- (toman) - Iranian gold coin, minted from the 18th century. Replaced by rial in 1930-32. and 1 more definition encyclopedic Dictionary


- M. (darkness, darkness) dense vapor, water vapor in the lower layers of the air, on the surface of the earth; air darkened by vapors. The fog falls ... Dahl's Dictionary


- Duffel bag, nothing is clear. Thieves Jargon Dictionary


- Opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals. and 2 more definitions Ozhegov Dictionary


- Indicates a state in which mistakes and misunderstandings are made. Mystical religions use fog symbolism in initiation. D ... Dictionary of Symbols


- - toman - Iranian gold coin, minted since the 18th century. In 1930-1932. replaced by rial .. and 2 more definitions Historical Dictionary


- Fog. - Under the name T., we mean such a state of the lower layer of the atmosphere when it is completely transparent under ordinary conditions ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


- I a, m. 1. Atmospheric phenomenon: the accumulation of small water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layers of the atmosphere, making the ... Dictionary of foreign words


- I fog I "ten thousand", toman - too (Dal). From tour. tuman - also (Radlov 3, 1518); see Mi. ЕW 365; TEL. 2, 180; Nachtr. I, 59; G... Vasmer's etymological dictionary


- TUM "AN, fog, · male. (· Türk. Tuman). 1. The opaque state of the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


1. About color. Scarlet, whitish (whitish), white, blue, smoky blue, smoky, yellow-blue, yellow, pearl, golden, gold, red, azure, lilac, hazy, milky white, milky blue, milky, cloudy, opal , orange, ashy, iridescent, pink, light, lead, gray, silver, silver, gray-gray, gray, gray, blue, silvery (obsolete), gloomy, dark, dull, black and white, black. About the density, the density of the fog; about its shape, condition. Wavy, fibrous, viscous, dull, thick, liquid, grainy, unsteady, quick-moving (vernacular), muslin, light, shaggy, slow, shaggy, immobile, impenetrable, impenetrable, dense, creeping, ghostly, transparent, downy, fluffy, rare , loose, through, layered, solid, thin, heavy, cotton. About temperature, humidity, smell; about the nature of the impact on a person; about the impression, psychological perception. Wet, watery, rotten, hot, stuffy, acrid, fetid, chilly, sour, prickly, icy, sticky, brain (vernacular), wet, frosty, soft, tender, dank, slimy, sleepy, harsh, damp, warm, gloomy , cold. Bearded, creamy yellow, shaggy, shaggy, uncomfortable, half-blind, woolen. Swamp, evening, rain, frosty, London, sea, night, autumn, pond, river, dewy, morning, etc. 2. On the psychological state, vague thoughts, ideas. Mad, disorderly, blissful, hot, bloody, light, dying, drunk, vague, heavy, intoxicated.

Dictionary of epithets. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is FOG in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • FOG in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-08-24 Time: 18:42:25 Quotes from the novel "The Fog" by Stephen King * Usually trees bring the most destruction. They …
  • FOG in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - 1) duffel bag, 2) base, 3) nothing ...
  • FOG in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    To dream that you are shrouded in fog portends you dubious luck and domestic troubles. If the fog clears - your troubles ...
  • FOG in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (pers. ten thousand) - monetary unit, and from the end of the XVIII century. also gold and silver coin of Persia (Iran). Consists …
  • FOG in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    in the general sense - an aerosol with a droplet-liquid dispersed phase. Formed from supersaturated vapors as a result of condensation. In the atmosphere, fog is called ...
  • FOG in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    patrol ship (converted from a fishing trawler) of the Soviet Northern Fleet. On the morning of August 10, 1941, while on patrol off Kildin Island, "T."
  • FOG in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Fog. - Under the name T., of course, such a state of the lower layer of the atmosphere, when completely transparent air loses its transparency under ordinary conditions, becomes ...
  • FOG in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • FOG
    (toman), a gold coin of Persia, minted since the 18th century. In 1930 - 32 was replaced ...
  • FOG in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I a, m. 1. Atmospheric phenomenon: the accumulation of small water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layers of the atmosphere, making the air opaque. ...
  • FOG in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a (-y), m. 1. Opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals. T. stands above the swamp. How in …
  • FOG
    TUMAN (Toman), Iran. gold coin, minted from the 18th century. In 1930-32 it was replaced by ...
  • FOG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TUMAN, in a general sense, is an aerosol with a droplet-liquid dispersed phase. Formed from supersaturated vapors as a result of condensation. T. called. also …
  • FOG
    tuma "n, tuma" ny, tuma "na, tuma" new, tuma "well, tuma" well, tuma "us, tuma" n, tuma "us, tuma" nom, tuma "us, tuma" not, ...
  • FOG in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    tuma "n, tuma" us, tuma "na, tuma" new, tuma "well, tuma" us, tuma "n, tuma" us, tuma "nom, tuma" us, tuma "not, ...
  • FOG in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    , Toman (Pers.) Iranian gold coin minted from the late 18th to the early 20th century. 20 century; currently used in Iran ...
  • FOG in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    haze, vapors, cloud, cloud. See the cloud, ...
  • FOG in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    haze, smoke, mara, haze, haze, haze, haze, coin, dregs, cloud, shroud, smog, toman, cloud, ...
  • FOG in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) a) The opaque state of the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to the accumulation of water vapor in it. b) Accumulation of steam, ...
  • FOG in the Spelling Dictionary:
    fog 2, -a and tom'an, -a ...
  • FOG in the Spelling Dictionary:
    fog 1, -a and -y (atmospheric phenomenon; let ...
  • FOG in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals of T. stands above the swamp. Everything is in a fog (vague, unclear). fog oh ...


Mad Fog (White); pale white (White); whitish (Gumilyov, Chirikov); whitish (Artsybashev); white (Korolenko); wet (Balmont, Chiumina); wavy (Pushkin, Fet); blue (Bashkin, Bunin, Lermontov); stuffy (censor); yellow (Chulkov); golden (Balmont); gold (Fofanov); unsteady (Sologub); quick-moving (Serafimovich); playful (fet); sparkling (Serafimovich); shaggy (Budishchev); easy (Nadson, Serafimovich); lilac (Bunin); lilac (Fofanov); sticky (Bitter); hazy (Sologub); wet (Kuprin); milky white (Korolenko); milky blue (Bunin); cloudy milky (Bunin); muddy (Bashkin); soft (Muizhel, Frug); unfaithful (Pushkin); motionless (Turgenev); unfriendly (Apukhtin); cloudy (Pushkin); changeable (Balmont); creeping (Vasilievsky); transparent (Nadson, Frug); dank (Artsybashev); fluffy (Turgenev); rainbow (Minsky, Nadson); multi-colored (Polonsky); loose (Korolenko); light gray (Gogol); lead (Nadson); silver (Bunin, Maikov, Nadson); silver (Balmont, Nadson); gray (Bunin, Nekrasov); bluish (Bunin, Kipen); blind (Bashkin); vague (Serafimovich, Frug); gloomy (Bryusov); gray-haired (Kuprin, Ryleev, Turgenev); gray (Green, Ice); raw (Bashkin, Blok, Bunin, Lokhvitskaya); thin (Serafimovich); dull (Bunin); heavy (Petrovskaya)

Epithets of literary Russian speech. - M: Supplier of the court of His Majesty - Association "Fast Printing A. A. Levenson"... A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913.


About color.

Scarlet, whitish (whitish), white, blue, smoky blue, smoky, yellow-blue, yellow, pearl, golden, gold, red, azure, lilac, hazy, milky white, milky blue, milky, cloudy, opal , orange, ashy, iridescent, pink, light, lead, gray, silver, silver, gray-gray, gray, gray, blue, silvery (obsolete), gloomy, dark, dull, black and white, black.

About the density, the density of the fog; about its shape, condition.

Wavy, fibrous, viscous, dull, thick, liquid, granular, unsteady, quick-moving (vernacular), muslin, light, shaggy, slow, shaggy, immobile, impenetrable, impenetrable, dense, creeping, ghostly, transparent, downy, fluffy, rare , loose, through, layered, solid, thin, heavy, cotton.

About temperature, humidity, smell; about the nature of the impact on a person; about the impression, psychological perception.

Wet, watery, rotten, hot, stuffy, acrid, fetid, chilly, sour, prickly, icy, sticky, brain (vernacular), wet, frosty, soft, tender, dank, slimy, sleepy, harsh, damp, warm, gloomy , cold. Bearded, creamy yellow, shaggy, shaggy, uncomfortable, half-blind, woolen. Swamp, evening, rain, frosty, London, sea, night, autumn, pond, river, dewy, morning, etc.

On the psychological state, indistinctness of thoughts, ideas.

Mad, disorderly, blissful, hot, bloody, light, dying, drunk, vague, heavy, intoxicated.

Dictionary of Russian epithets. 2006 .

Dictionary of epithets. 2013 .


See what "fog" is in other dictionaries:

    FOG- husband. (darkness, darkness) dense vapor, water vapor in the lower layers of the air, on the surface of the earth; air darkened by vapors. Fog falls along the lower reaches and along the valleys. The fog spreads like a shroud. Fog in my eyes, I see everything in a fog, dull, dark, unclear, as in ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    FOG- FOG, a mass of small water droplets hovering directly above the earth's surface and causing poor visibility. Light fog is called haze. The standard definition of visibility in haze is 1 to 2 km. The haze turns into ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    FOG Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FOG- 1. FOG1, fog, husband. (Turkic tuman). 1. The opaque state of the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to the accumulation of water vapor in it. "The fog rises at the bottom of the rapids." A.K. Tolstoy. "The fog is smoking over the swamp." Lermontov. “Through the wavy ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    fog- Mist, vapor, cloud, cloud. See cloud ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. fog of haze, mg; vapors, cloud, cloud; fog, fog, haze, Toman, gloom, smoke, smog, Mary, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    fog- fog: An accumulation of condensation products in the form of droplets or crystals suspended in the air directly above the earth's surface, accompanied by a significant decrease in visibility. [GOST 22.0.03 97, article 3.4.18] Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    FOG- (Fog) an accumulation of microscopic water droplets (or ice needles) suspended in the lower atmosphere (clouds are the same T., but at a greater or lesser height above the earth's surface). Formed by cooling humid air ... ... Marine dictionary

    fog- 1. FOG, a (y); m. [Turk. fog] 1. The accumulation of small water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layers of air, making it opaque. Strong, rare, dense t. Gray t. Veil, haze, haze of fog. T. over the lake, over the river. Go to… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fog- the countable monetary unit of Iran. Mist Iranian gold and silver coin, contains 10 rials. See also: Silver coins Gold coins Counting monetary units Financial dictionary Finam ... Financial vocabulary

About color.
Scarlet, whitish (whitish), white, blue, smoky blue, smoky, yellow-blue, yellow, pearl, golden, gold, red, azure, lilac, hazy, milky white, milky blue, milky, cloudy, opal , orange, ashy, iridescent, pink, light, lead, gray, silver, silver, gray-gray, gray, gray, blue, silvery (obsolete), gloomy, dark, dull, black and white, black.
About the density, the density of the fog; about its shape, condition.
Wavy, fibrous, viscous, dull, thick, liquid, grainy, unsteady, quick-moving (vernacular), muslin, light, shaggy, slow, shaggy, immobile, impenetrable, impenetrable, dense, creeping, ghostly, transparent, downy, fluffy, rare , loose, through, layered, solid, thin, heavy, cotton.
About temperature, humidity, smell; about the nature of the impact on a person; about the impression, psychological perception.
Wet, watery, rotten, hot, stuffy, acrid, fetid, chilly, sour, prickly, icy, sticky, brain (vernacular), wet, frosty, soft, tender, dank, slimy, sleepy, harsh, damp, warm, gloomy , cold. Bearded, creamy yellow, shaggy, shaggy, uncomfortable, half-blind, woolen. Swamp, evening, rain, frosty, London, sea, night, autumn, pond, river, dewy, morning, etc.
On the psychological state, indistinctness of thoughts, ideas.
Mad, disorderly, blissful, hot, bloody, light, dying, drunk, vague, heavy, intoxicated.

See also `Fog` in other dictionaries


FOG, a mass of small water droplets hovering directly above the earth's surface and causing poor visibility. Light fog is called haze. By the standard definition, visibility in haze is 1–2 km. Haze turns into fog at visibility below 1 km. Mist is formed as a result of thickening of water vapor after air cooling. Vapors condense around dust particles. The main types of fog are: advection, formed due to the difference in temperature between the air and the surface over which it passes (as an example, the fog formed as a result of the passage of cold air over warm water), frontal the fog that forms when warm rain falls through a layer of cold water ...

m. (darkness, darkness) dense vapor, water vapor in the lower layers of the air, on the surface of the earth; air darkened by vapors. Fog falls along the lower reaches and along the valleys. The fog spreads like a shroud. Fog in my eyes, I see everything in a fog, dull, dark, unclear, like in smoke. Empty in your pocket, and the distance (and tomorrow) in the fog! Fog falls at dawn with dew, or rises in clouds. * Let the fog, set the fog, show off, swoon. In London, fogs are a hassle. He has a fog in his head, thoughts are unclear, confused. And it's time for the fogs to come from the blue sea away. If they go to the water (water blessing), let there be fog - there is a lot of bread, harvest. He bewildered me with fog! Talan is not a fog - it does not go by. Drunk, even in a fog, but everything sees God. From fog, either dew or rain. The fog falls to the bucket, rises to the bad weather. Fog on Feofan - harvest for flax and hemp, March 12. If the horse gets sick that day, it will not work all summer long. | Fog, numbers. ten thousand. Foggy day, morning. - glass. cloudy, milky, dark, unclean ...

fog Borrowing is considered. from Turkic. lang., where tuman"Fog, darkness" avest. dunman"fog". It seems that the interpretation of the word as primordial is not excluded - the same root (with mutation) that darkness, Dr.-Ind. támas"Darkness", lat. tenebrae"Darkness", etc. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. The origin of words. - M .: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

1) duffel bag, 2) base, 3) nothing is clear

Fog 1.tum a n (atmospheric phenomenon, and also transfer.) 2.tum a n and toman (Iranian gold coin)

Russian verbal stress. - M .: ENAS... M.V. Zarva. 2001.

FOG - in a general sense - an aerosol with a droplet-liquid dispersed phase. Formed from supersaturated vapors as a result of condensation. In the atmosphere, fog is the accumulation of water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layer.



thickening of water vapor in the air layer adjacent to the ground. It is formed either when humid air is cooled to the dew point (that is, to the temperature at which dew begins to fall out) or due to the mixing of two air masses containing a significant amount of steam, but different in temperature. T. is wet if the objects are damp and dry if the objects remain dry. It depends on the difference in temperature between soil and objects and air temperature; if the latter is much colder than the former, then the deposited moisture evaporates quickly, and the objects remain dry. From dry T. it is necessary to distinguish the so-called. haze, or dry haze, having a different origin. There are also T., forming over water bodies (river, lake, sea). In with. x-ve T. are of no particular importance, except for marine T., to-rye, when fruit trees appear during the flowering period, they cause the death of the future harvest (for example, plums on the Black Sea coast).

TUMAN (Toman), the gold coin of Persia, was minted from the 18th century. In 1930 - 32 was replaced by rials.

1. m. 1) a) The opaque state of the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to the accumulation of water vapor in it. b) The accumulation of steam, smoke, dust, etc., making the air opaque. 2) Control. as a symbol of smth. unclear, confusing, incomprehensible. 2.m. Iranian gold coin, which was in circulation until 1932.

in 1868-1932 unit of Iran, equal to 10 crowns = 200 shahi, in 1881, 1882 equal to 1 crane = 1 franc = 100 centimes.


Heavy fog

Solid fog

Dictionary of Russian Idioms. ... Combinations of words with a high degree of meaning Academic 2011

Indicates a state in which mistakes and misunderstandings are made. Mystical religions use fog symbolism in initiation. The soul must pass from darkness and confusion, from fog, to clarity and enlightenment.


Back up (burp) into the fog, more often in the form led. tilt Zharg. pier Rude. Get out of h-98; Vakhitov 2003, 39.

Throw / let fog in your eyes to whom. Simple. Create a false opinion about smb., About smth.; fool, fool smb. F 2, 107.

Go into the fog. Zharg. pier Disappear, hide. Maximov, 432.

Fog up with fog whom. Volg. Disapproved. Mislead, deceive smb. Glukhov 1988, 161.

Let in / let in (let in / let in) the fog. Spread. Obscure smth., Confuse, mislead smb. FSRYa, 267; SRNG 28, 152; F 2, 60; ZS 1996, 367; SPP 2001, 74.

Fog `Encyclopedia of Technology`


clouding of the surface layer of air due to the presence of water droplets or ice crystals or their mixture suspended in it, in which the horizontal visibility becomes less than 1 km. If the smallest drops of water suspended in the air, ice crystals or their mixture reduce visibility to 1 km or more than 1 km, then this phenomenon is called haze.
Achievement of the state of air saturation, followed by condensation of water vapor in the surface layer of the atmosphere, causing the formation of T., occurs as a result of two main processes: a decrease in air temperature and an increase in its humidity.
Depending on the reasons for the formation of T., there are two main types: T. cooling and T. evaporation. Cooling temperatures are divided into advective ones, arising from the transfer of heat ...

Fog in the general sense - an aerosol with a droplet-liquid dispersed phase. Formed from supersaturated vapors as a result of condensation. In the atmosphere, fog is the accumulation of water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layer.


in the general sense - an aerosol with a droplet-liquid dispersed phase. Formed from supersaturated vapors as a result of condensation. T. called. also the accumulation of waters in the atmosphere. droplets or ice crystals in the surface layer.

Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

and toman, fog, m. (pers.). Gold coin, monetary unit in Iran.

Fog TUM A H, -a, m. Stupid, slow-witted person.

Dictionary of Russian argo. - GRAMOTA.RU... V.S. Elistratov. 2002.

Fog I Fog

the accumulation of small water droplets or ice crystals, or both, in the surface layer of the atmosphere (See. The surface layer of the atmosphere). (sometimes up to a height of several hundred m), reducing horizontal visibility to 1 km and less.

T. is formed as a result of condensation or sublimation of water vapor (see Sublimation of water vapor) on aerosol (liquid or solid) particles contained in the air (the so-called condensation nuclei). T. from water droplets is observed mainly at air temperatures above -20 ° C, but can occur even at temperatures below -40 ° C. At temperatures below -20 ° C, ice T prevails. Visibility in T ....

(pers. ten thousand) - monetary unit, and from the end of the XVIII century. also gold and silver coin of Persia (Iran). Consists of 10 rials.

A (-y), m. 1. Opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals. T. stands over the swamp. Everything is in a fog (vague, unclear). 2. A veil of dust (or smoke, steam, soot), making the air opaque, haze. G. from a forest fire. T. stands in the eyes of someone. (trans .: fogs up in 2 digits before the eyes). 3. transfer. About the state of ambiguity, confusion of thoughts, ideas. G. in the head. Poetic vol. 4 - Let the fog go (colloquial) - deliberately do something. unclear, incomprehensible. II app. foggy, th, th.


-a (-y ), m.

The accumulation of small water droplets or ice crystals in the surface layers of the atmosphere, making the air cloudy.

Fog rose on the sea; barely through it the lantern at the stern of the nearest ship shone. Lermontov, Taman.

The fog was now even thicker, there were no trees to be seen, it was necessary to walk like in milk, only defining the road by the crunch of gravel. A. N. Tolstoy, Sisters.

|| what or which.

An opaque shroud, a cloud of fine particulate matter suspended in the air (dust ...

fog I fog I "ten thousand", toman — also (Dahl). From tour. tuman - also (Radlov 3, 1518); see Mi. ЕW 365; TEL. 2, 180; Nachtr. I, 59; Gombots 131. Cf. darkness and sl. II fog II, ukr., Bld. fog "fog, haze". From Turkic, cf. chagat., Kazakh., Kyrgyz., Balkar., Karaite. tuman "fog, darkness", tur., Crimea-tat. duman - the same (Radlov 3, 1518, 1798 et seq.); see Mi. ЕW 365; TEL. I, 287. The original source of the last words is probably avest. dunman- "fog", dvąnman- "cloud" (see similar forms in Bartolome 749; M. - E. I, 536), otherwise Krelitz (58), Lokoch (164). Identically etymologically Tuman I. Tohar. intermediary (Schöld, Lw. St. 37 and ...


accumulation of products with condensation in the form of drops or crystals suspended in the air directly above the Earth's surface, accompanied by a significant decrease in visibility. T. is formed as a result of condensation or sublimation of water vapor on aerosol (liquid or solid) particles contained in the air. T. from water droplets is observed mainly at air temperatures above -20 ° C.

EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

1. Ancient Persian gold coin.
2. The Story of Stephen King.
3. Film by John Carpenter.
4. Atmospheric phenomenon, due to which nothing is visible in two steps.
5. "Eh, roads, dust, yes ..." (songs.).
6. Woody Allen's film "Shadows and ...".
7. Painting by French painter Alfred Sisley "... on the shores of Wales."
8. This is a state of the lower atmosphere, when completely transparent air under normal conditions loses its transparency.
9. "The gray-haired grandfather at the gate is all over the eyes" (riddle).
10. Atmospheric phenomenon in which the hedgehog got lost.
11. The place where the hedgehog got lost.
12. Dobrynin's blue.
13. Lilac that floats above us.
14. Atmospheric phenomenon, a symbol of confusion in the head.
15. Haze.
16. I could.
17. English haze.
18. Hedgehog habitat (cartoon).
19. Breed of hunting dogs.
20. The story of the Russian writer M. Zoshchenko.
21. Feature of English weather.
22. Opaque air.

Fog is a phenomenon characterized by the accumulation of water vapor condensation products in the surface air layer, while the horizontal visibility range decreases to 1 km or less.

If the degree of turbidity of the air due to the formation of condensation products of water vapor is insignificant (with a visibility of 1 to 10 km), then this phenomenon is simply called haze.

Depending on the phase state of the particles that make up the fog, it can be water, that is, consisting of microscopic droplets of water, and ice (crystalline), consisting of the smallest ice crystals (needles).

Fogs formed at negative air temperatures down to -20 ° are often not ice, but watery, consisting of strongly supercooled droplets. At lower temperatures, ice fogs predominate, although in some cases supercooled drops were observed in fogs at temperatures of -30 and even -40 °. The radius of the fog particles ranges from a few tenths of a micron to 50-60 r .; most of the droplets have a radius of 5-15 c. at a positive temperature and 2-5 at a negative temperature. Due to the very small size of the fog particles, they are kept in suspension in the air without falling to the ground.

Special observations have established that in a weak fog, a volume of 1 cm 3 contains up to 100 droplets, and in a strong fog - 500-600 droplets.

Depending on the conditions of formation and origin, fogs are divided into two main types - radiation and advective.

Radiation fogs arise as a result of radiation cooling of the earth's surface and the air layer adjacent to it. The most favorable conditions for their formation are cloudless, calm weather and a fairly high air humidity. Radiation fogs most often occur in the early morning hours, when the degree of radiation cooling in the absence of cloudiness reaches the highest value. These types of mists form on land. They do not arise over the seas, since the cooling of the water and air above it during the night, then under favorable conditions for this, is usually small.

Among the features of radiation fogs are their relatively low vertical thickness and spot-like distribution over the territory. Sometimes the radiation fog develops only a few meters in height. This fog is called ground fog. Horizontal visibility in ground fog sometimes drops to 100-200 m, at the same time the sky can be seen at the zenith, stars can be seen at night.

One of the most important features of radiation fogs is their short duration. Having formed at night, they usually dissipate soon after sunrise (as the air temperature rises). Sometimes they at the same time, rising above the surface of the earth, form a translucent low cloudiness, which usually soon also disappears (evaporates).

Advective fogs are formed when warm and humid air moves over a cold underlying surface.

In contact with the latter, the air cools down to the dew point, after which condensation of water vapor sets in and, as a consequence, the formation of fog. Such fogs are often formed both over land and over the seas. They are distinguished by their mobility, great stability, significant vertical power, sudden appearance, as well as a large coverage area. Advective fogs persist for a long time: from one to several days in a row. They usually dissipate with a significant increase in air temperature, as well as with a sharp change in the direction of the wind, and, especially, when it increases (more than 10 m / s).