lesion - Trotil equivalent of the most powerful thermonuclear bomb at that time in the United States was almost four times less. The goal was completely achieved.

Castle Bravo is the American test of the thermonuclear explosive device on the Bikini Atoll. The first of the series of seven tests "Castle operations". The energy release during the explosion reached 15 Megaton, which made Castle Bravo, the most powerful of all US nuclear tests.

The explosion led to a strong radiation infection ambientWhat caused concern around the world and led to a serious revision of the existing views on nuclear weapons. According to some American sources, it has become the most severe case of radioactive infection in the entire history of American nuclear activity.

April 28, 1958 During the tests "Grapple Y" over the Island of Christmas (Kiribati), the Britain was reset a capacity of 3 megatons - the most powerful British thermonuclear device.

After the successful explosion of the US megaton class devices, we went to nuclear cooperation with the United Kingdom, concluding an agreement on the joint development of nuclear weapons in 1958.

During the tests "Canopus" in August 1968, France blew ( it was a powerful explosion) The thermalide device of the Teller-Ulam type with a capacity of about 2.6 megatons. However, details about this test and development in the whole French nuclear program are known little.

France has become a fourth country that has experienced a nuclear bomb - in 1960. Currently, the country has about 300 strategic warheads posted on four atomic submarines, as well as 60 tactical air-based basic waters, which puts it on the 3rd place in the world in the number of nuclear weapons.

On June 17, 1967, the Chinese have implemented the first successful test Thermonuclear bomb. The test was produced at the Lobnor Polygon, the bomb was dropped from the Hong-6 aircraft ( analog soviet aircraft Tu-16), The parachute is descended to a height of 2960 m, where the explosion was produced, the power of which was 3.3 megatons.

After completing this test, the PRC became the fourth in the world of thermo nuclear power After the USSR, USA and England.

According to American scientists, in nuclear potential China for 2009 numbered about 240 nuclear warheads, of which 180 in combat duty, which makes it the fourth largest nuclear Arsenal Among the five main nuclear powers (USA, Russia, France, China, United Kingdom).

The nuclear (or atomic) weapon is the weapon of explosive action, which is based on an uncontrollable chain reaction of the division of heavy nuclei and the reaction of thermonuclear synthesis. To carry out a chain division reaction, either uranium-235, or plutonium-239, or, in some cases, uranium-233. Refers to weapons of mass lesion along with biological and chemical. The power of the nuclear charge is measured in a TNT equivalent, it is usually expressed in kilotons and megatons.

The nuclear weapon was first tested on July 16, 1945 in the United States at the Trinity Polygon at the city of Alamogordo (New Mexico). In the same year, the United States applied him to Japan in the bombardment of Hiroshima cities on August 6 and Nagasaki on August 9.

In the USSR, the first test of the atomic bomb - the RDS-1 product was held on August 29, 1949 at the Semipalatinsky landfill in Kazakhstan. RDS-1 was an aerospace atomic bomb of the "drop-shaped" form, weighing 4.6 tons, with a diameter of 1.5 m and a length of 3.7 m. Plutonium was used as a dividing material. The bomb was undermined at 7.00 local time (4.00 MSK) on the mounted metal lattice tower with a height of 37.5 m, placed in the center of the experimental field with a diameter of about 20 km. The power of the explosion was 20 kilotons in TNT equivalent.

The product of the RDS-1 (the documents indicated the "reactive engine" C ") was created in the Design Bureau No. 11 (now the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov City), which was organized for The creation of an atomic bomb in April 1946. The work on the creation of a bomb was led by Igor Kurchatov ( scientific director work on a nuclear problem since 1943; organizer testing bombs) and Julius Khariton ( chief designer KB-11 in 1946-1959).

Atomic energy studies were conducted in Russia (subsequently the USSR) back in 1920-1930. In 1932, a group of kernel was formed in the Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, headed by the director of the Institute Abram Ioffe with the participation of Igor Kurchatov (deputy head of the group). In 1940, a Uranium Commission was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, which in September of the same year approved the work program on the first Soviet uranium project. However, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, most studies on the use of atomic energy in the USSR were minimized or terminated.

Studies on the use of atomic energy in 1942 resumed after receiving intelligence on the deployment of works on the creation of an atomic bomb ("Manhattan Project"): September 28, the disposal of the State Defense Committee (GKO) "On the organization of work on uranium".

On November 8, 1944, GKO decided to establish Central Asia A major uranium-producing enterprise based on deposits of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. In May 1945, the first in the USSR began to work in the USSR, the enterprise for the extraction and processing of uranium ores - Combine No. 6 (later Leninabad Mining and Metallurgical Combine).

After the explosions of American atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the GKO Resolution dated August 20, 1945 was created by the Special Committee at the GKO led by Lavrenting Beria for the "Guidelines by all the work on the use of uranium intraate energy", including the production of an atomic bomb.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 21, 1946, Khariton was prepared by the "Tactical Type of Atomic Bomb", which marked the beginning of full-scale work on the first domestic atomic charge.

In 1947, 170 km of the west of Semipalatinsk was created "Object-905" for testing nuclear charges (in 1948, transformed into a training ground No. 2 of the USSR Ministry of Defense, later became referred to as Semipalatinsky; in August 1991, it was closed). The construction of the landfill was completed by August 1949 to the test of the bomb.

The first test of the Soviet atomic bomb destroyed the US nuclear monopoly. The Soviet Union became the second nuclear power of the world.

The message about testing nuclear weapons in the USSR was published by TASS on September 25, 1949. And on October 29, a closed decree of the USSR Council of Ministers "On Awarding and Awards for Outstanding Scientific Opening and Technical Achievements on the Use of Atomic Energy" was published. For the development and testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb, six employees of KB-11 were awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor: Pavel Zernov (director of the KB), Julius Khariton, Kirill Schelkin, Yakov Zeldovich, Vladimir Alferov, Georgy Fleers. The deputy chief designer Nikolai Spirit received the second gold star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. 29 Bureau employees were awarded the Order of Lenin, 15 - the Order of the Labor Red Banner, 28 became the winners of the Stalinist Prize.

Today the layout of the bomb (its building, the charge of the RDS-1 and the remote control, with which the charge was undermined) is stored in the Museum of the Nuclear Weapon of RFTC-VNIIEF.

In 2009 General Assembly The UN announced on August 29 by the International Day of Action against Nuclear Tests.

In total, there are 2062 nuclear weapons tests that have eight states. The US share accounts for 1032 explosions (1945-1992). The United States of America is the only country that applied this weapon. The USSR conducted 715 tests (1949-1990). The last explosion took place on October 24, 1990 on test polygon "New Earth". In addition to the USA and the USSR, nuclear ammunition were created and tested in the UK - 45 (1952-1991), France - 210 (1960-1996), China - 45 (1964-1996), India - 6 (1974, 1998), Pakistan - 6 (1998) and the DPRK - 3 (2006, 2009, 2013).

In 1970, an agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) came into force. Currently, its participants are 188 countries of the world. The document was not signed by India (in 1998 he introduced a one-sided moratorium on nuclear tests and agreed to put his nuclear facilities under the control of the IAEA) and Pakistan (in 1998 introduced a one-sided moratorium on nuclear testing). North Korea, signing an agreement in 1985, in 2003 came out of it.

In 1996, universal termination of nuclear tests was enshrined in the framework of the International Treaty on Comprehensive Banning Nuclear Tests (CTBT). Thereafter nuclear explosions There were only three countries - India, Pakistan and DPRK.