It's evergreen conifer tree, which is a species of the Pine genus. Its botanical name is Siberian. To grow this evergreen coniferous tree, you need seeds (pine nuts). It is common in Western and Eastern Siberia, and also it can be found in the Urals.

Siberian cedar: description, photo

It has a rather dense and most often multi-peaked crown with massive branches. Siberian cedar is distinguished by a brown-gray trunk, which is covered with fissured scaly bark (mainly in old trees). The peculiarity of this evergreen coniferous tree is whorled branching. It has a very short growing season (40 - 45 days a year), so Siberian cedar is one of the slow-growing and shade-tolerant species.

Shoots and needles of Siberian cedar

They are brown in color and covered with long reddish hairs. And the needles are brown and covered with long reddish hairs. And the needles have a dark green color with a bluish bloom. Its length is 6-14 cm. In the section you can see that it is trihedral and slightly serrated. The needles are soft enough to the touch. It grows in bunches of five needles.

Features of the root system of the Siberian cedar

It is represented by one short tap root (up to 40 - 50 cm), from which smaller lateral ones grow, and root hairs with developing mycorrhiza at the tips already extend from them. If the bud is light in texture and sufficiently well drained, then with a taproot massive anchor roots will develop, which penetrate to a depth of three meters. They, in conjunction with the root paws, are designed to ensure the stability of the crown and trunk of the tree.

Micro- and megastrobiles of Siberian cedar

The evergreen in question is a monoecious heterosexual plant (both female and male cones grow on the same tree). Siberian cedar, a photo of which was shown earlier, is considered (pollination occurs through the wind).

Female cones (megastrobilae) appear near the apical bud at the tips of growth shoots during the period when their growth has already stopped, and male (microstrobila) - near the base of the shoot.

The kidneys are tapered. They are 6-10 mm long, not resinous. Their scales are rather long and lanceolate (tapering upward). The anther strobilae on the axis have microsporophylls, which are larger at the base than at the apex, and the female cones have cover scales, which are located in the sinuses and consist of two ovules.

Pharmacological properties of Siberian cedar oil

First, it normalizes the lipid spectrum of the blood. Secondly, Siberian cedar oil reduces cholesterol levels. Thirdly, it helps to get rid of extra pounds. This positive physiological effect is justified by the presence of terpenes in the oil

Siberian cedar: planting and growing

Plant it on permanent place recommended at about the age of six, when it is already a two-meter seedling. If you take a younger specimen, then the tree here will most likely take root very painfully, and the more mature one may die.

The optimal solution is to take Siberian cedar seedlings from a special nursery, in which they were grown in compliance with all the requirements necessary for this. It is best to give preference to young trees in containers where the root system is closed.

It is worth buying Siberian cedar seedlings with an earthen clod, which must be necessarily moistened and must not have bare roots. To prevent them from drying out, it is necessary to transport the trees as quickly as possible to the immediate place of permanent planting.

The planting of the Siberian cedar is carried out taking into account the appropriate distance between the trees (8 m). The size of the holes should always exceed (by 1/3) the volume of the existing root system, and it is recommended to fill their bottom with a substrate (a mixture of ash, peat, base soil and humus). You should not make the substrate much more fertile than the soil, since the root system of a young tree will not leave the boundaries of its hole for a very long time. This will lead to the fact that earthworms will attract moles that can cause significant damage to the cedar root system.

If the seedlings are purchased in a container, then it is worth remembering that their root system is very twisted. In this regard, it is impossible to plant Siberian cedar with an earthen clod. In this case, it is required to properly straighten and arrange the roots in the hole as freely as possible.

The seedlings must be fixed at the bottom of the planting holes so that the root collars are on a level with the ground. Next, you need to fill the wells with a substrate prepared in advance. Then the planting of the Siberian cedar ends with the procedure of compacting the soil and watering it thoroughly (about 4 liters of water for each seedling).

Features of agricultural technology of Siberian cedar

The specificity of its cultivation is expressed by the need to satisfy the need for such a substance as potassium, and control over the nitrogen content in the soil, an excess of which can significantly slow down the development of the tree root system.

Siberian cedar, the description of which was described in detail earlier, is capable of fully realizing its biological potential, but only under the condition of normal crown lighting. Only young trees can tolerate shade without harm, since in natural conditions growing on the territory of the taiga, mature cedars constantly stay in the sun, and young ones - in their shade. In this regard, all other trees in the same area with them should always be lower than mature cedars.

Siberian cedar is characterized by an aerobic root system (constant access to oxygen is required for its development), therefore, essential aeration of its soil should be ensured by mulching (covering the soil with a protective layer). For this, leaf litter (leaf humus) is used, which helps to improve mineral nutrition roots and their protection from such a type of basidiomycete fungi as root sponge.

Abundant watering of Siberian cedars in dry times is a must. You should also ensure constant spraying of the crowns of young trees in the evenings to improve the gas exchange process.

What is the use of Siberian cedar seeds

You can often hear their unscientific name, especially in cooking - pine nut. It is considered a very valuable food product. It is customary to use pine nuts both raw and after heat treatment.

Their benefit is in their valuable composition. Pine nuts contain a significant amount of phosphatide phosphorus, which is not found in any other nut or oilseed.

They are also a very rich source of lecithin (they are similar in content to soy).

What are the beneficial substances in pine nuts?

Siberian cedar seeds in not significant number(100 g) contain the daily requirement of the human body for such deficient trace elements as zinc, cobalt, manganese and copper, as well as a significant amount of iodine.

The following beneficial substances are present in pine nuts:

  • starch (5.8%);
  • dextrins (2.26%);
  • glucose (2.83%);
  • fiber (2.21%);
  • sucrose (0.44%);
  • fructose (0.25%);
  • tocopherol (33%).

Protein is saturated with such deficient and essential amino acids that limit its biological value as tryptophan, methionine and lysine.

And its core includes:

  • fats (55 - 66%);
  • proteins, starch, sugar and vitamins (13.5 - 20%).

What is cedar resin

Her official name- Siberian cedar resin. The phytoncides included in it are widely used in folk medicine... But the official science did not stand aside in the process of studying its action. So, during the Great Patriotic War all doctors used cedar resin as a quick healing agent. Even gangrene could be stopped with her help. Subsequently, the sap of Siberian cedar acquired the status of an effective drug.

It contains turpentine (30%) and rosin (70%). Siberian cedar gum, the use of which is relevant at the present time, is highly effective remedy, since turpentine, and cedar oil, and camphor, and turpentine balsam are obtained from it.

Diseases that are treated with the resin of the coniferous tree in question

Healers use resin to treat:

  • damage to the skin;
  • teeth and the entire mouth;
  • bronchi and lungs;
  • some types of cancer;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • endocrine system;
  • nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

The use of Siberian cedar resin in folk medicine

Zhivitsa is indispensable in the treatment of:

  1. Various wounds. To do this, they are poured with Siberian cedar resin or resin is applied to the damaged area.
  2. Fractures. In this case, the sap is rubbed over the area of ​​damage, it contributes to the rapid fusion of bones.
  3. Boils, ulcers and burns. The resin is first softened and then mixed with neutral oil or petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture is applied to a tampon and applied to a sore spot.
  4. Herpes (at an early stage). A cotton swab is moistened with a mixture of Siberian cedar resin and any vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio and applied to a sore spot for 20 - 25 minutes. The procedure should be repeated after four hours.
  5. Toothache. In this case, it is the sap of the Siberian cedar that helps very quickly. Its use as an anesthetic is very popular nowadays. To do this, you just need to apply the resin to the aching tooth or gum.
  6. Impotence. Cedar resin (1 teaspoon) is mixed with 0.5 liters of vodka. Then the resulting mixture should be infused for five days in a dark, cool place. The tincture must be shaken periodically. After the required period, it is used in three tablespoons exclusively with meals and preferably twice a day.

So, we can say that the sap of Siberian cedar, the use of which is very versatile, is effective as an anesthetic, antibacterial, and healing agent. Her medicinal properties unique and diverse. It has found its application both in folk and scientific medicine. The above list is far from complete.

What other parts of Siberian cedar have healing properties

Not only the resin of this coniferous tree is widely used in medicinal purposes, but also its needles, oil and shells of fresh pine nuts.

So, needles treat scurvy, and infusion of fresh pine nuts shells - deafness, nervous disorders, kidney and liver diseases, hemorrhoids, as well as this broth relieves excess hairiness.

And nuts are a complete source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. For this purpose, its daily daily dose should be 20 ml. Oil helps lower cholesterol and systolic blood pressure, normalization of blood lipid spectrum and reduction excess weight body.

If pine nuts are crushed, they can be used to suppress gastric secretion (decrease gastric juice, decrease its acidity). A small amount of them (100 g) can satisfy the daily requirement of the human body for the necessary vitamin E.

Also, confirmation was obtained of the preventive effect of cedar nut oil with regard to cardiovascular pathology, provided it is added to the diet of the corresponding patients.

Siberian cedar as a unique building material

This tree is unpretentious in processing and has excellent heat and waterproofing. In the construction aspect, Siberian cedar, the photo of which was demonstrated earlier, is similar to pine. It is a natural antiseptic, so it does not rot. The houses built from cedar are durable (hundreds of years), and the interiors are enriched with phytoncides. Its resin and essential oil have a beneficial effect on the health of the home owner.

Mechanical and physical properties of Siberian cedar

The coniferous tree in question is a sound species and has resin passages. As mentioned earlier, in terms of strength and physical properties it is close to a pine tree. Siberian cedar has an easy-to-work and soft wood. It has a pleasant smell and resonant properties, which makes it a material for the manufacture of guitar, harp and grand piano.

Cedar is a tree from the Pine family. Our message will tell you about it in detail.

Description of appearance

Cedar is a giant evergreen coniferous tree that grows up to 60 meters in height. The plant has a wide spreading crown, slender trunk, dark gray bark, which is smooth on young trees and cracked on old ones. The wood is very aromatic and resinous, strong, does not rot. The needles are short, stiff and prickly, dark green or silvery gray. Needles live from 3 to 6 years. The roots are close to the soil surface, therefore strong wind can bring down even a powerful tree.

Cedars live for a very long time - up to 3000 years!

Where the cedar grows. His counterparts

In fact, there are only 4 types that are really cedars:

  • Atlas - grows in the mountains in northwestern Africa;
  • Lebanese - found in Asia, most often in Libya and Syria;
  • Cypriot - inhabits the island of Cyprus;
  • Himalayan - grows in the Western Himalayas.

Siberian cedar is widespread in Russia, which is actually a cedar pine.

Also, other trees are often confused with cedar:

  • European and Korean - in fact, they are European and Korean pine;
  • Canadian red is thuja folded;
  • Canadian white - western thuja;
  • eastern red - the Virginian juniper is correctly called;
  • Alaskan yellow is actually a nutcan cypress.

There are also other plants in the world that are called cedars, but in fact they are not.

Russian Siberian cedar (cedar pine) grows in Siberia, the Urals, Altai, even in the Arctic.

Real cedar and, for example, Siberian cedar have the following differences:

  • the seeds of real cedar are inedible, and cedar pine nuts are tasty and very healthy;
  • cedar lives up to 3000 years, cedar pine - 600-800 years;
  • real cedar is a heat-loving plant, in Russia it does not grow at all, cedar pine is widespread in our country, it tolerates cold well.

How does it multiply

Cedar - monoecious plant, that is, the male and female cones are on the same tree. Cones are similar to barrels, scattered throughout the crown, 6-10 cm long, up to 6 cm wide.

Cedar blooms in autumn. Fertilized female cones remain on the mother tree for maturation. After 2 years, they will ripen and crumble. Resinous seeds 12-17 mm long have one wing, with the help of which they are carried over long distances by the wind.

Natural cedar reproduces only by seeds, although botanists can also breed them vegetatively.

The forest in which Siberian cedars mainly grow is called cedar or cedar. Most often, these forests are mixed. Nearby there are pine and aspen trees.

There are no true cedar forests on the planet. There are only cedar groves, which are also very few. The Lebanese cedar grove of only 8 trees is the largest on Earth.

What is useful

Cedars have very durable and valuable wood, from which they build houses and ships, make expensive furniture. The ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs only in cedar sarcophagi.

These trees are very decorative, therefore they are planted in parks and gardens, used for landscape design.

Fragrant cedar resin (sap) used in perfumery and when creating cosmetics, in aromatherapy for soothing, getting rid of anxiety.

Long known beneficial features possessed by cedar oil. it strong antiseptic, active fat splitter.

If this message is useful to you, it's good to see you.

It would seem that everyone has long known where the cedar grows. The seeds of this tree, known as pine nuts, are a delicious and healthy treat loved by many. But in fact, it turns out that the tree that is considered a cedar in Russia is scientifically called a cedar pine. The seeds of a real representative of this genus of conifers are inedible. But there is common features, by which this tree began to be called so. Spruce, cedar, pine and some other representatives of conifers belong to the same family. All of them have useful properties and have long been used by humans for different purposes. But it stands out among the cedars. Several species of it now grow in the world.

Real cedar

Photos of these trees show their differences from pine and spruce. But in botany, only four species growing in the south are considered a real cedar. They have been known since antiquity and are mentioned in the Bible. the symbol of this country, and it is his valuable wood used to build temples and make icons.

2. Atlas cedar is widespread in North Africa... It is very unpretentious and grows in the highlands, withstanding frost and drought.

3. There is also a Cypriot cedar. His photo shows that he differs from other relatives by small needles. Therefore, it is also called short-coniferous. it rare tree found only in the mountains on the island of Cyprus.

4. grows not only in the Himalayas, but also in the mountainous regions of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This tree is very beautiful and unpretentious, therefore it is often used for landscaping.

Features of cedar

It has many useful properties and has been widely used by humans since ancient times, like all conifers. Cedar is one of the most unpretentious and beautiful trees of this class. What are the features that made him so famous?

This tree has very strong, beautiful wood, which, moreover, has antiseptic properties and is not subject to rotting and insect attack. Furniture, musical instruments, ships and much more are made from it.

Cedar needles are soft and release phytoncides that disinfect the air.

Everything cedar trees very beautiful. Their needles are colored silver or light green, the branches are very fluffy, and the crown is most often pyramidal in shape.

All parts of the cedar have a strong pleasant scent, which is considered beneficial to humans.

Where does the real cedar grow

In nature, trees of this genus are found in the southern highlands. Cedars are widespread in the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East. They are quite unpretentious, but they cannot withstand frosts below 25 degrees. Cedars need well-moistened, lime-poor soils, preferably sandy loam or loamy. But they do not like stagnant water and severe drought.

Cedars grow best on mountain slopes that are well lit by the sun, but they can also be found in shady areas. In the last two hundred years, these trees have been used for landscaping in many countries. Cedar is especially often planted in the south. Where this tree grows in Russia, those who went to rest in the Crimea or the Caucasus know. Beautiful, fluffy trees along with cypresses are now a symbol of many resorts on the Black Sea coast.

Description of cedar

It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 50 meters. Has a dark gray smooth bark and a spreading crown. The needles are triangular, prickly, collected in bunches of up to 30-40 needles. Their color is different: light or dark green and even silver-gray or blue. Cones are ovoid or barrel-shaped, large. The tree begins to bear fruit after 50 years. Real cedar seeds are inedible. This tree is one of the oldest on Earth, its pollen was found in a layer that is 200 million years old. The cedar has a long life, its Himalayan species can last about 3000 years. But usually there are trees 250-300 years old. Their wood has a pleasant yellow or reddish hue, very strong and durable.

What trees are also called cedar

If you ask any resident of Russia where the cedar grows, then everyone will answer that in Siberia. But scientifically, this tree is called cedar pine. Although the name has already taken root in many books, it is believed that this was the name of the pine, the wood of which had a strong pleasant aroma. On real cedar it was also similar in its spreading fluffy crown, large cones and height. But the main difference between cedar pine is that its seeds, called nuts, are edible and very useful. And their lovers are sure that it is the cedar that gives them. Where does this tree grow in Russia? most common in Siberia, Altai and Transbaikalia. But also found in the north European Russia and even beyond the Arctic Circle. On South Of the Far East, in China and Japan, pine is widespread, which is distinguished by larger seeds. In these places, the cedar elfin tree also grows - a shrub no more than 5 meters high. But its seeds are also edible and eaten. And in the mountainous regions of Europe, European cedar is found - a very ancient and rare cedar.

Useful properties of Siberian cedar

Its main advantage is nuts. They are nutritious, tasty, and have a long history of making medicinal oils. contain many vitamins, amino acids and needed by a person mineral substances. They improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis and increase efficiency. Tincture of nutshells is used for hemorrhoids and stomach diseases. Cedar needles also have healing properties. It contains phytoncides, a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene. It is used for restorative baths and preparation of vitamin infusions. Cedar needles contain five times more essential oils than pine needles. Therefore, it is widely used in the cosmetic and perfume industry. Cedar resin, also called sap, has long been used to heal wounds. Scientists have determined that it has an antiseptic and anesthetic effect. Cedar wood also has valuable qualities. It is easy to process and gives off phytoncides and a pleasant aroma for a long time. Therefore, it is often used in construction and furniture making.

How to grow a cedar

Already two hundred years ago, this tree was brought to the territory of Russia. But real cedar can only grow in the southern regions.

Cedar pine is more unpretentious. Its heavy seeds cannot be carried by the wind; nutcracker birds spread them, transferring nuts over long distances. Everyone knows where the cedar grows, but this tree can be grown in any region of Russia. It requires sandy or loamy soils with good drainage, moderate watering and weeding. Most often, the cedar tree is grown from seeds, sowing them in the fall and covering them with spruce branches. It will be important to protect seedlings from birds and rodents in the spring. This tree grows slowly and only after 10-15 years will it be able to please you with a fluffy crown, and cones will appear even later.

(Cedrus), a genus of evergreen conifers of the pine family (Pinaceae), characterized by very hard, fine-grained, usually aromatic wood. Four types of African and Asian origin... Known for its spreading crown, the Lebanese cedar (C. libani) has been valued for centuries for its long-lasting red wood for centuries. The homeland of the Himalayan cedar (C. deodara), as follows from the definition, is the Himalayas, the Atlas cedar (C. atlantica) is the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa, and the Cypriot cedar (C. brevifolia) is Cyprus. It should be noted that the term "cedar" in forestry and forestry literature often denotes other conifers and lumber, for example, Siberian pine, eastern thuyu and cypress trees ("white cedar"), giant thuja ("western red cedar").

CEDARS- representatives of the pine family, their seeds are formed in woody cones, and the leaves are represented by needles (needles) collected in bunches.


(Cedrus libani)- an evergreen coniferous tree with a wide conical crown.

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


See what "CEDAR" is in other dictionaries:

    Cedar, and ... Russian verbal stress

    cedar- cedar, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

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    - (Greek kedros). A coniferous tree that surpasses all others in its family in durability. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. KEDR Greek. kedros. A coniferous tree that surpasses all others of its ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    A; m. [Greek. kedros] 1. Coniferous evergreen tree this pine; wood of such a tree. Lebanese c. Himalayan c. Decorate the walls of the living room with cedar. 2. A common misnomer for some pine species that produce edible seeds ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    CEDAR, cedar, husband. (Greek kedros). Conifer tree. Siberian cedar gives nuts. Lebanese cedar provides a valuable building material. Explanatory dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CEDAR detector elementary particles... Works at the VEPP 4M electron-positron collider at INP im. Budker in Novosibirsk. The detector will operate in the energy range from psi to upsilon mesons. CEDR is one of 5 large detectors, ... ... Wikipedia

    Husband. a coniferous tree that produces pine cones or nuts. Lebanese cedar, Pinus cedrus; siberian, P. cembra, meleda, pine nuts, fun. Red cedar, cedar heather, Spanish juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus. At the extreme sowing. east there is and ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    CEDAR, a genus of coniferous evergreen trees (pine family). Height 40-50 m, live up to 1000 years or more. 4 species, in the mountains of North West Africa, Asia Minor and South West Asia, the Himalayas. 3 species (Atlas, Lebanese, Himalayan) are bred as ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    CEDAR, ah, husband. Evergreen coniferous tree of this pine. Lebanese k. Siberian k. (Siberian pine). | adj. cedar, oh, oh. Cedar pine (a type of coniferous tree that gives edible seed nuts in cones). Pine nuts (seeds of such a tree). ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 5 wood (618) cedar (1) incense cedar (1) ... Synonym dictionary


  • Cedar. The healer is powerful and perfect,. This book is an attempt to collect the maximum useful information about cedar and cedar pine, a story about how, throughout almost the entire history of mankind, these trees accompanied us, ...

Few people know that the Canadian or Siberian cedar, which we have long been accustomed to consider cedars, are not this type of tree and belong to the genera of thuja and pine. And this name stuck to them because they belong to the same Pine family.

A real cedar is a coniferous tree of the Pine family, the genus of which contains only four species. The height of trees ranges from 25 to 50 meters, they have a spreading, pyramidal or umbrella-shaped and superficial root system... The needles are collected in bunches, each of which consists of thirty to forty needles, which have a three or four-sided shape.

The bark is dark gray, the wood is fragrant, and therefore the essential oil of cedar has an extremely high quality, yellowish or reddish color, is resistant to decay, and insects bypass it due to its strong resinousness.

Cones are solitary, erect, ovoid or barrel-shaped, have a length of 5 to 10 cm, a width of about six. They ripen in the second or third year after their appearance, and it is interesting that they do not crumble immediately, but during the autumn-winter period. Cedar seeds are triangular, thin-skinned, resinous, 12 to 18 mm long and inedible.

All cedars are thermophilic plants, common in subtropical latitudes, and in temperate zones do not take root (therefore, the cedars of Russia are actually pines). They prefer to grow in loamy soils, in mountainous terrain, at an altitude of 1.3 to 4 km above sea level next to spruce, fir, pine and other conifers. But the strong sea wind does not tolerate well and almost does not take root on dry calcareous slopes.

In total, the genus of cedars has four species:

  • Atlas - has a pyramidal crown, needles of bluish-green or dove-gray flowers, grows in northwestern Africa, in the Atlas Mountains;
  • Lebanese - is the symbol of Libya, depicted on the national flag, currently only a few trees remain in the country, which was previously considered the main exporter of timber;
  • Himalayan - has a pyramidal shape and thin bluish-green needles, grows on the territory South Asia, from it, like from other trees of the genus, aromatic essential oil of cedar is obtained;
  • Short-coniferous - has pubescent or bare shoots and shorter dark green needles than other species, can be seen in Cyprus.

Representatives of the pine family

On the territory of Russia, real cedars can be seen only in the botanical gardens of the Caucasus. But the cedar pine grows here: the trees, known as the cedars of Russia, are actually pines and are represented in the country by three species: Siberian cedar, Korean cedar and cedar.

It is no coincidence that the pines are called cedars. According to one of the legends, Peter I, returning to Russia from Holland, ordered to find a tree, which in properties would not be inferior to the cedar, from which the highest quality and strongest ships were built. A similar plant has been found in Siberia. It turned out to be a pine, which from that moment received a new name - Siberian cedar.

V natural conditions cedar pine grows in Siberia, the Urals and Altai, in addition, the plant is artificially bred in all corners of Russia: it is very hardy and takes root well in temperate latitudes.

Cedar pine is a coniferous tree with a height of about 40 m and a trunk diameter of about 2 m. Young plants have a pyramidal crown, while in older plants it is wide-spreading and even often has several peaks. The bark is grayish and changes color with age: first, young pines of an ash-silvery shade, then gradually turn gray-brown.

The length of the needles is from 5 to 12 cm, it is triangular in the pine, dark green in color with a bluish tint, collected in small bunches - from 2 to 5 needles. Ripe buds 6 to 13 cm long and about 8 cm wide are ovoid, light brown in color and contain 80 to 140 seeds, known to us as pine nuts. The seeds of these buds are edible, delicious and nutritious.

How different real cedars and Siberian pine are from each other is also evidenced by the fact that it is almost impossible to cross them with each other. And if the tree sprouts, it does not live long and is quickly broken by the wind. This happens, first of all, at a different growth rate: in the first few years, the cedars of Russia grow in height, while the real species grow in thickness. Therefore, at the age of thirty, the diameter of the cedar is 20 cm, of the pine - 14, which cannot but affect the hybrid tree.

Canadian thuja

Also, trees that have nothing to do with real cedars are thuja growing in Canada (many sellers building material often in this matter they deceive buyers):

Red Canadian cedar is actually a folded thuja from the cypress family. Wood has become popular thanks to wood, which is characterized by durable properties in use. Red Canadian cedar is also ornamental plant: from more tall plants they equip alleys, dwarf ones are planted in rocky areas.

White Canadian cedar - it is more correct to call the plant thuja western. The height ranges from 12 to 20 meters, has a compact ovoid or pyramidal shape and in appearance the white Canadian cedar is similar to other members of the cypress family. The wood of the tree is reddish in color, it is characterized by such properties as strength, pleasant aroma, and since it is not subject to decay, people have found its use in different areas activities.


People have long noticed the beneficial properties of the cedar tree and found it used in all areas. human activity: wood is used to make houses, furniture and other wooden crafts. Russian cedars are also used in medicine and cooking: they prepare food from seeds, cedar vegetable oil, from the bark of needles, resin - prepare medicinal decoctions, cedar essential oil.


Cedarwood oil is so unique that there is no oil equal to it in terms of its properties. Pine nut oil is made by pressing from seeds Siberian pine, and it contains all the beneficial properties inherent in olive, coconut, sea buckthorn and burdock oils. For example, pine nut oil contains five times more vitamin E than olive oil.

Essential oil of cedar is obtained both from a real tree and from Siberian pine, thuja canadensis and other conifers (in terms of properties they differ little from each other and the main difference in the ratio of components).

Unlike vegetable oil, cedar essential oil is made from crushed bark, wood, young shoots. Essential oil of cedar has excellent antiseptic, soothing, antiviral properties, it is successfully used in cosmetology. The only thing is that the essential oil of cedar is not used inside: it is inhaled, applied to the skin, healing baths and other procedures are done.


Cedar resin (tree resin) is also successfully used in treatment, which undergoes preliminary processing: it cannot be used in its pure form, since it quickly hardens.

Basically, cedar resin is also successfully used in solutions that can be prepared either by yourself or purchased in a store. It is simple to make it: cedar resin dissolves well in any vegetable oil at a temperature of 50 degrees and since the components do not overheat, healing properties she does not lose even with correct application heals.

Cedar resin is also sold in stores, but the person purchasing the solution should take into account that, most likely, he will buy a fake. For example, a solution called "Gum oil" is made from corn and nut oils, and "Turpentine oil" is gum turpentine, since it is obtained when cedar resin is distilled with water or steam (in terms of its useful properties, such a solution is very different from that dissolved in resin oil).


If you figure out what a pine nut is, it turns out that cedar seeds have nothing to do with real nuts, which are the fruits of shrubs and trees of the walnut family. The seeds of real cedar are inedible, and the nuts we know are the seeds of cedar pine.

However, this does not at all reduce the beneficial properties of seeds: they, as well as the pine nut oil and tincture made from them, are used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, and in aromatherapy sessions. For example, pine nuts are often used to enhance immunity, vision, and prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, anemia.

Pine nuts are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, P, and contain great amount minerals, including manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, iodine. Despite the fact that the kernel of the pine nut contains a lot of fats, protein and amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, lysine, it is actively used for weight loss: pine nuts are not only nutritious, but stimulate the activity of the hormone cholecystokinin, which signals the brain to satiety. Pine nut oil made from seeds is of particular benefit to the body.

Pine nut tincture is used not only as alcoholic beverage, but also as a remedy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Interestingly, for the preparation of tinctures and balsams, in addition to the kernel, pine nut shells are often used: the resulting product is an excellent anti-inflammatory medicine.

Do not forget that speaking about pine nuts: the benefits and harms go side by side. Firstly, if you eat more than 50 g per day, it can harm the body. Also, they should not be used together with meat and dairy products, the protein of which interferes with the absorption of food. Pine nuts are not recommended for small children, as they can clog the airways.

It is necessary to purchase only unrefined kernels, since when in contact with light and oxygen, they go rancid and absorb harmful substances... This means that if the nuts and the dishes that were made from them are bitter, such food should be thrown out, since rancid oil is the strongest poison and it can take from two days to two weeks to restore the body.