Kingdom: animals (Animalia).
A type: chordates (Chordata).
Class: mammals (Mammalia).
Squad: predatory (Carnivora).
Family: felines (Felidae).
Genus: panthers (Panthera).
View: tiger (Panthera tigris).
Subspecies: Amur (altaica)

Panthera tigris (altaica) Temminck, 1844

Spreading: In the south of the Far East of Russia, sowing passes. range limit Amur tiger. The only viable population in the world is currently preserved in the Sikhote-Alin mountains Amur tigers. V late XIX v. the area of ​​​​permanent habitation extended to the left bank of the Amur. Sev. the boundary of the range passed from the west. foothills of the Lesser Khingan to the mouth of the river. Gorin, crossing the river. Urmi and Kur in their middle reaches. Further, descending to the south and skirting the axial part of the north, partly the middle Sikhote-Alin, the border went to the sea several south. R. Samarga - approximately at 46 ° 30 "N. Subsequently, the range of the tiger began to decrease significantly, mainly to the north, and by 1940 its border had shifted to the basin of the Bolshaya Ussurka (Iman) river. In the same years the agricultural lands of the Khanka lowland and the environs of large cities fell out of the range. measures taken protection area tiger habitat began to expand markedly . At present, the range consists of three relatively isolated and unequal in importance areas: the large Sikhote-Alin, located to the west. and east. macroslopes of the Sikhote-Alin south of the river. Gur (Hungari) and r. Koppi, respectively (95% of tigers are concentrated in it), and two small ones - southwest, located in the south of the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai and stretching from the Shufansky (Borisovsky) plateau along the spurs of the ridge. Black mountains to bass. R. Close (Cherukhe), and west, located in the bass. upstream R. Komissarovka (Sintukha). In the latter, tigers reappeared relatively recently - in the late 80s, having been absent here since the early 70s. . On the left bank of the Amur, tigers are practically not found at present, with the exception of rare visits of individual individuals below the mouth of the Ussuri. A small group of tigers that lived in the bass. R. Bidzhan (southeastern part of the Bureinsky Range) ceased to exist until the beginning of the 70s.

Habitat: Cedar-broad-leaved and broadleaf forests- the best tiger habitats. In most of the range today, they have been cut through multiple fellings and cut up by roads with varying traffic intensity. The basis of nutrition is wild boar and red deer, in the southwest. districts of Primorye and south. Sikhote-Aline - sika deer. The quantitative ratio of tiger prey for different parts of the range is not the same. On the back macroslope cf. Sikhote-Alin, wild boar and red deer account for about 60% and 30%, respectively, in the east. (Sikhote-Alin Reserve), these figures are more than 3 times lower for wild boar and almost 2.5 times higher for red deer. To the east macroslope south. Sikhote-Alin (Lazovsky Nature Reserve), the share of wild boar and red deer is equivalent - about 30%, sika deer among tiger victims is 18.2%. Shelters - rocky ledges and niches, voids under fallen trees. Habitat area Amur tigers: males - 600-800 km2, females - up to 300-500 km2. The migration routes of tigers in the area are relatively constant and are supported by animals from year to year. Animals willingly use trails and logging roads. An adult male's home range may contain individual home ranges of several females; sex ratio 1:2 or 1:4. For Amur tiger polygamy is typical. The breeding season often occurs in the second half of winter. Pregnancy 95-107 days, average 103 days. There are usually 1-4 tiger cubs in a litter, more often 2-3. The average size of a brood according to one information is 2.37, according to another 1.5. Most females give birth for the first time at 3-4 years of age. Tiger cubs are separated from their mother in the second year of life. Accordingly, tiger broods may appear with an interval of 2 years, and in the case of the death of tiger cubs - more often. The mortality of young is high - about 50%. Cases of death of tigers from bears and facts of cannibalism are rare, they do not significantly affect the well-being of the subspecies.

Number: In the last century, the tiger was a common species in the south of the Russian Far East. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. 120-150 tigers were harvested here annually. Intensive extermination of these predators, accompanied by a reduction in their habitats under the influence economic activity human, led to the fact that at the beginning of this century the number of tigers began to decline sharply. By the end of the 30s. the Amur tiger was on the verge of extinction - only 20-30 individuals remained. The situation began to change for the better only after conservation measures were taken - a ban on hunting tigers (1947) and trapping of cubs (1956-1960), followed by its restriction. At the turn of the 50-60s. the number of tigers was estimated at 90-100 individuals. The most noticeable recovery in numbers occurred in 1960-1970. At the beginning of the 70s. in the region there were 150 tigers, and by the middle of this decade their number had increased to 160-170 individuals. A further increase in numbers occurred mainly at the expense of districts confined to the middle Sikhote-Alin, with their most favorable environmental conditions for tigers. For 1980, the number was determined at 180-200, and for the mid-80s. in 240-250 individuals. Max. the density of the population of these animals, according to the results of recent surveys, was noted in the west. macroslope of the middle Sikhote-Alin (up to 5 individuals per 1000 km2), in the districts least affected by human economic activity. Approximately the same high density was noted in the Sikhote-Alin and Lazovsky reserves and in the territories adjacent to them. With the maximum number of tigers inhabit today sowing. Primorye, with the most difficult conditions of existence, characteristic of sowing. limit of the range of the species, but with relatively preserved habitats. Until 1990, inclusive, the number in the densely populated south remained high. districts of the Primorsky Territory (1-2 individuals / 1000 km2) in the region of the Lazovsky, Ussuri nature reserves and on the Borisovsky plateau. This was facilitated by the high number of spotted deer, characteristic of these places. Winter 1995/96 carried out the most detailed accounting Amur tiger throughout the territory of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories populated by it. Based on its results, the total number of tigers was estimated at 415-476 individuals, including 330-371 adults. In recent years, the main limiting factor in the number of tigers is poaching. Only in Primorsky Krai for two winter seasons 1991/92 and 1992/93. more than 70 tigers were killed by poachers. The reason for this situation is the smuggling of skins, bones and other parts of tiger carcasses to the Republic of Korea, China, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan. Another equally important factor is the decline in the number of wild ungulates, especially the wild boar.

Security: Listed on the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES. The ban on tiger hunting has been in force since 1947. In 1955, the capture of cubs was banned and then severely restricted. Tigers are protected in reserves, among which the Sikhote-Alinsky and Lazovsky are the main tiger reserves. The "Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia" was developed and published in 1996, containing a detailed rationale for the system of measures for its protection. Amur tigers are kept and breed well in many zoos around the world. As of December 31, 1993, there were 604 tigers in them, i.e. almost 2 times more than they live in natural environment. Since 1976, the International Tiger Stud Books, maintained by the Leipzig Zoo, have been published annually. Long-term conservation of the Amur tiger under artificial conditions is ensured. In order to improve the protection of the tiger, it is necessary to increase the territory of the Sikhote-Alin and Lazovsky reserves by including within their borders areas with the maximum population density of tigers and wild ungulates and to bring their areas to 7000 and 3115 km2, respectively, to create sowing areas in the territories adjacent to the reserves. and south. extensive protected zones, to exclude all types of logging in the protected zones. Hunting for ungulates should be strictly limited, and the construction of large industrial enterprises in these territories should be limited. In tiger habitats that are not included in the territory of protected zones, limited shooting of ungulates should be carried out only in those hunting farms where the population density of the main prey of the tiger - wild boar, red deer, sika deer reaches 5-6, 6-7 and 8-10 individuals per 1000, respectively. ha forest areas. It is necessary to carry out systematic counts of the number of tigers at least every 3-5 years, in a timely manner to remove from the population individuals that have specialized in the pursuit of livestock and have become dangerous to people.

The Amur tiger (also known as the Ussuri, Siberian, Altai, Korean, Manchurian, or North Chinese) is one of the smallest and largest subspecies of tigers. The body length of Amur tigers reaches about 2 meters, tail - 1 meter. Males are a quarter larger than females. The tiger has a huge physical strength- it can drag a horse carcass on the ground for more than 500 m. The speed of movement on snow can reach 50 km / h. The range (habitat) of the tiger is located in the southeast of Russia, along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri, in the northeast of China (Manchuria), in the north of the DPRK. It is found almost everywhere in the Primorsky Territory (except for the Khorolsky District) and the eastern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory. The northern boundary of the distribution area approximately runs along 49 degrees. NL The length of the range from north to south is approximately 1,000 km, and from west to east - 600 - 700 km. Most of all, Ussuri tigers are distributed in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin, in the Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai. The usual habitats of the tiger are the valleys of mountain rivers and padi with forest vegetation of the Manchurian type with a predominance of oak and cedar; also lives in pure cedar forests, in mountains with deciduous plantations. Inhabits secondary forests. In winter - with a lack of natural food - it often keeps in the vicinity. settlements. Each adult tiger lives in a certain range of habitat, the average size of which for females is from 250 to 450 km2, for males - up to 2000 square meters. The tiger breeds about once every two years, there are more often 2-4 tiger cubs in the litter, puberty occurs in the third or fourth year of life. The tiger is a predator, it feeds exclusively on animal food, mainly large prey. The basis of its diet is red deer, wild boar and spotted deer. For the successful existence of one tiger, about 50 - 70 ungulates (red deer, spotted deer, roe deer or wild boars) per year are needed. With a lack of these animals in nature, tigers feed on badgers and raccoon dogs, and can attack livestock and dogs. Despite the widespread opinion about cannibalism, the Amur tiger rarely enters settlements and attacks a person. In fact, he tries his best to avoid meeting people. The predator only attacks a human when it is wounded or cornered. The Amur tiger is one of the most rare representatives world fauna. In the middle of the 19th century, the tiger population was numerous, but at the end of the 19th century, up to 100 animals were exterminated annually, so by the end of the 30s of the 20th century, the Amur tiger was on the verge of extinction - there were only no more than 50 individuals left on the territory of the USSR. The main reasons for this are the destruction of natural habitats (forests and bushes), the reduction in the number of main food objects (various ungulates), as well as direct extermination by poachers. In 1935, the Sikhote-Alinsky Reserve was created in the Primorsky Territory, and a little later - the Lazovsky, Kedrovaya Pad and Ussuri reserves. Tiger hunting has been banned since 1947. In 1955, the trapping of tiger cubs was banned and then severely restricted. The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book Russian Federation, where it was assigned the status of the II category of rarity as a rare, declining subspecies, which, with further exposure to adverse factors, may fall into the category of endangered. In addition, the Amur tiger is included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Species. wildlife and endangered flora (CITES). According to the latest census conducted in the winter of 2004-2005, about 450 Ussuri tigers. The Sikhote-Alinsky and Lazovsky nature reserves are the main tiger reserves. In 1996, the "Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia" was developed and published, containing a detailed rationale for the system of measures for its protection. At present, due to the changed conditions for the existence of the tiger and the state of its population, the emergence of new factors that affect the life of the tiger, this Strategy needs to be adjusted. In recent years, international cooperation has acquired great importance in the protection of this animal. In 1992, the Sikhote-Alin Reserve and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS, USA) began research in the framework of the Russian-American project "Amur Tiger" using radio tracking. In 1999 the World Fund wildlife started a number of projects for the conservation of Amur tigers. Contacts have been established and work has begun on the tiger and leopard in the countries adjacent to Russia - the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Amur tigers are kept and breed well in many zoos around the world. They feed tigers in the zoo with the meat of various animals, give offal, fish. One day a week for predators is unloading. All Amur tigers in zoos North America and Europe are listed in special pedigree books, and in order to maintain maximum genetic diversity within this group and avoid destructive inbreeding, their crossing is carried out in accordance with a strict plan developed on the basis of a mathematical model. For this purpose, tigers are often transported from one zoo to another, sometimes located in another country (the Moscow Zoo also takes an active part in this program). As of February 20, 2007, 450 Amur tigers were kept in zoos around the world (844 individuals as of January 1, 1979). Tiger cubs are well tamed, easy to train. Therefore, tigers, especially Amur ones, can often be seen in the circus.

Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve The Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve is located in the Ussuriysky and Shkotovsky districts of Primorsky Krai, in the basins of the Komarovka and Artemovka rivers. The base of the reserve is located in the village of Kamenushka, Ussuriysk district, 125 km northwest of Vladivostok and 40 km from the city of Ussuriysk. The reserve bears the name of Academician Vladimir Leontyevich Komarov, the largest domestic botanist, researcher of the flora of East Asia. He was the first to give a description of this territory, having visited it in 1913. The question that the forest area of ​​the upper reaches of the Suputinka River (today Komarovka) deserves special protection was raised by Vladimir Komarov back in the pre-revolutionary years. However, the possibility of its solution appeared only in 1932 with the organization of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, within the framework of which the Ussuriysk (then Suputinsky) Reserve was created, directly subordinate to the mountain taiga station of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Initially, the area of ​​the reserve was 16,679 hectares, at present it has been expanded to 40,432 hectares. The main wealth of the reserve is a relatively large array of virgin liana coniferous deciduous forests, almost not preserved in the Far East and neighboring countries. Therefore, the original purpose of creating the reserve was to preserve the forests that survived from felling and fire. The relief of the territory where the reserve is located is low-mountain, formed by the southern spurs of the Sikhote Alin. Average Height mountains is 300 - 400 meters above sea level, some peaks reach 650 - 700 meters. The climate is temperate continental. Most cold month- January (average temperature 17.9 0С), the warmest - August (+19.7 0С). The absolute minimum on the ground is 32 0С, the maximum is +60 0С. The flora of the reserve is composed almost completely forest species. Mainly, these are cedar broad-leaved forests. They are distinguished by high species diversity and, according to this indicator, have no analogues either in Russia or within the borders of the former USSR. The most characteristic tree species are Korean cedar pine (Korean cedar), whole-leaved and white fir, Ayan spruce, yellow birch, Amur, Manchurian and Take lindens, Manchurian walnut, heart-leaved hornbeam, Manchurian ash, valley and lobed elms, small-leaved and pseudo-sibold maples; among shrubs, the most common are thin-leaved mock orange, Manchurian hazel, spiny eleutherococcus, spirea, and honeysuckle. Of the lianas, the most numerous are actinidia arguta and kolomikta, Chinese magnolia vine and Amur grapes, and of herbs - various types of shield plants, nodule grasses, sedges, kakali, horsetails, cornflowers, oxalis, wrestlers, etc. In total, 824 species of vascular plants were noted in the reserve, 252 - bryophytes, 118 lichens, 1364 fungi and 210 algae species. Rare species listed in the Red Book of Russia include hard juniper, real ginseng, seven-lobed calopanax, Chinese princepia, dense-flowered pine and spiky yew. The fauna of the reserve is typical for coniferous broad-leaved and broad-leaved forests. Vertebrate animals are represented by 62 species of mammals (including Red Data Book species - giant shrew, Amur tiger, Far Eastern forest cat, spotted deer, Himalayan bear and etc.); more than 160 species of birds (among them the Red Book species - mandarin duck, black stork, needle-footed owl, hawk hawk, crested honey buzzard, etc.), 7 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians (including the Ussuri lungless clawed newt listed in the Red Book), 12 species of fish and cyclostomes. The largest beetle of the fauna of Russia lives in the reserve - relic barbel, large tropical butterflies- Saturnia Artemis, brameya Tancre, tail-bearer Maak. The world of invertebrates is no less rich: 32 species are rare and endangered (Uvarov's grasshopper, narrow-breasted ground beetle, etc.). Rare species in the reserve also include shirokorot, callipogon and relict cockroach. The direction of scientific research of the reserve is a comprehensive study of forest complexes typical for the southern Sikhote Alin and the development of measures for their protection. A large amount of scientific research is being carried out that has a direct economic importance(in particular, on the study of melliferous, medicinal, and fruit plants). In addition, there is a rehabilitation center for raising orphaned bear cubs in the Ussuriysky Reserve.

Ussuri tiger research program in the Russian Far East
Project of the Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution of Animals. A.N. Severtsov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPEE RAS)
With the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and personally Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
Head of the permanent expedition - Deputy. Director of IPEE RAS, Doctor biological sciences Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Rozhnov
The Amur (Ussuri) tiger is one of the rarest predators on the planet, living in the Russian Far East, China and Korea. Listed in the International Red Book. In 1947, hunting for the Ussuri was banned. The last count of the Amur tiger was carried out in the winter of 2004-2005. The results showed that about 500 Ussuri tigers live in the Russian Far East. "The tiger is an extremely beautiful animal. The main color of its coat is rusty yellow, mottled with black stripes. On the chest, neck and front legs, they are less common, and on the back and on the hind legs they are especially pronounced. The head is motley, there are no sideburns, the belly is white. This coloration is protective for the tiger.When he runs through the taiga, among the bushes devoid of foliage, black, yellow and white colors merge, and the animal takes on a monochromatic brown-gray color.In autumn, among the orange-red vineyards and dry yellow ferns, which contain there are a lot of blackened old leaves, it is difficult to see a tiger even at a close distance. V.K. Arseniev. "Across the Ussuri Territory" Until recently, American grants were the only source of funding for research programs. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS, USA) in conjunction with various conservation and scientific institutions Far East, since 1992, has regularly monitored the population of the Amur tiger. Since 1992, a total of more than 60 tigers have been monitored to study the habitat and migration routes of the tiger, wearing collars with VHF radio transmitters. However, the method of tracking predators using such collars is labor-intensive and expensive, and the resulting materials are fragmented. But the main drawback - the modern level of knowledge and available equipment allow not only a specialist, but also poachers to determine the location of a tiger with a radio collar. So, several tigers with radio collars were killed.
"The Americans were engaged in animals that are found only here, in Russia. At the same time, our Russian scientists were often only collectors of materials, and the Americans defended dissertations, wrote articles. Finally, our state drew attention to this problem" Vyacheslav Rozhnov, head of the permanent expeditions - deputy. Director of IPEE RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences
This year our Academy of Sciences for the first time in history modern Russia funds have been allocated for special program"Tiger". "I came up with it, to be honest. True, I came up with it a year ago. I believe that we should pay more attention to nature protection, environmental problems, the conservation of flora and fauna. In general, only 25% of plants and animals in the world have been described. 75% have not yet described, that is, not explored.But not only are they not explored, it is more terrible that every year we lose a large number of the most varied types. For Russia, this is especially sensitive, because animals such as Ussurian tiger, - this is our business card - the most big cat in the world, beautiful. There are only 500 individuals left. ...Scientists consider the funds received under this program to be large. In fact, they are very small. For five years, we planned to allocate 5 million dollars. "V.V. Putin. At a meeting with journalists after a visit to the Ussuri Nature Reserve, September 2, 2008
The tiger is a noble animal, it rarely attacks first.
Only dire need makes him approach the villages and attack the person. V.K. Arseniev. "In the Ussuri region"
The main enemy of the tiger is man.
A man chases the king of the taiga with favorite places cutting down forests, building new roads and settlements. The number of wild boars and red deer is decreasing, which means that the predator is deprived of its main sources of food. But the worst thing is that every year, according to Rosprirodnadzor, poachers kill 70-100 Ussuri beauties. "Now domestic scientists have every opportunity to help tigers survive." "Komsomolskaya Pravda", August 28, 2008 As part of the "Tiger" program, supported by the Government of Russia, scientists want to provide collars with satellite GPS-navigators to all tigers in two model territories of Southern Primorye - in the Ussuriysky and Lazovsky reserves. Collars with GPS-navigators will help specialists not only to study the Ussuri tigers, but also to save them from the hands of poachers.
Scientists intend to find out:
How does a tiger move? What effect does the environment have on it?
- Due to what factors can increase the population size?
- What impact does population density and road density have on the formation of tiger habitat?
- How height snow cover affect the choice of tiger travel routes, as well as the size and configuration of habitats?
- Where does the tiger find food, is it enough to survive and maintain the population?
- How does a tiger interact with other predators, primarily with brown and white-breasted bears, as well as with the Amur leopard?
The results of research and monitoring will form the basis for the updated Amur Tiger Conservation Strategy.
Special devices for the study of tigers
camera traps
Camera traps (models from LifRiver and Reconix are used) are a kind of remote surveillance cameras. They are installed at certain intervals in the taiga along the paths of a possible tiger.
Each tiger has its own pattern on the skin, like humans have fingerprints. Each camera trap has a special flash card installed. Based on the data obtained (a kind of fingerprinting), scientists will compile individual cards for every tiger living in this place.
Camera traps must be installed in such a way that they photograph the animal from both sides at the same time - this is the only way to make an individual portrait of each predator.
Special hinges
To catch a tiger, scientists use special loops manufactured by the Canadian-American company Margo Supplies LTD. To attract a tiger, a special mark is left on the tree under which the device is installed. Like all cats, the tiger goes for the smell of valerian. The trap is carefully camouflaged so that the beast does not suspect anything.
It is very important that the tiger gets into the trap with its front paw. Then he won't have room to jump. There is a known case when a tiger fell into a trap with its hind paw, trying to free itself, it broke it.
When the animal gets caught in the loop, the transmitter, which is connected to the loop with a special fishing line, changes the signal.
Tiger - very smart beast. He is cunning and subtly senses danger. So a tiger caught in a trap - great luck for the researcher.
Work on catching Ussuri tigers began in autumn 2008 on the territory of the State nature reserve"Ussuri" named after V.L. Komarov FEB RAS. In the near future, scientists plan to start work on the territory of the Lazovsky State Natural Reserve named after V.I. L.G.Kaplanova.
Pneumatic devices for immobilizing tigers
To immobilize the tigers caught in the loops for the purpose of their subsequent research, pneumatic guns with optical sight from Dan-inject. The gas pressure is adjusted using a special pressure gauge depending on the distance of the shot. This is a special carbine for firing syringes. With it, you can shoot the beast from a distance of up to 40 meters. Zoletil and Medetomidine, which are currently used to immobilize all large predators, including the tiger, are used as immobilization drugs. The dose of the drug depends on the weight of the animals. In the "sleeping" state, the animal can be from 30 to 40 minutes. All procedures for immobilization and veterinary examination of tigers are carried out by specialist veterinarians. The chief veterinarian of the Moscow Zoo M.V. Alshinetsky.
All captured animals will undergo ultrasound and blood tests. Then a satellite collar will be put on the predator.
Satellite collars
After the tiger gets into the loop, they will put on collars with satellite GPS navigators and transmitters from Sirtrack (New Zealand), Lotec (Canada) and Telonics (USA), as well as the Russian Glonass system. Information about the location of the animal will be sent to the computer of scientists in real time. The tiger quickly gets used to the transmitter, which is small in weight. The battery of the collar lasts for about a year and a half, after which it automatically comes unfastened.
Individual identification of tigers using molecular genetic methods.
Large-scale comprehensive studies using molecular genetic methods have not been carried out so far. This method is based on the analysis of microsatellite regions of nuclear DNA (blood, excrement are used). The structure of these DNA fragments is individual for each animal. The microsatellite parts of DNA used for individual identification have different amount di-, tri-, tetranucleotide repeats and, as a result, different lengths.

Where does the most big cat in the world? Every student knows this. The northernmost subspecies of the tiger lives in Primorye and some neighboring regions. One of the most formidable predators of all nature has ever created, the perfect killing machine. And at the same time, the Ussuri tigers - the largest among their fellow tribesmen - are also the least aggressive towards humans. The king of the taiga, recently on the brink of extinction, respects people and treats them as equals.

The Amur tiger (also known as the Ussuri tiger) is one of the largest land predators on our planet. The weight of a large Amur tiger can reach more than 300 kilograms. Some sources report tigers weighing up to 390 kg, although now so big tigers do not meet. Body length 160-290 cm, tail - 110 cm. The Amur tiger is an ornament of the Far Eastern taiga and an object of worship for many peoples of the Far East. This beautiful, exotically colored cat, unparalleled in strength and power in the entire world fauna, is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of Primorsky Krai, as well as on many heraldic symbols of cities and regions of the region. The history of the species indicates that the tiger is a vulnerable animal, despite its large size and enormous physical strength, and it is such that it can drag a horse carcass over 500 m along the ground, the tiger is able to reach speeds of up to 80 km / h in the snow, second only to the cheetah in speed.

The fate of the Amur tiger is dramatic. In the middle of the 19th century it was numerous. At the end of the XIX century. up to 100 animals were harvested annually. In the thirties of the last century, the tiger occasionally met only in the most remote corners Ussuri taiga, difficult to access for humans. The Amur tiger was on the verge of extinction due to unregulated shooting of adults, intensive capture of tiger cubs, deforestation in the vicinity of some rivers and a decrease in the number of wild artiodactyl animals caused by increased hunting pressure and other reasons; Winters with little snow had an unfavorable effect. In 1935, a large and unique Sikhote-Alin State Reserve was organized in the Primorsky Territory. Somewhat later - Lazovsky and Ussuri reserves. Since 1947, tiger hunting has been strictly prohibited. Even the capture of tiger cubs for zoos was allowed on a single basis, with special permits. These measures were timely. Already in 1957, the number of the Amur tiger almost doubled in comparison with the thirties, and by the beginning of the sixties it had exceeded a hundred. The Amur tiger is protected by the state - it is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, hunting and trapping of the tiger is prohibited. Since 1998, the federal target program “Conservation of the Amur tiger” approved by the Government of the Russian Federation has been implemented.

Of the eight subspecies ( Panthera tigris), traditionally distinguished on the basis of geographical distribution, three Balinese (P.t. balica), Javanese (P.t. sondaica) and Caspian (P.t.virgata) are now extinct. Moreover, the extinct Caspian (Turanian) tiger is the closest relative of the Amur tiger, with which in the not so distant past they had a continuous range. The territorial feature lies in the name of all currently existing subspecies of the tiger, identified by scientists on the basis of genetic analysis: Northern Indochinese (P.t. corbetti), south chinese(P.t. amoyensis), Malay (P.t. Amoyensi), Sumatran (P.t. sumatrae), Bengal (P.t. tigris), including Amur (P.t. altaica).

Habitat and range of Ussuri tigers

At the end of the XIX century. The area of ​​permanent habitation of the Amur tiger extended to the left bank of the Amur. The northern border of the range stretched from the western foothills of the Lesser Khingan to the mouth of the river. Gorin. Further, descending to the south and skirting the axial part of the northern, partly middle Sikhote-Alin, the border went to the sea. Subsequently, the range of the tiger began to decrease significantly, mainly in the north, and by 1940 its border had shifted to the basin of the river. Iman. In the same years, the forest-meadow areas of the Khanka lowland, the vicinity of large cities, fell out of the range. Since the beginning of the 1950s, as a result of the protection measures taken, the area of ​​tiger habitat has begun to expand noticeably.

The main range of the Amur tiger is the south of the Russian Far East. Now Russian tigers inhabit almost the entire forest part of the habitats suitable for them in Primorsky and the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory. Along the western macroslope of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system northern border its range extends to approximately 50o N, east to 48o 30'. General range the Amur tiger covers an area of ​​156,500 km2, of which 123,000 km2 The range of the tiger is divided into three centers: the main population lives in Sikhote-Alin; the remaining two foci are located along the southwestern and northwestern borders with China. Moreover, at present, only the Sikhote-Alin has preserved the only viable population of the Amur tiger in the world.

The Amur tiger is an inhabitant of mountainous regions covered with broad-leaved and cedar-broad-leaved forests. The natural conditions of tiger habitats in the Sikhote-Alin are exceptionally harsh. In winter, the air temperature in some periods drops to -400 C, and in summer it rises to + 35-370 C. In most of the habitats, the height of snow cover in the second half of winter is usually within 30-60 cm. The degree of adaptation of the predator to difficult environmental conditions, characteristic for the northern limit of the distribution of the species, is quite high. Low winter temperatures do not affect the vital activity of the tiger. He arranges temporary haulouts right on the snow and can stay on them for several hours - this adaptability to frost is unique and is characteristic only for the Amur subspecies of the tiger. For a long rest, they prefer shelters - rocky ledges and niches, voids under fallen trees. When there is a lot of snow, when moving around the site, tigers willingly use wild boar trails, logging roads, hunter trails, and snowmobile tracks. The tiger especially loves forests with slopes, steep and high cliffs, stone niches and caves. Here the predator always finds food, without difficulty with high points they survey their possessions, have plenty of places convenient for a lair, and solitarily raise their striped offspring. The habitats of most tiger groups are located in the basins of the middle and lower reaches of mountain rivers at altitudes of 400-700 m above sea level. Individual tigers visit the highlands rarely and only during snowless or little snow periods.

Biology of tigers

The Amur tiger is the largest of the currently existing subspecies of the tiger. On average, the length of his body with the head is 2 meters, and together with the tail it reaches 3 meters. An adult female Amur tiger weighs about 130 kg, and a male weighs 190 kg. However, males can reach 300-350 kg. The weight of a tiger cub at birth does not exceed 1 kg, at 3 months it is 10 kg. A six-month-old tiger cub pulls 30 kg, and only at 2.5 - 3 years old does its weight begin to exceed 100 kg. The Amur tiger has a paler coloration compared to other subspecies. The main color tone is reddish or buff. Black or brown transverse stripes run throughout the body. In summer, the color is brighter. In winter, the fur of the Amur tiger becomes long and thick. V vivo tigers live an average of ten to fifteen years, and longer in zoos. The Amur tiger has practically no enemies. Only a very large brown bear can overpower him.

Female Amur tigers reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years, males about a year later. As a rule, the breeding season falls on the second half of winter, and the appearance of offspring mainly occurs in April-June. After mating, the male leaves the female and does not participate in the upbringing of offspring. A tigress carries cubs for about 100-105 days. Under favorable conditions, females bring offspring at least once every two years, and in the event of the death of cubs - in the year of their loss.

Mortality of young is very high, about 50%. Cases of death of tigers from bears and facts of cannibalism are quite rare, they do not significantly affect the well-being of the species. There are usually 1-4 tiger cubs in a litter, more often 2-3, less often 5-6. Tiger cubs are born blind. They feed on their mother's milk from 1.5 to 2 months, they begin to eat meat already at the age of two months, but they suck mother's milk for up to six months. Baby tiger cubs are helpless, but they develop and grow quickly. At the age of two weeks, they begin to see clearly, hear, double their weight in a month, become nimble, inquisitive. They get out of the lair and even try to climb trees. At this age, cubs reach the weight of a large dog and completely switch to meat from now until the end of their days. The mother first brings them fresh food from her hunts, then leads them from one prey to another. Two-year-old tiger cubs weigh up to one hundred kilograms and begin to hunt on their own under the guidance of their mother. The tigress patiently and thoroughly seeks to pass on to her heirs all her experience, all worldly wisdom. She will release her children to independent life in a complex world fully formed and well prepared. The tigress has many worries, and she copes with them alone. The tiger does not take any part in the upbringing of his children, although he often lives next to them. The tiger family breaks up when the young are two years old. In the fourth year of life, they become independent.

The female arranges a lair for her cubs in hard-to-reach, and therefore in the safest places: dense thickets, caves, rock crevices. Adult males, as a rule, do not have a permanent den and usually rest close to their prey. Young females leave their mother's territory at the age of 1.5 to 3 years, depending on whether the female has a new offspring or not. Tigresses are more likely to stay close to their mother's territory than tigers. In the wild, a complete change of generations occurs in 15-20 years, if not in a shorter period.

Each tiger has its own individual habitat, which it bypasses regularly. The area of ​​such a site is different and depends on the number of ungulates. The smallest area (10-30 sq. km) is occupied by females with cubs under the age of one year. On average, the range of an adult male is 600-800 km2, and the range of an adult female is 300-500 km2. The tiger is a polygamous animal; the territories of several females are usually located on the territory of one male. On the border of the areas of adult tigers, young animals are kept, starting an independent life.

The daily movements of tigers are different and depend on whether the animal makes a transition through the habitat, hunts successfully or unsuccessfully, searches for prey or eats it. Average daily course an adult male tiger is 9.6 km, the maximum is 41 km. For tigresses, the average movement per day is 7 km, the maximum is 22 km. Tigers are very conservative. They often use the same trails, return to their prey, and regularly appear in places where they have met before. Both males and females mark bushes and trees in their territory with a mixture of urine and scent gland secretions. In addition, they leave claw marks on trees or excrement in prominent places. The routes of tiger movements in the area are constant and are supported by animals from year to year. Tigers are solitary animals. They, unlike lions, do not recognize a flock of life, they love solitude. Tigers are usually active in the evening, in the first half of the night and early in the morning. During the day, they prefer to lie somewhere on a rock or on the crest of a ridge for better view. The tiger is not afraid of big snows and severe frosts, because of its thick coat and wide paws. In addition, in deep snow it is easier to approach the victim for a sure jump. However, large snows lead to the death of ungulates, which greatly undermines the food resources of the tiger.

Most cats really don't like water. But this does not apply to tigers. The tiger loves water very much, it can lie in the water or near it for hours. Tigers swim well big rivers swim across without difficulty.

This predator has large, well-developed fangs (7.5 cm), using which it grabs, kills and dismembers the carcass. Tigers, like other members of the cat family, do not chew, but cut food into pieces with their molars, and then swallow it. Soft pads allow the tiger to sneak up silently, and on the paws of the tiger there are long claws up to 10 cm for capturing prey.

The Amur tiger goes hunting during the day and at night. The basis of food is wild boar and red deer, and in the southwestern regions of Primorye and the Lazovsky Reserve, spotted deer. The tiger is a professional hunter. In hunting, he relies mainly on visual acuity and fine hearing. The sense of smell of the tiger, like all cats, is weak. Tigers hunt alone, using two main methods of hunting: stealing prey, or ambush attack. The predator perfectly hears its prey, determines the direction of its movement and sets up an ambush either in front or hides the prey from the side. At the same time, he takes into account the direction of the wind so that he is not smelled. Predators lie in wait for ungulates on the paths leading to watering places, salt licks, and places for fattening. The pursued animal is overtaken by a predator with several huge swift jumps - this is the fastest way for a tiger to run. In a throw at a short distance, he, like lightning, overcomes a distance of 15 meters in a second. But he cannot run for a long time: he gets tired. That is why the tiger always wants to sneak as close as possible to finish the hunt in a few jumps. The victim, overtaken by him, rarely breaks out.

The tiger eats quite a lot: up to 30 - 40 kilograms at a time. A hungry large animal can eat 50 kilograms of meat. Usually, a deer or a wild boar weighing one and a half centners is enough for him for a week, and a large elk or a bear - for 10 days. After a successful hunt and rest on abundant food, the tiger does not always manage to immediately get another animal, and then he does not eat for several days in a row. The tiger endures even a long hunger strike without consequences for its body, because the layer of fat on its sides and stomach reaches a thickness of five centimeters. For the successful existence of one tiger, about 400-500 red deer, spotted deer, roe deer and wild boars, taken together, are needed. With a lack of these animals in nature, tigers can attack livestock and dogs. But, among the Amur tigers, unlike the Indian ones, specialized cannibals are almost never found. The probability of a tragic outcome of a collision between an Amur tiger and a human is hundredths of a percent.

Number and threats to the population

The number of tigers in the south of the Russian Far East in the past can be judged only by indirect data. So at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, 120-150 tigers were hunted here annually. The intensive extermination of these predators, accompanied by the reduction of their habitats under the influence of human economic activity, led to the fact that already at the beginning of this century, the number of tigers began to decline sharply. By the end of the 30s, the Amur tiger was on the verge of extinction - there were only no more than 50 individuals left. The situation began to change for the better only after the protection measures taken - the ban on hunting for tigers (1947) and their catching (1956-60) with its subsequent restriction.

The maximum population density of these animals, according to the results of recent surveys, was noted in the Sikhote-Alin and Lazovsky reserves and adjacent territories (up to 5-7 individuals per 1000 km2), as well as on the western macroslopes of the middle Sikhote-Alin, i.e. in areas least affected by human activities. With a minimum number of tigers inhabit the northern Sikhote-Alin, where the conditions of existence are most difficult, characteristic of the northern limit of the range of the species, as well as the southern developed and densely populated areas of Primorsky Krai (1-2 ind./1000 km2).

The main reasons for the decline in the number of tigers

Habitat degradation: Massive logging and frequent forest fires are leading to increasing destruction of the Amur tiger's range. In the Russian Far East, a full-fledged tiger area of ​​about 30,000 hectares disappears every three years.

Depletion of food resources: at present, there is a significant reduction in the number of red deer, wild boar, roe deer, sika deer, which make up the food base of the predator. The growing imbalance in the number of predator and its main prey is one of the significant negative factors affecting the population size.

Fragmentation of the range: due to anthropogenic influence on the habitat, the tiger population is not a single entity, but dozens of small foci isolated from each other. This leads to a decrease in genetic diversity.

The main limiting factor is poaching, which has become commercial in recent years. Tiger products are sold in most countries of East Asia as a valuable medicinal raw material. Some models predict that if 5% of individuals are killed annually, the population will disappear within 50 years.

The Amur tiger is one of the rarest representatives of the world fauna. As an object of the first category of the threat of extinction, it is included in the Red Books of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Russia, it is included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the Amur tiger has category II as a rare, declining subspecies, which, with further exposure to adverse factors, may fall into the category of endangered species.

According to the results winter accounting In 2007, it was announced that the Amur tiger population had reached a century high and that the tiger was no longer on the brink of extinction. Now 90% of the total Amur tiger population is concentrated in our country, and that is why Russia is responsible for the conservation of the Amur tiger on a global scale. Although at present there is no direct threat of extinction of the Amur tiger, its future continues to cause concern.

The population of the Amur tiger in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories is 340-420 adults and about 100 cubs. As of February 20, 2007, 450 individuals were kept in zoos around the world (844 individuals as of January 1, 1979).

Since the typical habitat of the Amur tiger is mixed forests Manchurian type (cedar-broad-leaved), covering the slopes of mountains and hills, while preserving coniferous-broad-leaved forests with all their inhabitants, we also save the Amur tiger, since it is impossible to save the species at the top of the food pyramid without taking any measures to save its habitat and animals that make up its food base. Tiger protection activities also include organizing and facilitating the work of anti-poaching brigades, creating and maintaining protected areas, combating forest fires and illegal logging educational programs with the local population, border guards, children.

Compiled by: Ph.D. Petr Sharov and Olga Kuzminova, photo: Petr Sharov


The Amur tiger, the largest cat on Earth, has survived almost exclusively in Russia in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. The Amur tiger is protected by the state - it is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, hunting and trapping of the tiger is prohibited. Since 1998, the federal target program "Conservation of the Amur tiger" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation has been implemented. The Amur tiger is an ornament of the Far Eastern taiga and the pride of Russians. At the same time, the Amur tiger is a strong and dangerous predator, the proximity to it requires caution and certain rules of behavior. It must be remembered that in the overwhelming majority of cases, conflict situations are created by the person himself, often due to ignorance or non-compliance with the rules of behavior in places where the tiger lives. The tiger is one of the most perfect predators on the ground. He approaches his prey unnoticed and kills it after a lightning throw. Therefore, if a tiger is in your field of vision, then he most likely is not going to attack you, and the correct behavior will help to avoid conflict. Endurance and self-control are the main components of human behavior when meeting a tiger. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure the safety of people in the forest, to minimize the likelihood of conflict situations, which will significantly increase the possibility of "peaceful coexistence" of tigers and people. SITUATIONS WHICH ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO ENCOUNTER WITH A TIGER

1. Tigress with kittens. A serious danger is the situation when a person suddenly appears at the den with newborns. As a rule, the beast emits a warning roar. In this case, without panic, turn back and go around dangerous place side not less than half a kilometer. The critical distance that prompts the female to attack is about 100 m. When meeting with tiger cubs in the absence of the female, it is strictly forbidden to catch them. The female can leave offspring without supervision for a long time, and maturing kittens often take independent walks. Due to lack of experience, tiger cubs are not distinguished by caution, and this is the reason for their encounters with people, especially on the roads that animals willingly use. But even a small tiger cub is able to stand up for itself and can inflict mortal wounds. In addition, a female may be nearby, whose behavior in such a situation is unpredictable. The beast can rush to the defense, not paying attention to people and vehicles. In case of repeated encounters with tiger cubs on the roads, it is necessary to report this to the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Primorsky Territory or the rai (mountain) committees for environmental protection.

2. Tiger and dog. The tiger has an inexplicable penchant for domestic dogs. He can accompany a person with a dog for hours and at the same time neither the owner nor the dog detects the presence of the beast. The tiger chooses the moment when the dog moves away from the owner. She disappears, as a rule, without a trace and silently - the tiger kills her instantly. Often the tracking of the dog stretches for several days, the tiger accompanies the man to his forest dwelling. In this case, not only the dog is doomed, but the person is also in serious danger. Sometimes the first jump of the tiger on the dog is unsuccessful and the dog rushes under the protection of the owner. An excited predator is no longer able to stop, he, as a rule, does not pay attention to a person, and the tragedy occurs literally under the feet of the owner. The tiger who took the dog usually leaves the person alone. In no case should you follow its trail - the dog can no longer be helped, but you can provoke a predator to protect its prey. Sometimes the dog manages to detect the pursuer: it becomes lethargic, clings to the owner's feet, whines, shudders at every rustle. In such a situation, it is recommended to make several shots in the air, launch a signal light rocket, and in the absence of a weapon, knock on the pot, tree trunk and noisily leave the dangerous place without succumbing to panic.

3. Tiger at prey. If the prey belongs to the hunter, then, having found tiger tracks, you need to announce your presence with a noise characteristic of a person - a shot, the sound of metal, a loud conversation, tapping on trees. V normal conditions the tiger does not touch the animal taken by the hunter. Moreover, a normal, healthy predator also abandons its prey when it finds traces of a person next to it. Warned by the noise, the beast will leave, but with a sudden appearance, the beast can rush towards the person. You should not approach the prey of a tiger. Excessive curiosity can lead to tragic consequences for another reason: a bear can eat the remains of prey, which at such moments is extremely aggressive. A dangerous situation is when a tiger and a hunter hide the same prey. A predator in a state of excitement is able to rush at a competitor, but is usually limited to a warning roar after the deer or wild boars have discovered the pursuers and left. Sometimes he makes demonstrative throws towards the hunter, provoking a shot, and here the hunter is required to display composure.

4. Injured or hungry tiger. A maimed tiger loses its ability to successfully hunt. But not only an injured or old animal can starve. In nature, conditions are often unfavorable for tiger hunting. The feeling of hunger prompts him to go out to settlements, visit garbage heaps, eat carrion, attack livestock and dogs. Unusual behavior of the animal becomes noticeable and this should be immediately reported to environmental organizations. The appearance of such a predator poses a serious threat, being near it in the grounds is possible only in cases of emergency and by experienced and well-armed people. Blood on tracks or lying down, an unusually small step are the first signs that should be alarming. In such cases, it is not recommended to make transitions alone, but it is necessary to have protective equipment with you. The best way- leave dangerous territory until the situation is clarified. The sharp decline in the number of ungulates also increases the danger of tiger attacks. Such phenomena must be monitored by specially authorized bodies, warn the local population in a timely manner and limit visits to the lands alone. Short (up to a crescent) unfavourable conditions They do not cause negative changes in the behavior of the tiger - it eats up the remains of past meals, is content with random prey.

5. Tiger in a trap. In recent years, poachers have used slings and foot traps to capture tigers. An animal caught in them can represent mortal danger for the approaching person. Then he hides and briefly makes a desperate dash towards the "offender". If the cable breaks, then the rescue of the curious is unlikely. In this case, people suffer, as a rule, not involved in poaching. Freed from the trap, the injured beast becomes extremely dangerous.

6. Tiger on the road. The tiger may be on the road during the transition or out of curiosity. For motorists, it does not pose a danger if you do not stop and do not get out of the car. Motorcyclists should not approach the animal on dangerous distance. It is necessary to quickly decide on the spot: continue at speed or turn around. The cyclist needs to dismount and, without fuss, without turning his back on the tiger, talking loudly to him, leave the meeting place.

7. Threatening behavior of a tiger. The appearance of a tiger in plain sight serves as a warning. Usually the animal behaves secretly. He studies people by smells, sounds, examines them from shelters, getting all the information he needs about us. Deviation from this norm of behavior should be alarming - the beast is potentially dangerous, precautions must be taken. By its appearance, a tiger can warn of nearby cubs or prey. But there may be another reason - the beast regards a person as an undesirable competitor. The demonstrative appearance of a tiger means that he is not going to hunt a person, but warns who is the boss here. Therefore, you must leave dangerous area and never shoot a tiger. The demonstrative behavior also includes the roar of the tiger, which he publishes, moving parallel to the person. This is most often seen at night. There is no direct threat of attack in this, but a powerful roar causes great stress. Such predators should be scared away, confirming the strength and leadership of a person. To do this, you need to shout, make noise, shoot upwards and without fuss and panic, in no case running away, leave a dangerous place.


With a face-to-face meeting unexpected for both sides, even an exhausted beast does not immediately make a decision. In such a situation, a person has time to assess the situation. More often, the tiger freezes for a while, tenses up, emits a threatening roar, and can make a false throw. If the animal is tense, the ears are tightly pressed, the hair on the head and neck is raised, the tail wriggles nervously - the situation is extremely dangerous and you need to act instantly. In cases where the animal pursues or when it has nowhere to retreat, the tiger is forced to defend itself and may attack. It usually knocks the person down, can bite the hand if the victim resists, and usually leaves. The tiger rarely sees prey in a person, so an attack attempt should not be confused with its demonstration. False throws in the direction of a person are of a warning nature and, paradoxically, most tragedies happen to people who have weapons in their hands. A hasty shot at an animal can only provoke it to attack, especially if it is wounded.


1. Before visiting the area where tigers live, it is necessary to collect information about the behavior of tigers. If there are cases of disappearances of dogs, attacks on livestock, visual sightings of a tiger are not uncommon, it is better to abandon your intention, or take all necessary precautions.

2. In the overwhelming majority of cases, tiger attacks on humans and domestic animals are provoked by a lack of food resources. Therefore, in each tiger habitat, the issue of opening hunts for ungulates can only be resolved if there is a scientifically substantiated number of animals that are prey to the tiger. General ungulate shooting different types should not exceed 50-70% of the removal rate established without the “correction” for the tiger.

3. It is necessary to monitor the sanitary condition of the surroundings of settlements, camps, bases, hunting huts, etc., to prevent garbage dumps and garbage dumps that attract predators. At hunting huts, it is strictly forbidden to scatter the carcasses of skinned fur-bearing animals.

4. In the habitats of the tiger, the use of hunting dogs is highly undesirable. Dogs not only inevitably die themselves, but also attract the tiger to humans. To the huts where there are no dogs, the tiger approaches extremely rarely. Loose keeping of dogs is prohibited at hunting huts, in apiaries, dachas, and in summer cattle camps.

5. It is forbidden to approach the prey of a tiger even in the absence of fresh traces, and even more so to take it.

6. Tourists, pickers of mushrooms and berries are recommended to walk in groups of at least three people in tiger habitats. When meeting tiger tracks, you should create noise - talk loudly, call to each other. The metal sound of a bowler hat, bucket scares off a predator.

7. The use of horses is undesirable. If they are present, they should not be left unattended. Often, horses attract not only a tiger, but also a bear to the parking lot.

8. Expedition staff must have tiger-repelling protective equipment. The most effective light and sound signal rockets. We also recommend flares, gas pistols, spray cans with a repellent composition. They should always be at hand and ready for instant use.

10. Having met fresh tracks of a tiger, it is necessary to take precautionary measures, to be extremely attentive. Hiding, sneaking step can mislead the predator and cause him unnecessary interest. Conversely, the noise characteristic of a person will warn him.

11. If a meeting with a tiger could not be avoided, it is recommended:

Try to drive it away with noise: knocking on metal, trees, shooting into the air, launching flares, and at a short distance - with a flare. Large predators are well versed in the intonation of the sounds they make, and the hysterical cry of a person with notes of animal fear (this is how dying victims scream) will not frighten a tiger, so you should speak calmly, confidently;

If the tiger is excited, makes attempts to approach or leaves, but returns, this is a warning of a serious danger, and, if space and time permit, it is recommended to climb a tree. However, you should only climb a tree if you are sure that you can do it (there have been cases when a tiger pulled a person climbing a tree down). The tiger may go into a long siege, but this is not the worst way out. If possible, you can try to drive away the beast with a lit rag or other improvised means.

If suitable trees no, and the predator is approaching, you should not lose your temper, panic in this case is a bad ally. Repeated investigations of such situations show that if the person himself does not “turn on” the predator with fuss and hysteria, retreats without sudden movements, backing away and not showing the back of his head, while calmly explaining to the beast the “dishonesty” of his actions - the predator, after a short escort, leaves the person in rest. As you retreat, it is useful to leave a backpack, hat, jacket or other equipment - this distracts the animal and relieves its excitement. In no case should you run away and turn your back on the tiger!


If the attack is provoked and the tiger does not intend to devour the knocked down man, the conflict usually ends with a strike varying degrees injuries. Recommend best option protection, guaranteeing the full preservation of health, is not possible. But life can be saved even in the most critical situations.

1. A tiger attacking at high speed with all signs of aggression can only be stopped by a shot to kill. You need to hit in the forehead, in the mouth, on the jump - in the neck in order to immobilize the beast with the first bullet. Therefore, you should shoot shortly - no further than 10 m, but in this case there is no time left for the second shot. Under no circumstances should you chase a wounded tiger. As experience shows - chasing a wounded tiger, especially alone, you almost one hundred percent secure a life-long disability or instant death. When deciding on the use of weapons, it should be remembered that the tiger is under the protection of the law, and only the proven need for self-defense will allow in the future to avoid punishment for the destruction of a rare animal.

2. If a tiger knocked a man down and did not kill him in the first moment, there is a chance to stay alive. It is recommended to lie down and take no action. Resistance with bare hands is useless - it will only lead to unnecessary injuries. Usually in such a situation, those who lay without movement, hysterical cries and fuss survived. The excited beast gradually calms down and leaves the victim alone.

3. If a predator continues to torment a person, a pistol shot or a knife blow is possible. The bullet must hit the spine or head to paralyze the beast. From a gas pistol you need to shoot into an open mouth or eyes. A knife strike can be effective if the length of its blade is not less than 18-20 cm, and it is necessary to hit under the shoulder blade or in the sternum area. The end of the blade should be slightly rounded so that it can slip into the intercostal space and not get stuck in the bone.

1. Free grazing of livestock is not allowed. Grazing should take place only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by a shepherd, who must have personal protective equipment and repel predators. At night, cattle should take shelter in secure yards.

2. Farms and pigsties located in forest villages or on the outskirts of villages must be fenced with a net or fence of at least 2.5 m. The fence must reliably protect animals from the penetration of a tiger or a bear. Particular attention should be paid to the summer camps of livestock - they must be securely fenced and guarded at night. It is highly advisable to use methods to scare away tigers.

3. All corpses of dead animals are subject to disposal by incineration.

5. At hunting huts, in summer cattle camps, in apiaries, dachas and other similar places, domestic dogs must be leashed without fail. In this case, the dogs must be protected from possible tiger attacks. To this end, shelters should be made for the dogs, for example, narrow manholes under the house, barn, etc., which will be inaccessible to the tiger.

6. Being in the grounds outside the hunting season, as well as in the absence of a license or permit, the hunter must keep the dog on a leash.


Tigers are afraid of noise and sound effects. Therefore, when meeting with a tiger, you should make as much noise as possible. It must be remembered that a shot upwards will scare away the animal faster than a shot to kill, after which the wounded animal becomes deadly. The most effective and affordable method of scaring away is the use of signal pyrotechnics. These include signal light and sound flares, as well as flares, for the purchase of which no special permits are required. The rocket should not be fired straight up, but over the tiger. For greater efficiency, it is better to use several missiles at the same time. When working with rockets, it is necessary to observe safety measures, including fire prevention. After the rocket is launched and the tiger leaves, make sure that there is no fire at the place where the rocket hit. To scare away tigers from housing and farms, it is recommended to make fires around them at night, burn car tires, and launch signal rockets. The launch is especially effective if the rocket is tied over a hollow metal container in such a way that its rear end is half lowered into this container. The rocket cover is unscrewed and a rope is tied to the ring of the trigger cord, which is pulled into the shelter where the person is located. The noise from the launch of such a rocket will scare away the tiger for a long time.

All cases of attacks on humans and livestock should be immediately reported to the environmental authorities, who are obliged to warn the local population and conduct an investigation. If it is established that the tiger was dangerous, it is subject to removal, which is carried out by authorized specialists with the permission of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

You should always remember that when meeting with a tiger it is NOT possible to: panic and fuss, run away, turn your back on the tiger, shoot the tiger.

Authors: Yu.M. Yu.N.Smirnov (Sikhote-Alin Reserve), G.Salkina (Lazovsky Reserve), I.G.Nikolaev, Ph.D. V.G.Yudin (Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Editor – Ph.D. GV Kolonin (State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection) Reviewer – Ph.D. V.V. Gaponov (Primorsky Territory Administration), photo: P. O. Sharova

Story Lazovsky Reserve began in the 19th century, when the first scientists-researchers appreciated the enormous significance of this natural complex. A whole constellation of scientists, including N.M. Przhevalsky, A.F. Budischeva, V.M. Babkina, V.K. Arsenyev conducted comprehensive studies of the territory. At the beginning of the 20th century, these studies were supplemented by detailed studies by B.P. Kolesnikov, K.G. Abramova, A.I. Kurentsov. However, the issue of giving these lands the status of a reserve proceeded painfully slowly. In 1928, there was the Sudzukhinsky nature reserve with an area of ​​70,000 hectares. In 1935, the Lazovsky branch of the Sikhote-Alin Reserve was created; five years later, in 1940, it was declared an independent reserve. After the war with the territory of the reserve, all kinds of administrative changes were constantly taking place. As a result, the territory of the reserve in its current form finally took shape only in 1999.

Now the area of ​​​​the Lazovsky Reserve named after L.G. Kaplanova is more than 120 thousand hectares, the vast majority of this territory is occupied by forests. Here is the largest yew grove in the Far East. Most of the territories of the Lazovsky Reserve are difficult to access due to the highly rugged terrain and the steepness of the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin Ridge. The average height of the mountains is 500-700 meters, but some peaks reach a height of 1400 meters.

The climate is determined by the fact that the territory of the Lazovsky Reserve is located at the intersection of climatic zones and is a place where the maritime monsoon climate and temperate continental climate collide. Summers are traditionally humid, with prevailing southeasterly winds turning into dry, sunny winters.

The total length of rivers, streams and other bodies of water in the reserve is approximately 1,300 kilometers. There are two large rivers - Kievka and Chernaya. There are several small lakes, some of which are recognized as natural monuments.

More than 300 species of birds live in the Lazovsky Reserve. Of the mammals, the Amur goral, the Amur tiger, the giant shrew, the Far Eastern leopard, the common long-winged, the Ussuri spotted deer are taken under protection. Among the protected fish species are Sakhalin sturgeon and Sakhalin taimen. Among amphibians under protection is the Ussuri clawed newt.

At present, the infrastructure for receiving tourists has been prepared in the reserve, excursion routes have been developed, including those to two islands in the Sea of ​​Japan, which are part of the reserve. If you want to visit this masterpiece of wildlife, then you need to contact the administration of the Lazovsky Reserve, which is located in the village. Lazo of Primorsky Krai on Tsentralnaya street, 56. Postal code - 692890, phone numbers 42377-20130, (42377)20139, (42377)20132.

The Amur tiger is one of the rarest species of predators. Back in the 19th century there were quite a lot of them. However, due to poachers in the 30s of the twentieth century, the species was on the verge of extinction. At that time in the territory Soviet Union only 50 left.

During the expedition of 2008-2009, a special expedition "Amur Tiger" took place. So, it was found that there were only 6 tigers within the boundaries of the Ussuriysky Reserve.

Description of the species

The Amur tiger belongs to the class of mammals. In fact, it is one of the largest representatives of predators on the planet, because its mass can reach up to 300 kilograms. Moreover, according to some reports, during the period of their large population there were animals of this species that weighed almost 400 kg. It goes without saying that these are no longer to be found.

The physical capabilities of this type of predator are also impressive - a tiger can easily carry prey weighing half a ton on itself. The speed of movement can reach up to 80 km / h, and in this indicator it is second only to the cheetah.

It should also be noted appearance this animal. Like other predators of this class, it has a color in the form of a red background and white transverse stripes. It should be noted that in this case, this color also plays a camouflage role - in order to get prey, the tiger needs to get extremely close to it, and this color helps in this, since it simply merges with dry vegetation.

Tiger food

The predator eats only meat and most often it is prey of a fairly large size. Generally, most The Amur tiger spends time searching for prey. wild boars, wapiti, deer - this is the main diet of a predator. For proper nutrition, they need about 50 ungulates per year. However, if the animal lacks large prey, then it does not disdain small prey - livestock, badgers, hares, and so on. At one time, a tiger can eat about 30 kilograms of meat, but the average portion is 10 kilograms.


No matter how formidable this animal is, nevertheless, the habits that are inherent in all cats cannot be taken away from it. The tiger prefers loneliness - he enters the pack, he also goes to prey alone. The Amur tiger leaves its territory only if it is necessary to catch large prey. Also on its territory, the predator leaves special marks:

  • peels off the bark on trees;
  • leaves scratches;
  • splashes of urine on vegetation or stones.

The male defends his territory quite harshly - the tiger simply tries to destroy the uninvited guests, but he tries to eliminate the conflict with representatives of his own species through a formidable roar. A fight for the Amur tiger is an extreme measure. Moreover, for several years he can live in complete silence.

Individuals breed twice a year. The tiger is by nature a polygamous animal, so it can keep several females on its territory at once. If another tiger claims them, then even a fight is possible.

Place of residence

This species of predator lives in the southeastern territory of Russia, the banks of the Amur River, in Manchuria and even in the territory of the DPRK. The largest number tigers resides at this moment in the region of the Lazovsky district, which is in the Primorsky Territory.

A comfortable area for a tiger to live in is a river Mountain landscape with trees such as oak and cedar. An adult tiger can live on an area of ​​up to 2,000 square kilometers without problems and with the maximum feeling of comfort for itself. The female can single-handedly inhabit areas up to 450 square kilometers.

Reasons for the disappearance

Of course, the main reason why the number of the Amur tiger has practically vanished is their moderate extermination by poachers. Tigers were killed up to a hundred a year, just to get a skin.

However, scientists who studied this issue in detail found that the reason for the disappearance is not only mass shooting. The reasons for the disappearance could also be the following:

  • critically insufficient number of food items;
  • intentional destruction of bushes and trees inhabited by Amur tigers.

It goes without saying that these two factors did not arise without human help.

What is happening with the Amur tigers now

Now this species of predators is listed in the Red Book as such, which is on the verge of extinction. Adults and calves are under strict protection in the protected areas. However, according to observations, it was found that the protected area may not be enough for them and they go beyond its limits, which is extremely dangerous.

Unfortunately, this is far from the only kind animals that have practically disappeared from the planet only because man made his efforts. In this case, mass shooting because of the desire to cash in led to such extremely negative consequences.

Specialists in this field are making every effort to ensure that the population of the Amur tiger has increased. However, it is quite difficult for this predator to breed in captivity, so mass attempts do not always lead to success.