Dunki has more than 30 varieties. Description of the appearance of fruit bodies of Paxillus genus common features. The shape of the hat is waveled, at a certain angle resembles a pig patch.

The fruit body looks like a germ. Hat fleshy and spreaded. The form is elongated or rounded. Among the size of the Hats - 10-15 cm. Some copies grow up to 35 cm.

According to the description, young fruits have a convex shape of a hat. With age, it rolls up, becomes dry and cracks. In the center there is a concave. After the rain, the dry and rough surface becomes sticky.

Color also happens different. Pork is found white, brown, olive, brown and black colors. The color legs are the same, only the shade changes.

Types of fungi and their distribution

Dime species a large number of. They all germinate in deciduous and coniferous forests, love and swampy terrain. Dunki prefer temperate climate, so they are often met in European countries, Asia and even North America.

Pork is a whole genus of mycelium. There are 35 species in total. Most often there are such twists:

  • Thin. In the people, such fruit bodies are known as Padds. They germinate from the roots of fallen trees. Their hat is round, a little wavy. The diameter often reaches 20 cm. The color is brown. As the hat agrees, the hat acquires a gray shade. The leg cream, short, up to 8 cm long.
  • Olchova. Distributed in most European countries. Different with a funnel shape of a hat, a diameter of 6-8 cm. Olch's twist has a brown color, scaly structure, there are cracks. The flesh is yellow, there is no smell.
  • Felt (twin black). It grows only in coniferous forests. This mushroom pig has a big rounded hat, the edges of which are bent down the legs. Color brown, brown. Often the black shade is also manifested. The leg is brown or brown, with a velvety surface.
  • Understand. It has a small foot size (does not exceed 3 cm) and a large cap in the form of a fan. Its dimensions reach 14 cm. The surface of a coat hats, but with age becomes smooth. The color is light brown. Yellow pulp, has a coniferous aroma.
  • Gigantic. Such a dunk has huge sizes Hats. Diameter - 25-30 cm. Shape wavy, white color. The view is distributed in Europe. Gribns germinates in Russia, as well as the Caucasus.

In the forests of North America there are mushrooms of PAXILLUS Vernallis (Paxillus). This species is known for symbiotic connections with some plants. He sprouts on birch and aspen.

The southern countries of Europe suffer from the spread of another poisonous mycelium - Paxillus ammoniaviresis. It grows not only in the territory of the forest bar, but also in urban parks and alleys. The appearance of the fungus is similar to others. It has an empty fleshy beige hat or olive with a diameter of up to 15 cm. It is rough along the edges, and in the center is smooth. The leg is average, 5-8 cm.

Is the twin edible

Novice mushrooms Mushrooms Pork often seem similar to others edible species Mycelium. This poisonous fruit grows under the same conditions as edible fruit bodies.

Dunka was banned from collecting in 1993 due to a series of poisoning. The first famous case Dated dated 1944, when Mikogu Yu.Sheffer reserved twist mushrooms. He had strong pain In the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea. Sheefficer died on the 17th day after the meal.

Mushroom Porn is inconvenible. Hurtness from its use:

  • Pork mushrooms contain dangerous toxin, the concentration of which remains high even after long thermal processing of the fetus. Separate varieties of mycelium contain poison muscarine, the toxicity of which is comparable to the Municipal Emanitory poison.
  • In the composition of the product there are antigens, when entering the body of which the cell membranes of the mucous membrane are destroyed internal organs. The result of the use of such fruit bodies is unpredictable. Perhaps the development of anemia, nephropathy and renal failure.
  • Mushroom Porn has in the composition chemical compounds Based on heavy metals, as well as radioactive particles.

Pork - poisonous mushroomEven a random use leads to allergic reactions, violation of the activities of internal organs and systems, strong poisoning and death. Seeing the place where such mycelium grows, it is better to get around it. In the event of doubt, the find is better to show the experienced mushroom, which will tell, false is fruit bodies or not.

Signs of poisoning

Porugh mushrooms were previously considered edible, since the signs of poisoning were not always manifested. The reason is the different sensitivity of people to heavy metals and poisons contained in fruit bodies.

The greatest harm was received by people with health problems, or children. After using mycelium, 1-3 hours does not appear symptoms. Later people Worried:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • yellow skin;
  • dizziness.

In case of poisoning, an increase in hemoglobin in the urine is observed. The activities of the kidneys are also violated. Urination becomes rare, there is a risk of an onset of Oligognuria.

Benefits of Porn

The benefits and harm of the pork is discussed frequently. This kind of mycelium is poisonous, but when proper use will not harm. The benefits of the pig is the same as from use edible varieties fruit bodies. They are also rich in vitamins, amino acids and proteins, in their composition a large number of trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

Use such fruits is not hazardous if they are correctly prepared. They will not lead to poisoning or other consequences if:

  • Clean them in the first hour after collecting.
  • Purified fruits Soak for 24 hours in a saline solution with citric acid (it is important to remove poisons and heavy metals from the product).
  • Wash outflowed fruit under running water and peak in salted water 5-7 minutes.

Mushroom pigs dried, and after being prepared as desired: stewed with meat and vegetables, turn on the first dishes, marinate or add to salads. Porch mushrooms are also harvested for the winter. But it is better not to risk.


Pork - mushroom conditional and edible. Most varieties are saturated with poisons, heavy metals and radioactive particles. People living in the villages continue to collect this mycelium and eat it in food. The main thing is to correctly process it after collecting, then the risk to choose to minimize.


What is Pork Mushrooms?

Porks have similarities with Gruz. The fleece cap with wrapped edges in the center is concave, grows up to 14 - 17 cm. In young copies, she burst with an olive tint, in old - gray-brown. To the touch dry and fluffy or smooth. In the rainy, foggy weather sticky and unpleasant. If you press it hard or cut off the edge - will darken.

Inside the mushroom is dense, creamy color. Color can be different, yellow-brown spectrum. Does not smell. In the summer, many worm forest trophies often turn out to be in the basket.

The leg is small, within 10 cm, smooth, its color is often identical to the hat, but may differ drone yellow. Characteristic feature Porks are browned with false glasses under a hat. They look like folds and easily separated from the surface.

It is possible to find them in the period from the end of spring and before the start of frosts almost everywhere: they grow with colonies, rarely singly, in the forests, swamps, under the trees and bushes, on the crochesed stumps and even in the abandoned anthills and moss. Mushroom loves moisture and shadow. From one clearing, you can collect a complete small basket. There are even under coniferous treesBut more often under oak, birch. Sometimes they grow even on the trunks.

More than 35 years ago, the porigu mushroom was recognized as conditionally edible, it was attributed to the fourth category by taste. And in modern directories, information about its unsuitability of food and "mortal danger" is often found.

Pork Thin (Paxillus Involutus)

Synonyms: Pinar, Swinory, Porodi, Swine ear, Soloha, Soloma, Dunka, Corovnik.

Properties of Mushrooms Pier

For the first time, the poisonousness of the twist was noted in October 1944: German Mikologu Julius Schaffer after the use of pigs in food felt ailment and died in 17 days from acute renal failure. Currently, the mushroom is considered to be poisonous, although symptoms of poisoning are not always manifested or not immediately. Poisonous pebbles are due to various reasons.

First, the mushroom contains toxins (lectins), not destroying even with multiple boiling.

Secondly, the pebbles are capable of causing a strong allergic reaction. In the mid-1980s, the Swiss doctor Renee Flammer discovered antigen pebbles capable of entering into chemical communications with structures cell membranes, fixed on the erythrocyte membrane and provoke the automatic reactions against their own red blood cells. After some time, after use, the mushroom antigen launches the immune response, which consists in the development of antibodies that can damage the cells on the membranes of which there are pebbles antigens. The destruction of erythrocytes antibodies causes hemolytic anemia and, as a result, nephropathy and renal failure due to damage to the kidney glomers fragments of destroyed red blood cells. Since it takes a certain time to generate an antibody, the most expressed auto-immune response in people who have repeatedly used pigs, especially if they previously experienced gastrointestinal disorders after such food.

Third, the pebble is a bioaccumulator radioactive isotopes Cezia and copper.

Russia is prohibited from 1981.

The mushroom is dangerous primarily with regular repeated use.

Photo and description of twist thin

A 5-20 cm diameter hat, fleshy, with a wrapped edge, rounded to the ukhoid, olive rubber, yellow-brown to dark brown or rust-drier, convex to a funnel-shaped, dry to the mucous membrane, smooth or velvety. In crude weather brilliant, sticky. Plates are yellowish. The flesh is dense, with age becomes loose, yellowish, without special smell and taste.

Leg 3-10 × 0.6-3 cm, lighter cap, smooth. When pressing and on the cut, all areas of the fruit body brown.

It is found on the soil and rotting wood (sometimes on the trunks of trees), in the forests, in the fields, in pastures, in parks and squares, in cities, garden sites. The mushroom is clearly to the anthropogenic conditions, loves the soil disinterested or fertilized by nitrogen, abandoned landfills, impaired forest habitats - cutting, roadside, drank, pits, wipe-out edges, Malinniki, hung. It is everywhere since July until November.

Similar views

A characteristic mushroom that does not have twins.

Pharmacological and Medical Pork Properties Thin

From the twist of thin, bioactive components capable of destroying chromosomes are isolated. Currently, it is still unknown whether they also have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects or not. These substances have been identified as phenols in Involution and Involution (the latter is responsible for conquering when pressed and on a cut).

In Chinese traditional medicine, the fungus is used to relax muscles and as an anticonvulsant.

Despite the fact that the mushrooms are still actively collecting twist thin, you should know that this is a poisonous mushroom, not recommended for food. Known death poisoning. The symptoms are as follows: the first to appear vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Shortly after the symptoms of intravascular hemolysis are the symptoms of intravascular hemolysis: pallor, jaundice, reduced diurea, the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine, in severe cases - oliganuria. Hemolysis can lead to numerous complications, including acute renal failure, shock, sharp respiratory failure and disseminated intravascular blood coagulation.

Pork Tolstaya (Paxillus Atrotomentosus)

Family: Porn (Paxillaceae).

Synonyms: twin black.

Photo and squinting tolstoy

Mushroom solid and massive. Hat 8-20 cm, pistachio to dark brown with dark zones and spots, velvety, dry. The plates are yellowish, with age brown, outgoing, thick, with numerous jumpers between them. The flesh is white or yellowish, with an acidic or slightly bitter taste.

On the cut and when pressing the record and the pulp slowly brown.

The leg is cigar-brown to black and brown, almost all over the height of the velvety, dense, short, eccentric to the side.

Mushroom grows in coniferous and mixed forests on roots, stumps and trunks, less often rotting wood coniferous rocks (pine, spruce), much less often grows on wood hardwood And on the soil. It is found throughout the forest zone of Russia from July to October.

Similar views

From the poisonous twist of thin (P. Involutus) differs primarily by the velvety-brown leg.

Pharmacological and medical properties

In the porny Tolstoy, an interesting biochemical protection mechanism was detected, which launched during damage to the fruit body, in which lekomentine tissues are converted into atrees, a pulp and food detergent osmundalactone. Apparently, the mechanism exists to scare the damaging larvae insects.

From Tolstoy, atotometin (polypic acid derivative), which has antitumor activity.

Traditional and traditional medicine

Like a twist thin, in Chinese traditional medicine, the fungus is used to relax muscles and as an anticipant tool.

Rules for collecting and harvesting for medicinal purposes

In Russia for medicinal purposes is not going.

Edible mushroom with low taste qualities. Usually used for frying after preheating.

According to the book M. Vishnevsky " Medicinal mushrooms. Big encyclopedia


Photo Pork

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Arguments of supporters of edible

Pork is well known experimental mushrooms And very popular. The first fruits appear long before other mushrooms and please the abundant harvest to deep autumn. Fans of the Spring Forest Delicacy are considered to be very tasty. The question is whether you can eat twist, lovers will call only a smile, because this mushroom is called in the people - the twist is edible. It is enough just to break longer, from 20 to 40 minutes, after which you can cook, as usual.

Supporters of edibleness do not embarrass rumors about poisoning with this product. Inexperienced collectors can choose if we felt in the basket inedible mushroom Formerity with edible, which is quite enough for the food reaction. In addition, the pigs in appearance are very similar to others - poisonous mushrooms. It is necessary to know well how the pigs look like not to confuse and then you can safely cook appetizing dishes from them and diversify your desk.

The strongest argument in favor of edibleness is that our grandmothers and grandfathers loved to cook from these mushrooms and soup, and roast, and pickles throughout their lives. The main thing is to know how to cook. Being incorrectly cooked, a poisonous can be absolutely any product.

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True danger when eating

Since 1984, the pebbles are officially considered inedible. The composition of their pulp, chemical and toxicological properties have been studied for many years and is established reliably. Pork is not just inedible, it is dangerous poisonous mushroom. As it turned out, there is a strong poison muscarine in her pulp. This poison is so much so that it cannot be neutralized even for 3 hours of cooking. Prepare a dish of mushrooms after several hours of boiling makes no sense, they will turn into a mucus. The impact force of this poison on the cell structure of the human body twice exceeds the activity of similar in the composition of the composition contained in the pulp of a red amoor. If you eat a twist in food, acute or chronic intoxication will develop inevitably. With a big dose of poison acute intoxication It will be found literally after half an hour after eating.

Symptoms of poisoning will first manifest increased salivation, dizziness, weakness, sweating, fall arterial pressure, weakening the pulse and a decrease in its rhythm. Next will follow vomiting, rubbing in the stomach, frequent and liquid chair. Significant dose of toxin threatens fast development Beginning of the brain and lungs. If you do not affect the emergency medical care, then the likelihood of death is great.

Another serious threat to lovers of dubious forest delicacy was revealed relatively recently, just a few years ago. As a result big number The biological experiments were found that in the composition of the mushroom pulp, the concentration of protein-antigen is very high, which can cause irreversible harm to red blood bodies of red blood cells. Resistant compounds of this specific protein-antigen are launching the agglutination reaction, or red blood cell gluing. Blood can be performed instantly, and the blood clots formed in large vessels of the brain and the heart muscle can quickly lead to a fatal outcome.

Antigen protein is capable long years accumulate in tissues, in small quantities getting into the body from the case. As a result, a person will develop anemia, various thrombosis or other diseases, not associated with food poisoning. The cause of death at the same time will be a sudden myocardial infarction, a stroke of the brain or pulmonary thrombosis that have no direct connection with food intoxication.

Mushroom Porn in photo

Pork is agaricforest-growing of different types big groupsFrom July to October, can form Mikariz. IN last years Pork belong to poisonous mushrooms (can cause poisoning, even with fatal outcome). It found substances leading to a decrease in blood erythrocytes. And the manifestation of poisoning depends on individual features The human body and may occur both a few hours later, and a few years after the use of these mushrooms.

Previously, the twist was considered edible mushroom, Even in government blanks. In all old books, it is indicated as edible mushroom. Currently, glances have changed. It turned out that the pebble contains an antigen that causes the production of antibodies immune system man. Moreover, the effect of this antigen on the body depends on the susceptibility of each person. In some, the excessive formation of antibodies may occur, allergic shock will occur as a result. Signs of poisoning can manifest itself in a few hours or several years, since toxin is able to accumulate in the body. The kidney function is disturbed, which can lead to death. Treatment is to maintain kidney activities.

Pork thin in the photo

Pork thin (Paxillus Involutus.) It is a plate mushroom, in some sources, called as a swine ear or dunk. It grows apart, small groups or numerous colonies from mid-June before the beginning of November, easily carrying the autumn decrease in temperature. Grows in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests, in parks and in the gardens. In the fall in IV's groves, you can find a lot of twin.

Favorite habitats are wet areas of soil in lowlands and near swamp, palpal, parks, gardens, as well as fallen trees trunks.

Mushroom is considered to be poisonous.

5-15 cm Hat in diameter, young copies are convex, fleshy, light-olive or greenish-beige, with a strong-lean edged, with a dense, thick light pulp, then opened, with a depressed center, yellow-brown or gray-brown .

Downlink plates, soft, branched, yellow-ocher.

As can be seen in the photo, a thin pebble has a cylindrical leg, a sophisticated book, 3-8 cm long and 1-2 cm thick, velvety, one color with a hat:

The pulp is thick, soft, in young mushrooms elastic, ripe - loose, pale brown, in old mushrooms brown, dark on the cut. The smell of pulp is pleasant, the taste is sour.

Fruit from July to November.

Pork thin until the beginning of the 80s of the last century was considered an edible mushroom, but after several countries were noted immediately in several countries mass poisoningThe doctors unanimously attributed it to the category of poisonous. It turned out that as a result of frequent use of this species of twist in the human body, antibodies that destroy red blood cells occur. This, in turn, leads to serious violations in the work of the kidneys. In addition, it turned out that the twist fine easily accumulates heavy metals in its fabrics, also providing a destructive effect on the human body.

By description, this pig is impossible to confuse with other mushrooms.

Description Mushroom Thick Pork

Pork fat in the photo
Paxillus atrotomentosus in the photo

Porn thick (Paxillus atrotomentosus), or twist black, is a rare plate mushroom, which grows apart and small groups from mid-July to beginnings on the trunks, roots and trees of coniferous and hardwood trees.

Mushroom thick twist conditionally edible.

The hat is fleshy, 10-30 cm in diameter, first a hemispherical, then becomes flat or concave with the crowded, thick, fleshy, reddish-brown or light chestnut. The surface of the hat is smooth, dry, velvety. Reloss plates, frequent, oil-yellow or ocher, soft, easily separated from the meakty hats.

The leg is very thick, thick-velvety, black, under a white hawk hat, 3-9 cm long, 2-5 cm thick.

The flesh is dense fleshy light-brown color, dark on the cut, elastic, with a pleasant mushroom fragrance and bitter taste. On the air quickly becomes brown.

Spore powder ocher. Velvety hat and black velvety leg make a mushroom very beautiful.

Fruit from August to November.

As well as thin, this twist with other mushrooms is impossible to confuse.

Mushroom is rapidly, but after boiling it can be used in a mixture with other mushrooms. Porn thick refers to the fourth category of mushrooms. After pre-bunching, it can be boiled, fry and marine.

This video shows twisted different species:


What is Pork Mushrooms?

Porks have similarities with Gruz. The fleece cap with wrapped edges in the center is concave, grows up to 14 - 17 cm. In young copies, she burst with an olive tint, in old - gray-brown. To the touch dry and fluffy or smooth. In the rainy, foggy weather sticky and unpleasant. If you press it hard or cut off the edge - will darken.

Inside the mushroom is dense, creamy color. Color can be different, yellow-brown spectrum. Does not smell. In the summer, many worm forest trophies often turn out to be in the basket.

The leg is small, within 10 cm, smooth, its color is often identical to the hat, but may differ drone yellow. The characteristic feature of the twist is brownish of false glastics under the hat. They look like folds and easily separated from the surface.

It is possible to find them in the period from the end of spring and before the start of frosts almost everywhere: they grow with colonies, rarely singly, in the forests, swamps, under the trees and bushes, on the crochesed stumps and even in the abandoned anthills and moss. Mushroom loves moisture and shadow. From one clearing, you can collect a complete small basket. Even under coniferous trees, but more often under oak, birch. Sometimes they grow even on the trunks.

More than 35 years ago, the porigu mushroom was recognized as conditionally edible, it was attributed to the fourth category by taste. And in modern directories, information about its unsuitability of food and "mortal danger" is often found.

Pork Thin (Paxillus Involutus)

Synonyms: Pinar, Swinory, Porodi, Swine ear, Soloha, Soloma, Dunka, Corovnik.

Properties of Mushrooms Pier

For the first time, the poisonousness of the twist was noted in October 1944: German Mikologu Julius Schaffer after the use of pigs in food felt ailment and died in 17 days from acute renal failure. Currently, the mushroom is considered to be poisonous, although symptoms of poisoning are not always manifested or not immediately. Poisonous pebbles are due to various reasons.

First, the mushroom contains toxins (lectins), not destroying even with multiple boiling.

Secondly, the pebbles are capable of causing a strong allergic reaction. In the mid-1980s, the Swiss doctor Renee Flammer discovered a pig antigen, capable of chemical bond with the structures of cell membranes, was recorded on the erythrocyte membrane and provoke the automatic reactions against their own erythrocytes. After some time, after use, the mushroom antigen launches the immune response, which consists in the development of antibodies that can damage the cells on the membranes of which there are pebbles antigens. The destruction of erythrocytes antibodies causes hemolytic anemia and, as a result, nephropathy and renal failure due to damage to the kidney glomers fragments of destroyed red blood cells. Since it takes a certain time to generate an antibody, the most expressed auto-immune response in people who have repeatedly used pigs, especially if they previously experienced gastrointestinal disorders after such food.

Thirdly, the pebble is a bioaccumulator of radioactive isotopes of cesium and copper.

Russia is prohibited from 1981.

The mushroom is dangerous primarily with regular repeated use.

Photo and description of twist thin

A 5-20 cm diameter hat, fleshy, with a wrapped edge, rounded to the ukhoid, olive rubber, yellow-brown to dark brown or rust-drier, convex to a funnel-shaped, dry to the mucous membrane, smooth or velvety. In crude weather brilliant, sticky. Plates are yellowish. The flesh is dense, with age becomes loose, yellowish, without special smell and taste.

Leg 3-10 × 0.6-3 cm, lighter cap, smooth. When pressing and on the cut, all areas of the fruit body brown.

It is found on the soil and rotting wood (sometimes on trees trunks), in the forests, in the fields, in pastures, in parks and squares, in cities, in garden sites. The mushroom is clearly to the anthropogenic conditions, loves the soil disinterested or fertilized by nitrogen, abandoned landfills, impaired forest habitats - cutting, roadside, drank, pits, wipe-out edges, Malinniki, hung. It is everywhere since July until November.

Similar views

A characteristic mushroom that does not have twins.

Pharmacological and Medical Pork Properties Thin

From the twist of thin, bioactive components capable of destroying chromosomes are isolated. Currently, it is still unknown whether they also have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects or not. These substances have been identified as phenols in Involution and Involution (the latter is responsible for conquering when pressed and on a cut).

In Chinese traditional medicine, the fungus is used to relax muscles and as an anticonvulsant.

Despite the fact that the mushrooms are still actively collecting twist thin, you should know that this is a poisonous mushroom, not recommended for food. Known deadly poisoning. The symptoms are as follows: the first to appear vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Shortly after the symptoms of intravascular hemolysis are the symptoms of intravascular hemolysis: pallor, jaundice, reduced diurea, the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine, in severe cases - oliganuria. Hemolysis can lead to numerous complications, including acute renal failure, shock, acute respiratory failure and disseminated intravascular blood coagulation.

Pork Tolstaya (Paxillus Atrotomentosus)

Family: Porn (Paxillaceae).

Synonyms: twin black.

Photo and squinting tolstoy

Mushroom solid and massive. Hat 8-20 cm, pistachio to dark brown with dark zones and spots, velvety, dry. The plates are yellowish, with age brown, outgoing, thick, with numerous jumpers between them. The flesh is white or yellowish, with an acidic or slightly bitter taste.

On the cut and when pressing the record and the pulp slowly brown.

The leg is cigar-brown to black and brown, almost all over the height of the velvety, dense, short, eccentric to the side.

The mushroom grows in coniferous and mixed forests on the roots, stumps and trunks, less often rotting wood of coniferous rocks (pine, spruce), much less often grows on wood hardwood and on the soil. It is found throughout the forest zone of Russia from July to October.

Similar views

From the poisonous twist of thin (P. Involutus) differs primarily by the velvety-brown leg.

Pharmacological and medical properties

In the porny Tolstoy, an interesting biochemical protection mechanism was detected, which launched during damage to the fruit body, in which lekomentine tissues are converted into atrees, a pulp and food detergent osmundalactone. Apparently, the mechanism exists to scare the damaging larvae insects.

From Tolstoy, atotometin (polypic acid derivative), which has antitumor activity.

Traditional and traditional medicine

Like a twist thin, in Chinese traditional medicine, the fungus is used to relax muscles and as an anticipant tool.

Rules for collecting and harvesting for medicinal purposes

In Russia for medicinal purposes is not going.

Edible mushroom with low taste. Usually used for frying after preheating.

According to the book of M. Vishnevsky "Medicinal mushrooms. Big encyclopedia

"Currently, the mushroom is considered to be poisonous, although the symptoms of poisoning are not always manifested and / or not immediately.
Among the use of pigs in food there are deaths.
The fact is that the pebble contains toxins (lectins), possibly muscarine, not collapsed in boiling, despite the fact
that some mushrooms boil the pig more than once.
With frequent use of twist in food, the composition of the blood changes the composition of the blood and arises a threat to health and life.
The formation of specific antibodies of agglutinins, which destroy the mushroom antibodies, and the erythrocytes begin to destroy. In addition, the sensitivity of people to mushroom toxins is very different - children are particularly sensitive.
Also, the pebble is considered a drive of radioactive isotopes of cesium and copper.
The Ministry of Health of the CSSP, arguing in June 1981, "Sanitary Rules for the preparation, processing and sale of mushrooms", eliminated a delicate twist from the list of mushrooms permitted to the harvesting of mushrooms. In 1984, on the instructions of the deputy head sanitary doctor of the SSSP, the twin thin was finally entered into the list poisonous mushrooms.
In 1993, the decision of the State Committee for State Committee for the Russian Federation, the delicate was made to the list of poisonous and inedible mushrooms. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine also banned the collection and eating twist. "

"Over the centuries, this mushroom was considered edible and used in mass quantity In many European countries, but especially love has always been in Russia. And only B. lately Scientists concluded that this is a dangerous poisonous mushroom.
The fact is that poisoning sometimes affects a few years after eating, it is a miner of slow motion. There must be a danger and could not really recognize that when a man died, no doctor - and indeed anyone - and to come to his head could not compare this with the fact that a man eating twist.
Porn poison causes the formation of specific antibodies (agglutinins), which react to mushroom antibodies. In people who use twist, agglutinins accumulate in the body in such a quantity that they begin to destroy not only mushroom antibodies, but also blood erythrocytes. It is difficult to predict that the reception of these cunning mushrooms May turn out fatal. The poisoning may occur after indefinite time, in the range from several hours to several years, it depends on the number of accumulated antibodies and individual characteristics of the person.
Signs of poisoning: dizziness, colic, diarrhea, blood appearance in the urine, violation of the function of the liver and kidneys.
The treatment is reduced to maintaining the kidney function.
Pork is considered a radioactive cesium battery (Cesium-137). Also, some scientists noted that it is intensively accumulating copper. The content of heavy metals and radioisotopes in mushrooms can exceed tens and hundreds of times the content of the same elements in the soil.
But the most amazing thing is that the Russian person talks about it completely useless. In all countries, the sale of these mushrooms is strictly prohibited - but in Russia, the pebbles still continue to sell in the markets. It is worth telling someone what I wrote here - and in response you hear the unchanged: "Grandfather ate, Fathers ate, we eat - and we will eat." "

"Mushroom is poisonous. I was lying around for three days in the fever, it came to the dropper! A little skates did not drop, before you always ate ... After that, he never removes himself, and I will not allow you to be loved! Hear people !! for some reason, everyone does not believe that they do not ride themselves. Or someone near ... "

Some species of mushrooms have recently relate to the category of conditionally edible, but then, having studied their properties, scientists separate subspecies contributed to the list of poisonous. Such a fate, for example, has suffered twisted mushrooms. Scientists have long been studying them chemical composition. They came to the conclusion that it is better not to use a similar product in food. And that's why.


Two types of twists from eight existing ones are growing in Russia. This twist is thin and thick (black). The first until 1984 in all directories was treated as conditionally poisonous. The black twist was originally ranked to the discharges of poisons. Conditional and poisonous mushrooms after additional heat treatment can be eaten. They keep everything beneficial featureswhich mushrooms boast. Note them and answer the most topical questions is easy. That's what could be said in favor of the consumption of twist.

Is it possible to call the product dietary?

Mushrooms and Porks, including, is dietary product. In one hundred grams contain only 30 calories. The percentage of fat is small, only 28.2%, the proportion of carbohydrates - 16.9%, proteins - 58.9%. So, as a protein has vegetable origin, it is completely absorbed by the human body. Carbohydrates contained in twin do not relate to the discharge of complex, therefore, they are also instantly absorbed. Polynaturated and mono saturated fats are contained minimal amount, only 1% of the daily rate.

What are the useful properties of the product?

Mushrooms, and conditionally poisonous twists, including, are useful in that they contain lecithin - a substance that does not allow to accumulate in the body of harmful cholesterol. Therefore, mushrooms help with cardiovascular vascular diseases. They are also rich in fiber, it improves digestion. Recent scientific research It was shown that in fresh mushrooms there are antioxidants capable of raising immunity.

How does the product affect the work of the body?

Pork can only be careful. They must first be pulled out for three days, constantly changing water, then boil and only pick up. After such manipulations healing properties Significantly lost. Therefore, it is difficult to say how much the product affects the work of the body.

Does the product affect the appearance of a person?

Pork - source natural protein - The main thing building materialwhich is actively spent during many processes occurring inside the body. But this subspecies is not used in the cosmetology industry.


Modern scientists tend to believe that the pig mushrooms should not be present in the human diet. This is a very cunning subspecies, dishes made from it often cause poisoning. Mushroomcarns are associated with the fact that even the pigs have just cut off the legs very quickly begin to rot.

Attention - what older MushroomMoreover, toxic substances accumulate in it.

In the 70s, it was revealed that when heated, hazardous compounds were destroyed, therefore thin pebbles did not relate to the category of poisonous. But their consumption poisoning increasingly began to lead to deaths. And this forced scientists again to take on the study of the twin.

Their work made it possible to find out that mushrooms accumulate substance under the name Muscarine over time. It is like its composition like the composition of the poison of amansor. Moreover, in different parts of the growing of the mushrooms, various concentrations of this substance are observed. It does not decompose during thermal processing, it is muscarine and causes strongest poisoning.

Is there a high content of saturated fats in the product?

The product has no high content of saturated fats.

Is there an increased carbohydrate content in the product?

The share of carbohydrates in pebbles is insignificant. It is only 16.7% percent of general content Useful trace elements. And the carbohydrates are the easily-friendly, and therefore completely harmless to humans.

Are there any substances in the product that are considered harmful?

Besides dangerous toxins And poison Muskarin, in the porch there are substances that can provoke blood disease. Laboratory tests have shown that over time, the compounds of heavy metals contained in the waste of industrial activity of a person accumulate in twist. Therefore, you can not eat twist, which were collected around industrial enterprises and road highways.

Note! All types of twists belong to the category of poisonous. This is evidenced by the book of J. Clan "Mushrooms", as well as the works of the German professor M. Maz, published in the GDR in 1978.

In our country, the pigs under the ban since 1984, then she fell into a list of poisonous fungi, composed by the Deputy Chief Sanitary Physician of the USSR.

Can the product contribute to the development of cancer?

The described mushroom can provoke strong poisoning from father outcome. There is no information that it can cause cancer in modern scientists.


The nutritional value

The nutritional value of pebbles is insignificant. The content of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as fats minimal. This helps to make sure the following table:


The composition of the vitamins and minerals in the pebbles is the same as all of other fungi:

In 100 gr mg. Daily rate in%
Vitamin A, RAE 0,001 0
Vitamin A, Retinol 0,1 1
Vitamin C. 7 8
Vitamin B1, Tiamine 0,1 7
Vitamin B2, Riboflavin 0,4 25
Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid 2,1 42
Vitamin B6, Pyridoxin 0,05 3
Vitamin B9, folates 0,03 8
Vitamin PP, Niacin 4,8 24
Vitamin PP, NE 5,6 28


In 100 gr mg. Daily rate in%
Potassium, K. 530 21
Calcium, CA. 4 0
Magnesium, MG. 15 4
Sodium, Na. 6 0
Phosphorus, P. 115 14
Chlorine, Cl. 25 1
Iron, FE. 0,3 2
Iodine, I. 0,18 12
Cobalt, Co. 0,15 150
Molybdenum, Mo. 0,003 4
Fluorine, F. 0,14 0
Chrome, CR 0,13 26
Zinc, Zn. 0,28 2

Pork have a unique chemical composition. They are able to fill the shortage of protein in the body. But this can be done, turning attention to other more valuable and safe views. In Russia, grows mass first grate mushrooms. Therefore, it is not worth the discussion about the pebbles.