Today, manufacturers can offer many varieties of the gate, but consumers are more than the other types of swing gates. Such products have a lot of advantages: low cost, low labor intensity when they are erected with their own hands, high durability and ease of operation. This can explain the increased interest from many owners to the goal of this type.

Product characteristics

If you decide to install the gate yourself, then you need to choose the right size. For design with two sash optimal will be width 4400 mm and length 2150 mm. With a lack of space, these sizes can always be reduced.

To properly define the size of the gate, it is necessary to measure the dimensions of the car, which will drive through them. On average, the standard car has a two meter width. When calculating, add to this value of 50 cm with each of the parties to allow car maneuvers. As a result, the total length of the gate will be about three meters. As for the height of the sash, it will be optimal for them from 1.8 to 2 m.

Composite parts of the design

It is equally important before installing the gate to familiarize yourself with their design, in which you can select the following set of base elements:

With all its simplicity of installation and low consumption of materials, it is necessary to take into account the following design characteristics:

  • The weight of the gate should not exceed 500 kg;
  • The walls of the mounted pillar that performs the role of the foundation for fastening the loops, should have a thickness of at least 4 mm;
  • The design must be able to cope with wind load.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you go to the shop outside the gate, it will be useful to get acquainted with their positive and negative parties that will help to make the right choice.

From the advantages of the swollen gate should be noted:

At the same time, swing structures have a number of shortcomings:

  • The need to account for wind load in the residence region;
  • The need to isolate a rather large free space for opening and closing.

After carrying out simple calculations, it is possible to find out that the disintegration gates are much more advantages than flaws. And the last removable or looks not so critical against the background of advantages. The main thing is that these systems are distinguished by high reliability. And it is capable of confirming the long history of their existence.

Preparatory Activities for Manufacturing

Having become acquainted with the peculiarities of these designs, you can think about making them with your own hands. And, first of all, you need to prepare tools and consumables For the manufacture of swing type gates.

Tool for work

To make a frame and equip the racks, you will need the following tools:

Among the auxiliary devices you need to be available:

  • Skin and rivet set;
  • Drill. May be required for fastening the trim;
  • Compressor, spraying or brushes for painting frame.

Necessary materials

Without material it is impossible to perform any work with your own hands. And the manufacture of swollen gates is no exception. To their self-assembly you will need:

  • Pipe for racks. When it is elected, be sure to take into account the weight of the finished design.
  • Pipe for frame. It is best for this with a profile pipe with dimensions of 60 × 40 × 1.5. You can use products of other sizes, for example, 40 × 20 × 1.5. When choosing a pipe, be sure to consider the finishing material used and the wind load.

To avoid errors in preparing for the assembly, you can adhere to the following recommendations:

If all the preparatory moments are observed, then you can proceed to the installation of the structure.

The assembly process with your own hands

Incorrectly consider those who associate homemade gates with not quite attractive and unreliable structures. Often everything is just the opposite. In the manufacture of such structures, the owner appears the ability to create a system of access to the site that satisfies its requirements both in terms of safety and the aesthetic characteristics.

The process of manufacturing such a gate involves holding two main stages:

  • installation of racks for attaching a gate;
  • installation of gate beans.

The listed steps can be carried out only in this order. But after installation, the racks will have to give to stand during at least 7 days. In order for this time, it is not wondering, you can weld the gates of cloths.

Installing columns

You can choose to the role of standards of design:

  • Wooden timber with dimensions of 100 × 100 mm;
  • Brick or natural stone. The latter is more suitable for finishing due to its non-standard sizes;
  • Concrete pillar. You can buy an already ready version or pour it on the place of work;
  • Profile pipe. When calculating the section of the pipe, consider the above recommendations.

The easiest method of installing the poles is to clog the pipe to depth approximately 1.5 M.. It not only requires a minimum of time, but also provides significant material savings due to the lack of costs for concrete. If necessary, you can always replace the rack. But when using this method, it is necessary to correctly set the level and then the design will not succeed.

The second method involves fastening a pillar using a concrete solution. In other words, it will be necessary to prepare the foundation for the base of the gate.

Given that the first method is more understandable and it is unlikely to cause difficulties, the second option will be considered below.

In this case, the method of setting the racks must adhere to the following algorithm of action:

  • First of all, it is necessary to unscrew the pitual depth of at least 1 meter. It is easiest to make an earthen brown, the diameter of which should be at least 200 mm, which will be enough for a pipe with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm.
  • When calculating the depth of the pit, it is necessary to take into account the level of primerization of the soil in the region of work. When determining the width of the parties, pay attention to the quality of the soil and the dimensions of the supports used.
  • A sandy-gravel pillow under concrete is performed. Its optimal height is no more than 200 mm. It will help to avoid the recess of the rack and provide the basis for concreting.
  • A post is installed, then it is aligned with the construction level.
  • A concrete solution is prepared, which poured the inscuffed rack.
  • After installation, a slain column must be made to stand for at least a week. Concrete should be well frozen. During this time, it is recommended to periodically wet the concrete with water. Although cracks on such a small area represent a smaller danger than those who have arisen in the foundation, but they are undesirable.
  • If you decide to use brick or concrete instead of a pipe, then the recess is recommended for it (one meter).
  • To ensure high reliability of the rack, it must be strengthened with reinforcement. It should be pre-displaying 2-3 reinforcing mortgages for the subsequent installation of the loops.

After that, go to the second stage.

There are also its moments that need to be taken into account when conducting work.

Start the workflow is necessary from the installation of the installation site. After all, the appearance of the design depends on the place of placement.

If the setting of the gate on the backyard is planned, to enter the garden or fencing with their help of the construction site, then you can limit the simpler material and design. It is quite another thing when the front or gate is installed in the garage. In this case, the cost will increase significantly.

Best when the gate is installed along with the fence. If the latter replaces a live fence or is planned to simply expand the passage and new gates are required, then before installing it is necessary to carry out measurements.

It is necessary to find out the height and width of the opening under the installed gate. During metering of height, it is not necessary to forget that at the bottom of the design there should be a technical clearance. To correctly calculate this distance, it is necessary to consider the type of coverage of the driveway. If there is asphalt, tile or concrete in the gate area, then 5-7 cm lumen will be enough.

For unreasted soil, as well as surfaces with irregularities, this distance will have to be increased to 10 cm. The presence of a technical lumen is also due to the need to solve such an important task as a reduction in wind load, if you need to install a solid gate without ventilation gaps.

Do not forget also about the gap between the sash, thanks to which you can level a slight shift of the racks.

In recent years, many of our compatriots managed to evaluate all the benefits of installation in the country area or in the courtyard of their own house of swing type. Such devices provide not only reliable protection against penetration into the territory, but also differ simply and reliability in operation.

Some owners establish them on their own, which is quite a reasonable solution. After all, it is possible not only to save on the installation, but also to get an access system that will satisfy the requirements of the owner to the maximum extent.

If you doubt that this task will be able to you, or do not have enough time, then it is best to entrust this work to professionals who quickly and qualitatively install the installation of a swollen gate, having delivering you from all problems.

Swing gates are the most common and oldest type of gate used in the arrangement of small summer cottages and spacious private territories. Consumers appreciate such a gate, first of all, for simplicity of installation and reliability in operation.

Consider how you independently make a swollen gate, which material is better to use for this, and how can you automate the opening of the goal sash.

Description and types of swing gates

The principle of the device of the swollen gate remains unchanged over the years. Not only traditional materials are used for the manufacture of the gate (wood and metal sheets), and more modern - professional flooring and polycarbonate.

The mechanism of opening of the flaps was improved, and today many gates are equipped with a high-tech automated complex that performs operation more convenient and practical.

The advantages of the swollen gates can be attributed:

Classic swing gates consist of two sash, which are attached to the support pillars. The sash moves into one or two sides, swallowing the gate inward or outward.

The only lack of using swing gates is the need for a large space to open the sash. The territory around the gate will constantly have to clean out of snow and stones.

The door sash adjoins each other not hermetically, therefore, due to low thermal insulation, the swing gates are not used in heated rooms

The main elements of the design of the swollen gate: sash and installed filling, support poles, loops, deposits and stops.

By type of device, the swollen doors are:

  1. Two bed (on two sash) or with one hollow.
  2. Combined gates with a built-in wicket (often installed in garages, in small summer cottages or warehouses) save space for a separate entrance. The gate with a separate entrance is more convenient, the wicket is performed as a "deaf" element.

By type of registration:

By manufacturing material:

  1. Wooden swing gates.
  2. Gate metal swing from smooth metal molded or profiled sheet.
  3. Gate from polycarbonate.
  4. Forged swing gates.

Swing Gate: Photo

Before starting the manufacture of swollen gates with your own hands, you need to properly choose the material to fill the sash.

Selection of material for swing gates

The choice of material depends on the purpose of the gate, the architectural direction and design of the swollen gate.

The principle of creating a swollen gate from a tree or metal is practically no different. The characteristics of the finished product and some technological features of wood processing and metal sheets depend on material shift.

Consider in detail how to make a swollen gate from the profiled sheet.

Swing Gates with their own hands: phased progress

Drawing of swing gates

In the drawing, you must designate the dimensions of the swollen gate and the location of the main structural elements. When planning the length of the leaf of the gate, you must take into account the width of the roadway and the type of vehicles, under which the gate is mounted.

Optimal are considered the gateway with a height of about 2 meters and the length of each sash 2 meters

The gate sash can have one or two horizontal crossbars - rigidity ribs that enhance the design.

Two diagonal and one transverse crossbars can be used as gain. This location gives the strength of the design and holds the gate geometry.

Tools and materials

For the manufacture of swollen gates from the professional flooring, the following materials will be needed:

Required tools:

Installation of support pillars

Installation of swing gates start from mounting support pillars. In this case, metal pipes will be used as pillars. Alternatively, the wooden bar, a concrete or brick pillar can be supported.

In the middle of the brick pillar, a pipe or a channel is necessarily laid, the mortgages of the steel corner or fittings are displayed for attaching racks with hinges.

The metal pillar is concreted to a depth of at least 1 meter (the depth of the soil freezing), the reinforced foundation for a depth of 1 meter is laid under the brick -

The procedure for installing support pillars from pipes:

While concrete "sets out" can be done by the manufacture of the gate canvas - the frame and its skin.

Rama for swing gates

It is necessary to prepare the platform on which the framework for swing gates will be manufactured. The minimum size of the site is the size of one sash plus 50 cm on each side. It is desirable that the workplace is located near the installed support pillars.

Frame manufacturing sequence for gates:

Frameworking chaff order

The firmware of the door of the gate professional flooring should be performed in compliance with the following rules:

After the "covering" of the gate is completed, the finished gate sash can be mounted on a loop on the support pillars.

The gate can already be operated in this form, but you can improve them and install the automatic opening system of the sash.

Criteria for selecting automation for swing gates

Engineers designers upgraded the management of the entrance and garage pumping gates, developing linear and lever electric drives.

Linear drive- The most common type of automation of swing gates (about 95%). The drive works on the principle of shortening and lengthening the rod.

Linear electric drives won popularity at the expense of their advantages:

  • simple design;
  • reliability of work;
  • available cost.

A set of linear automatic system includes:

  • linear electric drives - 2 pcs;
  • control block;
  • warning lamp;
  • electromagnetic lock;
  • antenna.

Operating principle lever driveAs a human hand, the lever consists of two parts connected by moving hinge.

Lever drives for reliability and power are inferior to linear, although they are more expensive. The main lack of lever control is insufficient self-blocking - the gate can be opened under the influence of a strong wind.

Consider the parameters that need to be considered when choosing an electric drive for automatic swing gates:

  1. Drive power reserve. The drive should not work at the limit, in this mode, the automation will not stand for a long time and fails. Having calculated the necessary traction effort, it is necessary to take into account the size of the sash (weight, width, thickness, and height) and the ease of movement of the sash.
  2. Intensity of work. For private use, the gate is suitable with a characteristic of the intensity of 30% - it is approximately 27 opening / closing cycles for an hour. For industrial facilities, this indicator is not sufficient, and it is necessary to use automation with the best cooling of the gearbox and the engine. Such a gate will cost more, but their service life is many times more.

Self installation of automation for gates

Bearing poles for installation of automation are better made of concrete or bricks. The approximate location of the elements of the automatic system is shown in the diagram.

We will analyze the phased mounting of the linear drive automation:

The swollen gates can be made independently, avoiding unnecessary costs, and the installation of modern automation adapted for harsh climatic conditions will make their operation more convenient and practical.

With the erection of fences around his land plot or during the construction of the garage, the question will necessarily arise how to make the gate with their own hands. Before purchasing materials and take for work, it is necessary to determine which of the existing types of gates is optimally suitable for installation in a particular case. Do not give up in B.cE Nuances in advance, and choosing not the best design, you can persuade yourself to a completely unnecessary time-consuming process clearing the territory for installation.

That is why you need to start with the study of information and the peculiarities of their design.

To date, there are three main types of gates - these are retractable, swing and lifting-turning. All of them seriously differ in constructively, so it is worth considering each type separately.

Swing doors

The simplest in the performance of the scheme - swing gates

Swing gates with a gate embedded in them or installed next is the traditional scheme that is most often used in private homes. Its bases are pillars, two of which are installed on the width of the gate, and the third, if necessary, determines the width of the wicket if it is arranged next to the gate.

The shifts of the gate and the wicket in this design are mounted on the loop welded to the support pillars. They can be fixed to the outside of the supports or internal. From this and from the system of the device, the loops will depend on which side of the goal sash will be opened - inward or outward.

Swing gate sash most often are metal frames welded from angle or profile tube, which can then be covered with different materials - thin metal sheets, professional flooring or wood.

The swollen version of the gate can be made and completely made of wood. In this case, on a reinforced frame from a bar, located on the inside of the sash, boards are fixed.

In the manufacture of flaps it is important to remember that they should not be too heavy to not give a greater load on the support poles and loops. The nodes and parts of the suspension in size and strength must correspond to the weight of the flaps.

A closing device is installed on the door linen - it may be a cassette or loop for a lock, and sometimes a powerful latch. When closing the goal of the sash at the bottom, in the middle of the width of the entrance, rest in the installed limiter, and when they open it, they can be enshrined with spring retainers.

The disadvantages of this design include the possible slope of the support pillars and the sash savings, but it can only happen if the installation technology is broken or the weight of the creators is incorrectly designed. Therefore, it is necessary to block the foundation of the supports, do not use too heavy material for cloths and set the corresponding loop values.

The advantage of the swollen gate can be called the relative compactness of their placement. The design does not require clearing an additional seat along the fence, as it will be necessary to do for other species.

Installing swing gates

If the swollen gates have moderate weight, for example, if they are made of professional flooring, the metal poles from the pipes with a diameter of 80 ÷ 100 mm or a profiled tube with the same size of the sides of its square section are well suited for them. Such supports will completely cope with their task. However, more massive pillars will be suitable if it is easier to find them.

Publizes are installed for gates in two ways - scoring and concreting.

  • Scroll poles usually at a depth of 1.2-1.5 m. This method has many advantages, the main of which can be called sufficient reliability and speed of work.

Installation is made as follows:

- It is drilled by the desired diameter of the hole, approximately half of the planned blocking of the columns.

- Now the pillars must be consolidated to or to stationary buildings located in the yard;

- After that, the poles are welded to the columns, to seats, pre-marked in terms of level;

- The collected flaps are suspended on the welded loops, the correctness of their convergence is checked.

  • Concreting pillars to install the gate gives increased rigidity and stability of the design. Such supports will be required for wide or heavy sash.

This method of installation is carried out without reinforcement or using reinforcement glass. Works are carried out in stages:

- First, the hole is drilled with a diameter of no less than 200-250 mm and a depth of 1, 5-1.9 m. The exact size of the opening will depend on the pillary cross section.

- Sand and rubble layers fall asleep on the bottom of the pit and thoroughly tamper. Each of the layers should be about 100 mm;

- Then in the pit, a pillar is installed on a sandy-gravel pillow;

- Concrete is flooded around it, and while the solution is not frozen, the pillar is set up by the level of strictly vertically, fixing in this position using the backups.

  • If the reinforcement structure is used to secure the column, the installation is carried out in the same way as without fittings, until the pillow is tamping for the installation of the pillar.

On the pillow, the so-called reinforcement glass is first put on the bored hole, and the pillar is inserted into it. Then concrete poured into the pit. In this case, the backups for a pillar may not even need, as it will hold the reinforcement design.

After the complete pouring of the concrete and the set of due durability, massive loops are welded on the poles. We must not forget about leaving gaps that will allow you to freely open and close the sash, even with a possible slight tilt of the pillars due to the movement of the soil during the melting of snow or long rain.

To avoid similar deformations of the design, you can additionally begged the pillars with a beam welded to the lower parts of the columns (it can be triggered into the ground). Frame will turn out even tougher if it is equipped with an upper jumper But in this case it will limit the passage of trails of trucks or a minibus.

Video: device and order of installing swing gates

Prices for swing gates

Swing doors

Sliding doors

Sliding gates are divided into several subspecies, and you can choose suitable for certain conditions. But almost for each of them will require free space along. Therefore, perhaps you will have to work further to free the place for the free movement of the movable sash when it is opened.

Sliding doors are console, suspended and retractable, which run on rail or other metal profile (channel, stub, etc.).

Video: Types of sliding gates

1. The suspension is not too popular for installation in the private sector, since the height of the entrance is limited to the profile installed on top, which is suspended and the gate cannon moves.

2. Reloading gates that walk along the rail installed in the opening and along the wall, is also not too popular option, especially in the snow and cold regions. The gate will move along the rail freely if it is cleared of ice from ice and various garbage, but in winter, during snow drifts or icing, the sash will not be able to open and close without pre-clearing. This option of the gate is rather good for the southern regions, where the snow does not lie for a long time and there is no severe frost.

This is the only one, but very important lack of construction. Otherwise, it is very convenient because it does not require extensive territory for opening and closing.

On the rack from the other side to which the sash will open, the rollers and the holder of the bracket will be installed in the upper part.

Rollers are also installed on the bottom of the mobile flap, it moves along the rail or profile on the surface of the earth.

3. CONSOLE - the most convenient option from all types of sliding gates, especially since they have several different designs, from which you can choose the optimal one.

Such gates are rigidly fixed on the beam, which, moving in the console node, moves with you and the leaf of the sash.

The cantilever gate is more complex in the device, but it is better for everyone else to work in the snowy winter, as their sash never concerns the Earth. Another positive quality of this species can be considered that it has no limiter in height, i.e. The site can come in, both passenger and cargo car. In the design of the console gate, powerful pillars are installed not from both sides, but only one - it is in this direction and will move the sash when opening the passage.

The cantilever beam can be located in three different positions - from above, in the middle and below.

  • Most. common An option is the location of the movable beam in the middle of the door of the gate. Due to its location, it enhances the stiffness of the structure. The console mechanism with guide rollers is located at a sufficient height so that it does not fall asleep in the snow, which means that the gate will be at any time of the year in working condition.

  • Console gates that mobile beam is installed at the bottom of the web, are more vulnerable in the winter and will require continuous care in the form of cleaning from snow drifts and icing. Otherwise, this is also a convenient option, as it does not contact the surface of the earth, and it does not need to install the rail rail.
  • In the third case, the beam passes along the top of the canvas and will always be safe from snowflowers, water, garbage. But this version of the console gate T is rebels the particularly hard strengthening of the frame and the canvas, otherwise it can be deformed at the bottom.

Console gates are quite accessible to making themselves, but only if the owner owns certain skills of such work. It is understood in assembly drawings, has basic knowledge in physics and mechanics. Having attached to the maximum effort, you can make such a gate that it will be impossible to distinguish from factory products.

Any cantilever gate can open if they are equipped with an electric drive and an electronic remote control system. This will allow the owner without leaving the car, with the help of a key chain open a passage.

Installation of sliding console gate

Installation of sliding or sliding gates is a much more complex event than the installation of the disintegration.

On the sides of the passage when this type of the gate, as a rule, set the brick pillars to which rollers that support brackets and clamps will be mounted.

The main load always falls on the channel, which is installed on on thea dejanly arranged foundation from the side of the goal where the sash will be attached (at the lower console) or on metal supports, if the console is located in the center of the tight gate or at the top.

  • The foundation for the installation of a chapeller can be solid or consist of 2-3 pillars. The second option is more economical. It can consist of one pit or two or three for a columnal type. Depth should be from 1.2 to 1.5 m, the width is 40 ÷ 50 cm, and the length is at least 1.5 m.
  • Further, two pillows from sand and crushed stone are arranged in the pit, 10 cm thick each.
  • Then, a formwork is installed in the pit and the waterproofing material is placed in it - rubberoid or dense polyethylene film.
  • In the formwork, the reinforcing construction is fixed, and then the finished concrete solution is poured with a storage grade not lower than M-300
  • A steerler with a welded to its shelves is installed on top of the flooded surface. The channel is pressed into the concrete shelves down to their full immersion. After the final solidification of the concrete, a reliable metal platform should be obtained. The goal can be installed no earlier than a month after the fill of the foundation.
  • The carrier frame is manufactured. It will take a metal corner or a square tube with a cross section of 60 × 40 mm.
  • An additional crossbar is welded to the frame frame, which give the desired stiffness of the structure. At the location of the console (in this case, the bottom-up Console beam should be welded to the frame, with which the gates will move along the rollers.
  • Welded design seams must be carefully cleaned from slag. The entire carrier frame must be predicted and covered with paint for metal, which will retain it from corrosion.
  • The sheet metal or board is fixed, depending on the chosen design of the gate web.
  • When the design is ready, and the foundation with the installed console channel will fully type strength, you can move to the installation of the nodes and parts you need to move.

  • Console blocks equipped with rollers are installed on the finished foundation with a channel.
  • Then the gate rolls out on them, are triggered strictly in terms of the level, and then the blocks are welded to the chapeller.
  • Then, the upper and end rollers are installed and fixed.
  • The bottom and top trap are fixed to the opposite reference post. They need to be accurately calculated by the location of the rollers installed on the gate canvas.
  • Further, if it was planned, an electric drive is installed, but the gate can well be opened and manually.

Video Instructions for Mounting Console Return Gate

As mentioned above, the cantilever beam can be installed not only from the bottom, but also in the middle or above the door of the gate.

In the manufacture and assembly of this type of gate, the exact calculation of all parameters and careful compliance with dimensions is especially important, since any error may cause the deformation of the structure.

Prices for skating gates

Sliding gates

Rotary gate

This type of gate is well suited for equipping the garage. For travel to the courtyard, they will not fit, as they will limit the height. Such a gate should be easily closed and opened by raising and move the canvas in a horizontal position, under the garage sides.

Rotary Gate - Excellent Garage Solution

During opening or closing, the lower part of the sash protrudes somewhat forward, beyond the garage, soBy setting a similar type of gate, you need to calculate how close you can fit the car so that it does not prevent the discovery process.

The canvas is made of metal frame, which is cured, most often, metal sheets, wood or composite shockproof materials. The positive qualities of this type of gate can be called reliability and compactness in the open position, in contrast to the options with two swing sash.

To make an independently this design, you must have drawings with all the necessary parameters.

  • To mount the gate, you will need to make not only the frame for the closing fare of the canvas, but also one another, on which the gate will be attached. Sometimes it is framed by entry into the garage, but more often add additional guides for which when opening the gate, the rollers installed on the canvase will roll. They also perform a function of a device that supports the canvas from above in the open position.

  • In this case, inside the garage, the frame will have a M-shaped shape on both sides of the entrance. Its sizes should provide the necessary space for the passage of the door of the gate between the ceiling and additional guides.
  • On the canvas on both sides, top and bottom, install rollers that will walk on the guides when moving the gate.
  • On both sides to the frame installed in the opening, two levers will be mounted, which will be lifted by the cloth when opening. The shock absorbers are necessarily provided - they will soften the blow when closing. The levers are connected to the springs that are adjustable to the desired effort - they should not be excessively pulled or free, but at the same time the sash must close the entry opening.

  • The support stationary frame should be securely secured to the anchor attachments, as it will be exposed to considerable tension all the time.
  • Next, when the whole design is mounted, you can equip the gate with accessories and secure additional items.

If you plan to install an electric drive, then this process is rented last of all, and it is better to trust this work to specialists. The electrical opening system is quite expensive, so it is better not to risk if there is no skill in the installation and debugging process of such equipment.

Video: An example of the handling of lifting and rotary gates

Prices for lifting-turning gates

Rotary gate

Carefully examining the instructions and drawings, having prepared the necessary materials in CE, as well as having quite high work skills, any design from those presented can be assembled independently. But it is better if the work will be done together with a knowledgeable master - then it will pass much faster and better.

The swollen gates performed by their own hands are one of the most common types of gate, which is chosen when refining small private sections of so and large private territories. The choice of these gates is justified by the fact that they differ simplicity of installation and reliability in active operation. By installing such a gate on the plot, you can not only protect your property, but also save finances. Below will consider the features of such designs and will figure it out how to mount them yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with each design, such a gate has its advantages and disadvantages, consider them in more detail below:

  1. Benefits:
  • relatively low cost, which will be a pleasant bonus to the targeted goal;
  • ease of installation;
  • long service life of the installed structure;
  • installation can be carried out on their own;
  • installation can be performed with its own designer modifications;
  • if there are no restrictions on the volume, then there will be no restrictions on passing transport;
  • you have the opportunity to choose yourself, from which material you will produce a design, respectively, from suitable options.
  1. Disadvantages:
  • for lasting installation it will be necessary to bury the pillars deep enough, and it is not always easy to do this;
  • the concreting of these pillars takes a lot of time, and with incorrect concreting, with the time, the poles can turn;
  • it will require a very large space for the installation of such an obstacle;
  • it is not safe to use such structures with strong winds, because it will be practically impossible to control the sash;
  • when installing the electric drive, several wires should be purchased to establish the closure / opening of the gate, which increases its purchase.

As can be seen, the advantages of such designs outweigh the disadvantages, and if you live in a region where strong gusty winds are not the norm, boldly begin to mount the swollen gates on its site.

Types of metal structures

Before you take care of a new gate, it will be important to decide on their design. The choice should be done, given a number of features, the main of which is the frequency of operation. Using the metal, you can make various variations, we consider each of them separately.


The iron gate of this type is not very popular. This is a solid cloth, which is not particularly practical in operation. In order for them perfectly well, it is important to securely strengthen the supports, it will have to spend a lot of money. Deciding to set the design to the garage, take care of the construction of a powerful and reliable metal frame, also do not forget to fix the hinges. The disadvantages should include the need for space for the functioning of the sash.


Most in demand, practical in operation. Without difficulties, they can be mounted on their own on their own site. The design is made of 2-weems that are the same in size, therefore, you will need to make a frame of two frames and to strip their sheet material.

Bivalves with gate

They are very practical in daily use. They are manufactured as the previous design, the only difference is the presence of a special wicket on one sash. If such a type of design is planned to be installed on the garage, you must choose a mortise type of wicket.

How to make swing gates with your own hands

Holding to the manual given in this article, you can independently make a swollen gate. To do this, it will be necessary to clearly stick the drawing, because the work requires an accurate approach. If it is difficult for you to independently make a drawing, then the schemes and sketches of such structures will not be difficult to find on the Internet, which can be taken as a basis.

Build the procedure:

  • foundation and pillars;
  • framework work;
  • cleaning.

Read more about every step. Consider below.

The basis of the design will be a metal frame, its mount must be performed in the input opening. It will also be necessary to install durable supports. Creating a drawing, mark marking on it, as well as the location of the main objects of the future design. The optimal parameters will be optimal: the height is 2 m, and the length of each sash is also 2 m. The sash can be performed with 1st or 2 horizontal crossbars that perform the rigidity ribs function.

For additional amplification, 2 diagonal and 1 transverse crossbars can be performed.

Installing columns

Works on installing swing gates should be started from the installation of support pillars. You can choose a concrete or brick pillar, a wooden bar, but as practice shows, it is better to give preference to metal structures. If you choose brick poles, then inside them it is necessary to lay pipes or channels, and you will need to display the mortgage from the steel corner or their reinforcement in order to continue fixing the racks with hinges.

Metal poles must be concreted to a depth of at least one meter. This indicator should be equal to the depth of the soil freezing. A reinforced foundation is laid under the brick pillar also to a depth of one meter.

Algorithm for mounting support pillars from pipes:

  • pipes to clean up rust, after which degreases with a suitable substance;
  • to progress the surface of the prepared pipe, after which it is to scratch it into the tone with the selected straightener;
  • measure the width of the future sash, on which two pits are depth 1-1.5 m;
  • place the sand and crushed stone on the bottom of the dug-off holes. You must have a pillow with a thickness of 20-30 cm;
  • the reference pillar is installed in the prepared hole and is attached using fittings;
  • taking advantage of the construction level, align the location of the columns;
  • pour the pit with concrete, which prepare from the rubble shallow fraction, river sand and cement.

The foundation obtained should be left for a week, no less. If the sash is heavy, with forged elements, in this case, the period of drying the foundation should be increased to two weeks. While concrete enhances, you can do the manufacture of crafts, frame.

The installation of the foundation and pillars should be carried out in the warm season.


Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a frame for swing gates. To do this, prepare the platform on which you will work. You have to follow the following instructions:

  • the pipe that will be used for the frame must be cleaned and degreased, after which it is drunk and scratch it;
  • in most cases, the sash has a rectangular shape, but there are exceptions. It is worth understanding that if the top face of the gate will have a rounded shape, then the pipe will be required to bend, for this it is better to turn to the masters of professionals;
  • pipe cut in accordance with the size of the drawing, the cutting angle is 45c;
  • put prepared pipes on the working surface, the smoothness of diagonals check with the help of a roulette;
  • now you can grab the frame with welding;
  • again check the evenness of the angles and diagonals, if you need to focus them and finally welcome pipes;
  • from the inside of the frame, it is necessary to welcome the corner, follow the angle between the joints of 45c;
  • at the corners of the frame, breed the so-called "brazers", it is necessary to give additional strength to the frame;
  • now it is necessary to breed transverse crossbars to the frame. Experts recommended to have horizontal crossbars at a distance of 40-50 cm from the lower and top edge;
  • if you plan to install the lock, just time to make a box for it from sheet iron. It will be a reliable protection of the mechanism from the effects of precipitation;
  • the plumbs must be moved from the support pillars to the lateral racks of the manufactured frame;
  • attach the response parts of the canopies;
  • start the places where the welding was done, treat them with the primer and cover the paint.

The algorithm for installing a swollen gate with their own hands is not so complicated as it may seem at first glance, follow these instructions and you will certainly work out.

At the next stage, it is worth thinking than to spend the swollen gates. In this case, the best choice will be professional flooring. Firmware firmware follow the following recommendations:

  • Proflist put on top of the prepared frame and attach it with steel rivets, self-drawing. Decorative rivets will appear aesthetically, but if necessary, perform repairs, it will be difficult to dismantle the cloth.
  • Fasteners should be attached only in the depth places, these are the so-called "waves".
  • The number of self-tapping screws per 1 m2 - 8-10 pieces. This is the optimal indicator.

After you finish the framework of the frame, the finished sash can be padded on the loop on the support pillars. In this form, the gate can well be operated, but if you wish, you can improve them by adding the automatic opening system of the sash.

Installation of automatic

The system of automation for swing gates is quite practical and you can easily install it yourself. For the gate to be automatic, you will need to set at least a pair of drives, then connect the control unit and buy at least one device to manage this system. In order to achieve a greater security while opening the gate, you can also install a signal lamp and photocells.

Note, you should choose various drives if the sash opens inside and if the sash open out.

Schemes and drawings