It is difficult for a person to surprise high buildings or towers, huge structures grow worldwide. Concrete slabs and fittings make up the bulk of these giants. But what gives us nature always causes curiosity and admiration. Giant, styometer trees fascinate at first sight. Standing in front of a similar "living being", we feel dwarfs, but at the same time we feel pride from the greatness and beauty of our environment.

All the leading places among the highest trees occupy coniferous trees of sequoia. They grow mainly in the south of the United States. Sequoia red or evergreen, is a symbol of California. In addition to the title of the highest tree, is one of the most ancient plants, their appearance on Earth is dating more than 200 million years ago. The name tree received in honor of the leader of the Indian tribe of the sequoia. Perhaps they were the prototype of huge trees with another planet from the film "Avatar".

Over the past 15 years, the first place was constantly moved from one tree to another. As a result, today, the unconditional winner is a tree called. The height of the giant is 115.5m., Age reaches about 750-800 years. There is an opinion that the growth of sequoia for the year increases by an average of 25 cm. Given that the life expectancy of such a giant comes to 4 thousand years old, the hypereon can be called a young tree to grow and grow.

The next champion in height is worth next to the previous one. Sequoia called Helios.. The height of the trunk is 114.6 m. Before the discovery of Hypereon, it was Helios that possessed the title of the highest tree. These trees occupy the first places not only in growth, they are better than the remaining plants clean the air from carbon dioxide.

In third place confidently settled, more precisely, stretched out Icar.. This is also sequoia growing next to Hyperon and Helios. Finding almost all the giants trees in California is classified. Save the infrastructure and not to disturb the environment around protected monuments of nature - the main goal of the work of parks. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of these trees declined sharply, the main reason is the human factor. Building materials from the Sequoia were greatly popular, the products from her durable, light and not at all exposed to rot. The list of chemicals in the wood is so great that it scares all pests, including termites. Nowadays, about 500 pieces remained in our time.

Giant Stratosphere - Until 2010 he had the title of the highest tree in the world. Located in California. Last measurements recorded a height of 113.11 meters. It is worth noting that all types of sequoia do not suffer from fire, the bark of a refractory tree. Due to the scorched place around the sequoia, the sun rays provide a rapid growth of young shoots.

Fifth place occupies a sequoia with a long name National Geographical Society.Tree height - 112.71m. Diameter - 4.39. By the way, the largest, heavy and volumetric in the circumference of the Sequoia family, is General Sherman. At the age of 2500 years and weighing about 1900 tons, the trunk circle has a size of more than 30 meters.

Orion. Sixth place. A huge sequoia, grows closely with several more giants, but height is twice as high. For 2012, an increase is 112.63m. Age about 1500 years. All representatives of the sequoia species can rightly be called long-livers, the record holder is a tree with age of 4484. Speeled in 1965, sequoia, today attracts thousands of tourists, shocked thickness of the trunk and abundance of annual rings.

Lauralin, seventh place in the list of the highest trees. Location - California. Height reaches 112.62 meters. Among their representatives is one of the youngest. Although the sequel, which has reached more than 100 meters, is not called the young in the root. "Live fossil" or "Mammoth Tree", so in two words characterize these trees. It is proved that the giants grew still in the Jurassic period and perhaps dinosaurs rested under them. In each growing tree, its ecosystem lives - birds nest, lichen and other vegetation will grow, animals and insects live.

On the ninth place another representative of this kind Paradox. Grows in the same park as Rockefeller, is not less popular. Tree height - 112,56m. It was discovered one of the first, the name was due to contrast: the growing adult coniferous trees, they look in dwarf compared to the paradox.

Closes the top ten sequoia list Mendosino - The most affected tree due to the influx of curious tourists. Now is under guard, see the tree nearly impossible.

We made sure that all honorary places belong to the sequoia, but if we exclude them from the list, as absolute champions, where our views will turn? In difficult conditions, in the places where forest fires raged, on the island of Tasmania, the largest deciduous tree is growing - Eucalyptus royal, with a tempting name Centurion. The age of this giant is more than 400 years, and height 101m. The island is the owner of several eucalyptuses of a similar height, next after Centurion, is the Giant Dream IkaraAchieving 97m. Eucalyptus, for their ability to absorb and evaporate more than a hundred liters of water per day, called "trees - pumps". The highest blooming tree, can be seen without a bark, since the rapid growth of the tree, styling leads to her drop.

In some sources, several more types of no less huge trees are indicated, but a description of them is extremely scarce. So in the Colombian National Forest in Washington, a noble fir is growing, reaching 85m. And in Idaho, a mountain pine groves with a height of 70m grows.

In our country, a wide variety of forests with a different climatic belt. Can Russia boast of high trees? On the territory of the Yalta Botanical Garden and in the Krasnodar Territory, those most famous sequoia grow, but the longest 38 of them.

In the forests of the Krasnodar Territory, in the south-eastern part of the Black Sea coast, grows fir Nordman, High trees with a straight trunk, sometimes reach 70-80m. Thanks to the long lower branches, a dark-green pyramid is reminded. Age reaches no more than 600 years, mainly die from insects.

A little higher, the usual height from 60 to 100m. Evergreen, frost-resistant tree, grows very slowly, lives up to 600-700 years.

Often meets spruceachieving dimensions up to 50-60m. The most extensive distribution is the whole northern part of our country. Lives a little less than their evergreen representatives, on average about 250-300 years. In the list of our high trees, the Siberian cedar must also be noted (a little less than the rest, but an extraordinarily beautiful and spreading tree), beech, ash, birches (the height of some instances reaches 30-35m.). Each of the listed trees is pride and calls for a responsible, careful attitude towards our nature.

2016.02.12 by.

All trees are magnificent plants, it is only worth noticeing, but some of them stand out especially. There are the highest in the world, there are the lowest. It does not matter exactly what a record beat trees from this list, they all deserve special attention.

10. The oldest tree in the world, USA

In this forest, there are trees that are 5,066 years old, which means that they watched almost the entire history of human civilization. If only trees could talk, these would have wondered for us amazing stories!

9. The world's highest tree, USA

Nicknamed by Hyperion, this sequoia grew by 115.5 m, which is higher than the famous British Big Ben Tower and Statue of Freedom in America.

8. The world's widest tree, Mexico

Once it was believed that this photo shows a lot of woven among themselves, but the DNA test proved that in fact we in front of us one barrel with a diameter of 9.38 m! Its not so easy to get around.

7. Most Value Tree in the World, USA

This is General Sherman (General Sherman) and he is a sequoia, as well as the proud owner of the world record among the largest trees in the world. This title General received for what occupies a perimeter at 31 m and towers above the Earth on 83 m. This tree is very much, if you can express it.

6. The most cheerful tree in the world, Bahrain

The nunted tree of life is a fair reason, this tree is known that it has already supplied with water all living things in the middle of the fruitless desert.

5. The world's smallest tree, Maple Miziz, Osaka

Before you, a real tree that is still alive and grows in his tiny pot. Its height is 2.54 cm! Of course, the vomigi (Momiji) did not grow up, but was brought by the chief gardening bonsai, the famous Imperial Garden.

4. The most multicolored tree in the world, Hawaii

This rainbow eucalyptus acquired such a color thanks to the layers of the bark, which are often replaced by exposing each time a new color palette.

3. The most poisonous tree in the world, North America

Mancinellular tree is not the tree that it is worth hugging. And its fruits, and the bark can cause you a very unpleasant reaction, so be careful when meeting.

2. The most fruitful tree, India

Today, people know how to collect maximum crops due to selection and gene modifications, but this Indian tree has grown so generous on the bananas on their own and gives them around 477 pieces per year!

1. The fastest growing trees, USA

Before you Pavlovnia felt or imperial tree. It is famous for its incredibly rapid growth - 4.57 m per year. The height of the mature tree is 12-15 m, which means that it grows in such a height of just 3 years!

Trees on the planet Earth appeared long before mankind, later people began to widely use wood in everyday life for construction and other economic purposes. These representatives of flora differ in height, form, habitat and now for many centuries they do not cease to surprise with their diversity. It is possible that many wondered how the highest or biggest tree in the world is called, then the information below will be an interesting reader.

General characteristics of giant plants

Among the examples of gigantic sizes, eucalyptus, sequoias and firs are dominated, separate specimens can reach a height of several tens of meters. Many factors affect growth, the main temperatures are considered the main temperature over the year and its oscillations, the distance to the ocean and the elevation of growth over the sea level.

High recordsman

The absolute winner in this category is the Hyperion tree - grows in the State Park "Redwood" in California.

In 2015, the height of the highest tree in the world was recorded at a mark of 115.61 m, after which they were obtained by the title of the highest on Earth, which is currently growing. Refers to the kind of sequoia evergreen (Sequoia Sempervirens) of the cypress family, the maximum age of representatives of which is up to 2000 years.

The record holder was opened in August 2006, when 2 botany-naturalist, Michael Taylor and Chris Atkins, decided to remove measurements from this sample. It turned out that its height was then equal to 115.55 m, and in 2015 the diameter of the trunk at 1.4 m from the surface of the Earth was 4.84 m. Experts assess the volume of wood in 502 cubic meters, regarding ages call numbers within 700- 800 years.

Outwardly, it looks strictly and concise - a conical view of the crown and a slim barrel. The bark is thick, has a red-brown shade, its width can vary up to 30 cm.

The leadership of the National Park decided not to announce the exact place where it grows up the greatest attraction, because of fear that the lively flow of tourists from all over the world can cause irreparable damage to the natural ecosystem surrounding "Hyperion".

Experts, with a recent examination of the upper part of the trunk, noticed damage caused to dyatli. Unfortunately, they do not give the possibility of "Hyperion" to grow further, the growth will be able to continue only in width, so other participants have dozens of tetgers of the highest trees every chance to overtake the current winner of this category.

According to Wikipedia, there are 15 contemporary trees with a height of over 110 m.

Huge giant

"General Sherman" is the name of the largest tree in the world, which is considered to be a representative of the secoirendron giant.

Grows in the American grove "Sequoia" in California, has a nomination "the largest volume and mass, which grows today on Earth."

This is the hardest living form of life, having truly colossal parameters, and the annual growth in the width of the calculations of specialists is 1.5 cm:

  • height - 83.8 m;
  • circle of the barrel at the level of the earth's surface - 31.3 m;
  • the diameter at the base is 11.1 m;
  • crown scope (average value) - 32.5 m;
  • total mass - 1910 t;
  • the weight of the trunk is 1121 t;
  • volume of trunk - 1487 cubic meters;
  • age - within 2300-2700 years (according to Wikipedia). However, there are a number of versions proving that he is not more than 2000 years old.

Botanist James Walverton in 1879 called it a tree-giant name to William Temums Sherman - the famous General of the United States, under the leadership of which he had the opportunity to serve for several years. Later, in 1931, experts found that this particular copy is considered the most powerful in the world.

"Giant Forest", where during the millennium this titled winner is growing, today is a popular tourist destination, where you can make excellent pictures for memory against the background of a huge sequoy.

Researchers have established interesting facts that suggest that the "General Sherman" wood can build a house on 6 rooms, and the volume of oxygen, which it forms is almost 120 kg per year, which is enough for 3-4 people.

January 2006 For a huge trunk, the loss of a large branch was marked, the diameter of which was equal to 2 m, and the length was almost 30 m. In the fall, it spoiled the enclosing fence and the road. The incident, none of the staff in the park did not see, it is believed that it is the protection of disadvantaged weather conditions. But, even having lost this part, the tree still keeps his title and further.

Giant in Russia

It is difficult to accurately answer which tree is the highest in Russia, because there is no official register of botanical winners in the country. However, on the territory of the Forest Federation, there is a significant part of the lands, so there is almost every area or the edge than to surprise in the plan of the flora records.

The highest representatives of the country

Fir - an evergreen coniferous tree of a family of pine, widely found in the Taiga of Siberia, can reach a height of 60-100 m and a diameter of 1.5-2 m. It has a direct barrel and a plurality of branches, ranging from the very base. Also, Siberian cedars can also be attributed to the category, which can be rising just below 40 m.

A tree, which is located in the National Park "Sequoia", in the mountains of Sierra Nevada (USA), is considered the largest tree on the planet. This is a giant sequoia called the General Sherman Tree (General Sherman). Also, this tree belongs to the title of the largest living creature on the planet.

Height tree of General Sherman It is more than 83 meters. Regarding the cities of the giant, the following can be said: the trunk circle is 24 meters, and the crown circle is 33 meters.

In the nineteenth century, a researcher John Mwer came to this area, who called this place "Giant Forest", as it was impressed by the giant sequoias growing here. This name has taken root and so far this part of the park is called.

Many tourists from all over the world come to watch the Sherman General Tree. And it always affects them with its sizes. Most often, they describe a unique tree as an orange-red "stone", whose vertex is almost impossible to see from below.

The Sherman General Tree received the name of General William Sherman, the Hero of the Civil War. Now, on the background of this attraction, many people dream of this attraction: next to the giant sequoia they look very small and fragile.

For decades, it was believed that a uniquely high tree lives on our planet over three thousand years. However, recent studies helped to establish the Sherman General Town more accurate age. It turns out that it is young enough - he is only two thousand years old!

Thus, this sequoia is not the oldest tree in the world. The oldest California pine is considered, whose age was 4484. But she could not dial a larger age: in 1965 she was cut down. Sequoias were also cut down, which were about three thousand years. However, scientists hope that somewhere on earth is still growing five-thousandth trees.

In 2006, the largest branch was falling off in winter from the tree of General Sherman. Its diameter amounted to more than two meters, and the length is more than thirty meters. Thus, the tree lost the part of its spreading crown. At that moment, when the branch fell to the ground, she damaged the fence and the road. But even after such a "deprivation", the Sherman General Tree still owns the status of the largest tree on the planet.

In order for even people with disabilities to get to the Sherman General Tree, a comfortable special track leads to it. Brick tiles tracks are posted to those places where the roots of the modern biological miracle begin.

Annually, the diameter of the barrel of a giant sequoia increases by 1.5 centimeters. From this it is clear that the Sherman General Wood is alive, and it is still developing and grows. California State National Park website gives a certificate that every year a unique tree adds as much as it would be enough for the construction of five or six-bedroom houses.

If we speak at all about the giant sequoys, their adult trees often grow up to 100 meters in height, while the diameter of their barrel is 10-12 meters. On the annual rings it was found that the oldest giant sequoia, which grows on Earth so far, has an age of 3.2 thousand years.

Incredible facts

If you watched the movie Avatar, you probably impressed the forest Pandora. But to see the most fantastic trees, you do not have to go to the intergalactic journey.

Trees are part of our lives, supplying us with oxygen, food, houses, warmth and construction materials. There are about 100,000 different types of trees, including a quarter of all kinds of live plants on Earth.

Among billion trees around the world there are completely unique amazing representatives.

1. Giant Sequoia "General Sherman"

Giant sequoia that grow in Sierra Nevada California is considered the largest trees in terms of volume. The largest tree is " General Sherman" in Sequoia National Parkwhose height reaches 83 m, the volume is about 1,486 cubic meters. m, and weight more than 6000 tons. It is assumed that the tree is somewhere between 2300 and 2,700 years, and every year the tree is gaining so much wood as it is contained in the usual 18 metering tree. It is a real natural masterpiece and the greatest living organism on earth.

2. Pando aspen: Pando

Pando or Trembling giant Located in Utah, the United States, is an amazing massive colony of the aspen trees, sprinkled by 100 acres of Utah. Almost all trees of this colony are genetically identical, that is, they are clones of each other. Each tree in this area grows from one bodyBeing part of a giant underground root system.

Pando It consists of 47000 trunks, and its collective weight is 6600 tons, which makes it the most difficult organism in the world. Despite the fact that the average age of individual trunks is about 130 years old, the whole body is already about 80,000 years.

3. Taxodium Mexican: Tula Tula

Tula Tula is a particularly large tree type Taxodium Mexicanwhich is located near the city Oaxaca in Mexico. This tree the biggest grip (58 m) and the diameter of the barrel, which is 11.5 m. It is said that Tree Tula. So fat that you don't hug him, and it hugs you.

It is believed that the tree is about 2000 years old. For a while, the unfriendlies argued that in fact three trees are masked here, but a careful analysis of DNA confirmed that this is one beautiful tree.

In 1994, the tree was under threat: the leaves acquired painfully yellow and everywhere were dead branches. Tree died. When the trees were called "drugs", it turned out that the problem, because of which the Tula tree was injured - this is an ordinary thirst and treat it with water. Naturally, after careful water procedures, the tree came to life.

4. Tree of Life

The tree of Life In Bahrain, it the most lonely tree in the world. The Meskite tree is located at the highest point of the Bahrain's fruitless desert, hundreds of kilometers from other natural trees. It is believed that its roots are stretched for several tens of meters to aquifer. The exact age of the tree is unknown, but it is assumed that he is more than 400 years old.

However, mystery Tree of Life It is not in its size, age or form, although it is quite large and very beautiful. The most amazing thing is that it is worth a mansion in a fruitless desert at the highest point of Bahrain, in which there is absolutely no water. In the place where nothing could survive, this tree seems to radiate the life itself. People come here crowds, as the locals believe that the tree stands on the site of the paradise garden.

5. Vollemming

Despite its uniqueness and beauty, interesting qualities Volleymia They are not hidden in appearance, but in its history.

Waitgrowing in Australia is a real live dinosaur. Oldest fossil tree Wait dated 200 million years ago. When in 1994, scientists suddenly discovered a living tree WaitThey were just dumbfounded.

The exact location of these coniferous trees was carefully hidden, in order to protect those remaining trees, which are less than 100 in nature. In order to save these trees from extinction, in 2006 the program began, which allowed the general public to buy seedlings Volleymia And now they can be seen in various botanical gardens.

6. Cashew Wood Pirangi

This is a famous tree located near the city of Natal in Brazil, is a 177-year-old cashew tree, which covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman who did not know that the tree had a genetic mutation that allowed him to take so much space. Unlike the ordinary tree cashew when the branches of the tree Pirangi. Try to the Earth, it starts roots and continues to grow.

Today, this tree serves as a tourist attraction. If you approach this largest cashew tree in the world, you will seem that you enter the forest. In fact, all this is one tree, the size of which reaches 8,400 square meters. m. Tree 80 times more middle wood cashew And it covers the area more than a football field, bringing about 80,000 fruits per year.

7. Trenel tree

Tennel tree is mentioned in this list because it no longer exists. Lonely acacia growing in the Sahara desert in Niger in Africa, which was over 300 years old, was the only tree within a radius of about 400 km. It was the only tree that remained from a huge forest, which absorbed a merciless desert. When scientists dug the pit next to the tree, they found that his roots descend to a depth of 36 m below the level of groundwater.

In 1973, Tennel tree knocked a drunk truck driver, and today a metal monument was built in this place. Lonely Tennel Tree.

8. Banyan: Mahabodhi Tree

Banyan Tree is named after Banyanov or Hindu merchants who sold their goods, sitting under this tree. Even if you have never heard of the Banyan tree, you will probably find out. The shape of this gigantic tree is not confused with anything: the majestic dome with air roots, which descend from the branches to the Earth.

One of the most famous types of Banyan called ficus sacred or tree Bo. is an mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, on Sri Lanka. It is said that the tree is grown from a draft of the real tree, under which Buddha reached enlightenment in the 6th century BC

Being planted in 288 BC, it is the most ancient tree in the world, planted man with an accurate landing date.

9. Baobab

Madagascar is considered to be Madagascar, he is also common in Africa and Australia. Baobabe trees are the most ancient forms of life on the mainland of Africa and many of those that cost this day, they grow from Roman times.

Amazing baobab or " monkey bread tree"It can grow up to 30 m in height and 11 m wide. Most of the year they remain without leaves . A characteristic feature of Baobab is their puzzled trunk, which serves as a storage of water. Tree Baobaba can accommodate up to 120000 liters of waterTo survive heavy drought conditions. Some trunks are so big that people live inside the tree.

One of the most beautiful clusters of baobab types Adandsonia Grandidier Located on Baobab Avenue in Morondava In Madagascar. Some baobabs acquire the shape of a bottle, skull and even kettle.

10. Dragon tree

Dragon Tree B. Icode de Los Vinos In Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands is a unique representative. It is believed that he is between 650 and 1500 years old, but experts are hampered in exact conclusions, since he does not have one barrel. He is more consists of a variety of small trunkswho hold on to each other as it grows up.

It has a dense canopy from the leaves and got its name due to the resin, which stands out when it is cut off its bark and leaves. Residents believe that this is the dried blood dragon blood and from ancient times use it to treat various ailments.