A different catfish family, numbering 37 species, is divided into two groups: large and small. The classification is based on the height of the animal in the withers, but its features anatomical structure. Therefore, biologists belong to the largest wild cats as representatives of the subfamily of large and small cats.


From all cats inhabiting european forests, the largest is ordinary Lynx. The mass mass of the male is about 29 kg, females are 4-6 kg easier. The length of the body does not exceed 130 cm. Mammals live in Russia, Central Asia, Central and Northern Europe. At the beginning of the XX century, the extermination of predators led to the threat of their disappearance. Today, the fishing fisher is universally prohibited.

Animal with decorated tassel ears and a short tail seems cute and harmless. But under the spotted thick fur coat, a skillful and cunning hunter hides, capable of mining at a distance of 2 km. His victims are harees, foxes, birds, rodents and small hoofs: roeland and cabaga. On people lynx never attack. Even an adult person caught by man is easily tamed and becomes a pet.

9. Snow Bars

Today, the number snow Bars Unknown. Irbis, who dwells away from people, is the most poorly studied representative of the feline tribe. Muscular wild cat occurs in the mountainous regions of Central Asia and Southern Siberia. At an altitude of 1.5-5 thousand m above sea level. Short thick paws equipped with wide pads are adapted for walking loose snowAnd the ability to make 8-meter jumps helps to overcome deep cutsets.

The four-legged resident of the mountain peaks by posture and dimensions resembles a leopard. The growth of the male reaches 65 cm, the weight is 55 kg. Fluffy gray-beige fur reliably protects from cold weather and disguises in snowy gorges. Distinctive trait Exterior - meter thick tail, which IRBIS uses as a steering wheel when running and jumping.


Despite the height in the withers, reaching 92 cm, and the weight of 65 kg, zoologists include a cheetah to the submissions of small cats. This is due to the characteristics of the skeleton - the mammal has long subtle limbs, a compact skull and an extremely flexible spine. Such a structure allows an animal to develop speed up to 120 km / h. In the hunt, a long tail serving a balancer and helps to quickly change the direction of movement contribute to it.

External appearance Fauna Peace Sprinter Reminds elegant PSA Breed Russian greyhound. Like dogs, gigantic cats do not draw claws, do not know how to climb on trees, do not hunt an ambush and do not tend to use Padal. The sounds published by them resemble a rippled tanking. Unlike most relatives, cheetahs quickly get used to the person. In Iran, India and Kievan Rus The tamed animals often helped people on the hunt.

7. Leopard

Muscular elongated body, strong legs and excellent vision make a leopard perfect killer. Pursuing prey, a powerful flexible cat accelerates to 58 km / h and performs jumps with a length of 7 m. Having a body weight up to 66 kg, it is able to kill the victim, 3 times higher than it by weight. The desired trophy hunter always raises the tree for the subsequent meal.

The predator dimensions are directly dependent on the geographical features of the range. So, four-legged residents of open spaces grow up to 75 cm, forest inhabitants - up to 67 cm. Decorated with spotted pattern. Short thick wool fits tightly to the body. Belly I. inner side The legs are light yellow, the rest of the body have a golden brown shade. Individuals with black color are called panthers.


This representative of the Feline family is a champion in the number of titles. Residents of different countries of the Puma are familiar as Mexican Lion, Panther, Mountain Crycoon, Red Tiger, Cougar ... There is a total of 83 definitions of an animal whose beauty and grace are combined with merciless and comprehension.

Resource Area - forest arrays And the mountainous areas of America. A silhouette of a predator resembles a small lioness. Golden beauty growth - 60-85 cm, mass - about 90 kg. The distinctive feature of the character of the Puma is patience. Having waited for prey, she sits for a long time in ambush, without giving her presence. Once in the trap, the mammal is calmly trying to get out of the vice. In the event of failure, it flows into melancholy and still expects a deadly outcome.


The golden skin of this massive predator, whose height in the withers varies from 69 to 79 cm, and the weight is from 68 to 135 kg, painted with bright patterns - black spots and rings. An intricate color helps perfectly disguised among shrubs and trees. In the persecution of the production of Jaguar there are no equal. A hard mammal overcoming tens of kilometers daily, it floats perfectly and runs quickly. Kills the hunter with one jump - the blow of a powerful paw is able to break the spine of the victim.

Area Yaguarov - Central and South America. Indians of the tribe of Olmeki, inhabiting these lands in the second century BC. er, believed that people and huge spotted cats have common ancestors. Today, the graceful animal, once a person being revered, is threatened with disappearance and listed in the Red Book.

4. Lev.

On the planet it is impossible to meet two absolutely identical lions. The features of the "face" of each animal are unique and inherent in only one individual. The length of the body of the royal people of the world of fauna is 1.7-2.5 m, height is up to 1.2 m, weight - 160-280 kg. The largest instance lived in South Africa And weighed 313 kg.

The 7-centimeter claws and vision, whose acuity is 6 times higher than the human one helps in the hunt. Running is not the most strong side Predator. At short distances, a giant cat accelerates to 60 km / h, but after 200 m tired and stops the persecution of production. The lack of endurance causes the animal as close as possible to approach the victim and in a rapid jump to apply a fatal blow. The lioness is easier and faster than males, and therefore, lucky in the fishery.


On the territory of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China dwells the Royal Representative of the Rod Panther - Bengal Tiger. In Russia, its population is 5 individuals. The predatory mammal is one of the biggest cats in the world. The growth of the inheritance of tropical forests reaches 115 cm, the weight is 275 kg. Awesome roar is heard at a distance equal to 3 km. Deadly fangs grow up to 10 cm. The record mass of the male killed in the Indian Forest in 1967 was 388.7 kg.

Among the Bengal tigers are found amazing creatureswhose snow-white wool is covered with brown stripes. All white individuals have one ancestor - Mohaan's male, in 1951, which appeared to light as a result of a gene mutation.


The biggest wild catfound in natural environment Habitat, lives in Russia, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territory and the mountainous regions of Sikhote-Alin. Outside the Russian Federation, the beast is found only in northeastern China.

The most small representative of the Tigrin Brotherhood has the following characteristics:

  • body length -1.7-2.8 m, tail - 1.1 m;
  • height in the withers - 110-120 cm;
  • weight - 167-280 kg;
  • channel length - 8 cm.

Like the whole cat (except Lviv), the Amur tigers lead a secluded lifestyle, protecting their territory from competitors. The beast is hunting alone. He is an absolute predator - a huge hungry cat May attack even a bear.

Now the livestock of animals does not exceed 800 individuals, half of which is contained in zoos. The disappearing species is listed in the Red Book, his extermination is prosecuted by law. In China, the murder of a striped beast is punishable by the death penalty.


The result of the love of the Tsigritis Isil and Lion Arthur, who shared the total aviary of the American theme park Jungle Island, became a kitten, who was subsequently destined to head the rating of the largest cats on the planet. Reaching maturity leagr Hercules surpassed the sizes of his parents. Its growth is 186 cm, weight - 410 kg. Out of hind legsThe giant pulls out to the roof of a two-story bus. A width of the width is not inferior to the shoulder belt of an adult man.

Hercules is not the only representative of the hybrid kind. In 1973, the Guinness Records of 798 kg from South African natural Park. In 2004, a female appeared in the Novosibirsk Zoo - the result of crossing african lion And Bengal Tigritis. IN natural conditions It is impossible to meet a liter - tigers and lions have different habitats.

21 View of large wild cats in 41 special photos. We all know about lions, tigers, PUMs, leopards and even about jaguars, but there are the whole world wild cats Outside our knowledge - a special group of rare, small or even mysterious species that you probably never heard about! A familiar list of wild cats is far from complete, but the thirst for knowledge is so drunk to see what other mild fluffy individuals exist. Depending on the habitat of the cat in wildlife They differ in color, leg length, tail and neck, but each of the feline family is naturally charming in its own way. In addition to Lviv, all other species of large and small cats hunt alone. It is not surprising, it is enough to watch our domestic pets - after all, they are such arrogant individualists.

Feline (Lat. Felidae) Evolved into a separate family of approximately 25 million years ago. Since then, they expanded their habitat ranges around the world and adapted to match their environment. Cats do not just prefer meat, they are all carnivores and without it will not be able to exist, although there are such, the truth, spoiled homemade, which can enjoy sweets from your desk. According to researchers, the Feline family for molecular data is divided into 37 species. Get acquainted with all kinds, or almost with everyone, because science has many more animals are simply unknown, rare cats on one page, and not fishing around the Internet!

Canadian Lynx. CANADIAN LYNX (Lynx Canadensis)

Canadian trot - species of a trick in the North American Taiga. The nearest relative of ordinary lynx.

Strange why trot is considered rare species Wild cats?

Sand or married cat. Sand Cat (Felis Margarita)

The branched cat is characterized by the smallest dimensions among wild cats: the length of its body is 65-90 cm, and 40% occupies the tail, height in the withers - 24-30 cm; Mass of adult males - 2.1-3.4 kg, females smaller. The head is large and wide, shiny, with babenbards. The ears are very large and wide, without brushes.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Branched Cat has a view of a strip beginning in Sahara (Algeria, Morocco, Chad, Niger) and through the Arabian Peninsula running in Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) to the surroundings of Nushkin in Pakistan.

Manul. Pallas Cat (Otocolobus Manul)

His second name - Pallasi Cat - he received in honor of the German Naturalist Pether Pallas, who first described Manuul in the XVIII century. Synonymy latin name Otocolobus comes from the Greek US, OTOS - Ear, Kolobos - ugly, that is, "ugly ear".

It was disseminated in Central and Central Asia, from southern Transcaucasia and Western Iran to Transbaikalia, Mongolia and North-West China.

Black cat. Black-Footed Cat (Felis Nigripes)

One of the smallest modern representatives Fabric family. Middle Mass - 1.6 kg, body length 36-52 cm, tail - 13-20 cm.

The black cat is found in the desert places of the southern part of Africa. Color - sandy-yellow with dark spots. Black cats occupy rabbits or termites.

Caracal or Steppe Lynx. Caracal (Caracal Caracal)

For a long time, Caracal was trained in lying, on which he looks outwardly, however genetic features allocated it in a separate genus. Despite this, the carakal is still a bit closer to lysy, than other cats, while being much closer to the Puma in morphological features.

Karakal is close to the African servula, with which it is well cross in captivity. It is found in savannahs, deserted steppes, deserts and foothills of Africa, in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Small and Central Asia, in the Middle East. In the CIS in the CIS, it is found in the deserts of southern Turkmenistan, along the coast of the Caspian Sea comes to the Mangyshlak Peninsula, sometimes appears in the Kyrgyzstan and the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.

In Russia, single Caracal individuals can be found in the foothills and deserts of Dagestan, but its total number does not exceed 100 individuals.

Smoky leopard. Clouded Leopard (Neofelis Nebulosa)

Feline representative inhabiting in South East Asia. It remotely resembles a leopard and is considered a rather ancient view, as well as the possible height of the current large feline.

The length of the fluster leopard is 61-100 cm, the tail is 75-92 cm. Mass of males 16-21 kg, females 11-15 kg. Height in the withers 50-55 cm. Its value corresponds to about the size of the shepherd.

The smoky leopard is found in the south-east of Asia: from South China to Malacca and from Eastern Himalayas to Vietnam. The subspecies encountered in Taiwan is extinct. Its biotope are tropical and subtropical forests located at altitudes up to 2000 meters.

Pampas cat. Pampaas Cat (Leopardus Pajeros)

For a long time it was believed that this small predatory animal, whose dimensions only prevail over the dimensions of homemade Murki, belongs to another category from the genus of tiger cats - Bellolo (Lat. Leopardus Colocolo). With small sizes, herbal cats (so he sounds the name of these animals in their homeland) look rather massive. Medium weight Pampas cats is 4-7 kg, the length of the body varies from 50 to 75 cm, one third of the size falls on a thick shaggy tail.

Pampas cat. The habitat, as follows from the name of the species, extends along the extensive zone of the South American steppes: in the area of \u200b\u200bArgentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.

Jaguarundi. Jaguarundi (Puma Yagouaroundi)

Externally, Jaguarundi resembles a representative of the family of a kunih or willer - Yaguarundi is unusually (for a cat) an elongated, flexible body on short strong legs and a long thin tail, which in general gives it similarity with caressing or Madagascar foss. The body length is 55-77 cm, the tail is 33-60 cm, the height in the withers is about 25-35 cm. Weaving jaguarundi 4.5-9 kg.

Jaguarundi lives in the central and South America: from the coast of Mexico to the North-West of Argentina. A small population is found in South Texas and Arizona.


She is the Bengal Cat, dwarf cat, or far Eastern Cot. Bengal cats live in South and East Asia. Their size corresponds to the size of a domestic cat, and on its huge Areal They are found in a variety of colors. The appearance within the type of Bengal cats is very different. In Primorsky Krai, they look quite different than on the Islands of Indonesia. In the south, the basic color of their wool is more yellow, like a leopard, and in the north it is predominantly gray-brown.

Witter cat or fisherman. Fishing Cat (PRIONAILURUS VIVERRINUS)

The wild cat Southeast Asia, characterized in that it catches fish and swims well. The view is closely related to the Far Eastern Cat and is similar to it, but larger sizes.

Witter Cat or Cat-Fisherman is a rare animal, entered into Annex II Cites. By appearance The fish cat resembles a cywer (Viverra). The mass of an adult animal from 11 to 15 kg (cats), 6-7 kg (cats), with a body length of 96-119 cm, height in the withers 38-40 cm. It has a strong addition, has a lot of power. The muzzle is short and wide, the bridge is practically absent. The ears are small round, low heads on the sides of the head, the jaw is round, almost like a pit bull, the bottom is very strong. Head round, neck short. The legs are short, the tail is also short, thick at the base. The color is grayish brown with black.

There are several large feline hybrids in the world: league, Tiegon, Liligrol, Taligr. Of these large ligra - Lion hybrid and tigritsa. In the wild, these hybrids are not fixed, because Outside the walls of zoos and circles, lions and tigers are almost never found. The largest male ligra is currently being sudanized by almost four meters and the Hercules with a rise of 3 meters 70 cm. The last weighs a little more than 400 kg. However, the largest recorded part entered the Guinness Book of Records with a weight of almost 800 kg. The males of leagues are sterile - they do not give offspring, unlike them, females can well multiply, the hybrids of Liligrol and Taligr occur, which are much less than their parents.
Kiara - the daughter of Ligritis Zita and Lev Samson was born in the Novosibirsk Zoo in 2004, she became the first Liligr in the world. When Zita refused to feed the Kiara, the upbringing and feeding of babes took up domestic cat Dasha.

It is noteworthy that all representatives of large species of feline belong to the genus of the panther. However, herself is not an independent view, because Like Albinos Panther - just leopards and jaguars with a rare black and even less often with white color. The mass of their body can reach 115 kg, on the background of handsome leagues, this rare representative of the Feline Kitten family.

The largest homemade cat

SAME large breeds Maine Coon and Regvol are considered cats. Some representatives of these breeds of animals weigh from eight to twelve kilograms, which puts them in the first place among all domestic cats ever existed. Fluffy huge Maine Coon looks like a fabulous cat-Bayun, but it is distinguished by a very sociable and affectionate temper, he loves his family to adoration and with caution refers to strangers.
Domestic cats external appearance Recinded home lever and manul, quite large representatives can reach up to 6 kilograms. If the home lever adapts to the content in the house, then the manul is exclusively a wild cat.

The largest extinct cat

The largest representative of extinct cats is the cave lion, Miratinonix and saber-toothed tiger. However, these "dinosaurs" did not possess giant sizes And there were much less modern tigers and leagues. Scientists are confident that leagues are extinct species regenerated in an artificial environment. Perhaps earlier, Lviv and Tigers did not share such long distances, as now, and joint offspring could appear as a result of the natural meeting of representatives of these species.

There are so many different animals in the world. All of them are very different from each other. Some live in the sea, others - on land. Some powered by plants, others are predators. Some of them are small, others are huge and heavy.

The most severe water animal

The biggest and heavy water animals of the whole world rightfully is Blue Whale. Its length can be about 30 meters, and the weight begins from 180 tons and more. Such an animal has a dark blue color with bluish shades on the sides. The heart of a blue whale can be about 600 kilograms, and the language of about 2.5 tons, which can be compared with its size.

The volume of light blue whale in size exceeds three thousand liters, which is an absolute record among all known animals.

Such whales feed with tiny organisms that are in the sea and have a krill. On the day of Blue Kit can eat up to 40 million individuals. Most often, blue whales are preferred to stay alone or be in a pair. Such animals communicate with echolocation. The sound that is pronounced with communication blue whales is similar to the sound of the working reactive aircraft And it is capable of dealing with huge distances, more than one thousand kilometers.

Blue whale females give birth to their young once every three years after a previous pregnancy, which lasts about a year. The mass of the newborn kidenka varies within 3 tons.

Blue whale is animals in fairly peaceful and lost their militant abilities, which contributed to the almost complete extermination of this species.

The largest and most heavy ground animal

The largest land animal is the elephant. An animal is characterized by a heavy massive body, short neck and big head, as well as huge ears and thick limbs. The weight of the male can reach 6 tons, the length of about 7 meters and the height is slightly more than 3 meters.

The females of the animal weigh almost two times less. Their growth of about 2.5 meters, and the length is about 5 meters. Adults of an elephant, because of their big sizeMost often do not have in a natural habitat, but small elephant are often exposed to bloodthirsty attacks by crocodiles, hyenas and leopards.

According to the latest statistical calculations, the population of these animals in the wild is about 550 thousand individuals. The biggest killed animal is african elephantHe was shot in Angola, his weight was more than 12 tons, which is a record.

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Hunting, destruction of forests and water bodies, clogging by waste - factors that over the past 500 years have contributed to extinction of almost 850 species of representatives of the animal world.

The main reasons for extinction of species

Any changes on the planet affect the world. Both global (natural cataclysms, war) and the most minor ( forest fires, river spills). The most detrimental consequence of animals has a human life, many have disappeared precisely because of her.

10 most famous extinct animals

Types of animals that a person will not be able to see more in nature:

Tyrannosaurus Rex - was one of the biggest carnivorous sushi. It could reach 13 m in length, 5 m in height, weigh 7 tons. Two-legged predator. Had a weapon in the form long tail and a powerful skull. The petrified remains of individuals were found in North America. According to scientists' hypothesis, the view together with the rest of dinosaurs more than 60 million years ago as a result of the collision of the comet from the ground.

KVIGGA (dotted since 1883) - the subspecies of ordinary zebra with stripes on the front half of the body. Occupied the extensive territory of Africa. We were exterminated by people for meat and liberation space for pastures for livestock.

Tasmanian tiger (or wolf) - was the largest short carbon manner. Inhabited the territory of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea. The name received for stripes on the back and habitats. In the extinction of the species is to blame intensive hunting, illness (listed by man on isolated from civilization of the territory), the appearance of dogs. The species are considered to be extinct since 1936, but even today people appear, arguing that they saw living individuals.

Sea cow (subspecies of steller) is an absolutely defenseless animal. The view was discovered in the Bering Sea in 1741 by Georg Steller. The individuals were similar to modern Lamanities, only much larger. Adult sea \u200b\u200bcow There was 8 m in length and weighed about 3 tons. In just 27 years old animals were exterminated by a man for the sake of tense skin and fat.

The Chinese river dolphin is extincted by the pollution of the water of the river waste from freight and industrial courts. In 2006, the disappearance of the species was registered.

Caspian Tiger (extinct in the 1970s) - ranked third in size among all species. Different unusual long wool, huge fangs and an elongated body. Color reminded Bengalsky.

Tour (extinted from 1627) - primitive bull. Only aristocrats hunted on them. When, in the 16th century above the view, the threat of extinction was hunting, the hunt was forbidden and the violation of the prohibition was cruelly punishable. It did not save a population of destruction. At the beginning of the last century in Germany, the species tried to revive, but unsuccessfully.

Big Gagarka (extinct since 1844) is a fluttering, reaching 75 cm in height and weighing about 5 kg. Representative of an extensive family, the only one who is up to the latest history.

Cave Lion - the most little Lev.. The main part was extinct in the ice age, the remnants of the species could not recover after a series of cataclysms and finally disappeared 20 centuries ago.

Dodo (extinct at the end of the 17th century) - a fluttering bird from the island of Mauritius. Relevated to the family of pigeons, however, reached 1 m in height. The species was also exterminated by a man.

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Tip 4: from what kind of cats there are domestic cats

Domestic cats originated from wild representatives The species of forest cats, although so far most biologists refer them to this species and consider only a separate subspecies. The period of domestication refers to the time of the Neolithic revolution, which occurred about 10 thousand years ago.

Domestic cats

Biologists have not yet come to a common opinion, is it worth attracting cats to a single form or not. For a long time, the most common and beloved among people pets were considered representatives of the forest cats, forming a separate subspecies along with such groups like Omani cat, a steppe cat, cat and others. Despite some differences in appearance and behavior, all these groups really belong to one form, as they can cross each other and give healthy offspring.

It also applies to domestic cats: hitting in wild conditions And the wild, they can find themselves a couple among their wild fellow and continue the genus, which allows them to be counted to the same mind.

Nevertheless, some biologists offer to highlight a separate view of domestic cats based on the fact that they are separated by a huge abyss from their brothers: it is difficult to imagine that smooth sphinxes or stupid Persian cats belong to the same mind that both elegant, aggressive and forest cat.

History of domestic cats

Thus, the ancestors of all domestic cats were forest cats - small predatory mammals, today living in Africa, northern regions Asia and Europe. These are fast, cunning, grave and aggressive animals.

They, in turn, occurred from more ancient representatives of the kind of cats and have close related relationships with a barhant cat - a small animal resembling a little lynx.

Several thousand years ago, forest cats inhabited the territory of the Middle East and first tried not to meet with representatives of the human race. During the Neolithic Revolution, people learned how to grow plants, and grain reserves began to attract rodent people to the dwellings. It is believed that small mammals Pest animals followed predatory cats that hunted them.

Gradually, a person and began to cooperate: the neighborhood was beneficial to both. The domestication of these animals occurred about 10 thousand years ago, presumably in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called fertile crescent, where the first settled settlements and the primitives of human civilizations were formed.

Genetic studies have made it possible to reveal the origin of domestic cats more accurately: all representatives of the domestic subspecies occurred on the motherboard from several steppe cats. Steppe cats are a subspecies of forests, which made it from other predators of this species about 130 thousand years ago. These animals were inhabited in the Middle East, it was their ancestors modern people.

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Ligr, this little-known hybrid is the largest cat in the world. On average, the words of the ligree weigh from 300 to 370 kg and can reach up to 4 meters in length and up to 2 meters in height. This huge cat is almost twice the greatest lion itself.

How can you guess by name, league is a mixture of two the largest representatives Feline - Lviv and Tigers, namely the male lion and female tiger. What is interesting, if the father is a tiger, and the mother of a lioness, then a completely different beast will be born so-called "Tigroles", which is much less than a tiger in size. This is due to the fact that the males of Lviv genes are more active at the growth than the lioness, the tigers are the same on the contrary - the genes restraining growth is weaker than the females. Therefore, ligras and grow up to such incredible sizes, the gene containing growth is suppressed. By the way, the ligra grow on the accuracy of the whole life.

Externally, the ligras look more like tigers than on Lviv: they have no mane, and the characteristic tiger stripes are visible on the body, the truth is very pale.

You can meet the ligras only in captivity, because In nature, lions and tigers live in various geographic zones: Lions in Africa, and tigers only in Asia. However, in captivity, these huge cats are rare. Now there are about 25 individuals in the world. Like many other feline hybrids, the ligras cannot continue the genus - almost all males are barren, but most of Females can bring offspring.

Despite huge sizes And a rather awesome kind of ligra is not aggressive and even friendly in relation to man. They love to play and indulge as homemade kittens. And these cats know how and love to swim.

The most large part of the liter is the male nicknamed Hercules. He was born in 2004 in America. Now he weighs 420 kg., The length of his body is more than 4 metorv, and the height is more than 2 m, while the Hercules continues to grow.

The International Forum on the problems associated with the preservation of tigers on Earth will be held in St. Petersburg on November 21-24.

Tiger ( Panthera Tigris) - View of the predatory mammals of catfish families, one of the four types of so-called "big cats" of the genus Panthera.

The word "Tiger" comes from the Greek Tigris, which in turn goes back to the Word from the ancient Persian language TIGRI, which means "sharp, fast."

There are nine subspecies of tigers in the world, of which six are still found in nature: Malay, Amur, Bengali, Sumatran, South Chinese and Indochian tigers.

Three subspecies, such as the Caspian, Balinese and Javanese, were exterminated by a person or extinct due to the destruction of their habitat.

Tiger is the largest and most severe of wild cats, but its various subspecies differ greatly in size and body weight. Mainland subspecies tiger larger island. The largest of them are Indian (Bengali) and amur subspecieswhose males can reach up to 2.3-2.5 m, and in some cases up to 2.6-2.8 m in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg.

The length of the body without a tail in different subspecies ranges from 1.4 to 2.8 m. Tail 60-100 cm (Amur to 110-115 cm). Height in the withers to 1.15 m.

Adult male in nature usually weighs from 180 to 250 kg; Amur, according to modern data, weighs on average within 180-200 kg; Bengali, living in northern India And Nepal, - 235 kg. The females are usually noticeably less than males, their mass is 100-181 kg.

The record-recorded tiger mass belongs to the Bengal tiger, shown in Northern India in 1967, which was 388.7 kg. The record mass of the Amur Tiger was 384 kg, but these data were provided from documenically confirmed sources. The record in the captivity of the Amur Tiger - 423 kg.

Adult tiger, like most other feline, has 30 teeth. Well-developed fangs whose length can reach 8 cm, help the tiger to kill production. Long and movable tongue is equipped on the sides of special tubercles, which are covered with epidial epithelium and allow separating meat from the skeleton of the victim. These tubercles also help with "wash".

The main tone of the color of the tigers varies from rusty-red to rust-brown; belly, chest and inner surface Lap bright. There are also bright marks on the back surface of the ears. The body is covered with stripes whose color varies from brown to completely black.

In India, sometimes white tigers are found and specifically bred, which white background Located brown stripes. These animals have blue eyes.

The shape and distance between the strips differ in various subspecies, but most tigers have more than 100 bands. The location of the bands is unique for each individual animal, and thus can be used to identify individual individuals, similar to the fingerprints in people.

The body of the tiger is massive, elongated, muscular, flexible. The tail is long, evenly sown. Head is rounded. The ears are small rounded. On the sides of the head tanks. Hair Pokrov Tight and low in southern subspecies, high and fluffy - in the northern. On the front paws of five fingers, on the rear - four, all with retractable claws.

Tigers have well-developed night vision, and according to some data, they are partially inherent and color vision. Like all representatives of the genus Panther, Tiger, thanks to the structure of the larynx and voice ligaments, It is capable of making a roar, but mainly it gives a voice only during the pairing period.

Tiger is an exclusively asian appearance. Historic Area The tiger was located on the territory of the Far East of Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and Southeast Asia, including the Stern Archipelago (Indonesian Islands).

At present, this predator has been preserved in the north of Iran, the North of Afghanistan, in Industan (mainly in the north of the peninsula), Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Indochite, in the Malack Peninsula, Java, Bali, in some provinces of South and Northeast China, North Korean Peninsula. Within Russia, a small tigers population is only in the Far East, mainly in the Primorsky Territory.

In general, the tiger is distinguished by great mobility and sometimes he will raise far beyond permanent seats habitat. Known, for example, cases of tigers to the northern tip of Baikal, to the Chita region and even in Yakutia. In the southern regions of the range, Tigers live in mountain and low-rope tropical and subtropical forests, impassable thickets on the shores of the reservoirs, in the impassive fewer spiny shrubs and the like deaf, difficult for a person places. In Russia, Tiger lives in centuries mixed forests Manchur type covering the slopes of mountains and sobes. For the relaxing existence of this predator, you need to have convenient marks, the abundance of wild hoofs, the proximity of waterproofs.

Adult tigers - territorial animals leading single image Life and fiercely defending their territory. Tigers are marked by various ways. The nature of the territory of the individual smell is one of the main ways to communicate in tigers.

The size of the personal territory of the tiger is highly dependent on habitat, abundance of production, and, in the case of males, from the presence of females on this locality. The tigress can have a territory of about 20 square meters. km, while the territory of males is usually much more - 60-100 square meters. km. Tiger movement routes on their territory are constant.

The average daily movement of adult male is 9.6 km, the maximum is 41 km. The average daily movement of females is 7 km, the maximum is 22 km.

In the wild, tigers are mostly feeding with hoofs. The prey of the tiger, first of all, serve boars, deers, roebles. Also tigers can hunt large herbivores, such as Indian buffalo, Gaur, and elk. In addition, from time to time, tigers feed on and atypical animals for their diet, such as monkeys, pheasants, hares and even fish.

Inhabitants of reservoirs Tiger caught not difficult, since he likes to swim and swims well. Behind the hoofs, he hunts by rebeling or from an ambush. At the same time, the tiger, despite the huge sizes, detects greater caution, dexterity, the ability to disguise and completely silently move in the forest more often. Tiger has such a huge force that, attacking, snacks and breaks the vertebrae even with large animals (for example, buffalo), and then pulls the carcass sometimes for several kilometers. With a lack of wild hoof beasts, tigers can destroy domestic cattle and dogs. Among tigers, especially in tropical countries, sometimes cannibals appear.

The Tiger is the top of the food pyramid throughout its range and almost never compete from other predators. At times, the tiger eats up to 30-40 kg of meat. Solving large males can eat up to 50 kg of meat. A killed deer or boar tiger can remain a few days during which the carcass eats. The absence of the tigers' feed base is carried out without prejudice to themselves, due to the presence of subcutaneous fatty fiber.

For a tiger typical polygamy. Pairing takes place in December-January. In the territories with a low number of individuals behind the female goes only one male. Between the males there are fights for the right to mate with the female.

Most females for the first time bring offspring at 3-4 years. The female pregnancy lasts 97-112 days (an average of 103 days).

The lair is arranged in the most hard-to-reach places: in crevices among stones, in caves, among the burver, cane rocks.

In the brood usually 2-4 tiger, rarely one, even less often 5-6. Tigs are born with blind, helpless, with a mass of 1.3-1.5 kg, but in approximately 6-8 days twisted. The first six weeks of tigrite feed on the mother's milk. Young grows under the supervision of the mother, who does not let the male to the offspring, as the wandering males can kill the crucible.

At the age of 8 weeks, the cigarette becomes capable of following the mother, and leave the lair. Finally, young tigers are ready at about 18 months old, but usually remain with a mother for 2-3 years, and sometimes under 5 years.

After the start of self-life, young females usually remain nearby from the territory of their mother, while young males go over long distances in search of their own territory; Usually they must fall off their own plot from other males, or, if in this area, the population of tigers is small, occupy empty territories.

Tiger's life expectancy: in nature - 10-15 years; In captivity - 20-25 years.

Tiger is under international Guard, introduced into the Red Book of the IUCN (Red Book International Union Nature's protection), in the Red Book of Russia, Annex 1 CITES, as well as in security documents of other countries.

Since 1947, there has been a complete ban of hunting for tigers. In 1955, it was prohibited, and then strictly limited catch tiger.

The main factor limiting the number of tigers is the human economic activity and hunting: both with a trophy (mainly for the sake of skins) and with therapeutic goal (Many organs and parts of the tiger body are used in traditional Eastern medicine).

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information