The first, spring flowers that please us with their fragile beauty are snowdrops. There are many legends and stories related to this flower. But the riddles did not bypass the snowdrops. In this case, we are interested in exactly. The riddles about the snowdrock are very relevant in the spring. They can be decorated with a school report or abstract. Therefore, we are pleased to offer their large range on the pages of our site.

On the forest protaly
Little blossom rising.
Hiding in the dog
Whiten ... (Snowdrop)

Made his way through the snow
Amazing sprout.
The very first, most tender,
The biggest flower ... (Snowdrop)

Spring from snow is cleaned
And needles, and a dog.
And first appears
In Protalyna ... (Snowdrop)

The first to get out of the Earth
On Protalyanka.
He is not afraid of frost
Although small ... (Snowdrop)

Appeared from under the snow,
She saw a piece of sky.
The very first is the most gentle
Clean small ... (Snowdrop)

Sprout makes itself
Amazing flower.
From under the snow grows
The sun looks - blooms ... (Snowdrop)

He is a bowl of sugar juice
Accuracy, modest, low.
It is always born under the snow,
Witched by sunshine ... (Snowdrop)

This color is small
And white like that.
Right like snowball!
Snow he is a friend ... (Snowdrop)

Rustling of furious petals
Snow-white pearls dismissed,
Fresh gentle tiny flower
From under the snow to the sun rushed ...


At the snow brought by snow,
Under the white cap snow
We found a little flower,
Semi-crown, slightly alive ...


Bogatyr is rich,
Treats all the guys:
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - Kolyovnika,
Masha - Noodle,
Petya - raw,
Katenka - Malinka,
Vanya - twig!

The house is open from all sides.
It is the roof of the roof of the roof.
Come in the green house -
Wonders will see in it!

There are guys
Green friend
Merry friend, good,
He will stretch it
Hundreds of hands
And thousands of palms.

Sorry to be a poor female -
All winds and winds
He is the last shirt
Crushed on the flasks.

Who, as soon as it is hot,
The fur coat on the shoulders will pull.
But get cold evil -
Skins from her shoulders?

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor
Round all shirts.

We rain and heat
Will help a friend
Green and good -
Tens of hands will stretch
And thousands of palms.

Spring fun
In the summer
Autumn feeds
Winter warms.

In the fur coat in the summer
And in winter we are put out.

On branches -
Tight lumps.
They are dormut
Adhesive sheets.

From the branch in the river will fall,
And not sink
And floats.

Red York fell into the Ozerko,
He himself was not drowned
And the water did not shuffle.

Grow - green
Fall - please
Pass - sparkle.

Fall from the branch
Gold coins.

In White Sarafane
Became in the meadow.
Fit tits,
Sat on the brass.

Green, not meadow,
bela, not snow,
kudryava, not a head.

Russian beauty
Stands in the meadow
In green blouse
In white sundress.

Adhesive kidneys
Green leaves.
With White Korea
Stands under the mountain.

On the glade girl
In white shirts,
In green heals.

Stands Alena
Scarf green
Thin mill
White sundress.

Stand in the sister field:
blesna dress
greenery hats.

She has bushes
High, thick,
Barrel and branches - tube,
Very fragile.
Berries are red
Yes, not tasty.

I got out of the crumbs-barrels
Roots allowed and increased,
I became high and mighty,
I'm not afraid of neither thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and protein -
Nothing that the fruit is my chalk.

In the golden tongue
Ducklings hid.

In this smooth box
Bronze color
Hid little oak
Future summer.

All kids on branches
From a birthday in babters.
From the trees will fall -
Berettos will not find.

Hanging Vasyukin,
Under him Hrew-Khryukin,
Vasyukin will fall
Hrew-Khryukin will pick up.
(Acorn and boar)

What is this maiden:
Not seamstress, not master
Nothing herself sews
And in needles all year round.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

You always find it in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
It is striking, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

In winter and summer
One color.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

Summer and winter
In a shubach one.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

I have a long needle,
Than in the Christmas tree.
I'm very ragu
If I'm not on the edge,
Branches - only on the top of the top.

From my flower takes
The bee is the most delicious honey.
And everyone is offended by me:
Skin slim slim.

What a tree is worth -
There is no wind, and a sheet is trembling?

No one scares
And all trembling.

There is a relative of the Christmas tree
Unlikely needle
But, unlike the Christmas tree,
Feed those needles.

Sort of pines, like a Christmas tree,
And in winter without a needle.

In Senokos - Gorky,
And in the frost - sweet.
What is the berry?

Autumn in the garden
We came to us
Red Torch
He burned
Here is frozard,
Skvorts sink
And, Galdi, he is peeling.

Spring green
in the summer chased,
in the autumn, put on the ones
red corals.

As if a snowy ball is Bela,
In the spring she bloose,
Gentle smell source.
And when it comes it,
Once it was done
All of the berries of Black.

Kudri lowered the river
And something burned about something,
And what it is sad,
No one says.

It has almost one hundred meters of growth:
It is not easy to climb him!
From Australia he was
We are brought to us in Kolkhid.
He has one job -
Drain of the swamp.

Whether from the roof, or from the sky -
Or wool, or fluff.
Or maybe snow flakes
Appeared in the summer suddenly?
Who are their sophisticated
Syllo is out of the bag?
(Pooh Poplar)

Summer snow!
Just laughter!
Snow in the city flies
Why doesn't he melt?
(Pooh Poplar)

I was left in the forest
The entire age of sticking was forced:
In the Ushanka, hare - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head.

Cossacks are
On them white caps.
(Stump in the snow)

It looks like an umbrella,
Only less per hundred times.
Kohl Thunderstorm on the horizon,
It is very happy.
If the rain and warm
He believes - lucky!

Stood on a sturdy leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka.

Hood and leg. -
That's all Ermoshka.

Under Echo, under Osinky
Standing a boy with a finger,
It is a caftanchik on it,
Cap of Krasnia.

Earth has been drilled
The root left,
He himself appeared
Cap covered.

And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the Christmas tree
Dance and row
In the headers are well done.

While children, each in take,
Mortenshed - hats wear.

Little, delete
Through the land passed,
I found a red hat.

In the forest, in Bor
Stand old old people,
On them red caps.

I'm in a red hat ragu
Among the roots of the mouth.
You will see me for the mile,
I call me - ...

In a grove near birch
Theses met!

I do not argue - not white,
I, brothers, simpler.
Rasta I usually
In a birch grove.

No mushrooms friendship than these, -
Known adults and children -
On hemp grow in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose.

What kind of guys on hemp
Capped with a close bunch?
And hold umbrellas in their hands
Puffed touched.

He was deeply hidden
Once or two or three - and came out,
And it costs in sight.
White, I will find you!

Guin went into pine
found a slug
quit sorry
eat damp.

Grow on the edge
Redhead girlfriends.
And the name is their ...

Golden ... -
Very friendly sisters.
Walk in redheads
Autumn in the forest is brought in summer.

Along the forest tracks
Many white legs
In multicolored hats,
Missed out noticeable.
Collect, do not bag!
It …

He stood in the forests,
No one took him
In the red hat fashionable
Nothing is not suitable.

On Boru, on the Yar
It is a peasant -
Red cap.

Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating a dark boron
Grew motley like parsley,
Poisonous ...

Breathe, grows,
and you can not walk.

She dies under autumn
And again the spring comes to life.
Green needle will come to the light,
Grows, blooms all summer.
Cows without her - trouble:
She is their main food.

The grass is growing on the slopes
And on the Khollikov Green.
The smell of strong and soul
And her green leaf
We are on tea.
What kind of grass, guess!

Hey, calls,
Blue colour, -
With a tongue
And there is no ringing!

Cell call hanging
He never rings.

Even at night Muravyka
Does not miss your Domishko:
Pathway to dawn
Light lights.
On big pillars in a row
White lamps hang.
(Lily of the valley)

White peas
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)

It comes to the field of rye.
There, in rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
Only a pity that not fragrant.

Roofing in the grass
Golden lantern.
Then dymering
And turned into a fluff.

Holds a girl in hand
Cloud on the stem.
It is worth blowing on it -
And there will be nothing.

On a green fragile leg
Rose ball at the track.
Breeze pasturs
And dispelled this ball.

There is one such flower,
Do not fit it in a wreath.
Hang on it slightly
There was a flower - and no flower.

White fluffy ball
I dare in the pure field.
Blew a light breeze -
And there was a skeleton.

Stand in the sister field:
Yellow eyes
White cilia.

I was a meadow along the path,
I saw the sun on the flavish,
But not hot
Sun white rays.

It is in the garden Kudryashka -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is?

White basket,
Golden Donets.
Rosinka lies in it
And sparkles the sun.

At the snow brought by snow,
Under the white hat,
We found a little flower,
Semi-masonry, slightly alive.

The first to get out of the Earth
On Protalyanka.
He is not afraid of frost
Although small.

From under the snow blooms
Earlier then others
Spring meets.

Awesters and saucers
Do not drown
And do not fight.

On the water saw you
White flowers.
These residents of the river
Petals hide at night.
(Lilia Water)

Face smelly,
And the tail of the spiny.
(Rose flower)

He was tough he cam
And lay down - became a flower.

This potion you are not a trunk:
Burns hurts
Like fire.

Grows green bush,
Touching - bites.

Not fire - and burns
In hand is not given.
Grew under the willow
Call her? ...

Oh, do not touch me:
Boot and without fire!

Thin stem from the track.
At the end of it - earrings.
On Earth are leaflets -
Little raffins.
We are he - as a good friend
Treats of feet and hands.

All in dust
At least a little strength
At the road he sticks out.
His legs bent
It is not impressed.

Sheet is sharp, narrow,
stretches high
grows in a swamp.

Stands over water
Shakes a beard.

This stem is not simple:
Though long,
But empty.

He produces lists
Eat latitude.
Hold on the stems of strong
One hundred fruits of rough, chain:
If you won't go -
They will find them all.

Grown in the field
Evil and stick
In all sides of the needle.

Who is touched -
Behind that clings.
Causing and striking,
Circle sticks the needles.

Grows on land
head from plush.

How to call him?
Among the swamp
High and quickly he grows,
As if he is a bamboo, not her grass.
Dark cigar - head.

To the tree is squealing
And up the snake goes.
And under the autumn go to the garden -
Brunches yellow hanging.

Soft, not fluff,
Green, not grass.

I am a swampy plant
Cobatt me with the walls.

In the morning dew washed,
Once a year
Oblique will raise.

We go to the carpet with you,
His no one fabric.
He dismissed himself,
Lies at the River Blue
And Yellow, and blue, and al!

Spicy skeleton
High mountain


Artemova L.V. Theatrical games of preschoolers: KN. For the tutor's children. Garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to guess the riddles: a guide for the tutor's children. Garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
Collection of mysteries: manual for teacher. - M.: Education, 1988.
Book for reading children: from year to seven years. - Tula "Rodnichok"; M.: Astrel: AST, 2005.

The section provides Russian folk riddles, as well as the riddles of A.Arthukhova, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, A.Kremnevskaya, O.Tartisova, V.Kremneva, V.Fetisov, E. Serova, T. Belozerov, I. Vorobyeva, L. Sandler, I.Demyanov.

In the sun melts, the breeze in the branches is playing, calling bird votes.
So, it came to us ... (. Spring.

She comes with news.
And with the fairytale.
Magic wand.
Pegs? T, in the forest Snowdrop.
Floating? t. (Spring).

Walking beautiful, easy land concerns, ID? T on the field, on the river, and in the snow, and in the flower. (Spring).

Maja snowball, a meadow came to life.
Day arrives.
When does it happen? (Spring).

I reveal the kidney, in the potion? Lessons.

Trees wear, sowing, the movement is full, the name is me ... (Spring).

The snow is black on the clearing, every day of warm weather.
Time to the storage room Sanki put.
This is what during the season. (Spring).

Green-eyed, having fun, maiden - beauty.
We brought us as a gift what everyone would like:
Greens - leaves, we are warm, magic.
So that everything bloom.

Bird flew after her.
Songs all craftsmen sing.
They guessed who she was?
This maiden - ... (spring).

Do you put? Nynyh bumps, under the white cap snowy.
Have we found a little flower, semi-foreground? Rzesh, slightly alive. (Snowdrop).

The first got out of the Earth.
On Protalyanka.
He frost is not afraid, though small. (Snowdrop).

In a blue shirt.
Runs on the bottom of the ravine. (Rouh).

Not a pedestrian, and the ID? t.
People at the gate moat.
His janitor catches him.
Very difficult mystery? (Rain).

White peas.
On green? Noah leg. (Lily of the valley).

Rustling sore.
Snow white pearls.
Dismissed, fresh gentle tiny.
From under the snow.
To the sun rushed. (Snowdrop).

Well? Ltovy, fluffy.
Fragrant balls.
They will take them from frost.
In his branches ... (Mimosa).

He is a flower prince - poet, in a hat? Rentally dressed.
About spring sonnet on bis.
Reads us ... (Narcissus).

They are found in Holland? Those, there are everywhere in the However? Those.
Like bright glasses, in the squares there are blooming ... (tulips).

Blowing t? Delivel Southern Wind, Sun Sun? Brighter shines.
Snow is losing weight, sculpt, melts, rose groove flies.
What for the month? Who knows? March.

Sparrow happy weather.
Looked to us a month ... (March).

In t? Solly boots, from Ogon? CHKOM? LCD, the boy runs along snow.
Snow frightened, chadeca:
Just stopped - did the snow, split l? d near rivers.
His excitement covered.
And the boy is this - ... (March).

Furious river roar? t.
And blossoms l? d.
In the house, his starlings returned, and the Bear woke up in the forest.
In the sky Lark Trel.
Who will come to us? l? (April).

Bear got out of the beams, dirt and puddles on the road, in the sky Lark Trel.
Do you come to visit us? L ... (April).

On the night - Frost, in the morning - drops, it means, in the yard ... (April).

Woods, fields and mountains, all cleans and gardens.
He is all knocking holes, sings from the water.
"Wake up! Wake up!
Put, laugh, smile! Far to hear the sweater.
It wakes up everyone ... (April).

Greensing distance fields, singing the nightingale.
White color got dressed garden, IF? Lians first fly.
Thunder rinsing. Guess what a month is it? (May).

The garden tried on a white color, nightingale sings sonnets, our greenery dressed the edge.
We are welcome to the heat ... (May).

The baby runs in the lapto, you hear him steps.
He runs, and sun? Color? T, is it a laugh? Tsy - sun? By? t.
Hide happiness in petals.
In lilac on the bushes.
"Lily of myself, fragrance! Weight? Ly ... (May).

Housewarming housewarming at the Skvorta. He shake without end. We lived a crossbar, we made it ... (Bedroom).

Here on the branch of someone's house. Doors in it, no windows, but the chicks there live warmth.
The house is such a name ... (nest).

On on green? a fragile leg. The path from the track has grown. missed.
And and dispelled this ball. dandelion).

In the midst of Spring pore. the juice. Snow white with snow-white bark. .

The streams are running faster, shining the sun is warmer.
Sparrow the weather is glad -.
Looked to us a month ... (March.

Bear got out of the beard, dirt and puddles on the road, in the sky Lark Trel -.
A visit to visit us? (April.

Is the garden tried on white, nightingale software? T Sonnet, our greenery dressed the edge -.
We are welcome to the heat ... (May.

Housewarming at Skvortz -.
He snakes it without finish it. We lived a crossbar, we could ... (Buncher.

Melts snow, a meadow came to life, day arrives. When is it when it happens? Is hanging behind the cooler? To the ice, he is full of droplets and smells in the spring. (Soselka) to mom - I can not rush and silent. Am I son of my son e? And I was born in the spring. (Creek) The first to get out of the ground on Protalyanka. He frost is not afraid, though small. (Snowdrop) h? Ryny, prompt, shouts: Krak! Worms - enemy. (Gracch) The house is built for a singer without a window, without a porch. (Buncher).

Rustling of furious petals
Snow-white pearls dismissed,
Fresh gentle tiny flower
From under the snow to the sun rushed.

Feed - lives
Watch - die.
(the fire)

Warm southern wind blows,
The sun shines everything brighter.
Snow is losing weight, sculpt, melts,
Grache groove flies.
What for the month? Who knows?

Furious river roar
And cleans the ice.

And in the forest, the Bear woke up.
In the sky Lark Trel.
Who came to us?

Glowing distance fields
Sinks nightingale.
In white color dressed garden,
Bees are the first fly.
Thunder rinsing. Guess,
What per month is it? ..

At the snow brought by snow,
Under the white cap snow
We found a little flower,
Semi-masonry, slightly alive.

The first to get out of the Earth
On Protalyanka.
He is not afraid of frost
Although small.

Woods, fields and mountains
All cleans and gardens.
He is in all knocking holes,
Sens from the water.
`Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, Laugh, Smile! `
Far to hear the sweater.
It wakes up everyone ...

She comes with news
And with the fairytale.
Magic wand kneading
In the forest, the snowdrock will bloom. (Spring)

Snow drawn on the clearing,
Every day warm weather.
Time to put in the storage room Sledge.
This is what during the season.
Answer (spring)

Sounded streams,
Raughters flew.
In Beehive Bee, the first honey brought.
Who will say who knows
When does it happen?

Loose snow
In the sun melts,
The breeze in the branches is playing,
Calling bird votes
So it came to us ...
Answer (spring)

Blowing a warm southern wind
The sun shines everything brighter.
Snow is losing weight, sculpt, melts,
Grache groove flies.
What for the month? Who knows?

Melting snow
The meadow came to life,
Day arrives.
When does it happen?

Streams run faster
Sunlight shines warmer.
Sparrow Weather Rad
- Looked to us a month ...
Answer (March)

Bear got out of the berry,
Dirt and puddles on the road
In the sky, Lark Trell
- came to visit us ...
Answer (April)

Furious river roar
And cleans the ice.
In the house, his starlings returned,
And in the forest, the Bear woke up.
In the sky Lark Trel.
Who came to us?

On the night - Frost,
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard ...
Answer (April)

In white color dressed garden,
Bees are the first flying
Thunder rinsing. Guess,
What is this month? (May)

Garden tried on white color
Nightingale sings sonnets
Our greenery dressed the edge
- We are welcome to the heat ... (May)

Glowing distance fields
Sinks nightingale.
In white color dressed garden,
Bees are the first fly.
Thunder rinsing. Guess,
What is this month?
Answer (May)

Made his way through the snow
Amazing sprout.
The very first, most tender,
The biggest flower!

In the fall flew to the south
So as not to meet the evil blizzard.
And in the spring snowball melted,
And our flocks returned!
(Migratory birds)

I speak in front of you
As young spring messenger,
I am pleased to see friends
Well, my name is me ... (Skzorets)

Retreated snow and blizzards,
Birds from the south of home flew.
Rushes, trills are breeding singers.
Who glorifies spring? (Skworts)

He flies every year
Where the house is waiting.
Other people's songs can sing
Nevertheless, my voice has. (Starling)

Wants - straight will fly
Wants - in the air hangs,
Stone falls from heights
And in the field sings, sings. (Lark)

Who is such a spring day
Woven mittens above the window,
Brought new tenants in it -
Little such chicks? (Swallow)

Flies to us with warmth,
Hovering a long way
Looks a house under the window
From grass and clay. (Swallow)

Guess what kind of bird
Dark small?
White with belly,
The tail is spread into two ends. (Swallow)

Together with this black bird
Spring to us is knocking on the window.
Winter clothes hiding!
Who is on arable land jumping? (Rook)

In the spring, the bird arrives.
The field will be pushed - there loves to feed. (Rook)

The sun warms the threshold
And melted drifts,
Flowed the river streams,
Flew to us ... (Graci)

It grows beautiful, gentle,
Blue flat white.
Even earlier blooms
What the ice is melted on the river.
Dismissed exactly on time
First Martov Flower.

First got out of the dungeon
On forest protaly.
He is not afraid of frost
Although very small.

Appeared from under the snow,
She saw a piece of sky.
The very first is the most gentle
Clean small ...

White, blue, blue.
It appeared in the spring.

From under the snow came a friend -
And in the spring, the smell suddenly.

From under the snow blooms
Earlier then others
Spring meets.

Hanging behind the window
Ice cakes.
He is full of drops
And smells in the spring.

Sweets from the roof a long nail -
Cold, strong, as if bone,
But if the sun is plotting,
He will expire all tears (icicle)

Silver carrots
Put to the roof deftly.
Cookied for the cornis
And grows in the spring down.

Spring on the roofs gray
Throws seeds -
Growing carrots white
Under the roofs she.

Ice, blossomed nose
The roof is grieving prisons.
Peely upset
That winter ends. (Icicle)

Finally the river woke up
With a side on the side turned -
Shook, breaking down, ice -
So, soon ... (ice freight)

On the rivers he in spring happens:
Under the sun, ice darkens, melts,
Then cracks break
And in the ice cream turns
And the ice floes on the river float.
Tell me, what is his name! (Iceshop)

Maja snowball, a meadow came to life.
Day arrives. When does it happen?

Snow in the forest. Many snowdrifts.
But the title of trill is heard.
From the roof right on the road
Write dripping ... (drops)

Outside the window shelters
And sings: "Spring has come!
And cold icicles
Turn into these tricks!
Heard from the roof:
This is a small flood. (Drops)

Island I see strange
It is not with a palm tree, but with a flower,
Surrounded by not the ocean,
And letting the snowball. (Thawed patch)

Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!
Snow melts, circle water.
Do not shod felt
In the snow ... (Protalinki)

I swear in April -
All fields are discounted!
Cover like a carpet
Field, Meadow and School Courtyard (Grass)

Snow melted with fields
Running flaky ... (stream)

On a warm day of ice
Taja water rushes.
And noise of all birds call
This mischievous ... (stream)

Moisturizes for birds house
With a round small window.
Here is the starlings on a hazel,
We build him ... (Buncher)

When comes back
In a grove cuckoo
And thunder - drummer
Rattle over the edge?