Each person has some "visions" when sleeping. Most often, we have events from the first person. We see some items, situations. Sometimes even very realistic. Very often, dreams are immediately forgotten.

Want to get an interesting experience and learn how to manage sleep? We offer a 100% methodology for managing your dreams.

An informed dream is a special state of the consciousness of a person who has nothing to do with the usual sleep. In conscious dream, events are clear and bright. The surrounding space seems real. Waking up, a man will remember all the details of sleep for a long time.

Scientific research

Two scientists Patricia Garfield and Stephen Laberge are engaged in the study of dream control. In their works, they confirm, the service station is possible, and in some cases it is vital. In cases where the nightmares often dream, the intervention of science and medicine helps to cope with the problem.

Sleep managed phases

Managed, controlled sleep has its own phases:

  1. Immersion in sleep. The initial phase when the autotraining and suggestion is applied.
  2. Finding in a managed dream. This stage passes through the script programmed in the subconscious.
  3. Out of sleep. This is the wake-up phase.

Conscious dreams come to fast sleep phase. The first stage of fast sleep occurs 1.5 hours after falling asleep. During the night, it can come 3-5 times.

Initial preparation

To learn how to manage dreams, you need to prepare the body and mind. This process should teach the correct immersion in a conscious dream.

  1. Learn to the complete relaxation of the whole body, muscles;
  2. Direct mental orders to individual parts of the body and fill them with heat. At the same time, the head should always feel cool;
  3. Learn to feel and direct the severity in the limb;
  4. To hold this condition (the relaxation of the body, the heat of the body and severity in the limb) of the specified time.

Dream immersion stage

In order for the dream to be controlled by your consciousness, you need to have a meditative practice or autotraining before falling asleep.

  1. You must relax and feel your breath. It should be smooth and deep.
  2. Translate your thoughts on the muscles of the body. Start from the lower extremities and to the top of feeling each part of the body.
  3. Do not turn off consciousness. Pofantize. Imagine yourself in the boat swinging on the waves or in another pleasant place. At the same time you are mentally moving, and the body remains alone.

Initially, you will find it difficult to master this practice. After all, consciousness was not freed from the emotions and events of the past day. Practice exercises and you will learn to release the mind to go to a conscious dream.

Control of the plot of sleep

To learn how to manage the plot in a dream and change the "scenery" you need to apply the technique of rotation. It looks like a magical manipulation in a dream. Before bedtime, you need to give yourself the installation that you can transform items, furnishings and living beings - you just need to turn around your axis.

When you need to change the plot in a dream, the subconscious will give a signal and you can rotate around your axis to choose new plots.

Challenge the desired images

In a controlled dream, you can meet any person who ask. It can be your acquaintances, celebrities and dead relatives.

Immediately after meditation, imagine their image. Let us subconsciously not only images, but also the questions you want to hear the answer.

In a dream, you can see your future. To do this, direct your thoughts on creating an image of the future.

A conscious dream will be a continuation of the reality that is concentrated in your mind. To change the scenery, you need to apply the following methods:

  • Imagine a door behind which there is something secret and not familiar;
  • Maybe instead of Deri, you will be easier to present a magic portal, passing through which, you will find in the place of another reality or the other world;
  • Think about moving from your world to unusual spaces that you even hard to imagine.

How to repeat Son.

Sometimes sleep is so extraordinary, which I really want to go back again. And it is possible! Spend autotraining before immersion in sleep, and then remember the events and characters of that extraordinary sleep, where you want to return again.

Remember all the main and key points before falling asleep. Of course it may not work from the first time. Do not lose hope. If you constantly repeat the practice of immersing to sleep, then you will achieve skill and learn to return to your dreams.

Pros and cons of the management of their dreams

To open the veil of secrets, learning to control the dreams you get a number of advantages:

  • Bright emotions and unforgettable worlds whose Creator will become;
  • Mastering meditation and autotreating practices that can be applied in other areas of their lives;
  • Getting rid of fears and nightmares that come to unconscious dreams;
  • The opportunity to discover clairvoyance and learn to predict the future.

The negative side of the controlled dreams is:

  • Depletion of forces. Conscious dreams require more of your energy;
  • A strong desire to learn how to manage a dream can stumble upon the protective forces of the body and lead to insomnia.


Practice of conscious dreams seems fantastic. She can bring a variety of life into your life. Practice, follow patience and do not rush events. Learn to manage sleep quite real!

And in conclusion, we offer to see the interesting video of Arthur Shardov about his personal experience in the practice of conscious dreams.

The question concerning how to control the dreams is relevant to many people. He really is an interest. Well, first I would like to say a few words about the term. Conscious dreams are a deliberate state of human consciousness, in which he understands that the picture is a dream. But at the same time it can control its content.

Important information

So, before you tell about how to control the dreams, I must say that you cannot immediately master this technique. You need to work for a long time and hard, because the question here lies in the subconscious. At first, awareness varies from barely noticeable understanding of sleep, but then, if everything falls, it will be possible to significantly expand the pictures visible in a dream, and borders. Usually, a conscious dream begins with the fact that in the middle of the night, a person who was in a calm peaceful state, understands suddenly - he sees a dream! It usually happens when a person from the awakening stage immediately goes into the stage of sleep, but no failures in consciousness arise. Well, what's the point? In the fact that people controlling their dreams in this way see more colorful and emotional pictures.


Well, you need to start with small. How to learn to control the dream novice? It should be started to make absolutely simple things. For example, record your visions. And be sure to keep a notebook with records next to your bed, so that after waking up the VMIG to fix what has seen. Some people do it even at night, if they suddenly wake up. Moreover, you need to record both the plot and your emotions, feelings. For what? Due to this, remember to remember both the contents of sleep and its feelings. Some people use a voice recorder for these purposes and write down everything on audio. In addition, before fixing, it is recommended to concentrate on the memories by walking in a fixed state.


People interested in the question of how to control the dreams are worth knowing that nothing will happen without training. That's right, there are special exercises that at first glance seem strange. But they help in this matter. Called one of the most popular "verification of reality". After every couple of hours, a person should ask himself: "Do I sleep?" And prove that there is no. How to do it? There are several ways. The first is to hold the nose, close the mouth and check whether it turns out to be breathing. The second, easier - just look at your legs or hands. If it's a dream, they will be distorted.

What is the essence of this exercise? In that, performing it regularly, it will work out to work out the habit of doing it constantly. Even in a dream. It turns out when a person will make such an exercise during his vision, which has become familiar, he will understand that he is not in reality, seeing that he still turns out to breathe, and the limbs are unusually distorted.

Communication with the outside world

Talking about how to control the dreams and how to learn how to note, it is worth noting the attention of another important nuance. To check the reality, just look at the clock. After that, turn away, and then take a rebound. Text or time in a dream is usually always changing or are different.

Some more advise you to make any sharp movement. In many people in a dream, even quick actions are performed in an incredibly slow speed. Be it run, a sharp punch with a foot or hand, jump. In life, everything is easy, but in a dream - no.


Many people already know something about how to cause controlled sleep, resort to self-compliance technique. And it is right. Each time, before going to bed, you need to repeat the next phrase: "I will realize what I sleep." And this proposal must be pronounced without stopping, that is, until the person turns off. Any other phrase will be suitable, which will help the dream to come to awareness and become more confident. This technique has its name. It is known as mnemonic entry into a conscious dream. It means that a person resorts to the so-called "memory properties" or to a mechanically memorable phrase (in this case). This constantly repeated offer as if it turns on the awareness of night visions, turning everything in this way into an automatic habit. As in the case of the verification of reality, which was said earlier. By the way, some people gladly practice repeat the phrase with this exercise. Everything is simple - it is necessary not only to constantly firm the same offer, but also in parallel to inspect your hands. And all - exclusively before falling asleep.

Attention and concentration

Is it possible to control the dreams? Definitely. But for this you need to be a careful person. It should be denoted for yourself "signs" of their visions and write them in a notebook. Usually these are repetitive events, situations or environment. By remembering it, it will turn out in another vision, the Uzver is something familiar, to realize what a person is not in reality.

Finally, another way, but it is suitable for those people who already have a certain experience in terms of controlled dreams. Our consciousness is so unique and unique that we can ... order a dream! But for this you need to be extremely attentive and concentrated. After a person goes on the bed, that is, it will be prepared for sleep, he needs to start thinking about the plot. That is, in other words, invent the head of sleep, the development of events, draw the situation, characters ... It is worth remembering - because when we communicate with someone for a long time or remember someone, this person is often in a dream And at night! In other words, you need to start worrying. However, it turns out not for everyone and not immediately. There is a certain difficulty. And it consists in combining the incompatible. The dreams must be extremely calm and peaceful. Otherwise, the state of sleep, being excited, will not work - remember at least situations when you drink coffee at 11 clock, and then turn up to three. But at the same time consciousness should empathize the plot, otherwise he will not be able to grow into a dream, remaining thoughts. In general, this technique needs to be practiced.

Another world

Finally, you can go directly to the question of how you can control your dream, namely its development. In all, the person is absolutely in all visions is its main person. This is like a movie taken from the first person. Although sometimes the dreams will appear from the outside, but it does not matter - the main thing, he is there. So, now about controlled sleep. How to make it possible to worry about it and everything that happens in it as if in real life? Go where I want to tell the desired, change the situation? It's complicated. This is obtained in people who managed to master the previous technique (that is, the "construction" of the plot is still in awful condition). Why? After all, along with the plot, developing into a dream, and his owner, a person is poured into this condition. This can be compared with the transition to another world through the magic portal. Many people think that after falling asleep, a concentration is lost. But no. Our consciousness is arranged in such a way that a condition in which a person fell asleep, persists. Therefore, the dreams will continue to be attentive and concentrated.


If a person fails even after many multi-month workouts to achieve at least some result, you do not need to rush to upset. There are special "helpers", which are called light alarm clocks. It must be installed on triggering every hour or two. Light is the best stimulator for awareness of sleep. The person does not wake up completely, but due to a short-term awakening, which instantly goes to the reverse stage of peace, it turns out to be aware of the fact of sleep.

Pros and cons

Well, controlled and conscious dreams are very interesting and unusual. But here there are both its advantages and disadvantages. To the first one can take a bright picture, the feeling of presence in the film, unusual sensations, interest, emotions with feelings, both in reality, and the opportunity to create such a world in a dream, which I would like to see in the real life. What is the cons? Perhaps the main drawback is fatigue. The human body in a state of controlled sleep is not completely resting. After all, the brain works! It generates a picture, follows the plot, participates in the development of events. Due to experiences in a dream, the muscles of a person are strained in reality. Some under the influence of what is happening in their unreal world cry in reality, they may even accidentally hit, etc. As a result, a broken state in the morning. Many, of course, it takes place by the middle of the day, but still specialists do not recommend to get involved in this technique. Well, in general, a good practice that helps learn better than yourself, your own opportunities and your consciousness.


Sleep is considered to be something non-fully control. Incredible events, bizarre fantasies, terrible characters - this is just called the reaction of sleeping on the occurrence. Everyone got used to dreams, where a person acts as a simple viewer, taking what is happening for a clean coin, and then with surprise, finding himself in his own bed. But this is just the result of insufficient awareness and lack of free energy. If desired and some effort, almost everyone can learn to manage their sleep. How to do it? And most importantly - why?

The first question arising in the head of the potential practitioner is how generally awareness is needed in a dream and is it not harmful to physical and mental health. In this sense to worry about what. The ability to control the dreams is completely normal for a person and is often found in young children who, without much difficulty, create their own worlds and are examined with interest. But why is this an adult? You can distinguish several main reasons:

  1. New sensations. Exciting flights in a dream and delicious landscapes in their beauty are worth "pumping skill" awareness.
  2. Self-knowledge. Once in the conditions of permissiveness, sleeping often begins to behave at all as accustomed in life. Murder, rape and other manifestations of aggression in relation to the characters of their sleep enjoy special "popularity". There is something to think about.
  3. Disappearance of fear of death. Sleep is a little death. At least, the Buddhists think so. They argue that human behavior in a dream determines how he will behave, dies. Most people practicing OS quickly get rid of the fear of death, seeing that consciousness can save themselves, even when the body turns off.

You should not be afraid to "get lost" in a conscious dream: the chances of this are the same as in the case of a common sleep - zero. Physically, the body can not be affected by the fact that the sleeper acquired control over a dream (except that it may accidentally ride a bed, but no one is insured and in the "normal mode").

The only significant problem with which practitioners face is excessive passion. People who do not get a real life, sometimes go to the world of dreams. This dependence is comparable to a computer, but it is rather a problem of a weak psyche and dissatisfaction with itself than the real lack of conscious sleep.

Dream control: where to start

Interested in the topic, the future dreams begins to shift all sorts of forums in search of tips, how to quickly learn to manage your sleep. As a result, one way or another, the following activities are planned:

  1. Maintaining the desire to get into the OS. In many ways, the success of the intention is determined by the power of intent: the more the person thinks about the conscious dreams, the higher the chance that he will be in one of them. True, an excessive desire may be even more harmful to sleep than complete disinterest in it. It is necessary to stick to the "Golden Mid": to experience and maintain interest in the topic, but not so much so that every dream, in which it was not possible to realize, caused the attacks of despair and disappointment in their abilities.
  2. Reading special literature. In this case, you can kill two hares at once: learn methods of getting into a conscious dream and maintain "appetite" to it. Books on the topic of dreams are very much, but the most popular Creation of R. Webster, M. Radugi, R. Monroe, T. Bradley and K. Castaneda. At the same time, you can read not only "serious literature", but also various blogs and forums in which Users share their own experience and give practical advice.
  3. Maintaining dream diary. Paper notebook, Word file or Internet blog with a complete description of all dreams - a mandatory attribute of a "Successful Divine". Record your "night adventures" you need daily, without losing any details. It is advisable not to forget to fix your own feelings: what emotions were called sleeping characters, what thought came to mind, it was scary or interesting, etc. If there were any unusual physical experiences before falling asleep or after awakening (dizziness, peppercake pressure or forehead, trembling on the body ...), then this information should also be noted in the diary. It is useful to record the time of waste to sleep and the moment of awakening. In general, the more data will be fixed, the better.
  4. Regular practice. Rarely, who manages to get into the OS from the first time (although such cases are also). Conscious sleep can happen both in a week of active practice, and after a few years. It happens that the first OS appears when a person has already threw this topic as hopeless. In view of the unpredictability of the development of events, in the power of the beginning only to constantly train, without falling in spirit, if the dreams remain ordinary.
  5. Following the diet, rejection of stimulants. It is customary to believe that it is easier to get into the OS, if there are no meat in the diet (such food pollutes consciousness). Also advise not to drink alcohol, drugs and tie with smoking.

To training awareness in a dream, it should be treated as ordinary sports: the result is not immediately visible, but it is. Even in the case of the complete absence of any "symptoms" of the OS, small shifts in the mind are still occurring. Over time, these changes have accumulated enough so that the dream ceases to resemble a film and allowed sleeping to make their own adjustments to the events.

The most important thing for the entrance to the OS is to relax the body as much as possible, without giving up to the mind. It is possible to achieve this using relaxation methods, namely the relaxation of muscles and observation of breathing. It is recommended to retire in the room, turn off your mobile phone, close the curtains and lie down in a convenient position. You can light the candles or put a soft music, if there is confidence that it will not distract from the main goal.

It is necessary for a few minutes just breathing smoothly, watching your feelings. Then you can start relaxing the muscles. The technician for this much is most common the following ways:

  1. Mentally, to try "such a muscle relaxed", feeling that this is true. Moreover, the smaller, the better: you need to start with the muscles of each finger on the leg, gradually moving up and describing each small body zone. If you immediately speak that the muscles of legs, hands and torso are relaxed, there will be no effect.
  2. To visualize in each muscle, some of the quantity (metal, water, you can even imagine tiny dwarfs or butterflies - what is enough fantasy). Fullying the severity, you need to get rid of it. To do this, it is necessary to imagine how the body leaks the liquid metal or the dwarms are hung. As a rule, this exercise is very easy: the mind always knows exactly how many dwarves remained in his right foot.
  3. Present yourself to fallen from very high height. As a result of such a "fall", the body is completely relaxed for a moment. The task of the dreams to extend this moment as longer as possible.

Often, relaxation leads to falling asleep: this is a normal body reaction to "Curved" with him. In another case, a person enters OS. If neither one nor the other happened, such methods should be tested on a relaxed body:

  • Rocking. It is necessary to imagine themselves swinging on a swing or in a boat on the waves;
  • Visualization in the hand of the subject. Usually recommended to represent a mobile phone. When the subject appears compressed in the palm of the subject, you need to try to raise your hand (naturally, not physical);
  • Imagination yourself in a moral place. In this case, there is a chance that the consciousness clings to this picture and goes into it in a dream;
  • Attempt to "fly out" from the body.It usually becomes possible when there is a strong pressure on his head;
  • Motion by the non-physical body. The method is similar to the previous method, but differs in less "radicality": you just need to move foot or hand, trying not to "disturb" the physical body.

These methods may seem strange, but when a person is located in an near state, the above actions do not represent much difficulty and very easy to understand.

Many helps the following technique. You need to put alarm clock earlier morning (4-5 hours). Stand up, go to the toilet, drink some water and return to bed again ("Walk" should not take more than 3-5 minutes). After that, it is necessary to lie down and try to get into sleep by any of the ways. Some simply fall asleep without using any methods, and at the same time remain in consciousness.

How to behave in a conscious dream

  1. Do not be scared. Fear is the main obstacle to the successful OS. A dream cannot happen in a dream, which is able to somehow affect real life. All the monsters faced by sleeping, only the fruit of his imagination. It is also not necessary to scare the sleepy paralysis - the state of complete immobility of the body during the wakeful mind. This phenomenon means "entry" in the OS is practically open. The body's immobilization is necessary for its security so that it does not repeat the movements of the sleeping in a dream and did not crush himself.
  2. Use the strength of thought. In a dream, it is enough to think about something that it immediately appeared. Thus, you can create our own worlds, move in space, modify unpleasant characters.
  3. Move. Newbies very easily "fall out" from the state of conscious sleep. It is possible to warn it if you constantly be in motion, fixing your attention to anything.

The first conscious dreams often occur "blindly": a person simply lacks energy to see anything. In this case, the sleeping feels awake outside the body, but at the same time being in absolute darkness. Sometimes it is heard by a long whistle and there is a feeling of flight. Often, it seems that eyes are just closed and you just need to open them: Having done it, a man wakes up. It is not necessary to be disappointed - the beginning should be, and therefore there will be other, more "efficient" dreams.

An informed dream is an exciting experience that makes feel more alive. Whatever strange it seems to be, but no real landscapes will be equal to beauty with pictures appearing in the OS.

Sleep, familiar to everyone, the necessary physical body and a residence permit and recovery. You can give the following definition of sleep.

Sleep is a natural repetitive state of mind and body, which is characterized by a changed state of consciousness, reduced sensory activity, suppressing the activity of almost all arbitrary muscles and reduce interaction with the environment.

Everyone sees dreams, no matter what he remembers them or not. A person begins to see dreams in infancy and continues to see them until death. On average, the person spends a third of his life in a dream, which ranges from 25 to 30 years.

Every night we fall into the unknown world of dreams. At the same time, in a dream, we can be ourselves or someone else. We can see in a dream, both familiar places and people and places and people who have never seen in a state of wakefulness.

And there is hardly a person who has no fantastic or fabulous dreams in his life, which he could not come up in the wakeful state of consciousness.

Despite the fact that the last 150 years, psychologists, physicians and neurobiologists are actively trying to solve the phenomenon of sleep, it is familiar to every person a state, still pays a lot of mysteries.

At the same time, the mystery and the possibilities that the dream carries are known from very long time. In the Bible and other holy books described many stories in which wonderful or prophetic dreams have had a great influence on the development of history.

The expression, the prophetic dream is present in every culture. In ancient times, people able to interpret dreams were with every royal or imperial yard and revered on a par with the wise men.

In the Western tradition, work with dreams is more relating to psychologies and is based on the interpretation of the plot and the meaning of dreams. In this relatively modern tradition, the nature of the sleep itself is rare. At the same time, the nature and nature of dreams have a decisive effect on the plot, symbols and meaning of sleep.

At the same time, in Eastern culture and the traditions of many native tribes of America, Shamanic traditions, dreams were used as a very powerful tool for obtaining knowledge, personal and spiritual development.

Eastern traditions and traditions of indigenous Indians presented with modern culture knowledge of conscious or managed dreams. Some of the most famous techniques for conscious work with dreams are the Tibetan dream yoga and aware of dreams anddenia in the tradition of the Indians Yaki. The latter gained its popularity thanks to the books of the famous anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

In the Western world, one of the reproductors of the practice of informed dreams and outside bodily travel are Stephen Laberg and Robert Monroe. We want to tell about the above techniques in our article in more detail.

But before proceeding to their description, I would like to stop more on whether you need to pay such attention to sleep. Some people may have a completely natural question, if the dream is, first of all, rest for mind and body, what's the point in keeping something to do in a dream?

Is it not better to make sure that the dream is just healthy and strong? Of course, healthy dream by itself is a great benefit for the human body. But to give 25 years of your life just to the unconscious dream, it is like to keep all its savings in the bank, buried in the yard.

Similarly, you, of course, save your wealth, but you will not be able to increase it. In some sense, talent burned to the ground.

And the truth is that conscious dreams not only can be used to obtain and more efficient use of knowledge and skills, but also contribute to the best rest and even the healing of the body.

Snow management is what should be trained after you have learned to realize dreams. If you understand that you are in a dream, you can control everything using a technician that there is a vision in it in it.

In the article:

Dream management - how it happens and why

Order by bed - the next step after. If it turns out comprehend Yourself when you sleep, it's time to learn control for everything that happens in the world created by the subconscious.

Significant dreams give ample opportunities in this, deal with everything that you wish - from obtaining new impressions to sports training, the results of which will be noticeable in real life.

All that is real in thoughts will be present and during a controlled dream. It is believed to change the illusory world with the help of intention. Methods of control and management - a lot.

Sleep control at the initial stage

Newbies who think about how to dispose of dreams are prematurely wake up. The reason for this is strong emotions and allocation of adrenaline. It makes you awaken after achieving success in awareness or began to try to control what is happening in the world of fantasies.

To extend meaningful dreams, you should be engaged in a reality check. So, understanding will not slip away from you. More often, remind yourself of what you sleep, make sure that what is happening is real, during the wakefulness - creates the necessary habit.

Controlled sleep - challenge the desired images

At the time of control, it is possible to see or force them to appear: a person from the environment, a stranger with thoughtful characteristics, celebrity or deceased. In dreams, you can call any fictional being.

To see a similar or specific acquaintance, it should be visualized before bedtime. Ask the subconscious to show it in the control process. let's Consciousness requirement, all you ask will become real in a dream.

A controlled dream gives a probability to see anyone, itself at various ages. Some believe that you can imagine yourself in old age and. The opinion finds numerous critics, but some dreams claim that the coming is known. If you comprehend the art of self-consciousness, the existence of distant descendants or the inhabitants of remote ancestors.

How to learn to dispose of a dream - change decorations

Many beginners do not understand how to manage sleep so that the world around the world can be transformed at will. Many can not change the development site of events. The case in the mental block, the person is used to that in the real world it is impossible to accomplish it. Overcoming requires perseverance and confidence in the forces, regular repetition of attempts to obtain the result.

There are exercises for changing the surrounding reality, these are techniques of vision management. They will help move during sleep.

Option - Find the door, any, and imagine that there is a place that you need. Then open and go to another world. It is worth trying to create a portal - in the world of fantasy it is possible. You can refuse that I do not like, imagine what you want to see and then turn back. Experts advise work around the axis, representing the required place. You can "create" a TV with a picture of the required landscape, and then join it - any creative solutions will find a response in a dream.

Dream art - how to make it impossible

Beginners face the problem of loss during sleep. For example, if you try to jump from the cliff during a managed dream period, detect that you can't fly.

It's all in the mental block - you are not accustomed to perform such actions in real life, so it is impossible to do it and during sleep. Over time, this unit will weaken, as in the case of shifting landscapes and places.

Master the skills gradually impossible in real life. Before jumping from a cliff, make sure that it turns out to float in the air. And you will be sure that the jump will not end with a fall.

How to repeat the dream

Almost every person wandered a dream who wanted to experience again. Consciousness of visions and control over them makes it possible to see the desired events, but also fully consciously participate in them. Change the plot of fantasies, affect all beings that imagine in them and do what you want.

How to repeat the dream, which has already seen ... Here, as with a call to a person's image or another creature. Before going to bed, visualize the plot of the desired sleep. Tune in to the fact that you will see it, and this dream will be conscious.

Repetition of the already seen sleep does not work first from the first time - experience is required. You should not interrupt the practice if something is unable or it turns out not to the end. Gradually will comprehend all the secrets of the controlled worlds in the subconscious.

Learn to managing a dream in order to experience vivid impressions, participate in interesting events, the direction of which can be asked and change at your own request. Controlled dreams provide broad probabilities that become available with experience.

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