North America ranks third in size among the 6 continents of planet Earth and is located in the north of the western hemisphere. The area of ​​the entire continent, excluding the nearby islands, is approximately 20.36 million km2 (with islands 24.25 million km2), which is approximately 14% of the total land area of ​​the planet.

There are 23 states on the mainland. If you follow the link, you can see complete list countries and dependent states on the territory of the mainland of North America. And the population is approximately 500 million people, which is approximately 7% of the total number of people on planet Earth.

Mainland North America is washed to the south Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in the west the coast of the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the north the coast of the mainland is washed by the Arctic Ocean, and in the east the coast of the continent is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The length of the continent from north to south is 7326 km, and from west to east about 4700 km. North America and South America are separated by the Isthmus of Panama, and North America and Eurasia by the Bering Strait.

Extreme points of the mainland North America

Extreme points of North America, which are on the mainland:

1) The most extreme north point on the mainland is Cape Murchison, which is part of the Kitikmeot region.

2) The most western point of the mainland is Cape Prince of Wales, which is located on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. An interesting fact is that this cape and the extreme continental point in the west of Eurasia (Cape Dezhnev) are separated by a distance of only 86 kilometers.

3) The extreme point of the mainland in the south is Cape Mariato, which is located on the Azuero Peninsula.

4) The extreme eastern point of the continent is Cape St. Charles, which is located on the Labrador Peninsula.

Relief of North America

The central part of the mainland of North America has many mountain ranges, of which the longest can be distinguished - the Cordillera de Talamanca, the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the Cordillera Isabella. And between these mountain ranges are fertile valleys, where the bulk of the population of Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica live.

In the east of the continent there is the Appalachian mountain system, and on the mainland there are the Rocky and Cascade Mountains, the Cordillera Mountains.

On the mainland there are the Great Plains - this is a foothill plateau, which is located to the east when viewed from Rocky mountains, Central Plains - Plains that are located in the interior of the mainland, as well as coastal lowlands. The height of the coastal lowlands does not exceed 200 meters, and in coastal zone they are expressed as lagoons, bars, beaches and spits.

The central part of the mainland is characterized by a rather high seismic activity, which is expressed in the form of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The most high point The continent is considered Mount Denali (until 2015 it was called McKinley), and the lowest point of the continent is Death Valley, which is located 86 meters below sea level.

Climate of North America

The mainland North America is located in the north in the Western Hemisphere, thus, the climate on the mainland varies from arctic to subequatorial. At the same time, the coastal regions of the continent are characterized by oceanic climate, and the hinterland of the continent is continental.

Since the continent extends from north to south for more than 7000 km, then all types of planetary climate can be found on the continent, except for the equatorial one. It is thanks to this that the animal and vegetable world North America is so rich.

If you look at the temperatures, then in the northernmost part of the mainland in winter the average temperature is -36 degrees Celsius, and in summer +4 degrees Celsius. At the same time, in the southernmost part of the mainland, the average temperature in winter is +20 degrees Celsius, and in summer +32 degrees Celsius.

The arctic climate is located in the northernmost part of the mainland. It is characterized by very cold winters and almost complete absence of summer. On the hottest days, temperatures can rise slightly above 0 degrees Celsius.

This is followed by the subarctic belt, which is also characterized by very cold winters, but there is already a short-term summer. Somewhere in June the snows begin to melt and the weather is warm for about a month. In summer, the temperature can reach up to +16 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is approximately -24-40 degrees Celsius, winters are very long and cold, the maximum part of precipitation falls in summer.

Temperate zone covers northern part USA and southern part Canada. The western part of the mainland in this belt is characterized by cool summers (+ 8 + 16 degrees Celsius) and relatively warm winter(0-16 degrees Celsius). In the central part of the continent of this belt, the climate is sharply different. It is characterized by more warm summer(+ 16 + 24 degrees Celsius) and colder winters (-8-32 degrees Celsius). Eastern the mainland in this belt has warm summers (+ 16 + 24 degrees Celsius) and warm winters (0-16 degrees Celsius).

The subtropical belt is located in the southern United States and northern Mexico. This belt is characterized by hotter summers and warmer winters. The central part of the mainland, which is located in the sub tropical belt has established itself unfavorable conditions climate. There is the problem of deserts and drying up of the climate.

The tropical climate covers central part North America. It is characterized by hot summers (+16 to +32 ° C) and warm winters (+8 to + 24 ° C). Little precipitation falls.

Sub equatorial belt occupies a small area in the very south of the continent. The climate is hot here. Throughout all year round the air temperature is kept above 20 degrees. There is a lot of precipitation, mainly in summer.

Inland waters of North America

Mainland North America is rich in both rivers and lakes. The longest river system in North America, it is the Mississippi River. Its length reaches 3770 kilometers. Largest stocks fresh water on the mainland are concentrated in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes include five large lakes: Michigan, Superior, Huron, Ontario, and Erie (sometimes the sixth Lake St.Clair is added), total area which is approximately 244 106 kilometers.

All rivers of the continent of North America belong to the basins of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The mainland is irrigated rather unevenly. This is due to several reasons, including climatic and orographic ones. Most of rivers of the mainland is of both transport importance and hydropower.

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To the question Climate description north america given by the author To realize the best answer is Climatic conditions North. The Americas are exceptionally diverse. This is the "northernmost" continent of the Earth, closest to the pole, at the same time, stretching for more than 7 thousand km from north to south. The mainland is located in all climatic zones of the planet, excluding the equatorial belt.
Subequatorial belt North. Armenia occupies a very small area in the very south of the continent, located on the Isthmus of Panama. The belt is occupied by the natural zone variably wet forests as well as savannas and woodlands in the west. It persists here permanently hot weather in both summer and winter, with temperatures above + 20 ° C, the maximum precipitation occurs in summer. Precipitation falls here 2000-3000 mm per year and more.
The tropical climate is typical for most of the Center. America. There are 3 sectors in it according to the distribution of precipitation in its territory. Sector West (Pacific Coast of southern Mexico) is variably busy wet forests... Precipitation falls on the windward slopes of the Cordilleras, their amount reaches 2000 mm per year. The central sector is occupied by savannas and deserts. Temperatures are somewhat lower here due to great height terrain above sea level. In summer, from +16 + 32 ° C (depending on the altitude), in winter - from +8 + 24 ° C, respectively. Precipitation falls from 500 to 250 mm and less.
Subtropical climatic zone located on the territory of sowing. Mexico and the southern United States. The belt can also be divided into 3 sectors. The western one stretches in a thin strip along the Pacific coast - in the foothills of the Cordilleras. There are hot summers with average temperatures from +16 + 24 ° C and cool winters +8 - 0 ° С. Precipitation is from 500 to 2000 mm, their amount increases from south to north. The central or continental sector is characterized by unfavorable climatic conditions are deserts. Dry continental air masses dominate here, precipitation is low - from 100 to 500 mm per year. The air temperature ranges from +32 + 16 ° С in summer to +8 -8 ° С in winter. The eastern sector is influenced by the monsoons. There is a lot of precipitation here, more than 1000-2000 mm per year, in some places it causes waterlogging of the area. Humid climate promotes the growth of variably moist forests. Hot summers are observed here (+ 32 ° C and above) and warm winter with temperatures from 0 to + 24 ° C (in Florida).
Temperate belt - occupies the north of the United States and southern Canada. The temperate belt is divided into 3 sectors. The softest of them is the western one. A large amount of precipitation falls here, mainly in winter. On average, precipitation falls from 2000 to 3000 mm. Summers are quite cool with temperatures of +8 - + 16 ° C. Winters are relatively temperate climate warm from 0 to -16 ° C in the north. The central sector is much more severe. The continental and sharply continental types of climate are observed here, in contrast to the sea in the west. The amount of precipitation, on average, is from 250 to 500 mm per year. At the expense a large number there are very large clear days in the year annual amplitudes temperatures - from +16 - + 24 ° C in summer to -8 -32 ° C in winter. The eastern sector is influenced by the monsoons. Precipitation here falls from 2000 mm on the Atlantic coast. ocean up to 500-1000 mm inside the mainland. Here warm summers +16 - + 24 ° C and relatively warm snowy winters with a temp. 0 to -16 ° C.
The subarctic climate zone is located in the north of Canada and Alaska. Summer is very short, snow melts in June, and warm weather lasts for about a month. As we move to the north, precipitation falls less and less - from 500 to 100 mm per year. In winter, temperatures drop from -24 to -40 ° C. Winters are harsh and long. The maximum precipitation occurs in the summer. Summer temperatures range from 0 to + 16 ° C in the south
The Arctic climate is typical for the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Greenland. Winters are extremely harsh, with temperatures ranging from -32 ° C to -40 ° C on average and lower in the interior of Greenland. There is very little rainfall, less than 250-100 mm per year. Summer practically does not come, only in the hottest months of the year the air temperature rises above 0 ° C.

North America lies in all climatic zones except the equatorial one. The climate has essential for the development of the country, because it is natural conditions determine what kind of animals and plants will be inhabited by this or that territory. To understand why in some parts of the continent it is always warm and humid, and in others, except permafrost, nothing, is it worth finding out what climate prevails in North America?

Tropical climate zone

All of Central America, except for the south, is located in the tropical climate zone. The trade winds determine the climate here. Trade winds are winds blowing from the tropics towards the equator. This North American wind is characterized by a constant direction, mainly northeast in the northern hemisphere and southeast in the southern. The climate in the tropical zone in the central part is dry, characterized by warm winters (+ 8- + 24) and hot summers (+16 - +32).

In the eastern part, the climate is humid and hot.

The climatic factors of North America are the length in latitude and longitude, the flatness of the territory and the presence of mountains in the west, which impede the influence of the Pacific Ocean, active circulation of air masses from north to south and back, or meridional circulation (the plains allow the Arctic air to penetrate up to Gulf of Mexico, and tropical air - to the north, encounters of streams cause storm winds and hurricanes, called tornadoes).

Rice. 1. Climate map North America

Subtropical climate zone

The subtropical zone is located between 30 and 40 degrees north latitude, three areas are distinguished in it. On east coast humid subtropical climate (very humid warm summer). In the west, there is a Mediterranean type of climate (warm winters and dry hot summers). In the central part, the climate is continental (hot summers, cool winters). There is a lot of precipitation in this type of climate, and they are evenly distributed over the seasons.

Subequatorial climatic zone

From the south, North America begins with the subequatorial climate zone. Average annual temperature is 27 degrees Celsius. This area is characterized by a large amount of precipitation. This belt occupies a very small area on the Isthmus of Panama.

Moderate climatic zone

The temperate zone is characterized by a monsoon type of climate in the east, and a maritime one on the Pacific coast. Monsoons - seasonal winds, which change their direction 2 times a year: in summer they blow on land, in winter - at sea. In winter, arctic air masses cause sharp cold snaps and snowstorms, in summer tropical air brings heat and dry winds. In this most extensive climatic zone lies the northern United States of America and southern Canada.

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Arctic climatic zone

In the Arctic zone are the northern coast of the mainland, Greenland, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Greenland is the largest island in the world, with an area of ​​2.2 million square meters. km. The winters are very cold and the summers are cool. In summer, the air temperature rarely rises above +10 degrees. In winter, the temperature here can drop to -50 degrees. In the north of the Arctic belt, desert areas are covered with glaciers, in the south, mosses and lichens grow.

Rice. 2. Greenland

Subarctic climate zone

The Hudson Strait coastline, the Labrador Peninsula, and almost the entire Alaska Peninsula are located in the subarctic climatic zone. It is ubiquitous here permafrost. Climatic summer almost never happens in this area. The temperature rarely rises above +15 degrees.

In North America there are all types of climate, except equatorial... The great length of the continent from north to south and the location of the mountains along its outskirts predetermined the meridional circulation of air masses. The influence of the Pacific Ocean and the western transport is limited to the coastal lowlands and mountain systems Cordillera). Certain impact on coastal areas have cold ocean currents- Labrador and California. In summer, they contribute to a decrease in air temperature and a decrease in precipitation.

Positive air temperature: from +1 ... + 5 ° c in the north and up to +30 ° c in the south is set at summer time all over the mainland (except for some islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Greenland). In winter negative temperatures dominate only in the northern half of the continent. There is a sufficient amount of precipitation on most of the continent, especially the northwestern and western coasts of Canada (up to 3000 mm), as well as the southeastern and southern parts of the continent (from 1500 to 2000 mm). Insufficient moisture in the intermontane basins of the Cordilleras is due to their isolation by ridges, and not to their remoteness from the ocean. "Valley of Death" is called an intermontane depression in the Mojave Desert. This is one of the deepest (-85 m) and waterless depressions on Earth. There Maximum temperature air reaches +56.7 ° c. Little precipitation also falls in the southwest and north of the mainland.

Most of the islands and the northern coast of the mainland are located in arctic climatic zone ... Severe, long winters alternate here with short, cold summers. Daily temperatures that are negative throughout the year and close to zero in summer contribute to the preservation of glaciation. Territory between 60 ° and 60 ° N. NS. in the west (55 ° N in the east) lies in subarctic belt with average temperatures in January -25 ...- 30 ° c, July +5 ... + 7 ° c and precipitation decreasing from west to east from 600 to 300mm per year.

In a temperate climatic zone three areas are highlighted. In the area of maritime climate(the Pacific coast and the western slopes of the Cordilleras) dominate the whole year westerly winds bringing up to 2000-4000 mm of precipitation. average temperature January positive parameters: from 0 ° c in the north to +4 ° c in the south, July - ranges from + 12 ° to +16 ° c. For the region continental climate(the central parts of the continent) are characterized by warm summers (from +18 ° c in the north to +24 ° c in the south), Cold winter(from -20 ° c in the north to -6 ° c in the south) and frequent weather changes. The amount of precipitation decreases from east to west from 800 to 400-500 mm. On Atlantic coast, where the climate has features of the sea, relatively cold and snowy winters (from -22 ...- 15 ° c in the north to -2 ° c in the south) is replaced by a cool, humid summer (+16 ... + 20 ° c). Annual quantity precipitation is 1000-1500 mm.

Subtropical climate (south of 40 ° N to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico) in the eastern part it is characterized by hot, humid summers and warm, relatively humid winters, and in the west - warm (+6 ... + 8 ° c) humid winters (400-450 mm) and due to the influence of the cold California Current, dry, relatively cool summer for these latitudes (about +20 ° c). In the Mississippi Lowland, the climate is subtropical, evenly humid. Precipitation brings winds from Atlantic Ocean in addition, additional precipitation from the Gulf of Mexico comes here in summer. Winter is warm - +5 ... + 10 ° c, but there are sudden drops in temperature to 0 ° c when cold air masses invade from the north.

It's hot all year round tropical climate zone ... Most of the precipitation falls on the eastern coast of the mainland and on the islands, especially a lot of moisture falls in the summer on the windward slopes of the mountains. A tropical dry climate with fog and dew dominates the California Peninsula. V subequatorial belt(the southern narrowest part of the mainland) all year round the air temperature is above +25 ° c and there is a lot of precipitation (1500-2000 mm).

Closest to the pole, at the same time, stretching for more than 7 thousand kilometers from north to south. The mainland is located in all climatic zones of the planet, excluding the equatorial belt. Due to such a variety of climates in North America, almost all natural areas Earth, and Live nature the mainland is distinguished by an exceptional variety of plant and animal species.

The subequatorial belt of North America occupies a very small area in the very south of the continent, located on the Isthmus of Panama. The belt is occupied by a natural zone of variably humid forests, as well as savannas and woodlands in the west. The weather is constantly hot here both in summer and in winter, with temperatures above + 20 ° C, maximum precipitation occurs in summer. Precipitation falls here 2000-3000 mm per year and more.

The tropical climate is typical for most of Central America... It distinguishes three sectors according to the distribution of precipitation in its territory. The western sector (the Pacific coast of the southern) is occupied by variably moist forests. Precipitation falls on the windward slopes of the Cordilleras, their amount reaches 2000 mm per year. The central sector is occupied by savannas and deserts. Influenced by continental tropical air masses, it lacks the amount of precipitation also held back by the slopes of the Cordilleras. Temperatures are somewhat lower here due to the high altitude of the area above sea level. In summer, from +16 to + 32 ° C (depending on altitude), in winter - from +8 to + 24 ° C, respectively. Precipitation falls from 500 to 250 mm and less.
Subtropical is located in northern Mexico and the southern part. On this continent, it occupies a very large area, however, for the same reasons - due to its large length from west to east, not all of its areas are favorable for living. The belt can also be divided into three sectors. The western one stretches in a thin strip along the Pacific coast - in the foothills of the Cordilleras. There are natural zones of mixed forests (in the north) and hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs (in the south). There are hot summers with average temperatures from +16 to + 24 ° C and cool winters +8 - 0 ° C. Precipitation falls from 500 to 2000 mm, their amount increases from south to north. The central or continental sector is characterized by unfavorable climatic conditions. Large areas sectors are occupied by the Cordillera, deserts are formed on the plains. Dry continental air masses dominate here, with little precipitation - from 100 to 500 mm per year. The air temperature ranges from +32 - + 16 ° С in summer to +8 -8 ° С in winter. For the central subtropics of the United States and Mexico, the pressing problem today is the growth of deserts and the drying up of the climate. When moving to the east, the deserts turn into steppes and forest-steppes. The eastern sector is influenced by the monsoons. Precipitation falls here a lot more than 1000-2000 mm per year, in some places it causes localities. The humid climate favors the growth of variably humid forests. There are hot summers (+ 32 ° C and above) and warm winters with temperatures from 0 to + 24 ° C (in Florida).

The temperate zone is the most extensive climatic zone in North America, occupying the northern United States and the southern part. The temperate belt is also divided into three sectors. The softest of them is the western one. Due to the warm North Pacific Current, a large amount of precipitation falls here, mainly in winter. The largest amount of snow recorded on the mainland fell in a year exactly here - in the region of Mount Rainier (USA) - during the winter of 1971-72. it was 31,102 mm. On average, precipitation falls here from 2000 to 3000 mm. Summers are quite cool with temperatures of +8 - + 16 ° C. Winters of a relatively temperate climate are warm from 0 to -16 ° C in the north. The central sector is much more severe. The continental and sharply continental types of climate are observed here, in contrast to the sea in the west. The amount of precipitation, on average, is from 250 to 500 mm per year. Due to the large number of clear days per year (due to the remoteness from the ocean), very large annual temperature ranges are observed here - from +16 - + 24 ° C in summer to -8 -32 ° C in winter. In the north, there is a natural zone of taiga, which is rather abruptly turning into the steppe. Due to the very harsh climate deciduous forests here they occupy small territories. The eastern sector is influenced by the monsoons. Precipitation here ranges from 2000 mm on the coast to 500-1000 mm inside the mainland. Here, warm summers +16 - + 24 ° C and cool, but also relatively warm, snowy winters with temperatures from 0 to -16 ° C. The north of the sector is occupied by boreal (northern) forests or taiga, and the south by mixed and deciduous forests.

The subarctic climate zone is located in the north of Canada and Alaska. Here are the natural zones of the tundra and forest-tundra. Summer is very short, snow melts in June, and warm weather lasts for about a month. The polar night and the polar day begin beyond the Arctic Circle. As we move to the north, precipitation falls less and less - from 500 to 100 mm per year. In winter, temperatures drop from -24 to -40 ° C. Winters are harsh and long. The maximum precipitation occurs in the summer, when the region is dominated by a moderate air mass... In summer, the temperature rises from 0 to + 16 ° C in the south.
The Arctic climate is typical for the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and