To preserve the diversity of flora and fauna on the territory of Russia in different years Nature reserves were created throughout the country. These are protective zones designed to protect not the entire territory (which is how they differ from nature reserves), but its individual parts: some plants, animals, or small ecosystems. Various types of research are carried out here, as well as work to increase populations.

Regional and federal reserves differ from each other. Depending on the structure and type, reserves can be either independent or part of or. On the territory of the reserves economic activity partially limited. Only things that cannot affect the environment are allowed. Ecotourism is also acceptable; a visit pass is often required.

State nature reserves, list of protected areas, photos with names and brief descriptions


Founded in 1983 on the territory of the Kamchatka Territory and occupies 322 thousand hectares, including water area. The river network and coastline make it interesting place tourist recreation. The fish spawning area attracts bears and can be observed from a distance. There are three volcanoes, the second largest lake in the Kuril region, stone birch forests, Vestnik Bay, Utashud Island and other natural objects.


Located in the Republic of Karelia on an area of ​​50 thousand hectares since 1989. The reserve has complex tasks, including the protection of not only rare species and landscapes, but also historical sites, for example, sites of the Mesolithic and Neolithic era. Natural sites of high importance: Kizhi skerries are a unique complex and nesting sites for birds, including waterfowl.


It is located on the border with China in the Primorsky Territory. Year of foundation – 2008. Area – 169.5 thousand hectares. Combined from two reserves. Considerable efforts are made to preserve the population: it is necessary not only to ensure the safety of the species, but also to prevent the environment from deteriorating in order Far Eastern leopards did not leave these lands. 4 years after its founding, it was declared part of the Land of the Leopard Nature Reserve.

Small Kuriles

Location – Sakhalin region, founded in 1982, area – 45 thousand hectares, including water area. The reserve is based on islands, so the composition of flora and fauna is not uniform everywhere. Key natural sites: Tserkovnaya Bay, where seabirds nest, Cape Krai Sveta - rookery of the anthura seal, larch grove. Japan claims this territory without recognizing it as Russian.

Valley of the gazelle

Created in 2011 in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The area is just under 214 thousand hectares. The area is steppe, there are two rivers that almost dry up during dry periods. The most protected species is the Mongolian gazelle. It is an important site for animal migrations. The Daursky Nature Reserve is located nearby. Tourism here is educational: the reserve's staff not only conduct research, but also educate travelers.


It has been part of the Republic of Dagestan since 1983. Area – 39 thousand hectares. Belongs to the Terek delta. The area can be considered an oasis, as there are dry plains around. One of the goals of the creation is an attempt to preserve the population of commercial species, which have been practically exterminated by decades of uncontrolled hunting and fishing. The unique ecosystem was formed largely due to the abundant aquatic vegetation.


It was put on maps in 1984 and occupies 78 thousand hectares in the Republic of Buryatia. Since 2011, part of the Baikal Nature Reserve. One of the areas of tourism is photo hunting, which attracts guests even from abroad. Successful travelers catch the eye of wapiti, roe deer, wood grouse and other inhabitants of the reserve. Besides natural beauty here they guard and historical monuments, for example, dolmens and sanctuaries of ancient people.

Krasny Yar

Located in Irkutsk region on an area of ​​more than 49 thousand hectares since 2000. Forty years before that it was a hunting reserve. Now entered special system environmental management: every action is accountable. The main goal is the protection of ungulates (wapiti, elk, roe deer) and their habitat. Forests, mostly mixed, cover almost the entire territory. They are the basis of the ecosystem of the entire region.


Belongs to the territory of the region of the same name since 1958. Area – 23 thousand hectares. You can relax here, but in specially designated places. Any activity that could negatively affect the environment or interfere with the usual rhythm of life of animals is prohibited. Natural features: Turtle lake with population marsh turtle, Chervleny Bor, where the pine forest is about 140 years old, Makloksky spring and others.


Founded in 1986 in Karachay-Cherkessia and occupies about 75 thousand hectares. Two types of terrain are adjacent and complement each other: dense forests and alpine meadows. The reserve is focused on a zoological profile, so that representatives of the fauna are protected to a greater extent, and any type of hunting is prohibited. To visit you need to get a pass. Nearby is the Teberda Nature Reserve.

Mshinskoe swamp

Exists since 1982 on more than 60 thousand hectares in Leningrad region. Most attention is paid to lakes and swamps. Any activity that can change the ecosystem is prohibited; however, the advancement of civilization towards a protected area also causes harm to nature. It is not easy to get here: there are only a few paved trails. Tourist tours are conducted on an ongoing basis.


Formed in 1988 in the Khabarovsk Territory. Area – more than 59 thousand hectares. Place for rest and feeding migratory birds. It is part of the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve. There was a Stalinist women's camp here, of which only ruins remain. A unique phenomenon reserve - a lake within a lake. Actually big lake region, Chukchagir, there are islands, and in one of them there is a small and almost ideally shaped Lake Krugloe.


Year of origin: 1986, area: more than 17 thousand hectares, location: Tyumen region. The purpose of creation is the reproduction of game animals and an increase in their numbers. Lake Svetloye is an intermediate stopover during the migration of the white crane population. The study of local wildlife continues. For some types of repair work and construction you need to obtain permission, the rest is prohibited.


It appeared in Dagestan in 1986 on an area of ​​more than 83 thousand hectares. It is part of the Dagestansky Nature Reserve. There are predators living nearby hunting species, which does not prevent the reserve staff from monitoring the populations. When visiting, you must have your passport with you, since the zone is a border zone. Attraction – “Plateau of Falling Lakes” – several reservoirs with emerald surface.


Founded in North Ossetia in 1958 and extends over more than 29 thousand hectares. Here they are actively building areas for feeding animals and birds, as well as making artificial nests to make life easier for birds. Architectural attractions: the villages of Dzivgis, Urikau and Dallagkau. TO rare species includes the eastern beech, and the beech-gab forest is a valuable natural object.


Year of foundation – 1982, location – Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region, area – 76 thousand hectares. “Upper Dvuobye” is a wetland with international significance. It is considered a subdivision of the Malaya Sosyeva Nature Reserve. The Ob floodplain is a nesting and molting place for waterfowl. Their migration routes also pass here. At the reserve wide range purposes, it is universal in terms of species protection.


Extends over 747 thousand hectares Krasnoyarsk Territory. Documents on his education were signed in 1987. The purpose of its creation is to protect the ecosystems of the middle taiga. The population of the local wild subspecies is recovering reindeer. It is also a sable reserve. In addition to protecting nature, there is a need to preserve cultural heritage indigenous peoples of the north, including the Khanty.


Occupies more than 119 thousand hectares in Novosibirsk region since 1958. Security and research activities mostly concerns wetlands and birds characteristic of this type of terrain. Iconic natural objects: Lake Chany – salty, drainless, the largest in Western Siberia, the "Pike Lakes" farmland is a tract of international importance, Kazantsevsky Cape is a natural monument.


Formed in 1988 on 787 thousand hectares of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is part of the “Interfluve and Valley of the Pura and Mocorrito Rivers” - a wetland of international importance. Environmental research and monitoring are part of the responsibilities of the reserve's staff. It is important for animals as a transit point during migrations, so in some periods the population increases significantly.


Refers to two regions at once: Vladimir and Ivanovo. Marked on maps since 1978. The area is about 21 thousand hectares. Key objects: Lake Krashcha with its legend about the “floating island”, the Uvod River, popular with tourists who love rafting, Lake Velikoye, heavily overgrown near the shores. One of the most protected species is the muskrat. Parking lot detected ancient man Upper Paleolithic era.


Exists in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug on an area of ​​241 thousand hectares since 1971. Playing important role in the protection of beavers. Swamp complexes and lichen forests are unique areas that have become protected areas. Local beauty attracts artists and photographers. Access for them, naturalists and other travelers is not limited by time, but you must obtain a pass. Nearby is the Malaya Sosva nature reserve.


Founded in 1988 on an area of ​​more than 132 thousand hectares in the Irkutsk region. Territory covered taiga forests, they look especially picturesque on the slopes of the Sayan Mountains. Protected species are fur-bearing animals, including sable, and Snow Leopard, monitored by reserve staff without fail to monitor the population. Natural attractions are the Kosurgashev Glacier and Medvezhye Lake.


Formed in 1985 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Area – 220 thousand hectares. Divided into 2 clusters. The location in the floodplains of the Ob and Malaya Ob has formed a certain ecosystem here with a focus on animals and vegetable world gravitating towards water. There are small rivers, lakes and swamps. Fish are also specially protected species, so fishing is prohibited in almost the entire territory.


Located in Kalmykia on 102 thousand hectares since 1988. Local lakes are mostly small, which is due to the arid climate. The most large lake- Koltan-Nur. Saigas have chosen this territory for breeding: here their young are born and grow stronger. There is a highway nearby, which has a negative impact on the environment. The second big problem is poaching.

Murmansk tundra

Refers to the territory Murmansk region since 1988. Area – about 295 thousand hectares. An important natural object is the tundra and the hunting fauna that inhabit it. The reserve workers are trying to make the local environment even more attractive for some species, thereby stimulating their reproduction and preventing migration. The key areas are the Yokanga River delta, as well as the Yenozero basin on the southern side.


Appeared on maps of the Leningrad region since 2000. Area – 60 thousand hectares. Tourists can use transport, but parking areas are strictly regulated. Key objects are the Kader swamp, relict dunes. On the coast you can find ringed seal. People come here by car, and often explore the surrounding area from rowboats or inflatable boats. Due to the construction of Nord Stream 2, the reserve is under threat.


Located in the Vladimir region. Founded in 1968 and covers an area of ​​more than 56 thousand hectares. The main protected species is the muskrat. A local natural attraction is Lake Visha, which is declared a natural monument. The welcome sign features a bison. Its population here is impressive; small herds were even taken from here to other areas for breeding.


Belongs to the territory of the Pskov region. Formed in 1985. Area – more than 74 thousand hectares. Initially it served as a reserve for hunting fauna. The cranberry bogs “Turinskoe”, “Crooked Moss” and others are natural monuments. The reserve includes a group of large islands. It is also a historical site, as it hosted Battle on the Ice. Great tourism potential.


Located in Krasnodar region since 1993 on an area of ​​more than 48 thousand hectares. Contact different types landscapes are unique and need protection. Since the region is flooded with tourists, there are risks associated with environmental pollution. Sometimes people end up in the reserve by accident and don’t know how to behave correctly, so walking around the territory is an important duty for employees.


Formed on the territory of Kalmykia in 1987. The area is about 195 thousand hectares. Environmental education is one of the goals. Steppe endemics are especially protected here. There are hunting grounds nearby, but the boundaries are clearly marked. Getting to the Sarpinskaya Lowland, where the reserve is located, is easy; you may need a pass, but not in all periods of the year.


Belongs to the territory of Ingushetia since 1971. Area – more than 70 thousand hectares. There are historical and cultural monuments that are protected along with nature. Particularly valuable ones include: bezoar goat, chamois, aurochs and others. The terrain is heterogeneous: highlands, alpine meadows, forests, deltas of several rivers. This diversity influences the emergence of special ecosystems, revealing additional features for researchers.


It occupies more than 12 thousand hectares on the lands of Buryatia since 1974. One of the main goals is to protect bird nesting sites and other bird habitats. This also includes species living near Lake Baikal. Wetlands are included in the list of significant international level. A pass to the territory must be obtained from the administration of the reserve. Vehicles prohibited. It is under the control of the Baikal Nature Reserve.

Tsasucheisky pine forest

Appeared in 1988 on more than 57 thousand hectares of the Chita region. Created primarily to preserve relict plant community. Particularly valuable species: black stork (4-5 pairs) and Siberian roe deer (population density is the highest in Siberia). While staying here, you must follow a large set of rules and coordinate your actions with the administration of the Daursky Nature Reserve.


Founded in 1988. Area – more than 100 thousand hectares in the territory Khabarovsk Territory. The fauna and part of the flora have been well studied, and work with the relief, climate and other details continues. Local wetlands are of international importance. Valuable species: dry-nosed snake, Steller's sea eagle, fish owl and others. Since 2009, the reserve has been part of the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve.


Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory since 1996. Area – more than 421 thousand hectares. Divided into 4 zones: “Akhmatov Bay”, “Home Island”, “Matusevich Fjord”, “Peninsula of the Paris Commune”. Each has its own characteristics, including relief, but the order of environmental management is the same for all. You can visit the territory, but be guided by the instructions available along the entire perimeter of the reserve.

Every day the negative influence of man affects nature more and more. This leads to the fact that many species of plants, animals, fish and even insects are on the verge of extinction. In order to protect them, the government is implementing special bills regulating environmental situation in the country. Thanks to them state protection include national parks, game reserves and nature reserves.

But if everything is more or less clear with national parks and reserves, then what are nature reserves? What is their purpose? How do they differ from other natural protection zones? And what is their role in conservation environment?

What is a reserve?

The reserve is a part of the natural area, protected from the harmful influence of humans. But unlike the reserve, not all living beings and plants are protected here, but only certain species. This is often necessary in order to restore the former population of these families, or to eliminate negative factors.

Also on the territory of the reserve any human activity, which can adversely affect protected species. For example, if animals are protected, then hunting is prohibited; if fish are protected, then fishing is prohibited.

The main differences between the reserve and the reserve

So, let's fully understand how they differ state reserves from nature reserves. After all, this is where the fine line lies that determines the very essence of this natural protection zone.

And we should start with the fact that, unlike a nature reserve, any reserve is a temporary phenomenon. That is, after the population of a protected species returns to normal, measures to protect it will be lifted. True, such changes occur very slowly, which is why almost all state nature reserves exist for a fairly long period.

In addition, if any human activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, then in our case things are a little different. Thus, within the reserve only those industries are subject to restrictions Agriculture and industry that can harm protected species.

Types of reserves

Today on the territory Russian Federation There are about 70 reserves of federal significance. Their approximate area ranges from 170 thousand km². All of them are divided into special categories, which determine their primary tasks.

So, state nature reserves can be:

  • Hydrological. That is, aimed at restoring water bodies and hydrological complexes.
  • Biological. In this case, only certain types of flora and fauna will be protected.
  • Landscape. Protected large areas, bearing cultural, natural or relief value.
  • Paleontological. That is, protecting individual sources of minerals or their complex deposits.

In addition, all of the above types of reserves are divided into two subgroups: permanent and temporary. In the first case, the validity period of legislative acts protecting a given territory has no time frame. And in the second, the period allocated for the restoration of protected species is pre-established in the accompanying documentation.

Zoological reserves

One of the subtypes of biological reserves is zoological. Its main task is to protect animals from negative impact environment and people. That is, it is intended to increase the population of a certain type of animal. But how is this goal achieved?

First of all, a moratorium on hunting is introduced, and at any time of the year. In addition, environmental services constantly monitor to ensure that no one violates this ban. It should be noted that they quite often have to deal with poachers, because an increase in the number of animals sooner or later attracts their attention.

In addition, various techniques are also being introduced in the reserves to improve the lives of animals. For example, rangers build various kinds of feeders that can provide animals with food even in the most hungry winters.

Botanical reserves

A botanical or plant reserve is another subtype of a biological conservation zone. As the name suggests, its main task is to protect certain plant families.

At the same time, unlike the reserve, the reserve protects plants from any negative influence: be it man or nature itself. For example, if a protected species is in danger from herbivores, then it is protected from them.

Also, people sometimes independently regulate the speed of plant reproduction. To do this, he may use artificial fertilizers, modified seeds or chemicals, protecting crops from pests.

Landscape reserve

So, landscape nature reserve- this is a certain part of the territory that carries aesthetic or geological value. By and large, such environmental complexes are open to any type of human activity. With the exception of those that are capable of somehow changing the landscape or topography of a given area.

For example, in a landscape reserve, agricultural and land reclamation work is prohibited, as well as any type of construction, unless they are aimed at preserving this area of ​​the territory.

It should also be noted that these objects do not have a set lifespan. They can be compared to exhibits in a museum, main goal which is to educate people.

State nature reserves - these are specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, subsoil, plant and animal world), having environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places where the genetic fund of flora and fauna is preserved.

At the same time, reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

Natural resources available on the territory of state natural reserves are provided to them for indefinite use. All property of the reserve, including natural complexes and objects, is state property and cannot be the subject of any transactions for its alienation.

It is prohibited to confiscate or otherwise terminate rights to land and other natural resources of the state nature reserve.

The reserves are assigned the following tasks:

Carrying out the protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state;

Organization and conduct of scientific research, including maintaining the Chronicle of Nature;

Implementation of environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system;

Environmental education;

Participation in the state environmental assessment of projects and layouts for economic and other facilities;

Assistance in training specialists in the field of environmental protection.

The most characteristic feature of the legal regime of a state natural reserve is that any activity that contradicts the specified objectives and rules of its special protection is prohibited. Stay on the territory of the reserve by citizens who are not employees of these reserves or officials of the bodies in charge of these reserves is allowed only with permission from these bodies or the directorates of the reserves.

In accordance with international programs for environmental protection, biosphere reserves have been created in our country. They are part of the international system of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring.

National parks- these are natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, which are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

Just like nature reserves, national parks are environmental, environmental education and research institutions. Their property is state property, provided to them for indefinite use, withdrawn from civil circulation and is not subject to privatization.

Main tasks national parks are:

Preservation natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects, as well as historical and cultural objects;

Environmental education of the population;

Creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

Development and implementation of scientific methods of nature conservation and environmental education;

Implementation of environmental monitoring;

Restoration of damaged natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects.

Thus, unlike state nature reserves, national parks perform not only environmental and scientific tasks, but also recreational and educational ones: they create conditions for recreation and tourism for the population, and familiarization with natural attractions.

For these purposes, the national park is given a differentiated regime with the allocation of various functional zones:

Reserved, within which any economic activity and recreational use are prohibited;

Specially protected, within which conditions are provided for the preservation of natural complexes and objects and on the territory of which strictly regulated visits are allowed;

Educational tourism, designed to organize environmental education and familiarization with attractions national park;

Recreational, intended for recreation;

Protection of historical and cultural objects, within which conditions for their preservation are provided;

Visitor services, designed to accommodate overnight accommodations, tent camps and other tourist service facilities, cultural, consumer and information services for visitors;

Economic purpose, within which economic activities necessary to ensure the functioning of the national park are carried out.

Any other activity that may cause damage to the natural complexes and objects of the national park and contradicts its objectives is prohibited, including the development of mineral resources, soil disturbance, changes in the hydrological regime, the provision of gardening and summer cottages, the construction of roads, communications and other objects not related to with the functioning of the national park, deforestation, hunting and fishing, traffic, organization of mass sports and entertainment events outside specially designated areas, etc.

State nature reserves- these are territories (water areas) that have special meaning to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance.

State nature reserves are intended for the conservation of natural objects or reproduction natural resources combined with limited and coordinated use of others. At the same time, the territories in which the reserves are located may not be confiscated from the owners, owners and users land plots in contrast to the territories of nature reserves and national parks. At the same time, the indicated subjects of rights to land plots located within the boundaries of the reserves are obliged to comply with the special protection regime established on their territory and bear the responsibility provided for by law for its violation.

State nature reserves may have different profiles, according to which they are allocated the following types reserves:

Complex (landscape) designed for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes (landscapes);

Biological (zoological and botanical), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural terms;

Paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects;

Hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems;

Geological, intended for the preservation of objects and complexes inanimate nature.

The legal regime of state natural reserves is characterized by the fact that on their territories any activity that contradicts the goals of creating the reserve or causes harm to its natural complexes and their components is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited.

To ensure the functioning of the reserves, their administrations are created.

In the twentieth century, a system of specially protected natural areas was actively created in Russia. All new reserves and wildlife sanctuaries are being organized in this century. Protected areas are necessary for conservation natural resources of our planet.

What is a reserve

The reserve is organized in an area where comprehensive protection of the ecosystem is necessary. A virgin forest or other area of ​​the Earth whose nature is in its original form is protected. No restoration work is being carried out in the reserve. Visiting the reserve core (the area of ​​which can occupy up to one hundred percent of the territory) by unauthorized persons is prohibited.

What is a reserve

A reserve is a section of territory or water area that requires restoration of the ecosystem or part of it. Such protected areas are created when the number of rare animals or plants decreases.

If a valuable geological or historical-cultural object is located on the territory or water area, then a nature reserve will also be organized in this area. It can exist indefinitely or be disbanded after completion, for example, of excavations.

A reserve is a section of territory whose protection is not complete. If a valuable commercial game is restored in a given area, then hunting for a specific representative of the fauna is prohibited. However, picking berries and mushrooms is allowed. If a geological object is protected on the site, then it is only prohibited bad influence to this structure.

A reserve is a territory that can either be taken away from the owners and users of the land, or retained in their ownership. The decision depends on whether the visit to the area and the use of certain natural resources affects the site requiring restoration.

Types of reserves depending on the type of subordination

State nature reserves are:

  1. Federal significance.
  2. Regional significance.

State reserves of federal significance are important for the country as a whole. In total, there are 59 such objects in Russia. Back in 2013, there were 70 federal nature reserves. However, some of them were downgraded to the regional level.

Types of reserves depending on restoration objects

There are different objects that need to be restored, as they are of great value to humanity. Wildlife sanctuaries are divided into the following types:

  1. Landscape. The entire natural complex is being restored.
  2. Biological. Endangered species of flora and fauna are being restored.
  3. Hydrological. Valuables are preserved aquatic ecosystems.
  4. Geological. Objects of inanimate nature are protected.
  5. Paleontological. Fossil objects are protected.

Nature reserves of Russia

The territories of the reserves are unevenly distributed over the area of ​​the Russian Federation. Most of the protected objects are located in Western Europe, Western Siberia and the south of the Asian part of our country.

Purinsky Nature Reserve (zoological)

The Purinsky Nature Reserve, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is the largest in area. It occupies 7875 square kilometers. The facility was created with the goal of preserving and restoring the number of game animals. Migration also takes place across the tundra rare representatives fauna. The Purinsky reserve is a zoological reserve. At the site, biotopes are being restored - habitats and migrations of rare fauna. Research in biology and ecology is also carried out here.

Wildlife Sanctuary "Losiny" (biological)

The Losiny Nature Reserve is located in the north of Primorsky Krai. Wild ungulates are protected on the territory, as well as rare plants. The number of ungulates is restored in the following ways:

  1. The animals are fed.
  2. Biotopes suitable for inhabitants are restored: the quality of forest plantations improves.
  3. The number is being counted, and selection work is also being carried out.
  4. Animal diseases are being combated.

Number accounting is necessary to monitor the results of the work done.

"Pozarym" - biological reserve of Khakassia

In the twenty-first century, new protected areas continue to be organized, including nature reserves. The Pozarym reserve was founded in December 2011. Endangered species of plants and animals are protected on the territory: forest subspecies of reindeer, snow leopard, red wolf, Argali mountain sheep, Siberian Mountain goat and other representatives of fauna.

The indigenous peoples of this area continue to engage in economic activities in the reserve: they fish for their own food, collect herbs, nuts, mushrooms, and berries.

"Dzeren Valley" (landscape reserve)

The Dzeren Valley Nature Reserve is located on the territory of Trans-Baikal Territory. The wetlands of this subject of the Russian Federation are valuable for the whole of Russia. "Dzeren Valley" - nature reserve federal level. Here biotopes are protected - habitats and migrations of rare animals, Scientific research. Tourism is developed in the territory.

This reserve was organized in November 2011 and, like the previous one, is one of the last protected objects created on the territory of Russia.

Reserve "Stone Steppe" (landscape and zoological)

Is located in Voronezh region and has an area of ​​only 52 square kilometers. The "Stone Steppe" object is one of the smallest reserves in terms of area. Unique forest-steppe landscapes, which are semi-cultural, are protected on the territory. Marmots live here, the numbers of which must be maintained.

What is a reserve? A reserve is an area of ​​the Earth's surface where certain work is being carried out. Any specific objects are being restored or protected in the square.

State nature reserves- territories (water areas) of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. State nature reserves can be of federal or regional significance.

State nature reserves can have a different profile, including:

Complex (landscape) designed to preserve and restore natural complexes ( natural landscapes);

Biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural relations;

Paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects;

Hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems;

Geological, intended for the preservation of valuable objects and complexes of inanimate nature.

On the territories of state natural reserves there is a permanent or temporary ban (restriction) on any activity that contradicts the goals of creating state natural reserves or causes harm to natural complexes and their components.

Declaring a territory as a state nature reserve is permitted both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots. But as a rule, the reserve is not the main land user of the occupied territory.

In the territories of nature reserves (or their individual sections), any economic activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the purposes of their creation or damages natural complexes and their components.

Due to a certain flexibility of the environmental restrictions introduced (depending on the specifics of local conditions, economic activity may be either completely prohibited or some types of it may be allowed), zakazniks are one of the most common categories of protected areas in Russia. In addition, this is a very ancient form of protection of hunting grounds and their inhabitants, known since the time Kievan Rus. It is assumed that it was then that the word “order” appeared, which meant a temporary restriction on the use of hunting resources.

Classification of reserves is carried out according to the following reasons:

· by time of action (permanent, temporary, seasonal);

· by significance and subordination (federal, regional);

· according to the profile and goals of the organization (see above);

· on the tasks of nature conservation and the purpose of natural resources (environmental, natural resources, natural and recreational).


Natural monuments- unique, irreplaceable, valuable in environmental, scientific, cultural and aesthetically natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. Natural monuments can be of federal or regional significance.

In the territories where natural monuments are located and within the boundaries of their protection zones, any activity that entails a violation of the preservation of natural monuments is prohibited. Owners, possessors and users of land plots on which natural monuments are located are obliged to ensure a regime of special protection of natural monuments.

The main purpose of declaring natural complexes and other objects natural monuments is to preserve them in their natural state. According to the current legislation in Russia, this goal can be achieved both with and without the seizure of land plots from other land users (the latter option is less favorable from an environmental point of view, but in practice it is the most common).

The use of natural monuments is permitted to solve scientific, environmental, educational, recreational and other problems that do not contradict the main purpose of declaring these objects natural monuments. Permissible uses are established specifically for each natural monument, depending on its nature and condition (seasonal and other restrictions may be introduced).

Depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other values ​​of protected objects, natural monuments may have federal or regional significance. By the end of 2001, there were about 10 thousand natural monuments in Russia ( with total area 2.5 million hectares, or 0.1% of the territory of Russia), of which only 28 are of federal significance. In many regions, an inventory of natural monuments has been carried out, and methodological foundations their organization, and also published characteristics of existing and proposed objects for protection.

In general, such a category of protected areas as a natural monument is very widespread and is of exceptional importance for the protection of small elements of the landscape, which is especially important in old developed regions for maintaining an ecologically balanced spatial structure landscapes. To the number negative aspects This form of protected areas in our country should include the fact that the direct protection of natural monuments is often entrusted to legal or individuals who are not directly related to nature conservation (as a rule, these are land users), which does not contribute to the effective protection of these objects.

Natural monuments, as well as nature reserves, are characterized by an absolute conservation regime. Those. economic, recreational activities and any interference in the course of the natural processes, if it is incompatible with the goals and objectives of the conservation regime of a given natural object or complex.

True, 2 amendments should be made:

The ban on recreational activities applies to the organization of tourist centers, passive or active tourism, but does not exclude excursions to view a natural monument,

Research work is not excluded.

Several groups of natural monuments can be distinguished (this classification is conditional and partially supplemented independently:

1) Geological PP

2) Water-based PP

3) Botanical

4) Zoological

5) Landscape