How can you imagine your life without sweets? Some of the fair sex, in an effort to achieve ideal proportions, exclude all kinds of delicacies from their diet. However, after a while, they still allow themselves to eat something sweet. Why is this happening? The answer is pretty simple. For full-fledged work, the body needs glucose found in confectionery and desserts.

And limiting yourself to this substance is extremely harmful. In such cases, you should adhere to a balanced, healthy diet, which includes all healthy foods, including treats. And in order not to harm the figure, it is necessary to use it.

These products contain the minimum, they include marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, dried fruits and honey.Let's try to take a closer look at the lowest-calorie sweets.


This delicacy, thanks to the agar-agar substance it contains, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body and improves liver function. 100 grams of marmalade contains only 290 kcal, so this product belongs to low-calorie sweets.

Marshmallow and marshmallow. A good substitute for choux pastry, chocolate, and sweets. In addition, the pectin contained in these products is the most effective agent in the fight against bacteria, promotes the removal of salts from the body and lowers cholesterol levels. These low-calorie sweets contain no more than 300 kcal per 100 grams.

Marmalade and marshmallows can be combined with cottage cheese and fresh berries. It will turn out to be very tasty, healthy, and most importantly - low-calorie! Most importantly, remember that it is recommended to eat no more than 30 grams of sweets.

Dried fruits

These include figs, dates, prunes and dried apricots. These treats can be used in place of candy and chocolate bars. Possessing a number of useful properties, they will improve metabolic processes and remove excess water from the body, as well as, thanks to a mild laxative effect, remove harmful toxins and toxins. These are ideal low-calorie sweets containing only 250 kcal per 100 grams. And the most useful dried fruits are dried apples, since they contain 200 kcal (in 100 grams of product).


Among all the other delicacies, this product is perhaps the most high-calorie. Nevertheless, the benefits to the body from the use of halva are very great. Judge for yourself, this delicacy is prepared from ground sunflower and sesame seeds with the addition of nuts and honey. What could be more useful?


In terms of its calorie content, this product can be correlated with sugar. And almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties of honey. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids as well as enzymes that aid the digestive process. However, this product should not be abused, as its frequent use can provoke an allergic reaction. It is recommended to add honey to fruits, nuts or dried fruits, but remember that one tablespoon of the treat contains 100 kcal.


Surprisingly, low-calorie sweets include this beloved product. But not all chocolate contains small amounts of calories. The most optimal, in this sense, is considered to be dark chocolate containing less than 78% cocoa. A bar of such a natural product will contain approximately 500 kcal.

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To lose those extra pounds, you don't have to give up mouth-watering desserts. It is enough to know a simple list, which includes the lowest-calorie sweets that do not harm the figure.

Prohibited foods

If you want to lose weight, you should know which delicacies are on the list of prohibited foods. These include the following products:

  • Baking
  • Yeast dough pies
  • Cakes with cream filling (eclairs, baskets, wafer rolls with filling)
  • Puff pastry
  • Cheesecakes

Every girl who dreams of a slim silhouette should remember that the above delicious desserts cause strong fermentation in the intestines. In this case, the digestion process is inhibited.

To lose weight, you should eat foods that are easy and simple to digest.

Also, baked goods are very high in fat. It is on them, and not on calories, that those who want to part with extra pounds need to pay attention. After all, excess fat remains in the body and envelopes the internal organs.

It is quite difficult to get rid of these deposits of internal fat, while excess calories go away if you start actively playing sports or just jogging in the morning.

The good news is that there are low-calorie, low-fat sweets. And if you introduce them into your diet correctly, then they will not harm your figure. Internal fat will not accumulate in the body.

How to eat low-calorie sweets

There are a number of clear rules to help you add healthy treats to your diet:

  • Sweets can only be eaten in the morning. Desserts eaten in the evening and before bed will be stored as fat. In the dark, the body does not need a lot of energy. Therefore, he will hide the received calories "pro-storage", distributing fat on the waist and legs
  • Don't confuse healthy sweets with artificial sweeteners. They have nothing in common with each other. Sweeteners irritate tongue receptors, making us daydream in pies and cakes
  • Count how many calories are in the dessert. This figure should not exceed 10 percent of the daily value.
  • If you can't live without baking, replace wheat flour with flaxseed flour. There are significantly fewer calories, but a lot of fiber. It will relieve the unpleasant feeling of hunger. But you can pamper yourself with flaxseed buns no more than twice a week.

  • If you are used to consuming unlimited amounts of chocolate, from now on, when going to the store, buy only dark bitter chocolate. You can eat it one at a time in the morning.

Homemade sweets

If you decide to go on a diet, but do not want to completely give up mouth-watering treats, prepare them yourself at home. This way you will be able to control the entire process of making the dessert. You can be sure there are no sweeteners or excess fats in cookies or gingerbread.

The simplest low-calorie sweet that anyone can make at home in the kitchen is oatmeal cookies.

You will need the following ingredients

  • Oat bran (4 tablespoons)
  • Wheat bran (4 tablespoons)
  • Egg yolks (4 pieces)
  • Cottage cheese 0% fat (4 tablespoons)
  • Maple syrup (1 tablespoon)
  • Baking powder (1 teaspoon)

Cooking process:

Place the yolks in a high-rimmed bowl and beat with a whisk or mixer. Then add two types of bran, cottage cheese, syrup and baking powder. Stir the resulting mass with a tablespoon, it should thicken.

Form round cakes from the dough, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until tender.

You can lay out oatmeal dough in silicone molds in the form of hearts or funny animals.

These sweets are classified as low-calorie desserts. When choosing marmalade in a store, pay attention to its composition. It should be low in calories and fat.

Marmalade, rolled in sugar or powdered sugar, contains additional calories. It is not a low-calorie treat.

Small jars of colored jelly can be a great addition to your morning table. This treat is low in calories.

Try to carefully study the composition of the jelly. Remember, the simpler the composition, the more natural the product. This means that it is easily digested and will not burden your stomach.

Ice cream helps the body burn off excess calories. The fact is that this delicious cold dessert lowers the body temperature. At the same time, the centers responsible for thermoregulation of the body are activated.

A sharp release of energy begins to heat the body. Calories are quickly burned, which means excess weight goes away.

If you're on a diet, indulge in low-calorie treats. Jelly, ice cream, marmalade and oatmeal cookies are the best friends of girls who watch their figures.

There are so many people in the world who do not like their appearance at all! More than half of them think about losing weight. Overweight people all over the world, ranging from small children to deeply elderly people. Nutritionists and other doctors of various fields come to their aid. And, of course, there are just a huge number of diets. But any diet is a difficult, sometimes very difficult process, sometimes capable of driving a person into depression. Therefore, before choosing one of the methods of losing weight, you should take the problem of weight loss very seriously and certainly involve specialists. You need to understand: there are no ideal diets. Each of them has limitations. Often, a diet, especially one that is untested and invented by someone without special education, can cause serious harm to the body and cause chronic diseases.

The menu must be delicious

When it comes to diet, people immediately remember hunger, and the complete absence of sweets. But today this perception can be called erroneous. Indeed, for example, the method proposed by Pierre Dukan includes diet sweets, and their list is very diverse.

Therefore, it makes sense to briefly consider the possible options that are capable of people adhering to a certain type of diet. Diet sweets, the recipes for which will be described below, are easy to make at home. Since mostly people are very busy and do not have time for long-term culinary activities, these are fairly simple dietary recipes.

The most popular sweets are sweets, cookies, cakes, chocolates, pastries, eclairs, mousses, cheesecakes, rolls, cheesecakes and donuts. Such a list will suit any sweet tooth and satisfy his needs without being forced into a rigid framework.

Unusual delicacy

Sweets are diet sweets if prepared properly. For the first method, you need to take three tablespoons of powdered milk, preferably nonfat, and one third of a glass of nonfat cocoa. It will also be required, but here it is necessary to make a reservation. Most of these products are unsafe. Therefore, the most innocuous solution would be to use sugar replacement tablets, produced exclusively on a natural basis, for example, using stevia.

The final ingredient is liquid milk, also skimmed. Everything should be whipped with a blender, transferred to silicone molds and placed in the freezer.

For the second method, you will need approximately 60 ml of coffee and three tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, in the amount of 2 tablespoons. and a spoonful of cocoa (as in the previous recipe, fat-free). The gelatin is sufficient if you measure out one teaspoon. The sweetener is taken based on personal preference. Gelatin dissolves in coffee. After swelling, it is warmed up in a water bath, but you do not need to bring it to a boil. The sweet tablets are crushed and mixed with all the ingredients. The resulting mass, previously decomposed into forms, is sent to be cooled in the freezer.

Cookies are one of the most popular delicacies, loved by both adults and children. Therefore, it is possible to crunch tasty and dietary cookies on a diet. To do this, beat the egg whites (4 pieces) with a pinch of salt. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar substitute, the "Nut" flavoring agent (if you cannot find one, you can add lemon or another flavoring agent), as well as the oat bran. Mix everything with whites and put on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper. To do this, you can use either a spatula. You can sprinkle bran on the diet biscuits. The temperature at which the product is baked should be 160 degrees.

Diet cake

Napoleon is well known and in demand. You can bake its analogue without worrying at all about the calories eaten, because it will be a diet cake. For the cakes, you need three chicken eggs, two tablespoons of corn starch and a sweetener, which is added to taste. The ingredients are mixed and baked in a pan like pancakes or dried in the oven.

For the cream, take corn starch, sugar substitute and vanillin, mix them with a small amount of milk, always cold. Separately, 250 ml of milk is brought to a boil, the resulting mixture is added to it, while stirring constantly. After boiling again, the cream is cooked for a few more minutes.

Chocolate: white and black

If you really want to see diet sweets on the table, but there is very little time, you can try homemade chocolate. It contains the following ingredients: powdered milk - six tablespoons, liquid skim milk - 12 tablespoons, sugar substitute, vanillin. When adding cocoa or instant coffee, dark chocolate is obtained. The products are thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. The delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer due to the fact that it melts quickly due to the lack of special additives.

Appetizing eclairs

Sometimes it is impossible to pass by this delicacy, it looks so appetizing. If the desire to eat an eclair or two is simply irresistible, such a recipe can come to the rescue. For the dough, beat two yolks with a mixer and add two tablespoons of casein (analogs are possible), salt and baking powder. After that, the dough is kneaded, small sausages are rolled and baked at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. To prepare the cream, you need half a glass of milk, a tablespoon of corn starch and one teaspoon of cocoa and vanilla each.

Sweetener is added to taste. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to heat the mixture in a small saucepan until it thickens. To turn eclairs into diet sweets, all that remains is to smear the cut buns with cream and enjoy their taste.

Low calorie mousse

Mousse is a wonderful kind of dessert. It is easy and quick to prepare. If the thought of making a dietary and simple one cannot be discarded, this delicacy will be an excellent option.

For example, a very simple recipe: add sweetener to a liter of skim milk and heat until boiling, then add three beaten eggs and two tablespoons of cornstarch. Then the whole mixture is mixed and heated again, but the second time it is no longer boiled.

Cheesecakes for breakfast

A delicacy familiar to everyone from childhood is perfect for a hearty breakfast. In general, dietary cottage cheese recipes, including cheese cakes, satisfy hunger very well. For the dish in question, 180 grams of crumbly cottage cheese with the lowest possible fat content is well suited. You also need one egg, one and a half tablespoons of oat bran, one tablespoon of wheat bran and isolate (you can use soy). The sugar substitute is added to taste. Everything is whipped with a blender, then fried in a pan with a lid over the lowest heat in a few drops of oil.

Fast and helpful

Remembering delicious diet recipes, one cannot but describe the buns. You can make them sweet or savory, grate cheese, or add cottage cheese. The dough is very easy to prepare. Six tablespoons of milk powder are mixed with two eggs, baking powder and vanilla.

Salt and sweetener are added to taste. The mixture is baked for just ten minutes at 180 degrees in a preheated oven.

Low Calorie Cheesecakes

Those who prefer diet sweets know the most different recipes, and among them cheesecakes seem to be very tempting.

The first method, like all the previous ones, is extremely simple. You will need the following products:

Cottage cheese - one pack, preferably fat-free;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;

Two tablespoons of cornstarch


Three yolks;

Five proteins.

To begin with, into a tight foam, then cottage cheese is very carefully introduced into it. Separately, the remaining ingredients must be mixed. Combine a thick mass with a protein mixture. This cheesecake can be baked both in a slow cooker and in the oven.

Another recipe is more sophisticated and interesting. The dough for him is prepared from oat bran.

Oat bran, crushed to the state of flour - 4.5 tablespoons;

Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Water - 2 tablespoons;

Sweetener to taste.

Cottage cheese, as in the first case, is soft, fat-free - 800 g;

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;



Flavoring agent.

Decoration (optional):

Hibiscus - 1 sachet;


Agar-agar - 1 heaped teaspoon;

Water - 1 glass 200-250 ml.

The whites should be separated from the yolks and whipped into an elastic dense foam, and the yolks, water, sugar substitute, baking powder and bran should be mixed. Next, combine the resulting mixture with the protein foam and beat gently, preferably with a wooden spatula. After that, the dough is poured into a prepared mold and placed in a preheated oven.

At the next stage, we are engaged in the filling. Using a mixer, the curd and sweetener are beaten, then eggs and the mixture are introduced, everything is beaten again. The resulting mass is poured onto the cake, leveled and returned to the oven, while the temperature should be no more than 160 degrees. When the curd mass grasps and thickens, the product can be considered ready.

Jelly for decoration is not an obligatory component, but if the decision to make it is still made, you need to mix a glass of boiling water, agar-agar, sweetener and a tea bag in a convenient container. This mixture will need to be brought to a boil with constant stirring. At the very beginning of boiling, the dishes are removed from the fire, its contents are cooled.


There are various delicious donut diet recipes. One of them includes eggs (2 pcs.), Corn starch (4 tbsp. L.), Cottage cheese (4 tbsp. L.), Baking powder, yeast (1 tsp.), Sweetener.

Mix the ingredients, wait for the dough to come up, and bake either in tins or just in small circles. Baking time - no more than twenty minutes. Bon Appetit!

The most popular problem of losing weight remains the rejection of sweets. On a diet, many products are already prohibited, so it is very difficult to limit yourself in your favorite food. There is no need to do this, because there are useful sweets for the figure. They are easy to buy at the store, but you can also make them at home.

What sweets can you eat while losing weight

There is a whole classification of calorie content, dividing all sweets into those that cannot be eaten on a diet and those that are even recommended for losing weight. Eating low-calorie foods in moderation will reduce the risk of relapse. The figure will not be affected either. When choosing sweets, you should pay attention not so much to the minimum calorie content as to the fat content. You can spend excess energy, and fat deposits will remain in the body for a long time. Allowed sweets for weight loss can be represented by the following list:

  • berries and fruits;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • ice cream;
  • bitter or dark chocolate;
  • some candies;
  • biscuits;
  • natural sourdough yogurt;
  • low-calorie dried fruits - raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, dried cherries;
  • candied fruit;
  • berry or fruit jelly;
  • paste;
  • low-calorie cottage cheese desserts;
  • gingerbread;
  • sunflower halva;
  • fruit caramel;
  • sesame;
  • peanut.

Low Calorie Sweets

If the body requires something tasty, then it is experiencing energy starvation. Sweets for losing weight in this case are very relevant. This is the easiest way, because such products are very quickly converted into energy. In addition, sweets promote the production of serotonin. This hormone is responsible for good mood and stress resistance.

You should not completely exclude fast carbohydrates - you just need to choose low-calorie sweets. Several of them are listed above, but some can be made at home. To do this, in recipes for sweets, familiar products are replaced with others, more useful:

  1. Cream of cream and butter, or sour cream, replace low-fat yogurt.
  2. Cook pastries and desserts with the addition of honey, not sugar.
  3. Do not buy juices in boxes - drink natural compotes from fruits and berries.

Lowest calorie sweets

Even such healthy sweets are not recommended to be consumed later than six o'clock in the evening. Their caloric content should not exceed 10% of the daily value. The lowest calorie sweets are fruits and berries. Their energy value per 100 g of product is very low. For example, an apple contains only 77 calories, but how many useful minerals and trace elements it contains.

Another fruit is a banana. Although it is not the lowest in calories, it is also allowed for use. Banana satisfies hunger, saturates with potassium and fiber, which cleanses the intestines. You can eat any other fruit - pears, kiwi, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, apricots, pomegranates, peaches. Berries can be a good alternative to sweets, although they taste almost all slightly sour. Strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, cherries, currants, gooseberries will do.

Low-calorie store-bought sweets

The list of the least harmful to the figure includes some purchased sweets. The very first of these is chocolate. Only instead of the usual milk or white, you will have to feast on black. It must contain at least 76% cocoa beans. Such sweetness can pacify the need for sweets and at the same time fill the body with useful microelements. A couple of strips a day will not hurt your figure. Other low-calorie sweets from the store:

  1. Ice cream... You need to choose it without fillers and a large amount of fat, and it is better to cook it at home from low-fat milk and berries. You can enjoy this sweetness 2 times a week in an amount of no more than 100 g.
  2. Dried fruits... Fiber in them satisfies hunger for a long time, and slow carbohydrates provide energy without being deposited in fat. You can eat 3-4 prunes per day, 3 - dried apricots, 2 - figs, 70 g of pears and 100 g of apples.
  3. Marmalade, marshmallow, oatmeal cookies, marshmallow, halva, rye gingerbread and muesli bar- in moderation, these sweets can also be consumed, but it is better to do it for breakfast.

Low-calorie cookies in stores

The most harmless sweetness for the figure is considered to be oatmeal cookies. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, protein, but such a delicacy contains few low-calorie cookies in stores, but they are still not as useful as those cooked at home. When buying, pay attention to the composition of the treat. It should contain a little fat, and the ingredients can be cottage cheese, bananas, sesame seeds, seeds, rolled oats. Galette cookies or crackers - these dietary sweets for weight loss are also allowed. It is prepared on the basis of water, flour, salt and sugar and cornstarch.

Low-calorie lean sweets

  • marmalade;
  • oat and biscuit cookies;
  • dried fruits;
  • dark chocolate;
  • halva;
  • nuts;
  • jelly from berries or fruits;
  • dried apricots;
  • dates;
  • prunes.

Low calorie desserts

You can easily make low-calorie desserts at home. There are a lot of recipes for such a delicacy. The base is often honey, cottage cheese, berries, nuts or fruits. From the latter, you can make a delicious salad with natural yogurt, honey and lime juice dressing. Different ingredients are mixed, such as strawberry with pineapple, kiwi, apple and blueberry. Sweets in the form of smoothies are very popular among fruits.

Diet cottage cheese desserts

One of the simpler treats is plain cottage cheese with honey. This dish is ideal for breakfast. Dried or candied fruits, grated dark chocolate sprinkles, crushed nuts or melted chocolate will help to diversify the dessert. Diet cottage cheese desserts often include berries. It is especially tasty with tart-sour cranberries, fragrant raspberries, strawberries and cherries. Soufflés, puddings, casseroles and tender mousses are made from cottage cheese.

Diet sweets recipes

Everyone who is losing weight should have several recipes for diet sweets. So at any time you can cook something tasty, and not break down on prohibited foods. Low-calorie can be chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, and even cookies with sweets. Moreover, these sweets are prepared very easily and quickly, because most of the ingredients are available for every housewife.

Low Calorie Chocolate

Chocolate is considered a more popular sweetness, but it can be completely harmless to the figure. If you want to know how to make such a delicacy, then be sure to study the following recipe. All the usual sweet ingredients are replaced with less fatty ones, which is why the deliciousness turns out to be dietary. To make low-calorie chocolate, prepare:

  • sweetener - 5 g;
  • skim milk - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 10 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa powder - 10 tablespoons

Cooking includes the following steps:

  1. Dissolve the sweetener with milk. Pour water there and add cocoa.
  2. Heat the mixture without letting it boil, then add oil.
  3. Remove from heat, mix thoroughly, wait until cool.
  4. Pour into molds, send to freeze in the freezer.

Lowest calorie cookie

The lowest-calorie biscuits will not be a problem for the figure either. You can prepare it using the recipe. Cookies resemble oatmeal - they contain cereals and healthy cottage cheese. Ingredients are taken in the following quantities:

  • wheat and oat bran - 4 tablespoons each;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 4 tablespoons;
  • maple syrup - 1 tablespoon;
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the yolks well with baking powder.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients, mix well.
  3. Form cookies from the dough, place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Low-calorie candy

Among all types of sweets, jelly ones are considered less harmful for losing weight. In this recipe, their energy value is only 86 kcal per 100 g of product. To make low-calorie chocolates, you only need 10 g of gelatin and 200 ml of cherry juice. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Soak gelatin with about 50 ml of water, then pour cherry juice.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. When all the grains are dissolved, pour the mass into molds.
  4. Sprinkle with coconut on top, send to the refrigerator to solidify.

Low Calorie Dessert Recipes with Calorie List

Properly prepared low-carb sweets on a diet will become indispensable helpers not only in preventing breakdowns, but also simply maintaining a good mood. In addition, at home, you can be sure that you are using really high quality products. Calorie-listed low-calorie dessert recipes will help you make healthy treats. Knowing the energy value, you can easily add a couple of sweets to your menu.

Diet cottage cheese dessert

Thanks to the combination of cottage cheese with many products, you can make a variety of dietary desserts for weight loss from it. The easiest option is to beat the fermented milk product with the addition of honey, fruits or berries. The latter can be anything, even frozen will do. According to this recipe, the dietary dessert from cottage cheese is very light - only 125 calories per 100 g. Such a delicacy is ideal for a light but nutritious breakfast. The ingredients for one serving are:

  • walnut - 3 pcs.;
  • red currant - 100 g;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g.

The technology for making sweets is very simple:

  1. Rinse fresh berries, peel off twigs, spread on a paper towel, and let them flow. Defrost the frozen fruits at room temperature.
  2. Puree the berries with a blender. You can rub them through a fine sieve.
  3. Combine cottage cheese with berries and honey, beat with a blender again, decorate with nuts.

Low calorie marshmallow

Egg whites, gelatine, and milk are the basis of a common store treat like marshmallows. The latter is often replaced with water to make the dessert even more dietary. In this recipe, a low-calorie marshmallow has an energy value of about 85 kcal per 100 g. To prepare it, you will need:

  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • low-fat milk - 150 g.

Cooking includes the following steps:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in lukewarm milk, leave for 1 hour.
  2. Next, heat the mass over a fire, not letting it boil. Stir until smooth.
  3. Beat the whites until foamy, then gently stir in the gelatinous mass.
  4. Put chopped kiwi on the bottom of the mold. Then pour in the resulting mixture.
  5. Leave in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours.

Healthy baking recipes

Even baked goods can be low in calories. To reduce its energy value, ingredients such as eggs, butter and sugar must be excluded from recipes. Instead of wheat flour, it is recommended to use chickpea, rye, flaxseed flour, replace it with oatmeal or corn grits. Healthy baking recipes are not limited to low-calorie tea cookies. There are many options for pies, cheesecakes, and even cakes. No special skills are required to prepare them.

Low-calorie cake at home

Today there are special dietary baked goods that are made without an oven - quickly and easily. Due to its low energy value and speed, it got its popularity. To make such a low-calorie cake at home (150 calories per 100 g), you will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • icing sugar - 50 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 150 g;
  • ready-made biscuit cake - 1 pc .;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • oranges, kiwi, strawberries, etc. - to taste.

Cooking technology includes several stages:

  1. Beat sour cream with powder, add cottage cheese, beat everything until smooth.
  2. Then add the soaked gelatin, mix.
  3. Take a split form, put the cake on the bottom, and pour the curd mass onto it.
  4. Decorate the top with slices of fruit or berries.
  5. Keep in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Low calorie pies

Low-calorie pies are no more complicated than cakes. Only in this case the biscuit will have to be baked. To make sweets you will need:

  • orange juice - 0.5 l;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • icing sugar - to taste;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • a mixture of dried apricots, raisins, candied fruits, nuts and prunes - 0.3 kg.

The sequence for preparing the cake is as follows:

  1. In the evening, pour the mixture of dried fruits with juice.
  2. In the morning, add baking powder there, mix, and then add flour.
  3. Pour the resulting dough into a mold sprinkled with semolina.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour. At the end, decorate with powder.

Video: Diet Cookies