The snow cover is playing important role in the functioning of ecosystems. It influences climate, topography, hydrological and soil-forming processes, plant and animal life.

Influence snow cover climate is manifested through its interaction with the atmosphere. Having a high albedo, snow cover significantly reduces the flow of short-wave radiation to the earth's surface. At the same time, snow cover reduces heat exchange between the earth and the atmosphere, making it difficult to remove heat into the atmosphere. It should be noted, however, that the reflective properties of snow affect the energy balance of the atmosphere more than the insulating properties. At the same time, snow itself is a good emitter and loses a lot of heat in the form of long-wave radiation. The radiative, reflective, and insulating properties of snow cover in combination lead to cooling of the air and the formation of ground-level radiative temperature inversions (the most low temperature observed at the surface of the snow cover, and increases with increasing altitude). In spring, a significant part of the incoming heat goes to melting snow.

In the interaction of snow cover with soil (grounds), the main ones are its insulating and water properties. It reduces the heat flow directed upward from the soil, reducing heat loss into the atmosphere, reduces soil freezing and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations. During the period of snowmelt, on the contrary, the snow cover delays the flow of heat into the soil. Water reserves concentrated in the snow cover affect water regime soil

The role of snow cover in the water cycle in nature is great. Snow nutrition occupies a significant place in the river runoff of the territories where snow cover is formed. It determines the amount of annual flow, the level of spring flood, ice regime rivers, intensity of ice and avalanche processes, annual balance of glaciers.

Snowfields contribute to the development of nivation - a complex of denudation processes (frost and thermal weathering, solifluction, flow and slumping of soils, planar washout and erosion, suffusion and dissolution of rocks) of underlying rocks rocks with education specific forms relief. Among the forms of the nival complex one can distinguish the snowfield niche, nival fine earth and nival slope. A snow niche is a depression of several tens or even a few hundred meters. Nival fine earth is a dusty organo-mineral rock inside the snowfield and its bed. Nival slope - place

occurrence of snowfields on a mountain slope with characteristic traces of nivation (crushed stone stripes, furrows and accumulations of debris).

The role of snow cover in plant life is diverse. It changes the thermal and water regimes of the plants’ habitat and has a direct mechanical effect on them. Snow cover protects them from freezing (especially renewal buds) and wind drying in winter. At the same time, it can contribute to damping off of plants. The dates of destruction of stable snow cover determine the duration of the growing season and the dates of the onset of phenophases. Spring soil moisture and, consequently, plant productivity depend on the water supply in the snow cover. Snow cover puts pressure on plants, especially in the mountains, where snow sliding or even avalanches are observed on the slopes. It promotes the development of life forms of plants, affects species diversity and the ratio of ecological types of plants in a given territory.

Snow water, moistening the soil, is a source of moisture for agricultural and forest plants, nourishes groundwater, replenishes the rivers. Winter precipitation, especially snow, prevents soil freezing, protects plants or their parts from freezing, and often also from drying out.

Pine and spruce seeds are carried far across the snowy floor.

In places where snow cover lasts for a long time in spring, the flowering of small plants is delayed, and therefore they do not suffer from late frosts. Along with this, the accumulation of snow cover and slow snow melting contribute to the development of the fungus “snow schütte”, which, damaging the needles, leads to the death of the young generation of pine that has not reached a height greater than the snow thickness.

Snow cover is an important environmental factor for animals. Its thermal insulating properties allow many species to avoid low air temperatures. Thanks to snow cover, many species of small rodents lead an active lifestyle (even breeding) in winter. A number of birds burrow into the snow to roost for the night.

For many animals, snow cover prevents them from obtaining food. In some cases this is due to the thickness of the snow cover, and sometimes to the structure of the snow layer. The appearance of ground and other crusts is especially unfavorable for herbivores. An increase in the thickness of the snow cover causes difficulties in movement for a number of species, which changes the relationship in the “prey-predator” system. In this regard, snow cover is one of the factors in the migration of animals and their density.

Snow cover is also a factor in animals' seasonal changes in color. The dates of establishment and destruction of stable snow cover affect the dates of seasonal molting.

Research work “Snow, its importance for living organisms”

Khotkevich Lyubov

5th grade

Head: Kolokoltseva N.V.

Chebotarikha village 2012


The snow is spinning

The snow is falling.

Snow! Snow! Snow!

The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow,

And, of course, a person.

S.V. Mikhalkov.

The poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was right that snow has great importance for all living things: humans, birds, animals. In my work I will try to answer problematic issues: what is snow and can animals lead an active lifestyle in winter?

Goal of the work: explore the properties of snow and its effect on living organisms.


ØStudy the literature on this issue, work with Internet sources

Ø Find out what snow is

ØStudy the properties of snow

ØPut a hypothesis

ØFind facts that support the hypothesis

Ø Find out what a person can do to help animals in winter

ØTake part in Operation “Feeding Trough”

I put forward a hypothesis: if snow falls in winter, then animals will be able to lead an active lifestyle.

Methods: observation, research, study of material from the encyclopedia.


I became interested, it would seem, simple theme“Snow, what is it for, significance for living organisms” and I decided to see what was written in the literature about snow.

On the pages of the Planet Earth encyclopedia, I found out what types of bird feeders exist and found a description of how to make them.

From the encyclopedia “Why and Because” I learned what snow is made of and how it is formed. I also became acquainted with articles in the encyclopedias “Atlas of the Earth” and “What is What”.

You can learn about snow on the Internet.

Having become acquainted with this literature and articles, I came to the conclusion that there is information on this problem, but it is not enough. In addition, the information is scattered and it cannot fully answer my question. Therefore, I decided to study this issue more seriously and summarize the material in a research paper.


Winter is the coldest time of the year. The sun occupies its lowest position in the sky in winter. Installed short days and long nights.

The soil and water bodies freeze. Frosts are coming. The ground is covered with snow. At this time of year we experience fog, snowfall, ice, hoarfrost, sleet, frost, and blizzard. Snow is falling on us from above, where does it come from and what is it?

We are used to thinking that for snow to fall it is enough cold weather, but it turns out that this is not so.

How is snow formed and what does it consist of? High above the ground, where it is very cold, water vapor, without having time to pass into the water, immediately turns into tiny pieces of ice. They are small, like specks of dust, they are called diamond dust. If the frost is very severe, ice dust particles, falling into a cloud, acquire new needles, become larger and take the form of snowflakes. They look like white stars, they look like lace, all different, with thin rays and petals. The white color of snowflakes comes from the air contained in the snowflake; they have different sizes, the largest snowflake had a diameter of 12 centimeters. The shapes of snowflakes are varied - there are more than five thousand variations. Even a special one has been developed International classification, in which snowflakes are grouped into ten classes.

International classification of snowflakes

William Scoresby's classification

Classification by Ukishiro Nakaya

· Stars

· Records


· Needles

· Hail


· Crystals

· Hexagonal pyramids


· Crystals with flat elements

· Needles


· Stars

Combinations of flat and columnar crystals


There are a wide variety of snowflakes in nature; they are wonderful, mysterious and beautiful.

When the weather is mild in winter, snowflakes stick together and form thick, fluffy flakes. That’s why snow is often called fluffy; it covers the ground with a lush white blanket. And on a sunny winter day, I often noticed that the snow creaks under my feet, it turns out that these are small rays of cold stars breaking, and since many of them break at once, that’s why I hear such a loud crack under my feet.


Having studied the properties of snow, I wondered how animals use it to lead an active lifestyle?

1. If snow is white, then you need to be white in order to be invisible. That is why for many animals living on the surface of the snow, body color becomes decisive. Moreover, body color is of decisive importance both for predators (they need to sneak up on the prey unnoticed) and for other animals (they need to camouflage themselves in the snow from predators). For example:

ØThe weasel and ermine turn white in winter; in the ermine only the tip of the tail remains black. In winter, they move deftly under the snow, attacking wood grouse and black grouse in the snowdrifts.

2. If the snow is loose, then life is possible under it. It is this property of snow that hazel grouse, black grouse, and wood grouse use. They dive headlong into the snow, make shelters for themselves, nest, cover the hole with snow, and spend the night there. And in loose snow you can make passages for small and small animals. This is exactly what voles do. It is difficult for large animals to move on loose snow. Elks and deer will get stuck in the snow, will not be able to quickly escape from predators and will become easy prey. And on compacted snow they move very quickly, but it is more difficult to hide under it; they have to work hard to dig a small hole for themselves and hide from a predator, shelter for the night or dig up food for themselves under the snow (roots, remaining plants).

3. Snow is opaque, which means you can hide under it and live under it with any coat color. This is exactly what voles do; body color does not matter to them, since they live under the snow, where they actively run and eat preserved plants. But foxes can only identify them by ear.

4. The snow is cold. But how can animals live in snow or on its surface? It turns out that not all animals can live on or under snow. Insects, worms, frogs cannot produce and retain enough heat and withstand the cold, they are called cold-blooded, they cannot live in the snow. But animals and birds produce and retain heat, so they can live in the snow; they are called warm-blooded. That is why only warm-blooded animals can live in snow or on its surface; they have a warm body and resist the cold.

5. The snow melts, but animals and birds can live under the snow and move on it, and wool and feathers do not get wet, as they play a heat-insulating role. Heat is poorly conducted by these covers, so animals remain cold near the skin and outside. If the snow does melt, then a layer of fat that covers the wool and feathers protects them from getting wet. This is why wood grouse, hazel grouse, and black grouse live in the snow and do not get wet. Lynx, fox, and weasel move easily in the snow and are not afraid that their fur will get wet.


1. Snow is white, I determined this through an experiment. I took 5 sheets different color: white, blue, green, brown and red. I laid them out on the snow and began to move away from them, it turned out that the white leaf was the first to cease to be noticeable, and the red leaf was visible the longest.

2. Snow fell, it was knee-deep for humans, but it made the animals feel good. I thought, how can animals live under the snow and move through it? And I conducted an experiment: in a birch grove I tried to walk through snowdrifts of freshly fallen, uncompacted snow; it turned out that it was very loose, easy to bury in and hide in. But it was hard for me to move through such snow. I often fell through and it was difficult to move. This means that for large animals, loose snow can cause difficulties in moving. And it became much easier for me to move on compacted snow, but digging out the snow was much more difficult and burying myself in it was very difficult.

Conclusion: The snow can be loose and compacted; it is easy to bury and hide in loose snow.

3. Snow is opaque, I was able to determine this through an experiment. I placed sheets of different colors on the snow: white, blue, green, brown and red. I covered the sheets with a layer of snow, they became invisible.

Conclusion: snow is opaque, the object under the snow is not noticeable and can be of any color.

4. While walking in winter, even in warm weather, I noticed that it’s impossible to play snowballs for a long time without gloves; you can only go downhill while you have dry clothes, then you start to freeze, which means the snow is cold.

Conclusion: the snow is cold.

5. When you take snow in your hands, it begins to melt from the heat, we can conclude that from the warm body of the animal, the snow also heats up and melts, the fur becomes wet. I conducted an experiment: I went for a walk with my cat. When she jumped in a snowdrift, I checked her fur and it turned out that not all of the fur let the snow through, the skin remained absolutely dry, and if it doesn’t completely let the snow through, then not all of the fur can let the heat through, so the animals don’t get wet under the snow.

Conclusion: from the heat (warm body) the snow heats up and melts.

I put forward a hypothesis - By comparing the color of an animal in summer and winter, we can guess its lifestyle. For example:

ØBrown bear: does not change color. Why? It can be assumed that he:

· Lives under the snow, where he actively runs around like a vole - unrealistic, he’s too big for that

· Lives actively on the surface of the snow, but it will be difficult for him to hide or sneak up, he is large and noticeable

· Inactive in winter, somewhere reliably hidden all winter

· Goes to winter warmer climes where there is no snow

All assumptions except the first one may exist, so to find out how a bear winters, you need to get acquainted with the literature. In the fall, the bear begins to accumulate fat for the winter and chooses a place for a den in the most remote places of the forest. He lines his shelter with spruce branches, moss, dry grass and bark. Dens brown bear can be arranged in different ways. Thus, the bear sleeps all winter, it is not visible, therefore it does not change color, therefore, our third assumption is correct.

ØWhite hare: changes color from brown to White color. Why? It can be assumed that he:

· Do not hibernate; the color is white to sneak up on prey unnoticed and hunt other animals

· Active all winter, subject to attacks, therefore has camouflage coloring

Conclusion: The second assumption is correct, since the hare is a herbivore and cannot hunt, but changes color to hide from predators.

Therefore, it can put forward various assumptions, and special literature will help confirm or refute them. Thus, the properties of snow have big influence for animal life in winter. Animals have adapted to use some properties: color, opacity, friability. To do this, some of them have to change for the winter or lead a different lifestyle than in the summer. Knowing how an animal changes or does not change in winter, one can assume its winter lifestyle.


Snow is a sensitive indicator of pollution. It turns out that when snowflakes form, dust and soot from the atmosphere already enter the crystals, then, when the snowflakes land on the surface, they also capture various impurities, the amount of impurities depends on the degree of atmospheric pollution in a particular place. Accordingly, we can conclude that the snow that falls on the ground is already largely contaminated. I decided to explore the snow in our village. To do this, I used universal indicator papers that will help determine the degree of snow contamination.

I made a selection:

ØFreshly fallen snow in a birch grove

ØA layer of snow that has accumulated over a long period of time in the yard

ØSnow near the boiler room

I placed snow from the birch grove in glass No. 1, from the yard in glass No. 2 and from the boiler room No. 3. When the snow began to melt, it became clear to the naked eye that in the glass with No. 3 great amount soot, black impurities. In glass No. 2, when the snow melted, layers became noticeable that differed in color and size. At first glance, the snow from glass No. 1 seemed clean. Then I waited until the snow had completely melted and dropped universal indicator papers into each glass, immediately placed them on a white surface and compared them with the rating scale. Here's what I got: in glass No. 1 (grove), the stripe turned yellow, which means neutral environment. In glass No. 2 (yard), the strip became light yellow in color, which means that the pH environment is acidic, and in glass No. 3 (boiler room), the strip became Orange color, this means that the pH environment is alkaline and that the snow is heavily polluted. After examining the snow, I entered the results into a table:

Number in order


Color litmus paper


Glass No. 1 (grove)

· Clean,

· Without impurities

Yellow (No. 5)

Neutral pH

Glass No. 2 (yard)

· Visible layers

· Layers differ in color and size

Light yellow (No. 4)

Acidic environment Ph

Glass No. 3 (boiler room)

· Large amount of soot

· Black impurities are visible

Green (No. 7)

Alkaline environment pH, pollutants present

Conclusion: the most contaminated area is the snow near the boiler room. Accordingly, when the snow melts, it falls there greatest number harmful substances and impurities in the ground. The most favorable area - Birch Grove, we can hypothesize that in other forests the snow has a neutral environment. This means that it is safe for the animals that live under it, and less impurities and harmful substances enter the soil after the snow melts. This means that the plants will be safe for animal nutrition.


When I started work, I had no idea how many new things I would learn during the course of my work. Now I can talk about the conditions for the formation of snow, its properties and the significance of snow in the lives of animals.

In my work, it seems to me that I was able to answer the question of what snow is, and whether animals can lead an active lifestyle in winter. I came to the conclusion that snow only falls under two conditions: negative temperature air and cloudiness.

Snow is important for animals in winter, as it plays a very important role in their lives. Therefore, I can say that my hypothesis was confirmed: animals have adapted to use the properties of snow in order to lead an active lifestyle. They change color, burrow and hide in the snow, only warm-blooded animals can live in the snow, and wool and feathers protect animals and birds from getting wet.


1. Demykin V.V. Great children's encyclopedia Rosman - 2006, p. 164-166.

2. Kochergina O.I. why and because: encyclopedia Rosman-2005, pp. 116-117

The role of snow in human life

The most important thing snow is important for Agriculture, it thermally insulates the soil from hypothermia, and supplies it with water in the spring due to melting.

Snow form atmospheric precipitation consisting of small ice crystals. Refers to continuous precipitation falling on earth's surface

The influence of snow on fruit, shrub, berry and perennial vegetable and flower crops is very significant, and after the end of winter it manifests itself within long period. Snow plays the biggest role in protecting plants from frost. The looser it is, the more it protects the soil from freezing, since snow is a poor conductor of heat. The soil temperature in the garden in winter is largely determined by the time of establishment of snow cover, its height and density, and to a lesser extent depends on fluctuations in air temperature. In frosty winters with little snow, the death of a number of fruit, shrub and berry plants is possible due to freezing of the roots, while the above-ground parts are completely preserved. This phenomenon is most likely in steppe regions with little snow. The depth of snow and its density have a significant influence on the course of soil temperature. A snow cover height of 70-80 cm almost completely insulates the soil from cold air. To completely protect the roots from freezing, it is necessary to cover the soil with 20-35 cm of snow at the beginning of winter, and in the second half of it you need to have at least 45-55 cm. A snow height of less than 5 cm contributes to greater cooling of the soil than even its complete absence. This is due to the fact that such a height of snow cover does not prevent heat loss from the soil through radiation and at the same time completely reflects the sun's rays.

The absence of snow in the garden is dangerous not only because the roots are damaged by frost, but also because the soil freezes deeply and does not absorb well. melt water and warms up slowly in the spring. In the absence of snow, the soil freezes to two or more meters, which leads to cracking of the soil as a result of compression during cooling, which then causes the roots to rupture. The roots are not able to supply the above-ground organs with the required amount of nutrients and water. Plants with partially damaged roots develop poorly. They cannot fully use spring moisture reserves. In addition, the intensity of the supply of nutrients and especially nitrogen and phosphorus is disrupted. The branches and trunks of fruit and berry plants make significant changes in the temperature of the snow layer and their tissues. Due to the fact that wood has greater thermal conductivity than snow, cold penetrates through the trunk faster than through its thickness. A lot of water vapor is carried away from under the branches and trunk, contributing to the formation of voids and cavities. As a result, the branches sag and often break under the weight of snow in the middle of winter.

Is every weather a blessing?

We know, we know: “Nature has no bad weather, every weather is grace,” etc. And also: “If you can’t change something, change your attitude towards it.” We really can't change the weather. And she takes advantage of this circumstance perfectly. Then suddenly in the summer an anticyclone will hover over us for 50 days, and the thermometer will rise so much that there is nowhere else to go. And we, sweating and frantically swallowing tons of liquid, will dream of rain as if it were manna from heaven. Then suddenly in December the temperature outside will freeze at above zero, and we, splashing through the street mud, will dream about real winter with real frost. True, when such frost does arrive, there will be no time for jokes. It's cold and Atmosphere pressure nowhere higher: atmospheric column It’s already seriously crushing. And what do you want to do with such weather disgraces, where to go and how, if not with them, then with our well-being?

The weighty word of science

What weather influence a person, Hippocrates noted. He began the description of each disease with a description of the influence of weather on it. The Greek physician Diocles, who lived later, but also in ancient times, divided the year into six periods, in each period he recommended a certain way of life for patients. Why, Aesculapians, the great Goethe wrote “An Experience in the Study of Weather.” Apparently, he was so fed up with the rain and dryness that he decided to help humanity by telling how and what can affect well-being, using personal experience. By the way, Goethe found that when the barometer readings were high, his work and life were much easier and more fun. U modern science knowledge about the influence of weather on human well-being is, of course, much deeper and more extensive. By studying daily fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure, scientists have found that in our mid-latitudes, daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure usually do not exceed 2-3 mm mercury, the air temperature in winter during the day fluctuates between 5-10 degrees, and in summer – between 10-15. Our body usually adapts well to such fluctuations. They have virtually no effect on your well-being. Moreover, such changes are excellent training for blood vessels and central nervous system. Only people with a very unstable psyche cannot stand it. And if this is so, then a psychiatrist can help them.

Literally about twenty years ago, scientists suddenly realized that not only atmospheric pressure or sharp temperature fluctuations affect well-being, but also solar radiation, solar activity, and... In general, both, and the third, and in different combinations with each other. friend. At the same time, atmospheric pressure may decrease, humidity and temperature may increase, and if a magnetic storm also comes to us... Oh, how many calls will we receive “ Ambulance"! So now pundits are studying everything atmospheric phenomena and their impact on humans in complex, also taking into account the passage of atmospheric fronts (warm, cold, closure of warm and cold air). After all, it is in the zone atmospheric front There are sharp changes in temperature, humidity, and pressure. There's no time for jokes here. May God let you stand the day and hold out the night.

Dryness, aches and no hunting

Personally, I almost always feel the approach of rain or heavy snowfall. I start to yawn and feel sleepy - this is best case scenario. If there has been no rain or snow for a long time, then the day before natural disasters A serious migraine is playing out. You say - weather dependence, weather sensitivity? So I don't argue. High atmospheric pressure feels like a pillar is pressing on me, low pressure makes me sway slightly. It's a little reassuring that student years everything was much worse and the doctors could not do anything about it. Even painkillers didn't help. There was only one salvation - to close the curtains more tightly and try to sleep. After such a rest it became much easier. True, after at most an hour, a serious migraine would play out again. Now such reactions of the body to precipitation I can bear it much more easily. In my opinion, the body has already gotten used to it and has learned to independently regulate its condition. And I learned to pay less attention to the weather and more to myself, my beloved.

According to statistics, children, especially toddlers, react sharply to weather fluctuations. They are capricious, sleep poorly, eat poorly and don’t want to do anything. This goes away with age. The body adapts and the problems disappear. But, according to statistics, by the age of 50-60, approximately 40% of earthlings again involuntarily remember their golden childhood and become weather dependent. The heaviest share falls to those who have chronic diseases.

Let's take atmospheric pressure. For our comfort we need 750 mm Hg. 10-15 mm in one direction or another - and now we’re flattened or smeared on the walls. Low atmospheric pressure, that is, a cyclone accompanied by high humidity, precipitation and temperature fluctuations, is dangerous for hypotensive people, for those with heart or vascular problems or impaired respiratory function. Such people usually lack oxygen, have difficulty breathing, experience shortness of breath, and feel weak. People with increased intracranial pressure suffer from migraines on such days. Unpleasant sensations can also appear in the stomach area: due to increased gas formation, the intestinal walls stretch.

What to do? First, control blood pressure and, if necessary, take medications prescribed by your doctor. Secondly, drink two glasses more fluid than usual. You can take tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, pantocrine or ginseng. A contrast shower and a long sleep will also not be superfluous. I have been convinced of the latter more than once personal experience.

Increased atmospheric pressure, or anticyclone, carrying clear weather and a lot of dryness is also not everyone’s joy. Hypertensive patients, asthmatics and allergy sufferers grab their heads. Asthmatics and allergy sufferers suffer the most because there is no wind, which means that harmful impurities, which are abundant in the city air, do not dissipate. In summer and spring, the concentration of plant pollen in the air also increases. They also say that high atmospheric pressure spoils the character and reduces potency in men. But what is beyond doubt is that under the influence of an anticyclone in the blood the number of leukocytes decreases and the body becomes vulnerable to infections.

What to do? In the morning - contrast shower and exercises, do not overeat, eat bananas and raisins, you can take vitamin E, follow the recommendations of your doctor. And it’s better not to overload and not bother yourself too much business meetings and labor feats. Be prepared for the fact that the mood will be, if not disgusting, then far from rosy. The dryness is also not good for the body. 30-40% relative humidity air means that dry air will irritate the mucous membranes. Again, allergy sufferers will suffer the most.

What to do? Rinse the nasopharynx with a solution of slightly salted or non-carbonated mineral water.
However, it is not easier when the abyss of heaven opens up. From high humidity Asthmatics are primarily affected. It also has an adverse effect on the joints and kidneys: they become aggravated. inflammatory processes. The most comfortable temperature is considered to be 16-18 degrees. It is at this level that it is recommended to keep it in the bedroom. At sudden shifts Temperature changes the oxygen content in the air: when it gets colder it becomes more, when it gets warmer it becomes less. If in the background high temperature atmospheric pressure decreases, which is hard for heart patients and asthmatics. If the air temperature drops and the pressure remains high, hypertensive patients, asthmatics, people with kidney stones and cholelithiasis. Sudden changes in temperature within 8-10 degrees per day cause histamine releases in us, which provokes allergic reactions.

What to do? Before cold snap give up chocolate, citrus fruits and alcohol.

Hello my depression

Now let’s remember the beginning of this winter in middle lane Russia. Thaw, slush, mood - couldn't be worse. Scientists have found that warmth in winter can lead to depression. It's not in vain that everything mental illness worsen in spring and autumn - when there is slush under your feet, a low gray sky and clouds overhead, and before your eyes there is utter darkness and it is not yet cold at all. One of the reasons is lack of sun. Because of this, a person does not receive the required amount of so-called happiness hormones - dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. The less sun, the sadder your soul. So, it is possible that this winter, at its very beginning, became the cause of many, many depressions. And a sharp transition from slush to frost can provoke growth mental disorders. Is the hint clear? This is exactly what we are seeing now. Everything is very serious. In Europe, 5% of residents already complain of depression. In our country, 80% of the population experienced depression to one degree or another. According to WHO calculations, by 2020 depression will take a leading position in Russia, ahead of cancer and traumatic diseases. Scientists have already dubbed this scourge " plague XXI century."

What to do? Much, oddly enough, depends on city authorities. There is such a science - video ecology, which studies the influence of urban landscapes on our vision and psyche. Corridors ending in straight walls will make anyone feel despondent. This also includes blank fences, single-color planes limited by straight lines, bare gray ends of buildings, gray bus stop pavilions, and garages.

And panel high-rise buildings with windows, balconies and loggias located at regular intervals, tiles in the subway and gray asphalt irritate the eye and the psyche.
However, you can’t get away with just bright posters and illumination here. Psychologists advise organizing as much as possible more places and spaces where a person could relax and unwind with the whole family. Parks and greenhouses, squares and stadiums - this is what will shed balm on our souls, wounded by the weather and everyday troubles.

This is relevant, because up to 50% of those who go to the doctor with complaints of chronic non-infectious diseases actually suffer from hidden depression. Mental problems turn into physical pain and bodily ailments. And even unemployment. Yes, yes, don't laugh. A person wakes up on the wrong foot or out of spirit and tries in every possible way to avoid meeting the cause bad mood– in crowded transport or with work colleagues. He lazes in bed a little longer, leaves the house a little slower and... That's right, he's late for a meeting or work. And if something happens, he is among the first candidates for dismissal.

Country of Soviets

Helps you avoid depression active communication with people you like. Pets will also help you forget about the loss of strength. Good films, books, favorite dishes - everything that brings at least a little, even a drop of pleasure should be used. And also - long live the sun, may the darkness disappear! More light, more bright colors at home!

During periods when there are flares on the sun, and on Earth - magnetic storms when it’s all rain or lack of moisture, in a word, when the weather tests your strength, try:

1. Limit physical and intellectual stress.
2. Do not argue in vain, refuse to go out.
Try sleeping longer and resting during the day.
3. Don’t forget that medications can ease suffering.
Decoctions and teas from the fruits of hawthorn, rose hips, mint, chamomile, as well as tinctures of motherwort, valerian and other sedatives will help you return to normal.
4. Don’t eat fatty, fried, spicy foods, give up alcohol and coffee, eat less sweets. Long live kefir, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables and fruits! Peace of mind will help bring back the aromas of rosemary and lavender. By the way, chocolate (only in moderation) is also your ally in the fight for good mood. It's best to drink hot chocolate. It will warm you up in winter and at the same time lift your spirits.
5. Well, you need to remember about hardening procedures. They will help you survive bad weather contrast shower, douches, bathhouse and sauna.
And finally, study yourself, your loved one, and understand what you are reacting to. Maybe I should just stop listening to forecasts. unfavorable days and your health will improve? If we approach this problem seriously, then it would not be a bad idea to go to the doctor and meet weather disasters, armed with the latest achievements of both traditional and scientific medicine.

Not long ago I complained that mice had eaten a lot of trees in the garden. This is because a lot of snow has fallen today, and underneath it there is plenty of space for, or rather, voles. Snow damage on the face.

Is there any benefits of snow? Let's think and reflect together.

Frederic Chopin. Nocturne "First Snow".

Snow cover and its properties. The benefits of snow and the harm of snow.

It is formed not only when snow falls. To do this, one more condition must be met: the air temperature in layers close to the ground must be less than zero for some time.

Snow cover consists of pieces of ice of various sizes and shapes, air, water in the form of steam and in the form of tiny droplets, mineral impurities and organic matter. Snow cover is not constant, it changes with temperature, snow depth and even depends on the shape of snowflakes.

Sometimes they are fluffy, shaggy and large. Such It is snowing Very beautiful. It's warm and sticky. This is not good for tree crowns: snow sticks to branches, twigs, skeletal branches, accumulates and can break them. Snow damage, it would seem, is undeniable. But there is also a benefit from such snow: it sticks well to the branches of bent raspberries, covers them well and saves them from frost.

We rarely get snow like this; yesterday, March 16th, it was so dense and large that I wanted to talk about it. However, he only walked for about ten minutes.

Our usual snow consists of ice needles, tiny stars, and snow dust. This snow does not stay in the crown of the tree, it pours through the branches onto the ground. If the wind blows, which often happens during snowfall, it simply blows away and creates snowdrifts. Maybe in a raspberry garden.

Loose, retains its structure for some time. And then it starts to settle. This is where it can damage young trees. This snow is a good heat insulator; it retains heat in the soil. Benefits of snow in what else is underneath for a long time Until severe frosts, sometimes until mid-December, the soil remains thawed. And the temperature in it is such that soil microorganisms continue their work. It is at this time that they process the humus or compost that gardeners and gardeners use to fertilize their plantings in the fall.

Fresh snow is easily blown away by the wind. We call this wind with snow a blizzard, but Pushkin uses the word blizzard instead of this name. And also a snowstorm.

These are very good winds. They can help the gardener, if he has previously installed shields or other structures on his property, to retain snow under the trees and in the beds. Their location and height determine how much snow will remain in the winter bins.

Where the winter is warm, this is not very important for saving from frost, but benefits of snow not only in defense. He'll give it later a large number of water for the soil. For our semi-steppe with pegs, snow retention is very good welcome keep in the garden.

The previous two years had little snow. With the arrival of spring warmth, the snow melted in 3 days. The soil dried out quickly. This greatly affected the yields.

During thaws, when strong winds and under its own weight the snow settles and changes shape, it becomes granular. The grains have sharp edges; if you rake such snow with your hand without a mitten, you can get seriously injured. Blood is unlikely to flow, but the skin on the palms will become rough.

If the wind blows fine snow, it becomes compacted and you can freely walk on it without falling through.

Snow that is deposited by blizzards and blizzards can turn into small crystal lumps. He holds the branches as if in captivity. And by January, loose snow turns into large grains, sometimes it looks like quicksand. In such snow, if it is deep, you can drown. In any case, it is difficult to get out of his tenacious clutches.

Yesterday I youngest grandson ran quite far across the crust. Where the depth of the snow was shallower than in other places, where it was less dense, my three-year-old naughty boy fell right down to his bottom. He would not have been able to get out on his own. I had to follow him. I, too, fell through, crawled to him, dug him up and with great difficulty, like a nurse from the battlefield of a wounded soldier, pulled him out on myself. This is very difficult work.

It was even more difficult for me to crawl.

But this snow is especially good for the garden, because it contains little moisture. Therefore, it does not put much pressure on tree branches and limbs. They don't break under it. When spring warmth begins, crust forms on it.

Benefits of snow And snow damage simultaneously. But in general, everything depends on the berry garden and garden beds for winter.

Snow density and properties.

There is a special formula to determine the density of snow. You need to take a certain volume of snow, for example one liter or 1 cm 3, melt it and measure the volume of water obtained. The ratio of the volume of water to the volume of snow will give the density. Otherwise it's specific gravity or the amount of water contained in the selected volume.

Snow density is not constant. It can range from 0.01 grams per cubic centimeter to 0.07 grams. These numbers indicate the amount of snow melt water that will enter the soil in the spring.

From a television show.

Other properties of snow also depend on density.

Snow has the lowest density early winter, by the end of winter it becomes larger. The highest density is during snow melting, like Yuri Rytkheu.

The denser the snow, the worse it protects plants. As a rule, the snow is denser on the southern slopes than on the northern ones. In the south, the sun heats up more, and the wind also blows stronger.

Therefore, by mid-winter and by spring, if the garden is located on a southern slope, it is necessary to throw snow under the trees, without exposing the surrounding area. This way you can save trees from frost. In that benefits of snow.

As many snowstorms sweep over the garden, so many layers of snow will be formed. But every snowstorm carries snow of certain qualities, because the layers of snow have different properties. Layers can alternate: then layer loose snow, then the layer is dense. If the lower layers are loose, and the upper ones are compacted from thaws, with an ice crust, then under the weight of the upper snow the lower layers can sag. And they can do this noisily and quickly. Here snow damage obvious because it can break trees.

Even in different parts Garden snow density is different. Behind the walls of barns on the leeward side, behind fence shields, and in plantings of fruit bushes, the snow density is higher. In the depths of the garden it may be small. Berry growers are characterized by dense snow between the rows.

How to determine the density of snow?

If a gardener without skis does not fall through while walking in the snow, then its density is approximately 0.35. There may not be any traces left here. If the foot falls through, then the density of the snow is from 0.25 to 0.30. Such snow provides poor protection from frost. Because folk sign and says that winter is coming to an end, and the frost is leaving the ground.

If the height of the snow is fifty centimeters, and the density is up to 0.2, then such snow will very well save the plantings.

The conclusion from this is: we came to the garden and went ahead to plow through the snow and determine its density. If it is high, then you will have to do weightlifting, throw snow over berry fields and under trees.

There is a pattern: the denser the snow, the more heat the soil loses, the more it cools, the stronger and deeper it freezes. There are almost no air bubbles in dense snow, so dense snow cannot conserve heat.

So we figured out which snow is beneficial and which snow is harmful.

Thermal conductivity of snow.

Loose snow has little thermal conductivity; we can say that it is a heat insulator. Under such snow the soil will freeze less. This means that garden and vegetable plants will be less damaged.

By changing the height of the snow cover and its density, you can retain heat and reduce the depth of soil freezing. That is, create a good thermal regime for plants.

But here, too, there was some harm from the snow. Dense snow tends to melt poorly. Everyone knows this: in the spring, the trodden paths and paths thaw the last. All the snow around them has already melted, but they still rise in hummocks.

Such snow reduces the number of days the plants grow, which is not good for them.

The snow itself is alive, and other processes take place in it, regardless of temperature, winds, subsidence of layers. Personal snow ones. These processes are complex and change the characteristics of the snow. Because of them, the lower layers of snow are always less dense.

Snow is not only heterogeneous, it conducts heat from the ground to the surface of the snow differently.

In the thickness of the snow, heat exchange occurs with environment. How?

The surface of snow can reflect up to 80% of all falling solar radiation. This is approximately 3 times the capacity of the soil. Snow covered with dust or dirt can reflect no more than 30% sun rays. It melts faster and earlier. Such snow absorbs more heat.

There is a pattern here: the worse the snow absorbs heat, the more it releases it. Therefore, the temperature on the surface of the snow is always lower than in the air above the snow. If there is no snow on the ground, then the soil gives off heat to the surrounding air from the depths. And snow is a layer that interferes with this return.

The sun's rays can penetrate the snow to a depth of 70 centimeters. We often see that around trunks and branches a space is formed in which there is no snow. Therefore, bent raspberry stems in the spring are freed from snow before it leaves the rows. This also shows benefits of snow And snow damage.

The benefit is that the soil warms up near the plants earlier. She thaws on greater depth and thus has the opportunity to absorb more snow melt water. Prepares plants for growing season.

The harm is that without snow when returning severe frosts plants may freeze.

Other harmful and beneficial features of snow.

Snow has one more parameter - hardness. Snow becomes as hard as rock salt at -15 degrees. This kind of snow has the deadly ability to break plants.

Moisture capacity. If the snow has turned into large grains, then it can only hold 20% of its weight in water. If the snow grains are small, then the moisture capacity will be 45%. If after snowstorms the snow does not change its structure, then water does not come out of it. Therefore, this snow harms plants.

Any snow can pass air well. This is its benefit for plants; it does not interfere with their breathing.

So let’s draw the main conclusion: in winter, your garden plot you need to visit after every snowstorm or blizzard, observe the snow, understand its qualities and try to change them to help your plants.

Often gardeners, finishing the season, say goodbye to their garden: “Well, stay in the garden, until.” This is a very wrong approach.