It is unlikely that some of the readers did not hear the commander of the saying "Prytroy Russian - you will find Tatar." The point of view of the "purebred Russians does not exist" has long been known and is widely supported by Russophobes of all varieties. For example, Alfred Rosenberg in his "myth of the 20th century" explained Russian history very simply: "Blood with a Mongolian adherence boiled with all the shocks of Russian life," and Bolshevism "meant a riot of the Mongoloids against the nordic forms of culture." See how everything is convenient: it is immediately clear that the Russians are unbecked.

But even before, and after Rosenberg, reasoning about the "uncleanness of Russian blood" was always in the arsenal of Russophobes. At the same time, it was always emphasized as the origin of the Russians from the lowest races, which managed to find in the list and "mixed blood", "Russian-type instability", which thus declared something worse than even its components.

Interestingly, such Russophobic exercises from Russians themselves do not cause sharp rejection: so what, clean or not clean? Even Pushkin with ancestor-arap as an example will lead, and those who have more erudition will remember about Dalya, in general, there were no Russian ancestors, and which dictionary was made up! The presence of someone else's blood in the Russian veins is considered almost dignity. Moreover, Russians often brave such tolerance. "The main thing is that the person was good."

Not only open enemies of the Russians adhered to such a position, but many - let's say so - thinkers from the Russian environment. In this question, for some reason they showed rare self-denial. For example, Konstantin Leontyev expressed such a centance: "What is a tribe without a system of religious and state ideas? What to love him? For blood? But the blood is not clean from anyone. And what is pure blood? Spiritual infertility. All the great nations of very mixed blood. " Consistently developing an idea, he is a Russian philosopher! - agreed before the call to believe in the "fruitfulness of the Turansk impurity into our Russian blood." And on the monument to Lero Gumilev, established in Kazan, was inscribed: "I, a Russian man, all my life defended Tatars from slander ..." At the same time, this most Russian man in his books committed a stunning discovery: it turns out that Velikorsovs occurred as a result of the "wide moistization of Slavic, The Turkic and Ugric population of Eastern Europe. "

Consider such a behavior later. In the meantime, let's voice all the data for the formation of a whole painting.

Before glowing into quotes from scientific works and historical chronicles, it is logical to answer the question - why in general genetics ("blood purity") has any meaning?

I will explain first by the example of races. With the fact that representatives of different races have a different distribution of abilities, I think no one will argue. Let's say the blacks are statistically run faster than whites, and also play basketball better, etc. - no objections? But shooting competitions win white, like the World Chess Championships. When comparing nationalities belonging to one race, the difference is not so significant, but it is. The phrase "national character" is by no means meaningless - and it is determined not only by the median factor, but also genes. Of course, not in the form of ready-made patterns of behavior, but in the form of trends - emotionality, dynamism, rationality, etc. In this case, the gene complex formed by the nation meets the area of \u200b\u200bliving for nation, climatic conditions, and so on. It can be argued that in our time the development of technology allows you to not pay attention to all this. But the point is not only not so much in natural conditions (which in urban life do not have much importance at all), but in the fact that this very nature implies dozens of centuries the formated collective unconscious, whose specifics are also different for different nationalities. Simply puts: Genetics and psyche are always interconnected.

Each nationality is unique. And from mixing, nothing useful to wait: such a good one has never led to anything. Abstracts about the "absence of inbreeding", "fresh blood" and so on, it is possible only for very small peoples living with compact groups without the possibility of permanent communication with each other (therefore, they have developed a tradition to "offer a guest to the guest's daughter / wife", completely unacceptable for Europeans).

Even easier, everything is explained on the "household level". There is such a science - an ethology that has been involved in the manifestation of unconscious stereotypes of behavior in animals and in humans. Evolution simply could not not work out the identification system of "his / alien" for all living beings, otherwise those who do not have such a system would simply be survived to this day. At the sight of others in the brain there is an appropriate signal - and how it does not suppress it intellectually, the mental motives will still be weaker than unconscious. The ideas about the "fraternity of all people on Earth" - the invention is very recent. Remember the "Brother" film, an episode with the controller? Very characteristic phrases - appeal to the hero of the film as a brother, i.e. an attempt to give a signal: "I'm still my own", and a clear answer: "Not a brother you, I am a chippie".

Very different people can work in one small team, solving the overall task and disperse after work on the houses. But in order to live in society, and to live efficiently and comfortably, the components of this society must have a community among themselves. It does not imply unification in the notorious "screws", the leveling of the personality, erasing the individuality and other ideological horrors from the supporters of the "Atomic Society". This is precisely natural community, not on mental constructs, but on much more ancient and strong.

As an example (truth, a "racial nature", not the national, but the principle is the same) I will give the monograph of the Nobel Prize laureate in Physics of Professor Johannes Stark "National Socialism and Science", in which he put forward the thesis that only for representatives of the Nordic race Scientific search has an independent psychological value, and is not a means of self-specified speculation, as for representatives of southern races, experiencing genuine delight from infinite seating in a noisy and dirty market.

Let me quote the excerpt from the early article: "... Ethical and psychological incompatibility also affects the hatred of Nerui. This phenomenon of bilateral: the values \u200b\u200bof the same group are not respected (and often - despised) another group; It is clear that it is almost impossible to achieve mutual understanding. Household example: when I go to the market, it is very often possible to write something like a question about the price about the price of something like: "It costs 100, I will give for 90, and personally, Daragoy, for 80!". At the same time, the seller, as a representative of the southern peoples, enjoy trading and bargain; The ability to bargain there is art. For me, as an individual with an imperial mentality, bargain - below personal advantage. "

Joseph Artür de Gobino wrote: "For Asian philosophers, true wisdom is to obey the strong, not oppose the inevitable, please contact what is. A person lives in his thoughts or in his heart, he comes to Earth, like the shadows, passes on it indifferently and leaves it without regret. Western thinkers do not prevent such truths to their disciples. They call them to eat the earthly existence fully and as long as possible. ... Semitic philosophy makes the desert from the rich land, whose sands, everyday coming on fertile soil, together with the present absorb and the future. The opposite Aryan doctrine says to her: Gorozdi Earth Plows, and the sea ships, then, one day, despite the mind with his ghostly joy, make a paradise here, on earth and in the end, go to it. "

The separation from national roots denotes the "only-guise" the gap with its unconscious, which makes it impossible to gain a self-acquisition and the formation of a person, and then - the transformation into Ivan, Rodivity, "is the Ready of Consumption Society, thoughtlessly acceptable advertising patterns For the lack of natural "immune barriers" of their culture.

It should, I think, explain another moment. In a previously published article, "Folk War", I wrote: "If someone says and thinks in Russian, respects Russian history and culture, shares the ethical principles of the Russian people, is Russian, even if he is the ebony of advanced annuals."

I do not refuse this thesis, but I want to prevent the interpretation of it in the form of "any ebony can become Russian." The essence is not here in the language and respect, but in ethics. Ethical principles cannot be "listed as a list" - they relate to "unwritten laws". And, which is very important, the ethics works specifically. The touched the topic is very interesting, but the format of the newspaper article is forced to limit the visual example. From another publication ("Myths and True on Nationalism"):

"Some of the modern nationalists define belonging to the nation not as" blood and soil ", but as" culture, language, ethics ", which causes rejection from other nationalists. In fact, there is no contradiction.

Indeed, based on strictly scientific considerations, blood (genetics) and the more soil (place of birth) are not strictly determining factors. Imagine non-Russian on the origin of the baby (but still a white race), from the birth of Russians raised by "reference" in some terrain, populated by them, but formally belonging to Russia. It is very likely that the media factor here makes typically Russian on mentality - with non-Russian blood and soil.

And now it quickly broke away from the deep abstract fabrications and attracted the likelihood of such an event. How many happened there, eh? "

I will explain why the "Whole White Race" condition was exhibited. Not at all because I am a racist, but for quite objective reasons.

Imagine negritena under the same conditions. Freaker, who never communicated with blacks. Will there be Russian from him? No never. Educators simply will not be able to treat him as their own. Negros, you know, live in Africa, not in Russia. And Russia's effect of centuries inhabited by a white race. The attitude to the receiving genther can be exemplary, it may even be sincerely loved, but they will not be considered for his own. Children, by the way, feel very well a relationship; The psyche is formed from birth, and mostly its structure is drawn up in infancy. At the best case, as a result of such an experiment, "his boyfriend", which, no matter how cool, will be a subconscious attitude to the Russians "they do not recognize me, although they are friendly." If the attitude to the object of the experiment will be sincerely as "its own", then this is by definition - there will be no "reference Russians", but "reference units". Which Russian will not bring up even from the descendant of Siberian Old Believers.

I note and another moment, no longer theoretical, but practical nature. Among the Russian nationalists, many people adhere to the views of the type "blood and soil". They are much larger than non-Russian on the origin standing in the position of Russian nationalism. Of course, an ethical problem exists, but nevertheless, the nuclear position to the purity of blood simply will not be supported from a significant part of nationalists.

Well, very much "in the forehead": to talk about Russians as about the nation, you need to have this very nation as unity that is checked scientific (and this is precisely genetics), and not just to talk about "Russian-speaking", etc.

Let us finally go to the facts. It is likely that this part of the work will probably seem simply boring and dry. But the facts must be dry. Liquid there are only demagogical outpounds.

Let's start from the very lesson that many "generally owners" seems terrible - namely, from measuring skulls. This is engaged in the science of Craniology, whose task is to study the variations of the size and shape of the skull and its individual parts.

We fell on the book: V.P. Alekseev "Craniology of the peoples of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus in connection with the problems of their origin" (Moscow, 1967). In work, it was noted that the craniological differences between the Russian groups do not depend on the distance between them: the differences between geographically close series are not less than between remote.

The anthropological expedition of 1955-1959, headed by the largest anthropologist Professor V. Bunak, has been studied by more than 100 groups of the Great Russian population. V. Bunak with the help of comparison of data on dozens of groups of the population of the entire foreign Europe revealed the minimum and maximum limits of the values \u200b\u200bof anthropological signs for these groups. After establishing the same limits for the Russians, it turned out that their values \u200b\u200bhave a variety of two times less than for the entire European population. Thus, Russians have significant homogeneity in their anthropological component - despite the fact that the territory of their settlement is very extensive. As for the average values \u200b\u200bof anthropological symptoms for European peoples, here the Russians on racial properties occupy the central position. This is the "most typical Europeans."

The same conclusion is made by V. E. Dryabin in the work "Modern East Slavic peoples" (M., Scientific World, 1999): "When comparing the average values \u200b\u200bof anthropological signs for the peoples of Europe and for Russians, it turned out that they are in many racial properties occupy the central position among Europeans. This is observed along the length of the body, the size of the head and its form, the high-altitude and latitudinal sizes of the face and their relations. In other words, in many signs, Russians are the most typical Europeans. According to the pigmentation of the eyes and hair, the Russians in general were the brighter of the middle European type. "

According to the calculations of the scientist, the bright eyes (gray, gray-blue, blue and blue) among Russians are found in 45%, while the average level for foreign Europe is only 35%. Dark eyes are found in 5% of Russians, while the population of Europe - an average of 45%. Dark hair among Russians occur on average in 14% of cases, while the population of foreign Europe is 45%. It was not confirmed by a commodity opinion on the curenosts of the Russians: in 75% of cases, the nose profile is direct.

V. V. Bunak, relying on the data of the genome-magographical study of Eastern Europe, came to the conclusion that the original "Protoslavan type" is very steady and its roots goes to the era of Neolith, and maybe even mesolithic. Academician V. P. Alekseev highlighted the extreme degree of morphological similarity of all the craniological series of the modern Russian people. All local local options deviate very slightly from a single racial type, common in a huge territory from Arkhangelsk to Kursk and SMOLENSK to Penza.

Back in 1837, the ethnographer and historian N. I. Nadezhdin said: "The physiognomy of the Russian people, at the base of Slavic, is captured by a natural shade of Northern Nature. Blonde's hair, why in the old Name of Russia, "It should be noted that the inverse situation looks like a more logical: a blond hair color took a name from Russia. Please note that the term" blonde "refers exclusively to the hair, and nothing else).

Well, what about us on the topic "If you cries, then ..."?

The presence of an epicantus is the characteristic sign of the mongoloidism - the folds of the inner corner of the person's eye, formed by the skin of the upper eyelid and the covering tear tubercle.

N. N. Cheboksarov, "Mongoloid elements in the population of Central Europe." Uch. Zap. MSU. - M. 1941. - Vol. 63: "At the Mongoloids, it is found in 70-95% of cases, but" from among more than 8, 5 thousand examined Russian male epicantus discovered only 12 times, besides, only in its infancy ... The same extremely rare Epicatus occurs is observed Germany's population.

The Encyclopedia of the "Peoples of Russia", M., 1994, the head of the "racial composition of the population of Russia": "According to approximate estimates, representatives of the European divided race account for more than 90% of the country's population and about 9% are of representatives of forms mixed between Europeanoids and Mongoloids. The number of pure mongoloids does not exceed 1 million people. "

G.L. Hit in the work of the "dermatoglification of the peoples of the USSR" (M.: "Science", 1983) comes to the conclusion based on a thorough analysis of fingerprint figures: "It has been established that the Russian homogeneous in the attitude of the skin relief and are carriers of the most European-like complex, along with Belarusians ... " At the same time, in its study, G. L. Hytno notes a huge difference in the dermatoglyphic material of the Russians, on the one hand, and the Kazan Tatars, Mari and Chuvash, on the other.

Consequently, any "mogestization" of Russians with Mongol-Tatars from a scientific point of view can not be. Think ourselves: how are Russians with allegedly a mongoloid admixture turned out to be brighter hair and skin than Western Europeans, to which Mongolian IHO did not get? And in general, the Russian girls who were hijacked in full could not add Asian Gennes to Russian, on the contrary - their children remained on the territory of the invaders.

The absence of some noticeable mixing is confirmed by biochemical studies. Here, for example, the work of O. V. Irisova "Polymorphism of erythrocytic acid phosphatases in various groups of the population of the Soviet Union" (questions of anthropology. Issue 53, 1976): "Among the population of Europe, there is a relatively broad dispersion of three alleles: PHA, PHB, PHC . In general, the rarely found PHC gene serves as a characteristic sign that labeling the European-like populations (0, 030-0, 070). Allel Pha varies from the European population in the range of 0, 268-0, 402. Nero-shaped populations, the PHA frequency varies in a narrower part of 0, 16 to 0, 25. Mongoloids, as expected, have the widest range of PHA alleles and PHB and, nevertheless, they have practically no PHC gene. " The myth about the genetic consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia again tolerates the full collapse: the Russians have a PHC gene, and the Mongols have practically no.

Thus, the theory that the racial basis of Russian, and equally and some other European peoples is undoubtedly, the Nordic Race is confirmed again and again. It is the cultural abilities of the Nordic race and is obliged to all European civilization by its origin.

Sometimes you have to hear that Rasology allegedly considers Russian Neochoralov (see the Rosenberg quotation at the beginning of the article). Supporters of such an argument apparently bow the times of the Third Reich's German propagandists and believe that they are infallible as Pope Ex Cathedra. And if seriously, everything is easier: official ideologues of any state work for the interests of this state itself. Since the assault on the USSR was committed - the Russians were necessary to imagine as racially defective; When, in the Great Patriotic, the fracture came - in Waffen Schutzstaffel began to take almost everything in a row (pure German was only a third of Waffen SS), there were even Islamic divisions (about 60 thousand people).

If you read the MEIN KAMPF itself, then we will not find statements about the racial inferiority of the Russians. Yes, Hitler considers Russian expanses as land to expand the settlement of the Germans, but it justifies this by no means racial inferiority, but the established setting. In other circumstances, perhaps he would even consider Russian as allies. I quote: "... It is clear that in one day, England had to become our enemy ... The policy of conquesting new lands in Europe Germany could only be held in alliance with England against Russia, but on the contrary: the policy of conquering colonies and strengthening of its world trade in Germany could lead only with Russia against England "; "The modern Lords of Russia do not think at all about the conclusion of an honest union with Germany, and even more so about its implementation if they concluded it. It is impossible to forget the fact that the rulers of modern Russia are - stained with blood low criminals, it is a scale of human, which took advantage of it with a progress of tragic circumstances, captured an entertainment state, made a wild bloody massacre over millions ... it is impossible to further forget The fact that these lords are immigrants from the people whose features of which are a mixture of brutal cruelty and incomprehensible falsehood, and that these gentlemen are now more than ever, they consider themselves desired to make the whole world of bloody domination. For a minute it is impossible to forget that international Jewry, now fully holding all Russia in his hands, sees not an ally in Germany, and the country intended to incur the same lot. "

As you can see, the Führer justifies the attack on the USSR by its attitude towards the Jews (from his point of view, Bolshevism is a Jewish invention to conquer world domination), and not any "racial inferiority" of Russians.

Moreover, if you study not official propaganda, designed for the masses, and related to the time of fighting, and scientific rosal works, then many will cause surprise.

German scientist Ilze Schwidetski in the Book "Rassky Teaching of the Ancient Slavs" (1938), which was published by a mass edition in the third Reich, justified that the Slavic Type of Slavic - Nordic. The developers of the concept of racial hygiene in Germany actively printed Russian scientists N. K. Koltsov, Yu. A. Filipchenko, B. I. Slot. German racial psychologists in great honor was V. M. Bekhterev, Geneticov - N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky and A. S. Sererovsky.

Robert Proctor in his book "Racing Hygiene" (1988), referring to archival documents, leads the fact: N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky was sent to Germany in the framework of the government agreement with the USSR and became the director of the Institute of Genetics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. He later lectured at the courses of advanced training of the SS officers, and in 1938, at the open meeting of the party elite dedicated to current issues of racial policies, he spoke with a report immediately after the head of the Racial Department of Walter Gross, before the chief ideologist of the Third Reich Alfred Rosenberg. Comments, as they say, unnecessary.

But there are even more interesting facts. The concept of Arycans as "Blond Bestiy" belongs by no means Nietzsche (I, honestly, I do not understand where such a strange hypothesis came from - the philosopher himself was just proud of his Slavic roots), and Hauston Stewartu Chamberrine, whom the ideologists of the choir are recorded in the forerunner "German fascism.

It is always useful to contact the original source in such angazing. According to Chamberlain's own recognition, the term "German" to designate its "superheloveks", he borrowed from the ancient Roman historian Tacitus, who wrote that the German tribes were primarily blurred blood purity and never mixed with other peoples. However, at the same time, the ragologist was frankly recognized: "Never existed the peoples who themselves called themselves Germans."

Chamberlain refers to the words of Tacitis, who described the Germans as people with "blue eyes, blonde hair and high figures", but at the same time there are conscientiously emphasizes that there are two more large racial-ethnic groups: "Celts" and "Slavs" . Ancient Slavs The time of the migration began pronounced high-growth dolchocephal. In addition, Chamberlain refers to the largest authority of the physical anthropology of Rudolf Virchov and its extensive studies of hair color and eye color, on the basis of which it comes to the conclusion that Slavs occur from the very center of the region, from which all representatives of this racial type have been confirmed (confirmed by works in . Bunaka, about which mentioned above).

At the end of his book, giving forecast for the future, Hauston Stewart Chamberlain wrote that the world in Europe for the benefit of the whole white race can only be achieved on the basis of the Kelto-German-Slavic Union.

From his book "Die Grundlagen Des 19-En Jahrhunderts": "Apparently, in Russian poetry, a little inherited from antiquity, except for the epic, fairy tales and songs: But here we offer a certain peculiarity of the German spirit ..."; "... it's especially striking that among all Christian peoples only Slavs (except for the German influence of Chekhov) never recognized worship in another language, except for their own."

Now we turn to another part of the anti-Russian myth - to the topic "bleeding".

It should be noted to begin to begin that the historical Russian tradition does not approve of mixed marriages. A. P. Bogdanov, "Anthropological physiognomy" (M., 1878): "Maybe many and married to naughty and were made someded, but most of the primitive colonizers were not so. It was the people trading, militant, industrial, taking care of a penny and then arrange themselves in his own way, according to his own ideal of well-being. And this ideal of a Russian person is not at all that it is easy to twist his life with some kind of "string", as now even completely and the Russian man is worth the Russian man. He will deal with him, there will be a gentle and friendly with him, will go to his eyes in everything - in addition to encourage to introduce a foreign element in his family. For this simple Russian people are still strong, and when it will touch the family, before rooting your home, here he is a kind of aristocracy. Often in the middle of various tribes live in the neighborhood, but marriages between them are rare, although novels are frequent, but novels are unilateral: Russian lovers with foreign cameras, but not the opposite "; "A woman of relatively higher development, a higher race, rarely drops to a representative of the race, which is considered for it below. Movement of Europe with blacks is extremely rare and belong to a random, one can say, eccentric phenomena, but black women and mulatto pages to Europeans. "

A deeper immersion in history makes the picture even more visual - the care of blood purity is manifested not only at the "instinctive-folk", but also at the state level.

It was Yaroslav Wise who accepted the church charter, the paragraph of the seventeenth of which he said: "Whether Zhidovin or will be tremended with a Rusko or a foreign language, on the foreignatest metropolitan of 50 hryvnia, and Ruska is poached in the church house" (monuments of Russian law, M., 1952, Vol. 1 ). Thus, the woman went to the monastery - that is, it was deprived of the opportunity to continue his genus (i.e., the behavior that admits the birth of siblings from mixed marriages was not fixed in generations).

The significance of the amount of the fine in 50 hryvnia can be clearly demonstrated by the fact that the same "Russian truth" for killing a free person establishes a fine of 40 hryvnia. At the same time, the penalty for the murder of the Hall in the then laws was only 5 hryvnia, that is, even the possibility of the appearance of mixed offspring and violations of the purity of the blood of the Russian people was considered the equivalent value of the lives of ten kestops. No less visuality and the fact that the blood-mixing relationship with the sister, which is very rigidly approved by both folk traditions and Christian customs, is all the same church charter of Yaroslav to 40 hryvnia, that is, he considered a very significant crime, along with the murder, but all The same smaller than a blood purity.

An even more accurate attitudes towards the inverse situation - if the Russian will live with a non-Russian woman: "She will create a fever with a degree or a fideline of the Blud, and he will not lose from Christian, and Metropolitan 12 hryvnia."

The act of this species is considered less reprehensible - Russian blood is not mixed with someone else's, but the one who does not understand the importance of preserving her purity, not worthy of reckoning with Russian and De Facto is expelled from society - Christians then were all, and excommunication from the church was very seriously punished. Simply put, thus, the Russian race denied the "Prodigal Son".

The origins of the creation of the myth of Russians as about the metisas with the Mongols, Finno-Ugm, etc., about the fundamental impurity of Russian blood (try to remember even at least one people, about which they would try to say the same thing with the same intensity!) Obvious.

A briefly promoted thesis can be expressed as "no purebred Russians - it means there are no Russians at all!", And even easier: "Well, when finally, all Russians die!"

Ideas about racial mixing of Slavs with Turks, and, consequently, their inferiority from the point of view of "civilized Europeans", "Asian aggressiveness" and so on. appeared long ago and still earlier in Europe and America. This idea was justified by Natisk to East and Karl XII, and Napoleon, and Hitler. Already, no one hundred years of the European Outdoor is frightened by Asian Hordes from the East, which will bring the death of European civilization. And all this time, European civilization with enviable constancy sends troops to the east, seeking to end the national Russia and its fundamentally different civilizational form of development.

The reasons for such a relation to the Russian ethnic group by "civilized peoples" will be disassembled later (this article is the second in the series), until I note that, unfortunately, the concept of "no clean Russians" was very well for the additional historical factors of Russian history, starting From the thesis of Christianity "Take neither Ellin, or Judea," and ending with the attempts of the Communists to create a "new historical community - the Soviet people." It is possible that the myth-making in this area may be due to the fact that many intellectuals are not Russians by origin and consciously or unconsciously seek to submit this fact as not meaningless, replacing the Russian nation with a certain conglomerate "Russian-speaking". Just like Latinians - no longer, but the language remains ....

However, the secret will not be issued if they immediately give one obvious cause of the desire to prevent Russian national identity. Each historically significant people has one racial basis, one "core", which establishes the rules of the game for the periphery - both territorial and in terms of blood purity. Egypt was created by the Egyptians. The Great Roman Empire - Latinians. The Chinese kingdom is the Chinese. Russian Empire - Russians. Conversations about "multinational cultures" are just a propaganda reception that works on the ideology of consumer society, where all values \u200b\u200bare replaced by the desire for the possession of money (note that the question "why?" Is not even put, the money is not a means, but intrinsicness). The empires create "clean" peoples, and they are destroyed by foreigners, including half-breeds.

And now the main goal of the ideologues of Nerusi - to the most of the Russian nation as much as possible (clearly: the separation of Maloros from Velikorsov was already committed by "orange") and in no case allow the formation of the Russian National Empire (pay attention to the fact that the existing age of the Russian state, as well as The USSR was not precisely national empires).

Historical data clearly indicate that the unity of the Eastern Slavs existed already at least in the XI-century. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", Nestor writes: "In Slavyansky, they speak Russia: Polyana, Dreesland, Novgorod, Polokhan, Dregovichi, Northerners, Bujan. Thus, in the chronicles, not just a linguistic unity, but also awareness of this unity by Slavs. Next, the peoples, "giving Rusi", but speaking other languages, which indicates the development of the Russian state already at the time, as well as the ability of our Slavic ancestors to clearly distinguish themselves from the surrounding peoples of other blood.

The famous traveler Mark Polo in the "Book on the Diversity of the World" writes: "Russia is a big country in the north. Christians of the Greek rite live here. There are many kings and your own language; The people are simple and very beautiful; Men and women of white and blond. " We are talking about the late XIII century. M. Polo described the Russian population from Don Horders - and this is a border with a steppe, where, according to the Adepts of the idea of \u200b\u200bracial heterogeneity and the Mongoloid of Russians, mass racial contacts of the Slavs and Turils were supposed to occur.

A venetian diplomat of the XV century Cantarini writes: "Muscovyan, both men and women, are generally beautiful," ..; The English ambassador of the XVI century in Russia, Fletcher notes: "As for their physique [Russian], then they, the biggest part, growth of high ..." Sailing Master of the Dutchman Strols, visiting Russia and Livonia in the XVII century, recorded in his travel notes: "Usually Russians above average growth. " Rome's Ambassador to Moscow from 1670-1673 by Rateithfels described the Russians as follows: "They have a hair, for the most part, blonde or red, and they are more often cut them than combing. The eyes of them are bigger part of blue, but they are especially valued gray, with a kind of fire-reddish glitter; Most of them looks so hard and wild. They have a big head, the breast is wide ... "Dutch merchant XVIII century K. Wang Klenk also claims:" Russians or Muscovites, for the most part, the people of the tall and roads with big heads and fat hands and legs. "

Let us turn to folk creativity and look at the advanced ideals of beauty. Russian Bogati "Zlakotokud", with "clear eyes." The girls are certainly ruddy, with long blond braids. "Basurman" in the eponymists invariably describe as "black", that is, significantly different from the Russians. Until recently, the blur was considered a sign of simpleness.

Of course, I am not an anthropologist, but I will assign that the described features belong to the Nordic race, and there will not smell any mongoloid.

However, in this you can see for yourself, with your own eyes. In the middle of the last century, the staff of the Russian anthropological expedition took pictures of people throughout Soviet Russia who consider themselves Russian. Images of several thousand faces in the Faces collected in the villages of Ryazan, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Yaroslavl and other original Russian regions were kept in the institute archives. Doctor of Biological Sciences Ilya Vasilyevich Carriers, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University, after the generalized portraits of small peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia did, found expeditionary materials in the archives and processed them. Generalized portraits of Russians - here they are (see Figure).

Famous Russian historian Karamzin writes: ".. Despite the humiliation of slavery, we felt our civil excellence in relation to the people to the nomadic. The consequence was that the Russians came out from under the yoke more than the European, rather than Asian character. Europe did not recognize us: but for the fact that she changed in 250 years, and we were left as. Her travelers of the XIII century did not find any difference in the clothes of our and Western peoples: the same, no doubt, could say in the reasoning of other customs. " Historian A. Sakharov continues this idea: "Neither in legislation, nor in public thought, nor in literature, or in painting should not be noticed anything that it would be borrowed from Mongol-Tatars. The rather indicator in this respect is the assessment of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and the yoke by the people themselves. All that we know about the oral folk creativity of the XV-XV centuries, quite definitely and categorically testify to a sharply negative assessment given by the people of Mongol-Tatar invasion and IGU "(which does not contribute to the desire of mixing with Mongol-Tatars). It is possible to confidently say that the "Eurasians" promoted by the "Eurasians" as a scientific and historical truth of the mixing of Russian and turks, both genetic and cultural, simply did not exist. At best, this is a conscientious error, usually - the ideological propaganda of Russophobes.

The beginning of the propaganda of such a sense lies, perhaps, at the beginning of the 20th century, when in Russia began to develop their own intellectual elite and Russian science. "Enlighteners from the West" were immediately worried. Hence the roots of the myth about "dirty Russian blood" grow.

Interestingly, thoughts about racial heterogeneity, mongoloid and so on. Appear almost simultaneously with the "Norman theory" of the origin of the Russian state. Both ideas are very organically complemented by one another, so after the revelation of the first myth, we turn to the study of the second.

Couple add-ons:

1. In the price list, Yaroslav Wise it is, if formally, about innerians, and not about people of different blood. However, it should be noted that in those days, religious and national affiliation correlated unequivocally. In addition, for a simple Russian marry a foreigner, which has moved to Orthodoxy, - the case is not particularly frequent, as it is not difficult to guess. About the princes, really married the daughters of Khanov, etc., the conversation will then be separate. Like about the role of Christianity for the Russians.

2. Strictly speaking, the term "Nordic Race" is not a conventional. There are many types of classifications of varying degrees of details, the systematization of Denichera, Giophrida Rujerry, Debeetz, Roginsky and Levin, Bunaka is remembered. Under the "Nordic Race" in this work, I understand the part of the White race corresponding to the "Nortal Mentalitet". "The courage in the fight against rock is and there is freedom for Nordic man." (c) Yu. F. Lemance Ferrag, "Nordic Idea". This topic will be disclosed in subsequent articles.

There are many races classifications, but the white race as a cultural and psychological community corresponds to the very first, created in the 18th century, the Grand Carl Linneem:

Europaeus Albus (European) - Clear, inventive. Managed by law.

Amerikanus Rubesceus (American Redhead) - Satisfied with his family, loving freedom, dark, hot-tempered. Managed customs.

Nikolay Bondarik

The recent joint studies of Russian, British and Estonian genetic scientists put a large and fat cross on the Upgrant Rusophobian myth, dozens of years introduced into the consciousness of people - they say, "Predro Russian and be sure to find Tatar."

The results of a large-scale experiment, published in the latest issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics, are completely clear - "Despite the situation about the strong Tatar and Mongolian impurity in the blood of the Russians who have given their ancestors in the time of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the haplogroup Turkic peoples and other Asian ethnic groups have almost left a trace in the population of the modern North-Western, Central and South regions. "

Like this. In this long-term dispute, you can safely put the point and consider further discussions on this occasion are simply inappropriate.

No influence on Russian genes of the so-called. "Mongol-Tatar Igo" did not provide. With no impurity of the "Ordane blood" with us, the Russians were not and no.

Moreover, scientists - genetics, summarizing their studies, declare the practically complete interface of the genotypes of Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians, thereby proving that we have been and remain in one people: "... Genetic variations of Y-chromosome residents of central and southern regions of ancient Rusi turned out to be almost identical to those of the "Slavs Brothers" - Ukrainians and Belarusians. "

One of the project managers, the Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky recognized in an interview with that the Russians are practically monolithic people from a genetic point of view, destroying another myth "everyone was mixed, the Russians are no longer." Just an even account, on the contrary, the Russians were Russians. Single people, a single nation, monolithic nationality - with a clearly pronounced special genotype.

Further, exploring the materials of the remains from the oldest burials, scientists found that "Slavic tribes mastered these lands (Central and South Russia) long before the mass relocation on them in the VII-IX centuries of the main part of the ancient Russians." That is, the lands of central and southern Russia were populated by the Russians (Rusichi), at least in the first centuries of our era (by PC). If not even earlier.

Which allows you to debunk and another Russophobian myth - that Moscow and the areas around it are allegedly ancient times were populated by the threat-Finnish tribes and Russians there - "aliens". We, as genetics proved - not aliens, and completely autochthonous residents of Central Russia, where Rusichi lived from time immemorial. "Despite the fact that these lands were settled before the last glaciation of our planet about 20 thousand years ago, evidence directly indicating any" original "peoples who lived in this territory, no" - is indicated in the report. That is, there is no evidence that there were some other tribes on our lands, which we supposedly ousted or assimilated. If you can put it in this way - we live here from the creation of the world.

Determined scientists and distant borders of the habitat of our ancestors: "Analysis of bone remains indicates that the main zone of contacts of European views with people of the Mongoloid type was in the territory of Western Siberia." And if you consider that archaeologists, who excavated the oldest graves of 1 millennium BC (before PC) on the territory of Altai, discovered the remains of pronounced European views there (not to mention the world-famous arcama) - the conclusion is obvious. Our ancestors (Ancient Rusichi, Protoslav Communion) - heonally lived in almost the entire territory of modern Russia, including Siberia, and quite possible and the Far East. So the campaign of Yermak Timofeevich is associates for the Urals, from this point of view - was a completely legal return of previously lost territories.

This is how modern science destroys Russophobic stereotypes and myths.

20 years have passed since the first edition of this book on the history of Mongolia came out. There were a lot of mistakes and incorrect interpretations of historical facts in the publication due to the lack and inaccessibility of sources at the time. Many questions arose and the need to consider their book, because during which time memoirs and the comments of witnesses of historical events of Mongolia were published and the scientific circulation was entered into a scientific circulation of many research works, new facts and interpretations. This book was translated into several languages, published in different countries. And in 2006 the second edition was published with additions on Mongolian. Due to the fact that I received proposals to translate this book into French, Spanish and Korean, I decided to almost completely remake and re-write a book, and publish the third edition. At the moment, I work at the final stage, this third edition will pre-twice the first one, by 40 percent of the thicker of the second edition.

I present to readers some parts from the revised and re-written third publication "20-p Zoyna Mongol: Nүdel, Suudal."


Translation Naranbaatar Bambazhav

The word "Slavs" comes from Greek and Latin "Slave",meaning slave In 1941, Hitler used the origin of this word in anti-Soviet propaganda, expressing Slaven Sind Sklaven, i.e. "Slavs are slaves". It was probably an attempt to justify the war against humanity and humanity at which millions of people died.

Wild peoples, cattle breeders and hunters lived on the territory of modern Russia. Foreign, hunting production and amber, and for this "work" were brought to Europe, and for this "work" were sold in the slaves of people from the Black Sea area. From the 6th to the 9th century, troops and regimes of such nomadic barbarians were underway on the territory of modern Russia, such as Huns / Hyn /, Goths, Avars and Magazes.

Eastern Slavs founded the Rus State in 988. Itifinged, it was more Ukrainians than the Russians. Eastern Europe to Slavs controlled the Varangi / or Varyags /, and the name "Rus" - also comes from them. The kings of the first Russian dynasty of Ruriki were arrests from Danish Jutland. From the middle of the 10th century, the Slavs began to rule, and at Prince Vladimir I Rus officially adopted Christianity.

In the 11th century, Kievan Rus was fragmented to several principalities: Novgorod, North-West / Polotsk /, Northeast / Pereyaslavl /, South-West / Volyn /, etc. It was at that time that the Mongolian troops led by Batha Hanom arrived on this territory, united all of Russia and founded the Golden Horde with the capital of Saray on the banks of the Volga instead of the former capital of Kiev, which was destroyed to the ground.

Mongols supported from all princes of fragmented Russia Alexandra Novgorod / later Alexander Nevsky /. Thanks to this, Alexander was able to break the German army in 1242 on the Neva River. This ended the ambition of the crusade, which continued for many centuries.

By setting strong connections with Mongols, Prince Alexander gained strength, Eastern Slavs united under his leadership. Alexander Nevsky is indeed the first Russian historical hero. It is thanks to his merit of Eastern Slavs or Novgorod, the basis of the future of the most powerful nation in world history. According to some reports, Batha Han took him in a foster son, and Father Yaroslav sent to Mongolia, where he was killed.

There are historical facts that in 1380 Dmitry Donskoy allegedly overthrew the Golden Horde. But in fact, he only broke the troops Mama, who was an impostor and was not a Genghisid. When next year, Tokhtamysh established legitimate power, defeating Mama, and began a campaign to Moscow, Dmitry fled. At this time, Tamerlan, who arrived at the peak itself, repeatedly made a campaign on the barn, which significantly weakened the Golden Horde.

Later, the Khaan Uzbek, who captured the city of Sarai, began the fight against Novgorod and Pskov, and involved in Muscovites in his activities. Han Uzbek strongly supported Prince Ivan Kalitu,headed the Moscow Principality.Namely, Uzbek helped Ivan I to establish Constantinople's connections with Moscow through the Crimea, which was at that time under the control of Uzbek. This is the reason for the reading point that Moscow Russians began to dominate the eastern Slavs.

When Mongols attacked Moscow in 1237, she was a little castle, and later expanded and flourished, becoming a place to collect taxes and Dani on behalf of Han Golden Horde. In 1328, the Golden Horde assigned to Moscow Count Uzbe the title of "Grand Prince", which gave him the highest powers among all.

As a result of the Mongolian invasion and many years of reign: first, the Kiev culture was eliminated, and secondly, they separated the eastern Slavs from the West, thirdly, the Moscow Russian nationality was formed, which turned into a dominant force among the eastern Slavs.

King Ivan groznyj It took from power from time to time when the internal crises occurred. In the spring of 1575, he gave the throne to Simeon Bekbulatovich, a year later he returned the crown. This Simeon was actually the great-grandfather of the last Khan of the Golden Horde of Ahmat, Sainbold. In this way, the king of the newly formed and independent Rus proved and showed that it isgolden Horde receiver. Ivan Grozny was the grandson of Dmitry Donskoy on the Food Line, and on the maternal - he was a descendant of his enemy Maama.

Long before Ivan the Terrible, many aristocrats from Rurikovichi fought among themselves to breed with genus gengizids and get the title of Guragan / Khan's bridegroom, son-in-law /. Aristocrats visited Khan Golden Horde, bringing a large tribute and gifts to solve disagreements among themselves. It is more likely that the one who has the title is higher in Ordivan standards will receive a decision in its favor.

Ivan Grozny did not have the heir to the throne, the next king was Boris Godunov, who was very proud that he was Tatar-Mongol.

With the beginning of crushing the Golden Horde, the power has long passed to the Russian dynasty. This transition continued almost 400 years, and only Empress Catherine II was able to put the point, by defeating the latter remains of the Horde - Crimean Tatars.

For a long historical process, the method of capturing the Golden Horde, the Russians were simple: they dissolved Turkic-Mongolian peoples in themselves. Everything in the world has two sides, so the Russians themselves have merged significantly with Turko-Mongols. Hence, probably, the expression went:

"In every Russian, if you dig, there will be a Tatars with Mongols."

Eastern Slavs, who were under the political and trade prohibition of the Baltic countries and Byzantium, were freed from the ban due to the Mongols, and even introduced into the global policy of policies and trade covered by India, Persia, China and Egypt.

The Great Heritage of Mongols for Russia is a powerful system of statehood. This state was not formed simply as a result of historical events and nuances, it was created by Mongols and developed from the top of the bottom and from the inside. The Russian state with a strong center of religion and statehood by Moscow did not lose the war from the times of education (if not considered the defeat from Japan in 1905). And the basis of powerful statehood was in Orthodox Christianity.

Mongols are especially caredabout Orthodoxy,in every way supported it. Back in 1328, the church of St. Peter Metropolitan to Moscow was transferred to Moscow. The goal was, firstly, in keeping the Center for Religion away from enemies, and second, so that he was under the protection of Mongols. Mongols approved a special order for the protection of Orthodox churches, the attack on the temple was considered a grave crime. Plus, they were freed from taxes and gave the right to collect tribute.

Since Alexander Nevsky founded a new Russian state or Muscovite, Russia has become an eastern power, which is different and separated from European culture, religion, lifestyle and public consciousness. Many sources and studies of different times indicate the guilt in this mongols (?). They say that due to the fact that Mongols worsened the legal legal tradition of Russians, inherited from Byzantium, political life in Russia has become more rigid and aggressive.

Unlike noble people of agricultural building, Mongols set a goal to collect more wealth for the shortest possible time. Therefore, they attracted Russian to know as Dani's collectors, later they became the founders of the new Russian state.

Thus, the Mongols were raised in their own way and coached several generations of Russian leaders.

By combining Novgorod and Tver, Ivan Grozny created the basis of an independent powerful state of Russians. By purchasing independence, Russians took up the expansion of the territory, continuing the tradition of the Mongols.

For a hundred years, Russians expanded their territory a hundred times The main power of the statehood of Muscovite was not salary, but in the middle layers of the states - horsemen who received land plots (estate) for the service of state. They did not formed a permanent army, and came to call aristocrats, and after the service received a certain part of the conquered land. And the land is wide, and in a few centuries, the territory of Russia reached the Pacific Ocean.

Russia as the Eastern Power renounced the Renaissance and Education Age, which completely changed European civilization and culture. Russia not affected by these epochs and met a new time.

The great Lion Tolstoy once said: "If you do not have Mongolian blood, what kind of Russian are you?", And it seems that his narrow eyes and a wide chin proving his words.

The Great Heritage of Mongols, left by Russia is the Russian nationality itself.

Nikolay Bondarik

The recent joint studies of Russian, British and Estonian genetic scientists put a large and fat cross on the Upgrant Rusophobian myth, dozens of years introduced into the consciousness of people - they say, "Predro Russian and be sure to find Tatar."

The results of a large-scale experiment, published in the latest issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics, are completely clear - "Despite the situation about the strong Tatar and Mongolian impurity in the blood of the Russians who have given their ancestors in the time of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the haplogroup Turkic peoples and other Asian ethnic groups have almost left a trace in the population of the modern North-Western, Central and South regions. "

Like this. In this long-term dispute, you can safely put the point and consider further discussions on this occasion are simply inappropriate.

No influence on Russian genes of the so-called. "Mongol-Tatar Igo" did not provide. With no impurity of the "Ordane blood" with us, the Russians were not and no.

Moreover, scientists - genetics, summarizing their studies, declare the practically complete interface of the genotypes of Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians, thereby proving that we have been and remain in one people: "... Genetic variations of Y-chromosome residents of central and southern regions of ancient Rusi turned out to be almost identical to those of the "Slavs Brothers" - Ukrainians and Belarusians. "

One of the project managers, the Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky recognized in an interview with that the Russians are practically monolithic people from a genetic point of view, destroying another myth "everyone was mixed, the Russians are no longer." Just an even account, on the contrary, the Russians were Russians. Single people, a single nation, monolithic nationality - with a clearly pronounced special genotype.

Further, exploring the materials of the remains from the oldest burials, scientists found that "Slavic tribes mastered these lands (Central and South Russia) long before the mass relocation on them in the VII-IX centuries of the main part of the ancient Russians." That is, the lands of central and southern Russia were populated by the Russians (Rusichi), at least in the first centuries of our era (by PC). If not even earlier.

Which allows you to debunk and another Russophobian myth - that Moscow and the areas around it are allegedly ancient times were populated by the threat-Finnish tribes and Russians there - "aliens". We, as genetics proved - not aliens, and completely autochthonous residents of Central Russia, where Rusichi lived from time immemorial. "Despite the fact that these lands were settled before the last glaciation of our planet about 20 thousand years ago, evidence directly indicating any" original "peoples who lived in this territory, no" - is indicated in the report. That is, there is no evidence that there were some other tribes on our lands, which we supposedly ousted or assimilated. If you can put it in this way - we live here from the creation of the world.

Determined scientists and distant borders of the habitat of our ancestors: "Analysis of bone remains indicates that the main zone of contacts of European views with people of the Mongoloid type was in the territory of Western Siberia." And if you consider that archaeologists, who excavated the oldest graves of 1 millennium BC (before PC) on the territory of Altai, discovered the remains of pronounced European views there (not to mention the world-famous arcama) - the conclusion is obvious. Our ancestors (Ancient Rusichi, Protoslav Communion) - heonally lived in almost the entire territory of modern Russia, including Siberia, and quite possible and the Far East. So the campaign of Yermak Timofeevich is associates for the Urals, from this point of view - was a completely legal return of previously lost territories.

In my articles, I repeatedly wrote that the most likely dating of the death of ancient city on the site of modern St. Petersburg should be considered a segment in the 13-14th century. At meetings with comrades and in dialogues on various thematic resources, the question of dating and causal relationships of the event leading to the death of the city periodically rises. Different researchers have different ideas on this issue, someone dates this event by the 17th century, and someone retracts it to a thousand or even two thousand years in the past. At the last meetings of the past in December 2019, I was once again convinced that my layouts differ from generally accepted, unusual. Unusual in the sense that they are complex. Encompass the entire spectrum of the actual material. So the idea of \u200b\u200ball his arguments and thoughts sounded in writing in the format of the article.

Now to business. To understand the essence of the question, it is necessary to form data on material science, soil science, geology, botanic, zoology, ichthyology, linguistics, the history of dynasties, religions, and all this with written sources. Written sources should be attributed not only manuscripts, chronicles and other documentary with fiction, but also geographical drawings and cards. We will not even forget about the technological way of different historical eras, including architecture. We will deal with this. The article will be volumetric, although I will try to be the most brief and lay out the material only for understanding the essence and do not overload the article with numerous detailed information. If you lay out the entire actual material and analyze it in detail, then the article is in clearing for perception. In general, there will be thematic sections with a brief profile information, at the end of the article Analysis and conclusions.

So let's go.

Let's start with materials science.
The entire historical center of St. Petersburg with a high degree of probability should be attributed to the doping period. Speech primarily on the basement and base parts of buildings. Most of these buildings in the city foundations or parts of the walls (socles) are significantly lower than the level of land. Building material of such foundations and basements - granite and lime tuff. In many places there are red bricks. Very often all three building material are intertwined. Somewhere this can be explained by numerous restructors of buildings, somewhere restoration, somewhere substitution. Red brick without special treatment (impregnation) poorly tolerates an aggressive medium of the atmosphere, and so much often it is used in the inside of the foundations and bases. The outer part is usually from a limestone tuff (limestone) or granite. Limestone is also not the most durable material and quickly eroses in an aggressive environment. However, it is very simple to replace it, because since the recovery of the city from 1703, it was most often used as a decorative cladding. And from the 19th century exclusively as a facing or decorative stone. Another thing is granite. This is a very solid stone, almost completely hygroscopic and, accordingly, very durable. So durable that any granite boulder found in the forest or on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, it is easy to polish to a mirror gloss with a minor loss of initial shape and size. At the same time, how many centuries or millennia this cobblestone laying on you not say no one. But there are indirect signs that even on granite can say that it is processed relatively late, or relatively recently. It is relatively relative, for the backlash is very big. And this backlash is measured not by segments in decades or century, but at a time. That is, for example, this sample is two or three times the sample. Conditionally, for understanding the essence. The oldest samples of granite can be found in some areas of embankments, on the grounds and basements of a number of historic buildings. Very old, for example, looks like Old Kalinkin Bridge over the fountain.

With this bridge, everything is extremely muddy. The official story does not know its date of construction, nor his architect. Only alleged. Moreover, it is known that this is a typical bridge, and once it was at least 7 such bridges (documented). Now two bridges have been preserved, though they were repeatedly restored and rebuilt. And even transferred to a new place. This is how his native granite looks like. Photo clickable.

Tower, it is completely collected from old elements.

It is adjacent to the old granite with the new one. As I wrote, the bridge was restored several times and reconstructed. As far as young this "new" granite is difficult to say, this is either the end of the 19th century, or even perhaps the 1960s, when the last restoration was held.

During the reconstruction of the bridge, some of the old granite elements was saved.

Granite products look very old and in a number of suburbs of St. Petersburg - in Pushkin, Petrodvorez, etc., especially in forest-park areas where the arm of the restorers failed to be historical artifacts. The most indicative example of comparing two samples of worn out (erosion) of granite I saw in the Smolny Cathedral. They are adjacent to the next. Old and new. On the base and basement. New, with a high degree of probability, this is the work of Rastrelli, that is, the middle or the second half of the 18th century. Old looks very erosed. If we assume that both samples initially had the same degree of processing, the age of the old sample should be more than several times. About. Photo of granite samples there. Here is one of them, it is an old erosion granite. Photo clickable.

As for the landmark structures, which, as well with a high degree of probability, should be attributed to the antediluvian - Alexander Column and St. Isaac's Cathedral, then it is somewhat more complicated. These facilities had subsequent restorations, especially since the granite can be polished. Footprints of polishes on all the columns of Isakia and on the Alexander Column are evident. They are perfectly visible, especially in sunny weather. They are in the form of waviness and segments - dark and light strips. Even seen a step with which the polishing unit walked. But, there are traces of antiquity of these products. Near it is very clear that the columns have a cavity. These are traces of erosion. Deep cavities, so deep that polished could not smooth them. Or rather, if it was necessary to sharpen before polishing the column and grind, but, apparently, this did not do it, because it would mean at least the loss of the original geometry (forms and volumes) of the product. We can easily find caverns on any wild cobblestone in Finnish bay or in the forest. On the granite columns on which there was no aggressive environmental impact of any caverned we will find. Neither within the Kazan Cathedral, nor in the Hermitage, or anywhere else. They are perfectly smooth. In the photo cavity columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral and polishing traces. Clickable.

The same applies to the Atlas of Small Hermitage. They do not have traces of obvious erosion, which is understandable. They are under the visor, always dry. In addition, in this place of satisfies, strong wind and even more so with the wind with sand and dust there is no. Conservation conditions are close to the fact that indoors. And where these Atlants were before installation in this place, no one knows. By the way, since it came about Atlanta, a little distracted. Recent years on a number of resources and some researchers from among the lovers of history, the idea is advantageous that the Atlanta is cast from artificial granite. At the same time, for what technology no one knows. And they allegedly cast in a single matrix, that is, all the same. So, this is a delusion. All Atlants are different. And not only in detail, the type of folds of folds on the projected bandages, but also in the geometric plan. Who does not believe, take the roulette and go out. In particular, the foot length varies in the Delta 0.5-1.5 cm. I will not upload a photo with a tape measure and measurements, lay out a photo with a metro card, on the strip on it it is very clear that the fingers hang in different ways.

Also indisputable proof that Atlanta is made of natural stone is a texture pattern of stone. Pay attention to the quartz core passing through the entire statue from top to bottom. This is a single live of a single monolith. It is impossible to repeat it in artificially. Photo clickable.

There are a number of granite samples whose dating can be dated with a high degree of probability. This is in particular embankments of rivers and canals in the city and some forts in the Nevsky Lip. This is what has detailed and trustworthy documents for construction, reconstruction or restoration. In particular, the Northern Fort or Fort Obruchev. Samples of granite from embankments and forts are very close to the view of the degree of erosion and can be taken per unit of measurement as a sample of preservation. The unit of measurement for a totality in the average value is obtained in the delta 150-200 years. So this degree of erosion is very small, so small that it is not very clear whether it was turned out to be treated when processing the stone initially or thus caused some traces of wear. The same Old Kalinkin Bridge in this kind of comparison should have several units of wear. Once again - several. For example, several photos. Here is Fort Obruchev.

Here it is granite near. Its age is about 120 years old. This part of the granite is susceptible to the highest possible exposure. In winter, ice, summer ultraviolet and water, permanent wind. At the same time, the preservation of granite is that it is difficult to determine, such or nothing was the initial level of stone processing. And whether there are traces of erosion at all. Photo clickable.

Take the Northern Fort. He is old for 50 years old. Steps have a similar level of wear. Photo clickable.

But the decor granite. He is almost exemplary fresh. Almost, because the cavities are already beginning to manifest. In this case, we do not observe other changes in the geometry of the stone. Here the train is true next series of questions, why on a defensive structure such elements of the decor, and also from granite. Around the perimeter. Dozens and even hundreds of meters, it is not cheap and not easy. Try to order on any production granite roguline like a form and ask how much it can cost. If you get done at all. Anyway. Photo clickable.

This decor visor had similar conditions of the aggressive medium with a sample from the Smolny Cathedral (see photo above). His age is 150 years old, even with nuts. If you take it for one unit of measurement, then try to determine the number of units at the visor of the Smolny Cathedral. For me, certainly at least 5, and possibly all 10. The photos are clichable, so look and compare.

Further. Soil science. On this topic I had a special article a few years ago. Called. Detailed, with analysis. The output is next. On the territory of the Leningrad region above the Baltic Mlinge (OSTU) there is a thick layer of humus - up to 0.4-0.5 m. And below the Baltic Mlint Gumus as such is practically absent, only 1-3 cm, locally up to 5-10 cm. Considering the speed Gumus increases can be assumed that another 400-500 years ago, this area of \u200b\u200bsushi was a seabed. For example, the photo is actually growing forest. Photo clickable.

Walkers are capable of growing right in the sand. This is a furrow from the tractor who made fire fights. In general, you will find out a lot of amazing. Before I seriously became interested in the story, I began to look at the world attentively and in general I got into the debris, many things did not come to mind, and if someone had said that mushrooms, the more whatever, can grow on the sand, never believed.

In the year before last, I took a shovel and decided to check what the thickness of the sand. I dug the pit on 4 bayonet shovels and stopped. Complete sand without visible hints on anything other. Drove away to another place, then more. Paval in the forest, there, Sym, then drove to the sea, dug off the water. Everywhere is equally. Bottomless sand layer. But only below the Baltic Mlinity. Above the mullet is different, somewhere there are sand, but more humus and clay. Something interesting. 25 years ago I remember I went to Pskov to bury the robbing wife who broke on the motorcycle. It was surprised that the cemetery on the hillock with pines. And the hillock from the sand. So, to the depth of the grave, that is, at least 2 meters, completely sand. Clean sand.

Also here will be very relevant scheme of the Baltic Mlinity (ledge). It is indicated by a dotted line. By the way, there are a number of old fortresses on this ledge, but we will return to this question later.

Further. Botany.
It implies directly from the soil. To begun to form humus, something should grow. And everything grows on some rules with a timeline. Suppose water left. Sea retreated. Next year, the forest will not start growing. Years must pass years. The years to the stones and sand (everywhere stones, sand and gravel) brought seeds of coniferous trees. Only needles can grow on stones and sand. Seeds of coniferous trees wind are not transferred, only animals and birds. This increases the term. The first rows are usually destroyed (eaten, pulled out, cut down) and mass growth begins only with certain saturation of the location. These are all the years, or rather decades and even centuries. When the needle reached sufficient volume, it appears different livestock - insects, beasts and birds, as well as vegetation. At the initial stage, mainly moss, ferns and blueberries, which in a compartment with fallen needles will begin to form humus. Only when the climbing locations will turn into the stage of solid forest with their microclimate, the Locations of humus will appear (in low-spirits where rain and thawed water flows) in which deciduous trees (birch, aspen, etc.) will be taken. Believe the coniferous forests are dominated below, on the coastal zone is exclusively coniferous. By the way, interesting information, for "not Peters". On the north shores of the Nevskaya Lip, nothing of fruit-berry is growing. Not an apple tree, no pear, nor cherry, nor plum, even a potato with strawberries do not grow. Modern most advanced dackets are trying to plant something there, but these are tears. And 20 km south, on the southern shore, any garden berry is growing, even grapes in skillful hands. These are the Peter features. Forests below the Baltic Millet Young. The thick trees have the diameter of the trunk not more than 70 cm. According to the local forester, with whom I communicated, in the 19th century there were no these forests and on the ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Luben Lake were an apiary of the famous merchant Eliseeva. Bees in the forest do not live and do not collect honey in the Christmas tree, they need her grass. Given the actual analysis of the thickness of humus, the words of the forester perfectly complement the picture. This is the same in the topic of botany and soil science, it is worth noting the fact of swamps and peatlands. Their location is as very interesting and turns well with a number of cards, but this will be discussed below. The oldest trees in the region were directly in St. Petersburg and in the Sergiev Pattern near Peterhof. These are oaks. The oldest is considered oak on an elagin island, its diameter in the region of 170 cm. Officially, he is given for more than 250 years.

There was a similar and stone island, the so-called Duba Peter's first, planted allegedly in 1716. Now, instead, a young oak is planted.

Two similar oaks now live in the Sergiev Park, here they are. Both photos are clichable.

However, the fact that these oaks are over 200 and even more than 250 years old - myth. In Sergievsky Park, there are two stumps with a diameter of 150-160 cm. Rather were. A few years ago, I wrote about them on one Internet resource and posted a photo. To his surprise, when he returned to these stumps for the next year, he discovered that the stumps were destroyed. I do not know, it is possible a coincidence. And it is possible that this is someone's evil intent. However, I managed to calculate the rings on these stumps. Although it was already poorly thought because the stumps were already partially rotated, but in general there was about 150 years, with assumptions a maximum of 180 years. An interesting feature was noticed. The trees of the first 30 years grew very quickly, on average there were 3-4 mm between the rings. Then the growth rate decreased sharply, about 1.5 mm per year, and there were two periods in a couple of dozen years each, in which the growth rate was reduced to 0.5-1.0 mm per year. The rapid increase in the oaks at the beginning of life can be explained by either a warm climate at that time, or by the fact that there are no priests from fast-growing trees like birches or needles, which created a shadow and thus reduced the growth rate of young oak. And maybe both together. It is a pity that I could not find out when they saw these stumps. It could be 5 years ago and 50 years ago. If it happened to find out, it would be possible to more specifically build a climate assumptions in particular and general history in general. If someone suddenly has such information, please indicate in the comments. Here is a photo of the already destroyed stump. Photo clickable.

There is also the park allegedly laid by Peter first. It is believed that the oldest Park of Sestroretsk "Dubki" was opened in 1714 by order of Peter I. It is believed that the king like this scenic place that he immediately ordered to equip a park with a summer residence here. In 1717, there were allegedly several thousand young oaks, and about 200 king landed personally. As far as it is really difficult for us to judge, it is important that around the modern Sister (and therefore the entire coast) at the beginning of the 18th century it was deserted. Now everything is completely forest thickets, in fact, with water riva.

Further. Zoology.
Here everything is standard, with the exception of old written sources. They narrate that there were some "Corcodiles" in the Volkhov River. What kind of beast we do not know, however, their description and the name declares to the version of their relationship with crocodiles. If so, it becomes a natural question about the climate of these places at that time, as well as about the causes of climate change. Very substantial.
For example, read the second Novgorod archival chronicle.
In summer 7090 (1582). Putting the city of earthen in Novgorod. Of the same summer, delightful of the Lutia is a beasts from the river and the shutter path; People are a lot of journey. And terrible people and prayer of God all over the Earth. And Paks hide, and other bees.
It is interesting here that it is described not a single case, which could be written off on some escaped crocodile from some kind of overseas merchant, and the mass yield of "Corcodilov" that could have bitten, or many people fucked. The word "joing" can be interpreted how to bite and how to devour. In any case, it is trying to assure someone by someone by B. Sapunov that claims that in this case the word journey to read how to bite. It is his, by the way, quotes Wikipedia. I do not know. It would become a chronicler to write that someone had bored someone there. Unlikely. But if you really were smoked or at least several people were killed, this is a completely different matter. This is remembered. By the way, further, in 4 parts of the article, the text will be given from the Tale of Bygone Years, where the word "nuclear" is definitely interpreted as eating. But not to bite. For me, so dummy and journey it is one word. Only different authors and in the additives are different late corresponders.

About some incomprehensible reptiles wrote for example and Gerberstein, a diplomat of the Sacred Roman Empire, in 1549 I published a notebook note about Muscovy.
This area is replete with groves and forests in which scary phenomena can be observed. There are very many idolatry, who are fed at home as if foams, some snakes with four short legs like lizards with a black and bold body, having no more than three spans in length and called hyvoites. In the past days, people clear their home and with some fear with the whole family are reverently worshiped by him, crazy. Unhappiness attributed to the fact that the Snake deity was poorly fed.
True, in this case, Gershurstein described the territory of modern Baltic, but it's all close enough on geographical standards. And reptiles are pretty small, three bottles are about 55 cm. But now there are no such.

Another diplomat, English, by the name Garcey, in the book "Notes on Russia" already writes that I saw the crocodile, the truth is dead. And already away from Peter, on the territory of modern Belarus.
I left Warsaw in the evening, moved across the river, where a poisonous dead crocodile was lying on the shore, to whom my people ruined the belly.

Let's go back to Novgorod. One of the pre-Christian Novgorod princes by the name Volch could reincarnate in "Corcodila". This is written by Mazurin Chronicler.
The big son of Onoy Prince Sloves Volkhov's worst and enchantine lyut in the people then to be, and demonic tricks and dreams of creating and transforming into the image of Lutago Beast Corcodel, and Slutsche in that Race Volkhov Water Road and Eat Emiar Eaten, Ovich's Overweight; Now for the sake of people, then Nekheglasa, by the God of Okayannago, the Nizhikh and Thunder, or Perun, Narrezosha.

However, this wrote the Christian monk with the deliberate purpose of desecrating the entire non-Christian. Most likely, it is necessary to understand that Voloch, he also Veles, this is one of the pre-Christian Vedic gods, by the way very revered. He also had a number of zoomorphic images. He could be depicted with horns, with hooves, is not excluded as in other evidence, including a lizard. In general, the cult of a lizard in this region was very popular, which is extremely surprising if we take into account the absence of any large lizards in the wildlife. And if we take into account the fact that this kind of reptile could exist in this area, then everything becomes logical and understandable. As well as the fact that this terrain has a number of consigning toponyms. What else was indicated by Academician Boris Rybakov, one of the leading Soviet scientists on the pre-Christian beliefs of ancient Russia. For example, there is a lake box in the Tver region (at the Vyshny Volchka). It is an illustration of a fisherman from a lizard. In the Leningrad region there is a lizard river and villages with the same names - Lizard, a small lizard, a big lizard. There is also a village of Spas-Corcodino in the Moscow region, where Corcodino on the name of the prince of which the village got. And where did the prince of such a surname, the story is silent.

There is a legend that in Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg was delivered from the Nizhny Novgorod province corpus crocodile to make stuffed. However, now it can not be found. Whether in the stares was lost, or on another legend, on the man's guys simply thrown him down, and a barrel with wine in which the crocodile was transported, drank. There were evidence that fishermen saw creatures similar to crocodiles and in the 19th century, and in the 20th century, and even in Karelia (Onega). But they are not documented. But the fact that crocodiles were caught in the 21st century, just documented. No one knows where they come from, trying to write off on new Russians who allegedly produce exotic animals into a living nature. However, however ... for example, a reference to how fishermen caught a half-one-meter crocodile in Vuoks. They write that the center of centner weighing. Here is a link to how the crocodile remains on the shore of Ladoga.

In addition to crocodiles, you can also mention turtles. I personally saw the dead turtle in the Dudugofo Canal in June 2019. Also, in my archives there is a video as a fisherman caught a turtle on a fishing rod in one of the lakes in the city. Moreover, how fishermen are written in the St. Petersburg club of fishermen catching turtles occur regularly. But this is all inside the boundaries of the city, where it is very high the likelihood of the turtles of the aquarists. In this turtles, we will not take the calculation, if only someone will not provide information about catching turtles outside the city, where with a high degree of probability, you can assume their wild character.

It is impossible not to say about seals. They live in Finnish Gulf, Lake Lake and Lake Saima (huge rogue lake with a bunch of islands and duct in Finland). There is a small population in Onega. One species is called a ringed nerve. Moreover, Nerpe from Lake Saima is larger than Ladoga and is slightly different in the color (lighter). There was unverified information that Siemena Nerpen was met in Onega. Almost every year in the news feeds there is information about what seal seen in the Neva in the urban feature. On fishing in Ladog, I personally saw seals several times. These seals are very close relatives of polar seals, essentially their freshwater subspecies. With freshwater subspecies, he became relatively recently, according to the official version of about 10 thousand years ago, when their Baltic and Ladoga area began to form.

From zoology directly go to ichthyology.
Let's start with the born. Because it is the main St. Petersburg fish. An interesting feature, in the Atlantic it is not found. Well, except in the most northern parts that are essentially the Arctic Ocean. He has several subspecies. As in the case of seals, all subspecies are localized by the distribution area. It is simplified that the Koryushka in the Baltic Sea is the same Koryushka as in the White Sea and in general throughout the coast of Northern Europe. That that lives in the deep sea part has a characteristic black back of the back and head, the fishermen is called a purse. That in the coastal zone is brighter. On spawning and cherrypinka and bright koryushka go together and in the catches come across ahead. It will spawn in the mouths of the rivers flowing into the sea and in shallow bays. According to the Neva, the flocks of Koryushki during spawning are up to 40 km. The lake subspecies of Koryushki are much smaller in size and have a smaller life. Ladoga and Onega subspecies of Koryushki are called a snack. The most interesting thing is that if the snack is released in the Baltic, it turns into a normal born and vice versa. This feature is generally characteristic of all fish and well known to fishermen and aquarists. In small closed water bodies, fish always decreases in growth. The most significant and well-known example - the crucian-released carp acquires a dwarf shape and ceases to grow. In some closed lakes of Scandinavia, there is also a koryushka, which indicates that in the past these lakes had exits to the sea.

Now the nail of the program. This is som. In this region, it is massively operating only in Volkhov. Listed in the Red Book of the Leningrad Region. The truth for what reason is absolutely not clear. In the Red Book of the Novgorod region it is not. In Volkhov, COM regularly caught fishermen. True, there is no more than 45 kg, I did not hear more than 45 kg by weight, but they probably were. Sometimes somes in Ladoga in the area of \u200b\u200bVolkhov's mouth and in Novoladozhsky Canal. Occasionally, information about the capture of Soma in the Neva, mainly in the network, and in the late 1980s I remember was a note in the newspaper about catching the cattle in the Nevsky Lip of the Finnish Bay, and in the winter from ice, even I remember the photo. Here is a miracle of miracles. Well, what do you say. But what. There is a very interesting nuance. Som is in some closed lakes of Finland. Like born and seals. And long ago, because L.P. wrote about it. Sabaneev in the 19th century in the Russian Fish Book. It is noteworthy that L.P. Sabaneyev writes that in Italy and Spain, the Soma are not found, and now these are the main countries of fishing tourism on catfish. There, it was artificially populated at the turn of 19-20 centuries. By the way, in France too. Okay, back to our shores. And in Karelia som there. For example, he is in Onega and even in the Schotomer. So what is the problem of Soma. Why I paid attention to him so much. The fact is that he is thermal-loving. At water temperature below, 10 degrees flows into a stupor and practically stopped feeding. It is absolutely capable at water temperature not lower than + 15-16 degrees. To understand, I will say that the temperature is higher than +15 in the mouth of the Ladoga and in Volkhov there is about 3-4 months a year, and in the lakes of Finland, Onega and the more cooler temperatures +15 may not be a few years in a row. At the same time, even in relatively warm Volkhov, the water temperature is below +10 degrees. That is, the populations of the catfish that are now being relic, extinct. With the exception of Volkhov, where the conditions for his life are thin poorly available. Volkhov river small and water warms up quickly. Yes, and leaks out of the Lake Ilmen already warm, it is also a very small lake (the average depth of 3 meters). And the climate in the Novgorod region is significantly warmer than in the same St. Petersburg and even more so in Karelia or Finland. In itself, naturally in Lake Finland, in the hega and especially in the Soma Somoy, could not be saved. They live there from those times when there were comfortable conditions for them and natural migration paths. This is also indicated by the fact that the bones of Somov are found in the layers of belt clay in the territory of the Leningrad region.