Depression can manifest itself as simple fatigue or the overall sense of deterioration of well-being. Naturally experience some depression after the death of a friend or relative, after deep disappointment in the family or at work. However, depression continued for a long time and without a serious reason may be a sign of a mental illness, and then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Depression is experienced as a sense of deep sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness; Characterized loss of control over themselves, low self-esteem, as well as a decline in interest in the necessary daily matters, communication with people. There are thoughts on suicide and attempt to make it.

According to the Distribution Control Center (CDC), the United States transferred in childhood stress can reduce life expectancy.

In persons who marked at least 6 out of 8 examples of negative experience in childhood - from regular insults to life near mentally ill - the average life expectancy was 61 years, while people whose childhood passed calmly (none of these factors ), died on average aged 79 years.

To check the connection between children's stress and life expectancy, Dr. David W. Brown and Robert Anda from the Central Committee and their colleagues from the CDC and the Institute for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente examined 17,337 people who came to preventive inspections from 1995 to 1997.

Today, the connection between stresses in childhood and diseases of the heart, lungs, liver and other organs is clearly traced. "The relationship between children's stress and health has shocked me with its power," notes Dr. Anda.

The next stage, scientists decided to analyze the relationship between stresses in childhood and age in which death fell. In 2006, 1539 research participants died.

In the course of the study, participants were asked to note which of the listed stress factors had a chance to experience in childhood. The factors list included the following 8 points:

1. Insults in words
2. Physical abuse
3. Sexual violence with physical contact
4. Regular beating by the father of the mother
5. Alcoholism or drug addiction in family members
6. Mental diseases in family members
7. Prison conclusion of family members
8. Divorce or parting of parents.

Among the participants up to 65 years, at least one of these events noted 69%, among persons of 65 years and older were 53%.

For those who have noted six or more events, the risk to die during the observation period was 1.5 times higher than for those who did not notice any. For those who experienced 6 and more stressful events as a child, the probability of dying at the age of 75 years and the younger was 1.7 times higher, and the likelihood of die 65 years and younger - 2.4 times higher than among persons whose childhood passed without stress .

Children's injuries can affect health in various ways, explains Dr. Anda. Thus, under the action of stresses, the development of the brain slows down, therefore the persons who have undergone stress in childhood may be more inclined to depressions and anxiety and more often turn to alcohol and smoking as funds to cope with problems.

Only a third of the participants did not experience any of the following 8 events as a child, which indicates the widespread prevalence of such events in families.

"If we really want to cope with heavy diseases that cause the greatest anxiety of specialists, first of all, you need to save children from stress, which they may be subject to their own families - it will be better prevention," says anda.

Mental disorders depressive and disturbing states


it can manifest as simple fatigue or the overall feeling of degradation of well-being.

Naturally experience some depression after the death of a friend or relative, after deep disappointment in the family or at work. However, depression continued for a long time and without a serious reason may be a sign of a mental illness, and then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Symptoms. Depression is experienced as a sense of deep sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness; Characterized by loss of control over themselves, low self-esteem, as well as a decline in interest in the necessary daily deeds - personal hygiene, food, service and school duties, to communicate with people. There are thoughts on suicide and attempt to make it. Children suffering from depression are often uncommunicative, aggressive, have difficulties in school and unreasonably complain about their physical condition. The symptoms of depression do not depend on age, they can be weak and strongly pronounced, continue from a few weeks to many years.

Manico-depressive syndrome

it is characterized by frequent change of mood - from euphoria and exaltation to severe depression. It is found both in women and men. Typically, the first manifestation is noted after 30 years.

Symptoms. The manic phase is characterized by an exalted, hyperactive state of the patient; Typical hallucinations (hearing, visual and olfactory sensations that are not perceived by other people), nonsense (beliefs or opinions, not consistent with reality), weakening common sense, quick speech, irritability, leakageing from the subject to the subject of thought, the feeling of the extreme importance of their conclusions , reduction of sleep duration and decline in appetite, impulsive and aggressive behavior. Professional, educational and social skills and skills are lost. Manical symptoms vary from soft to heavy.

Manic behavior in children and adolescents

it is expressed in high activity, hot tempering, temporary weakening of attention, which leads to conflicts with law enforcement agencies, unpleasant to school and issues in interpersonal relationships.

Alarm states

it is a sense of concern, uncertainty or fear, which arise from the premonition or feeling of the threat. The feeling of anxiety is necessary for the survival of a person: she encourages to follow their health, stop on the red light. However, anxiety can achieve a dangerous level. The higher the level of anxiety, the more the person is forced to concentrate, reflect and the harder it is to make decisions.

The alarming states occur more often in women than in men. The causes of such states may be due to heredity, and can also be in violation of the functions of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands; poisoning with chemicals or shortage of some substances; physical or mental injuries or fear of them; long-lasting illness or condemnation of others; inconsistencies to unreal goals and fantastic beliefs. With a strong sense of anxiety, a person, as a rule, speaks louder and faster, quickly tires, feels a trembling in the body, becomes scattered and irritable, aimlessly repeats individual forms of behavior (for example, squeezes his hands without end).

Symptoms. Many people from time to time discover the symptoms of anxiety, without having such a disorder in reality. Frequency and t Tin symptoms, as well as the impact of these symptoms on relations with people at work, in school and at home determine the conclusion about the presence of the disease.

Obsessive ideas

These are thoughts, motivations, the emotions that a person cannot cope with. Outlusion is expressed in the involuntary repetitive implementation of the apparent meaningless actions (rituals), which a person performs, as if trying to prevent something unwanted. A ritual behavior typical for such people includes a unreasonable desire to wash something or cleaned, check and reweper, observing a strict sequence in actions (for example, to wear it 11 times and remove the socks before putting the boots). Obsessive disorders usually appear during puberty or somewhat later.

Panic state

it is characterized by repeating and usually unpredictable anxiety attacks that comes to panic or horror and continues from a few minutes to several hours. Panic states usually appear at the end of the period of puberty or a little later.


Unconscious fear of any subject, action or situation. The person is able to anything, just to avoid the object of the phobia. Experts believe that a person with a phobia unconsciously replaces the real internal source of anxiety (for example, a sense of guilt or fear of losing someone's personal attachment) to an external source (fear of some situations in society, closed space, animals, etc.). Phobias can appear at any time - from early childhood to old age.

Post Stramatic Stress

it is characterized by symptoms of anxiety that appear after any mental injury: rape, staying in captivity or robbery. A person with post-traumatic stress as it were, again and again experiences what happened during sleep and wakefulness, at night and day. He avoids people and situations associated with this incident, suffers from insomnia, becomes depressed and irritable. Poststramatic stress may occur at any time, even years after the event trauming the person.

Traditional methods of treating depressive and disturbing states. Depending on the nature of the disorder, treatment includes individual, group or family therapy, the use of drugs. In some difficult conditions, hospitalization is required.

Treatment of depression by folk remedies

Depression - state of longing, depression, gloomy and oppressed mood, powerlessness and poor physical well-being combined with the inhibition of thinking, slowing down speech, decrease in activity and initiative. Depression is observed at various neuropsychiatric diseases. Patients who are in the depressive phase of psychosis need constant monitoring due to persistent attraction to suicide and self-injury. The treatment of the disease must certainly carry out a doctor; As a rule, the patient should be placed as soon as possible in the hospital.

Causes of depression

During some periods of life, most of us are subjected to one degree or another depression due to the action of physical or emotional stresses that are part of the life of adults. We suffer from losing love and friends, disappointments in relationships with other people and in our career, tolerate the threat to our physical health or health of our parents, spouses, children. Sometimes the emotional cargo of typical stresses of adult life becomes intolerable, and then we fall into depression.

This situational, or reactive, type of depression - the direct result of psychologically, may not require anything, except for time, patience and supporting love, unless the symptoms of it become too strong or not weaken too long.

But when such typical symptoms like: Depressed mood, a sense of guilt, a feeling of worthlessness and helplessness, the complexity to focus or make a decision, loss of interest in work and public life, loss of energy, headaches and other complaints of physical condition, sleep disorders, change of appetite and Reducing sexual attraction come in contradiction with your valid capabilities and ordinary activity, you need a qualified consultation to find a way out of depression.

Other forms of depression have more real reasons. For example, a hormonal shift, which often experienced women during menopause, can cause sufficiently severe depression. Despite the fact that the therapeutic treatment and prescription of drugs is often necessary, the use of folk medicine funds - more efficient assistance in deliverance from depression.

Usually, depression occurs in people who have a lack of folic acid and vitamin B6, the deficit of which leads to a low level of content in the brain of serotonin - substances important in maintaining good mood. The thiamine deficiency (vitamin - B1), Riboflavina (B2) and vitamin B12 can also contribute to the formation of depressive syndromes. Depression is one of the earliest symptoms of vitamin C deficiency.

Iron deficiency causes depression simultaneously with anemia, but anemia disappears after taking iron faster than a bad mood. Forms depression and insufficient consumption of essential fatty acids, since they are raw material from which the body produces a group of chemical factors called prostaglandins, important to maintain a stable mood.

People who consume a large number of Caffeine (three or four cups of coffee per day or more), usually get many points in the test designed to detect the symptoms of depression. Many people in the flour of depressive mood turn to sweets as a consolation, but medical studies have shown that sugar consumption strengthens depression, fatigue and disgust.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of all types of refined sugar and all types of food, manufactured using these products. If there is food with a high content of animal fats, especially fats, present in meat, you can strengthen the manifestations of the depressive state.

Every year, millions of people suffer from depression from September to April, especially in December-February. The so-called seasonal depression is caused by a reduction in the daylight and a disadvantage of the sun in winter. For many, seasonal depression is a serious disease that does not give people to live in the usual rhythm, work normally, without resorting to medical drugs. For some, seasonal depression is only associated with a small discomfort, the mood drop and does not require medical intervention.

Symptoms of seasonal depression

  • Permanent wish to sleep more, the difficulty is climbed in the morning. However, in some cases there may be a reverse effect: insomnia.
  • Feeling fatigue, lack of forces on the familiar routine work.
  • A strong desire to whine sweets, which, as a rule, leads to excess kilograms.
  • Feeling some kind of lost, guilt, sometimes a feeling of helplessness and despair, apathy and underestimation of yourself.
  • Unwillingness (accompanied by irritability) in contact with people.
  • Laziness, no desire to do something.
  • Feeling tension, severe experience of stressful situations.
  • Lack of sexual desires.
  • In some cases, seasonal depression is capable of writing hyperactivity, sharp mood swings

Already somewhere since April, seasonal depression goes by itself, and it is connected with an increase in the daylight and greater activity of the sun. Seasonal depression can begin at any age, but most often people aged 18-30 years fall into the so-called risk group. Residents of hot countries suffer from seasonal depression less often.

Unconventional and folk treatments for depression

Homemade depression treatment

    Eat every day 1 banana. Bananas are a small miracle that kills depression. These yellow fruits contain alkaloid Harman, whose foundation is "drug happiness" - Mescalin.

    Use 100-200 g of carrots or 1 cup of carrot juice per day.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of depression

    Pour the roots with the rhizomes of the lubricants with 70% alcohol in the ratio of 1:10, insist. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. Used in neurasthenic states, depression.

    Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed straw 2 glasses of boiling water, insist. To drink within a day. It is used as a tonic and a toning agent.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of Astra Romashkova Flowers 1 glass of boiling water, cool, strain. Take for the treatment of depression on 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. It is used as a tonic and reinforcing nervous system.

    Dried roots or ginseng leaves pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, insist. Take to treat 1 teaspoon depression per day.

    Pour crushed roots or ginseng leaves 50-60% alcohol in the ratio: Roots 1:10, leaves 1.5: 10. Take for the treatment of depression 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of rhizomes and roots of the ignition of low-speed 1 cup boiling water, insist. Drink at 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day. It is used as a sliding and tonic for nervous exhaustion.

    Fill 2-3 tablespoons of a bird with a hustlefish. 2 glasses of boiling water. Drink before eating. It is used for nervous exhaustion and weakness.

    Pour the chopped roots of Aralia by Manchurian 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5, insist. Take 10-15 drops 2 times a day. It is used in neurasthenia and depression.

    Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed grass and caustic roots with pulmonary glasses of water, boil 10 minutes. Drink at 0.5 glasses 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is used when decaying forces, diseases of the nervous system.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of mint sheet 1 cup boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Drink at 0.5 glasses in the morning and at night. It is used for various nervous disorders, insomnia.

The "Spirit of Melissa" tincture is known since the VIII century, it was prepared in one of the women's monasteries in Germany and were used in overwork, deep depressions, to increase the tone.

    1 liter of vodka take 10 g of dry lens, 1 g of chopped root of pharmacy, leather 1 lemon, 1 pinch of a grind nuthatic nut and seeds of extractored coriander, 2 dried cloves. Insstruct at least 2 weeks, then filtered through a dense fabric. Drink drinking small doses with tea; In case of heart disease, take on a piece of sugar; With migraines, rub the whiskey.

Folk remedies from depression

    It is useful to wipe in the mornings with water with the addition of the cooking salt (at the rate of 1 h. A spoon of salt on a bottle of water).

    In the appointment of a doctor, you can take pharmacy preparations containing iron and arsenic (taking only a doctor's appointment!).

    3 tbsp. Spoons of crushed oats sowing straw to pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Interest, strain. Take the entire portion during the day.

    1 tbsp. Spoon Flowers Astra Romashkova Pour 1 cup boiling water, cool, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day.

    2/3 of Art. Bird Highlander Highland Spoons (Speed) Pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Interested, take before meals, take the whole dose during the day.

    1 t. Spoon the rhizomes and roots of the ignition of the low-speed (bear beam) pour 1 cup boiling water, insist. Take 1-2 glasses 3-4 times a day.

    2 h. Spoons of crushed grass and the roots of the Gentle (Blue Zvetya) Pour 1 cup of water, boil for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

    5 g of crushed roots and leaves of the spring of spring pour 1 glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon 2-3 times a day.

    1 tbsp. Spoon of peppermint leaves Pour 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup in the morning and at night.

    Infusion of poplar leaves apply in the form of baths.

    Take a tincture of lily bluish lily (lockers).

    Prepare a tincture of 50-60% alcohol from ginseng roots in the ratio of 1:10, or from ginseng leaves - in the ratio of 1.5-2: 10. Take 15-20 drops to receive.

    Brewed dried roots or ginseng leaves in a ratio of 1:10 as tea. Take 1 tsp for reception.

    Prepare the roofs of the roots with the rhizomes of the lubricants on a 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

    Prepare the tincture of the roots of Aralia Manychurian on a 70% alcohol at the rate of 1 part of the plant on 5 parts of alcohol. Take 10-15 drops 2 times a day.

    250 g of oats grain rinse in cold water, leak through a colander, pour 1 l of cold water and boil to readiness. Then insisted, strain and take throughout the day. You can add honey. Take to complete recovery. A month later, start drinking tea from the Hypericum.

    Mix 100 g of raisins, 100 g of kuragi, 100 g of prunes, 100 g of nuts, 1 lemon with a zeid. Skip everything through a meat grinder, mix with honey. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon in the morning in front of breakfast.

    Cutlery spoon Flowers Astra Romashkova Pour 1 cup boiling water, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3- 4 times in time. It is used as a tonic and reinforcing nervous system.

    Prepare an alcoholic tincture of honey and 70% alcohol roots in the ratio of 1:10. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. This means relieves nervous excitement and helps well from depression.

    1 part of the crushed roots of Aralia Manychurian pour 5 parts of 70% alcohol. Tincture take 2 times a day (better in the first half of the day) 10-15 drops with water.

    In case of heart diseases with a sharply pronounced nervousness, a tablespoon of chopped dry herb of a dyeing of a dyeing 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. To drink an infusion of 1/5 cups, collecting it with water to 1/2 capacity, with 20 drops of Lrangess.

    A tablespoon of peppermint leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink at 0.5 glasses in the morning and before bedtime.

    Pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped roots and grass shears with pulmonary glasses of water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Take 0.5 glasses 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals when the nervous system is depleted, decay forces.

    20 g of chopped chicory roots pour a glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, strain. The decoction take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with hypochondria and hysteria.

    2/3 of the Bird Highland Highland Grass Table Spoon (Arbitants) Two glasses of boiling water. Soaking 30 minutes, strain. Infusion to drink during the day before meals.

    With depressive states, the depletion of the nervous system, try to drink 1 / 2-1 teaspoon (depending on your weight) floral pollen 3 times a day for half an hour or hour before meals.

    Take a warm soothing bath in the evening before bedtime, adding Melissa or a little honey to the water.

    20 g of rosemary leaves pour glass boiling water and boil 15-20 minutes on low heat. Cool, strain. A decoction take 1/2 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. Or: 25-30 g of rosemary leaves insist on 100 ml of alcohol. Take the tincture of 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Rosemary is an effective toning tool when deciding forces accompanying depression.

    Take 15-20 drops of the tincture of Eleutherococcus (pharmacy drug) 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch, 30 minutes before meals. It is used in neurasthenia, depression, hypotension as a tonic.

    Motherboard (grass), drying (grass), hawthorn (flowers), daisy pharmacy (flowers) mix equally. A tablespoon of the mixture to pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist, shitting, 8 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day in an hour after eating. The infusion is used for nervous disorder, cardiac weakness in combination with chopping and headache.

Contraindications For the use of drugs from lubricants, aralia and ginseng are hypertension, feverish states, heart activities, insomnia.

Diet from depression

It is recommended to completely eliminate tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, white flour products, sugar, chemical additives, sharp seasonings. Power should be three times. In the morning it is good to use fruits, nuts, milk. Lunch may consist of boiled vegetables, whole flour bread and a glass of milk. Salad of green vegetables, legumes, cheese, milk - for dinner. One of the most valuable drugs from depression is apples. They contain vitamin B, phosphorus and potassium, which contribute to the synthesis of glutamic acid that controls the wear process and the destruction of nerve cells. Apples are well used with milk and honey. This tool effectively strengthens the nervous system and charges the body of vital energy.

Do you feel that the soil goes out under the feet? You no longer manage your own life? To rolling out of the hands, the emotional state leaves much to be desired and is completely incomprehensible, how to live on? It is important to determine the source of the problem, having failed your soul - do you have depression or stress? Cash symptoms will help to make a diagnosis and start recovering mental health.

Do you live like in aquarium or on a powder barrel? Depression is different from stress the answer to this question! Of course, one answer is not enough to accurately diagnose the cause of mental disorders. But you can reveal significant signs of diseases.

The symptoms of these mental diseases differ significantly and lead to different consequences, but both states need timely correction. Remember that both launched stress, and the launched depression will bring a person out of the game for a long time and cause the rapid destruction of his life (career, family and social relationships, creative implementation).

Symptoms of stress - a response to the problem

Stress always arises on the principle of "stimulus reaction" and is an adaptation mechanism of the psyche. In small quantities, it is necessary to maintain a vital tone, as well as to form an adequate response to the danger emanating from the environment. When stress becomes a constant attribute of human life, the body gets used to the state of the voltage and loses the ability to relax and resume the internal reserves. Chronic stress becomes a serious problem, because it provokes deep personal deformations and forms a foundation for the nervous breakdown. Consider expressive

Increased anxiety

Each situation is felt exacerbated, exaggerated. Pessimistic forecasts are dominated by the outcome of any case. There are manifestations of light neurosis - permanent calls by native with questions like: "Is everything okay?" Is it turned off? " In the launched cases, panic attacks of different intensity are observed.

Physical and mental

There is an unpleasant feeling of constant inferiority, as if inside a taut antimony, which is about to burst. Body muscles most of the time are tense, pain appear after sleep. A typical phrase of a person who worries chronic stress: "I wake up broken, as if a truck was drunk for me or all night I beat me."

Violations of sleep

Depending on the characteristics of a particular individual, there may be either seizures of insomnia, or an excessive passion for the "bed regime" without a feeling of rest. Possible appearance of nightmare or psychologically uncomfortable dreams

Constant fatigue syndrome

Fatigue becomes a regular satellite of life. The greatest difficulties arise from workers of mental labor (the concentration of attention is reduced, the number and quality of creative ideas decreases) and those whose work is impossible without constant contact with other people (sellers, journalists, sales representatives, secretaries).

Independent diagnosis of stress

To properly diagnose the problem, it is necessary to understand that the psyche reacts equally both to external and internal stress:

  1. External stress includes objective events that can provoke psychological exhaustion - exams, a change of work, problems in personal relations, moving, social conflicts, diseases of relatives.
  2. The internal stress includes the assessment of the personality of their life - the internal conflict on the basis of: "I want / need, I can / can't", the age crisis, spiritual throwing.

"Recovery work" makes sense after identifying the source of the problem. If the reason is outside (conflicts at work), it suffices to make a little break to recover and make a right decision (a change of work, the correct conflict resolution strategy).

We observe the signs of stress, but are not sure what to turn to a psychologist? Spend self-testing on questionnaires:

  1. (Well-being. Activity. Mood).

The data obtained during the self-test will help to better understand the causes of the occurrence of heavy. Then you can start moving towards recovering mental health.

Symptoms of depression - dehydration of the soul

Depression differs from stress the length of the flow and the aggravation of the experience of its condition. If stress allows themselves to experience all people, calmly sharing their emotions and thoughts with others, then "depression" (especially in men) are considered "shameful", equal to venereologically diseases.

Often, depression develops as a result of launched stress (acute or). Less often Melancholy provoked serious physical diseases that cause violations of the brain and the production of hormones responsible for regulating emotions.

The factor that launched a depressive disorder may become anything. It is important to remember that loss of control over life is always associated with cognitive implies - a person is in captivity of negative thoughts and emotions. The more the patient is trying to solve the problem, the more burns in it. The state of depression reminds hitting the sands, because any attempt to climb independently leads to more felt.

Spontaneous cure of deep depression is observed only in one case - the occurrence of deep, healing love. However, in this scenario, the "second half" often acts as an energy donor and fills the life of the sickness of the sickness of the sickness.

Independent diagnosis of depression

The fundamental signs of depression are not confused with anything, consider them carefully.


Full loss or sharp decline in the ability to receive joy. Life is discolored or seen in dirty gray, black tones. None, even the most significant and positive (from the point of view of healthy people), does not cause pleasant experiences. Any communication and activity becomes in burden, as a person does not receive pleasure from them.

Cognitive disorders

There are many problems with mental activities. In the early stages, analytical and creative abilities are not violated, although they acquire a pronounced negative color.

Signs that anticipate deep depression:

  • impenetrable pessimism;
  • the condition of constant despondency ("life is deprived of meaning," "In the future, nothing good is waiting for me."
  • radically negative judgments for any reason (often not having a real base).

Catastrophic decline in self-esteem

The ratio of the depressive patient to his person is fully full and sharp self-criticism. With a launched disease, a person gradually begins to experience an increasing disgust to itself, reaching hate and the appearance of suicide thoughts.

Suicidal mood

The world would be better if I hadn't been in it, "" without me it would be easier for me, "" I am not worthy of happiness, "" I am nothing capable of anything, "such programs are able to bring a person to this suicide and can be eliminated only with the help of an experienced psychotherapist, a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Reduced or complete lack of interest in favorite activities

Some symptoms of depression may be observed (separately) and among other mental disorders, but a complete and sudden loss of interest in their favorite affairs / hobbies is characteristic of Melancholy!

"The musician who has ceased to express the soul through the music. The artist who has drawn drawing. A scientist who stopped passionately to discuss on the items of his scientific research, "- someone believes that they lost to Muse. In 90% of similar cases, people are experiencing depression and often do not realize their condition, considering that they were simply bogged into everyday life and a bad mood.

Self-test for depression

You can check the availability of depression using self-test. To identify the real presence and degree of nestness of the disorder allow the simplest tests:

  1. Zanga scale (self-assessment of depression) - /
  2. Beka scale (Large depression questionnaire) - /

Both techniques are quite simple and give a clear answer to the question: "Do I have depression?", "Trying to cope with yourself or contact a psychotherapist?".

  1. Weak depression - we treat yourself! With a weakly pronounced depression, you can try to change the quality of your life, will be filled with new impressions, increase physical activity, develop positive thinking.
  2. Depression of moderate severity - psychologist to help! When depressed moderate gravity should turn to a psychologist and correct its condition under his leadership (personal consulting, group work). This condition is no longer corrected by your efforts - it simply does not have enough "clarity of thinking" and reserve of mental strength.
  3. Strong depression - I need support for medicine! If the tests detect a heavy depressive state, then you need consultation of the psychiatrist and the appointment of drug support for the period of psychotherapy.

However, you first need to turn to an experienced psychotherapist, since patients with depression tend to exaggerate the severity of their condition.

Video: "Clinical picture and diagnosis of depression"

Stress can only be useful if he motivates you. Much more often stress leads to negative changes in your body, which worsen general physical, mental and emotional health.

Depression is a more serious and long-term state than stress, and requires a different relationship. In a survey conducted by the American College Health Association in 2015, 28% of college students reported that at some point they felt depressed, they had health problems, and 8% were looking for depression treatment.

Good news is that depression is a state with a high degree of healing. However, this condition is difficult to get rid of independently, it is important to get help.

How to understand the difference between stress and depression? Both states can appear in a similar way, but there are key differences. The symptoms of depression are usually much more intense. They continue at least two weeks. Depression causes severe mood changes, such as painful anxiety, sadness and despair. You feel completely exhausted and unable to do anything.

Let's distinguish signs of stress and depression

General signs of stress

  • Problems with sleep
  • Feeling fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Problems with concentration of attention
  • Changing food habits
  • Feeling anxiety
  • Feeling of nervous irritability or anger
  • Feeling of falling out of the study process or work
  • The feeling of irresistibleness of life obstacles
  • Problems in personal life

General signs of depression

  • Breaking relationships with close first people
  • Feeling of despondency and hopelessness
  • Lack of energy, enthusiasm and motivation
  • Refusal to solve current problems
  • Condition of anxiety, excitation and irritability
  • Food mode is broken: meals more or less than usual
  • Sleep. Non-drying or vice versa, too long sleep
  • Strengthening concentration on the emotional side of problems
  • Memory problems
  • Feeling "I am bad" or a deep sense of guilt
  • Anger and rage
  • The feeling of irresistibility of difficulties in his life
  • Problems with work, study or in personal life
  • Thoughts about suicide

If you are experiencing a state of stress, there are many good ways to get rid of it. Here are some constructive solutions:

  • To make a plan. Find out what really causes stress. Remove as much as possible reasons and write them down. Now swipe brainstorming, work out the action plan, which will reduce stress, and set them on paper.
  • Old friend, family member or psychotherapist can also offer good ideas. Now choose several directions to start acting. If they are too large, scatter them to smaller controlled parts. Then try your plan. If some particular solution does not help, try another. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. All this is part of the process of getting rid of stress.
  • Try to relax when you feel concerned or stuck in thoughts. Do something relaxing every day. And also: Put, dance and laugh - anything to burn energy.
  • Take care of your body. A healthy body can help you cope with stress. Try every day to receive from 7 to 9 hours of sleep, eat healthy food, drink more clean water and regularly do exercise. Healthy diet improves your condition. Do not skip breakfast.
  • Do not suffer in silence. Get support, whether from family, friends, community on social network. Heart conversation with someone who you trust can help you get rid of negative sensations and give you fresh strength to get rid of ailments.

If these steps do not bring relief, or if you still can not cope and feel how stress affects everything you do every day, it may be more acute and chronic - such as depression. Do not allow it!

Remember that in depression and other states of mental unhealthy are not for help to seek help. Depression is not a sign of weakness, and aid search is a power sign. Discussing someone's negative state with someone is the first step towards improving this condition.

How to distinguish depression from temporary decline of forces and stress? Often, signs can be similar.

Symptoms of stress and depression

The main difference is, together with a decrease in the level of stress, apathy does not pass. In this case, this is most likely depression, and not the usual temporary decline. Every day the condition is worse, there is no desire to get up in the morning, ordinary cases drive in longing.

  • During the depression, panic attacks can overcome you, a constant feeling of anxiety.
  • It becomes difficult to concentrate on tasks. Working projects are becoming in a burden, there is no desire to develop and change something.
  • An insomnia appears. Or, on the contrary, comes a constant desire to sleep.
  • There is a decrease in appetite, changes in weight (both in the direction of weight loss and set - who have both).
  • Depression is often accompanied by other unpleasant sensations: pain in the stomach, disruption of digestion, enhancement of migrains, blood pressure drops.
  • The nightmares are still shot.
  • The sexual attraction is reduced.

How to recognize depression in a woman

Very often this disease is hidden. Neither the patient himself nor his close can recognize the symptoms and do not understand what the problem is and where the taste of life disappeared.

Why are the symptoms of depression in women arise? Often it is caused by a certain event that has completely changed the usual lifestyle. It may be a loss of work, hard parting, the birth of a child. In this case, salvation will come along with the solution to the problem: find a new job place, meet love, hire a nanny, for example.

But not everything is so simple. In some cases, to recognize the depressive trigger is almost impossible. Here, the same hidden depression arises, the symptoms of which are not so obvious. It can be confused with other problems, including chronic fatigue or weakness due to anemia. Psychotherapist will help to deal with the problem. It is very important to appeal to it on time, since deep depression can be accompanied by hallucinations, loss of communication with reality. This disease may even lead to suicide and other destructive to the person to consequences. Treatment of depression should be treated seriously - simple walks in the fresh air and the partner's change is not always helping. This state delays, and the longer you tolerate, the more difficult it is to get out of it without loss.

If you managed to recognize depression on time, you can begin to fight the problem yourself. First, you need to reconsider your diet, make it easier, eliminate alcohol, sweets and heavy food. In no case do not need to abruptly refuse sugar, it will definitely not add optimistic mood and cheerfulness. But a little to correct the diet stands. Secondly, it is important to get out of the house more often: walking, to be at exhibitions and concerts, play out in the fresh air. Light jogging and cycling will help back to active life. Thirdly, it is worth working with your own self-esteem: more often to praise yourself even for the smallest successes, care for yourself and allow yourself as much pleasant things as possible.

Emotional overloads act as an integral part of the daily life of a modern person. Many problems are poured on us with inexperienced cargo, requiring the adoption of immediate decisions. Yes, and conflict situations are removed from equilibrium, generating a mass of negative experiences. The consequence of this is the internal psychological discomfort, which we are accustomed to calling stress or depression. However, putting like "diagnoses", people often do not know their essence and even confuse the concepts among themselves. In this article we will tell, what is the difference between stress from depression.


Stress - response of the human body for negative emotions and overvoltage. Under the influence of this state, the body begins to produce adrenaline, forcing the search for a critical situation. Stresses in moderate quantities are even useful to a person, because they activate mental processes and make a variety of daily life. However, the abundance of such "stimuli" often becomes the cause of health problems. The fact is that at the first stage, the influence of stress mobilizes the adaptation capabilities of the body. Then follows the stage of resistance to negative factors. If it failed to overcome the destructive power of stress, the period of exhaustion occurs. He is the initial stage of depression.


Depression - Mental disorder, characterized by three basic signs. First, it is a deterioration in the mood and loss of the ability to enjoy life. Secondly, impaired thinking associated with the predominance of negative judgments. And, thirdly, motor inhibition. Many people who are experiencing a protracted depression begin to abuse alcohol and other psychotropic substances. Each tenth person suffers such a paradise, who overstaving a forty-year-old frontier, and two thirds of them are women. In general, depression is currently considered the most common mental disorder in the world. Often, its reason is any serious shock, a negative situation. It may be a loss of a loved one, work, social position, etc.



Let's make some conclusions from the above definitions. Stress is the reaction of the body for negative emotions. Its impact provokes a splash of adrenaline, mobilizing mental processes in order to find exit from the situation. However, if you cannot find a solution to the problem, it comes a period of exhaustion of the body, which becomes the initial stage of depression. The latter, in turn, leads to decay of vitality, impaired thinking and motor inhibition. Thus, stress mobilizes the body, so that in moderate quantities is even useful for health. Depression, on the contrary, drinks all the "juices" from a person, making it painful and weak.

It is worth noting that stress is short-term. That is, the processes of excitation provoked by a negative situation are taking place quite quickly. But the period of its experience lasts three times longer than the impact itself. As a rule, the duration of easy depression averages a few weeks. While serious traumatic people of the situation turn him into an apathetic state for several months, or even years. This also lies another difference between stress from depression. If the first state of the individual is often able to overcome himself, the second requires extraneous intervention. To bring a person from depression sometimes helping close people, in every way supporting him and encouraging activities. However, if all the steps from the environment are useless, you have to seek help from a specialist. Consultation of the psychotherapist Along with the reception of drugs, make it possible to overcome the disease.

Let's summarize what is the difference between stress and depression.