Among natural factors the most powerful means of human health improvement is the forest. It is the largest producer of healing air and its unrivaled purifier. The air of the forest, saturated with ozone, filled with medicinal aromas, extremely cleaned of dust and harmful impurities, is a powerful means of ensuring high labor productivity, a source of inspiration, health and active longevity.

Each of us, being in a forest or park, felt how easy it was to breathe in the shady coolness of the trees. It is hardly possible to oppose anything to the forest, which causes so many pleasant sensations, so it raises a person's working capacity and mood.

Forest air contains more than 200 biologically active, volatile substances. They significantly improve mental and physical performance, the work of all body systems (including the cardiovascular system), increase the body's resistance to various infections and toxins, the hemoglobin content in the blood, normalize the pulse rate, and improve pulmonary ventilation.

The forest enchants with its beauty and variety of colors. The forest landscape is pleasant and not tiresome at all, even with prolonged contemplation.

The silence reigning in the forest, the variety of bird sounds and color tones, the predominance of calm green and blue colors cause positive psycho-emotional reactions. The blueness of the sky, combined with an emerald dress of herbs, flowers, trees and bushes, awakens mental and physical upliftment in a person.

In the morning, when the wind is weak and the air is warmer and drier, the conditions for rest in the forest are most favorable. During the day, although the forest air is cooler than the city air, it is heat combined with high humidity and weak air movement creates less comfortable conditions for a person. The birch forest and grove are especially pleasant for walking. Deciduous forests with a sufficiently closed crown of trees protect from direct sun rays... This is especially useful for elderly and old people who do not tolerate heat well. It is noted that the microclimate of deciduous and mixed forest softer and more favorable for the body than pine.

In the course of their life, the leaves of trees and different plants absorb carbon dioxide and release free oxygen. On a sunny day, 1 ha of mixed forest absorbs an average of 180-220 kg from the air carbon dioxide releasing the same amount of free oxygen. On an area of ​​1 hectare, a forest absorbs an average of 8 kg of carbon dioxide per hour, i.e. the amount that 200 people exhale during this time. A 20-year-old pine forest with an area of ​​1 hectare absorbs 9350 kg of carbon dioxide daily and gives off 7250 kg of oxygen. And 1 hectare of 60-year-old pines releases about 10 tons of oxygen per day, i.e. slightly more than mixed. The most active oxygen suppliers are poplars. 1 ha of such trees releases 40 times more oxygen into the atmosphere than 1 ha of spruce stands.

Lack of oxygen in the body (hypoxia) leads to the progression of aging and atherosclerosis, the accumulation of harmful under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic and pyruvic acid, urea, etc.) in the blood, promotes thrombus formation, impaired respiration and blood circulation.

The forest significantly reduces noise. Noise is one of the strongest enemies of human health. People who stay for a long time in the zone of strong noises acquire, in addition to hearing disorders, neuroses, circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal diseases... Strong noises (above 70dB) mainly affect the autonomic nervous system, weaker noises (below 60dB) affect the central nervous system. The higher in tone the noise, the higher the frequency of sound vibrations, the more harmful it is to health.

Strong noises cause numerous pathological changes in the human body. The most important of these is the narrowing of the lumen of the arterial blood vessels.

Complete, absolute silence that a person experiences in a pressure chamber. It is just as unacceptable to him as long-term noises. The sounds of the forest are not annoying with their monotony. Forest noise, just like noise sea ​​waves, has healing properties. It stimulates human creativity, calms the nervous system, actively affects emotional sphere, invigorates and pleases a person.

The forest detains and absorbs not only noise, but also wind speed. In winter, it decreases in the forest by 60%, in summer - by 90%. The following dynamics of wind speed in the forest is observed: above the tree crowns it decreases, inside the crowns it dies down, and near the soil surface its speed approaches zero.

The forest has good dust-holding properties. It can trap up to 70% of dust particles from the air. The dust settles on tree trunks, branches, leaves, sticks to the resinous substances of the needles. Dust that has fallen from the upper layers of the air onto the trees goes into the soil with rain.

The dustproof properties of trees are different. Conifers filter the air throughout the year. The crowns of 1 hectare of coniferous forest trap annually 32-36 tons of dust, oak - 56 tons, and beech - over 63 tons. Wood also filters radioactive particles from the air and can retain up to 50% of such dust. By retaining moisture, it prevents the soil from drying out and the formation of dust particles.
The forest also has medicinal properties. It is noticed that the percentage of sick people, the number of days of disability due to illness is much higher where there is less vegetation.

are of great economic and environmental importance. They are some of the most valuable forest builders in our northern hemisphere, these forests have the function of regulating the climate, preserving water reserves. In these forests, a very large amount is harvested various types berries and mushrooms. Taiga is home to an incredible number of species of the most valuable animals and birds.

The air in pine forests has very healing properties, this air is especially useful in the treatment of lung diseases. For reference: the air in such a forest is more sterile than in the operating room. In the thickets
of the pine forest, valuable fur animals (sable, squirrel and many other species of valuable living creatures) are very often found. But pine nuts are rightfully considered one of the most valuable gifts of the taiga. They grow on elfin, Korean and Siberian pines... Pine nuts are rich (about sixty percent) in pine nut oil.

This oil is the most important product all, almost without exception, the food industry. The wood of the cedar pine is also widely used by man. Our great - great - great ... great-grandfathers and grandmothers also noticed that cedar pine is a highly durable material that is resistant to decay. It is for this reason that lumber from cedar pine have become very widespread in the manufacture of furniture (in a cabinet made of cedar pine, the moth does not start), in construction, and
many other, varied and not very, types of production.

One cannot ignore one more trade - the extraction of resin. This very valuable product is processed, getting turpentine and rosin from it. If we also take into account that vitamin C is obtained from needles in simply incredible quantities, and charcoal is made of excellent quality from hemp (remaining after cutting down), then without exaggeration, it is not only possible, but it must also be said that there is no more valuable gift from our mother earth than pine forests. Among other things, pine trees perfectly clean the air even in heavily gassed metropolitan areas, they are very beautiful and durable. It is for this reason that pines are increasingly found in city parks, alleys, flower beds (and they feel noticeably better than other plants).

The beauty of the pine forest amazes the imagination of a person who sees it for the first time. Just a gigantic, innumerable, variety of plants, animals, birds and insects is able to "wipe its nose" with any exotic rainforests... In addition, being in a pine forest is not only pleasant, but also very useful.

In most cities, you rarely find coniferous trees. Basically, they prefer poplar, birch, linden, mountain ash, apple trees. Meanwhile, it is the conifers that are able to deal with many problems of the modern metropolis and improve the health of many of its inhabitants. So what are the benefits of coniferous wood?

Coniferous forest - a guarantee of clean air

Many, probably, noticed: it is worth being in a coniferous (pine, spruce forest) - and it seems as if breathing has become much easier. And it's not just a feeling. It is the conifers that are rich in phytoncides - substances that suppress bacteria that cause disease. It was found that these biologically active substances are able to suppress even the bacilli that cause tuberculosis. It is no coincidence that anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums and hospitals are located in the territory of coniferous forests.

The coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body. Regular walks or jogging in it relieve nervous tension, stress, improve gas exchange, and, in general, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the broncho-pulmonary system. They are irreplaceable for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, smokers.

Ephedra - a storehouse of vitamins, protection against colds, flu, nervous exhaustion

The needles are the record holder for the content of vitamin C. They are not inferior in this indicator to black currants, sea buckthorn, and lemon. Russian seafarers who consumed coniferous infusions did not suffer from scurvy, a disease-scourge of many discoverers of unexplored lands in the seas and oceans.

Scientifically proven that pine cones contain in large quantities tannin is a substance that prevents the death of brain cells. It is especially effective in the prevention and treatment of strokes.

Russian and foreign epidemiologists consider the use of masks soaked in essential oils of pine, larch or fir during an epidemic of influenza and respiratory viral infections as an effective preventive measure.

It has been proven that regular coniferous baths help restore the nervous system, fight stress, neuroses, and insomnia. It is an excellent remedy for relieving fatigue, tension, recovery vital energy... It fights the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Needles also help with articular diseases.

This is how pine needles have a beneficial effect on the health of an individual. And what are the advantages of using it on the scale of a single settlement, be it a metropolis with a million or more population, or a small town?

Conifers in the city: advantages

Of course, the abundance of deciduous trees in the city is oxygen, a beautiful, well-groomed appearance, "rest" for the eye, a cool shade on a hot summer day. But in the spring and autumn, problems begin. First of all, this is a flowering that causes severe allergies with a runny nose, tearing. The second "inconvenience" is falling foliage. The problem of its disposal is quite acute: cleaning, incineration, the need for a large number of labor and vehicles.

Unlike their deciduous counterparts, trees such as fir, larch, cedar, pine, ate much more economical in this respect. Their waste - cones, scales, needles - is much easier and easier to remove and dispose of from roads, sidewalks, lawns. Therefore, more and more urban landscaping experts advocate the gradual replacement of deciduous trees with conifers.

The second tangible advantage of conifers over deciduous ones is that they emit oxygen all year round and at any air temperature. In addition, they have a powerful disinfecting and disinfecting effect.

Conifers are also excellent noise absorbers. In conditions where automobile transport does not stop moving either day or night, this property of them becomes especially relevant. No wonder modern doctors even introduced the term "noise sickness". It has a very destructive effect on the human body, since the atmosphere of constant, incessant noise does not allow the nervous system to fully recover. It has been found that conifers on city streets are several times better at absorbing "unnecessary" decibels than deciduous trees. It has been proven empirically that two planted along the road, in two rows, pine, spruce or fir neutralizes forty percent of the noise generated by road transport.

Coniferous trees have a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil layer in the city. Deciduous breeds gradually thin it, and the foliage that has fallen from them, ideally serving as a fertilizer-humus, for the most part collected from the ground and taken away. Ultimately - in any city from year to year the number of plots of "bald" land is growing, on which even the "ubiquitous" grass does not grow. Conifers, evenly, throughout the year, fertilize the soil with useful humus - cones, needles, scales from the trunks.

And finally, conifers directly affect the well-being and mood of a person. How nice, looking out the window on a gloomy autumn or winter day, among puddles, slush or dirty snow, to see a clean, fresh green spot - larch, fir or herringbone!

So, let's summarize the benefits of growing conifers in urban areas:

  • year-round oxygen evolution and carbon dioxide absorption;
  • preservation of the fertility of urban soil;
  • noise-absorbing effect;
  • savings on cleaning and disposal of waste trees;
  • green decoration all year round, on which the human eye can "rest".

What to look for when planting ephedra

Conifers should be planted in autumn, at the end of the growing season, from August to November, or in spring, from late April to early May. Do not plant them next to deciduous trees: rotted fallen leaves of the latter contributes to the appearance of yellowness on the needles.

Large conifers (from two meters high) are well planted in winter time... At the same time, the air temperature should be at least minus eighteen degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, frozen branches and roots can easily break off.

Coniferous trees planted in summer practically do not take root: the root system does not have time to grow into the ground, and to be saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Ephedra can be planted in two ways:

  • seed-cones;
  • saplings.

Let's consider the first way. Seed material - the buds must be High Quality and fully ripe. Green, unripe specimens are not suitable! Seeds are pre-stratified: first, they are placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of minus four to plus four degrees Celsius. After some time, it is increased. Instead of a refrigerator, you can use the cellar.

When planting seedlings, keep in mind the following:

  • The plant must completely exit the growing season.
  • The soil needs drainage.
  • When planning a planting, it is necessary to imagine how the tree or trees will look in a few years: whether it will not be cramped for it, whether it will intertwine with the crowns / branches of another tree.
  • The seedling should be bright green and healthy. root system... Material with yellowness on the crown should be discarded immediately: it may have "got sick".
  • The size of the seedling hole should be twice the size of the root.
  • It is advisable to add a little sand and special fertilizers to the soil.
  • The ground around the newly planted tree must be properly tamped and a bucket of warm water poured onto it.
  • Do not hide the neck of the root deep in the ground. Otherwise, the tree may not take root.

How do you know if everything is okay with a young tree? You need to wait a bit: a properly planted plant will begin to sprout and young, green, healthy leaves.

You should know that the condition of the soil (the degree of moisture, the presence or absence of nutrients in it) largely affects the survival rate of the seedling.

What conifers take root best? First of all, it is a pine tree. It does not require special care and is growing rapidly. In addition, finding her cones or seedlings is quite easy.

For planting conifers in urban conditions, seeds are practically not used. The seeds of conifers are difficult to germinate, and in conditions of poor, depleted soil, this is almost impossible. Any conifers are very afraid sunlight, so plant them on open area it does not follow. They also do not need abundant watering.

In addition to the sun's rays, birds and pests should be attributed to the enemies of conifers.

Good morning dear guests!

Let me start a story about our project. The very idea of ​​creating of this project arose from our teacher in preparation for the lesson on the topic "Essay-description based on the painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin" Morning in a pine forest. " She intrigued us and asked us for help, and we supported and began to collect material on the topic. Our parents and sister Oyumaa worked with us.

Project hypothesis - Is it true that pine forests have medicinal properties?

And this is what we got ...

The purpose of our project: learn as much as possible about the pine forest.

Municipal budget educational institution

average comprehensive school S. Erzin.

Research PROJECT

"What is the use of a pine forest?"

Completed: Students of grade 4b

Serzhinmaa Tana, Artaeva Ksenia,

Dam Nachyn, Mizhit Emelyan;

7b grade student Oorzhak Oyumaa

Project Manager:

Teacher primary grades Yendan B.D-S.

Erzin - 2014


To acquaint students with the peculiarities of the pine forest: healing properties, flora and fauna.


    Development cognitive activity;

    Development of students' abilities to think analytically: to classify, compare, generalize the collected material;

    Formation of a culture of speech, formation of the experience of public speaking;

    Formation of assessment and self-assessment of students;

    Formation of communication skills;

    Formation and development of responsibility, mutual respect when working in a group;

    Fostering a sense of love for the surrounding nature.

The effectiveness of the work done:

    Students became familiar with the distinctive properties pine forests, learned a lot about the medicinal properties of pine.

    Experienced feelings of love for nature.

    We learned how to select material on a given topic and design your message in the form of a presentation.

    Developed the ability to work in a group, fostering responsibility, conscientiousness, mutual assistance and goodwill towards other team members.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparation and course of the event

Types of work







    Communication of the topic and goals of the work

    Creation of four working groups

    Choosing a themeeach group

    Distribution of responsibilities in each group

1 lesson

Computer, projector,


Four student working groups

    Implementation of the project

    Preparing information

    Collection necessary information(data on pine, pine forests, photographic material, interesting facts)

    Registration of material on paper and electronic media

Search for information

on the Internet, in literature.

3-4 days

Internet, software products,


Collected material in electronic format.


project plan

    Selection interesting information for use in presentation;

    Registration of the project on paper or electronic media;

Finding the right one


Creating a presentation inMicrosoftOfficePowerPoint

1 day



"We are researchers of the pine forest"

    Presentation design

Creating a presentation using the information received

2 days


Presentation "We are researchers of the pine forest"


Project presentation

Conducting a virtual tour of the pine forest

1 lesson

Computer, projector, screen.

Excursion lesson




    Assessment and self-assessment of the resulting project;

Conversation, questioning

Developing student assessment and self-esteem



Editing the project based on the results of the reflection stage


Revised and updated product, presentation "What is the use of a pine forest?"


Re-presentation of the project

Conducting a virtual tour of the pine forest, talking about the benefits and medicinal properties of the pine forest.

1 lesson

Computer, projector, screen.

Repeated excursion

What ICT gave us:

    ICT is one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students;

    ICT - the ability to exchange information using Internet resources;

    ICT - increasing the level of education and self-education of both schoolchildren and teachers;

    ICT development and implementation of the creative potential of students;

    ICT helps in a more visual, intelligible and more a short time present material.

    acquiring specific skills in the use of ICT, gaining an understanding of wide range technical solutions (equipment and information resources);

Coniferous therapy is a proven way to combat many diseases for thousands of years, as well as their timely prevention.

It is not for nothing that there are legends about the health of Siberians. But the "Siberian health" and longevity is largely due to the unique climatic features region, which is also called "green lungs of the planet". The northern part of Eurasia owes this honorary title to the evergreen northern beauty - pine.

Fortunately, pine oases are found not only in the tundra and taiga, but in Ukraine there are also pine forests available for recreation and health improvement. On the territories of pine forests, dozens of holiday resorts, tourist centers, recreation camps for children have been built, and often people, resting in these unique zones, do not even think about the benefits of such a vacation.

Healing pine

It is estimated that one cubic meter of coniferous forest contains no more than 300 bacteria, that is, the air here is practically sterile! Air disinfection in pine forest occurs due to phytoncidal volatile substances that pine scatters. In addition, essential oils of pine, being oxidized with oxygen, release ozone, which has healing properties.

The unique pine air is especially useful for people who have various diseases respiratory tract up to pulmonary tuberculosis. Living on the territory of a pine forest contributes to the normalization of breathing, the amount of sputum decreases in patients, and the cough calms down. We can say that pine forest is a kind of giant natural inhaler.

By the way, even our ancestors determined that pine air promotes a speedy recovery and therefore generously laid pine branches in the room where the patient is. They did not forget about preventive measures during epidemics - the needles in the house neutralized the evil bacteria.

Do not forget about the experience of previous generations for people with respiratory diseases. And parents, whose children have the status of "frequently ill", are simply obliged to think about a trip to a boarding house or sanatorium located in a pine forest. Hundreds of children who were not affected by any medications were healed thanks to the natural pine environment.

Forest treatment

Is your goal to improve health, “harden” bronchi, get rid of cough? Go to the edge of the pine forest. Best of all during the warm season, when pine air is most useful. Bring plenty of clean towels, T-shirts, T-shirts and start your procedures. Wipe yourself off with a damp towel every hour throughout the day and change into a clean T-shirt. By the end of the day, you will notice that the cough will recede, and breathing will become much easier. Repeat the procedure several times (for example, over 10 days) and for a long time, and maybe even forget about the illness forever.

What else does pine heal

Choosing a boarding house located in a pine forest for treatment or recovery, tune in to the maximum benefit from this unique gift from nature to man.

Nervous system Pine air is a sure remedy for nervous diseases and an excellent natural antidepressant. Walking in a pine forest, inhaling the resinous smell of pine needles and listening to its rustling, a person gains peace of mind, inner harmony, distracted from everyday worries. No wonder the coniferous aroma is used in aromatherapy and is an excellent relaxant, and pine needles baths are an excellent remedy for nervous diseases.

A remedy for vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is a popular disease among sailors, it was from it that died famous billam Barents and Vitus Bering. The disease is caused by a lack of vitamins, and hundreds of lives would have been saved if the great discoverers of the northern lands knew about the saturation of needles with vitamins. Just imagine: needles contain as much vitamin C as black currant and sea buckthorn! Indigenous Siberians, knowing about this, ate young needles and did not even know which terrible disease brave sailors die.

Pelvic Diseases - For Those Of Their Kind professional activity you have to sit a lot, you often have to deal with lumbar pain, hemorrhoids, etc. Pillows for a chair made of fallen but clean needles, as well as spruce or fir, are simply irreplaceable for such people. If you constantly sit on such a pillow, the disease will gradually recede (of course, you should not rely only on the pillow - it is part of the general therapy).

Pine saves from allergies

A new treatment method develops in Sweden seasonal allergies- using a spray based on pine powder

Treatment of teeth and gums. Again, this method of treatment and prevention was known to our ancestors and was widely used in the nascent dental practice. Decoctions and infusions from needles and spruce cones are still used as a remedy for the treatment of dental diseases and bleeding gums, as a general strengthening and prophylactic agent. Today, pine needle extracts are found in many toothpastes, medicinal ointments and gels.

Pine here, pine there ...

In general, it is difficult to find that area in medicine where pine would be useless. At correct application it is effective for rheumatism, joint diseases, kidney and genitourinary system diseases.

But, by far, the most useful pine tree in its natural area habitat. So find an opportunity and go to the pine forest for health: physical and mental.

Anna Oryol


First aid kit in a suitcase

Review: hydrotherapy spas

Rest is a change of occupation

Needles contraindications or to whom needles are harmful?

Thousands of people go to the forest on weekends in the summer, pick mushrooms, berries, flowers, just relax and breathe the air. In winter, ski trips are organized. The benefits of such rest for healthy people can hardly be overestimated.

In coniferous forests middle lane, north and south, there are usually sanatoriums in which those who no longer need bed rest are treated and restored to their health. Stay of the sick in coniferous forest, as a rule, gives a good effect, promotes faster recovery of strength, health and performance.

However, practical experience shows that the coniferous forest can be harmful to health.

Who is needles harmful to?

Some people suffering from cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension, heart disease, bronchial asthma feel worse in a coniferous forest (especially in a young pine forest) in the warm season. They develop shortness of breath, palpitations, heaviness and pain in the region of the heart and behind the breastbone. Often there is a headache, dizziness, sleep worsens, a person becomes irritable. Moreover, as observations have shown, the more severe the heart disease, the more pronounced the oxygen deficiency and the worse the patient feels in the forest.

For some, a deterioration in well-being is noted already from the first minutes of being in a coniferous forest, for others - after 10-15 days. What caused this?

It is known that conifers constantly emit turpentine and other aromatic substances. The needles also release phytoncides (special volatiles that kill microbes) and a large amount of ozone. Studies have shown that it is on hot and calm days that the content of aromatic substances (especially turpentine) and ozone in the air increases significantly. At the same time, in the air of fields adjacent to the forest, where the same patients feel well, as a rule, it was not possible to detect the presence of turpentine. This is the "catch" of walks in the coniferous forest.

In the cold season (from September to April), the release of aromatic substances by conifers is significantly reduced. Therefore, for those who are harmful to needles, it is better to rest in it in autumn, winter or in early spring.

Purity forest air, oxygen saturation, silence of the forest make it possible to recommend health walks, especially in winter, to almost everyone.

Alternative video

7 facts about the benefits of conifers

We all know how good it is to breathe in a coniferous forest - and this is not empty words... The air in such a forest is literally saturated with phytoncides - biologically active substances, which have properties to destroy pathogens. They have a destructive effect even on the tuberculosis bacillus, which is why tuberculosis sanatoriums are usually built in pine forests.

Scientists have calculated that the air in a coniferous forest contains no more than 200-300 bacteria per one cubic meter, that is, compared to the air we breathe in public transport- he is practically sterile! And that is not all. Walking in a coniferous forest relieves fatigue and nervous tension, activates gas exchange in the lungs and, accordingly, improves breathing. First of all, it is necessary for smokers and those who spend most of the day in a poorly ventilated area.

Fact 2. New Year's mood

Decorate the tree for Christmas and new year holidays in Russia for the first time they became under Peter 1, who took over this custom from his European neighbors. The tsar's decree said: "To make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper along the noble and passable streets at the gates and houses ...".

For two centuries, the tree was the favorite of children and the main attribute of the holidays, until it suddenly found itself in disgrace. In 1918, the Bolsheviks branded the holiday tree a bourgeois relic, they associated it with the disgraced religion. The tree remained banned until 1935, when the idea came up to celebrate not Christmas, but New Year.

Fact 3. Remedy for vitamin deficiency

And this pure truth... The needles contain at least 200 mg% of vitamin C - the same amount as in black currant and sea buckthorn, and 7 times more than in lemons.

In those distant times, when the great navigators - Vitus Bering, Bill Barentsz died from scurvy, and Magellan almost died, having lost 70% of his crew while searching for a new route to India, the Siberians did not even know about this terrible disease. The fact is that they ate young needles.

Recipe for vitamin infusion against scurvy: pour four glasses of fresh needles with three glasses of cooled boiled water, leave for three days in dark place, drain. Take half a glass 2 times a day.

In addition to vitamin C, the needles also contain provitimin A (carotene), vitamins E, K, P, B1, B2, B6, PP and H. In terms of the composition of the needles, not only is not inferior to pharmaceutical multivitamins, but also surpasses them, because it contains everything natural vitamins.

Fact 4. Stroke bumps

American scientists have proven that substances from the tannin group that are contained in pine cones may help treat strokes due to its ability to prevent brain cell death. The experiments on mice were successful. Now it's the turn to create a medicine.

Fact 5. Protection against influenza

In the midst of the h2N1 flu epidemic (in October 2009), Academician Oleg Ivanovich Kiselev, director of the Research Institute of Influenza of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, advised Russians to wear gauze masks soaked in essential oil of coniferous trees: pine, fir or larch in public places. According to him, "no viruses will pass through such a mask."

Fact 6. Coniferous baths from nerves

The pine bath soothes, relieves fatigue and increases vitality. Therefore, it is often prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, neuroses, general fatigue.

For a coniferous bath, both liquid coniferous extract (100 ml) and dry (100 g) or in tablets (1-2 tablets) can be used. The extract is dissolved in warm water (36-37 degrees). When taking a pine bath, it is very important that the area of ​​the heart is not covered with water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Baths are done daily or every other day, the course of treatment is 10-15 sessions.

Baths with a decoction of larch needles are taken for gout and other joint lesions.

Fact 7. Natural antioxidant

In wood Siberian larch contains a unique natural antioxidant - bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin (DHA). Its ability to neutralize free radicals exceeds the previously known natural analogs - vitamins B, C, beta carotene, tocopherol - dozens of times.

What does dihydroquercetin give?

  • improved immunity;
  • reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • reduction of inflammation in the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • acceleration of the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • prolonging the life of healthy cells by blocking free radicals;
  • improvement of the condition with allergies;
  • reducing the formation of carcinogens in the body;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • improvement of the body as a whole.

That is, DHA helps to solve all those problems that are so acute for the overloaded stress and bad ecology of the inhabitants of megalopolises.

Until recently, it was not possible to extract dihydroquercetin from larch without losing its beneficial properties. DHA was extracted only from very expensive raw materials - citrus fruits, grape seeds, Japanese Sophora, rose petals and gingko biloba stems, so the prices for it were appropriate. However, several years ago, Russian scientists developed a high-tech method for extracting dihydroquercetin from coniferous wood, which does not destroy the natural molecule. In terms of purity and biological activity, dihydroquercetin did not have and still has no analogues.

Pine useful properties and contraindications

The Scots pine tree is an ancient medicinal plant, which was mentioned by the father of botany - Theofast BC. The medicinal properties of pine were not yet studied at that time; they used mainly turpentine, obtained by heating the resin of pine. Later they began to use pine buds or needles.

Scots pine description

The familiar evergreen conifer tree from the pine family, up to 35 meters high with a conical or round crown. In large trees, the trunk diameter can be up to a meter. Age limit The trees are 350 years old, but there have been trees that live for more than 500 years.

The bark is reddish-brown, yellowish on the branches. The buds are resinous, oblong-ovoid. Gray-green needles are arranged in pairs.

Where does the pine grow

In Russia, it grows throughout the forest zone, in many steppe regions, where it occupies hills, grows on outcrops of limestone, chalk, covers sandy massifs, river valleys. It forms clear forests of various types in a wide variety of habitats - from very poor sands, chalk outcrops to raised bogs. Forever green Tree highly regarded, divorced as ornamental plant.

Pine buds collection - winter or early spring during swelling, divergence of the upper scales. When pine buds are pink-brown on the outside, greenish-brown on the inside. The smell of pine buds is resinous, very aromatic, and the taste is bitter.

Cut with pruning shears with the remainder of the stem 5 cm. Dried - a canopy, a room with good ventilation. Do not use dryers as the resin is heated and evaporates. Store up to two years.

Pine needles can be harvested all year round, but it is better during the winter period, when it accumulates the largest number vitamins.

The use of pine buds

First of all, the buds are used in the form of young vegetative shoots at the beginning of growth. The kidneys contain a lot of essential oils, resins, bitter substances, ascorbic acid and minerals. Thanks to this, pine buds:

  • have an expectorant property;
  • used for disinfection;
  • pine buds treat bronchitis, pulmonary diseases;
  • tuberculosis - a decoction of immature pine buds;
  • used as a choleretic for inflammation of the bladder;
  • it is useful to do inhalations, rinsing if sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections.

Why pine needles are useful

A large number of ascorbic acid makes pine needles indispensable for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, scurvy. In addition, tannins, bitterness, flavonoids, essential oil, coumarin, a noticeable amount of carotene, vitamins K, E. I use the infusion or extract of pine needles for baths in case of exhaustion, poor circulation, poorly healing wounds, diseases of the skin and joints.

Turpentine oil - turpentine

Has a local irritating, distracting effect, disinfects, relieves pain. Inside take a little as it can cause vomiting, poisoning. Turpentine baths help with the deposition of salts, arthritis, rheumatism, gout.

Pine honey

Excellent medicine for people of any age. Prepared from cones, anthers, young shoots. The most useful of anthers, but honey from pine cones is equally useful. It is used for diseases of the lungs, flu, improves digestion, blood, heals the kidneys and liver.

Pine bud honey

  • pine buds - 5kg;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • sugar 5kg;
  • citric acid 1 / 2st. spoons

The kidneys are washed, poured with water, boiled for an hour. Leave to brew for 8 hours. Then they put it on the fire again, boil for an hour, again insist for 8 hours. Repeat this cooking process until the buds are tender. After cooking, pour water into the cooking container, put a kilogram of sugar on each liter of infusion, cook for another half hour. Then add the lemon so that the honey does not become sugared. Store tightly closed in a cool place. Eat a tablespoon three times before meals.

Honey from pine shoots

Prepare young shoots (what grows from the central pine bud), wash with running water, grind as fine as possible. Then add sugar at the rate of a kilogram of shoots - one and a half kilograms of sugar. Leave the mixture for a day, the next day add a liter of water, let it boil, cook for 5 minutes and cool. Then the cooking process is repeated three more times. Ready honey is poured into containers and stored in the refrigerator. Lemongrass is added so as not to become sugared. A tablespoon is consumed three times as a strengthening, prophylactic remedy for colds.

Pine air

Do not forget about healing properties air in a pine forest. Volatile substances of pine needles disinfect well ambient air, therefore, walks among the pine trees are useful for everyone. It is recommended to burn small pieces of pine resin in the room where the patient is. This will disinfect the air, giving a persistent, pleasant resinous smell.

Pine needle baths

  • help relieve irritability;
  • strengthen nerves, heart;
  • taken for nervous insomnia, increased excitability;
  • paralysis, gout, articular rheumatism;
  • help against obesity, colds, respiratory diseases;

Pine treatment

Infusion - cold way: chopped pine needles - 4 cups, cooled boiled water - 3 cups, acidified with serum, vinegar or citric acid. Insist for three days, filter. Drink a glass after eating.

Infusion of pine needles - hot way: stand for 10 minutes on low heat 2 tablespoons. needles and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The composition is removed from the heat, insisted for 3 hours, decanted. Drink after meals, three times.

A decoction of pine buds: a tablespoon of raw materials, 200 ml of hot water is kept in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, chilled, filtered. Drink a third of the glass three times after meals.

Tincture of pine cones: 50 g of raw materials, half a liter of vodka. Mix, incubate for 2 weeks in a dark place, then filter. Drink a tablespoon three times 30 minutes before meals or 50 minutes after. They are treated for a month, then they must take a break for 10 days. Pine cone tincture after a stroke is drunk for six months with interruptions.

  • colds, tuberculosis, other respiratory diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • nervous disorders, neurasthenia;
  • digestive organs;
  • impotence;
  • hypertension, nodular goiter;
  • serves as a prophylactic against influenza;
  • restores blood circulation in the brain;
  • prevents death nerve cells brain;
  • if the tincture is taken no later than a day after the stroke, it is possible to restore speech, coordination of movements;
  • strong tonic;
  • enhances immunity;
  • is an antioxidant agent.

Pine ointment: one part dry pine buds, ten parts butter... They are laid in alternating layers so that the last layer is oil. The container is closed with a lid, coated with dough, placed in the oven for 24 hours. As soon as the mixture boils, the oven is turned off, allowed to cool, then allowed to boil again and allowed to cool again. The hot mixture is filtered and used to treat skin diseases.

Pine honey for kidneys: medicinal pine honey - 0.5 kg, a kilogram of parsley chopped with roots, one large celery root, a kilogram of bee honey. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, let it brew for 3 days. Then add half a liter of water, bring it to a boil again, filter it without letting it cool down. Use the resulting syrup 2 tablespoons. before eating.

Asthma: 100g of rose petals, 500g of grated pumpkin, 5 finely chopped plantain leaves, 2 tablespoons of pine honey, a liter of red wine. Bring the mixture to a boil slowly, but do not let it boil. Strain every other day. Take a tablespoon five times a day.

Dropsy, rheumatism, inflammation of the bronchi, asthma: Scots pine buds - 10g, a glass of hot boiled water. The composition is tightly closed, kept in a boiling water bath for half an hour. Then they chill, filter, squeeze out the residue. The resulting broth is added to the original volume, drunk all day in small portions.

  1. buds, needles of young pine twigs 5g steamed with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes. The strained composition is drunk three times in a tablespoon;
  2. 100g pine honey, 50g bee honey, 100g each cocoa, butter and goose lard, 15g aloe juice. All of these components are mixed, heated without bringing to a boil. Take a tablespoon of tea twice.

Honey from pine cones for hypertension: a glass of beet juice, carrot, radish, lemon juice, one. Add a glass of bee honey, half a glass of pine honey. Take a tablespoon three times an hour before meals for two months.

Vitamin infusion: one part of pine branches, 5 parts of water. The branches are dipped into boiling water, allowed to boil for 20 minutes, decanted, and defended. They drink all day in small portions with the addition of honey, apple cider vinegar to improve the taste.

Treatment of gastritis: equal parts plantain juice, medicinal pine honey. The mixture is heated over very low heat for 20 minutes, the chilled composition is consumed in a tablespoon three times a day.

Cough: a tablespoon of pine buds, 200 ml of boiling water. Brew the kidneys with boiling water, let it brew and filter. Drink three sips directly when coughing.

Joint pain, sciatica, sciatica: pine sawdust is steamed, wrapped in gauze, put on a sore spot. They are treated until the condition improves.

Constipation: 400 g of dried apricots and prunes, 200 g of healthy pine honey are mixed. Take a teaspoon for dinner with water.

Putrid bronchitis, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system: useful as an antimicrobial, disinfectant - inhalation with turpentine (15 drops, 200 ml of water).

Baths for the treatment of nerves, cardiovascular diseases: first, an extract is prepared from pine needles, cones. To prepare the raw material, the pine is finely cut, added cold water, simmer for half an hour, then close tightly, leave for 12 hours. A good extract is brown in color. Full bath - 1.5kg, half bath - 3 / 4kg, seated and foot 1 / 4kg.

Stones in gallbladder: equally divided pine honey, black radish juice. Take half a glass three times a week.

Heart pains: young female pine cones with red scales. Fill the jar by 2/3 of the volume, add vodka to the top, leave for 12 weeks. Take a tablespoon three times.

After the birth period, diseases of the genital area, kidney disease: chopped pine needles 5 tablespoons, boiling water 0.5 liters, simmer a low heat for 10 minutes, sometimes stirring the contents, leave in a dark place for 12 hours, filter. Dose for one day, take a little sweetening.

Pine buds contraindications - glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, pregnancy

Tincture of pine cones is contraindicated - acute hepatitis, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance, exacerbation of kidney disease.

Turpentine - with frequent, uncontrolled use, bubbles, tissue necrosis, shortness of breath, insomnia can form.