Fortunately, economic activity human spread did not cover all parts of our country. About some natural complexes The state took care of them by declaring them protected areas. Such places are carefully protected from destructive anthropogenic impact. Total in Russian Federation over a hundred nature reserves. Let's take a closer look at five of them.

An area of ​​165,724 hectares in Buryatia was declared the Baikal Nature Reserve in 1969.

The Kabansky State Nature Reserve is also subordinate to this reserve. More than 800 plant species form the flora; landscapes are mainly steppe and taiga. Among the species diversity of the animal world there are: 37 species of mammals, 260 species of birds. Several tourist routes pass through the territory, and there is a Museum of Nature.

In 1932, it was created to protect animals Ussuri Nature Reserve. 99% of its territory is covered with forests. 15 plant species found in the reserves are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Among the inhabitants of the pages of the Red Book also live: the black stork, Amur tiger, himalayan bear etc. Scientific research is constantly carried out on the territory.

On a modern scale, which is about 882 thousand hectares, it was established in 1967. It is one of the largest protected natural areas. The climate in the reserve is continental. The landscapes are mostly mountain taiga.

Its territory is included in the list of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO. Vegetable world rich: cedar and fir forests are replaced by deciduous ones, spread along the unique Lake Teletskoye pine forests; in alpine meadows there is a variety of herbaceous plants.

The mentioned UNESCO list called “Golden Mountains of Altai” also includes the Katunsky Nature Reserve, which has received biosphere status since the beginning of the 21st century. On its territory, with an area of ​​150 thousand hectares, there are 135 lakes, 700 species of plants, over 20 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia, many herbs are valuable as medicinal ones.

The fauna is also diverse, for example, you can meet 140 species of birds, or come across a snow leopard in the highlands, which is listed in the International Red Book. Close to Katunsky Nature Reserve territory located national park"Belukha"

Only by stepping onto the protected lands can you breathe in the purest air, enjoy pristine views of nature, and absorb the true beauty of your homeland with every cell of your body.

Ubsunur Basin

Got on the List world heritage UNESCO in 2003. Almost the entire territory of the reserve consists of unique isolated areas, which are strikingly different in their natural conditions. So, here you can find: mountain taiga massifs; highlands with alpine meadows, mountain tundras, eternal snows and small glaciers; small in area sandy deserts, as well as steppe and forest-steppe areas. That is, the Ubsunur Basin is a unique natural object, where such contrasting landscapes can be found in a small area.

The second most important value of the basin is species diversity flora and fauna. Here you can find unique combinations of southern and northern animals and plants. The territory is also home to quite rare species of representatives of the animal kingdom: Mountain sheep argali, snow leopard.

And the third feature of the reserve is that monuments were once discovered here cultural heritage: stone sculptures, rock paintings and ancient burials.

How to get there? Since it is located in the border zone, passes are required to visit: you can get them at the administration of the reserve (city of Kyzyl, Kalinina St., 144A). You can drive by moving towards Western Tuva (via Ak-Chyraa from Samagaltai to Khandagayta).

Magadan Nature Reserve

Also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since it is divided into four distinctive cluster areas, this has provided the area with rich biological and landscape diversity. The glacial relief zone is considered a geological and geomorphological monument. Almost the entire territory of the reserve is covered with waterfalls and alpine lakes.

An amazing feature of the protected area is that specific ecosystems that are not found anywhere else have been preserved here in their original form: Beringian cedar tundra, deciduous floodplain forests, continental larch woodlands. Here you can find relict flora, and most of the vascular plants are included in the pages of the Red Book of Russia.

The fauna of the reserve is quite diverse: chum salmon, seals, Snow leopards, reindeer, black-capped marmots, sables - this is only a minimal list of the entire variety of representatives of the animal kingdom.

How to get there? You can get to one of the sites. Olsky section: 50 kilometers away from the city of Magadan. The Kava-Chelomdzhinsky section lies 180 kilometers from Magadan.

This reserve is famous for its waterfall of the same name. It is located in the region where three elements are united in a harmonious combination: stone, forest and water.

It is considered the oldest reserve, since it appeared in 1931. The choice of location for the protected area was predetermined by the location of the waterfall, which has become a favorite tourist attraction. And since there were located around him pine forests, then there was a need to protect them from cutting down.

The area of ​​the reserve is interesting in the sense that it is represented by all types of relief of Karelia. So, here you can find eskers (selgi) “curly rocks” and “ram’s foreheads”.

Visitors to the reserve immediately find themselves in an excursion area, which includes an arboretum, a nature museum and the aforementioned waterfall.

How to get there? By car or excursion buses coming from Petrozavodsk or St. Petersburg. Drive along the M-18 highway until the village of Sopokha, then turn west, reaching the desired sign.

Big Arctic Reserve

This is the largest reserve in terms of area in all of Eurasia, as well as the third in the world in terms of area, the shores of which are washed by two seas: the Laptev and Kara. The territory is characterized by an impressive diversity of landscapes, and there are also areas with permafrost. Once in this protected area, you can admire the most beautiful phenomena polar night and polar day.

Quite exciting routes have been developed for visitors here: “Khutuda Biga - the river, rich in life", "Taimyr Labyrinth", "Spring on Khutuda-Big", "Medusa Bay". They involve diving, rafting, zoological and ornithological safaris, visiting a Nenets camp, where you can get acquainted with their life and culture.

How to get there? Located in the city of Norilsk Krasnoyarsk Territory. You can get there public transport or by car.

Lapland Nature Reserve

The largest protected area in Europe, as well as the oldest in Russia (it was created a year earlier than the Kivach nature reserve). Initially, the reserve was created in order to preserve not only the population of wild reindeer, but also those natural conditions, which are still in pristine condition, representing the main value of the reserve. On its territory it was possible to preserve virgin old-growth forests, the total age of which ranges from 3 to 10 thousand years. The trees themselves exist in them for 400–600 years.

Since 1995, the project “Fabulous Lapland – the domain of Father Frost” was launched here. His tower was located on the banks of Chunozero.

How to get there? The entrance to the protected area is located at 1222 kilometers of the St. Petersburg - Murmansk highway or 371 kilometers of the Murmansk - St. Petersburg highway.

Nizhnesvirsky Reserve

The territory of this object, and specifically its wetlands, received significant status international scale. The reserve is famous for its diversity and richness. There are 1,839 species of invertebrates, 348 species of vertebrates, and 1,885 species of vegetation.

The territory of the attraction together with its surroundings is considered as perfect place for bird watching. In general, the natural components of the reserve are nothing more than a living mechanism that exists according to wise laws nature.

How to get there? You can get to the city of Lodeynoye Pole from St. Petersburg or Moscow by train. Many people travel from St. Petersburg by intercity bus. You will have to travel 3 kilometers from the final stop to the central estate.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

The only reserve in the Moscow region, and also the smallest in area in all of Russia. It is included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

This reserve is especially famous for its work in saving bison, which were once on the verge of extinction. By the way, a visit to the bison nursery is an integral part of the excursion program.

Also, once you are on the territory of the reserve, you can count on visiting a background monitoring station, a nature museum, and a goblin’s house. In the summer, those who want to go up to the sky hot-air balloon to appreciate the beauty of the protected area from a bird's eye view.

How to get there? As an option - by train to Serpukhov, and then by minibus or by bus to settlement Dunks.

What nature reserves are there in our country? Russia is a treasure trove of stunningly beautiful places that have absorbed the magic of untouched nature, the greatness of mighty coniferous forests, crystal transparent lakes, clean mountain rivers with ice water sparkling in the sun.

What are protected areas?

Due to the fact that our homeland has different climatic zones and conditions, many are wondering what nature reserves there are in our country, Russia. The names of most of them are constantly heard, but we don’t even think about what riches are hidden in the depths of these natural repositories of beauty.

Most reserves are designed for hiking. They are equipped with very convenient trails for walking and houses for overnight stays. Despite this, they also contain places where no human has ever set foot. These are the so-called "wild" zones.

Names of protected areas

What nature reserves are there in our country, and what are they called? As of today, there are 101 state nature reserves in Russia. Their total area is almost thirty-four million hectares. There are also thirty-nine national parks, whose area is seven million hectares. It is also planned to open two more nature reserves and four national parks. The existing state natural protected areas include such well-known ones as “ Krasnoyarsk pillars", Priorksko-Terrasny, Katunsky, Ilmensky, Rostovsky, Laplandsky and others.

Caucasian beauties

Not only in Russia, people are interested in what nature reserves there are in our country. The name of the Caucasian Nature Reserve, the largest in Europe, is also known abroad. Its total area is two hundred and eighty hectares.

Unique mountain and foothill ecosystems have been preserved here. Most The reserve is covered by untouched forest. The rest of the territory also includes glacial landscapes. The extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna, including rare species and populations, attracts the interest of tourists and scientists. The main pride of the reserve is its fir forests. The Caucasian protected area is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Lake Baikal

Everyone should know what nature reserves there are in our country, Russia, in order to visit at least a few of them. After all, only by setting foot on their territory, you can enjoy the cleanest air and the untouched beauty of nature, absorbing the pristine beauty of nature with every cell.

The natural reserves of our homeland stretch from Lake Baikal to the Altai Mountains. What nature reserves are there in our country? The most valuable source fresh water, around which there is a fabulous beautiful nature reserve, is Lake Baikal. It is surrounded by deciduous trees, coniferous forests, where more than three hundred species of animals live, eighty species of plants grow, twenty-five of which are “red books”.

Seven Wonders of Russia

What nature reserves are there in our country on the Kamchatka Peninsula? One of the oldest protected reserves, Kronotsky, is located there. It is adjacent to Pacific Ocean, but it’s not what makes him famous geographical location, A active volcano called Kronotskaya Sopka, a large number of waterfalls, thermal lakes and the stunning Valley of Geysers, included in the list of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

"Ice" reserve

The Great Arctic Nature Reserve is the largest nature reserve in the entire territory of Eurasia. This territory is covered with ice and glaciers, there are arctic deserts and tundra. Coastline washed by the North Arctic Ocean. This is where the natural abode of polar bears is located.

Unique swamps

If tourists come to the Arctic cold, then Western Siberia They rarely dare to come in. These huge, flooded swamps are home to rare animals and birds, but people are infrequent visitors here.

Nature of the Far East

It was created with the aim of preserving the rarest species of marine and coastal flora and fauna. The tourist's gaze will be pleased with the clear sea, narrow grassy beaches, deciduous forests. Unfortunately, some species of the reserve's inhabitants are endangered.

Pride of Krasnoyarsk

"Krasnoyarsk Pillars" is a state-owned nature reserve, located near the city limits of Krasnoyarsk. The territory is surrounded by the right tributaries of the Yenisei. total area The reserve is forty-seven thousand hectares. Travelers who come here rush to admire the volcanic sientean remnants, representing the “pillars”. On the territory of the reserve there are rocks, total number of which there are about a hundred. All of them are divided into smaller ones, each of which the people gave a name.

Every year, thousands of tourists around the world wonder what nature reserves there are in our country, Russia. These are true connoisseurs of wildlife, lovers active rest And clean air. Millions of hectares of our homeland are the greatest wealth of the country, since they have developed ideal conditions for the habitat and reproduction of rare and endangered plants and animals. The special status of these protected areas prohibits mining, production work- any actions that directly or indirectly threaten the ecosystem.

Some governments are taking great effort to protect certain territories, to preserve cultural and natural resources of his people.

There are more than 160 thousand protected areas in the world. In total, they occupy 10% of the entire surface of the planet. Here are the biggest ones:

The largest nature reserves in the world

1. Papahanaumokuakea (area – 1.5 million km²)

Monk Seal

He was the first to propose the idea of ​​creating a conservation area in Hawaii. ex-president USA Theodore Roosevelt back in 1909. But only 100 years later, in 2006, George W. Bush, with the support of the US Departments of Commerce and the Interior, which allocated funding, created the Papahānaumokuākea National Marine Monument.

And in 2016, Barack Obama almost quadrupled the area of ​​protected area, allowing Papahānaumokuākea to become the world's largest large nature reserve in the world.

It is home to more than 7 thousand species of various plant and animal species, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

2. Northeast Greenland National Park (area – 972 thousand km²)

Considering that the national park covers the entire northern part of Greenland, it is recognized as one of the largest national parks in the world. Its size is larger than the area of ​​163 of the 195 existing countries in the world.

In that national park It is home to polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, snowy owls and many other species of wildlife, some of which are on the verge of extinction. The park was created in 1974, over time its territory increased, and in 1977 it already received the status biosphere reserve of international importance.

3. Marine protected area of ​​the Chagos Archipelago (area – 544 thousand km²)

The territory of the world's largest marine protected area is under the auspices of Great Britain and is the largest reserve marine flora and fauna on the planet.

The area of ​​the region is larger than France and is located 500 km south of the Maldives. The reserve covers seven atolls and coral islands with the most beautiful and diverse underwater natural world, which plays a key role in the formation of the local ecosystem.

Chagos is home to more than 1,200 species of coral, various fish and one of the most rare species sea ​​turtles.

4. Kavango-Zambezi Transboundary Nature Reserve (area – 444 thousand km²)

The reserve covers the territory of several African countries: Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are several national parks here, including Chobe, Nhai Pan and Bwabwata, the Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls.

Kavango-Zambezi was founded to protect the migration of animals from one country to another. Biological resource The region contains one of the largest elephant populations on the African continent.

5. Phoenix Islands Protected Area (area – 408 thousand km²)

The protected area is located on the territory of the Republic of Kiribati and is the largest natural reserve sea ​​life in the Pacific Ocean.

These sites are connected to the mystery of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, a famous female pilot whose plane is believed to have disappeared in these waters in 1937.

Five of the eight protected islands are home to extremely rare and endangered bird species, attracting attention from tourists and researchers. Some areas of the reserve can be visited, but only with special permission.

6. Great Barrier Reef (area – 344.4 thousand km²)

One of Australia's most interesting natural attractions is undoubtedly the Great Barrier Reef, the largest collection of coral in the world. Many live here in one place exotic species marine flora and fauna.

The area was declared a national park because the corals were rapidly disappearing due to pollution. environment. Now, for example, tourists and surfers, when visiting a nature conservation park, are required to comply with strict rules behavior.

The Great Barrier Reef is located near the state of Queensland and consists of a chain of more than 900 islands and 2,900 individual reefs stretching over 2,600 kilometers in length.

Tourism in this region generates billions of dollars in revenue for Australia.

7. Galapagos Marine Reserve (area – 133 thousand km²)

Marine iguana

The islands of the archipelago are located a thousand kilometers off the coast of Ecuador. The reserve is home to many species of sharks, whales, turtles, and fish. The remote location, the mixing of warm and cold sea currents, fresh and salty waters, contributed to the development of an extraordinary animal world.

Charles Darwin studied in detail different kinds animals that lived on these islands, and subsequently, based on the analysis of the data obtained, he developed his theory of evolution.

The greatest threat to the conservation of the region's biodiversity today is illegal fishing of fish, lobsters, sea ​​cucumbers(holothurians) and some species of sharks.

8. Air and Tenere National Reserve (area – 77.36 thousand km²)

The protected area is located in Niger and is protected by UNESCO. The name appeared as a result of a combination of the names of the two regions where the reserve is located: East End on the Air plateau, and the western one in the Tener desert (part of the Sahara).

The reserve is home to various endangered species, and only some parts of it are accessible to tourists.

A distinctive feature of this territory are dunes, caves, canyons, underwater caves and others of various shapes and types. geographical features, found only in this part of the world.

There is a mountain made of real marble, as well as sand dunes with an ever-changing appearance.

9. Rangel St. Elias (area – 53.3 thousand km²)

This national park and wildlife refuge was created in 1980 and is located in southern Alaska and nine US states.

The park's 16 mountain peaks are the highest in the United States, and the landscapes are reminiscent of the Swiss Alps.

10. Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (area – 37.6 thousand km²)

The protected area of ​​the park continues to expand and currently covers lands in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, uniting several national parks.

Animals inhabiting the area: African elephants, giraffes, leopards, hyenas, white rhinoceroses, cheetahs, mongooses, etc.

Tourism is developed here and various safaris are held. In addition to standard jeep tours, there are canoe tours, walking tours, and for guests various events and festivals.

Greater Limpopo

Find out about the 10 best animal sanctuaries and sanctuaries around the world. These are world famous sanctuaries where you can

Find out about the 10 best animal sanctuaries and sanctuaries around the world. These are world famous sanctuaries where you can come with your children and family. Besides, the best nature reserves endowed with outstanding natural diversity, making them some of the most beautiful places in the entire world. Bring your camera, grab your backpacks and go exploring unique life wildlife in one of the most beautiful natural habitats.

Vervet Monkey Park

Hidden among the lush tropical landscapes of South Africa is quite a large nature reserve, which is dedicated to the research and protection of the iconic Vervet Monkeys. As its name suggests, the Vervet Monkey Foundation is a haven for this species of rare humanoid animal. The magnificent natural scenery and natural attractions make it an excellent destination for wildlife lovers. You can observe Vervet monkeys in this reserve while walking along winding paths, where your vacation will be full of incredible emotions and entertainment. The foundation is also dedicated to training young people and professionals in the field of conservation of rare wildlife biodiversity. A trip to the Monkey Park offers an exciting educational experience for your children.

Donkey Sanctuary

Donkey Sanctuary is located in Devon, UK, just a few kilometers from the English Channel coast. This a nice place offers great opportunity escape from the hustle and bustle of large modern cities, be transported to one of the largest donkey sanctuaries in the world. Thousands of donkeys are kept here of different ages, for which ideal living conditions have been created. There is also a lot going on here educational programs, very interesting for both children and adults. Enjoy the scenery, admire the funny donkeys and listen to their calls, then head to the nearby beach to watch the sunset.

Koalas in Lone Pine

Brisbane is one of the largest cities along east coast Australia, in the outskirts of which you can find the next incredible animal sanctuary on this list. This is the Lone Pine Koal Sanctuary, which is located along the winding streams of the Brisbane River and offers guests an immersive experience of wildlife. Firstly, the nursery in Lone Pine is the largest koala sanctuary in the world and the chance to find these cute iconic animals is much greater here. Secondly, here you can see koalas in the treetops, which are part of their original natural habitat. And that's not all, because in Lone Pine you will also encounter many other typical animals from Australia. Kangaroo and Tasmanian devils- just a few examples.

Rehabilitation center Sepilok

Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center has already been mentioned in the list of the best animal sanctuaries. Northern part The island of Borneo is known for its rich tropical diversity, but Sepilok is its special highlight. It is home to many orangutans who are at home in the lush green tropical jungles of Borneo. Feeding the orangutans is the biggest fun for park visitors, while the magnificent tropical jungle create the perfect atmosphere. From the enchanting countless sounds of countless birds, insects and other wildlife, to the numerous ponds and streams, the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary is a tropical paradise like no other.

McNeil Nature Reserve

McNeil River State Wildlife Refuge is located in one of the most beautiful parks along Alaska's coasts. It represents a whole network of crystal clean rivers and bays are a paradise for salmon. At the same time, the scenic pristine green landscapes and steep mountains- a paradise for brown bears. That's why this combination transforms the McNeil River Preserve into one of Alaska's best viewing spots brown bear and countless outdoor adventures. Highlight free time, special clothing and sustainable footwear, and set out to explore unprecedented biodiversity and coastal beauty southern Alaska.

Giant pandas of Sichuan

IN mountainous area Sichuan, China, You can find one of the largest Panda sanctuaries in the world. This is the iconic Giant Panda Sanctuary in Sichuan, also home to the Red Panda and a number of some of the rare animals from this part of the world. The huge mountain houses a unique wildlife exhibit, creating an atmosphere from the era of dinosaurs. Varieties of ferns, huge shrubs and more tall trees will captivate your mind and soul, just like the numerous Giant Pandas. Here you can easily take a photo right next to the pandas playing in the background huge mountains. In the same province is located picturesque reserve Huanglong with many endangered species.

Elephants at Boon Lott

Boon Lott Elephant Sanctuary (also called BLES), one of the largest elephant sanctuaries in both Thailand and the world. It offers a unique experience with the world's most gigantic animals. What's most amazing is that you can even take custody of an elephant. Elephant care is the best way to promote the development and conservation of these majestic giants. In addition to the beautiful natural habitat, the reserve exhibits very good care about your pets. Trip to Bunn Lott - The best way look at the elephants in natural environment a habitat.

Wolves in Yellowstone

One of the best American parks, Yellowstone National Park, is home to another incredible animal sanctuary. Amazing Yellowstone Park wolf recovery unites big variety areas where the impressive beauty of nature creates the necessary natural conditions for a thriving gray wolf population. Majestic mountain peaks, surfaces of lakes, rivers and other natural beauties make this place unique. There are specially organized camping spots on the banks, where you can stop and explore the park leisurely. Gray wolves- the greatest and dangerous predators Yellowstone, so it’s better to observe them from a distance. If you are lucky, you will be able to hear the mesmerizing howl of a pack of wolves.

Chengju Moon

The Chengju Moon Bear Rescue Center is another incredible animal sanctuary in China, protecting a large population of the majestic Asian Black Bears. They roam peacefully throughout the vast area of ​​the reserve while being cared for the best specialists and veterinarians. The journey to the center is accompanied by beautiful inspiring landscapes, where you can see live bears feeding, or huge bear standing on hind legs. In any case, the experience will be unique for both children and adults.

Shamvari Nature Reserve

The Shamwari Game Reserve is located nearby south coast South Africa, and is one of the best game reserves of its kind in the world. There are many reasons for this, including great blue rivers and bodies of water under the authority high mountains and hills, as well as untouched natural nature. Savannahs are home to large quantity lions, zebras, gazelles and other typical African animals. From a wildlife sanctuary with unique varieties of flora and fauna to a rescue center, all the places mentioned above are amazing. These are the best nature reserves in the whole world and a trip to such a place will definitely be the adventure of a lifetime.