Not all mushrooms are suitable in fragrant soup or fried potatoes: Some of them are considered only conditionally edible, others and at all poisonous - a random hitting of such an organism can lead not only to the terrible poisoning, but even to death. Look for Sputnik in Help, how to distinguish edible mushrooms from false or poisonous.

To learn in the forest, Motherwear with a red hat and familiar white specks are not at all difficult - it is almost as easy to deceive with a false borovik or chanterelle, not knowing the main rules of their differences from edible.

General differences of poisonous fungi from edible

Unambiguous signs are a bit, however, sometimes their knowledge can be very useful. The first difference between the poisonous mushroom is a characteristic volva, framing the leg from below: the feeling that the mushroom grows in a kind of pot. BUT meaningful trait Mushrooms that can be eaten (with the exception of satanic) - a hat with the spongy structure.

Even poisonous specimens are often thickened to the very base, and also have olive or even a little pearl sings. Some poisonous mushrooms have a completely distinguishable smell of technical alcohol. But the statement that insects avoid poisonous mushrooms, rather myth.

The difference between edible mushrooms from false twins

To distinguish the real Borovik (or white mushroom) from the false one by typical of its cap color: it always carries a beige, never - red or brown. And if they break a piece from her, the flesh of a poisonous mushroom will change the shade, and the present will remain unchanged. The bile mushroom is also similar to Borovik, distinguish only the pattern on the top - a black or dark gray grid.

Quite not easy to distinguish edible Owls From false: mushrooms are growing with groups and even places choose identical - hemps or spoken roots on the surface. Characteristic sign edible Openka - "Skirt", which goes from a feet into the leg - such never in false. Identify the "deceiver" and the hat itself: it is deprived of "scraps", besides, a false oneank is brighter and smells unpleasant.

Especially careful worth being collecting chanterelles. False and edible chanterelles differ mainly on the edge of the Hats - it should be like corrugated. Another difference is color, but it is most convenient to evaluate it in comparison, putting on one palm guaranteed edible mushroom: a false chanterelle will be bright red or orange, while a chanterelle that is in food will be more like a pale pink or pale orange . Some connoisseurs argue that white juice is distinguished from the broken false chanterelle.

Real oils OT. false mushrooms Distinguishes the resulting name "oil", sticky skin on a hat. Most often it is noticeable in dampness, however and in dry weather a hat edible Maslenka It will be shiny, the skin can be easily removed with a knife, it will even stretch a little. False oils recognize, bowing a piece of a hat and watching the flesh: she will acquire red or blue tint. A poisonous pepper mushroom has a yellowish-cream pulp, and his leg is narrowed to the base.

It is very important in the forest to be able to distinguish with extremely toxic pale toxic. An inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse her with a forest champignon, at the same time he has a smooth and round hat, white or gray, there is a film at the base of the legs, and the plates under the hat are darked against touch. In addition, the leafling grow in deciduous forests, but forest champignons - On the sun lit by the sun, along the roads and near the swamp.

How to recognize poisonous mushrooms during cooking

Conditionally edible mushrooms are permissible to eat after a long heat treatment: boil at least 45 minutes, after - rinse with hot water and only then start cooking. The category of such includes freight, smruhchki and a naughty, which are taken to assemble in the fall.

However, the harmful effect on the human body of poisonous mushrooms is heat treatment does not neutralize. Some mushrooms can be disinfected with boiling in solution with the addition of vinegar and salt, but the refining will not be less toxic after that.

But it is believed that they can be identified in the process of cooking by folk methods. For example, if in the cooking process, put a silver spoon in a saucepan, it should darken, and onions added to it and garlic - become brown. Some hostesses check mushrooms with milk: it is folded when interacting with poison.

Any mentioned reaction in some cases can cause substances contained in unseated mushrooms so that a reliable way to reveal poisonous mushroom In the process of cooking no. Sputnik recommends how to pay attention to the distinctive signs of false and collect only edible.

All experts are talked for putting into the basket only those mushrooms are needed, which are not at all forced to doubt their edible. Being a newcomer, it is better to seek help in this matter to experienced fans of the "quiet hunting" - boast to them harvest and make sure that there are no poisonous mushrooms.

How to determine whether mushrooms edible mushrooms are indispensable in many dishes. Forest specimens are especially valued - white, boomes, freight, waves, chanterelles and many others. But before you go on their search, armed with a large basket, you should find out what mushrooms can be collected, and which is better to leave in the forest. Instruction: 1. Beginnerful mushrooms before going to the forest you need to find out how edible mushrooms look like. It is advisable to see them not in the picture, but in reality. Ask a familiar person experienced in this case to show you real Boroviki and Waves, and ideally - take you with yourself to the "quiet hunt." Note that in a specific area you will meet only some types of fungi. For example, in the Bereznyak, there will probably have raw materials and boomes, and in the pine fox - Ryzhiki. Remember mushroom places - In the next season, you will wait for a new crop on these faults. 2. Finding a family of mushrooms that seem familiar to you, look at the largest instances. If worms are found in such a mushroom, it means that it is edible. Poisonous types of worms do not touch. 3. Inexperienced mushrooms, it is better to focus on collecting tubular mushrooms - white, oil, boletus, boosynovikov. Most of them relate to the category of edible. FROM planted species More difficult - many of them have very similar twins. For example, besides delicious, they will exist false pestersAnd some urchings are surprisingly resemble champignons or raw materials. 4. Conditionally edible mushrooms better leave in the forest. 5. Experienced "quiet hunters" advise especially closely relate to white and greenish mushrooms - It is this color that is characteristic of the grain. Exception - Amanita. But this bright mushroom is unlikely to fall into the basket, it is too noticeable. Note that in addition to the red, there are grayish-green copies with the same white dots. 6. Do not trust people's Fashion»It seems to break the mushroom, sniffing it and viewing the light. The darkening of the soup is not associated with the degree of poisonousness of a particular instance. And in no case do not try suspicious mushrooms to taste. Inedible mushrooms are not always proud - for example, a particularly dangerous death cap It has a pleasant sweet taste. At the same time, half of the hats of such a fungus are enough to obtain strongest poisoning. How to recognize a poisonous mushroom of unconditionally poisonous types of mushrooms is about a hundred. Of these, death is deadly only eight. The most poisonous mushroom is growing on Java and in Sri Lanka Galerina Sulciceps. Even one eaten fruit leads after half an hour to death. In Europe and in North America The most poisonous is the amanome white (spring) and amoor smelly. The most poisonous, deadly dangerous for a person is the pale ceremony, from which no antidote has not yet been found. It is often confused with champignon, sometimes with raw materials. 30 mg poison is enough to kill an adult. Distinctive signs of pale toadstool - a ring on the leg, "cup" at the base of the leg and white color Plates Hats. According to the first two signs, the pale refining can be distinguished from the cheesecakes, and on the second and third - from champignons (they have pinkish or dark plates). One of the dangers for inexperienced mushrooms represents not all well-known amanomors and a rigging, externally similar to edible poisonous mushrooms. The most desired for mushrooms white mushroom has several twins among the poisonous. The bile mushroom externally is almost indistinguishable from white, and even an experienced mushroom picker may be mistaken. Pay attention to the bottom surface of the mushroom hats: it has a poisonous pink, and on a slice a piece of the hat quickly blues. Satanic mushroom does not have a sinister name. The leg is much thicker than the Borovka, the upper part of the leg is pinking. Cut the flesh of such a mushroom, and if she flies quickly, and then it will take it - throw it immediately! Satanic mushroom refers to one of the most poisonous. Paradoxically, you can even poison even good, edible mushrooms. Do not collect the old mushrooms, overgrown. They accumulate toxic substances, and even butter, white mushrooms, boomes can cause serious poisoning. It is enough difficult to distinguish the mushrooms are good from poisonous even experienced mushrooms. Thus, at the end of the summer, they will have masted ones and at the same time in the forest you can find their twins - poisonous sulfur-yellow and brown-red widespread. You should alert the plates of a reddish or milky white color, thickened base of the fungus. These are distinctive signs of incredible. U edible autumn mushrooms Honey cap with scales, there is a white film, the purpose of which is to bind the feet of the mushroom with the edge of the hats. Brown-red woods are distinguished by an unpleasant sharp odor and taste, and the poison contained in them amazes the gastrointestinal tract. Poisonous are both mushrooms like lines and curls. The poison contained in them is not destroyed by boiling and causes sharp poisoning, especially in children. There are a number of mushrooms that cannot be used in raw. These are so-called flashlights, or freaky, your favorite rhymes, waves. In some countries, they are considered to be poisonous and do not eat. It is possible to make these mushrooms by edible by prolonged soaking or boiling. Pushed mushrooms follows a few days. The decoction is necessarily drained, and the mushrooms are fry. There are about 50 types of mushrooms, which in case of insufficient heat treatment or eating in the cheese form, cause acute poisoning. Limit care and accuracy at the "quiet hunting" will allow you to recognize a poisonous mushroom on time and protect yourself from danger. Be healthy!

Only one who at least once walked on a quiet hunt, knows how exciting and pleasant things. Real hunting excitement, delight from each found strong white or stabber, pleasant fatigue, and nothing increasing pleasure autumn forest, painted the most wonderful paints and the excessive unimaginable smells. However, there is its own "Spoon of Deaf": false and poisonous mushrooms. For pleasure from a quiet hunting, it is not frightened after the meal, you need to learn to understand well in edible and poisonous mushrooms.

What you need to know about mushrooms?There are two reasons why you need to understand the fungi well before starting them to actively collect. The most important is, of course, security. Among the poisonous mushrooms there are such, the use of which can lead to a rapid fatal outcome. The second reason is more practical - typing a full basket inedible mushroomsYou will have to wear this burden behind the forest. And it will be very angry and unpleasant when it turns out that all the contents of the Lukushka will have to be thrown out. Yes, and you just do not need to tear the inedible mushrooms, because what is not suitable for man is often used forest inhabitants As a meal or "medication".

All mushrooms are divided into three groups - edible, very poisonous and weakly poisonous. The edible and most popular fungi among mushrooms include white mushrooms, stabberry, boosions, freight, whale, chanterelles. In Russia, mushroom lovers collect more than 100 kinds of mushrooms, but this is a lot of those who understand them perfectly. For a beginner mushroom, you need to take some kind of species and look good for how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible.

Poisonous mushrooms.
First you need to understand what mushrooms are poisonous and just bypass them in the forest. The most dangerous mushroom is a pale refining. One small mushroom is enough for the whole family to be poisoned by a dish in which he got. Fortunately, the rigging has a very characteristics And to distinguish it from other mushrooms is very simple. A long elegant leg of this mushroom has a "skirt" under the hat, and at the base the leg is inserted into the "cup". While the raw, which is most often confused, has a smooth straight leg without such features. Therefore, before dripping such a mushroom, clear the grass and the foliage at the base of the fungus and see, the leg is included in the ground or grows "from the cup" and is there a "skirt".

Very similar to the pale custody to the poisonous smelly amanita. It has a pale yellow color and a tapered hat. With fault, the mushroom makes it very nasty smellFor which I got my name. This is the most treacherous of the amansor and the least similar to the usual bright, beautiful red and green mumorists, which are also like their smelly fellow, are very poisonous.

It is understood that in front of you the fiberboard of Patueyar - another very poisonous mushroom - the easiest way if you came to a whole family, where different mushrooms are growing nearby. Young fibers have cone-shaped bellish caps, but as the hat grows straightened and changes the color. In an adult mushroom, she becomes yellow, and the old mushroom has red. The leg always has the same color as the hat and is very expanded the book.

Another poisonous mushroom is a hawky. it beautiful mushroom White color, which has a pleasant taste and smell. His a distinctive feature It is the fact that the plates located at the bottom of the hat smoothly enter the leg, sprinkling with it.

Double mushrooms (false).
False mushrooms are most often weakly poisonous, they are not able to cause serious damage to health, but to spoil the dish with an unpleasant taste or cause intestinal disorder, the weakness is quite forces.

Beginnerful mushrooms are often taken by a bile mushroom for white or stabber. The bottom side of the gall mushroom hat has a pinkish-brown tube, while the white mushroom has yellow. On the fault of the hat also has a pink color, which does not happen from edible twins.

Very similar to the edible and false whales. Edibles are always brown, while false are cast pale green or yellow. Such a mushroom has a bitter taste.

Inexperienced mushroom pics are often deceived by the appearance and yellowing sink of false champignon. Distinguish it from edible champignon You can only smell. W. false mushroom He is pretty unpleasant.

Frequently in our forests and false chanterelles. They differ from edible brighter color - yellow, turning into orange - and smooth, neat shape. While edible mushrooms have more "torn" and wrong shape and less expressed in saturation color.

there is general ruleswhich can be guided by a quiet hunt. If the mushroom is very solid, it smells badly - the likelihood is that it is poisonous. But, as in any rule, and there was no exception. There is a group of mushrooms that are considered conditionally poisonous. That is, they require mandatory processing to eating. Such processing completely eliminates the content of poisonous substances or bitterness. Such mushrooms include waves, freight, smurches and other mushrooms that have great taste qualities. Some of them are enough to soak in water so that unnecessary substances dissolved, some are drying and heat treatment. Each mushroom requires a special approach.

It is not always easy to distinguish edible mushrooms from intolerable. The fact is that on their shape, size and painting affects many factors: the place of growth, the time of year and even the weather. Therefore, the most reliable way to learn to distinguish between mushrooms is knowledge of their anatomy. Well, if they are purchased under the guidance experimental Mushroomnika.

It is believed that the mushrooms are divided into edible and inedible, but it is not entirely true. Can be poisoned and edible mushrooms, as well as proper cooking Some inedible mushrooms can be eating. Also, the same types of mushrooms are grown in different places can have the features of the appearance.

It is believed that there are edible and inedible mushrooms. But experienced mushrooms know that not any unfortunate mushroom is poisonous. It is very important to know which one is edible, and what is dangerous to avoid the difficult consequences for health and life. When using this product, a number of rules should be followed, as you can also choose edible species if you do not comply with the requirements for their collection, use and processing.

With proper preparation of conditionally inedible mushrooms, you can completely protect yourself from possible food poisoning and diversify your diet to delicious and useful dishes. These types of fungi include:

  • autumnal;
  • white and black freight;
  • spring curls.

Before use in food, they all require long thermal processing. Cooking should continue at least 40 minutes, then drain the water and rinse with hot water of the widowed mushrooms. After such treatment, nutrients remain in them, including protein. Using heat treatment removed harmful substances, spoiling the taste of conditionally inedible mushrooms, and such a product is quite suitable for eating.

Those who love to do a quiet hunt should be aware of how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from edible. This is the main rule of security when collecting them and the subsequent workpiece. Often, newcomers are collecting full baskets of representatives of the mushroom world, which simply can not eat, and wear this wear all day in the forest, while the baskets of experienced mushrooms can immediately recognize dangerous plantfilled with edible mushrooms.

Beginnerful mushroom pickers need to know that all mushrooms are not divided into edible and poisonous, but on edible, conditionally inedible (weakly poisonous) and very poisonous. Among edible species, experts have more than 100 varieties, which can be boldably, without fear of severe poisoning. Such species include:

Those who are just starting to collect such DiKoros, it is necessary to begin to be able to determine the real edible mushroom, which is included in the list of the most popular species, from a dangerous poisonous, which is very good for him with its appearance.

You need to learn how to learn more dangerous mushrooms and just not pay attention to them.

Caution, life-threatening

Poisonous species make secure with pre-processing high temperatures It is impossible. Their use in food in any form causes severe poisoning, which often end father outcome. The danger is that poisonous representatives of these living organisms have an almost the same kind as those that can be and have. For this reason, you need to know than edible and poisonous plants differ from each other with visual inspection.

The most recognizable from the poisonous representatives of the mushroom world are treated ammother and pale custodia. The latter is very dangerous, since even her small piece will be enough for heavy poisoning. Poisonous plants have recognizable appearance And little look like edible. Their mistakes are most often broken by people who do not know at all how to distinguish edible and intolerable mushrooms.

At the pale leafing, which is usually confused with a raw, a characteristic thin leg and a flirty skirt under the hat itself. The leg itself grows as it were from a cup. A raw straight leg grows from the ground. In order not to confuse them with pale toes, you need to always check the shape of the leg before tearing. This cup (Volva) is almost all inedible mushrooms. All mushrooms with great experience distinguish dangerous views from edibles precisely on such a shape of the leg.

Another one dangerous species Mushrooms are the Mushrooms of the Patuear, the poisonousness of which is no less dangerous than the pale tolaying. They usually grow a whole family. Adult Mushroom Hat Different with a Young Hat. In the latter, it is a cone-shaped and has a characteristic whitish shade. With age, it increases and more direct, and its color becomes yellow or red. Also changes the color of the legs, which always happens one color with a hat.

You can find out the structure of the Hats, edible this mushroom or inedible. In dangerous species, it is usually spongy. This is exactly what is different from real boroviks like a poisonous satanian mushroom.

You can also learn poisonous species Mushrooms in unpleasant. It is like this smell that the most dangerous view of the mumor is stinky. It differs from his relatives of the colorful pale yellow color and very unpleasant smell.

However, this does not mean that all species suitable for eating, there is a characteristic mushroom smell. For example, one species of poisonous mushrooms is a glow-having fun, having an attractive white color hats, a very pleasant mushroom smell and taste. It is possible to distinguish it by a hat, on which the plates are characteristic of poisonous mushrooms that can be on the upper part of the legs.

Distinguish bad I. dangerous mushroom From the family of poisonous and inedible, it is possible in the following criteria:

  • color;
  • shaped leg and cap;
  • structure Hats;
  • a characteristic unpleasant odor.

If a novice mushroom learns to quickly determine how edible and intolerable mushrooms, the edible trophies of his quiet hunt will always be rich.

A considerable danger carry mushrooms-twins, the edibility of which is more conditional. They do not cause severe poisoning, but they can spoil the taste of winter mushroom blanks and dishes. Most. dangerous consequence Their eating can be a bowel disorder and a liquid chair.

One of these twins is a bile mushroom that beginners can take for Borovik or a boletus. The lower part of his cap has a pinkish shade, and at a real white mushroom this part of a character of a characteristic yellow color. On the fault of the cap, the characteristic pink shade, which does not have Boroviks and subbrazovkov, is also well visible.

False Open Very similar to his real conid. At edible color, the hats of a characteristic brown color, and in false it can be greenish or yellow. The taste of false sheds are bitter and unpleasant.

Another characteristic twin is a false champignon, which is distinguished by an unpleasant smell from the present.

In forests middle strip can be found false chantech. It has a brighter yellow color with an orange tint characteristic of the inedible mushrooms, and a smooth surface of a hat. At edible chanterelle edges more torn, and the shape of the hat is incorrect. The color of the edible mushroom is less intense.

Real chanterelles grow in coniferous and mixed forests Compact families. They have a very thick leg, and the size of the hat can reach 10 cm. of real chanterelle There is no hollow, and the edges of the cap are always omitted. The colors of the hat will be varied from light yellow to pale orange, inside the edible mushroom pulp has a characteristic red shade.

Twin white mushroom is a satanic mushroom. This Borovik always has a brown shade hat, which can be white or olive when failing. The leg at the satanic mushroom with a characteristic mesh on the surface. White mushroom It has a pleasant smell, and his unfortunate double smells with a rotten bow.

Real oils should be distinguished from false. Real (edible) slippery oil hat And the same leg. Skin on the hat slides, as if lubricated with oil (from this, the name itself occurs). This property is especially manifested in crude weather. In the dry period, the peel dries, but remains glossy. It is easy to remove with the help of a knife, while it stretches like rubber.

The hat on the structure looks like a sponge and also absorbs water. As for color, it differs depending on the species of oil. Inedible twins often change their color: on a break or cut, it acquires a reddish or bluish shade.

Often novice mushrooms confused real champignon With extremely dangerous pale cerebry. At the edible champignon hat round, smooth or slightly rough, white or creamy color. Plates under the pink hat, with further growth they darken. Pale leafling records light and color do not change.

In addition, the lesing completely lacks the ring from the film at the base of the leg, which is a distinctive feature of the edible plant. The champignons and pale and habitats are different - the first are growing on open and well-lit places (on the edges or along the forest roads). And the pale rosters live in shady deciduous forests.

Knowledge of the differences will help avoid mistakes in the collection of mushrooms.

The best rule - experience

Newcomers can be guided by a set simple rulesthat will help them distinguish dangerous mushrooms from edible. When using them, it should be remembered that there are also conditionally poisonous mushrooms that acquire good taste After proper processing.

Correctly spent processing completely eliminates poisonous substances or bitterness that have such mushrooms in a cut form. These include:

  • waves;
  • freight;
  • smorchchki;
  • pork.

Some of them are enough just to soak in water to remove dangerous and unpleasant substances, others should be dried and exposed to thermal processing.

It is not always easy to distinguish edible mushrooms from intolerable. On the shape, size and color different species Mushrooms are influenced by a variety of factors:

  • the place where they grow;
  • season;
  • weather.

To learn to distinguish mushrooms, you need to get acquainted with their structure and appearance. Well, if knowledge is purchased under the guidance of an experienced mushroom.

In order to quickly understand how edible mushrooms may differ from inedible, you need to go to the forest with an experienced mushroom. In practice, you can quickly remember the differences and avoid the danger of poisoning.

Mushrooms are a useful, but very cunning product, which can lead to severe health consequences. They require great knowledge and practical skills. Beginner mushrooms should be well prepared.

To find useful information You can, for example, in books. Should carefully consider pictures to learn how to allocate the most important distinctive feature In one or another mushroom. Well prepared for the collection of fungi, you can always supply your seven delicious and useful product growing in the forest.

It is impossible to start collecting mushrooms without prior preparation, which should consist of theoretical foundations and practical classes. Explore the differences are needed to comply with your own safety and security of your loved ones. After all, among the mushrooms there are such, the use of which will lead to severe fatal poisoning. Stranger mushrooms can not taste in the forest, as you can choose, and it will be impossible to get first aid.

Poisoning with dangerous inedible mushrooms lead to violation of the activities of the Central nervous system and the total failure of all important functions of the body. Therefore, at the slightest doubt, the mushroom should refuse him if there is no experienced mushroom, which can check it.

After visiting the forest all collected mushrooms We must once again examine, get rid of inedible and sort by type. Each type of edible mushrooms should be processed separately from others so as not to spoil the taste of blanks or pickles.

Mushrooms are delicious and useful product. It contains proteins, vitamins and a little fat. Unfortunately, annually mushroom season darling sad events - poisoning. To avoid tragic troubles associated with a quiet hunting, it is necessary to clearly know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible.

It is known that edible species They are found almost everywhere: in any transfer, in the middle of the field, near the houses, on urban lawns, in parks and even in landfills. It is worth remembering that mushrooms have properties to accumulate harmful and poisonous substances from the environment.

It is not recommended to collect them in urban squares and parks, near the roads and railway pathsnear landfill. The edible sample grown in an ecologically polluted area can be dangerous to human life and health due to accumulated toxic products. It is impossible to take damaged and worm, since they can form a deadly dangerous corpse poison. Quiet hunt It is better to spend away from the city, on unpolluted terrain.

Edible, inedible and poisonous

In addition to excellent taste and use, some mushrooms are able to impose irreparable damage to human health and even lead to death. Anyone who collects them in nature or buys them in dubious places, should understand how to distinguish poisonous species from edible.

  • Edible, grown in clean environmentFully safely, it can be safely used in food by exposing only a short heat treatment (Borovik, Champignon, Olter, Oyshemniki, Podbirovik, Boostyl, chanterelles).
  • Conditionally edible can be used after a certain processing, such as long-term boiling and replacement of water (freight, wintry, pepper mushroom, raincoat, Borovik Wolf, chanterelle black).
  • Inedisible are not suitable in food because of an unpleasant taste or too hard fruit (solid-colored, Porn thick, Borovik is rooted, fodder, mokhovik woody).
  • Poisonous contain dangerous to human health and life toxic substancesTheir use even in small quantities can lead to death (pale toadstool, amicoras, false whales, champignon of yellowing, whitish hacking).

How to distinguish

Someone who is still understood and can not distinguish good sample From bad, it is worth going to the forest with an experienced comrade. Mushroom recognition is a whole science, and errors can cost much!

Many rely on "faithful" signs that allow easy and easy to identify bad specimens. It is said that the poison turns the milk and makes silver darken. Many folk methods, how to test mushrooms during cooking to poisonousness, for example: change in the color of the heads and garlic. These are all myths, and practically no universal ways to check! Known one truly reliable wayHow to test mushrooms on poisonousness or edible: they need to know!

Common delusion

Inexperienced mushroomnik at home check the collected mushrooms on poisonism is almost unrealistic. Often misleading can enter various signs and folk Methodswho have all for hearing.

  • Dangerous varieties have an unpleasant smell and awesome appearance. No, they can pleasantly smell and look beautifully (agar).
  • Insects and worms live on poisonous specimens, because they will be poisoned. No, any experienced collector knows that it is not. Some poisonous species are used in food even with large animals.

    Young poisonous instances can be eaten. In no case! The same pale loyalty is deadly at any age.

    Onions and garlic, welded with a bad mushroom, will come. No, these vegetables are completely reacting to the mushroom poison.

    Silver spoon, lowered in a decoction, darkest. No, silver darkens at all from poisonousness, but because of contact with the gray contained in the brave.

If even minimal doubts appeared, consult with an experienced person, identify a dangerous mushroom, only a good knowing the features of its structure.

A huge danger is poisonous and inedible varieties, which externally similar to their edible fellow, are the so-called twins.

  • Champignon can be confused with pale (view of the mumor), and this is a mushroom toxic, mortality with random use of the leaf - about 90%. Unlike the champignon, the plates of the leafing during damage is not dargeted, and it does not have a characteristic film under the hat. Growing the leaf prefers in the shade among the trees, and Champignon is in the open area.
  • Borovik has several twins. These are such inedible samples like harvester Mushroom, Satanic and Borovik inedible, they are similar in shape, but differ in color from the real white.
  • Summer fees are confused with a deadly view - gallery bordered. How to distinguish edible sick from Gallery? It does not grow by fragments, like a way, even if the fruit bodies are standing near, the bases of the legs never grow together. Poison Gallery for danger Comparable with pale trash.
  • A chanterelle is real from false distinguishes corrugated on the edges of a hat, as well as color. The false color is bright, orange-red.
  • Olters are also false. The real mucule and sticky hat, as if smashed in oil, the hat is always spongy, without plates. False have a dry hat, on a breaking color.

It happens that double is able to mislead Even an experienced collector. When doubt occurs in the found copy, some mushrooms to determine poisonousness, try the cut of a raw fruit body to taste if bitter, it is thrown out. Almost all kinds with a spongy hat are edible, exception - satanian mushroom, But he looks so bright that he is a suspicion.