• Properties Mumiya
  • What is useful mummy
  • The composition of Mumiya
  • How to drink mummy

Mountain resin, ozokerit, tears of giants, wax mountains, bragshaun, mummies, stone oil, blood of mountains is all about mummy, about the legends of unknown origin, which pushes people to countless disputes about the need for its use.

Already more than three thousand years, people know about it and are used in the treatment of various diseases, for the fracther's fractures, in cosmetology and to extend lives.

But not everyone considers mum by Panacea. Some argue that the improvement of mumia is simply the type of self-sustaining and the placebo effect.

It says a lot and that it is just ridiculous - believe in some product and expect that he will save from all diseases and ailments will return health, beauty.

So he treats Mumina and does it actually treat?

Mumia is a plastic natural substance like a resin. The origin of the mineral biological. The mummy color varies from light brown to black, also occurs color. The mummy is smooth and with the wrong, crumbling structure, it happens the same and similar to the frozen glass, transparent and opaque. In any case, the mummy has a specific balsamic smell and similar properties and composition.

Mumia is found in the mountains in various countries and regions, such as Caucasus, Nepal, Australia, Iran, Central Asia, Altai, India, Mongolia, Russia, South America, North Africa and some others.

Mumiya has been widely used in folk medicine for several millennia. The traditional medicine has not yet completely studied, which action is having a mummy to the human body, and therefore does not greatly trust this tool, but it came to the belief that it helps the sick people to cope with the ailment and recommends that it applies it in addition to the course of prescribed drugs .

Let's figure it out that he treats mummy? To do this, we present a complete list of diseases and ailments:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, post-infarction state, heart failure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract: intestinal disorders, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, increased stomach acidity, reduced stomach acidity, cholecystitis, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, digestive disorders, elevated appetite, lowered appetite, intestine atony, hepatitis , gastritis, gallstone disease, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, belching, constipation, poisoning.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: runny nose, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, angina, cough, nasal bleeding, tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary bleeding, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, pansynusitis, sinusitis, qualiation of upper respiratory tract.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision: barley, glaucoma.
  • Hearing organs: purulent otitis, reduction of hearing, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system: cystitis, ulcer bladder, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
  • Oral diseases: periodontal disease, Haleit, Stomatitis, snaps in the corners of the mouth.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, radiculitis, dislocations, stretching, bone-tuberculosis processes, articular pains, rheumatism.
  • Endocrine diseases: diabetes, pancreatitis, elephantism.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, burns, purulent wounds, abrasions, hematomas, cuts, stretch marks, long healing seams, ulcers, acne, psoriasis, furuncula, eczema.
  • Prevention and treatment of colds: ORZ, ORVI, influenza.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system: men's infertility, female infertility, eryosia of the cervix, erosion of the vagina, weakened sexual function, inflammation of dairy glasses with a stitch of milk, cracks on the nipples.
  • Blood diseases: anemia, radiation disease.
  • Edema.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system: epilepsy, headaches, neuralgia, migraine, dizziness, stuttering, sleep disorders, neurodermatitis, facial nerve paralysis.
  • Low immunity.

So, what he treats the mummy, we found out, now let's deal with how much mum is worth and where it can be purchased.

You can purchase mummies in almost any large pharmacy or specialized outlets.

Also a wide selection of mumia is presented in a variety of online stores.

Mumia can be purchased in the form of capsules, tablets, pasta, balms, or in the form of small briquettes and plates.

In pharmacies, Mumia is sold in tablet form. For two hundred milligram package containing 20 tablets, you will be asked from 45 to 90 rubles. But in mumi tablets, it is customized under the standard, diluting for it with additional components, respectively, the mumion in the tablets remains very little.

A much greater concentration in mummy in the form of a balm. Such a mummy is sold in small jars and has the appearance of unrestained resin. For the stogram jar of balm with mummy, on average, Russia will have to pay 250-350 rubles.

But the most useful is purified or solid mummy. Although the price of such a product is significantly higher. It is sold in the form of small plates. One such plate weighing two grams has the price of about 24-35 rubles.

Also purified mummy can be sold in briquettes and have a slightly more plastic structure. For fifty grams of briquetted mumia, you will have to pay five hundred and five hundred fifty rubles.

It is worth noting

Wrongs the question "What treats mummy?" and reviewing reviews on numerous forums dedicated to this product by analyzing and summarizing them, it can be concluded that the overwhelming majority of people using mummies are very satisfied with the action of this natural natural substance.

Many are divided by recipes, which includes mummies, paint the whole process of treatment, the techniques that they used in various diseases. You can find various tips on the reception, for example, how to take: an empty stomach or a full stomach? What to breed: in milk, water, brave of herbs or honey?

A huge number of reviews is devoted to the use of mummy in cosmetology. Many marks positive changes when caring for hair and skin.

Most of the reviews put in the first place among many species Mumia Altai Mumie - a means of eastern alternative medicine.

What properties of mumia are most relevant in our time

The unconditional plus mum is that it is a unique natural product of natural origin, with a unique biodegrad and mineral composition, but not containing any "chemistry." Has a wide range of action.

The present high-quality mummy is a solid, brilliant, dark brown or coal-colored substance resembling resin. Lizoving mummy, you can feel bitterness. The mummy diverges into the liquid without the residue, but crude, it contains the splashes of dust, sand, clay and similar foreign particles. When dissolved in water, the means turns out a saturated coffee color.

Unique therapeutic properties of mummy. It helps in treating a huge number of illnesses. In the process of treatment, the healing properties of mum are affected directly to the entire human body, including all processes occurring in it. When treating traditional medicines prescribed by a doctor, we can be sure that we will find about six carefully selected components in each of them. The mummy also includes no less than fifty elements selected and connoissed naturally.

Mumia contains many important components: phosphorus, calcium, succinic acid and many others.

If you are not confident in the authenticity of the selected product, it is worth paying attention to such a property of mummy as a plasticity. In the process of kneading in the fingers, the Mumiye of High Quality will begin to swell through a short time, the falsification will remain solid and nothing will change. In this case, it is not even excluded that in front of you fake.

Prettyly interesting is the fact that mumia has practically no contraindications to use. But still one should not take it with the individual intolerance to the components of the mummy. You should also be careful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when using children under the age of three years.

Even the irrational use of mummy in overestimated volumes does not impose negative processes on the body. The healing properties of the mumia envelop all sides of the organs and the bodies as a whole, without managing care.

The use of mummy in Eastern medicine is practiced for two thousand years. The positive medical effect of the healing properties of the mummy on the human body is still not fully understood, but, with all the volume, the healing properties of the mummy are recognized as traditional and alternative medicine in every corner of the planet.

Adding even a small amount of mummy extract into means helping to take care of hair, face and hands, withdraws their quality to a fundamentally new level and gives additional positive characteristics.

The sequence of states that determine the actions of this natural healer are incredibly difficult to understand, but irrefutably the fact that Mumia really has a special, good and useful impact on the organization and life of human. Reception mumia increases the protective forces of the body, stimulates them, and also normalizes disturbed states.

We list the main therapeutic properties of the mummy:

  • Active recovery of bone and muscle tissues, skin and mucous covers.
  • Activates the functions of the peripheral and central nervous system, helps to fight headaches.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Displays toxins.
  • Accelerates metabolism and promotes weight loss.
  • Restores the joints, strengthens cartilage, increases the elasticity of intervertebral discs.
  • Healing a variety of wounds, hematomas, cuts.
  • Natural constructive property.
  • Treatment of various cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, heart attack, sclerosis and similar diseases.
  • Assistance in restoring the ability to conceive and in female gynecological problems.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, is useful for oncology.
  • Reduces stretching.
  • Strengthens protective functions and increases life expectancy.

What is useful and from which mummy helps

Mumia, by virtue of its natural origin, is undoubtedly one of the best funds for which we have to say nature Many thanks. His abilities are almost endless.

It is worth noting

Mumia is not a stimulator, but a stabilizer of all biological processes of the body.

Mumia is counted for an adaptogenic group. This means that the mummy simultaneously and tones and stimulates the body, thereby helping it to adapt to various extreme and harmful conditions.

What is useful mummy? In the fact that when used, it gently displays the body to a new level of self-defense against various infections by strengthening natural immunity.

Even with a short period of use, the mummy marks an increase in vital energy, a person becomes noticeably more active, a blush appears and overall health improves, health improves. This is due to the fact that taking mummy even in small, but permanent doses, a person increases the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the composition of the blood.

Undoubtedly, it clearly helps to improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients of fabrics and human organs.

As a result, an increase in the efficiency of the whole organism as a whole is carried out.

People who use alternative medicine have long been no longer asked: from which Mumia helps. Answer one: almost from everything! The natural healing properties of the mummy managed to explain in this preparation of steroids, fatty acids, proteins and many trace elements. All these elements are miraculously combined in the structure of the mummy and profitably distinguish its composition.

Often parents are interested in the question: can the mummy be used to combat children's ailments? And what does the mummy help?

Children mumia can only be given in the form of an aqueous solution. To obtain the desired proportion, one gram mummy must be divorced in four tablespoons of water. In the teaspoon of the resulting solution there will be one tenth grams of the product.

Giving a child a mummy, you need to remember the correct dosage of the product:

  • Until three months, the use of mummy inside is categorically prohibited!
  • From three months to a year, the daily dose is 0.03 - 0.06 grams
  • From one year to nine years, the daily dose is 0.15 grams
  • From nine to fourteen years, the daily dose is 0.3 grams

It is worth noting

The reception of mumia gives the incentive of the child's immune system, and thus increases the body's resistance. In some pre-school institutions, where children are given mummies, they managed to reduce the incidence of colds twice, even in the autumn-spring period and with flu epidemic.

Modern science is proved by the presence of mummies of fungi, similar to its impact with penicillin. Therefore, mummy can be used as a bactericidal drug in the relief of infectious diseases associated with inflammatory effects, such as ORVI, stomatitis, angina and the like.

The value of the use of mummy in the treatment of children is that the mummy is a vegetable-mineral drug and does not contain harmful chemical additives, which is definitely important for loving parents. The only minus can be considered that not all kids mumia like the taste.

Children's fractures, dislocations, and simply numerous bruises and abrasions represent a large problem. For the speedy recovery of your favorite tea, you can also use mumens. It contains all the necessary substances for this.

Invaluable use of mummy to women. Consider what mummy helps in various female states.

During pregnancy, many women try to prevent stretching.

This can help a simple recipe using mummy:

  • Step 1. Washed 5 grams mummy;
  • Step 2. Add a teaspoon of water and stir until complete dissolution;
  • Step 3. Add the resulting solution into one packaging of the fatty children's cream and mix thoroughly.

Use such cream on problem areas you just need only once a day.

It's important to know

Women in any condition always want to be beautiful, charming, shine. But often, instead of the princess from a fairy tale in the mirror, you can see the earthenware of the skin, an extremely dull hair and aura of impassive fatigue. Familiar picture? This is especially manifested in the conditions of large cities, with unbalanced nutrition, constant stress. It is known that when problems with the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, the body is unable to cope with the withdrawal toxins incoming from outside and function normally. The result, as they say, on the face.

Help in this will be able to Kyrgyz mummy. Due to its unique structure, somewhat different from the rest of the mummy, the Kyrgyz mummy in its composition can successfully compete with multivitamins. What is useful in the mummy in this case, so this is the fact that it, helping the liver and the gastrointestinal trash to bring "trash" from the body, restores the efficiency of all organs and systems, which in turn increases the performance, tone, mood and quality of human life.

During the lactation, women may face such problems as cracks on the nipples and inflammation of the breast (mastitis). Noticing the cracks on the nipple, should be immediately lubricating them with 5% aqueous mummy solution. Otherwise, there is a risk of breast inflammation. In this case, the temperature can jump, and the chest itself becomes dense, it seems to be "shooting" sharp pain.

Alas, in the launched state, mastitis is treated only by operable. And at the beginning of the disease, the reception of the water tincture of the mummy with the addition of the juice of the black currant couple with the appointed physician drugs can defeat the starting inflammation.

To prepare such a solution we will need:

  • One gram mummy.
  • Two glasses of boiled water.
  • One glass of black currant juice.

Take for ten days across the tablespoon three times a day before meals.

What is mummy

Sometimes it is fashionable to hear questions: "What do mummy do from what is it made?". This is a product of organic origin. Mumina is part of creams, shampoos, medicines.

Mummy includes:

  • alcohols;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • acids;
  • amino acids;
  • paraffin hydrocarbons;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;

Mumina is Altai, Siberian, Caucasian, Tibetan, Himalayan, Arabian, Iranian, etc. It is called in honor of the place where it was discovered. According to metals, in most people found in mummy, it is divided into species.

Four main types of mummy:

  • Gold mummy from dark orange to burgundy color.
  • Silver mummy milk color.
  • Copper mummy azure or dark blue.
  • Iron mummy (most common) all kinds of brown-black shades.

How to breed mumia and how to drink mummy in pills

To cosmetology and medicine, many recipes contain natural mummies. But you need to know the rules of how to breed mumia. The main thing is to use indoor temperature water.

Using the mummy in the plates, they should first grind into the mortar, and then dissolve, gradually adding water. Five grams of mumia should take 50 milliliters of water. Taking twice a day on a teaspoon before eating such a tincture you can quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To get rid of the prevention of wrinkles, twice a day should be wiped the skin with a ice cube prepared from such a solution.

Masks made on the basis of a mummy solution will make your skin shine, will give her elasticity and align the color. Also, wiping the face with a solution of mummy will help get rid of acne.

To strengthen hair bulbs and hair health, many use a mummy shampoo. But how to breed the mummy in this case? Just put 7-9 mumy tablets into your favorite shampoo.

For well-being, it is important to get rid of the diseases in time. After all, the attack of pancreatitis, rheumatism or ordinary headaches are easier to warn, taking mummy than to suffer and treated. But what to do if you are allergic? In the fight against it will also help the mummy. How to drink mummy in this case: the main thing to observe the dosage. The daily dose of an adult is 25 mg of mummy.

We dealt with mumia solutions, and how to drink mummies in pills? Best of all, of course, consult a doctor, so that he appointed a dose suitable for you. But if there is no such possibility, then the rule of 25 mg per day for an adult is valid. Take mumens in tablets half an hour before meals twice a day.

And most importantly: when taking mummy, alcohol is categorically contraindicated!


Therapeutic properties of the mummy and from what diseases he treats

Good time day! Before reading the recipes for the treatment of diseases by medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, tell a little about yourself. Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a phytotherapist with a 40-year-old experience. When you read the article, advise you to care your body and health and do not immediately begin to those methods of treatment that are described below and will now tell why! There are a lot of healing plants, drugs, grasses fees, which have proven their effectiveness and about them a lot of good reviews. But there is a second side of the medal - these are contraindications of application and the associated diseases of the patient. For example, few people know that the tincture of Boligol cannot be used in chemotherapy or when applying other drugs there is an aggravation of the disease and you can be confused. Because you would not hurt, better consult a specialist or your attending physician, before applying various treatment methods. Health to you and are treated correctly.

My page in Odnoklassniki, add to friends - OK.RU/Profile/586721553215.

Read more about me here: Phytotherapist Konstantin Makarov.

"The tears of the mountains" are so called the east of mumens, medicinal raw materials, from dark brown and to black, with a specific aroma. This healing substance has been widely used in alternative medicine for another three thousand years ago. Even today, in spite of the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, the doctors recognize his invaluable benefits. But the specifically useful mummy for the body, and how to take it properly, you can learn from this article.

What is useful mummy

The benefits of the substance lies in its particular positive impact on the human body. Mumia is considered a strengthening agent that eliminates congestive biliary education, and also copes with inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, the substance has a whole radical properties:

  • used as a bactericidal agent;
  • regenerates and removes toxins from the body;
  • treats fungus;
  • destroys infections;
  • applied when frostbite or burns;
  • mummy is used for fractures, as well as bruises and other wounds;
  • helps people get rid of poisoning, pain in the head;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • treats liver, kidney disease, heart, bladder and vessels;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • perfectly strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood quality.

This is not all the beneficial properties of the healing substance, in fact, the list is much larger, because more than 80 valuable components are included in the composition, including hormones, metals, oils, vitamins, and so on.

Therapeutic properties of mumina

Below is a small list of good and tested recipes:

  1. Mumia is useful to drink if there are constipation and other disorders of the digestive system. It will take from the morning, on an empty stomach dilute 2 grams of powder in a glass of water and drink tool. The course of treatment with a cooked drink is 2 weeks or more.
  2. If there is damage to the skin, then the substance can be used externally. To do this, you will need to make a porridge from the powder with the addition of a small amount of water. Then the cashem is applied to the affected areas of the skin. After complete drying, you can wash off the medicine with water. Use until the wounds will not be lit.
  3. If there are problems with breathing tracks, honey should be used with mummy, the beneficial properties of which are significantly increasing in a tandem with a bee product. To prepare the drug, 1 gram of the mummy powder with 1 tsp should be mixed. Honey. After that, it is recommended to leave the medicine in the refrigerator for solidification. The finished medicine is accepted several times a day, slowly chewing and allowing it to dissolve in the oral cavity.
  4. As a lining agent, it is recommended to apply 8-10 grams of mumens by 0.5 kg of honey. Further, the ingredients are mixed and used according to 1 tbsp. In the morning, before meals. After 21 days, it should be paused for 7 days and re-repeat the reception rate.
  5. If the insomnia and pain in the head worries, then before bedtime, about an hour, it will take to dissolve 1 gram of powder in warm milk and drink composition. After a couple of weeks, a healthy dream should be resumed, and frequent headaches will be held.
  6. For people who suffer from joint pain, as well as at various nurseries and other outdoor problems, compresses should be made. Depending on the volume of application, it should be used from 2 to 10 grams of a substance that is warm up into the cake. After that, the cake must be put on a problem area and shut it with a scarf bandage. Such a compress is better to leave for the whole night, and use no more than once every night. Otherwise, irritation may appear on the skin.
  7. Many are interested in the question than useful for women drug. This is an excellent tool that helps to overcome cellulite. To prepare anti-cellulite cream, it will take a dilute of 4 grams of resinous substance in a small amount of water, and then combine with 100 grams of cream for children. This means is used once a day. It is applied only on problem areas, and stored in the refrigerator.

Information for reading: Peppermint useful properties and contraindications


Like many other healing agents, the mummy has not only therapeutic properties, but and contraindications. Initially, it should be selected that the abuse of this substance is not allowed, and it is not compatible with alcohol. Contraindications of the use of mumia are the following states:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • children's age up to 14 years;
  • bleeding;
  • tumors of unknown origin;
  • elevated blood pressure.

Side effects are excluded if you stick to the correct dosage.

Be healthy!


Mumina is a bioorganic compound containing a combination of zoomelaneoid and tricarboxylic acids, a complex of minerals. Nature itself took care of a unique composition of components that help heal a number of diseases.

The healing effect of mumia is manifested in biostimulating and regenerative processes. Also, the bioorganic compound has an adaptogenic and endoprotective effect. The list of indications for the use of mummy is quite wide. If the patient does not help the most modern pharmaceutical agents, it is worth adding mumia to the methods of basic therapy.

When taking a unique bioorganic compound, it is possible to significantly strengthen the process of regeneration and trophy of tissues, suppress the growth of malignant neoplasms, restore the function of affected organs. Adaptogenic properties of mum are in the ability to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome, normalize blood pressure, hormonal background and immunity, restore the excretory and antitoxic function of the liver, increase or reduce the number of leukocytes. Mumy has a diuretic effect and helps to clean the body from excessive salt, toxins, poisons, Slags, lactic acid. In the ulcer of the ulcer of the stomach and duodenal of the mummy helps the scarring of the mucous membrane, the recovery of appetite, the normalization of the acid balance. It is necessary to use a bioorganic compound by dissolving in water 0.5 g twice a day for two weeks. After a fourteenty-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated. Liver and kidney diseases are treated with mumens. To prepare 3 g, the mum is dissolved in two or three liters of cold boiled water and used 20-30 mg of solution 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and before bedtime.

With constipation, intestinal atonia, colitis, mumia take 100 ml twice a day on an empty stomach. For the preparation of the solution, 2 g of mumy and 1 liter of boiled water are used. The same way of use is recommended when leaving, vomiting, nausea, heartburn.

Inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, chronic allergic diseases, purulent otites are treated with a mummy, taking 0.3 g three times a day. Pre-bioorganic compound is dissolved in a small amount of water, milk is added to turn out to be a volume of 200 ml and a teaspoon of honey. In addition, the mummy helps in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, diabetes, headaches, migraine, epilepsy, paralysis, bronchial asthma, tumors, burns, cuts, rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, neurodermatitis, infertility, hemorrhoids, cystitis.

Currently, the mummy can be bought in a pharmacy in the form of tablets, ready-made solutions for intake, powder. The method of use and doses are indicated in annotations.


What diseases helps mummy


Mumia - what it is what treats and useful properties, instructions for use in tablets

Folk medicine uses recipes with this ingredient for more than 3 thousand years. Enjoy the means and now, but most people do not know why they drink the mummy and that it is at all. According to the name it is not clear that this medicine is and from what ails helps. Spectrum of the mummy is very wide.

What is mummy

If we consider from the visual side, then the mummy is a substance of mineral origin, it looks like a dark resin. Colors may differ, but they all belong to the brown gamma. The form of the substance can be different, structure, transparency also have a different degree (it can be solid as glass or drums). What is useful than mumia in folk medicine, more than 3 thousand years are already known, but all the qualities of the funds have not been studied so far. This medicine is found in different countries, more often in mountainous locations, for example:

  • India;
  • Caucasus;
  • Altai;
  • Middle Asia;
  • North Africa.

There are several ways to make a mummy: in the form of tablets or ointments for local applications. The choice of the method depends on the goals set before the treatment. Local use is often used in cosmetology. To treat other diseases, the Mumina Altai is suitable in the form of tablets. The price of this natural medication is relatively low. Mummy - useful properties and contraindications of this fund will be described below. With it, you can:

  1. Treat cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, thrombophlebitis, hypertension.
  2. Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver. You can treat ulcers, gastritis, intestinal disorders, chronic or ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Receiving tablets will help to normalize appetite, the acidity of the stomach.
  3. Treat the ailments of the respiratory system: pneumonia, runny nose, cough, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, laryngitis, angina, sinusitis, etc.
  4. Get rid of barley glaucoma.
  5. Cope with the problems of hearing organs: purulent otitis, inflammation of the middle ear, decline in hearing.
  6. Treat the pathology of the urinary system, kidneys: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, ulcer bladder.
  7. Get rid of oral diseases: stomatitis, periodontalism.
  8. Treat the musculoskeletal system: dislocations, fractures, articular pains, radiculitis, stretching, rheumatism.
  9. To carry out the therapy of endocrine pathologies: pancreatitis, elephantism, diabetes.
  10. Treat skin diseases: dermatitis, burns, abrasions, stretch margin, purulent wounds, psoriasis, hematoma, to the eczema.
  11. Conduct with colds: influenza, ARVI. Mumina Altai is suitable for both treatment and prevention.
  12. Get rid of hemorrhoids.
  13. Cope with allergies.
  14. Treat blood pathology: radiation disease, anemia.
  15. Cure the pathology of the reproductive system of women, men.
  16. Remove swelling.
  17. Enhance immunity.
  18. Get rid of the pathologies of the nervous system: paralysis of the facial nerve, epilepsy, headache, neurodermit, sleep disorders, stuttering, dizziness.

In terms of its characteristics, Mumia Altai is a unique tool of natural origin. However, with all its useful properties there are a number of contraindications. For example, it is impossible to combine the reception of the means with alcohol use. Eliminate alcohol should even be eliminated with the external use of the medication. Other cautions when using the means:

  • it is impossible to give mummy to a child up to 12 years;
  • in the period of breastfeeding, pregnancy, the reception can not be allowed;
  • an application should be abandoned if an individual allergic reaction was manifested;
  • with caution to be treated with this tool in the presence of hypertension, disorders of the nervous system.

Mummy from stretch marks

One of the uses of this natural tool will help girls to improve the appearance of the skin. Mummy from stretch marks is used in the form of a local drug. The traces of the skin can remain after a sharp decline in weight, childbirth, that makes girls worry about their appearance. Therapeutic properties of mumia have regenerating effects, completely eliminate fresh stretch marks and significantly reduce the visibility of the old, color is aligned, the size, the depth of the crack decreases.

There are many positive feedback among women who tried mummies during stretch marks. It is recommended to use a classic recipe. You need to use the cream 2 times a day, rub in massage movements into damaged skin for 20-30 minutes. The process of cooking cream is very simple:

  1. Take 5 g of Altai Mumina.
  2. Dissolve 2 h. Warm water. It is not recommended to take more liquid, because the ointment will not get the desired consistency.
  3. Take 150 g of your body cream.
  4. Mix all the components, wait 15 minutes and can apply ointment.
  5. Store the tool is necessary in the refrigerator.

Mummy for face

This is another sphere in cosmetology where this component is applied. Facial mummy helps to improve the appearance of the skin, smooth out small wrinkles, align the color. Sleep need a fine layer every day on the face. Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to melt 20 g of wax and 40 g of butter.
  2. Stir the ingredients to cool down.
  3. In 1 spoon of water, dissolve 15 g mumia.
  4. Mix together components, add 1 h. L. Meal juice. Deliver a homogeneous state.
  5. If you have a children's cream, you can use it instead of wax with butter.

Mummy for weight loss

The beneficial properties of this tool contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes in the body. It helps a person to turn food that has entered into energy, and not fat deposits. Macro- and microelements that are part of the composition are helped to achieve this effect. During the use of the means, the reducing fatty food should be reduced as much as possible, eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, completely eliminate alcohol. The instructions for the drug indicate how to drink mummy for weight loss. A person is enough 0.2 grams per day for 3 weeks to fill the balance of missing elements.

Mummy with fractures

There are several types of fractures, but they all have a long period of recovery. Using a mountain resin helps to reduce the term of capture until 16-20 days. The mummy during bone fractures is often prescribed by traumatologists, because the tool has a positive effect on the body as a whole, for example:

  1. Stimulating component properties accelerate the healing process.
  2. A set of vitamins and useful pills elements helps to compensate for the body negative reaction to the injury.
  3. On the 14-15 day there is an increase in the concentration of alkaline phosphatase, which is important during the regeneration period of bone tissue.
  4. Normalizes the level of calcium, potassium, inorganic phosphorus in the blood, which accelerates the growth of bone tissue, which controls the bone marrow.
  5. In comprehensive therapy, the means helps to normalize transaminase activity, which improves the enzymatic activity of the body.
  6. Promotes sleep normalization, appetite, body temperature, weight, decrease in puffiness.

Mumina - instructions for use

If you bought this tool in the form of a tablet, then the instruction must be in the package. It will indicate that the reception is carried out or immediately as woken up, or three hours after the last meal, it is recommended for another 40 minutes to hold in bed. Mumina, the instruction of which goes along with tablets, can be prepared independently in the form of ointments. Apply a fine layer is recommended before bedtime.

So that during rubbing did not stick to the ointment, they should be pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. A tool must be on an empty stomach 1 time after awakening or twice behind the knocks (in the morning and evening). The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If you have been treated late, it will be possible to repeat therapy after 10 days. If the taste is too bitter, you can dilute the product with honey.

This is a special form for lovers of alternative medicine. Mummy tablets are sold on any pharmacy without a prescription, for the manufacture, a mountain resin extract was really used, but it was subjected to chemical, thermal processing. For this reason, part of the beneficial properties of the funds are lost. Harm this medication will not apply to anyone, but also the benefits will be less than from the resin in kind.

People more often buy mumina tablets, because they are much easier to find them, the price of them below and drink it easier (no need to breed, cook). The daily dose is 1-2 tablets depending on the state of the person. Correctly pick up the dosage will help the doctor, besides, it can immediately say whether there is no conflict with other drugs. Treat pathology using only mumi tablets, it will not work, so they must be part of the therapy scheme.

Mumina Ointment

A person has a choice - to buy a ready-made version or prepare alone from a piece of resin. The mummy ointment is shown for use inward if the gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed. Calculate the dosage of the means can be based on the weight of a person. The daily amount of ointments should not exceed 0.5 g. Drinking solution is recommended after awakening. The external use of the means is practiced in the treatment:

  • injuries, bruises;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • plexitis.

The article is talking about mummy, tell me what it is, than it is useful, how to take a medicine correctly. You will learn about the benefits and dangers of the drug, about the rules of use, contraindications to its use.

Appearance (photo)

This is an organ-mineral product of the natural origin of a resid-like consistency of brown or dark brown. The resinous mass is often used in alternative medicine, Ayurveda. The medicine is called Bragshun, mountain resin, mountain balsam, mountain wax, mountain oil, mumiya Asil, mummy, tea-tun.

The tool is pieces of inhomogeneous dense, solid mass with an uneven or grainy surface. Sometimes its surface can be matte or shiny. The consistency of the substance is fragile or turnoplastic. Inside are visible vegetable, mineral or animal origin. The connection has a specific odor.

What is done? The process of its education has not yet been studied, rowing rocks, soil, plants, animals and microorganisms take part in it. The drug shape of the product is made from this substance, cleaning it from impurities.

The field of raw materials is in Russia, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Iran, Arabia, India, Indonesia, China, Africa, South America, Australia.

Benefit and harm

Useful properties of the drug:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • anesthetic;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitussive;
  • secretory;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • wound-healing;
  • lusting.

The benefits of the means for the entire body explains its wide use in folk, alternative medicine. The product is used in cosmetology.

In home cosmetology, the preparation for the face is effectively used. Having antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, the tool sunsites the skin, eliminates inflammation, so apply the connection from acne. Antioxidant, rejuvenating, regenerating properties allow you to use the product from wrinkles, dry skin. For rejuvenation, you can mix substance with succinic acid. Helps the substance from scars. It is used to prepare masks for body skin, effectively compound from cellulite, applied.

The use of resinous hair consistency is indisputable. It is used as part of home masses, added to the shampoo. The tool improves the blood circulation of the scalp, strengthens the roots of the curls, therefore use the natural mass during hair loss. The compound accelerates regeneration processes, moisturizes hair, protects against environmental impacts.

The substance, the benefit for the body of which is known for a long time, is used externally and inside.

The tool struggles with infections and eliminates inflammation in the body. It is used to treat the coldic diseases of the ENT organs, is used with hyimorite, angina, influenza, other diseases. A substance with inflammation of the urinary system is coping.

Useful stomach substance. It contributes to the release of gastric juice, increases appetite, improves the process of digestion. In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, raw materials relieves inflammation, it will stop pain, speeds up the process of recovery. The substance is used for the ulcer of the stomach, gastritis, to get rid of nausea, heartburn, meteorism.

Since the natural medicine has a sedative, anesthetic effect, it is used for headache, insomnia and more serious diseases of the nervous system. The drug has a soft soothing effect, improves sleep quality, eliminates overexcitation and neurosis.

For the respiratory system, natural medicine is useful due to anti-inflammatory and antitussive action. The tool cleans the bronchi, lungs, facilitates the flow of sputum, eliminates the cough.

The benefits of the medication for the human body lies also in the regulation of metabolic processes and processing processes of hormones. The tool improves the operation of the organs of the endocrine system - the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries. Due to the normalization of metabolic processes, mummy helps with diabetes.

The benefits for the musculoskeletal system consists in the regenerating properties of the natural product. They provide rapid healing of wounds, therefore, they use mumens for fractures, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The substance for the joints is useful, it accelerates regeneration processes, eliminates articular pain. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, so the medicine is used to treat arthritis and rheumatism.

Medication is useful for hematopoietic and blood systems. The natural product improves the composition of the blood, strengthens the walls of the veins, arteries, makes them elastic. Helps with hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

The benefits of resinous matter for women is to normalize the hormonal background, treatment of gynecological diseases, infertility. It is necessary for the medicine and for men - it increases the sexual function, improves spermatogenesis, increases the chances of successful conception of the child.

Effectively. The compound improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body. It is used externally to get rid of cellulite.

Harm medication is possible with improper use of substance. Carefully take medicine with allergies. Do not abuse the product and do not take it for a long time so as not to cause addiction.

Read more about the benefits of Mumia you will learn in the following video:

What is the substance

Chemical composition:

  • amino acids;
  • humic acids;
  • fulvocyuslotes;
  • benzoic acid;
  • hypuric acid;
  • organic fatty acids;
  • resin;
  • gum;
  • albumin;
  • steroids;
  • terpenoids;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium.


The chemical composition of the connection is inconsistent, may vary depending on the deposit. At the location of the location, such varieties distinguish appearance:

  • Koprolite - petrified phyto or zoorganic residues with a mixture of fragments of rocks, soil formations. This medicine contains from 10 to 30% of extractive substances that have a physiological effect.
  • Muminous breccia - large-grade rocks, which are connected by a mumyenosny clay mass. Such a medication contains only 0.5% to 5% of extractive components.
  • Evaporite - Education in the form of icicles, nodes, films, spots that cover the walls of the caves, grottoes. Such a substance is difficult to extract, it is practically unrealistic on sale for sale.

From which he treats

Medication helps with different pathologies:

  • ENT organs - ORVI, flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, angina;
  • respiratory system - bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis;
  • digestive system - dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach;
  • nervous system - headache, migraine, insomnia, neurosis, neuralgia, epilepsy, convulsions;
  • endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, hypothalamus, adrenal glands;
  • hematopoietic, cardiovascular system - anemia, hypertension, heart failure, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • urinary system - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • musculoskeletal system - fractures, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism and others;
  • sex system - men's and women's dysfunction, infertility;
  • immune system - immunodeficiency, allergies, histamine diseases.

Also, medication is used to treat dermatological diseases. The tool eliminates inflammation, disinfects the skin, speeds up the regeneration processes.

How to take a natural product

For reception inside, raw materials need to be breeding in water

In this section, we will tell if you can drink medicine and how to do it right.

How to take a mummy natural - 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. A single dosage is 1.5-2 grams. Control course continue within 10 days, then take a break for 5-10 days. If necessary, the course repeat.

Depending on the disease, the dosage may increase, but the daily dose should not exceed 6 grams.

To know how to drink well, you need to know how to dissolve the substance. It is dissolved in water, milk or juice.

For a reception inside 2 g, the preparation is bred in 10 tablespoons of boiled water of room temperature. Do not add cold or hot water.

To increase the therapeutic effect, use a medicine with other means, for example, with honey, for the treatment of joint diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver pathologies. Honey enhances the useful actions of the resinous compound, in addition, such a medicine is much more tastier.

Outwardly, you can use ointment with a resinous compound. Ointment can be prepared independently or buy in a pharmacy. In the pharmacy you can buy a mummy with sea buckthorn or calcium. Ointment is recommended to apply before bedtime.

In cosmetology

The natural medicinal product contains collagen, giving the skin smoothness, elasticity. The tool eliminates wrinkles, cellulite, skin sorcement, pigmented areas. Regular use of the resinous connection prolongs the youth of the skin.

At home, the substance is used in several ways:

  • add to masks for face and hair;
  • we prepare ice cubes from infusion of a resinous compound, use it for rubbing the face;
  • add to shampoo to strengthen hair.

Consider the recipes for the use of the product.

To strengthen hair

The mask strengthens the bulbs of the hair, contributes to the growth of curls.


  1. Mumiya - 4 g
  2. Honey - 1 tbsp.
  3. Yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Repene oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass.

How to use: Lubricate your hair and scalp. Lose 20 minutes, wash the chamomile decoction.

Result: Strengthens hair, contributes to their growth.

From acne and pigment spots

The mask from acne rash and pigmentation heals microcracks on the skin and whiten the darkened areas.


  1. Mumina - 15
  2. Creamy oil - 40 g.
  3. Wax - 20 g.
  4. Aloe juice - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Smoliest raw materials add to the water spoon, wait until it is dissolved. Melt the wax and oil, mix with a resinous compound, aloe juice.

How to use: Lubricate the skin of the face with the cooked agent. Lose 15 minutes, wash the water.

Result: Senses acne, brightens the skin.

Where to purchase

The drug can be purchased in specialized online and offline stores. In pharmacies you can buy tablets and ointments. The price of 50 g is 250-350 rubles.

In the pharmacy you can buy a mummy in tablets

How to distinguish a natural substance from fake:

  • always dark color - from brown to black;
  • the surface of the product that was cleared, glossy;
  • the substance has a weak, but specific smell, resembles oil;
  • when contacting with hands should soften;
  • natural substance has a bitter taste, acid and sweetness.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation period (mummy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since its influence on the fruit is not investigated);
  • intolerance to the substances included in the product;
  • oncological diseases.

Use natural medicine to treat diseases in children. However, before applying, consult with your doctor.

What to remember

  1. Mumina is an organ-mineral product, has useful properties.
  2. For intake, it is bred in water, juice, tea or milk.
  3. Before using the medicinal product, you must consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that the use of Mumia began in the Middle Ages, scientists have not yet come to a consensus about true origin of the product. According to one of the versions, it is a substance that appears due to the modification of the biological mass - plants, excrement of animals, microorganisms and rocks in the conditions of mountains.

Natural mummy has brown or dark brown, less often black, it plastic, and when kneading it becomes softer. He has a brilliant surface, a bitter taste and a peculiar smell that resembles the smell of chocolate and manure. If the mummy put into the water it dissolves and paint the liquid into brown color.

Mums are produced in grumps and caves located at a huge height. Despite the fact that the substance fields are found around the world, their number and reserves are limited. Mumia is able to recover and form new ones or icicles, but the process can last as 2 years, so 300 or more years, therefore it is considered a rare and valuable product.

What is useful mummy

The benefits of mumia lies in a unique effect on the body. It has a lining, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, bactericidal, regenerating and antitoxic effect. It has long been used both in medicine and in cosmetology. With the help of mumia, fungal, inflammatory and infectious diseases were treated. This substance was used by frostbite, fractures, bruises, purulent wounds and trophic ulcers.

Mumia helps to get rid of poisoning, headaches, myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, liver diseases, bladder, heart and vessels. It is favorable on the nervous system, eliminates stresses, irritability and depression, improves blood quality and strengthens immunity.

Different action is due to the unique composition of the mummy. It contains more than 80 most important substances for the human body: hormones, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids, resid-like substances and metal oxide. Mummy includes many trace elements: nickel, titanium, lead, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, iron, aluminum and silicon.

Please note that during treatment, the mummy is prohibited to use alcohol.

How to take mumiya

Mumina can be taken to prevent or treat inward or use externally in the form of ointments, compresses, masks and rims when skin or hair problems.

Mumia should be taken by a course of 3-4 weeks, 1-2 times daily. In the morning the drug is recommended to use half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening after dinner in 2-3 hours. For the best effect after taking the mummy, it is advisable to lie 30 minutes.

External application

For the treatment of mumia minor skin damage, 10 gr. Means dissolve in half a glass of water and lubricate with a solution 2 times a day damaged areas.

Purulent wounds must be lubricated with a solution prepared from 30 grams. Mummy and half of a glass of water.

To get rid of articular pain, mastitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, injections and other similar problems make compresses with mummy. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged area, you need to take 2-10 gr. Tools, to stretch into a thin cake, impose on a problem area, wrapped with polyethylene and secure the bandage. Compress is recommended to do at night no more than 1 time in 2-3 days. More often, the procedure cannot be carried out, because strong irritation may occur. The mass remaining after the compression is allowed to use several times.

It has proven to the mummy in. For the preparation of a cosmetic agent, it is necessary to dissolve a small amount of water 4 grams. Mumina and add to 100 gr. Children's cream. Use the drug is recommended 1 time per day, inflicting on problem areas. Store such cream in the refrigerator.

Mumia is a solid organ-mineral healing agent of dark brown or black, which is widely used in traditional, and in folk medicine. The mummy includes about 50 natural components, which are able to have a pronounced effect on all systems of the human body. Traditionally, the mummy is used as a lining agent during the recovery period after infectious and other diseases, as well as in the postoperative period.

The composition of Mumiya

Mumia is formed in the caves of mountains, which are at an altitude of 300-3200 m above sea level. It consists of different components - this is the poison of insects, and the remains of plants, and animal shells, and the products of livelihoods of the caves in the mummified form. The surface of this gift of nature is usually smooth, but it can be slightly rough, the color is dark brown, the taste of the mummy is bitter, there is a specific, not the most pleasant, smell.

If we talk about the chemical composition of the product under consideration, it is worth paying special attention to its inorganic and organic elements. It is known that it is known that the mummy has iron and silver, calcium and sodium, antimony and barium, tin and cesium, organic acids.

In general, the chemical composition of mummy is variable and depends on where this valuable substance was formed.

Beneficial features

You can make a very long time to argue about the beneficial properties of the mummy - there are really many of them, this natural product has a positive impact on the work of all organs and systems of the body. In this section, allocate only some useful properties of the mummy:

  1. Regular use of the substance under consideration improves metabolic processes, normalizes the work of the intestine and all organs of the digestive system. Thanks to these properties, mumia can be used for, as auxiliary therapy in chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as the prevention of thyroid pathologies and.
  2. Mumina is a universal cosmetic agent.

Mumina: Contraindications to use

Despite the unconditional benefit to human health, mummy can apply tangible harm to the body. Therefore, doctors emphasize that there are contraindications to the use of this natural product.

The use of mummy with diagnosed malignant tumors and against the background of increased blood pressure should occur only when controlling the attending physician and after receiving permission to such procedures.

Note: Harm The mummy can apply in case of improper use - you need to know exactly how when and in what doses you need to use this natural product.

How to use mummy

The product in question is sold in pharmacies in the form of ointments, powder, tablets and suspensions. Of course, the optimal option will be the use of natural mummy, but it is very difficult to find - there is always a danger to acquire fake and harm your own body.

And to apply for medical purposes, the mummy can be in the following ways.:

  1. With diseases of the skin, the mummy and clean water can be made from the powder and clean water with a casczyce mass and apply lesion to foci. The tool remains on the skin until complete drying, and then washed off with water. As a diluent of powder, you can use not simple water, and the decoction of the daisy dosage or vico.
  2. To strengthen the immunity, you need to take 1 kg of honey and add 10 grams of mummy to it, mix everything thoroughly, store the tool in the refrigerator. Take this remedy you need 1 tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach for 20 days. Then a weekly break and the course can be repeated.
  3. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and quickly cure 1 tablespoon, mixed with 1 gr. Mummy powder. Puting in the mouth, the remedy needs to slowly dissolve, trying to hold it longer in the oral cavity.

  1. If you are bothering or other disorders in the work of the digestive system, then you need to dissolve 2 GB of mummy powder in warm clean water and consumed everything in the morning on an empty stomach. Such a procedure should be carried out within 2 weeks, then a five-day break is made and the course can be repeated if necessary.
  2. If worried

Mumia is widely used in alternative medicine. Nevertheless, the attitude towards it has always been ambiguous. Somewhere and once, he was excelled and believed, almost a panacea, and sometimes he was subjected to violent and not always fair attacks. It is time to figure it out in this matter, relying on the solid soil of proven facts, and, without deepening in the debris of guesses and speculation.

What is mummy

Mountain wax, mountain resin, Mountain Balsam - as soon as it is not called! These metaphorical and beautiful definitions make us consider this tool something unusual and even magical. In fact, the mummy is not a wonderful elixir and not poison; He is only what he represents.
Under the conditions of highlands in Rasseks, the rocks This substance is formed by the interaction of rocks of rocks (mineral component) with recycled organic compounds from the resins of trees, the excrement of birds and bats, decomposed corpses of animals, expanded plants, lichens, etc. The mummy is cleaned of impurities, resulting in a dark (depending on the composition, the color may be from honey to black) plastic mass.

Action and Indications Mechanisms

Mummy effects suggest that the key moments of its action are biogenic stimulation and immunomodulation. Simply put, its components activate the metabolism in cells, the deficit of certain organic and mineral compounds is replenished, and also activate the work of immunity. Thanks to this mummy, healthy people can be used to prevent infectious diseases (for example, ARVI in the autumn-spring period).
The tool helps well with different injuries, speeding up the processes of tissue regeneration. This means that it can be shown patients with fractures and burns. In the same principle, the treatment is happening during gastritis and ulcerative disease.
A positive impact on the exchange processes make it possible to use it in the syndrome of chronic fatigue, frequent stress, neurosis. Mumia can take women who recently entered into the climax: the high content of minerals allows to slow down the formation of osteoporosis.
It is reliably known that the bactericidal and restoring effect contribute to improving the condition of the skin, making it possible to use the mummy during acne, scars and stretch marks.
There is an opinion that the tool is perfectly treating gynecological, cardiovascular diseases and blood disease. Doctors can not say anything about this, since the mechanisms of its action in these states are unknown. So this moment remains in question.
Regardless of the disease, mummy can only be used at the stage of recovery, when the patient has no sharp symptoms.
It is the opinion that during treatment you need to abandon other medicines. This statement is not true: mumia is appointed only as an additional component of basic therapy.


Unfortunately, there is quite a lot of restrictions on the militia.
For example, it is recommended as an excellent allergy remedy. However, modern doctors consider the body's hypersensitivity rather contraindicated. In fact, allergic is the "wrong" immunity response for some substance. So why increase this reaction? For the same reason, it is impossible to use mumens in rheumatic diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia), because in this case the immune system is aggressively acting on the cell cells.
It is contraindicated pregnant, as it helps to increase the tone of the uterus and can lead to the development of allergic diseases in a child (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma). Also, the mummy is not used in children and under cancer. Strengthening the exchange processes, it accelerates the growth of tumors.

How to choose mummy

Mumia is very different in appearance and properties, so sometimes a person cannot immediately determine the product quality or not. However, good mummy is a security deposit for the patient.
If you buy a mummy, do it in a pharmacy, not in individuals. Those types of raw materials that offer us from hand, often have a low degree of purification and the worst quality; Sometimes you simply can't know what it will be with you under the guise of medication, so it's not worth the risk.
A good mummy looks like a dark, not crumbling mass, which when heated becomes softer. Mumia is perfectly soluble in water. When stirring, a transparent brown liquid without precipitate is formed.


In various sources you can find different options for mummy dosages. Most often we are given quite large scatter: from 0.1 to 0.5, unfortunately, in this case, the rule "the more, the better" does not work. In high doses, the mummy has a toxic effect - simply speaking, you can easily choose.
From the point of view of official medicine, the selection of the dose is competently carried out on the basis of the patient's body mass. So, the average dosage of mummy is considered 0.1 g (a piece with wheat grain) for people less 60 kg and 0.15 g (with a matchbox) for patients who weigh more.

Clinical studies and official medicine ratio

Any practical doctor considers the possibility of using mummy through the prism of doubt. It is easy to explain, because the attitude towards any drug is more careful than:
a) "stronger" its active ingredient and
b) more in it components.
Mummy includes more than one and a half hundred different biologically active substances: organic acids, vitamins, mineral connections. In addition, their content is incomprehensible. The composition of the mummy is individual depending on the field: the ratio of components in different samples can be completely different.
In the appointment of drugs, doctors are accustomed to rely on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Any medicine before it goes on sale, multi-step clinical trials passes. But even after the medications appear on the pharmacological market, they continue to be investigated: the optimal doses for certain diseases are determined, the features of their metabolism continue to be studied, remote effects are tracked. For research to be reliable, tens of thousands of patients should participate in them.
The maximum number of people at which the therapeutic effect of mummy was 4,000 people ... no one had spent more extensive research. In addition, they received it not from one source, then there is, in fact, the medicine had a different composition. Therefore, despite the fact that the mummy is studied at many departments and Research, reliable results for it have not yet been received.
It must be recognized that today the mummy is a poorly studied remedy, despite the enormous global experience of its application. Let's hope that further searches in this area will allow us to clarify many moments. In the meantime, you must use it wisely and carefully, so that it is accidentally not harmful.