Mongol-Tatar invasion and its consequences for Russia (point of view of V.O. Klyuchevsky, B.A. Rybakova, L.N. Gumilyov and other historians). Features of the development of Russian lands in the conditions of dependence on the horde

Mongol-Tatar yoke. At the turn of 12-13, a series of a number of Mongolian tribes was made under the leadership of the skillful Vozh-Dia, who accepted the title of Genghis Khan. The basis of the Empire became AR-MIA, features: \u003d Castle discipline \u003d thorough intelligence \u003d device ambusion \u003d enemy lubrication \u003d use of technical achievements of other countries. The colossal empire included China, Korea, CP.Azia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, ordinal Kazier, Syria, steppes V. Europe and Kazakhstan. The first meeting of Tatars and Russian-Polovetsky troops occurred in 1223 g on the river Tatram 4 times the full victory of Tatars. The campaign on Russia is making the grandson of Genghishana Bati. The invasion: in 1236, Batiy's troops began a campaign for Russian lands. Defeating Volzhskaya Bulgaria, they headed for the conquest of the Ryazan Principality. Fighting the invaders of Ryazan princes, their squads and citizens had to be alone. The city was burned and looted. After taking Ryazan, Mongolian troops moved to Kolomna. Here they met Vladimir-Suzdal Raint. In battle, under Kolomna, all Vladimir army died, which predetermined the fate of Northeast Russia. On February 4, 1238, Mongols approached Vladimir. A four-day siege ended in taking the city. The invaders set fire to it. Princely family and remnants of troops closed in the Assumption Cathedral. Mongol-Tatars laid out the cathedral with trees and set on fire. The surviving Vladimirovtsians were grieved into slavery. After the capture of Vladimir Mongol-Tatars was divided into individual detachments and subjected to the ruin of all Vladimir-Suzdal Earth from Rostov to Tver. On March 4, 1238, a battle was held on the City River, which ended with the defeat of the Russian squad under the leadership of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich. Meanwhile, the Mongol detachment was precipitated Torzhok, and on March 5, the city was taken. Hence the Mongols moved to the north, to Novgorod. However, without reaching a hundred miles, Mongolian troops were forced to turn back. The reason for the waste of enemy's troops and the salvation of Novgorod from the pogrom was not only a dishthele, but also fatigue, and large losses of the Mongolian troops in previous battles. In 1241, Bati returns to Russia. In 1242, Battered in the lower reaches of the Volga, where he puts his new capital - Sarai Batu. The victims defeated from Mongol-Tatars, Russia was able to successfully resist aggression from the North-West. By the 30th. XIII century Baltic States, inhabited by the tribes of Livov, Yatvägov, ESTOV, was in power of German knights crusaders .. The borders from the Novgorod land established a powerful and aggressive military-political education, ready to take advantage of the weakening of Russia to include its northwestern land in Zonumper influence. In July 1240, the nineteen-year-old Novgorod Prince Alexander defeated the Swedish squad of Birger at the mouth of the Neva. For the victory in the Nevskaya battle, AlexanderPolichil Honorary Nickname Nevsky. The Livonian knights were activated by the same summer: Izborsk and Pskov were captured, the Border Fortress Coporye was erected. Knyazyuexandru Nevsky managed in 1241 to return Pskov, but the decisive battle was vested on April 5, 1242. On the lake challenged Ice (hence the name - IceP.). Knowing the favorite tactics of knights - building in the form of a narrowing wedge, the commander applied the flank coverage and defeated the enemy. Many knights died, having fallen under the ice, without preparing infantry weights. Causes of Russia's defeat: \u003d Military-technical superiority \u003d Rus fragmentation, lack of a single military manual. The consequences of the invasion for Russia: \u003d Sharp Reduction of the population \u003d hoz. Location: \u003d\u003d Demolition of cities (74 14 - not) \u003d\u003d Redfish sinking \u003d\u003d Disappered crafts (glass, stone builds) \u003d decay in trade \u003d the death of many cultural values \u200b\u200b\u003d attack Swedes and Germans \u003d general fierce of morals. Rus and Golden Horde. The Ordane Igo was established in Russia by the end of the 13th century, after the establishment of the State of Batya - the Golden Horde, which extended from the Danube to Irtysh. From 1243 to 1480, Russia was dependent on the horde .. Russian principalitys made attempts not to obey Horde. However, the forces to overthrow the Tatar-Mongolian IHO was still not enough. Understanding this, the most far-sighted Russian princes - Alexander Nevsky and Daniel Galitsky - made a more flexible policy towards Horde and Khan. Understanding that the economically weak state will never be able to withstand Horde, Alexander Nevsky took the course to restore and lift the Russian land economy. In 1263, Alexander travels to Hanu to Hanu to take the further attack of the Orda troops to Russian - to ask the Khan to cancel military service for Russian people in Khan's troops. There is an assumption that the death of Alexander on the way back from Horde is caused by poisoning in the Khan bet. In the summer of 1250, he sent Han of Mighty ambassadors to Daniel Galitsky, demanding to pay Galician lands to realizing that the forces were unequal, and fighting with the Khan army, he carries his lands to full looting, Daniel rides in the Horde to worship Batya and recognize his strength. As a result, Galician lands enter the Horde on the rights of autonomy. They preserved their land, but were dependent on Khan. Thanks to such a soft policy, the Russian land was saved from full plundering and destruction. As a result, the slow recovery and the rise of the Russian land economy began, which ultimately led to the Kulikovsky battle and overthrow of the Tatar-Mongolian Iga. In 1492, Ivan III was officially given by the "Sovereign of All Russia". Standing the An River Ugra :: November 11, Khan Ahmat, despite the fact that all the crossings through Ugric were open, turned away. Running through the Lithuanian volosts of its ally Casimir.10 November 1480, the day of the departure of Khan Akhmat from the coast of Ugra, it is customary to be the day of the full liberation of the Russian land and the Russian people from the Orda yoke, from any dependence on the Golden Horde. -Renet IHE Tatar-Mongols in Russian Earth. These years have had a huge impact on the development of Russian lands. Points of view: The first point of view goes back to historians of the 19th century. Solovyov and Klyuchevsky, they believed that the Mongol-Tatar invasion ruined the country, but did not have a significant impact on development. The second point of view - fishermen and most scientists believe that it was need. (Enslavement, oppression). It was elapsed in the following: \u003d Polit. Dependence (the prince had to receive a shortcut on the reign). Han intervened in political life in Russia. Basquaks went to control the princes and collecting Dani on Rus. \u003d ECON: Rus paid a tribute to the Horde \u003d Military: Russia was obliged to put the warriors in the Orda \u003d cultural dependence almost did not. Rus has saved the language and faith. The third point of view - Gumilev argued that there was no invasion, but was a brilliant raid of Batoye Country. Once there was no invasion, then there was no yoke, but was the Union of Russia and Horde against the Catholic aggression of the West, Symbiosis

Berlin, 1925.- P. 327, 335).

Eurasian temporary. Kn. Fourth.

L.N.Gumilev (1912-1992) is a wonderful Russian historian. He dedicated his scientific activities to the problems of the emergence, development and relationships of various tribes, peoples, nations - ethnic groups.

In ancient Russia, the negative attitude of the chroniclers to the Tatars was manifested not in the XIII century, and the century later, when the Mamay usurper began to establish connections with Catholics against the Orthodox Moscow. The late Antitarian folklore is not connected with the Epoch of Chingis, but with a three-year era of raids of the Crimean and Black Sea Tatars and Nagai to Lithuanian and Russian Ukraine.

He was friends with Russians and helped them stop the German Natisk in the Baltic States. Muslim khans of Uzbek and Janibek (1312-1356) used Moscow as a source of income, but at the same time they were protected from Lithuania.

Wars between states do not always entail the hate of the peoples to each other. Fortunately, there was no such hatred between Russian and Turks. Many Tatars through mixed marriages entered the Russian people, and those who remained Muslims live in Kazan with Russians together.

It is unlikely that such an association of peoples should be called "Igog". And therefore there is no need to blame Russian princes for agreed with the Tatars about mutual assistance against the people who coming from the West, Lithuanians and Hungarians. Why call the fraternal people as descendants of "wild robbers"? Yes, they fought cruelly. But this cruelty was quite in the spirit of the time. ...

Velikovsia, then named Zalesski Ukraine, voluntarily united with the Horde thanks to the efforts of Alexander Nevsky, who became the adopted son of Batya. And the original ancient Rus-Belarus, the Kiev region, Galicia with Wolly - almost no resistance was obeyed by Lithuania and Poland. And so, around Moscow - the "gold belt" of the ancient cities, which, with the "IGA", remained intact, and in Belarus and in Galicia did not even have the traces of Russian culture. Novgorod defended the German knights Tatar Beat in 1269. And where the Tatar help neglected, lost everything. ... In 1340, Rus disappeared from the political map of Europe. She was revived in 1480 in Moscow, on the eastern outskirts of the past Russia. ...

I argue that the Russian princes and boyars believed that it was more profitable to have a not very strong ally after the wide steppes, which was the golden horde than the Livonian Order and Poland at the forefront of aggressive knighthood and merchant ganza at her side. While there was a strong Byzantium, nor the "Christian (Catholic)" nor the Muslim world were terrible Russian land. But in 1204, this natural ally disappeared, as Constantinople was taken and destroyed by the Crusaders (the next in the queue was Russia - Sost.). Without friends it is impossible to live, and then the union of the semi-christian horde and Christian Rus, effective before the transition of Khan Uzbek in Islam in 1312.

I believe that the "invasion" of Batya was actually a big raid, a cavalry raid, and further events have only an indirect connection with this campaign.

In ancient Russia, the word "IHO" meant something that fasten anything, ultrasound or clamp. It existed and in the value of the burden, that is, what they carry. The word "IHO" in the meaning of "domination", "oppression" was first recorded only under Peter I. The Union of Moscow and Horde was held until it was mutually beneficial. But ... Russia grew up in the 15th century and was as uncontrollable, which was able to oppose himself and Western European, Romano-Germanic super ethnos, to which Poland joined, and the Middle East, headed by Turkey. And the horde broke up. Part of the Tatar ... went into Russia. Thus, Russia in the XV century inherited the high culture of Byzantium and the Tatar valor, which put it in the rank of the great powers.

(L.N. Gumilev. Apocrafic dialogue.

-Neva, 1998, №3 C.201-206, №4 p.197-198.)

Who are Mongol-Tatars in general? P. Pellia in his work, which he dedicated to peoples and, mainly, this tribe, there is evidence that the name "Mongol" is a small tribe. It was broken by Tatars - and the process of assimilation went. Then the Tatars became one of the leading tribes of Mongolia. Many of those who attacked Russia after the invasion of Genghis Khan, were Turks, and they commanded Mongols, and therefore the name of Tatars ultimately applied to Rus to a number of Turkic tribes. As for the name Mongol, it escaped for oblivion due to the fact that Emperor Genghis Khan was one of the Mongols.
Sergey Delovov generally believes that Mongol is megalion, i.e. million. Karamzin considered them by the Turks, it also has the opinion that it was a people equal to our strengthen (and in the annals, these are strangers, about which no one heard anything)

Even now, in the 21st century, there are still disputes about whether this invasion really was. There are several main points of view on this.

First: the theory of lion of the spotter, which claimed, relying on the fact that

1) Mongols had weak horses

2) Impregnation for such a large troops (a small army could not subordinate all Russia and part of Europe) and the horses in winter find enough - it is simply impossible.

3) If you spend the path on the map that the Mongols went - it turns out an impressive length line. Even by train, the writer notes, this journey would take a lot of time. How did they overcome such distances then?

4) The main battles occurred in winter. Everything is logical here. The textbooks say that we had a swampy terrain, and therefore winter is a great time. And judging by the descriptions of the chronicles, and still how the Mongols were dressed in the version of Jan Vasily ("the enemies were in dolly follicic fur coats, covered legs up to her.".) These and other arguments the author leads the fact that in fact there was a war then Not with the Mongols, but with Orthodox Tatars and Porodniks.

The second point of view is classic. It lies in the fact that the Mongol-Tatars, formed in the 13th century, under the leadership of Genghis Khan, began to make hikes in order to capture the whole world. Therefore, they really attacked us and enslaved. According to this theory, the Mongol-Tatar IHO caused us an invaluable damage, the results of which affect almost this day.

The third point of view belongs to Leru Gumilev, and although she did not recognize the scientific world, it has in its disposal the facts that supporters of the two previous theories diligently do not notice. He does not deny that between us were hostilities, but it was not an invasion at all, but a certain agreement between our princes and Mongols. "Gumilev offered his personal" Family "of the Millennium: Tatar-Mongolian Igo (drowned in the blood and exterior Russian principalitys and their peoples in the XIII century, that is, at the beginning of the second millennium, from the birth of Christ) was not the occupation of Russia, but it was like There would be an equal partnership for Russian principalities and the Golden Horde. And the process itself is a mutually engraving procedure in the historical sense ... Progressive, Word, Process: You - We, We - You. "

Of course, this point of view also has their opponents - V. Chilivichin. In the work "Memory" he criticizes the latter, considering his views "disordered and absurd."

So, there are alternative points of view on the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Thus, the theory of Shilinova, which states that it was a war not with Mongol-Tatars, but with Orthodox Tatars and Porodniks, radically dispelled with the classical theory, which we are taught in schools, which is generally accepted. . And the theory of Leo Gumilyov, because of which some of him accused of narrowing views, according to which we had synthesis of interest with Mongol-Tatars. . These theories are still arguing among themselves, but to prove something very difficult: with novels, many sources disappeared or have been changed. It is also important that each in different ways

assesses historical sources seeing a holistic or controversial picture of events.

Also argued about whether this is the robbing invasion or more peaceful agreement. Here, many opponents of Gumilev are accused of adequacy or deliberately missed facts, for example, about remembered lists. . There is much more information about the destruction, about the great misfortune that overtook Russia. But what kind of trouble - there is no answer.

There are a large number of facts that not only unequivocally refute the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian IGE, but also suggest that the story was distorted deliberately, and what was done with a fully definite goal ... But who and why did the story deliberately distort the story? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If you analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" was invented in order to hide the consequences of "baptism". After all, this religion was imposed by far from a peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism", most of the population of the Kiev Principality was destroyed! Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that stood behind the imposition of this religion in the future and fabricated the story, putting the historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

1. Chingis Khan

Reconstruction of the Throne of Genghis Khan with a genital tammy with a swastika.

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert in the desert, and they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their compatriot created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and delighted . The word "Mogul" has a Greek origin, and means "the Great". This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field.

The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at the lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. In the following image, the Khansky Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyca (it is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly supposedly).

What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols - colossal: "The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely centrally Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..." (OAGB.RU).

6. Documents during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many ... Lakes are famous for many, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages of the glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, boyars honest and Many mokes. All of you are filled, Russian land, about Orthodox Vera Christian!..»

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

The church reform of Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, was called "Orthodox." Orthodox it became called only after this reform ... It became, this document could be written not earlier than the middle of the 17th century and nothing to do with the era of Tatar-Mongolian Yeah ...

On all the cards, which were published before 1772 and were not fixed in the future, you can see the following picture.

The Western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartarium ... In this small part of Russia, the rules of the Romanov dynasty. The Moscow king until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or Duke (Prince) in Moscow. The rest of Russia, who occupied almost all the mainland of Eurasia in the East and south of Muscovia of that time is called Tartarium or (see Map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

"Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartarium. Those tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea, are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek tartars and mongols that live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan living north-west from China ... " (See the site "RA Food") ...

Where did Tartarium name come from

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, like now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those times. People who in their development have left much further than others, and which could manage space and matter (to manage the weather, heal the disease, see the future, etc.), called Wheel. Those of the Magi, who could manage the space on the planetary level and above, called the gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors were not at all as it is now. The gods were people who went out in their development much further than the vast majority of people. For an ordinary person, their abilities seemed incredible, nevertheless, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each God had their limit.

Our ancestors had patrons -, he was also called Dazhibogu (giving God) and his sister - the goddess of Tara. These gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve themselves. So, the Gods Tarh and Tara taught our ancestors to how to build houses, cultivate the land, writing and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and with time to restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors spoke to strangers "We are the children of Tarh and Tara ...". They spoke like that because in their development, they were indeed children in relation to the significantly gone in the development of Tarhu and Tara. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors to Tarkhtarai, and in the future, due to the complexity in pronunciation - Tartars. Hence the name of the country - Tartarium ...

Baptism of Russia

And here is the baptism of Russia? - Some can ask. As it turned out, it is very good. After all, baptism took place far from peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, almost everyone was able to read, write, count (see article). Recall from the school program on history, at least, the same "Berevian diplomas" - letters who wrote to each other the peasants on Beretta from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as I wrote above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion is reduced to the blind adoption of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding, why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people a understanding of real, understanding how the world is arranged, which is good, and what is bad.

People saw what was happening after the "baptism" in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population was immersed in ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy were able to read and write it, and that's not all. ..

Everyone perfectly understood that the "Greek Religion" carries in themselves, in which the Kiev Rus was going to baptize Vladimir and those who stood behind him. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev principality (provinces, whipped from) did not accept this religion. But Vladimir stood great strength, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of violent Christianization, it was destroyed, with a rare exception, almost an adult population of Kiev Rus. Because to impose such a "doctrine" could only be unreasonable children, who, because of their youth, could not understand that such a religion paid them into slaves and in the physical, and the spiritual sense of the word. All the same, who refused to take a new "faith" - killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If there were 300 cities to "baptism" in Kiev Rus and lived 12 million inhabitants, then after "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Rus Orthodox before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost all the adult population of Kiev Rus was destroyed by the "saints" baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dualsman was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the slaves imposed by the religion, and herself continued to live on the Vedic tradition, however, not exposing it to the appearance. And this phenomenon was observed not only in the masses, but also among the part of the ruling elite. And such a state of affairs remained up to the reform of the Patriarch Nikon, which invented how to deceive everything.


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children were left alive and a very small part of the adult population, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people from the 12 millionth population before baptism. The principality was completely broken, most of the cities, villages and villages were looted and burned. But the authors of the version of the "Tatar-Mongolian IGY" draw the same painting the same picture, the difference is that the same cruel, the actions were made there allegedly "Tatar-Mongols"!

As always, the winner writes a story. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the Kiev principality was baptized, and in order to stop all possible questions, and was subsequently invented by Tatar-Mongolian Igo. Children were brought up in the traditions of Greek religion (Cult Dionysia, and later Christianity) and rewritten the story where all cruelty dumped into "wild nomads" ...

The famous statement of President V.V. Putin O, in which Russians allegedly fought against the Tatars with Mongols ...

Tatar-Mongolian Igo - the largest myth of history.

Today we will talk about the very "slippery" from the point of view of modern history and science, but also no less interesting theme. Here such a question raised ihoraksjuta. "Now we went on, the so-called Tatar-Mongolian igo, I do not remember where I read, but there was no yoke, it was all the consequences of the Baptism of Russia, they fought the carrier of the faith of Christ with those who did not want, well, as usual, a sword and blood, let's remember the Crusades Camping, here can be more detailed about this period? "

Disputes about the history of the invasion tatar-Mongol. And the consequences of their invasion, the so-called yoke, do not disappear, will probably not disappear. Under the influence of numerous critics, including supporters of Gumilyov, in the traditional version of the history of Russia began to be frowning with new, interesting facts. mongolian Igathat I would like to develop. As we all remember from the school year of history, the point of view is still dominant, which is as follows:

In the first half of the XIII century, Russia was subjected to the invasion of the Tatars who came to Europe from Central Asia, in particular, China and Central Asia, which they have already captured by this time. Our historians of Russia are just known: 1223 - the battle on Kalka, 1237 - the fall of Ryazan, in 1238 - the defeat of the united forces of Russian princes on the bank of the City River, in 1240 - the fall of Kiev. Tatar-Mongolian troopsthey destroyed certain squads of the princes of Kievan Rus and subjected it to the monstrous defeat. The military power of Tatars was so irresistible that their dominance continued for two and a half centuries - until the "standing in the thief" in 1480, when the consequences of the yoke, in the end, were completely eliminated, an end began.

250 years, now how old, Russia paid tribute to Horde with money and blood. In 1380, Russia for the first time since the invasion of Batu-Khan gathered the strength and gave the battle of the Tatar Horde on the Kulikov field, in which Dmitry Donskoy defeated the darkness of Mamaha, but from this defeat of all Tataro - Mongols did not happen at all, this, so to speak the battle won in Plain War. Although even the traditional version of Russian history, says that Tataro - Mongol in Math's troops was practically not there, only local from Don nomads and mercenaries of the Genoese. By the way, the participation of the Genoesers, suggests the idea and participation of the Vatican in this matter. Today, in the well-known version of the history of Russia, they began to adoperate, as if fresh data, but intended to add the authenticity and reliability of the already existing version. In particular, there are broad discussions of the number of nomadic Tatar - Mongols, the specifics of their martial arts and weapons.

Let's estimate the versions that exist at the moment:

Start offering with a very interesting fact. Such a nation as Mongol-Tatara There is no, and did not exist at all. Mongols. and Tatar It is only the fact that they nomaded on the Central Asian steppe, which, as we know, are quite large to accommodate any nomadic nation, and at the same time give them the opportunity to not intersect on one territory at all.

The Mongolian tribes lived in the southern tip of the Asian steppe and often produced raids on China and his provinces that the history of China often confirms us. While other nomadic Turkic tribes, referred to as the Poskov of the ages in Russia Bulgars (Volga Bulgaria), settled in the lower reaches of the Volga River. They were called Tatars in those days in Europe, or Tatarya (The strongest of nomadic tribes, unreleased and invincible). And the Tatars, the nearest neighbors of the Mongols, lived in the northeastern part of modern Mongolia, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Buir-Nor and to China's borders. There were 70 thousand families who were 6 tribes: Tatura-Tutukuluty, Tatars-Alcci, Tatars-Chagan, Tatars-Queen, Tatars-Terat, Tatars-Barkui. The second parts of the names, apparently, the self-sizing of these tribes. Among them there is not a single word that would sound close to the Turkic language - they are more consistent with Mongolian names.

Two kindred people - Tatars and Mongols - a long war with varying success on mutual extermination, while Chingis Khan did not capture power in all Mongolia. The fate of Tatars was predetermined. Since the Tatars were the killers of Father Genghis Khan, destroyed many tribal and childbirth close to him, constantly maintained tribes opposing him, " Genghis Khan (Tay-Mu-Chin) commanded to produce universal beating of the Tatar and not one not to leave alive to the limit, which is determined by law (yasak); So that women and small children are also killed, and pregnant in the womb to completely destroy them. ... ".

That is why such a nationality and could not threaten the freedom of Russia. Moreover, many historians and cartographers of that time, especially Eastern European, "sinned" to call all indestructible (from the point of view of Europeans) and invincible peoples, Tatarya or simply on Latin Tatarie..
It can be easily traced in ancient cards, for example, Map of Russia 1594 In the Atlas of Gerhard Mercator, or Maps of Russia and Tartaria Oretelus.

One of the fundamental axes of domestic historiography is the statement that for almost 250 years on the lands, which inhabited the ancestors of modern East Slavic peoples - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians there were the so-called "Monglo-Tatar Igo". Allegedly in the 30s - 40s of the XIII century, the old-Russian principalitys were subjected to Mongol-Tatar invasion under the leadership of the legendary Khan Batya.

The fact is that there are numerous historical facts that contradict the historical version of the "Mongol-Tatar IGE".

First of all, even in the canonical version, the fact of the conquest of the northeastern Old Russian Principles is not confirmed by the Mongol-Tatar invaders - allegedly, these principalities were in vassal dependence on the Golden Horde (state education, which occupied the large territory in the south-east of Eastern Europe and Western Siberia, based Mongolian Prince Batum). Like, the khan of Khan Batiya made several bloody robbing raids on these the most northeastern Old Russian Principles, with the result that our distant ancestors decided to go "at the arm" of Batya and his Golden Horde.

However, historical information is known that the personal guardian of Khan Batyu consisted exclusively from Russian warriors. A very strange circumstance for Holiuyev-vassals of the Great Mongolian conquerors, especially for just a conquered people.

There are indirect evidence of the existence of a letter to Batiya to the legendary Russian prince Alexander Nevsky, in which the All-powerful Khan Golden Horde asks Russian Prince to take up his son's education and make a real warrior and a commander from him.

Some sources also argue that Tatar mothers in the Golden Horde scared the name of Alexander Nevsky of their naughty children.

As a result of all these inconsistencies, the author of these lines in his book "2013. Memories of the future "(" Alma-Press ") puts forward a completely different version of the events of the first half and the middle of the XIII century on the territory of the European part of the future Russian Empire.

According to this version, when Mongols at the head of the nomadic tribes (called later than Tatars) came out to the northeast Old Russian principalities, they really entered them into rather bloody combat clashes. But only the crushing victory at Khan Batya did not come out, most likely, the case ended in a kind of "combat noise". And then Bati offered an equal military union to the Russian princes. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why his guardians consisted of Russian Vityazes, and the name of Alexander Nevsky Tatar mothers scared their children.

All these terrible stories about the "Tatar-Mongolian IGE" were described much later when the Moscow kings had to create myths about their exclusivity and superiority over the conquered peoples (the same Tatars, for example).

Even in a modern school program, this historical moment is briefly described as follows: "In early 13th century, Genghis Khan gathered a numerous army from nomadic peoples, and subdued by their tough discipline decided to conquer the whole world. After defeating China, he sent his army on Russia. In the winter of 1237, the Mongol-Tatars army invaded the territory of Russia, and defeating the Russian army on the river Kalka, went on, through Poland and the Czech Republic. As a result, reaching the banks of the Adriatic Sea, the army suddenly stops, and turning his task turns back. From this period and begins the so-called " Mongol-Tatar yoke"Over Rus.

But wait, because they were going to conquer the whole world ... So why didn't you go further? Historians responded that they were afraid of the attacks from the back, broken and looted, but still strong Russia. But it's just funny. The progress state will run to defend other people's cities and seams? Rather, they will disrupt their borders, and will wait for the enemy's troops to ensure that there is a disgrace.
But on this oddity do not end. For some unimaginable reason, during the reign of the house of Romanov, dozens of christmas disappear, describing the events of the "Horde Times". For example, "the word about the death of the Russian Earth", historians, believe that this document, from which carefully removed the BE, which would testify about the IGA. We left only fragments telling about some kind of "trouble", comprehended Russia. But there is not a word about the "invasions of the Mongols".

There are still many oddities. In the story "On the evil tatars" Khan from Golden Horde Meld to execute Russian prince-Christian ... For refusal to bow down the pagan god of Slavs! " And in some chronicles there are amazing phrases, for example, such: " Well, with God! " Said Khan and, crossing, cried to the enemy.
So what was really?

At that time in Europe, the "New Vera" flourished in Europe Belief in Christ. Catholicism was common everywhere, and managed to all, from the lifestyle and system, to the state system and legislation. At that time, crusades were even relevant, but on a series with military methods, and "tactical tricks" were often used, akin to the bribery of power and declining them to their faith. And after receiving power through a bought person, appeal to the faith of all his "subordinates". It was such a secret crusade and was accustomed to Rus. By bribery and other ambulances, the servants of the Church were able to capture power over Kiev and near the lying regions. Just relatively recently, the baptism of Russia passed by the standards of history, but the story silent about the civil war arising from this soil immediately after conducting violent baptism. And this is the moment the ancient-Slavic elevation describes as:

« And they came from the zamor, and they brought faith in the gods of alien. The fire and sword they began to impose the faith to us alone, to shower the Russians and silver the princes of Russians, to bribe them will, and shoot down from the way true. They promised them the life of idle, wealth and happiness is complete, and the vacation of sins of any, for the acts of their dashing.

And then they broke up, the states are different. They retreated Russians to the north to Asgard a great, and called the power of their own names of their patrons, Tarh Great Bog and Tara, his sister Svetomudroi. (The Great Tartaria they ordered it). Leaving alien to the princes purchased in the principality of the Kiev and its surroundings. Volzhsky Bulgaria also did not bow before the live, and did not be faith alone for her to accept.
But did not become the principality of the Kiev world with tartaria to live. They became fire and the sword of the Earth Russian to disintegrate and faith alone alone. And then the army rolled, on the battle. In order to keep his faith and wield their land. And old and young then went to the warrior, in order to return the order to the Russian land. "

So began a war in which Russian army, land Great Aria (tatharia) I won the enemy, and kicked it out of the land of the original Slavic. It was alien to the army, with their faith, with the lands of their statutes.

By the way the word of the horde translated by the initiative old Slavic ABCmeans order. That is, the Golden Horde is not a separate state, it is a building. "Political" system of gold order. At which the princes printed on the ground, planted from the approval of the commander-in-chief of the protection army, or in one word it was called Han (Our defender).
So there was no one, two hundred and more years of the oppression, and there was a peace time and prosperity Great Aria or Tartaria. By the way, in modern history, there is also a confirmation, but for some reason no one pays attention to him. But we will definitely turn, and very close:

Mongol-Tatar Igo - a system of political and informed dependence of the Russian principalities from Mongol-Tatar Khan (before the early 60s of the XIII century Mongolian Khanov, after - Golden Horde) in the XIII-XV centuries. The establishment of an IGA was made possible as a result of the Mongolian invasion on Russia in 1237-1241 and occurred over two decades after it, including in non-rated lands. In Northeast Russia lasted until 1480. (Wikipedia)

Nevsky Battle (July 15, 1240) - the battle on the Neva River between the Novgorod militia under the command of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich and the Swedish army. After the victory of Novgorod, Alexander Yaroslavich for the skillful campaign management and courage in battle received the honorable nickname "Nevsky". (Wikipedia)

You do not seem strange that the battle with the Swedes is happening directly among the invasion " Mongol-Tatars"On Russia? Blowing in fires and plundered " Mongola"Rus is attacked by the Swedish troops, which is safely drowning in the waters of the Neva, and at the same time the Swedish crusaders do not face Mongols. And the victorious strong Swedish army Rusichi losing "Mongols"? In my opinion, it's just nonsense. Two huge armies at the same time are fighting on the same territory and never intersect. But if you appeal to the Old Slavic chronicles, then everything becomes clear.

From 1237 to rail Great Tartaria He began to disintegrate their original lands back, and when the war approached the end, losing to put representatives of the Church requested help, and the Swedish Crusaders were put into battle. Once it did not work out to take the country bribing, then they will take her strength. Just in 1240m the army Hordes (that is, the Army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, one of the princes of the ancient Slavic kind) faced in the battle with his minions who came to revenue, the army of the Crusaders. Having won the battle on the Neva, Alexander received the title of Nevsky Prince and remained for the jurisdiction of Novgorod, and the Horde's army went further to expel the sacuostate from the Russian lands finally. So she drove the "church and alien faith" until she reached the Adriatic Sea, thereby restoring its original ancient borders. And having reached them, the army turned around and left no north again. Installing 300 summer period of the world.

Again, the confirmation of this is the so-called end of IGA « Kulikovskaya battle"In front of which 2 Victors participated in Shatka Peresvet. and Checky. Two Russians Vityaz, Andrei Peresvet (superior light) and Helpius (a friend hitting, telling, telling, requesting) information about which was brutally cut from history pages. It was the loss of the Checky and foreseen the victory of the Army of Kievan Rus, restored to the money all the same "clergymen", which from under the floors penetrated on Russia, albeit 150 more than a year later. It is already later when all Russia will plunge into the Bay of Chaos, all sources confirming the events of the past will be burned. And after the coming to power of the Romanov family, many documents will find the view known to us.

By the way, the Slavic army is not the first time protects its lands, and expels the inners from their territories. Another extremely interesting and tangled moment in history tells us about it.
Army Alexander Macedonsky, consisting of a variety of professional warriors was broken by a small army of some nomads in the mountains, north of India (the last campaign of Alexander). And for some reason, no one surprises the fact that the numerous prepared army, which passed the floor of the world and smashed the world card, was so easily broken by the army, simple and not educated nomads.
But everything becomes clear if you look at the cards of that time and just even think of who the nomads who came from the north could be (from India), these are our territories that Christian belonged to the Slavs, and where to this day, are the remains of civilization Etruscskov.

Macedonian army was resigned by the army Slavyan-Ariyevwho defended their territories. It was at that time that the Slavs "for the first time" passed to the Adriatic Sea, and left a huge trail in the territories of Europe. Thus, it turns out to be not in the first to conquer the "floor of the globe".

So how did it happen that now we do not know our story? Everything is very simple. Europeans trembled from fear and horror, and did not cease to be afraid of Rusch, even when their plans were crowned with success and they were involved in Slavic nations, they were still afraid that once Russia would be perceived and again would overweight.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded by Peter. For 120 years of its existence, there were 33 academician-historian at the historical department of the Academy. Of these, only three were Russians (including M.V. Lomonosov), the rest are the Germans. So it turns out that the history of the ancient Russia was written by the Germans, and many of them did not know not only the styles of life and traditions, they did not even know the Russian language. This fact is well known to many historians, but they do not apply any effort to carefully examine the story that the Germans wrote, and to get to the truth.
Lomonosov wrote labor on the history of Rus, and on this field he often had disputes with German colleagues. After his death, the archives disappeared without a trace, but somehow his works on the history of Russia were published, but edited by Miller. At the same time, Miller struggled in every way Lomonosov in his life. Computer analysis confirmed that Lomonosov's work on the history of Rus, published by Miller, is falsification. From Lomonosov's Labor, there are little left in them.

This concept can be found on the website of the Omsk State University:

We will formulate our concept, hypothesis immediately, without
Pre-training reader.

Pay attention to the following strange and very interesting
facts. However, their oddity is based only on generally accepted
chronology and inspired by us from the childhood version of the ancient Russian
stories. It turns out that the change in chronology removes many oddities and

One of the main points in the history of ancient Russia is so
Called by Tatar-Mongolian won the Horde. Traditionally
It is believed that the Horde came from the East (China? Mongolia?),
captured many countries, conquered Rus, rolled to the West and
Even reached Egypt.

But if Rus was conquered in the XIII century with whatever
there was a parties - or from the east, according to modern
historians, or from the West, as Morozov believed, they would have to
Stay information about collisions between conquerors and
Cossacks who lived both on the Western borders of Russia and in the lower reaches
Done and Volga. That is, just where they had to go

Of course, in school courses of Russian history we are hard
convince that Cossack troops arose as if only in the XVII century,
supposedly due to the fact that the slaves fled from the authorities of the landowners on
Don. However, it is known - although in the textbooks it is usually not mentioned,
- What, for example, the Don Cossack state existed in
The XVI century, had its own laws and their history.

Moreover, it turns out, the beginning of the history of the Cossacks
By the XII-XIII centuries. See, for example, the work of Sukhukov<> In the journal Don, 1989.

In this way,<>- where it would be not going, -
moving along the natural path of colonization and conquest,
inevitably it would have to join the conflict with Cossack
This is not marked.

What's the matter?

Natural hypothesis occurs:
No ingenic
Russia's conquest was not. The horde is because he did not fight with the Cossacks that
Cossacks were an integral part of the horde. This hypothesis was
Formulated not by us. She is very convincingly justifies
For example, A. A. Gordeev in his<>.

But we affirm something more.

One of our basic hypotheses is that Cossack
troops not only made part of the horde - they were regular
troops of the Russian state. Thus, the Horde was
Just regular Russian army.

According to our hypothesis, modern term army and warrior,
- Church-Slavic in origin - were not old-Russian
Terms. They entered constant use in Russia only with
XVII century. And the old Russian terminology was as follows: Horde,
Cossack, Khan.

Then the terminology has changed. By the way, in the XIX century in
Russian folk proverbs words<> and<> were
interchangeable. This is seen from numerous examples.
in the Dalian dictionary. For example:<> etc.

On the bottom there is still a famous city of sevenikarakamum, and on
Kuban - Chang Khan. Recall that the caracorum is considered
The capital of Genghis-Khan. At the same time, - what is well known - in those
places where archaeologists are still stubbornly looking for Karakorum, no
Karakorum for some reason no.

Desperate, put forward a hypothesis that<>. This monastery, existed in the XIX century, was surrounded
Earth shaft is just about one English mile. Historians
believe that the famous capital Karakorum was fully placed on
Territories, subsequently occupied by this monastery.

In our hypothesis, the Horde is not a foreign education,
capturing Russia from the outside, but there is just an Eastern Russian regular
The army that was part of an integral part in the ancient Russian
Our hypothesis is such.

1) <> It was just a war period
Management in the Russian state. No foreign rus

2) the supreme ruler was the commander-khan \u003d king, and in
Cities sat civilian governors - princes that are required
Were to collect tribute in favor of this Russian troops on his

3) Thus, the ancient Russian state seems
A single empire in which there was a permanent army consisting of
Professional military (horde) and civil part that did not have
His regular troops. Since such troops were already included in
The composition of the horde.

4) This Russian-Horde Empire existed from the XIV century
Before the early XVII century. Her story ended with the famous great
Small in Russia began the early XVII century. As a result of civil war
Russian Ordi kings, - the last of which was Boris
<>, - were physically exterminated. And the former russian
The army of the Ord actually suffered a defeat in the fight against<>. As a result, the power in Russia came in principle
New Pro-Western Romanov Dynasty. She seized power and
In the Russian Church (Philaret).

5) the new dynasty was required<>,
Ideologically justifying her power. This new power from the point
There was illegal vision of the former Russian-Ordan history. SO
Romanov took root to change the illumination of the preceding
Russian history. We must give them due - it was done
Competently. Without changing most facts essentially they were able to
Unrecognizable to distort the whole Russian history. So preceding
History of Russia-Horde with its estate of farmers and military
Class - the Horde, was declared them epoch<>. At the same time its own Russian Horde
Turned, - under the pen of Romanov historians, - in the mythical
Aliens from a distant noticed country.

Nervive<>, familiar to us by Romanovsky
The presentation of the story was just a state tax inside
Rus to the maintenance of the Cossack troops - Horde. Famous<>- every tenth man taking into the Horde is just
State military set. As if calling the army, but only
Since childhood - and for life.

Next, the so-called<>In our opinion,
were simply punitive expeditions in those Russian areas,
which for some reasons refused to pay tribute \u003d
State file. Then regular troops punished
Civil rebellion.

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

1. Chingis Khan

Previously, 2 people answered in Russia for the management of the state: Prince and Han. Prince answered the management of the state in peacetime. Khan or "Military Prince" took the Brazda of Department for himself during the war, in peacetime on his shoulders they were responsible for the formation of the Horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of "Military Prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of commander-in-chief of the army. And people who wore such title were somewhat. Timur was the most outstanding of them, it is usually about him, when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In the preserved historical documents, this person is described as a high height warrior with blue eyes, very white leather, a powerful reddish chapel and a thick beard. What obviously does not correspond to the signs of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but it is fully suitable for the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe.").

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk epic, in which it would be said that this country conquered almost all Eurasia in antiquity, exactly, like nothing and about the great conqueror of Genghis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide ").

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert in the desert, and they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their compatriot created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and delighted . The word "Mogul" has a Greek origin, and means "the Great". This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field. The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at the lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. In the following image - "The Khan Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyke" (It is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly Beijing). What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols - colossal: "The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely centrally Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..." (OAGB.RU).

6. Documents during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many ... Lakes are famous for many, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages of the glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, boyars honest and Many mokes. All of you are filled, Russian land, about Orthodox Vera Christian!..»

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

More opinions:

In the same way, the Plenipotentiary representative of Tatarstan in Moscow (1999-201 - 2010), the doctor of political sciences Nazif Mirikhanov: "The term" IHO "appeared at all in the XVIII century, - he is sure. - Before that Slavs did not even suspect that they live under the oppression, under the yoke of some conquerors. "

"In fact, the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union, and now the Russian Federation is the heirs of the Golden Horde, that is, the Turkic Empire, created by Genghis Khan, whom we need to rehabilitate how they have already done in China," continued Mirihanov. And he concluded his arguments with such a thesis: "Tatars have frightened this time in their time that the rulers of Russia, who chose the European path of development, were disagreeed in every possible way from the Ordane predecessors. Today it is time to restore historical justice. "

The result summed up Izmailov:

"The historical period, which is customary to be called the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, was not a period of terror, ruin and slavery. Yes, the rulers from the barn Russian princes paid tribute and received labels from them to the reign, but this is an ordinary feudal rent. At the same time, the church in those century flourished, and beautiful white-named temples were built everywhere. What was quite natural: such construction could not afford the scattered principalities, but only the actual confederation, combined under the authority of Khan Golden Horde or Ulus Juchi, as it would be more correct to call our common with Tatars. "

Historian Lev Gumilev, from the book "From Russia to Russia", 2008:
"Thus, for the tax that Alexander Nevsky pledged to pay in the barn, Rus received a reliable strong army, which was not only the Novgorod with Pskov. Moreover, the Russian principalities who adopted an alliance with the Horde fully retained their ideological independence and political independence. One thing shows that Russia was not
The province of Mongolian ulus, and the country, the Allied Great Hanu, which paid some tax on the maintenance of the troops, which it was necessary for her. " Nevsky. Nevsky battle (part 1), but also familiarize yourself with and is it really The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -