Let's talk about one of the most harmful types of garbage - discharged plastic bags used. They do not decompose more than 100-150 years.

A person is called the main and only cause of environmental pollution. It would seem that nature created a reasonable binding creature that could maintain and protect it. But something went wrong.

Nature pollution by man

Today, the conscious people of the whole world beat in Nabat, because the pollution of the planet grows by a terrifying pace. If we do not change anything, then our grandchildren will not leave the beautiful "blue planet", but a lifeless landfill.

And today we will discuss the pollution of nature by man. At the same time, it will be about so harmless at first glance, like a plastic bag. Yes, those pockets with which we see thousands of people on the streets every day. Polyethylene packages have gained popularity in the US only a couple of dozen years ago. Buyers quickly appreciated the convenience of new material and "plastic" firmly entered the daily life. Polyethylene packages seemed a revolution - strong, comfortable, cheap. Only years later it became clear what great harm they apply ecology.

About 6.5 million tons of garbage fall into the world ocean annually, most of which are plastic waste. In the Marine Research Organization "Algalita" declare that about the fourth part of the water stroit is already covered with floating plastic waste. So frightening circumstance can not be concerned, so in many countries it is already seriously limited and even prohibited the use of polyethylene packages in everyday life, offering more environmentally friendly applications instead: durable tissue bags or paper bags (which decompose in a couple of weeks).

As with plastic garbage, fighting in different countries:

  • In Denmark, the problem was seen back in 1994 and postpone free polyethylene taxes. It helped to reduce the popularity of such a container about 10 times.
  • In Germany, collecting packages and their secondary processing lay on the shoulders of sellers and distributors of packaging.
  • In Tanzania for the production, import or even trading in polyethylene packages, you can go to jail or get a fine of several thousand dollars.
  • The British in 2004 developed and released self-declaving packages. During a couple of years, such a container disintegrates water and carbon dioxide.
  • In Italy, polyethylene packages are prohibited from 2011, so the buyer cannot do without a reliable bag or bio-package.
  • The French at home since 2016 completely banned polyethylene packages. And from the 2020 he will refuse and from plastic dishes.

From October 1, the law prohibiting the use of polyethylene packages, which is less than 15 microns, entered into force in Georgia. Now each company is obliged to apply their name and logo on the manufactured package. Moreover, since April 2019, plastic packets in Georgia will be outlawed, and a biodegradable packaging will be replaced. It pleases that most ordinary citizens support such a government initiative and deliberately sacrifice their comfort to stop pollution of the surrounding nature. Perhaps and we should stop inventing the second life with plastic bottles and stop using plastic dishes, so that our descendants do not reap the bitter fruits of our thoughtless and selfish life. Published

There were questions, ask them.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Plastic waste has become a real epidemic both on land and in the oceans. What can one person do in this global problem?

These seemingly simple actions will help to reduce the environment in the surrounding environment.

1. Avoid purchasing objects packed in plastic. Buy food in glass jars, and not in plastic, and detergents in boxes, and not in bottles. You not only reduce the plastic you use, but also send a loud message to the manufacturers of those products whose plastic packaging you does not suit you.

2. Use tissue bags to shop. Keep reusable bags somewhere in your car or on the bedside table next to the keys in order not to forget them before going shopping. Using conventional shopping bags in the store is the easiest, but effective way to avoid plastic in routine affairs.

3. Do not buy water in plastic bottles. Replace it on a reusable flask or thermos. Plastic bottles are one of the five most common types of garbage found on the beaches. Since bottled water is much more expensive than ordinary water supply, you will also save money, and avoid possible hazards leaching plastic toxins in your drink.

Get the habit of carrying your own spoon with you, which is easily placed in a handbag or backpack. Then at work or in a cafe you can eat yogurt and whether dessert without plastic cutlery.

4. Discard plastic toys. No dinosaur or robot compares with a toy of natural materials.

5. Recycling. Come up with new ways to use old items, instead of throwing them out or buying new ones. For example, glass jars can easily replace plastic boxes. Our heading "" will tell some interesting ideas.

6. Order coffee in a conventional cup, avoid disposable plastic cups. If there is a cooler at work, give up the plastic cup, use your usual circle.

7. Refuse plastic straws for your cocktail, if you figure it out, it serves as an ornament and simply not needed. Plastic tubes - one of the 10 things falling in the world ocean most often.

8. Wear clothes from natural, non-synthetic materials. The use and washing of clothes from such a fabric as polyester, which is made of plastic, make fibers peel. Thus, a tiny microplastic from our clothing falls into the reservoirs.

9. Avoid disposable plastic dishes. Do not be lazy to take with you on the picnic "A set of tourist" - light, comfortable kitchen utensils, this is a more convenient and economical option.

10. Do not dispose of electrical engineering. Try to repair or update your devices, and not buy new ones. Sell \u200b\u200bgadgets and computer parts, or find a place where you can give them to recycling.

One person, refusing a year from plastic bags, saves 50 liters of oil, thereby decreases the number of new oil developments and, therefore, the risk of environmental pollution decreases.

The deadline for the final decay of polyethylene leaves more than 100 years. When burning, they highlight harmful substances dangerous for the nature and human health. If many of us stop using polyethylene packages, they will refuse them in supermarkets, where they are allegedly free, then the demand for packages will fall.

According to the United Nations Committee on the Protection of Nature, annually plastic waste causes the death of 1 million birds, 100 thousand marine mammals and innumerable amounts of fish.

A large Pacific trash spot - (Eastern Garbage Patch) is a whirlpool of anthropogenic garbage in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. At this site, extremely dense deposits of plastic and other waste brought by the waters of the North-Pacific flow system were concentrated.

"Island" from garbage in the Pacific already exceeded two times the territory of the United States

Approximately 14 billion pounds of garbage (6 million 300 thousand tons) of garbage, most of which is plastic, is discharged annually into the world ocean.

Almost every piece of ever produced plastic, still exists.

The results of the study conducted by order of the Association of the British Bureau of Marketing Studies, it is said that the packaging is 5% of the weight of the middle purchasing basket.

As a result of the shares in Japan, the failure of 5 million people for a month to use plastic packages was able to save more than 100 million bags and thus reduce the volume of carbon dioxide emission volumes, which is formed as a result of the production of polyethylene packages. According to the ecologists, it corresponds to the volume of carbon dioxide, which monthly ends into the atmosphere a city with a population of about 60 thousand people, and for the absorption of this volume requires the entire forest array, covering the fourth largest Japanese Sicoku Island.

Recycle plastic more difficult than other materials, since there are several different types of plastic. Each type should be processed separately. Less than 1% of plastic ever were recycled for reuse.

In the world annually consumed from about 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bottles. The digit comes to 1 million bottles per minute. Billions of bottles every year fall into a landfill.

Plastic bags are among 12 types of waste, which is most often detected by cleaning coastal zones, according to the Center for the Conservation of Marine Environment

According to ecologists, plastic bags make up 7-9% of the entire garbage produced by man.

On average, 323 plastic bottles fall into our house every year, the period of decay of the bottle after entering the soil takes about 500 years.

Plastic bottles are made of polymers produced from oil. The amount of oil used for the production of 1 plastic bottle would allow the car to drive about 11 meters (according to CUA). Recycling 1 ton of plastic allows you to save 750 kg of oil.

Scientists have discovered that the substance from which plastic bottles and disposable utensils are manufactured, increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Plastic death on the island of Midway

Midway Islands - Atoll (coral island, having a form of a solid or discontinuous ring surrounding the lagoon) with an area of \u200b\u200b6.2 km2;, located in the northern half of the Pacific Ocean.

Albatrosse soak over the sea in search of food. Sometimes they take plastic garbage for food. He settles in the muscular stomachs of birds, without digesting, or overlaps the gastrointestinal tract so that birds suffer from hunger. Sometimes nursing parents tighten the pieces of plastic chicks together with food.

Studying the Drallow Albatross (PhoeBastria Immutabilis) on the Midway Atoll, the ornithologists found more garbage from the dead chicks, than those who died as a result of accidents. Although the plastic does not directly affect mortality, it is the cause of physiological stress and makes chicks do not feel hunger, less demanding food, thereby reducing their chances of survival.

Some researchers argue that chicks die from hunger, toxicity and choking.

To fix this phenomenon so truthfully, as far as possible, no piece of plastics on any of these photos has been moved, placed specifically, removed. These images demonstrate the actual macity of chicks in one of the most remote maritime refuge in the world, at a distance of more than 2,000 miles from the closest continent.

The topic of this article may seem boring and landed, and the proposed methods are too ordinary. However, this problem concerns all and only joint efforts can be somehow solved. Performing only a few of the following simple rules, everyone can invest in the salvation of our planet from an imminent threat that is approaching closer and closer.

The intersection of native borders can always be found in all the increasing lots of garbage outside the window. I do not know what it is connected with the poor work of utilities, the legacy of the Soviet past or the special breadth of the Slavic soul, but our people are always growing, everywhere and with great pleasure. Although, however, the features of the Slavic soul, probably, nothing to do with the same in the same Belarus, there is almost perfect purity.

It would be Polbie, if these Mountains were brought only aesthetic discomfort and moral experiences - it would still be possible to reconcile. The problem is that the garbage existing today has an incredibly long life and will survive all readers of this article many times. Judge himself, simple paper will decompose 2-10 years old, canning bank - 80 years old, polyethylene packages - more than 200 years, Plastics - 500 years, glass - 1000 years. Just imagine, you will not be long ago, and the plastic cup thrown by you will lie in the forest for five centuries! Are you sure that you want to leave such a message to future generations?

However, I am sure that most Lyfhaker readers are highly solved, educated and thinking people (otherwise how would they find here?), Who are not exactly litto where they fell and remove. However, this is clearly not enough. It's time to take a more active position and declare a boycott to all manufacturers of plastic poison.

The problem of plastic is not only in its long-life, which leads to the accumulation of these waste in nature. Its unconditional cheapness leads to mindless disposable use, drank -vombrosil, broke it into waste. The production of plastics can not be environmentally friendly, and as a result, even the correct disposal of their disposal is formed, such a bouquet of harmful substances is formed, which can be studied by the Mendeleev table.

This family demonstrates all the plastic things that found in their home.

Thus, throughout the life of plastic products - from production before disposal - you can state great harm for nature and man. Conclusion from this can be made only one - we should strive to reduce the use of plastic products to a minimum. I do not urge you to abandon the plastic completely, as the family did in the photo above, but following just a few simple rules, we can make life around us cleaner and better.

Do not use plastic packages when purchases

Today, when you, as usual on the way home, come home to the nearest supermarket, try to calculate how many polyethylene packages will be used to pack your purchases. Most of them will fly to the garbage immediately upon arrival home, the rest after a while. It is just meaningless destroying the environment at your expense. Take a comfortable shopping bag with you and fold everything there. And if you find a vintage subject called "Avoska", then not only save the ecology, but also show yourself a fashionable, stylish person.

Refuse bottled water

Yes, somehow imperceptibly lived until the moment when the water from the tap was dangerous. Many people use bottled water for drinking and cooking. However, no one gives guarantees of the quality of this water, and you could read about the harm of plastic tanks. Therefore, it will be much wiser to use filters for water purification, the variety of which on the market is just huge.

Tell me there is no extra packaging!

Please note how many goods are in bright and beautiful plastic packaging, the only purpose of which is immediately discharged. However, most products can be purchased without it. Try to buy cereals and tea for weight, walk on the nearest market, where you can buy milk and oil, vegetables and greens without harmful "industrial" packaging.

The list of tips on "life without plastic" could continue to continue, for example, this article provides about a hundred tips on this topic. However, all of them in general can be reduced to one common principle: look around around yourself and try to replace plastic things on something else.

We have watched widescreen American films many times, where the spectacular superhero in the tight tricon saved our planet from thermonuclear war, the invasion of aliens and a chemical threat. Unfortunately, this is a fairy tale, no one will arrive, no one will save. Only we, small chambers, joint efforts. While the dense layer of plastic garbage did not finish us completely.

A meeting with representatives of trading networks will be held in the Ministry of Industry of Russia, which will also consider the issue of refusing to sell plastic bags.

As Viktor Yevtukhov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce and Trade of Russia, explained to the Russian newspaper, his department was instructed to work out the issue of the production of paper bags and using them in stores along with plastic.

At the end of 2017, a great meeting was held with representatives of the forest, chemical, pulp and paper industry, as well as manufacturers of plastic and paper bags. It was noted that in Russia, according to expert estimates, polyethylene accounted for 0.5 percent of the total solid household waste. It may seem that this is not so much, but scientists have long proved that plastic bags are a source of sustainable pollution of nature. As stated in the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), more than a million marine birds die from the polymer garbage per year, over 100 thousand marine mammals and a huge number of fish.

As considered the activists of the "Green Movement of Russia of Eca", on average we use a plastic bag for 20 minutes. This is the time that in it carry shopping from the store home. An elevated package may decompose from 50 to 500 years. In 2015, the resolution of the European Parliament was adopted, in which the EU countries should or reduce the production of such packages on average per citizen to 90 pieces per year by 2019 and up to 40 pieces - by 2025. Either ensure that the end of 2018 plastic bags are not issued to buyers for free.

Of all European countries, France has become the leader in this direction, prohibiting plastic bags completely. In the UK, in 2015 introduced a tax on the use of packages - five pence. As a result, over the first half of 2016, the British used only 500 million plastic bags, while before the ban stores distributed them to seven billion a year.

In China and Australia since 2008, production, use and sale of ultrathine polyethylene packets (thickness up to 0.025 mm) are prohibited (thickness up to 0.025 mm), as well as free distribution in retail chains. The ban on them was also introduced in a number of Egypt provinces to preserve the unique ecosystem of the Red Sea, in which coral reefs suffered from the plastic thrown into the sea.

An elevated package may decompose from 50 to 500 years.

In Russia, according to Evtukhov, until the complete exclusion of plastic packages from turnover is not possible. Consumers still need to teach use paper packaging. Now the Russians are not very fond of her, as it is more expensive, and rushes, and flies. But, nevertheless, the gradual transition to the eco-friendly Taras is inevitable, confident in the Ministry of Industry.

Russian buyers who are accustomed to serving in hypermarkets, already in November last year they felt it on themselves. Some of them stopped issuing free packages, offering now buyers biodegradable for which an additional charge is taken.

Speech about the full ban on the use of plastic packages in Russia does not go. As the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Sergey Donskaya, the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, told "RG", on plastic, not only on packages, - increased the recycling standard and the burial ban was introduced since 2019. "The question is how to make it more efficiently using paper bags. The main claim to plastic - they are decomposed for a long time," he said.

According to the UN, now in the world, the world is produced 20 times more plastic than 60 years ago, when he just began to use massively. According to the Ministry of Environment, in Russia in recent years the production volume of primary plastic containers is approximately 600 thousand tons. Plastic is a product of oil refining and with decomposition or combustion highlights hazardous substances.

"By buying a plastic bag, many think that the" plastic problem "does not apply to them, let someone else do. But the polygons are already crowded. Cities expand their territory, approaching the once remote polygons. And this problem is not solved by the transfer of the polygons. - I am sure Sergey Donskaya.