Coniferous cones - these are modified shoots that perform in the life of a tree crucial role. They provide cross-pollination, fertilization, and then - the development of seeds. The bump is simple enough. There is central assault, there are scales derived from her. Under the scales of men's cones in special "bags" ripens pollen. Scales of female cones cover the sicks, and later seeds.

About the "flowering" ate more I already wrote. You can get acquainted with this very spectacular process by going to.

After pollination, men's bumps that performed their function becomes unnecessary and fall. A row of metamorphosis occurs with women's cones.

Metamorphosis of female sprues

Women's spruce cones appear on the branches (paws) ate around in mid-May. They develop at the ends of those shoots, which turned two years.

Most cones grow at the top of the tree crown, even if the crown is descended almost to the ground. This is understandable - at the top there is a chance to "catch" the diversion to the wind is much higher.

Women's cones ate, only those who appeared from the kidneys, about about the thimble. On the branches of the tree they are sticking to the top, like Christmas candles. Color cones raspberry or bright red.

Spruce cones during "flowering"

After pollination, quick and noticeable changes occur. A pollarged bump closes his scales. Having a resin, it is tightly clogging between them. Changes color. The pinkish shade is still preserved for some time, but in early June the bumps become green.

Since the appearance and until the middle of the summer, the cones are growing rapidly. Their position is changed and their position on the branch. From the vertical they become hijacked by turning their tops to the ground.

Young fir bumps. The end of May. You can already collect.

Green is replaced by close to purple, moving later into light brown. And here in August in the tree hanging "classic" fir bumps - brown. Their scales are still tightly closed.

In the fall in cones ripen seeds. Fir do not need, how, stretch this process for two years. Everything is happening in one season. But at the beginning of the winter, the bumps on ate still closed. Only in February - March, in dry sunny weatherThey open, disperse seeds.

After falling out the seeds, the old bumps hang on a tree with discontinued scales. Gradually, they fall.

Useful properties of fir cones

What are these substances? As, the cones contain essential oil, isolated great amount phytoncides. Significantly and the content of vitamins, especially C and D. Many resinous substances that make up a spruce zhvitsa. And it is similar, and contains terrentin.

Good song in excellent performance - in honor of the anniversary Great Victory. Moreover, in the song, performed by Vladimir Bunchikov and Vladimir Nechaev, there are words about our beautiful blooming ate.

Yours faithfully,

Pine is considered the most common plant around the world and many familiar with its useful and medical properties, including pine cones. Visiting a pine forest always has a beneficial effect on the whole body. Many people, leaving for a walk in spring in a pine forest try to stock pine cones. Young green pine cones can be treated not only the cough and diseases of the respiratory organs, but also to apply for the treatment of other diseases.

Useful properties of pine cones

At pine from the medical point of view, all parts of the tree are valuable material. For treatment, you can use everything: bark of wood, chew, kidney, pollen. Special interest among all these components of the tree occupy cones, like green, so already matured red.

When and who became for the first time to use pine cones in therapeutic purposes, History did not save. But what their beneficial features The man noticed for a long time, that's for sure. From the cones traditionally prepare decoctions, infusions, do alcohol tincture, boil delicious and useful honey and jam.

Pine is known for its phytoncidal properties. Air samples taken where pines are growing, showed that pathogenic organisms in the air are 10 times less than in a birch forest. Therefore, the very best sanatoria for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs is always located in pine Bor., where spruce and pines grow. If we talk about chemical composition, pine kidneys contain:

Monoterpene connections;

Lipid compounds


Organic acids;

Vitamins C, group B, carotene;

Essential oils;



It is contained in selenium cones, iron, magnesium.

The greatest content of nutrients in green cones.

Vitamin C except protection immune system, participates in blood formation processes, in work nervous systemProtects from Qingi.

Vitamins of group B are involved in many metabolic processes, nervous system, improve brain functions.

Carotine, from which vitamin A is produced in the body, is important to maintain muscle in the muscle tone, to preserve vision, participates in strengthening immunity. This is one of the powerful vitamins belonging to antioxidants.

Therapeutic properties of pine cones

All therapeutic and beneficial properties of pine cones are due to their chemical composition and have long been used in folk medicine. They are recognized by I. official medicine. Thanks to its unique chemical compositionPine cones have the following properties:












All these therapeutic properties have a very beneficial effect on the body. Therapeutic preparations based on pine cones are very effective for treatment:

Colds (ORVI, ORZ);

Avitaminosis, including cings;

Sore throat;

Bronchial asthma;



Polyarthritis, gout and arthritis;


Low hemoglobin.

Pine is famous for its phytoncidal properties and, therefore, can suppress the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria. Covers can be used for inhalation and reception of therapeutic baths, take inside.

Green pine cones Medical properties

Green pine cones are young pine cones that develop from pine kidneys. Pine kidneys appear at the end of winter and at the very beginning of spring. After flowering, young green kidneys are developing, which at first the growth of very small, no more nail.

Gradually, the bumps grow and gain their healing force. Of the young pine cones, the jam, pine honey, prepare alcohol tincture.

All drugs that can be prepared from such cones have a powerful healing effect. They are part of the breast collection for the treatment of cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, decoctions and infancy are used for influenza and viral diseases, sore throat. For adults and children excellent medicine From cough - a decoction of young cones with milk.

Take them for diseases of the joints, to restore forces and raising the life tone.

Extracts from green young cones are widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in the production of lotions, creams, toothpastes, rinsers for the oral cavity and other cosmetic phrase. They help improve skin condition, relieve inflammation.

In folk medicine, green bumps are used even for the treatment of tuberculosis.

When collecting green bumps

So that young green bumps possessed therapeutic properties, they must first fall and acquire healing power. Therefore, very small young bumps do not collect. You need to wait when they acquire some rigidity, but will still remain soft inside.

Depending on the region, it may be the end of May, June. In some places, for example, in the Urals or in Siberia, pine young cones can be collected in early July. By the end of summer, in August in pine cones accumulate maximum amount valuable substances.

Green pine cones, like a medicine, should achieve a size of about 4 centimeters. When collecting, you need to pay attention to their appearance: They should not have any visible injuries insects, rot or other traces indicating damage and inappropriate cones.

For therapeutic purposes, they need to collect them early in the morning. At this time, the sloping begins, which fills the bumps healing properties.

In June-July, green bumps become coarse and drove.

For cooking jam, such bumps are already unsuitable. It is necessary to collect them until then, while they can be cut to the knife and the middle of the cones are still soft.

The columns are used for cooking jam, pine honey, tincture in fresh form. If the bumps are collected for cooking brazers and info, they need to be dried. You need to dry the bumps in the shade, in a ventilated room, in an electric rig or oven at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Dried young cones become dark. Keep them need in a linen bag, cardboard box or paper package. Shelf life a year and a half.

For the preparation of therapeutic tincture, you can collect more rigid cones, but increasing the time of insteading. Therapeutic properties of such tinctures are still saved.

At the end of August, September, the bumps begin to darken and become brown-red. By the middle of winter, in March, seeds mature in them.

Red pine cones

Red pine cones Excellent means for treating and cleaning vessels. Apply them after the transferred stroke.

By the time of ripening, a large content of nutrients accumulates in them: vitamins, essential oils, tanning substances. All of these components give them the ability to stop the fracture of the cells of the brain, which is often inherent in the post-complinary state.

As studies have shown, the tannins contained in red cones are reduced by the death of the brain cells, purify the vessels and can help cope with the effects of the suffering disease.

The tincture of red pine cones in folk medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer tumors. The addition of pine kidneys and pine pollen makes tincture even more efficient and healing in use against tumors and other diseases.

In addition, the tincture on red cones is recommended to be used in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The use of pine cones in traditional medicine

Therapeutic properties of pine cones are unique. They can be used to treat a number of diseases. Moreover, both young green bumps, and ripe red possesses healing properties. Apply pine cones can be in various forms. These may be decoctions or, jam or honey.

Pine cones

An aqueous infusion of green cones can be used to treat cough and bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, swelling, with zing, rheumatism, gout or arthritis, pain in the heart, like a hemostatic agent.

To prepare infusion you need to take:

1 tablespoon of cones

2 glasses of boiling water

Boil the cones boiling water, cover with a towel and insist 12 hours. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day.

Broth of young pine cones

The decoction can also be taken with colds, cough, bronchitis, diseases of the joints and other diseases.

To prepare a decoction of 10 grams of cones pour a glass of hot water and put on a water bath. Peel into 10-15 minutes and remove from the stove. Start and take 1/3 stacked 2-3 times a day.

Tincture on young pine cones

When cooking tincture, you can add pine kidneys or / and pollen. It is allowed to add herbs if the tincture is prepared for a particular disease.

Collected young green pine cones to go through, remove all the garbage (attached by chew, bark). Cut into several parts and fold into the jar. Vodka is taken from the digging 1 part of the cones and 10 parts of the vodka.

Insist in a dark place at room temperature For 3 weeks. During insistence to periodically shake the bank. After improving, strain the tincture, well by pressing the bumps. Pour into a bottle of dark glass.

Take a tincture from 1 tea to 1 stool spoon 3 times a day before taking food.


It is noticed that in pine forests and breathes easier. These are volatile phytoncides that distinguish pines, so affect the human body. No wonder all sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis and other easy diseasesBuild in pine bodies.

All parts of the plant are therapeutic properties: needles, wood, kidneys, pine oil, and also bumps.

Useful properties of green cones

  • Decoction of pine cones improve blood when chronic bronchitis, water, skin diseases.
  • Young green bumps insist on water or vodka and drink with pain in the heart.
  • Infusion of green cones on vodka helps with elevated blood pressure, and also is a hemostatic agent for internal bleeding.
  • Green cones are an anesthetic for gastritis and ulcers.
  • Green cones contain vitamins B, C, A, RR, K, E, as well as essential oils, flavonoids, magnesium, iron, selenium and tannin.
  • Young pine cones are a prophylactic agent for colds. They assist in the treatment of stroke.
  • They increase immunity.

When pine green bumps are harvested

For green bumps go to pine forestin which adult pines grow. After all, it starts fruiting pine after thirty years.

Despite a large number of phytoncides who are destructive pathogenic microbes, trees well absorb harmful substances of external environmentTherefore, the collection of cones spend away from car trails and harmful industrial facilities.

The time of the appearance of green cones depends on climatic conditions The terrain in which pines grow. In the more warm areas, this is May month, and in Siberia, the bumps may appear on one to one and a half months later.

First on the branches appear yellow-gray men's spikes and female little reddish bumps. Despite the fact that seeds in cones ripen 18 months later, the bumps themselves grow very quickly. And in order to prepare young green bustle, you need to carefully monitor their growth and color change.

After all, the reddish minor shchers soon begin to grow, while changing their color to the gentle-green.

Green bumps are covered with sticky resin, they are soft, so it is easy to cut with a knife. Their size when harvesting big role does not play. They can be very small - just one centimeter in length, and have already grown to 4 cm. The main thing is that they are soft and green.

For the washing of the cones, the opinions are diverged. Many stovers before the further use of the cone wash. But, as practice shows, and advise people, green bumps are better not to wash. After all, they are so small that they did not have time to dust! And when washing, the bumps are deprived of many useful substances, in particular - resinous, for whom they are collected.

Recipes based on green pine cones

  • Infusion of green cones with koror. Lithuanian bank To the top filled with green bumps. Five tablespoons of sugar are added, covered with covers and leave for 1-2 days. When the sugar is melting, in the bank they pour to the top of the koror, the contents are well shaken and cleaned in a dark place. A month later, the drug is ready. Infusion of cones helps with cough and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Adult infusion take 1 tablespoon before meals. And the children can only be a teaspoon of infusion. But very small kids do not give drugs.
  • Alcoholic tincture of green cones. A liter jar is filled with green cones and a glass of honey is added. When honey is a little thought, the bumps are poured with vodka. Insist in dark place. Adults take the tincture in the same way as in the first case. Children such infusion can not be given.
  • Infusion of green cones on vodka. Green bumps are crushed, fold into the jar and poured with vodka in the proportion of 1:10. Week insist in warm place. Drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Brigine bumps. Green cones fill the saucepan one third of the volume, poured with water and boil five minutes. The tincture takes one third of the glass three times a day after eating.
  • Green cones jam (one of the recipes). The kilograms of green cones are moved, wash, fall asleep into the pan and poured with water, covering the cones per 1 cm. One kilogram of sugar is poured onto a liter of water and boil on a slow fire one and a half hours, constantly removing the foam. Eating jam on one teaspoon during the day.

The other day the son took place at school Arrower Flower and non-flowered plants. What is the difference between the fern, fir and, say, apple tree (or cabbage)? That apple tree and cabbage flower. So it is written in the textbook. From the point of view of Botany, everything is true, however ... I have ever seen flowering fir.

Flowering ate

Strictly speaking, gone (boys) do not bloom. But the fact that with them occurs in the spring, performs the same function as flowering covered plants. Therefore, on the household level, we think it is entitled to talk about flowering ate. How fir blooms, for sure, saw everything. Not everything maybe it realized

In the end of the spring at the ends of the branches, there are red branches, sticking up. it women's cones. In the autumn, they will turn into real brown spruce bumps. Men's cones, Stomaching, bedding, yellow-red or just yellow. They are dusty in the spring yellow fir pollen.

Women's cones are formed on the upper branches (from there those who have sked seeds will be able to fly away). Male preferred side branches.

That's how fir tree blooms. In the picture of women's "Flowers" - Reddish Shishchki:

And here is men, yellow.

Other year blooming freshers so rudely that pollen covers the neighborhood yellow Halt. By the way, last year, late spring, The suburbs covered the yellow cloud - this is especially friendly birch. We are, rustic residents, were not frightened at all, we have birchs under the window grow, we are with our own eyes seen How they dust

Reproduction of ate

In fact, in Botanic, coniferous reproduction bodies are called strobes. These are modified shoots. Men's gates are called microatruts, women's megastrobyls.

On strobils (and male and female) are formed dispute Macrosperan - Disputes Women or Microspores - Men's disputes. Women's disputes are developing in a germ bag, men's - in pollen.

The firings of the strobils are collected in the cones. The megastrobil bundle is a female bump, a bunch of microstrobil - male. And men's and female cones in ate, like most conifers, can form on the same tree, that is, it odnodomnya plants.

How spruce is growing

Let's come back to our firs. In the spring they appear not only floral shores, but reveal escape Kidneys, of which the paws grow. They at first look like shishki, covered with light brown scales. But inside them resinous greens. I love, walking in the spring through the coniferous forest, to knock down the young shoots of trees or pine, they have a pleasant resinous taste.

They write that forest ate blooms at 30-50 years. My spruce landings began to bloom in 10 years. When spruce grows in an open place, she does not need so intensively to fight for the light, so thinking about the reproduction much earlier.

A fir blooms not every year, and about once every 3-5 years a fir grows all his life to a deep old age, the truth is faster in youth, years since 10. Christmas trees do not belong to long-lived trees. They live 250-300 years. Due to the fact that the adult fir has no rod root, root system Surface, they are easily lying by the wind, forming Burzhema. Still scary for our spruce Borov. Beetles-cores. In outskirts of Moscow last years 10 unfolded catastrophe - koroeda ruin coniferous forests. But this is a separate unpleasant topic.

How can you determine the age of ate

It is known that the age of the tree is easy to determine on the annual rings, as a new ring is growing every year. By the relative width of the annual rings, you can determine the direction to the south (there are wider rings), as well as a comparative "yield" different years. Sometimes, to determine the age of living tree, not spill, its trunk is drilled, take the "puncture".

It's easier with her fir. To determine the age of ate does not need to cut it or drill it. Enough enough number of tiers of branches. On the flies of branches grow rings, mutters. Every year a new tier is added. For the first years, three or four they are not formed, so that the formula for calculating the age of ate is simple: the number of tiers of branches plus 3. This is, of course, if you didn't form the Christmas tree, the top did not spill the top.

By the way, you can easily distinguish a spruce sawn timber from pine: on spruce brings or boards, the knocks are never arranged in a checkerboard, but follow the same annual tier.


Although spruce evergreen treeBut she, like other conifers, needles are not eternal. The needles live from 6 to 10 years, depending on the type. Favoring needles renewed. When used in landscape design garden plot, in the living hedge, you can use the shadowlessness of this tree. In the half of the fir, it does not squeeze, it remains green to the earth itself. Of the firings it is possible to make a live fence with vertical walls, but I prefer more natural shape The tree is easier to maintain less violence over nature.

Out. Dark times have come for the forest spirit. The forest was hollowed. The flame destroyed everything, leaving behind a black shadow. Pine The trunks crackled, bumps, sparkling, flew over the ground.

Despite the night, the light of the flame was even a starry sky, forcing disappear heavenly Svetila. The red glow of the fire was visible until the horizon itself.

This hell on Earth arranged a man. Forgetting about your past, he is neglected by giving him life. The forest ceased to be a friend to him.

These thoughts as if someone was whispering the wanderer in his ear. He did not doubt that the words belonged to the wolf.

Another picture opened before the stranger: everything was aged, early morning, smells ashes and death. Potlessly fius appeared before the traveler. There are no animals nor birds or trees. All destroyed the all-consuming fire.

Continuation at the end of the article.

New life.

The harsh winter has long been behind, the snow almost melted, and snowdrops have already appeared in the forests. Nature comes to life and prepares for flowering. The first shutters roam the fields in search of edible.

If you close your eyes, substituting the face spring Sun., You can hear the still timid and quiet whisper of nature - the buzz of the flies, the rust of last year's grass, singing the first birds.

Skin bumps dried on the spring wind. It is time to reveal and release seeds to give life to new shoots.

What is a pine cone.

Ancient times Pine cone symbolized the courage, fertility and immortality.

The bump is nothing like a pine fruit. This fruit ripes in the tree for more than one year and throughout his life is gaining a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Life cones begins in early spring With a small pinkish escape similar to the pea. For two years, the bump reaches maximum sizes, after which it becomes a buroy and rusts to reveal and get rid of seeds next year.

Young cones are rich essential oils, iron, magnesium and other trace elements.

Few people know that there are men and women Pine cones.

Male fruits produce pollen and flowing at the beginning of summer, while female are the very fetus that we used to call a pine shaskha.

The benefits of pine cones.

In men's cones, pollen is contained, which is truly a truck of trace elements. Pollen contains many proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It includes several dozen amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

The pollen successfully struggles with the pathogens of the pulmonary tuberculosis and in the treatment of oncological diseases.

Pollen from male pine cones helps to strengthen immunity.

It is known about the high content of antioxidants in pollen, so it is used in face masks.

Young female cones coped well with cold illness. Syrup from cones is an excellent cough agent.

Rich with a pine aliment, the bump successfully helps in strengthening the cardiovascular system and during the prevention of stroke.

The lumps contain a lot of iron, which helps to increase the level of hemoglobin

The use of pine cones.

Pine cones jam is a pleasant and delicious means with influenza, bronchitis, angina and other colds.

Made of cones make chasters, honey, jam and tinctures, successfully used at various diseases.


After waking up, the young man discovered that he was sleeping near the fire. It is morning. The beast disappeared along with marching. Was it a dream? Or a traveler saw the future of this forest?

Finally recovered from sleep, the stranger went on the river and brought water, having extinguished the remnants of the fire, for loyalty to fall asleep all the earth.

"If it is destined to come to this future, then only not now," thought the stranger and moved to the far path.