Currently, it is hardly possible to find a community of plants or animals on the planet, which would not be directly or indirectly influence from a person.

The whole history of mankind is associated with one or another influence on the flora and vegetation. At first it was the activity of nomads; After the agriculture appears, the effect on the flora intensified due to the burning and cutting of forests to obtain new sowing sites. Foresting of forests in the countries of the Mediterranean, in Malaya Asia, Mesopotamia (in the regions of ancient cultural civilizations) led to significant cellsophyticization of vegetation and desertification of territories. In Africa, in India, in South America Reducing the area of \u200b\u200btropical forests led to an increase in Savannan Square. In Central Asia and North America, the enhanced development of animal husbandry, in addition to desertification, caused the spread of moving barren sands. The era of the great geographical discoveries led to expanding the drift and the extension of all new and new species, which often quickly applied in new conditions.

Usually it is about unconscious and consciousthe impact of a person on nature and its plant components (see the classification of anthropogenic influences - in the course of lectures on general ecology)

Unconscious influence (Plant collection, cutting down and burning forests) is usually beneficial to a person, but adversely affects vegetation. The unconscious selection by a person led to the creation of many cultivated plants, the story of which is mostly unknown. A person often acts unconsciously and at present, spreading seeds, disputes and fruits due to the powerful development of various types of transport.

Conscious impact It can also be positive or negative. For example, artificial selection is an effective means of improving certain types and varieties or creating new breeds of cultural plants. Reasonable cutting down of the forest within the annual growth of wood and, subject to renewal rules, it can significantly increase the productivity of forests; Sanitary logging helps to get rid of sick trees. However, the excess of the seizure of wood over the one-year increase, the cutting of forests on the mountain slopes, the destruction of vegetation in sanitary-protective or water protection zones represents examples of conscious and negative influence.

Among the main directions of the influence of a person on plants and vegetation should be selected as follows:

1. Enrichment of flora or change in the composition of vegetation. In this direction, until recently, the unconscious enrichment of the flora prevailed. For example, a number of synanthropic plants have always accompanied to a person in its resettlement, but most of these species refers to weed and not present practical value. Among them are distinguished:

Archaeophytes that existed from prehistoric times (burdock, swan, cornflower sowing, etc.);

Neophytes representing the weed species of the new time (Elday - "Water Plague", Enoter, etc.);

Apophytes, local species that are easily passing to cultural fields (linas, china tubren, sage, alfalfa yellow often appear on freshly painted fields).

The seizible species dedicated to the sows are called segative (cornflower, soul), and weeds, preferring garbage dumps from houses or near the roads - Ruderal (burdock, Belen, nettle).

Consciously cultivated in botanical gardens, parks or green zones Exotic ingenic plants sometimes go to local wild fauna, i.e. Acclimatizes and naturalize. At the same time, they are forced to compete with local aboriginal species and confront new climatic conditions. Only some escribional views with a wide ecological amplitude and large amounts of seeds can be implemented in the local flora. Examples: Impftiens Parviflora) from Central Asia and Air (Acorus Calamus) from Turkey arrived in the middle lane of Russia. It is easier to acclimatization and naturalization in aqueous plants (for example, in Eldine), due to the similarity of the environmental conditions of the aquatic environment.

2. Reducing the ranges and habitats, as well as the direct destruction of plants occurs very often, sometimes consciously destroyed some types: for example, Barbaris is destroyed in Scandinavia, which is an intermediate owner of rust of bread signs. Greater damage to vegetation is applied by uncontrolled collection of medicinal plants. Many plant species are among the disappearing and entered in red books of various levels.

3. The direct impact of a person on vegetation cover manifests itself when the land is uninstalled, cutting down forests, domestic animals, screaming and burning plants, especially in the meadows and in the steppes.

4. The influence of a person on the flora affects various landlore events - when irrigating, watering or draining individual territories. Irrigation is an artificial soil moisturizing to get higher yields. It is known that the productivity of irrigated land exceeds similar indicators of Bogar Lands several times. However, with irrigation, especially with excessive, in arid zones such a negative environmental phenomenon as a secondary soil salinization is associated. In the absence of drainage systems, the sectors of secondary soils are usually excluded from agricultural land use. In arid zones and deserts, a person creates special landscapes near water sources - oases - with a kind of environmental situation. When stamping, additional water sources are built (ponds, wells, wells), which are designed to improve water supply, but at the same time irretrievable water pumping worsens the conditions of the existence of plants. Drainage of land is usually practiced on wetlands. As a rule, it increases the productivity of dried areas, but is accompanied by a plurality of side negative phenomena: a decrease in the level of groundwater, the cropping and drying of the rivers in the neighboring uncomfortable areas, etc.

5. The deterioration of the conditions of the existence of plants occurs as a result of air pollution, water and soil. Skurning, exposure to harmful gases, acid rains are an integral consequences of industrial activities.

6. The creation of littering (rueral) habitats contributes to the emergence of a specific flora. Roadflows of household waste are characterized by an increased nitrogen content due to the large number of decomposing organic matter, so many plants growing on such landfills relate to nitrophilas. On the contrary, the dumps and groundcons practically do not contain soil humus, but the discarded empty rocks are rich in various toxic substances, to which few plants can adapt. Significant areas that occupy similar "monuments" of industrial production require various methods of recultivation and phytomeliolation.

7. The most significant impact of a person for vegetation is related to the fact that under artificial phytocenoses requires more and more squares. However, the created agro-ecosystems are characterized by a depleted composition of vegetation due to the prevailing monoculture of agricultural production.


The influence of man's economic activity on the vegetation world. Protection of plants

Question 1. What is the impact of man's economic activity on the vegetation world?
The person began to influence the environment of its natural environment since he moved from gathering to hunting and farming. Human economic activity: landscape of lands, flashes and burning of forests, wagoning pastures and pulling grass by pets - led to serious changes in nature. From the middle of the XIX century. Increasing importance to acquire effects on nature related to the development of industry, transport, accompanied by changes in the landscape due to mining of minerals and pollutant enabling medium. As a result of man's economic activity, thick forests were kept, the number of species of wild animals was reduced, and some disappeared at all. The formation of forests caused the crust of rivers, which led to a decrease in fish catches. The soils were exhausted, more ravines became more, the surviving and black storms were frequent.
Particularly strong disorders occurred around cities. There have been extensive dumps of garbage and waste. In many reservoirs, water has become unsuitable for drinking. Polluted waters, air, soil caused violations, and sometimes the death of natural communities.

Question 2. What is the purpose of creating reserves?
The reserve is a complex of environmental measures aimed at preserving natural ecosystems, the preservation of the gene pool of rare populations and endangered animal species, plants, reducing human impact on the environment, as well as the introduction of methods of rational use and control over the state of ecosystems and resources. In order to prevent the emergence and development of environmental disasters. Reserves create to preserve the unique, most valuable corners of nature. In reserves, there is a bad job (the study of plants and animals), any economic activity is prohibited.

Question 3. How do the nature guard in our country?
The protection of living organisms in our country is a matter of state importance. It is conducted in accordance with the laws that prohibit the collection of rare plants, the extraction of rare animals, the destruction of other types of organisms in need of protection.
In the Russian Federation, in order to prevent the emergence and development of environmental disasters, a system of environmental measures has been developed, which is mainly reduced to the following:
1) the creation of protected territories (reserves, reserves, national parks);
2) Development of monitoring systems - monitoring (including biomonitoring), allowing to monitor the state of the environment, to judge the degree of degradation (for example, a Tiger team has been created in the Primorsky Krai, which works on the protection of the Tiger and the Far Eastern Leopard and their places habitat);
3) adoption of laws providing the legal framework of environmental activities;
4) the development of methods for breeding rare and endangered species of animals and plants and their introduction (resettlement) on protected areas, new habitats, as well as in zoos and botanical gardens;
5) Educational work is to clarify the population of tasks and methods of the nature of the protection of nature and the need to limit the use of resources.
The most difficult task is currently the preservation of the gene pool of rare and endangered plants and animals. To this end, the red books of state and local levels are created for giving such types of special status. Red books provide information on the distribution, biology of individual species, reasons for reducing their ranges and the necessary measures of their protection.

Question 4. What is the role of plants in environmental recovery?
Sustainable pollution plants (white acacia, acacia yellow, poplar, chestnut, birch, alder, Iva, hawthorn, lilac, larch) use for landscaping cities with developed industry and abundance of cars. Create forest belts from these trees to protect against wind, for snowdown from the roads! Around the fields. These plants are actively absorbed from the air various harmful substances and are good dust collectors. Specively used in landscaping plants not only purify air from substances harmful to health, but also make settlements cozy and beautiful. Pollution sensitive plants can serve as ambient condition.

Question 5. Why should nature be the case of all people of the planet?
The biosphere is not divided by state borders. All processes in it are interrelated. The phenomena occurring in one part of it affect the state of the biosphere as a whole. Therefore, the protection of nature and the rational use of its resources is important for each state. That is why nature should be the case of all people of our planet. Noosphere is entirely connected with a modern civilized person and mankind. It originated as the highest stage of the development of the biosphere. It is the reasonable human activity that is the most important determining factor in the formation and development of the noosphere.

The impact of man for vegetation

The man has a huge impact on vegetation, both positive and negative. As an object of protection, vegetation can be divided into aquatic, soil, underground and overhead.

Water vegetation plays a big role in the lives of water bodies and their inhabitants, but used by man weakly.

Soil vegetation - bacteria, algae, individual types of fungi play a large role in the processes of soil formation and forming its fertility.

Ground vegetation, which has more than 500 thousand species (of which 300 thousand higher species of plants) are most used by man and exposed to its part. It is difficult to say today how many plants have disappeared on the planet, which is no longer possible to create again. However, many facts indicate the disappearance of about 30 thousand species of plants. In our country there are about 20 thousand species of plants. Of these, about 60% grows on natural hay and pastures. More than 530 species have become rare.

As a result of human activity on huge areas, wild plants are replaced by cultural, i.e., a person in his interest constantly transforms the world around the world. Home and wild animals have a strong influence on plant communities. The non-eaten plants remain intact or hollow with hooves. The unsystematic pasta of livestock leads to the degeneration of pastures, causes the occurrence of water and wind erosion of the soil. Industrial emissions are relevant on the growth and development of plants. Finding into atmospheric air, they ultimately settle on the plants. Plant growth can be slowed down 2 times, and sometimes more. Some industrial emissions have high toxicity and cause plant drying. It has been established that wheat yields are lower in areas of non-ferrous metallurgy by 40-50%, and the protein content is below 25-35%. Often there are facts of destroying and damage to plants that cannot be justified by anything. For example, mass pollution of hay-axial land, pastures and other areas with exported industrial waste, all sorts of garbage. Heavy consequences for plants leave mass colors, unorganized visits and rest on the lap of nature.

Vegetation protection measures

Planet's plant resources are colossal and can provide existence of a much larger than today, the number of people, domestic and wild animals, if these resources use reasonably and take measures to protect and reproduction. The relevance of vegetation protection due to anthropogenic effects occasionally increases every year. As already noted, many species of plants are used as food, forage, medicinal, vitamosny, honey, ornamental, and are an important reserve for the national economy. However, under the influence of human activity, natural vegetation complexes are quickly reduced. In all cases, a person explains its actions as a phenomenon is completely inevitable related to the development of production. All this is so, but, nevertheless, human activity should be combined with a lean attitude towards the plant world. The main task is to preserve the species diversity of cultural plants as a gene pool, allowing to expand and improve breeding work.

Plant species exist not isolated. They are associated with a variety of threads with other vegetable, animal components and abiotic factors of natural complexes. Therefore, the protection of vegetation is the task of the complex, should be carried out through the protection of the entire natural environment, including plant communities, which include these types of plants. The protection is subject to all flora and its grouping - phytocenoses.

The main objectives of forest protection are their rational use and recovery. More importantly, the measures for the protection of the forests of smallness areas are increasing due to their water-protection, soil-protecting, sanitary and recreation role. Special attention should be paid to the protection of mountain forests, as they perform important water-adjusting soil-protective functions. With proper maintenance of forestry, re-cuts on one or another plot should be carried out no earlier than 80-100 years, when completely ripeness is reached. In the 60s of the 20th century, in a number of areas of the European part of Russia, the re-logs were returned significantly earlier. This led to the loss of their climate-forming and water regulating importance, the number of fine forests increased. An important measure on the rational use of forests is the struggle with the loss of wood. Often, with a harvesting of wood, significant losses occur. Branches, coofers, which are valuable material for the preparation of coniferous flour - vitamin feed for livestock remain in places. Waste from cutting forests are promising to obtain essential oils.

Timely referee is the most important condition for preserving forest resources. In Russia, about a third of annually reversable forests is restored, the rest require special measures to resume. At 50% of the area, only measures to facilitate natural resumption, and the rest are needed and planting trees. It has a positive effect on the restoration of forests. Cleaning them from the branches remaining after cutting down, branches, needles, etc.

In the reproduction of forests, a lot of role is played by reclamation activities: the drainage of the moistened soil, planting the soil of trees, shrubs and herbs. It favorably affects the growth of trees and quality of wood. Where the natural renewal of the forest on deforestation does not occur, after loosening the soil produce seeds or seedlings grown in nurseries. In the same way, forests are restored on gars, glades, planting highly productive varieties of trees. Along with forest-based work and an increase in forest productivity, along with the right selection and widespread introduction of fast-growing rocks, reasonable drainage of wetlands requires timely forest care measures. Sluorrow, cleaning, lightening, sanitary cutting, protection against fires, pests, and diseases, skils, etc. - All this improves the state of the forest, increases its productivity. These events, with their proper implementation, contribute to the preservation of the forest as a natural complex.

For many years of its existence, people are accustomed to take a maximum of nature, and use her gifts solely for their own purposes, without giving anything in return. But in recent years, more and more information about the negative impact of a person on the planet appears, and many people think about how to bring land at least a little good. Today we will talk about how the impact of the activities of the economic orientation of a person on the vegetation world.

The active economic activity of a person may not be reflected in the plant world of our planet. Already, more than one thousand years people use plants as one of the main sources of food, they also serve as animal feed, play the role of raw materials for construction and various processing. The more humanity developed, the more actively its need for vegetation raw materials increased.

How affects plants man?

So, about twenty years ago, wood was needed to obtain four or five thousand different products or products. Now their number rose by about three times. Now no reader is "popular about health" can not imagine your life without paper, and it requires the use of a significant amount of wood. And even now people use such raw materials absolutely not rational. About ten percent of the material already cut and remains in the forests, simply unpleasant. And the forest areas of many territories is much reduced every year. So, four hundred years ago, the forest science of Central Russia was equal to forty percent, and today - only twelve. Imagine what is the effect of a person!

A person affects the state of the vegetation world not only by direct seizure of individual plants. Especially disguised effect on the flora has the development of industry and the popularity of vehicles. The presence in the atmosphere of a huge amount of phytotoxicants (substances that aggressive influence on plants) leads to the drying of the forests. All over the world, plants are subject to negative influence of industrial emissions, and about half of coniferous forests is at the drying stage. There is a constant and active destruction of tropical forests, which absolutely not in vain got the name of the "light planets", because they are the main supplier of oxygen into the atmosphere of the planet. And to restore the tropical forests is very difficult, this is a particularly long process.

Due to the creation of large hydropower plants and various reservoirs, there was flooding of significant territories of the Earth, which were occupied by various vegetation. And the increase in the number of livestock in the mountains caused the destruction of many mountain pastures, as well as significant exhaustion of the soil layer. The execution of an irrational disintegration of the understanding led to the encouragement of many rivers of the average, as well as a small size, which in turn caused the decrease in the drain into larger rivers. As a result, many separate plant species disappeared, scientists even indicate the disappearance of a number of whole plant communities. So our influence on the plants does not improve their growing conditions ...

Active agricultural activity of a person is also accompanied by burning or wratching plants in vast territories. This practice has long been destructive for nature, but it is still actively used in many corners of Russia and the CIS.

Meliorative activities also adversely affect the state of the flora. So, for example, the practice of irrigation - artificial humidification of soils to obtain an excellent harvest leads to secondary soil salinization. As a result, saline lands are simply excluded from land use.

When creating artificial oases in arid territories or in the deserts, the conditions of the existence of plants also deteriorate. After all, the production of additional water sources leads to irretrievable pumping of water in other sections.

Harm flora and drainage of lands practiced in wetlands. Such procedures allow to increase the productivity of the dried area, but the reason for reducing the level of groundwater or the crime of rivers in the neighboring uncomfortable area is caused.

Active human activity leads to the emergence of sufficiently specific representatives of the plant world. Thus, there are particularly many nitrogen in the dumps of household waste in the ground, which is explained by the active decomposition of the organics. Nitropyl plants grow on such sites. And the dumps or groundcons that do not have an soil humus, but contain many toxic substances, become a house for other plants that are capable of adapting to such conditions.

The presence of a huge amount of such vesible habitats cannot not affect the composition and characteristics of the flora as a whole.

The direct or indirect impact of human activity led to the fact that many cultures became very rare. Thus, specialists are confident that more than twenty-five - thirty thousands of plant varieties are now threatened with disappearance. And to stop the process of their further disappearance is very difficult. People must competently and rationally use natural wealth (abandon the stems, excessive sealing and grazing of livestock in prohibited territories) is also extremely important to abandon the irrational drainage. Experts argue that the practice of creating various reserves or reserves is not able to give the right effect in the preservation of the Flora composition, as huge territories need protection.

It is worth remembering that in plants the influence of a negative nature on plants, you can dozens of years later, "cut down the bitches on which you sit", because it is plants that are the first link in any nutritional chain. Therefore, they are extremely important for humans and to save lives on the planet.

From century to century, people used the surrounding nature as a source of resource consumption. But before a certain time, this activity did not have a detrimental effect on the world around him. For example, plants have always served a person with a source of nutrition, building material for hijan, plants walked on a cattle.

Developing, humanity has increasingly consumed vegetable raw materials, and with the emergence of various adaptations, mechanisms, production, the plant world began to carry serious losses. For example, if a couple of dozen years ago, about 5 thousand product names were produced from the wood, then there are already about 15 thousand items.

A person seeks to make his life better, more comfortable, so the nature takes more and more resources. As a result, this person's influence on the plants turns into returning to the same poisonous waste of production, which is difficult to dispose. In turn, it becomes a threat for both human and environmental.

Only at the end of the last century, scientists drew attention to the results of a detrimental impact of man's economic activity on the vegetation world. In this regard, scientific programs began to be created, issued grants for developing ways to improve the environmental situation.

Human economic activity and vegetable world

Industrial emissions and have a destructive effect on the plants. For example, the phytotoxicants emitted into the air actually affect coniferous forests - from these substances of the forest dry. Recently, tropical forests have become suffered from industrial facilities, which are the main oxygen suppliers to the surrounding atmosphere. Restore the same tropical forest task is very complex and extremely long.

For the production of electricity, hydrostating, water storages are built on rivers. In this regard, there is a flooding of extensive soil sections. The improper human activity on the cultivation of the floodplains of rivers and lakes provoked their graining, which means the disappearance of many aquatic plants.

Increased population, urbanization

It should be noted that the degree of harmful influence of a person on the vegetation world also depends on the number of population. After all, in this connection, more and more food, energy resources are required, housing problems are required, etc. The population is constantly growing, new generations require more and more resources. But, unfortunately, the possibilities and resources of the planet are not limitless. Therefore, now you need to seriously and quickly solve the problem of resource deficiency.

In addition, the rapid growth of the population of the Earth causes urbanization, which means that the cities are becoming more and more and they occupy all the large areas. But on the site of their construction and expansion, natural corners are destroyed. Therefore, it is often at the site of the appearance of new cities even climate becomes another.

Plant world - as a security object

Under the influence of human activity (direct or indirect), many species of plants are raised on the edge of destruction. They became rare, disappearing or already disappeared at all. Currently, about 30 thousand species of plants under full threat of disappearance are known.

As an object of protection, all plants are divided into water, soil, underground and terrestrial:

Water vegetation growing in water bodies is extremely important for the ecosystem of the reservoirs themselves and organisms living in them. A man sweepingly uses this group of plants.

Soil vegetation is mushrooms, bacteria, some algae. All of them have an impact on the soil, making it more fertile. The person also uses them not actively.

Ground plants growing on the surface of the Earth are used by a person most actively. It is from this group that plants disappeared most of all.

As a result of its activities, huge areas of wild plant plants are replaced by agricultural crops, as a person constantly transforms the environment in its own interests. In addition, plants disappear due to unsystematic grazing of agricultural animals. They eat plants, and those that remain are damaged by hooves. As a result, the degeneration of pastures occurs, water, wind soil erosion occurs.

If the presence and ever-growing number of industrial enterprises and power plants can be justified by the production necessity, the natural dumps, mass alerting of hay roads, is impossible to justify pasture. The spontaneous seeds of garbage, the export of industrial waste into unpredictable space for this place the most negatively affects the fragile ecosystem. Also very adversely affects the vegetable world, the inorganized collection of medicinal plants, colors and activities of tourists leaving behind the mountains of garbage.

A person increasingly began to face a recent green corner of nature, pastures, meadows and forests. Thus, he has to study the laws of nature around the world. Humanity began to realize the serious danger of the further detrimental impact of its activities on the plants, which means that humanity will find ways to reduce it.