The deep water is the lower level of the ocean, located at a distance of more than 1,800 meters from the surface. Due to the fact that only a small toliary of light comes to this level, and sometimes the light does not reach, historically it was believed that there is no life in this layer. But on the very fact it turned out that this level is simply sisit of different forms of life. It turned out that with each new immersion on this depth, scientists miraculously find interesting, strange and inquiry creatures. Below are ten most unusual of them:

10. Multi-art worm (Polychate Worm)
This worm was caught this year at the ocean day at a depth of 1200 meters near the northern coast of New Zealand. Yes, he can be pink, and yes, he can reflect the light in the form of a rainbow - but despite this multi-minded worm can be a fierce predator. "Tentacles" on his head These are organs of feelings designed to detect production. This worm can twist his throat in order to grab a smallest creature - like someone else's. Fortunately, this kind of worms rarely grows more than 10 cm. They also rarely come across on our way, but often occur near hydrothermal sources at the bottom of the ocean.

9. Squat Lobster (Squat Lobster)

These unique lobsters, looking quite frightening and resembling hedkers from the Half-Life game, were discovered at the same dive, in which they found a multi-minded worm, but at greater depth, about 1400 meters from the surface. Despite the fact that squat lobsters have already been known for science, this species has never met before. Squatomous lobsters live at a depth of 5000 meters, and are distinguished by large front-length clamshes and compressed bodies. They can be dedprofagi, predators or herbivores feeding algae. It is not so much about the individuals of this species, in addition, representatives of this species found only about deep-water corals.

8. Carnivorous coral or coral "Sponge-harp" (Carnivorous Coral)

Most corals receive nutrients from photosynthetic algae, which live in their fabrics. It also means that they must live within 60 meters from the surface. But not this species, also known under the name of Sponge-harp. It was discovered in 2000 meters from the coast of California, but only this year scientists confirmed that he was carnivated. It is stretched on the bottom of the candelabre similar to the bottom to increase in size. It catches small crustaceans with tiny hooks similar to velcro and then pulls me a membrane on them, slowly digesting them with chemicals. In addition to all your oddities, it is also multiplied by a special - "sperm bags" - see these balls at the end of each process? Yes, these are spermatophores, and from time to time they float to find another sponge and multiply.

7. Fish of a family of cinoglos or fish-tongue (Tonguefish)

This handsome man is one of the types of language fish, which are usually found in shallow estuary or tropical oceans. This specimen lives in deep waters, and was caught from the bottom at the beginning of this year in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Interestingly, some languages \u200b\u200bhave been noticed near the hydrothermal eruption of the spelling sulfur, but scientists have not yet figured out the mechanism that allows this kind to survive in such conditions. Like all bottom fish languages, both of his eyes are located on one side of the head. But unlike other representatives of this family, his eyes look like eye-stickers or frightened eyes.

6. Shark-house or Shark Goblin (Goblin Shark)

Akula Goblin is a truly strange creature. In 1985, it was found in the waters of the Eastern Coast of Australia. In 2003, more than a hundred individuals were caught in the north-east of Taiwan (reports after the earthquake). However, in addition to sporadic observations of this kind, little about this unique shark is known. This is a deep-water, slowly moving appearance, whose representatives can grow to 3.8 meters long (or even more - 3.8 This is the largest of those that came across the eyes of a person). Like other sharks, Akula Goblin can feel animals with its electric sensitive bodies, and has several rows of teeth. But unlike other sharks, Goblin's shark has both teeth adapted for fishing and teeth, adapted to split crustacean shells.

If you are interested to see how she catches prey with this mouth, here is a video. Imagine that almost 4 meter shark shall be worn at you with such jaws. Thank God, they (usually) live so deeply!

5. Soft Whale Fish (Flabby Whalefish)

This brightly colored individual (why is it necessary a bright color when the colors are useless if you live there, where the light can not penetrate) is a member of the unsuccessful type of "soft-walled Chinese fish". This copy caught the Eastern Coast of New Zealand, at a depth of more than 2 kilometers. At the bottom of the ocean, in the bottom waters, they did not expect to find a lot of fish - and in fact it turned out that there are no many neighbors in a soft wagon-like fish. This family of fish lives at a depth of 3,500 meters, they have small eyes that are generally absolutely useless, given their habitat, but they have a phenomenally developed side line that helps them feel the vibration of water.

This species has no edge, there is probably why this species looks like "soft".

4. Griempotevtis (Dumbo Octopus)

The first mention of GrimMotevtis appeared in 1999, and then, in 2009, he was filmed on video. These cute animals (for octopus, in any case) can live at a depth of about 7,000 meters below the surface, which makes their kind of deep-living among the species of the famous science. This animal genus, named because of the flap on both sides of the bell-shaped head of his representatives and never seeing sunlight, can with more than 37 species. GrimMotevtis can soar over the bottom with a reactive movement based on a siphon type adaptation. At the bottom of GrimMotevtis, it feeds on snails, mollusks, crustaceans and races that live there.

3. Hell Vampire (Vampire Squid)

Hell Vampire (VampyrTeuthis Infernalis The name is literally translated as: a vampire from hell) is rather beautiful than terrible. Although this kind of squid does not live at the same depth as a squid, which occupies the first place in this list, he still dwells quite deeply, or rather, at a depth of 600-900 meters, which is much deeper than the habitat of ordinary squid. In the upper layers of its habitat there is some amount of sunlight, so he developed the biggest eyes (in proportion to the body, of course) than all other animals in the world, in order to capture as much light as possible. But what is the most amazing in this animal is his protection mechanisms. In the dark depths where he lives, he produces bioluminescent "ink", which blind and confuse other animals, while he floats. It works amazingly well when the water is not covered. As a rule, he can radiate a bluish light, which, if you look at the bottom, helps him disguise, but if it is noticed, it turns out and coats in his black-colored mantle ... and disappears.

2. Black East Pacific Chimera (Eastern Pacific Black Ghost Shark)

Found at the great depths off the coast of California in 2009, this mysterious shark belongs to the group of animals known as chimeras, which can be the most ancient group of fish for those who lived to today. Some believe that these animals distinguished from the kind of shark about 400 million years ago survived only due to the fact that they live at such large depths. This specific type of shark uses its fins, in order to "fly" in the thickness of the water, and the males have pointed bit like a bit, a retractable sexual organ that protrudes from his forehead. Most likely it is used to stimulate the female or attract it closer, but very little is known about this form, so its exact purpose is unknown.

1. COLOSSAL Squid (Colossal Squid)

The colossal squid really deserves its name, possessing a length of 12-14 meters, which is comparable to the bus length. He was "open" for the first time in 1925 - but only his tentacles were found in the abdomen of Cachelot. The first whole instance was found at the surface in 2003. In 2007, the largest known sample, the length of which is 10 meters, was caught in the Antarctic waters of the Ross Sea, and is currently being exhibited at the National Museum of New Zealand. Kalmar is believed to be a predator, slowly attacked an ambush, eating large fish and other squid attracted by its bioluminescence. The most terrible fact known about this form is that the shrama that were left behind the crochets were discovered on the couch, which were abandoned by hooks.

+ Bonus
Cascade Creature (CASCADE CREATURE)

A strange new type of deep-sea jellyfish? Or maybe a floating placenta of China or a piece of garbage? Before this year, no one knew the answer to this question. Hot discussions of this creature began after this video was laid out on Youtube - but, marine biologists identified this creature as a kind of jellyfish, known as Deepstaria Enigmatica.

Sea and oceans occupy more than half of our planet area, but they are still covered by mysters for humanity. We strive to conquer the cosmos and we are looking for extraterrestrial civilizations, but at the same time, only 5% of the oceans are investigated by people. But this data is enough to be terrified, what creatures dwell deep under water, where the sunlight does not penetrate.

The family of equuloiodic is 6 species of deep-sea fish, but the most common of them is a haulioda ordinary. These fish live in almost all waters of the world's ocean, the exception is only the cold water of the northern seas and the Arctic Ocean.

Hatlios received its name from the Greek words "Chaulios" - open mouth, and "odous" - tooth. Indeed, these relatively small fish (about 30 cm. In length) teeth can grow up to 5 centimeters, because of which their mouth never closes, creating a terrible grind. Sometimes these fish are called marine viper.

Hawliodes live at a depth of 100 to 4000 meters. At night, they prefer to rise closer to the surface of the water, and during the day they fall into the most abyss of the ocean. Thus, during the day, fish make huge migrations of several kilometers. With the help of special photophors located on the body of Hauliode, they can communicate in the dark with each other.

On the dorsal fins, Gaduki fish is located one big photofoot, which she loves her prey straight to the mouth. After that, a sharp bite of sharp, like a needle teeth, hauliodes paralyzing prey, without leaving her no chance for salvation. In the diet, the food mainly includes small fish and crustaceans. By unreliable data, some individuals of khauliodov can live up to 30 years and more.

Long-legged sabersub is another frightening deep-sea predatory fish inhabiting in all four oceans. Although the sabersub looks like a monster, it grows up to very modest sizes (about 15 centimeters in Dina). The head of fish with a large mouth occupies almost half the length of the body.

Long-legged sabersub received its name due to long and sharp lower fangs, which are the largest to the length of the body among all known fish science. The terrifying appearance of the savage burst into him the unofficial name - "Fish-monster".

The color of adult individuals can vary from dark brown to black. Young representatives look completely different. They have light gray color and long spikes on the head. Sabelub is one of the most deep-water fish in the world, in rare cases they are lowered to a depth of 5 kilometer and more. The pressure at these depths is huge, and the water temperature is zero. Food here is catastrophically a little, so these predators are hunting for the first, which will fall on their way.

The dimensions of the deep-sea dragon fish absolutely do not stick with his ferocity. These predators, which reach no more than 15 centimeters, can eat extraction in two, and even three times higher than it in size. The Dragon Fish lives in the tropical areas of the World Ocean at a depth of 2000 meters. Fish has a large head and mouth, equipped with a variety of sharp teeth. As well as in Hauliode, the fish-dragon has its own embarrassment, which is a long mustache with a photo clip at the end, located on the chin of fish. The principle of hunting is the same as all deep-water individuals. With the help of the photoFor, the predator lures the victim to the sweep distance as much as possible, and after which a deadly bite is drawn by a sharp movement.

A deep-water fishfish right is the most ugly fish from now existing ones. In total there are about 200 species of risers, some of which can grow up to 1.5 meters and weight of 30 kilograms. Because of a terrible appearance and a bad character, this fish was called an army. Inhabited deep-sea rims everywhere at a depth of 500 to 3000 meters. Fish has a dark brown color, a large flat head with a lot of spikes. The huge mouth of the trait, littered with sharp and long teeth, curved inward.

Deep-sea rims have a pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females are tens of times larger than males and are predators. Female individuals have a rod with a fluorescent process at the end for fish bait. Most of the time, the beautiful workers spend on the seabed, burning in the sand and silt. At the expense of a huge mouth, this fish can wholely swallow production exceeding it in size 2 times. That is, hypothetically, a large part of the famous man can eat a man; Fortunately there were no such cases in the story.

Probably, the most strange inhabitant of sea depths can be called a hopor or as it is also called - Bolsherly Pelicanovoid. At the expense of its abnormally huge mouth with a bag and a tiny skull in relation to the length of the body, the embarrot is more like some alien creature. Some individuals can reach two meters in length.

In fact, the interconnect-shaped class belongs to the class of ammunition fish, but here are similarities in these monsters with cute fish, inhabitants in warm marine planes are not too much. Scientists believe that the appearance of these creatures has changed many thousands of years ago due to the deep-water lifestyle. There are no marvelous rays, ribs, scales and fins, and the body has an oblong shape with a luminous process on the tail. If not a big mouth, then the embarrass could easily be confused with the eating.

Humurt outstands in depths from 2000 to 5000 meters in the three oceans, except for the Northern Icetic. Since foods at such depths are very small, the embroidee adapted to long interruptions in food intakes that can last more than one month. These fish are powered with crustaceans and other deep-sea counterparts, mainly swallowing their prey entirely.

The elusive giant squid, famous science as architectis Dux, is the largest mollusa in the world and presumably can reach the length of 18 meters and weigh half-bottom. At the moment, the living giant squid has not yet got into the hands of a person. Until 2004, there were no documented cases of meeting with a living giant squid, and the overall view of these mysterious beings was consumed only by the remains thrown onto the shore or hitting the fishing network. Architects are inhabited at a depth of 1 kilometer in all oceans. In addition to gigantic sizes, these creatures have the largest, among living beings, eyes (up to 30 centimeters in diameter).

So in 1887, the largest instance of 17.4 meters long in history was thrown onto the new Zealand coast. In subsequent century, only two major dead representatives of the giant squid - 9.2 and 8.6 meters were found. In 2006, the Japanese scientist Tsunemi Codera still managed to capture a living female of 7 meters long in a natural habitat at a depth of 600 meters. Kalmar was embossed on the surface with a small squid bait, but an attempt to deliver a living person on board the vessel was not crowned with success - Kalmar died of many injuries.

Giant squids are dangerous predators, and the only natural enemy for them are adults of Cashalotov. There are at least two of the described case of squid and coushlot. In the first coushlot won, but soon he died, suffocating the giant mollusk tentacles. The second scramble occurred off the coast of South Africa, then the giant squid fought with a couslot, and after two and a half hours still killed China.

Giant isopod, famous science, like Bathynomus Giganteus, is the largest type of crustacean. The average size of deep-sea isopod varies within 30 centimeters, but the largest recorded copy weighed 2 kilograms and set up 75 centimeters. In appearance, gigantic isopods are similar to the wet, and like the giant squid is a consequence of deep-water giantism. These crayfish in a depth of 200 to 2500 meters in a depth, preferring to break into IL.

The body of these terrible creatures is covered with rigid plates that act as a shell. In case of danger, cancers can twist in the ball and become unacceptable for predators. By the way, the isopods are also predators and can enjoy a few small deep-sea fish and marine cucumbers. Powerful jaws and durable armor make an isopoda dangerous opponent. Although the giant crayfish and love to enjoy living food, they often have to make the remains of the mining shark, which fall from the upper layers of the ocean.

Lathemeria or Celacanant is a large deepwater fish, the discovery of which in 1938 became one of the most important zoological finds of the 20th century. Despite its unattractive appearance, this fish is notable for the fact that for 400 million years it does not change its appearance and body structure. In fact, this unique relict fish is one of the oldest living creatures on the planet Earth, which existed long before the appearance of dinosaurs.

Lathelia dwells at a depth of 700 meters in the waters of the Indian Ocean. The length of the fish can reach 1.8 meters when weighing more than 100 kilograms, and the body has a beautiful blue shade. Since Latimaria is very slow, it prefers to hunt at great depths, where there is no competition with faster predators. These fish can float back forever or belly up. Despite the fact that the chicant meat is inconsiderable, it is often the object of poaching among the locals. Currently, an ancient fish is under threat of disappearance.

The deep-sea shark-house, or as it is also called Akula Goblin, is the most poorly studied shark today. This species in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean at a depth of 1300 meters. The largest instance had a length of 3.8 meters and weighed about 200 kilograms.

His name Shark-Goblin received due to its agricultural appearance. Mitzcecin has mobile jaws, which, when bite, are extended out. For the first time, the shark-houses accidentally caught fishermen in 1898, and since then another 40 copies of this fish were caught.

Another relict representative of the marine abyss is one of its kind chunks of mollusk-childithofag, which has an external similarity, both with a squid and octopus. He received his unusual name to the hellish vampire thanks to the red body and eyes, which, however, depending on the lighting can be blue. Despite its terrifying appearance, these strange creatures grow up to 30 centimeters and, unlike the rest of the charts, they eat exclusively plankton.

The body of the hellish vampire is covered with glowing photographers, which create bright flashes of light, scaring enemies. In case of exceptional danger, these small mollusks turn their tentacles along the body, becoming like a bowl with spikes. Hellic vampires live at depths of up to 900 meters, and can perfectly exist in water with critical oxygen-critical animals in 3% and lower.

This article is a selection of the most unusual inhabitants of the World Ocean. Of course, these amazing representatives of the underwater world are unlikely to catch on fishing. Even if you have special fishing tackles purchased on the site. In addition to the products for fishing, here you can read a lot of interesting articles about fishing and learn useful tips that come to every fisherman.

Sprison Ambona

Opened in 1856. Easily identifiable on huge "eyebrows" - specific thighs over their eyes. Can be changed color and lift. Leads "partisan" hunt - disguised on the bottom and waiting for the victim. It is not rare and quite well studied, but its extravagant appearance is simply impossible not to note!

Psychedelic frog

Opened in 2009. Very unusual fish - the tail fin is bent to the side, breast fins are modified and looked like paws of ground animals. The head is large, widely spaced eyes are directed forward, like the vertebrate animals, thanks to which the fish has a peculiar "facial expression". Color fish yellow or reddish with winding white-blue stripes, diverting in different sides of the eye of blue. Unlike other fish that float, this species moves like jumping, pushing out from the bottom of the breast fins and pushing the water from the gill gaps, creating a reactive traction. The tail of the fish bent to the side and cannot directly direct the movement of the body, because it ranges from side to side. Also, the fish can crawl along the bottom with the help of breast fins, going through as legs.


Opened in 1865. Representatives of this species of fish are notable for the fact that all their body and head are covered with overgrown with algae layers. Although these processes are similar to the fins, they do not participate in swimming, they serve to disguise (both when hunting shrimps and to protect against enemies). It dwells in the waters of the Indian Ocean, wash the southern, southeast and south-western Australia, as well as the Northern and Eastern Tasmania. Feels in plankton, fine shrimps, algae. Without teeth, a rag swallows the food entirely.


Opened in 1758. Compressed with sides the body is extremely high and briefly, which gives a fish extremely strange look: it resembles a disk form. The tail is very short, wide and truncated; The dorsal, tail and rear-rose fins are interconnected. The skin of the fish-moon is thick and elastic, covered with small bony tubercles. You can often see the moon-fish lying on the side on the water surface. Adult moon-fish is a very bad swimmer, unable to overcome a strong course. It is powered by Plankton, as well as squid, barbells, slips, swords and jellyfish. It can achieve giant sizes of several tens of meters and weigh 1.5 tons.

Broad chimera

Opened in 1909. Absolutely disgustable in the form of a jelly-like fish. It dwells on the deep bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and feeds on mollusks. It has been studied extremely weak.


Opened in 1884. These sharks seek significantly more resemble a strange sea snake or eels than their closest births. At the sideware shark, gill holes, which are six on each side, covered with skin folds. At the same time, the refill of the first gill cracks crosses the throat of fish and combined with each other, forming a wide skin blade. Along with Aclaut-houses is one of the rarest sharks on the planet. No more than a hundred copies of these fish are known. They are studied extremely bad.

Lathemeria Indonesian

Opened in 1999. Live fossil and probably the oldest fish on earth. Before the opening of the first representative of the division of trucks, to which the Latimaria belongs, he was considered completely extinct. The time of the divergence of two modern types of Latimeri is 30-40 million years. Live form is caught no more than a dozen.

Hairy seas

Opened in 1930. Very strange and terrible fish living in a deep day where there is no sunlight - from 1 km and deeper. For bait of the inhabitants of sea depths, uses a special glowing outflow on the forehead, characteristic of the whole detachment of rude. Thanks to the special metabolism and extremely sharp teeth, he may have everything that comes, even if the victim is at times more and is also a predator. It propagates no less strange than it looks like and feeds - in view of the extraordinarily harsh conditions and rare fish, the male (ten times smaller for the female) is attached to the flesh of his chosen and transmits everything necessary through blood.


Opened in 1926. Often erroneously taken for a joke. In fact, this is a completely real kind of deep-water bottom sea fish of the family of psychroballs, which on the surface acquire a "jelly" view with a "sad expression". It was studied bad, but this is enough to recognize it one of the most bizarre. In the photo - an instance of the Australian Museum.

Malutaya Macroinna

Opened in 1939. It dwells on a very big depth, so weakly studied. In particular, the principle of fish of fish was not quite understandable. It was believed that she should experience very big difficulties in view of what she sees only up. Only in 2009, the structure of the eye of this fish was fully studied. Apparently, when trying to study her earlier, the fish simply did not tolerate the change in pressure. The most remarkable feature of this species is a transparent mud-shaped shell, which covers her head from above and on sides, and large, usually directed up, the eyes of the cylindrical shape that are under this shell. The dense and elastic covering shell is attached to the scales of the back of the back, and on the sides - to the wide and transparent pass-eyed bones, which provide protection of organs of vision. This covering structure is usually lost (or at least very badly damaged) when lifting fish to the surface in trawls and networks, so until recently it has been known about its existence. Under the covering shell is filled with a transparent liquid, the camera in which, in fact, are the eyes of the fish; The eyes of living fish are painted in a bright green color and separated by a thin bone partition, which, extending back, expands and accommodates the brain. Ahead of each eye, but behind the mouth, there is a large rounded pocket, which contains an olfactory receptor socket. That is, the fact that at first glance in photographs of live fish seems to be eyes, in fact it is an olfactory body. Green is caused by the presence of a specific yellow pigment in them. It is believed that this pigment provides special filtering of light coming from above, and reduces its brightness, which allows the fish to distinguish the bioluminescence of potential production.

Underwater world is full of inhabitants. Everyone who came across underwater immersion, forever retained in his memory an unforgettable impression on the beauty and diversity of flora and the fauna of the sea or ocean bottom.


Along with a variety of fishes, unusual algae on the seabed there are creatures so unusual, which cannot be determined to some category of them.

Some of these creatures are sponges. They do not have any internal organs nor senses. At first glance, it is impossible to say that this is an animal.

And, nevertheless, this is so. Sponges are suitable primitive, adapted to life solely at the bottom of the seas, and the depth for a comfortable existence of sponges does not play any role. The territory of their distribution is very large, and the number of varieties is huge. Some of them survive even on the North Pole!

Looks like sponges in different ways. There are an individuals of a spherical shape, elongated, and even in the form of an ellipse. Colors also vary: from pale and bright to bright, saturated.

Sponges - multicellular animals that survive in any conditions.

On the touch, the sponge seems very fragile, since all her torso is porous. With the help of these pores, the sponge breathes and feeds. Water passes through the pores, leaving a small marine plankton in the body of the sponge.

The viability of sponges is also surprising. They have a great ability to regenerate: how many small parts do not divide the sponge, it will certainly be able to recover. Live sponges from several months to fifty years.


A more accurate name of such well-known organisms like corals - "coral polyps". What we used to consider coral is actually a skeleton of a coral polyp. The coral polyp is very small in size, its shape is not so picturesque, like the shape of his skeleton, but rather resembles the grains of rice. The coral polyp has no spine, but there is a tentacle.

After the death of the polyp, his skeleton (otherwise it is called "coralitis"), connecting with others, creates a coral reef. New polyps are developing right on the skeletons of old, significantly changing the relief of the seabed.

Coral reefs are unusually beautiful and very attracting scuba diving lovers. Corals are different. Coral reefs consist mainly of stony corals. There are also soft corals and horny corals (scientific name "Gorgonaria"). All corals combines love for tropical climates and high water temperature. For example, the Black Sea for these creatures is not warm enough.

To date, we know at least five hundred of coral varieties. Almost all of them prefer to dwell on a small depth.

Coral polyp without its durable lime skeleton is very fragile. They live on the bottom or resemble the shape of a bush or tree. Coloring them are diverse and very intricate. Coral is able to grow to significant sizes - from one and a half to two meters. Corals - inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Freshwater for them is harmful.

For normal vital activity, corals need sunlight. These organisms breathe with tiny algae living directly in the body tissues of the polypa.

Food corals use plankton. He sticks to their tentacles, who then send food to her mouth. Roth is located under the tentacles.

Some other times due to tectonic processes, the ocean bottom ceases to be hidden by water. In this case, the coral reef falling to the top becomes the basis for the new island.

Over time, it appears its flora and fauna, and after people are sitting on this island. So there were some inhabited Ocean Islands.

Starfish, hedgehogs, lilies

There are no similar creatures such as marine stars, marine hedgehogs and maritime lilies refer to the detachment of Ichalkin. They live exclusively in salt water, because their habitat is the marine and ocean bottom.

Sea stars can reach a significant size - to the whole meter in the diameter. Along with such major copies, there are completely tiny - up to a few millimeters.

The starfish can be up to fifty "rays" - the processes on which eyes are located. These eyes are able to distinguish light. Sea stars are usually brightly painted, and their color scheme is quite extensive. We can say that they are all the colors of the rainbow!

Despite the seeming slowness and lack of teeth, starfish - excellent predators. First, they are almost omnivorous, in the literal sense they can eat everything that cannot eat them themselves.

Secondly, the case in a special device of the stomach of a starfish, able to digest food even outside the body of his master. That is, the starfish is optionally to penetrate the mollusc shell to enjoy its contents. It is enough to put your stomach there and start the digestive process. And in the execution of this process, the possibility is almost not limited. She is able to cope even with live fish.

No less voracious sea hedgehogs differ. To eat, they use almost all the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom: plants and animals, fish and mollusks, living and dead, and even each other. Their powerful jaw allows the hedgehogs even to break the stones.

These are animals indistinguishable from real colors. The similarity is exacerbated by the fact that, like plants, they are stationary. The difference is only that stems from marine lilies, as opposed to the present, no.

Sea hedgehog is the inhabitant of the seas and oceans.


Jellyfish are remarkable in that almost 100% of their mass is water.

The process of the appearance of jellyfish is not less bizarre than the appearance of this unusual being. From eggs that put adult jellyfish, larvae are out, which are later transformed into a polyp, on a form similar to a bush. From him, crumbling newborn jellyfish, which will have to grow in an adult person.

A variety of jellyfish is striking. Among them are also crumbs with a diameter of several millimeters, and the real giants are more than two meters in the diameter. Tentacles in such gigids are also gigantic: almost thirty meters. The habitat of the jellyfish is the whole stratum of sea water, they equally feel well on the surface of the water, and the bottom of the sea.

Summary is adorable, but some of them can be deadly. The fact is that the jellyfish leads the way of life of a predator, and its tentacles are not only a decoration and means of movement, but also weapons for hunting. They are hidden a kind of thread having spikes and containing paralyzing liquid. The slightest touch towards the devilish excellent jellyfish for a small maritime body can turn into death for a larger being - a serious burn.

The teas of jellyfish can cause serious burns on the human body, and the poison of some species is deadly.

Not always the most dangerous jellyfish look especially large or bright. For example, an inconspicuous jellyfish called the "cross" (due to the pattern in the shape of a cross on its "umbrella") the size of a coin in the dignity of five kopecks is incredible for a person. Touching it threatens to get a strong burn. But this is not the worst thing. Following the burn, man begins to choke. And since meetings with this jellyfish, of course occur in the water, the outcome of such a date is most often disappointing.

What else distinguishes jellyfish from other inhabitants of the underwater kingdom of this kind, so this is the speed of movement. Their "umbrella" is very moving, and its form allows you to move from place to place pretty quickly.

Underwater inhabitants changeable, like the sea itself. Most recently, a huge sizes have appeared in the Japanese Sea. Her weight was one and a half hundred kilograms. The most important thing was not a single case. Supports of this jellyfish also began to actively grow. Perhaps such a rapid growth is caused by the warming of the ocean.

In addition to those amazing and none of any similar creations of nature, as the above creatures, in the seas and oceans live well-known and familiar mammals. Not for all of them, water serves as a permanent house, such as for dolphins. Many use it as a source of food and a place to hunt. Naturally, all the mammals associated with water are wonderful swimmers.

It is interesting to note that water is able to withstand any weight, and therefore many marine mammals are much larger than their terrestrial fellow.
From those mammals that live in water constantly, the following groups can be distinguished: Catto-shaped, laston-related, sirens and kalans. Catto-shaped people are actually whales, as well as dolphins. Listonodi includes walruses and all kinds of seals. Sirell is owned by such similar on the mythical Siren or Dugony Mermaids. It should be noted that the cetacean and sirens do not go to the land, but the laston-trees and Kalans rest and multiply on the shore, but eat and hunt in the sea.

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Our land is 70% consists of water and most of these immense aquatic (and including underwater) expanses everything remains weakly studied. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the most amazing and strange representatives of the animal world live in marine patches. Today our article will talk about the most incredible deep-water fish of the Mariana depression and other ocean depths. Many of these fish were open to the human eye relatively recently, and many of them hit us, people, their incredible and even fantastic appearance, features of the structure, haggles and lifestyles.

Bratgigas - the deepestive fish in the world

So, Meet, scorerigas - fish, which is an absolute record holder for deep-pointed habitats. For the first time, Karhigas was caught at the bottom of the gutter not far from Puerto Rico at a depth of 8 km (!) From the side of the research ship "John Eliot".


As you can see, in appearance, our deep-water recordsman differs little from ordinary fish, although in fact, despite the relatively typical appearance of his habits and lifestyle are still a little studied by scientists with zoologists, because to conduct a study at such a great depth of a very difficult task.


But already our next hero is difficult to reproach in the "commonplace", get acquainted - a drop fish, which has the most strange and fantastic appearance in our view.

Like a new cosmos, isn't it? Fish a drop of a drop on a deep-sea ocean day near Australia and Tasmania. The size of an adult representative of the species is not more than 30 cm. In front of it, it has a process that resembles our nose, and on the sides, respectively, there are two eyes. A drop fish does not have a developed musculature and in a lifestyle, something reminds - slowly swims with an open mouth, waiting that production, and this is usually small invertebrates, it will be nearby. After that, the fish drop swallows prey. She herself is inedible and besides, it is on the verge of extinction.

And here and our next hero is a marine bat, which in its appearance on the fish is not even looked like.

But, nevertheless, he is still fish, although I can't swim. On the seabed, the bat moves, pushing out its fins, so similar to his feet. It dwells the bat in the warm deep-water waters of the World Ocean. The largest representatives of the species reach 50 cm long. The bats are predators and feed on various shallow fish, but since they do not know how to swim, then their prey is embarrassed by a special bulb growing right out of the head. This bulb has a specific smell that attracts fish, as well as worms and crustaceans (they also go into food to our hero), the same sits patiently in ambush and as soon as potential mining is nearby enough.

Fish-fish - deepwater fish with flashlight

Deep-sea fish-in-law, living, including in the depths of the famous Mariana depression, especially noteworthy with its appearance, due to the presence of a real fishing rod on the head (hence its name).

The fishing rod at the rod is not only for beauty, but also serves as practical purposes, with its help, our hero also makes prey - various small fish, although, because of its not a small appetite and the presence of sharp teeth, a fliper is not bent to attack and on larger representatives of the fish kingdom. Interesting fact: the rosses often become a victim of their special voraciousness, since grabbing large fish due to the characteristics of the structure of the teeth, it can no longer release production, as a result of what is given and dies.

But back to his amazing biological lantern, why does he shine? In fact, the light provides special glowing bacteria living with a rude symbiosis.

In addition to its main name, the deep-sea fish-infirograder has others: "Sea Devil", "Sea Damn", because in its appearance, and the sobs, it can be safely attributed to deep-water fish monsters.

BocHardeance perhaps the most unusual structure among deep-sea fish: a transparent head, through which he can see his tubular eyes.

Although the fish was first discovered by scientists back in 1939, it still remains weakly studied. It dwells in the Bering Sea, near the western coast of the United States and Canada, as well as around the shores of Northern Japan.

Giant Amebe

American oceanologists 6 years ago live creatures at a record depth of 10 km were found. - Giant Ameba. True, they no longer belong to the fish, so among the fish, the championship is occupied by Bratggas, but it is these gigantic amids that are absolute recordsmen among living beings living at the greatest depth - the bottom of the Mariana depression, the very deep of famous on Earth. These of these were found with the help of a special deepwater chamber and to this day the study of their lives continues.

Deepwater fish video

And in addition to our article, we suggest you to see a curious video about 10 incredible creatures of the Mariana depression.