Nothing can be approved for sure. We read the classic version of the detection of the Tomb of Pharaoh later, and now let's get acquainted with the mysterious version.

Analysis of the circumstances of the find of the famous tombs of Tutankhamon leads to a cramole thought: this is one of the most large-scale falsifications in the history of archeology.

In the history of archeology, there is hardly an event comparable in its meaning with the detection of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon in the valley of the kings, made in 1922 by Howard Carter. Although the robbers penetrated the funeral chamber in ancient times, it turned out to be unwound, and scientists found in it reasonable treasures, many objects of ancient Egyptian consistency and completely untouched mummia.

But here's a riddle: In the tomb, the inscription was discovered - "death will overtake the death of one who breaks the peace of the dead ruler!" And in life, this warning turned almost literally. For the eight years after the excavations, one after another, almost all those involved in them, with the exception of the Carter himself! And now, the eighth decades, experts are looking for an explanation of this mysterious "Pharaoh Curse". Some believe that Archaeologists have suffered the Heavenly Cara for the looting of the grave. Others argue that the Egyptian priests "settled" in the tomb of pathogenic bacteria, which thorough careless scientists. Meanwhile, the untimely end of people directly related to excavations can get more prosaic explanation ...

History of the sensational discovery

To large-scale excavations in the valley of the kings, the Englishman Carter and his sponsor Lord Karnarvon began in the fall of 1917. Subsequently, Carter has repeatedly stated that he was going to find the tombank of Tutankhamon. He immediately attacked the place where the discovery was subsequently. But for an incomprehensible reason, archaeologists soon moved to another area of \u200b\u200bthe valley of the kings. By 1922, they swore her along and across, not finding anything substantial. Relatively poorly studied remained only the same site from which the work began. And finally, it was decided to miss him. On November 3, 1922, Carter (Karnarvon was located in London), breaking the remains of ancient dwellings, discovered stone steps. After they were cleaned of rubble, it became clear: some tomb was found, the entrance to which was closed and sealed.

"This move could be literally anything, and I had to call all my composure to help, so as not to succumb to the temptation now to hack the door and continue searching," Carter recorded in his diary. He ordered to fall asleep the excavation and wait for the return from England Carnarvon.
On November 23, the Lord arrived in Egypt, and the 24th workers cleared the entrance to the tomb. Carter again found himself before the sealed door. He saw that robbers managed to visit here - the closed pass was opened twice and again climbed. Turning out the masonry, archaeologists discovered the corridor littered with stones. After a multi-day work, they reached another closed door. Holding a hole in it, Carter saw a room forced by various objects. There were gold stretchers, a massive golden throne, two statues, alabaste vases, an unusual species of the Larts. Surveying the room, scientists discovered another sealed door between statues. Next to her was the laid course made by the ancient robbers. Among other things, there were three large beds in the chamber, under one of them they found a small hole, which led to the side room, also before the refusal of various items and jewels.

And here, Carter takes a strange decision: instead of continuing research, it disposes to fall asleep the tomb and, as he himself said, leaving for Cairo for organizational work. The discharge was revealed again on December 16, but only the 27th first find was removed on the surface. Meanwhile, a narrow-chain railway was built for the treasure export on May 13, 1923. The first batch of values \u200b\u200bwas delivered to a specially chartered steamer, who a week later unloaded them in Cairo.

Clickable 2000 PC

On February 17, Carter continued his work and revealed the stamped door to the sleeping chamber, it turned out to be a huge wooden sarcophagus, upholstered with gold plates. In addition, from this room a small move led to one room, scored by products from gold and precious stones. Making sure that the printing on the sarcophagus was not touched, the Carter sighed hardly - the robbers did not visit here. After that, the studies are again suspended, and scientists began to open the gilded sarcophagus only in the winter of 1926-1927.

Excavations of the tombs of Tutankhamon continued for a whole five years. But already at the first stage of research, the legend of "Curses of Pharaoh" was born. The immeasieled death of Lord Karnarvon became the impetus to her appearance. In 1923 he died from blood infection after a careless shave. For this death, there were no less mysterious: Archibald Raid was sustained, which made X-ray analysis of mummy; A.K. Mais, who opened along with the crankcase of the funeral chamber; Carter Secretary Young Lord Westbourg; Dies from the bite of Mosquito and Lady Carnarvon. Several people who participated in the excavations end the life of suicide: Carnarvon's consolidated brother Obrejrt, Lord Westbourg - Father Carter Secretary. By 1930, only Howard Carter remained from among the direct participants of the expedition.

And there are disputes about that raquency if this chain of deaths, if there is a connection between them, and if there is what. The fantastic version is "Curse of Pharaoh", quite arranging greedy to sensations of journalists. Alas, she does not withstand objective criticism. Meanwhile, the official version of the mysterious deaths expressed by the Carter himself also seems not quite convincing. In his opinion, the people of our century can not believe in such a mystical nonsense as the "Curse of Pharaoh"; Most likely the death chain is just an accident. However, is it possible to believe that the death of one after another 21 scientists who explored the tomb with him, - the fatal coincidence? Hardly!


Until now, no one has taken the trouble to carefully study very strange circumstances, accompanying the searches and excavations of the tombs of Tutankhamon. But their analysis allows, it turns out, not only to reveal the mystery of the "Curse of Pharaoh", but also to suspect that we are dealing with the greatest archaeological falsification. From the very beginning, the fact that Tutankhamon's tomb is the only one of all found was not looted, although thieves were in it. Is it really disguised as the other? It surprises its strange layout and small sizes.

The next strange fact is a long period of excavations. Is it really for the inventory of wealth, household goods, sarcophagues and mummies in the tomb with a total area of \u200b\u200b80 sq. m and for their extraction, even with the greatest caution, is it necessary for almost 5 years? But the most amazing, the behavior of Carter looks like a sound reasoning. In 1917, starting to excavations in the valley of the kings, he very carefully examined the locality where the entrance to the funeral complex of Tutankhamon was located, allegedly did not find it and shoved the next five years. And in 1922, suddenly again returned to a well-studied place and almost immediately came across the burial. It was Carter, to the Word to say, tightened the timing of the excavation. He did not give his colleagues to open the sealed doors and forced them with unnecessary care to study the already found, although it was easier to make in laboratory conditions, and not in place. Next, why did he need to build a narrow sketch to the tomb? In order to remove not such bulky items that fit on the area, comparable to a good apartment in Moscow.

A lot of oddities can be seen in the tomb itself. Why were the allegedly even in antiquity in her, the robbers did not take anything? Why do they penetrate into the funeral chamber, did not open the wooden sarcophagus sheathed with gold? In addition, in their behavior there is another mysterious circumstance. The portion of the mediated doors was opened by them, and bypass some of them struck the rocks in the rock. Studently, isn't it? After all, it is easier to break the thin wall, folded from stones than the days to crush the monolith, doing the move in it?

It is surprising and the state of almost all finds. The sarcophagus struck the researchers with her glitter, huge gold sheets: no longer having fallen and no longer, he stood over three thousand years. There was an excellent condition of other items, but at the same time the inner wooden coffins, as Carter noted, were strongly abused by dampness, although the outdoor and remained completely intact. It seems that those, in contrast to all other things, were kept in bad conditions, and after all, the finds were lying in the same room. And further. In the first chamber, scientists discovered four chariots, which because of their huge sizes could not be entered into the tomb entirely and were cut! I wonder what? Is it really a bronze saw?
Well, finally, all researchers celebrated the deplorable state of the Mummy itself, although, in theory, it should be wonderful, because of her, unlike the mummies of other pharaohs, the priests did not tolerate from place to place, hiding from the defects of the graves ...

Tutankhamon - Carter Creation

Howard Carter opened Tutankhamon and in the literal, and figurative sense. Not only did he find His Tomb, he introduced this pharaoh in historical science. Before the Englishman started excavations in the valley of the kings, the data on Tutankhamon was limited only by one or two seals with the mention of his name found by the archaeologist Visis. And then without the indication of the royal title. Many scientists believed that such Pharaoh did not exist at all, and the press could well belong to just some kind of knowledgeable person. In other words, all the data on Tutankhamone as the ruler of Egypt was obtained as a result of excavations of the crankcase, that is, from his hands.

In order to reveal the secret of the "Curse of Pharaoh" and explain all the absurdity and oddities of the expedition, you need to make only one assumption, which, at first glance, it may seem fantastic: Tutankhamon never existed, he is a fruit of fantasy enterprising archaeologist.

In this case, the history of the excavation of the crankcase is as follows. By the time of the beginning of the work of his expedition in the valley of the kings, everyone was absolutely confident that something impossible to find something here. At different times, many archaeologists wrote. So, even at the beginning of the last century, Beltsoni, who excavated the graves of Ramses I, Network I, Aeie and Mintukotep, said: "I firmly believe that in the valley Biban al-Muluk there are no other tombs other than those found." Almost the same thought, the head of the German expedition Richard Lepsius expressed thirty years later. He argued that there were no one in the valley of the kings, which, not a single grain, which would not have moved three times from one place to another. Nevertheless, archaeologists constantly kept in the necropolis, but their "catch" was limited exclusively with trifles. Therefore, starting to work, Carter, who, unlike Karnarvon, was a professional scientist, could not but understand that he was not waiting for great discoveries.

In 1917, having started research, he apparently came across a modest burial that belonged to some kind of knowledgeable Egyptian. Most likely, it was already examined by other expeditions, and it, apparently, was generally empty, robbed in antiquity. Not finding anything interesting in the grave, Carter's predecessors simply fell asleep it, as is usually done. Perhaps it was then in the head of the Englishman and the thought came to turn this empty tomb into a luxurious royal tomb. For which they need only enterprise, time and money. However, in the first quarter of our century, the history of ancient Egypt was already well studied. It remains only a few small periods for which the names of Pharaohs were considered unknown. In one of these niches, the archaeologist and conceived to attach a non-existent Tutankhamon. In order not to cause unnecessary suspicions, his biography was declared inconspicuous - he did not glorify anything and reigned for a long time.

In case of success of your company, a dexterous archaeologist received the Lavra of the Egyptologist N 1 in the world. It remained to solve financing issues. Money could only give the one who extended to receive dividends from the mahynation. After analyzing the situation, Carter realized that the best sponsor than the Government of Egypt was not found. After all, it received a considerable part of funds from the sale of historical values \u200b\u200band from the crowd of tourists who have eased to see the traces of ancient civilizations. In addition, official Cairo did not differ in special scrupulousness, periodically selling the world's largest museums of the world, on the verification of fakes.

Come to this conclusion, Carter goes to Cairo to offer its bold plan to the Egyptian government. Apparently, the proposal liked officials, and the money was allocated. Behind this, the preparation of falsification began, which lasted up to 1922, during this period, Carter has repeatedly traveled to Cairo and practically did not work directly by excavations that his expedition led. Only a few trusted persons secretly prepared the tomb to the "Grand Archaeological Opening". Falsifiers were ordered from various underground artisans who specialized in fakes "A La Ancient Egypt", gold jewelry, wall bas-reliefs with fragments from the history of the reign of Pharaoh, household items and several sarcophagus. Mummy simply bought; To get it, in the presence of funds, it is not possible in Egypt today. Of course, there was a mummy not at all Pharaoh, the mummification was made on a simpler technology than it was done with the bodies of rulers. That is why her condition was much worse than any other royal mummy.
By the second half of 1922, the trustees of Carter loaded the chamber treasure, and he translated his party to the plot was already investigated five years ago and quickly "found" the entrance to the burial. Such a development of events is confirmed by the fact that by 1922 it completely changed the entire composition of the expedition, there was no one left for anyone who knew about the results of the 1917 excavations. The exception was only Lord Karnarvon, but he only appeared in the valley of the kings and most likely during the first detection of the tomb was absent.

Before proceeding directly to the work in the burial, Carter raises again in the departure of the carnarvone, which, apparently, did not even suspect the scam. All those who participated in the excavations were amazing the fact that the ancient robbers who visited the tomb had not taken anything in her. In addition, the doors leading to the first chamber, they opened twice, and in the funeral - once. For thieves, behavior, you see, very strange. Meanwhile, this riddle is easily explained. Just the people of Carter in the already ready burial added various items. They loaded the first chamber twice, and the treasury connected to the funeral chamber is an inspired passage - one. The traces of their penetration masked under the traces of ancient robbers. Pay attention to the fact that some doors were not opened, but managed underground strokes. This is done in those places where the actions associated with the destruction of the door could damage the items in close proximity to it. In other words, those who penetrated the tomb, the location of things stored there were known. Moreover, pseudo-helpedness was delivered to the area of \u200b\u200bthe excavation and right in the process of research! In favor of such an assumption, the undertaking with the construction of a narrow scene. According to the official version, on it, in the direction of the valley of the kings, an empty container was carried, and back the values. Rather, the part of the boxes have already been loaded there, and they, without even unpacking, sent back. Only for such shuttle flights, in fact, the railway was needed. Otherwise, how to explain: the number of "values", allegedly exported from the burial of Tutankhamon, so great that could hardly fit in the room with an area of \u200b\u200bonly 80 sq. M. m?

The riddle of the chariot becomes clear. They really did not enter the door, and they saw them into pieces, but not ancient Egyptians, but the people of the crankcase using ordinary saws. Footprints of modern tools remained on a huge wooden box, sheathed with gold, which kept the numerous sarcophages of Lhafaraon. Its from very skillfully made fragments were collected in place. The design was so complicated that some pieces of workers docked incorrectly and, customizing, wipe with hammers. Round prints of plumbing hammers are clearly visible in many places. Now it is clear why the carter slowed down the course of research. He suspended them in order to once again add "unexplored" cameras an additional portion of "invaluable antiquity items." The question arises: is none of the experienced archaeologists, from time to time they attracted to work, did not recognize the grand fraud?
Here we approach directly to the "Curse of Pharaoh". Of course, some scientists drew attention to numerous weird excavations. Lord Carnarvon was alerted. For example, great surprise could cause him a place where the tomb was discovered. He knew that Carter examined him in 1917 and did not find anything then. Apparently, the English aristocrat guessed about the tricks of his assistant, and it was simply removed - too much was put on a map. It is possible that he died from poison, and not from the injury when shaving. The same can be assumed about the fate of almost all experienced researchers who participated in the excavations that died in mysterious circumstances. Being real scientists, they, apparently, began to doubt the authenticity of Tutankhamon's tomb, and the rugger of falsification had to be removed by the hands of hired murderers - possibly related to the Egyptian special services. This explains the fact that only he who studied the tomb was survived, although, on the basis of the "Pharaoh Curse", as the main deferment would have to die first. However, the legend itself about "curses" is also most likely launched in turnover. Thanks to her, the deft archeologist distracted the publication of the public from the really strange circumstances of his expedition.

The results of the excavation of Howard Carter satisfied all the organizers. He himself became an Egyptologist N 1, may compare with him, perhaps, only Heinrich Schliman. In addition, Carter decently earned in this matter. The Egyptian government, subsidized by the scaffold, was also not left in the shoe. Only a small Tolik Tolka Tutankhamon is kept in Cairo, the most part for fabulous money was sold to the most famous museums of the world, bringing Egypt millions. And if you add crowds of tourists attracted to the shores of the Nile by desire to see the tomb of Tutankhamon, then the Carter's scam may well become a model of super-free capital premises. Those profits that the organizers received certainly cost them to go for several murders for them.

Well, in conclusion, we note that the possible falsification of the excavation of the burial of Tutankhamon is perhaps not the only profirmit in the history of archeology. So, the famous French archaeologist Paul Emil Bott, who found Ninevia, somehow in a private conversation admitted that in every excavation made by him he before falling down, threw a bauble - marble elephant, laughing in advance those who ever dug in advance Figurine and will seriously believe that they found historical value. Of course, the Frenchman's tricks are trained compared to the Machination of the British, nevertheless, it can very well, that, visiting the museums and admiring the monuments of ancient civilizations, we admire the subjects leading their pedigree from the elephants of Bott.

In the valley of the kings in Egypt among the sandy mountains there is one place. Located close to the ancient city of Fiva (modern Luxor). Drying valley has no vegetation. It is impossible to find protection and shadow from the tireless sun in these edges. The area is a mixture of sand and small stones. The air temperature in this part of the country in the winter months is still held at + 40-45c. In the summer season reaches + 60C.

It is this place with a deserted no remarkable scenery about 3000 years ago the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were chosen to gain another life in the otherworldly world. Surrounded after the death of indispensable treasures, they hoped for the fact that the tomb of the tomb would not be able to detect them. Their efforts were not crowned with success: almost all the crypts of the royal species of the Pharaoh Dynasty were looted. With the exception of one - the tomb of Tsar Tutankhamon, who died at the age of 18 in 1346 BC.

Egyptian priests and the tomb of Tutankhamon

There are historical evidence that the attackers have repeatedly tried to find the place of restoring the Egyptian Pharaoh. However, the priests guarded the tomb in, reburied Tutankhamon. The location of his remains remained secret for more than 3000 years. Prisoner in massive sarcophagus of pure gold, the Egyptian king was in complete darkness and incomprehensible silence. All this time he was in the world's usual luxury of Palaceon Palaces. Golden chariots, statues of precious metal and ebony, wooden boats for traveling to the otherworldly world. His golden throne, toys of the king, fragrant oils, precious jewelry and other items accompanying the royal person in life. Each corner, each niche of this tombs of the pharaoh of Egypt was filled with invaluable objects for the culture and history of ancient civilization on Earth.

The value of the opening of the tantunkhamon tomb

English Egyptologist, Howard Carter, assumed that the tomb of Tutankhamon was in the valley of the dead. However, archaeologists declared that all areas of this necropolis were already studied and among them did not have a cryap of the Egyptian king.

In 1914, with the financial and organizational support of the British on the origin of the Lord Carnarvon, Carter began holding his own excavations. For seven years, his works did not bring any result. Sponsors threatened to stop the allocation of money in search. As a result, in November 1922, Lord Carnarvon said that he could no longer support the project to find the tomb and believes that luck has changed the part. At the same time, the Egyptian workers were in a step from one of the most important findings in the history of mankind: they found the way leading to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sealing door of the Son Son.

Treasures of the tomb of Tutankhamon. 1924

Tutankhamon Tomb: opening history

Opening this door, the Carter expedition discovered the corridor filled with stones and rubble. After the passage in front of archaeologists, another obstacle arose, but this time the entrance was marked by the symbolism of the king of Tutankhamon. Carter was sure that he found the tomb of the king. But he was afraid that it might have been looted and not a single regalia of Pharaoh remained inside.

November 26 Carter and Lord Carnarvon began to break the second door. Later, Carter said the whole world that it was:

"Day out of days, the most wonderful of those I ever experienced. It seemed to me that time was frozen. We observed how the workers clears the passage and remove the lower part of the doorway. The decisive moment has come. With trembling hands, I took a step in darkness. On the eve of we tested with iron detector space behind the door.

He showed that the wall is complete emptiness. It was impossible to consider anything, since we did not use candles when working due to possible harmful gases underground. Yet, I took out a candle, lit her and advanced inside of only the detected room. Lord Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn, Carnarvon's daughter and Callender's assistant, got up with me in anxious waiting for "sentence."

At first I did not see anything. Hot air coming out of the chamber gas the flickering candles. My eyes began to get used to the light. In the fog began to clarify the details of things in the crypt. There were unknown animals, statues, items - all glowed with gold. I'm numb from amazement. Lord Karnarvon could not withstand the waiting asked me: "Do you see anything?". All I could do is say, "Yes, wonderful things. Expand the passage a little more, then we both can see what is inside. " The room was lit by an electric flashlight.

Ancient Egypt. Tomba Tutankhamon

Howard Carter: Opening Tutankhamon Tomb

"Wonderful things", who saw Carter in this room, turned out to be the largest collection of artifacts of the pharaoh of ancient Egypt from ever detected. But it was only the top of the iceberg. In a nearby room located with it, there were excellent treasures. The archaeological expedition took about 2.5 months to carefully clean the entrances and make an inventory of the heritage of the ruler of Egypt.

A little later, Carter opened the fourth sealed door, where he believed and is the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon. Here and his richly decorated gold sarcophagus was found.

"My first task was to detect wooden jumpers over the door. I carefully removed the chip from the plaster and removed several stones that covered the top layer of the inscription. Temptation Find out what is behind the door, it was unimaginable. After a 10-minute work, I made a sufficiently large hole in the wall and inserted a lantern into it. Amazing spectacle introduced me. For there, in a half-meter from the door blocking the entrance to the camera, it was, apparently, a solid wall of gold. I began to clear the opening. "

"Opening Tutankhamon's Tomb": the documentary was removed by the BBC channel about the events of this great day in Egyptology.

As the stones remove the passage from the passage, a real picture was drawn: we were at the entrance to the camera, where the king was buried. The wall, scoring our way, was covered with clean gold and served as protection for sarcophagus. Stone behind a stone, we felt trembling like electric shock. It was no doubt the grave. And we were in it!

The sarcophagus was huge, 17 pounds by 11 feet. And 9 feet height. He occupied almost the entire chamber area. The space in two steps separated it from the walls from four sides. He almost reached the ceiling in height. From above to the bottom, it was covered with gold. Inlaid panels were laid out in its edges with brilliant blue faience. Magic symbols that served to ensure its strength and security were repeated in them again. A number of funeral emblems were laid around the royal remains. In the northern part, seven fun boats were depicted, which served in order to smuggle Pharaoh through the water leading to the Underground World. The walls of the camera, in contrast to the corridor, were decorated with scenes and inscriptions surrounded by brilliant colors.

Opening of the Tutankhamon Tomb: video

In Egyptian philas. Subsequently, he was appointed General Inspector of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities. In 1902, the Egyptian government allowed the American researcher to theodore of Davis to carry out excavations in the valley of the kings. Carter inspected these works. For 12 winters, during which the Davis expedition was conducted under the supervision of Carter, tomb were found. TUMOSOS IV., Sipt, Horamechab, Hatsepsut, Sarcophagus and Mummy Amenhotep IV (Ehnaton).

Tsaritsa Khatsepsut temple

Around 1907, Carter met and began to cooperate with the collector of antiquities by Lord Carnarvon. In 1914, the concession for research in the valley of the kings moved to Karnarvon and Karter. It was a fruitful union. Carter, Pitry and Davis's student, combined scientific accuracy and conscientiousness with the enthusiasm of the recorder and the practical warehouse of the mind, in addition, he was a man of an outstanding courage. Lord Karnarvon, a rich man and independent, who did not have a certain goal in life, saw in the study of the tombs a great opportunity to combine excitement with serious science.

Dozens of people dug in the valley of the kings to Carter, but none left any accurate records and plans for these excavations. Beltsoni, a hundred years before that, Ramses I, Network I, Aeja and Mentukhota, who was sold, was firmly convinced that there were still any discoveries in the valley. Later, the German expedition of Richard Lepsius worked here. At the turn of the 19-20 centuries, the expeditions of Lore and Davis were found a few previously unknown tombs. And again, all scientists came to the opinion that no new findings were impossible in the valley. Carter in the valley of the kings hoped to find a completely defined tomb belonging to Pharaoh. It was evidenced by Davis found by Davis in different places a faience cup and a chip of the golden record with the name of Tutankhamon, as well as several clay vessels and seals in the burial of Ehnaton. Carter decided to start planned excavations in a triangle between the tombs of Ramses II, Merneptha and Ramses VI.

Opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon

Treasures of the tomb of Tutankhamon

On November 6, 1922, the entrance to the tomb was cleared, the seals on the doors were intact. Carter was not in a hurry to penetrate inside, since it was necessary to establish the initial location of all the objects found at the entrance, thoroughly prepare and take all the necessary measures for their

Sarcophagus from Tutankhamon Mask

Conservation, processing and packaging. In addition, it was necessary to collect a solid staff of specialists, photographers, drawers, chemists. Studies of this greatest in the history of the archeology of findings were dragged for several winters. The tomb consisted of three main premises. In the far of them, the objects of the funeral procession were folded, in the middle - royal burial with sarcophag. The first room was risen by things from the royal treasury with foreign gifts from Nubia, Syria and the Aegean countries. Only in 1927, the drawer was opened with an upholstered gold, numerous precious coffins were taken out and the Mummy Tutankhamon was investigated. With the exception of the face and legs that do not touch with oils, it is poorly preserved. The oxidation of resin substances caused self-burning, as a result of which even bones were charred.

Over the next few years, Carter watched the movement of the entire contents of the tomb in Cairo, where most of the finds are preserved. The discovery deeply struck public imagination around the world and marked the beginning of an increase in widespread interest in archeology.

Howard Carter was born on May 9 1874

In October 1891


IN 1905

Howard Carter was born on May 9 1874 of the year in the provincial town of Supair in Norfolk, England. His father, Samuel Carter, being an artist, taught his son the basics of drawing with pencil and paints. And although Howard has developed skills and abilities above average, he did not have the slightest desire to continue a family business, drawing portraits of families and pets of local Norfolk landowners.

Instead, Carter was looking for the opportunity to go to Egypt and work on the Egyptian research fund of a copywriter, that is, redraw drawings and paper inscriptions for subsequent study.

In October 1891 Years, at the age of 17, Howard Carter sailed to Alexandria, Egypt, going on the first journey outside of England. His first project was the cemetery of the Supreme Governors of Middle Egypt in Bani Hassan, relating to the second millennium BC; The task of the crankcase was to redraw the inscriptions from the walls of the tomb.

At that time, Howard was a diligent worker with great enthusiasm: he would work all day, and then he slept with bats right in the crypt. Some time later, he was raised, giving work at Flinders Petri, energetic field director and one of the most trustworthy archaeologists of that time. Petri thought that the Carter would never achieve good results in the excavations, but the latter proved him the opposite when he opened several important finds on the plot of El Amarne (the capital of Egypt during the Board of Ahanaten).

Under the demanding guidance of Petri, Carter became an archaeologist, at the same time retaining the artist's skills. He made sketches of many unusual objects of material culture found in El Amarne. Carter was appointed chief artist of the Egyptian research fund at the excavations of Deir El Babri, the burial site of Queen Hatsepsut. The experience gained allowed him to improve the skills of the artist, develop the technique of the restorer, as well as train in excavations.

When Carder was 25 years old, his hard work was rewarded when the director of the Egyptian service of antiquities, Gaston Masper, offered him 1899 The place of the main inspector of the monuments of Upper Egypt. The responsibilities of Carter included control and observation of archaeological works in the Nile Valley. In the Egyptian service of antiquities, Carter worked before an unpleasant incident between the Egyptian guards and drunk French tourists. When tourists began to beat the guards, Carter allowed the latest defenders. Ground tourists went on high instances, including Lorda Cromer, the Chief English Consul in Egypt, demanding that Carter brought official apologies. Carter refused, referring to the fact that in his opinion he took the right decision. This case served as Howard Carter with a black mark and caused his appointment at the Nile Delta, Tanta City, a place representing a very small archaeological interest.

IN 1905 The year of Howard left the service of antiquities. After that, he began a very difficult life. He was forced to make a living selling watercolors, and sometimes working as a tourist guide. It lasted three years.

IN 1908 The year Carter was represented by Gastron Maspero Fifth Lord Carnarvon. Their cooperation was successful, and partners were very suitable for each other. Carter became an excavator controller sponsored by Carnarvon in philas and to 1914 Carnarvon had the most valuable private collection of Egyptian antiquities. However, Howard Carter had more ambitious aspirations. He wanted to find the grave of absolutely unknown at the time of Pharaoh named Tutankhamon. He has already found several different evidence of his existence, rummaged the entire valley of the kings, trying to find the burial, but the season for the season found only a small amount of ancient objects.

Karnarvona did not satisfy the fact of the irregularity of his investment and in 1922 By the year he gave the party the last attempt to find the grave of Pharaoh. Carter was confident, and the work began on November 1 1922 of the year. In just three days, the soil layer was removed from the top of the stairs. After about three weeks, the ladder of the excavation of the stairs ended, and the plastered block was completely visible, used when building buildings. By November 26, the first block was removed, the wreckage of a stone that fills the corridor - was removed, and the second plastered block is almost disassembled into parts.

At 16 o'clock the same day, Carter broke the second block and made one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, opening Tutankhamon's tomb. To describe all the finds required not one dozen directories. At this time, Lord Karnarvon died in Cairo from pneumonia. After that, hearing a rumor about the connection of this death and treasures, the hypothesis about the curse of Mummy trembled the media.

To the great displeasure of the crankcase from all over the world, writing letters of spirits, selling advice and making warnings from the afterlife. In the end, all antiquities were sent to the Cairo Museum and the Mummy of the Young Ruler after studying again put it rest. After completing working with Tutankhamon, Carter no longer worked in this area, leaving archeology. He quite succeeded, deciding collecting Egyptian antiquities.

Often, until the very end of life, he was seen in Winter Palaces Houble in Luxor, sitting (at his own desire) in full solitude. He returned to England and in 1939 year at the age of 65 died.

the famous English archaeologist and the Egyptologist, which made in 1922 in the valley of the kings near Luxor, the discovery of Tutankhamon's tomb


Howard Carter was the younger of 8 children Samuel and Martha Carter. The childhood of Howard Carter has passed in Suofame in the county of Norfolk, so in many sources it is this town that is denoted as the birthplace of the Egyptologist. The father of Carter, an artist by profession, since childhood he was engaged in learning his son drawing, while putting interest in the history of culture.

Carier start

Howard Carter was engaged in archeology since 1891, having entered the age of 17 in the British Organization of Archaeological Research of Egypt. By 1899, he took part in a number of archaeological expeditions in Egypt, sketching inscriptions, sculptural images and architecture of ancient Egypt. In particular, he worked on excavations in Beni Hassan, the residence of the period of the Middle Kingdom. For some time, a novice Egyptologist worked under the leading expert in the field of Archeology William Flinders Pitry. Fame he was brought to him in 1893-1899 Research Jesser Jeraree - built in the XV century BC. e. Architect Satmut for Women-Pharaoh Hatsepsut of a terraced memorial church and a rock tomb in Deir El Bahry in the west of FIV.

Cooperation with Lord Carnarvon

In 1906, Howard Carter met with an archaeologist-amateur and collector of antiquities by Lord Karnarvon, allocated funds for further archaeological surveys of a professional colleague. Since 1914, Carter and Karnarvon began joint excavations in the valley of the kings. As a result of their cooperation in the excavations of the FVAN necropolis, the tomb of Amenhotep I and the burial of several kings of the XVIII dynasty were discovered. Further excavations were interrupted by the First World War, but as soon as circumstances, Carter convinced Karnarvon to continue research in the valley of the kings.

Opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon

Tandem Carter and Karnarvon soon became world famous: Gambling Carnarvon found a brave, practical and selfless enthusiast, ideally suitable for the implementation of the idea that was obsessed with the lord of the tomb of the unknown to the ephemeral pharaoh of the end of the XVIII dynasty, Tutankhamon. The scientific community was skeptical to the findings of Carter and Karnarvon, and soon the Lord had lost interest in unsuccessful excavations. However, on November 4, 1922, Carter found a flooded entrance to the tomb KV62, and the printing on the doors turned out to be intact, which he inspired serious hopes for the possibility of committing the largest archaeological discovery of the century. The builders of the Pharaoh of the XX Dynasty of Ramses VI, apparently, fell asleep the path to the tomb of Tutankhamon, which explained its relative safety.

On November 26, 1922, Carter and Carnarvon became the first for three thousand years by people, descended into the tomb (robbers who could have visited the tomb, obviously descended in her at the time of the XX dynasty). After long-term excavations on February 16, 1923, Carter, finally, descended into the funeral chamber of the tomb ("Golden Drawn"), where the sarcophag of Pharaoh was located. Among the buried with him, utensils and other items found a variety of art samples, wearing the stamp of the influence of the Amary period. The tomb of the young man-king, who remained sealing more than three thousand years, was practically not touched by soblites and contained more than three and a half thousand art objects, most of which are now in the Cairo Museum. The museum's most famous exhibit is considered to be found in the same tomb of the posthumous mask of Tutankhamon, made of 11.26 kg of pure gold and many precious stones.

The discovery of the tomb of the little-known successor of the famous Ehnaton was covered in the media as the most significant discovery in the history of Egyptology and, possibly, archeology at all. The owner of the detected treasures, then almost an unknown young ruler of Egypt, immediately turned into an object of increased attention, and the phenomenal discovery not only made his name well-known, but also caused an additional surge in updated interest to all the traces of Egyptian civilization in the modern world.

"Curse of Pharaoh"

Lord George Carnarvon, who financed excavations, died on April 5, 1923 in the Cairo Hotel "Continental" from inflammation of the lungs, but almost immediately there was a hoax around his death (it was also said about "infecting blood due to the injury of the razor" or the "mysterious mosquito bite"). In subsequent years, the press was heated rumors about the "Curse of Pharaohs", allegedly led to the death of the tomb of the tomb, consoating up to 22 "curse victims", 13 of which were directly present at the opening of the tomb.

However, the facts indicate that the evidence of the "curse" was adjacent to achieve newspaper sensation: the absolute majority of the participants of the Carter expedition reached older age, and the average duration of their life is 74.4 years. Howard Carter, who directly led by all the works in the tomb, it would seem that the first victim of the "Curse of Pharaoh" was to fall, but he died the latter - in 1939 at the age of 64, in his bed and by virtue of natural reasons.

Results of activity

Carter excavations in the valley of the kings caused an increase in widespread interest in archeology as a whole and an ancient Egypt in particular.