All allocated nine species Tigrov, only six remain alive, and three are considered extinct.

Existing types of tigers

Amur, or Siberian Tigers

photo: Joeke Pieters

Amur Tigera (Panthera tigris Altaica.) Can reach almost 3.3 meters in length. The weight of males is up to 300 kg, and they are more than females. This subspecies of the tiger has a skull, which is much more than in other species. The color of the Amur tiger is more pale in winter, and with the arrival of the warm season it becomes brighter and saturation. Fur thicker and rougher than other types of tigers due to the low range of Area, where it lives. Amur tigers are able to shoot down with animals, which weigh several times more than them. Tell hunted on the moose and boars.

Bengal tigers

Bengal tiger (lat. Panthera Tigris Tigris or Panthera Tigris Bengalensis) Can be seen in India. This is the most numerous of all types of tiger with more than 2500 individuals in wildlife. This type of tiger can weigh about 230 kg for an adult male and 140 kg for female. Bengal tigers also have very long tails and heads that are more than other species. They are excellent hunters and feed on a variety of prey, which includes deer, antelope, pigs and buffaloes. Also during the lack of main foods hunt for monkeys, birds and another minor prey.

Indochinese tigers

Tiger view that known as Indochina (Lat. Panthera Tigris Corbetti)occurs in several asian countries. The view has a darker color and a smaller size than bengal tigersbut they are capable of reaching maximum weight 200 kg for males and 150 kg for females. Indochinese tigers Prefer to live in forest areas. There are no so much such tigers. The government believes that the population of the form is only 350 individuals. Indochinese tigers suffer from lack of food, as the amount of wild pigs and deer is also reduced.

Malay Tigers

Malay Tiger (Lat. Panthera Tigris Jacksoni) Can only be found in the south of the Malay Peninsula. This tiger was recognized as separate type Only in 2004. It is very small view On the mainland and the second is the smallest type of tigers. Males on average weigh 120 kg, and females about 100 kg. Please note that the Malay Tiger is cultural significance, as it is on the coat of arms of the country, and is also a Maibanka logo, Malaysian bank.

Sumatran tigers

photo: Hagen Schneider

Sumatran tigers (lat. Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) Very rare look that dwells only on the island of Sumatra. The destruction of habitats is still considered the main threat to Sumatran tiger. Stripes on Sumatran Tiigre are located closer friend To a friend than other tigers. This allows him to be invisible in high grass. One of best tactics Sumatran tiger is to pursue her prey in the water. It is an extremely fast swimmer, so it is easily able to intercept larger production in water, with whom I would not have done on land.

Chinese tigers

Chinese tigers (lat. Panthera Tigris Amoyensis)the most susceptible to the danger of extinction. The appearance of this tiger is often on the list of the ten most disappearing species in the world. According to estimates, in the early 1950s, the number of Chinese tigers numbered 4,000 individuals. And in 1996, these unique animals remained only 30-80.

Extinct types of tigers

Balinese tigers

Some types of tigers are extinct, among them is and balinese type of tigers (lat. Panthera Tigris Balica). As can be seen from the name of the area of \u200b\u200bthis type of tigers, limited to Bali Island, Indonesia. Before the disappearance, the Balinese tiger was the smallest view of the tiger. This species is still considered important in Balinese Hinduism.

Caspian tigers

Caspian Tiger (Lat. Panthera Tigris Virgata)which is also known as transcaucasian tiger Previously met B. rare forests. It was discovered in the south and west of the Caspian Sea. At least, in the wild, I was still met before the early 1970s. The closest view of the Caspian Tigra is the Amur Tiger.

Javanese tigers

Lived on Java Island, whose honor and got his name - yavansky Tiger (lat. Panthera Tigris Sondaica). This disappeared type of tigers met until the mid-1970s. Mass of males from 100 to 140 kg, and females - from 75 to 115 kg. Unfortunately, the last Javanese Tiger was seen after 1979, in the area of \u200b\u200bMount Betri.

Tiger hybrids

We talked about O. different types Tigers, as well as about those that have died out. However, there are some other species that can also be considered part of the Tigers family, such as Liger hybrids and tiegon.


Liger - Hybridwhich is the result of the pairing of the male lion and Tigritis. The lion makes a gene contributing to growth, because of this, the ligrants can grow much larger than their parents and have a length of 3-3.5 m, and the weight of 360 kg to 450 kg or even more. They, however, display appearance And the behavior of both parents. As a result, the ligrah has stains and stripes printed on sand fur. The males ligras have a 50% chance to grow the mane, only not such a chic, like a lion. Although the resulting Liger is definitely beautiful and interesting to study, the males of this hybrid are fruitless, even when their females are usually prolific.


Tionwhich is the result of breeding between the Tiger's male and the lioness is less common hybrid. Naturally the hybrids of tigers cannot, it is found in wildlife, they can be seen only in zoos or circus. Dimensions of tigrants are usually not higher than average.

Tiger species with unique color

White tigers

Very attractive appearance white tiger Makes it a popular and welcome inhabitant of a zoo or even an exotic pet, but in the wild, the albinos tigers are rare. White tigers were first led in early XIX. century. They may appear in the tigers' parents who carry a rare gene, which is found only once every 10,000 birth.

Golden tigers

Another recessive gene may lead to an interesting "golden" shade. Color is sometimes called the "Gold Tabby". In fact, golden fur, with pale orange stripes. Their fur thicker than other tigers. According to the latest estimates, there are about 30 gold tigers.

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Amur tiger (Panthera Tigris Altaica) - most large tiger in the world. And the only one of the tigers who mastered the lives in the snow. There is no such property in any country in the world. Without exaggeration, it is one of the most perfect predators Among all others. Unlike the same lion that forms the pride (family) and lives at the expense of collective hunt, Tiger is a pronounced loner, and therefore in the hunt he needs the highest skill.

Tiger crowned vertex of the food pyramid unique environmental system With the name of Ussuri Taiga. Therefore, the state of the tigrine population is the indicator of the state of the entire Far Eastern nature.

The project to preserve the Amur Tiger became one of the first serious steps WWF in Russia. Accounting data 2004/2005 showed that with common effort State and public environmental organizations have achieved stabilization of the tiger number at the level of more than 450 individuals.

And here is the interview with WWF employee (Questions are divided into groups to better perceive information):

The state of the Tiger population

How does the Amur Tiger monitoring work? How do one tiger distinguish from another not to write one tiger twice?

Tigers do not come across during accounting. Experts consider their traces. In order to distinguish one trail from another, a measurement system is developed and tested. So without roulette, the accountant is not released in the taiga. Correctly measuring the trace, you can understand, the male is either a female or a young beast. Then the accounting is determined by the freshness of the trace and its direction ... In a word, so as not to count the same tiger twice, you need to learn a lot. In tiger cases, the tracks is recognized as science.

In India lives more TigersWhat in Russia? Why do you say that the situation with tigers in Russia is better?

According to the most fresh information (International Tigrin Forum in Kathmandu, 2009), 1400 tigers have been preserved today in India. But at the same time, the number of tiger in India six years ago was two more times higher! That is, the population simply melts in front of his eyes. And Russia is the only country of the Tiger Area, where the number has grown significantly from the middle of the last century, and the last 10 years is relatively stable. At the same time, Russia "owns" today the largest tiger population in a single area (about 11% of world numbers).

How many are in the world of tigers? Where the situation is worse than everything, and where is the best?

The situation with the conservation of tigers on a global scale can be described as a catastrophic. Over the past 100 years, the number of this species has decreased by 25 times - from 100 thousand to 4 thousand. At the same time, the number continues to decline. So, in India, where dwells the greatest number Tigers, their number in 1995-2005 Reduced from 3.5 thousand to 1.4 thousand. In a number of regions, Tigers disappeared completely - the Transcaucasia (1930s), middle Asia (1960s), oh. Bali and about. Java (Indonesia, 1960-1980s.). Currently, tigers have survived on the territory of 14 countries - Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, DPRK (not confirmed), Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand.

WWF has always said that the number of tiger has stabilized. But I recently read in the media that it is strongly reduced in last years! It's true?

Yes and no. An analysis of perennial monitoring results shows that in the past four years there has been a steady tendency to reduce the number of traces found at the accounting. WWF shares the alarm caused by these results. However, very many journalists "strengthened the filing." And concrete numbers appeared on the light, not corresponding to reality. Someone wrote about the decline in half, and in one of the media there was a phrase "managed to detect only 36 animals" ... Today, WWF fully took over the burden of financing the next monitoring. In mid-December 2009, monitoring participants have already reached white trailAnd our experts control the progress of field work at the accounts.

How much is all amur tigers left? Is it a lot or a little? How many tigers can live in Russia?

The last frontal accounting of the Amur Tiger took place with the participation of WWF in 2005. He showed that we have about 500 amur tigers. This is not much, and not enough. This is exactly how much how much the sections of the Ussuri taiga still do not contain. In WWF plans for the next ten or twelve years - to settle the tiger within it historic Area. Return to the places where he once dwells, but then it was exterminated. Thus, we expect that the number of tigers will grow to 750. However, this is possible only due to the intensive increase in the number of ungulates.

The main enemy tiger - poacher

How are the poachers kill a tiger? Ruzhie or put traps?

Something we do not really want to publish on the site wwf detailed instructions about effective methods The extraction of the Amur Tiger. Let's just say that various traps carry significantly more tigering lives than trying to find a tiger in a taiga and sneak to him with a gun. IN lately Cases of firing on the verge of a tigers from the car window have become more frequent.

Why are the poachers need a tiger?

Hope to sell parts of the Tiger Chinese smugglers. Hope to sell a tigrine skin with rich major. But the most dangerous - it's just a thoughtless shooting on the chance of a randomly congregated tiger "why", but "just so."

Who is fighting with poachers in the Far East?

This is one of the most sick and sharp questions! Here you have simple and understandable numbers.

IN 2002 year in the protection of the tiger, its habitats and feed resources were involved more 1400 people.

IN 2009 year total number inspectors have shrinking twice 760 people And more than twice their financing declined.

Currently, the responsibility for the protection of the tiger is transferred to the subjects of the Federation. On the territory of the reserves and national Parks The tiger guard their security services, on non-protected areas - protection management, control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world of Primorsky and Khabarovsk regional. WWF assists all these state structures.

Is it true that in China the death penalty for killing a tiger? So, no one kills him there?

It is not that simple. In the depths of China, the severity of punishment is valid. But in the poor and the hungry local Chinese population border with Russia, there are tens of thousands of poachers. And the loop of the blind. It shares both a deer and a tiger without parsing.

Who and how does the wounded tigra help now? Who treats him? And orphan tigryats? Can I be released then to the will?

For this, the specifics of "Tiger" is responsible. Every winter in trouble is five or six orphaned crucible. They are caught and transferred to the Rehabilitation Center of the Wild Animals "Rock". This is not a state institution. It does not receive any financing for such work. Therefore, the cost of treatment and rehabilitation Tigrite takes charity organisations. If rehabilitation is carried out in all the rules, the Tiger can be returned to the wild. During the existence of the Specificency "Tiger", two adult tiger cured and four orphaned tiger, brought up without mother, were released in Taiga. W WF has insisted for many years on creating a state rehabilitation center. And recently, such a decision finally accepted.

Lunch tiger

Does the tiger know how to catch fish?

Not only fish, but also crayfish.

Homemade cats eat grass, some love vegetables and fruits. It is impossible to feed the cat with a cat. Tell me, tiger eats something other than meat?

Medicinal herbs tiger knows well and uses if necessary.

Why WWF says that you need to save the cedar to save the tiger? Is the tiger eat cedar nuts?

Cedar - Bread Tree of Ussuri Taiga. From the crop of cedar nuts directly depends the number of boar. And the boar is the basis of the tiger feed base.

How many tiger eat over the year?

According to experts, one tigra in a year requires no less than fifty adult hoofs.

What animals eat tiger?

Actually, Tiger eats everything that is inferior to him in size. From the Manchurian hare, which is the size of the glove, to himalayan bearwhich by weight can be equal to the tiger. However, the basis of its nutrition is unfortunately: Kaban, Iisette, spotted deer and roar.

Good question. He usually ask us hunters. But perennial studies have shown that it is the Tiger - the most "soft" predator, which is simply not able to seriously reduce the number of empty. Where hunters seriously took up with the help of various biotechnical events raise the number of game on new level, the number of tiger also begins to grow. However, soon the number of tigers living in this "supermarket" becomes stable, and hoofs continue to increase. But there, where the tiger disappeared, the wolf comes instantly. The wolf, unlike the tiger, can and can seriously undermine the number of ungulates.

Tiger and man

Are the tigers of people distinguish between good, poachers from foresters? Or maybe we are all for them to one face?

Significant cases are known when the tiger wounded for a long time and purposefully pursued exactly the person who shot him. So not all of us for him on one face ...

In places where Tigers live, they attack both pets and livestock, and even people. What is done to protect a person from a tiger?

Responsibility for the resolution of all conflict situations between the person and the tigr is assigned to the state body - the specifics of "Tiger". Initially, the beast is scare away. If it did not affect - we are caught and transported to distant faces. Only in the case of direct mortal danger For a person's life, shooting is allowed.

What if a tiger will meet in the forest? Do I need to run away or challenge and stand still?

In no case to run away. Otherwise, the tiger will react on you as your kitten on a paper fighter on a thread. It is recommended slowly, without turning to the beast back, release him the road and retire. Human voice helps very well. But only if it is a calm and confident human voice. If there is no confidence that the piglet screech will not be poured - it is better not to open the mouth.

Is it possible to tame a tiger if you start from childhood so that it makes friends with a person? Or he is too wild animalThat can not be completely trusted, but only to train and keep in a cage?

Cat - she is in a taiga cat. After all, realize, even your homemade pussy is sure that she is a hostess in the house, and you are just in her service. What can we say about the kitty weighing two hundred kilograms? We do not recommend experimenting.

House Tigger

WWF does not want to breed tigers in other regions of Russia - for example, in Kamchatka or in the suburbs?

Amur Tiger is the only subspecies of the tiger who learned to live in the snow. And yet he remains southerners - height snow cover It is the most important limiting factor for the tiger. Tiger is historically tied to a completely concrete climatic region - The south of the Far East. And any attempts to settle it, for example, in a deep-in-interest Kamchatka are doomed to failure. But not even this is the main thing. In the past, during the times of socialism, there were a lot of attempts to acclimatize different animals (a raccoon dog in Europe, the American mink in the Far East, etc.) where they never dwell. Time has shown that all these experiments only hurt the local nature. Today, such "improvisation" is prohibited.

Are there any excursions to reserves where you can see the Amur tiger in the wild?

See the wild amur tiger in the wild ussuri Taiga - This is a crazy luck even for those who are studying them from morning to evening. And the beast is extremely secretive, and taiga is completely impeding. So in case of a wonderful luck, you can see it. But no reserve guarantees you such a meeting. To take a few minutes of the tiger in the Lazovsky Reserve of the Korean TV company had to live in Taiga two and a half years ...

Tigers live only in reserves? Tiger can live near the city?

Unfortunately, protected areas occupy only 20% of the Tiger Area. The remaining eighty percent is the territories on which the hunting and roll of forest are allowed. Traces of Tiger are regularly found in the country's cottages of Vladivostok, Ussuriysk and Khabarovsk. In a word, the tiger today settled the whole territory on which there was at least some forest. But at the same time, according to the radio set of labeled tigers, competition for the right to receive the "apartment" in the reserve is deadly tough.

How many one tigra need a place?

The female is usually enough 20 square kilometers deaf taiga. The male requires significantly more - up to 100 square kilometers. Usually, sections of two or three females with crucifies fit on the individual site of one male. If food, then there are very many hoofs - then on the same territory can dwell up to four females.

What length of the tiger tail and other general questions about the tiger

What is the difference between Amur, Ussuri and Siberian tigers?

They do not differ. The official name of our tiger is the Amur Tiger. However, for foreigners, everything that lies on the eastern side of the Urals is Siberia. Therefore, American scientific literature Our Amur Tiger is as Sibirian Tiger. Term " ussurian tiger"The second channel correspondents were introduced at their own peril, when the reportage on the participation of Vladimir Putin was prepared in the draft study of Amur Tigers in the Ussuri Reserve. And the beast is actually the same. And about this linguistic goal with his name does not even suspect.

What differ in the nature of the tiger from the leopard?

All cats are very similar to their behavior. Tiger with a leopard is no exception. However, the leopard is more plastic, he manages to live very close to the man, never falling across his eyes. Tiger does not know how. For happiness, he needs a deaf deserted taiga.

What are the relationship of the female and male tiger after the appearance of a cub?

Tiger meets with a female for only two or three days. And, having made his self-case, leaves her until his moment when his children grow up and will be ready to start an independent life, that is, about two years. In the feeding and upbringing of the offspring, the father does not participate in any way. So all concerns about children lay on fragile shoulders of female.

What is the length of the tail of the largest and smallest tigers?

At the largest - Amur tigers - the tail length is up to 115 cm. The smallest - Sumatran - 60-90 cm.

How many teeth tiger?

Like all the cats of the world, the tiger has 30 teeth.

What is the life expectancy of a tiger?

IN ideal conditions Zoo Amur tigers easily live to twenty years. In the real wild taiga life, it is not for every tiger to live to ten. The life of females, as a rule, is shorter than males, because incredible forces and vital energy They have to spend not on themselves, but to raise offspring.

The number of strips of the tiger is the same for life or changes with age? Tigers B. different countriesah differ from each other outdoor?

The drawing of the tiger bands does not simply do not change, it serves as a reliable individual sign as the fingerprints of the person. There are no two tigers with the same closer configuration. This built the method of photo accounts.

The number and configuration of the black stripes on the skin varies in various geographic areas and serves as one of the grounds for the selection of subspecies of the tiger. The number of which reaches 100.

Our, Amur Tiger, is distinguished by thick, long (compared to other subspecies) and fluffy fur, with a more dim red background and less than that of other subspecies, the number of strips. An Indochinese tiger, for example, has a more dark common color, and Sumatranic is considered the most bright.

Do the tigers purrab?

In fact, science says that large cats It is deprived of the opportunity to purr like domestic cats, that is, to vibrate and in exhalation and in the breath. But you will laugh without knowing about scientific research their rigid cartilage, allegedly interfering vibrations, Amur tigers in good mood Taki purr.

Do the tigers are able to climb trees?

It is believed that adult Amur tigers are unable to climb on the trees. However, reliable cases are known when the tiger easily climbed into the tops of huge trees or in the crown of old oaks. If he is very necessary - he can. Have this in mind.

Take care and love tigers and all other animals

The material was taken from the "World Wildlife Foundation"

Thanks for attention

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    The number of rare predators in the wild rose from 3200 to 3890 individuals. Such data on April 11 publish WWF and the Intergovernmental Organization "Global Tigria Forum".

    According to the latest data, the most tigers dwells in India - 2226 individuals, Russia (for details, see below), Indonesia - 371, Malaysia - 250, Nepal - 198, Thailand - 189. To other Countries of "Tigry" Arealas include Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Laos and Myanmar.

    An increase in the number of tigers explains a number of reasons. First, in itself an increase in the number of predators associated with the strengthening of the protection of the type and places of its habitat. The increase in the number of tigers is noted in Russia, India, Nepal and Bhutan. Secondly, in five countries in 2013-2015. Accounting of predators passed, which allowed to clarify the data on their number.

    "For the first time recent decades The number of tigers is not reduced, but grows. It gives us hope and shows that when the authorities, local residents and experts in the field of nature conservation combine efforts, we can save rare species and their habitats ",- Stressed Marco Lambertini, cEO International Secretariat WWF.

    Nevertheless, environmentalists continue to talk about the need to enhance the protection of the tiger: over the past 100 years, the number of predators in the wild decreased by 97% (from 100 to 3.5 thousand animals). Illegal trade in derivatives (parts of bodies) of tigers are actively going. According to the calculations of the organization Traffic law enforcement agencies different countries in 2000-2014 More than 1,500 illegal trade transactions with Tiger derivatives were recorded.

    According to WWF, now there is a particularly alarming situation in South-East Asia. If the governments of the countries of this region do not take efforts, tigers may disappear from wildlife on this territory.

    In Russia, the total number of Amur Tigers, according to 2015 accounting, ranges from 523 to 540 individuals. Of these, adult predators are about 430. In 1996, the population consisted of approximately 415-476 individuals.

    "We are proud that our country contributes a significant contribution to an increase in the number of tiger. Such a success has become possible, among other things, thanks to more than 20 years of purposeful work of the Ministry of Industry, WWF and other organizations in the Far East of Russia ", - noted by the director of WWF Russia Igor Chestin.

    Data on the number of predator are presented on the eve of the opening of the III of the Intergovernmental Conference on the preservation of the Tiger. The meeting will be held from 12 to 14 April in Delhi, India.

    The previous assessment of the number of rare animal in the world was prepared for the 2010 Tigrin Summit, which was held in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the main task was formulated - to double the number of tigers to 6,000 by 2022.

    Amur tiger ( official name, sometimes it is called Ussuriy or Far Eastern) - this is the most large view Tiger in the world and the northernmost. He lives in cedarns along the shores of the Ussuri and Amur rivers.

    How many amur tigers are left

    Usually, the question is how much Amur tigers left, because in the past century, this kind of animals almost disappeared. In the 30s of the XX century there were only 20-30 individuals. Only thanks to the enhancing in the Red Book and a wide range of security measures, the Amur Tiger population is preserved (and, only in Russia) and today, according to World Wildlife Fund, exceeds 500 individuals.

    For the disappearance of the Amur Tiger, the poachers were tightly "put" her hand, but even more he threatens the cutting of the forest suitable for the existence. In addition, it is about 100 square kilometers of taiga for a "calm" life, cutting cedry, people deprive food wild boarswhich serve as the basis of the diet of the Amur Tiger. In essence, today the number of individuals of the Amur tiger corresponds to the existing area of \u200b\u200bthe seaside taiga, suitable for their habitat.

    Facts of the life of the Amur Tiger

    In the wild, the average weight of the Amur Tiger's male tiger is from 180 to 200 kilograms, and the length of the body along with the tail - from 2.7 to 3.8 meters (the tail length reaches 1.15 meters).
    For one "Sent", the Amur Tiger can eat more than 40 kilograms of meat, and then several days to "fast", but for the year an adult tiger eats at least 50 boars, raisins, elk or spotted deer. However, such "voraciousness" of the Amur tiger regulates the population of hoofs, but does not reduce.
    If desired, the Amur Tiger is able to successfully hunt for fish.
    The Amur Tiger fur is much thicker, longer and lighter in color than the tigers of other species. And the number of black bands on the body is less.
    Amur tiger is able to distinguish between colors and, like all cats, sees well in the dark. The main time of his hunt is the night, the main way is an ambush, but from 10 attempts to attack successfully only one.
    When throwing a sacrifice, the tiger is able to take a jump from 10 to 20 meters, and his speed of its movement in the snow reaches 50 kilometers per hour.
    Amur tiger does not climb on trees, but, as life showed, it can do it.
    Amur tiger is able to attack a person, but it makes it extremely rarely and in every way avoids meetings with people. The group of Korean zoologists took two and a half years to remove a few minutes of the film about the Amur Tiger in Wildlife. The counting of individuals is carried out only on the basis of the traces left by the tigers.
    IN natural environment The habitat of the Amur tiger male lives up to 15 years, and the female - up to 10.

    Amur tiger (official name, sometimes called Ussuri or Far Eastern) - this is the largest type of tiger in the world and the northernmost. He lives in cedarns along the shores of the Ussuri and Amur rivers.

    How many amur tigers are left

    Usually, the question is how much Amur tigers left, because in the past century, this kind of animals almost disappeared. In the 30s of the XX century there were only 20-30 individuals. Only thanks to the enhancing in the Red Book and a wide range of security measures, the Amur Tiger population is preserved (and, only in Russia) and today, according to World Wildlife Fund, exceeds 500 individuals.

    For the disappearance of the Amur Tiger, the poachers were tightly "put" her hand, but even more he threatens the cutting of the forest suitable for the existence. In addition, it is necessary to do about 100 square kilometers of taiga for a "calm" life, cutting cedrels, people deprive the food of wild boars, which serve as the basis of the diet of the Amur Tiger.

    In essence, today the number of individuals of the Amur tiger corresponds to the existing area of \u200b\u200bthe seaside taiga, suitable for their habitat.

    Facts of the life of the Amur Tiger

    In the wild, the average weight of the Amur Tiger's male tiger is from 180 to 200 kilograms, and the length of the body along with the tail - from 2.7 to 3.8 meters (the tail length reaches 1.15 meters).
    For one "Sent", the Amur Tiger can eat more than 40 kilograms of meat, and then several days to "fast", but for the year an adult tiger eats at least 50 boars, raisins, elk or spotted deer. However, such "voraciousness" of the Amur tiger regulates the population of hoofs, but does not reduce.
    If desired, the Amur Tiger is able to successfully hunt for fish.
    The Amur Tiger fur is much thicker, longer and lighter in color than the tigers of other species. And the number of black bands on the body is less.
    Amur tiger is able to distinguish between colors and, like all cats, sees well in the dark.

    The main time of his hunt is the night, the main way is an ambush, but from 10 attempts to attack successfully only one.
    When throwing a sacrifice, the tiger is able to take a jump from 10 to 20 meters, and his speed of its movement in the snow reaches 50 kilometers per hour.
    Amur tiger does not climb on trees, but, as life showed, it can do it.
    Amur tiger is able to attack a person, but it makes it extremely rarely and in every way avoids meetings with people. The group of Korean zoologists took two and a half years to remove a few minutes of the film about the Amur Tiger in Wildlife. The counting of individuals is carried out only on the basis of the traces left by the tigers.
    In the natural habitat, the Amur tiger male lives up to 15 years, and the female - up to 10.

    Facts of Life Big White Shark

    Quick reply: Approximately 900 individuals.

    Amur Tiger (also called Far Eastern or Ussuriysky) is one of the most few subspecies of tigers. Listed in the Red Book International Union Conservation of nature and in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

    The habitat of the Amur Tiger is concentrated in the protected area in the southeast of Russia, on the shores of the Ussuri and Cupid rivers. Most of all this beast is distributed in the foothills of Sikhote-Alin in the Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai.

    Amur tiger - a large look, has more thick wool than relatives. it the only appearancewhich has a 5-centter layer of fat, allowing to protect it from the strongest wind and extremely low temperatures. The body of the tiger is elongated, the head of the circle, the tail is long, medium paws and very short ears.

    The length of the males body sometimes reaches 3.8 m (to the tip of the tail), the females are slightly smaller. Height in the withers - up to 115 cm, the mass reaches 270 kg from the largest copies, but these are rarely found. Medium weight Tiger - 200-220 kg.

    The population of the predator was reduced until the middle of the 20th century, when, according to some data, remained from 30 to 40 individuals. Already a couple of decades later, there was a quarter of one hundreds of individuals who continued to bring offspring.

    According to studies, in 2005, the number of the Amur Tiger reached 420 individuals, in 2013 this figure increased by about 30 goals, and it was only about animals in the Far East. But in zoos, as of 2007, contained 450 individuals (in 1980 - more than 700). Thus, currently in the world there should be a little less than 1,000 individuals of the Amur Tiger.

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