Many and in childhood, and more adulthood Faced with such a problem as ulcers in the mouth. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon.

Ulcers in the mouth, and if they are expressed by a medical language, then simply stomatitis, may arise at any time of the year different people For a wide variety of reasons, but most often this ailment appears in an unprotected organism during stress or disease.

Sores in the mouth interfere during conversations and cause discomfort, painful sensations at the time of eating. Everyone who at least once faced with such an unpleasant picture is asked what is the reason for the emergence of stomatitis and how in the future it is possible to avoid its renewal.

From Stomatitis suffers hardly if every fifth resident of the Earth and most often he manifest itself on the most tender and vulnerable part of the mucous - on bowlAlthough it is often found on cheeks, in language and on internal surface top lips. Mucous oral cavity Party great amount blood vesselsEspecially great their location in the zone separating the inner and outer part of the lip. Thin gentle covers of the mucosa are very sensitive and not protected in these zones, which is why stomatitis so often affects them against the background of weakened and easily vulnerable immunity.

Stomatitis can be described as inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, and it manifests itself in the form of small bubbles Most often white, but perhaps gray, yellow or red, arising on the inside of the cheeks, lips or on the gums.

Let's analyze the reasons for which sores can appear in the mouth.

The reasons for the appearance of sores in the mouth can be a huge set: they may arise from injuries (for example, you bited the lip), and from specific diseases (from the candidiasis to Vicha). From here it follows the conclusion that it is impossible to definitely indicate a specific factor that caused this unpleasant disease. But with a careful analysis of lifestyle, it is possible to identify with some more likely possible cause The emergence of sores in the mouth.

It used to be believed that ulcers in the mouth are purely childish diseasewhich occurs as a consequence of the treatment of thrush or herpes. However, today, as we have already seen, the causes of the lesion of the mucous membrane are diverse.

A huge amount of infectious diseases can manifest itself on a delicate mucosa.

In the human oral cavity there is a huge number of microorganisms (including viruses and mushrooms), which are conventionally considered dangerous to the body, but being in a state of rest, no harm represent. But under the influence various factors they begin to have a sharp active negative influence on the body. Causes of their harm May be concluded in the following:

  • In the tissues of the body, a wound was formed through which malicious microorganisms penetrated inside.
  • A sharp decline in local or general immunity due to the reception of antibiotics or cooling the organism.
  • Disruption of the balance of microbes in the human body after receiving some of the water widows.

All these factors can cancel infectious diseasesthat will cause the occurrence of mucous membranes in the mouth of the mouth.

The most frequent causes of stomatitis

Varieties of Stomatitis

Painful ulcerswhich cause huge discomfort for the diseased - chief sign This type of stomatitis. AFTS arising on the affected mucosa tend to take the form of yellow-gray round ulcers with a bright execution of the rim. AFTs are very painful, cause problems during conversation and meals.

The reasons for the occurrence of this disease.

Aphthosal Stomatitis begins to appear in children, and by twenty years he develops into chronic stomatitis.

The development of Aphtheasian Stomatitis takes place several stages. In the first stage, it is almost indistinguishable from cold illness and accompanied by characteristic symptoms for them: heat, increasing lymph nodes, general malaise. And only in the second stage, the main symptom is manifested - the occurrence of rounded yasels up to 5 mm in diameter in the oral cavity.

AFTs arise on the inside of the cheeks, lips, around the perimeter of the tongue, at the bottom of the oral cavity and are covered with a gray or yellowish flare with a red halo.

By character, the aphthous stomatitis can be sharp, that is, arising only after viruses or infections, or chronic, which means that it will periodically form during the year, most often in Spring I. autumn period . If chronic stomatitis recurns, the amount of rash may increase, and the time of their healing stretches from 5 days to a month.

The reason is herpes virus, which, falling into the body, remains in it forever. This type of stomatitis is characterized by the appearance on the lower surface of the language and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom of the oral cavity of small sores grayVisually resembling herpes.

Most often this disease there is 30 years old And after 7 days, the ulcers are chipped.

Herpety stomatitis is heavier to transfer children to three years and it is not so easy to treat it. The kids can rise in the oral cavity, the inflammation begins, accompanied by the bleeding of gums and the smell of mouth. Herpetic rashes can be localized on the face.

IN lately Among children are quite often outbreaks of acute herpetic stomatitis, in which nausea and vomiting can be formed among the symptoms. In this case, the child needs to be isolate and ensure comprehensive treatment to it.

Candadose Stomatitis

The microflora of the man has a huge number of organisms, which are inseparable candidate mushrooms. But in some cases of their the number begins to grow inexorablyWhat causes strong harm to the body. And one of side Effects The growth of their population is the appearance of candidial stomatitis - round yazens arising on the inner side of the lower lip and white-covered.

Allergic Stomatitis

Arises due to contact with allergens. As an allergen can act food Product, and medical drug. Signs of allergic stomatitis are swelling and bright red mucosa.

How to treat ulcers on the lip and mouth

What to treat ulcers in the mouth, if you bite your lip and jumped up the guns in this place.

As a rule, for the treatment of stomatitis optional use of medicines, because it goes by itself during the week. But for speedy healing And the scarring of the wound is possible treatment of folk and traditional medical methods.

When stomatitis appears on the lip, it does not only violate appearanceBut also brings pain, sometimes strong enough, and it also makes it difficult to eat and communicate with other people. This phenomenon occurs often, to which there are many reasons.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of stomatitis on the lips a lot. The main reason for the appearance of this disease is considered an infection that penetrates into microcarbage of the skin or mucous membrane and leads to the development of an inflammatory response.

The reasons

Especially high the risk of stomatitis after transferred colds, since the body's immune defense is reduced. This creates favorable conditions for enhancing the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Stomatitis can also be developed for the following reasons:

  • small damage to the lips that may occur when eating food (crop bone injection, irritation from excessively salty products);
  • chemical or thermal burns that violate the integrity of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the wound appears that does not have protection against bacteria and viruses;
  • dyeing occurs because of the habit of licking lips into cold windy weather.

Types of Stomatitis

Several varieties of this disease are distinguished.


The most common type of stomatitis, localized on the upper or lower lip, as the eagle herpes virus is found in 99% of people. It is manifested by pronounced ulcers located on the skin or mucous membranes. They are small hypereminated areas, towering over the surface of the lips.

In the first day after the development of inflammation of ulcers, it looks like a cluster of small bubbles located close to each other. After opening, brushes appear and wet surface, which is zudit and hurts.


In the event of redness on the inside of the lip covered with a whitish flaw, a suspicion arises. Under the progression of the disease, the whims of the raid is easily removed, exposing under him a hyperemic and edema surface of the mucous membrane.

In the norm of fungi, the genus Candida is present in moderate quantities in the body of each person and are representatives of the natural microflora of the oral cavity. However, with a decrease in local immunity, an uncontrolled increase in fungal colonies occurs, which leads to the development of candidium stomatitis.


Such a kind of stomatitis most often amazes the corners of the lips. Sometimes pathological elements are located on the inside of the lip, originally have the form of small bubbles. After their autopsy, an ullane hyperemic surface with bloody crusts along the edges and light-milk middle is exposed.

In addition to the listed features, the patients often increase the temperature, and also occurs swelling and bleeding from the gums. When arranged in the corner of the AFTA, heals a long time, since it constantly occurs during the conversation and meals.


In addition to contacting allergens with a mucous membrane, a response of hypersensitivity is developing. Redness and vesicles arise on lips, which are quickly transformed into erosion. Allergies may appear not only on certain foods, but also for dental materials used for the formulation of seals, and orthopedic structures, parts of which are made of metal or plastics.

When the reaction of hypersensibilization appears, the signs occur not only on the mucous membrane of the lips, but often affect the soft tissues of the oral cavity. They become edema, hyperemen, are often covered with small pimples.


Stomatitis of microbial origin is usually developing with small damage on the skin of the lips. Bacterial infection He penetrates into a wound, where he begins to multiply, causing an inflammatory response.

Often the process is accompanied by the suppuration, pulsating pain and swelling of soft tissues. Often the cause of stomatitis are staphylococci and streptococci.


The inflammatory process develops after receiving various kinds of injuries. It can be microcracks due to damage to coarse food, abrasions after strikes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face or jaw, the wounds due to the random boning of the lips. Sometimes the patient can observe a chronic injury with a low-quality prosthetics.


The disease can manifest itself differently in patients of different ages.

In adults

The first signs of inflammation on the lips are always easy to detect. Stomatitis is manifested by hyperemia, small swelling, as well as a feeling of burning on the inner or outer side of the lip.

A characteristic feature is an ulcer that can affect the lower and top lip, for which certain features are characteristic:

  • round form;
  • clear contours with reddish edging;
  • the surface of the ulcers is covered with a dirty gray film.

In addition, the patient celebrates pain when taking food. An important feature Stomatitis is the fact that surrounding ulceration areas have a completely healthy appearance.

In children

Usually symptoms of inflammation on the lip in childhood Specified to a more large extent than in adults.

In addition to local signs The child is often observed:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • cracked and swollen surface of the whole lip, sometimes with the spread of the mouth or surrounding skin;
  • the kid becomes a capricious, crying a lot;
  • the child has a reduced appetite;
  • children in Stomatitis often hold lips in a half-kidnut state, which is why high salivation can occur.


In order to determine the etiology of the disease, it is necessary to apply for medical help To a specialist. It is the dentist after visual inspection And additional research can determine the type of inflammatory process and tell how to effectively treat stomatitis on the lip.

Diagnostic actions will be the following:

  • When examining the outer coverings of the lips, various pathological elements are determined in the form of bubbles, AFT, erosion or cracks. Some types of stomatitis are characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the inner surface of the lips. At the initial stage of the process, hyperemia of a limited area arises, as well as the patient notes a slight burning sensation.
  • Taking Soskob allows you to identify the cause of the disease (fungi, bacteria).
  • To determine the bacterial stomatitis and the preparation of the treatment plan, it is necessary to conduct crops on identifying the pathogen and determining its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Usually, the diagnosis of stomatitis does not cause difficulties. In order to put an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must carefully inspect the oral cavity and the patient's lips, as well as study the localization and features of the elements of the lesion.

Treatment of stomatitis that appeared on the lip

It should not be hoped that stomatitis appeared on the lip will disappear independently, therefore, when signs of illness, a dentist should be visited for the appointment of treatment. It is important to understand that stomatitis occurs with reduced protective functions of the body, therefore not only local therapy may be required, but also common.

In adults

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly define the original source of the disease and the type of process, because the effectiveness of the procedures depends on this. For example, the treatment of candidium and herpetic stomatitis is carried out by various drugs aimed at eliminating the pathogen.

However, you can allocate general principles:

  • Anesthetics. Lidocaine based gels make it possible to remove discomfort and pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Fight with five signs of inflammation - pain, redness, swelling, local hyperthermia and violation of functions.
  • Antihistamines. Remove swelling and contribute to more rapid recovery.
  • Keratoplasty. Sea buckthorn oil and vitamins A, E accelerate regeneration processes.
  • Immunostimulants. Preparations that allow you to increase local oral resistance to pathogens. For this purpose, you can take tablets to dissolve the IMUDON.

For special forms Stomatitis may require antifungal, antibacterial or anti-allergic drugs.

In children

The treatment of stomatitis on the lip in the child is practically the same as in an adult. In childhood, Stomatitis usually flows into acute formTherefore, an anesthesia may be required. In herpetic stomatitis, the use of anesthetizing sprays is not recommended, since the aerosol contributes to the spread of infection and the separation of it into healthy areas. To relieve pain, it is better to use special anesthetic gels that are applied point to the affected surface.

Reception of multivitamin complexes allows you to fill the deficit of nutrients in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the child's immunity.

Does it be necessary to go to the dentist?

The belief is common that if stomatitis appeared, then you can not deal with treatment and do not go to the doctor, after all, a week later - two illness will be held independently. It is not necessary to hope for self-dissection, because if there is a viral or bacterial nature of the inflammatory process, you are at risk of re-infection and the spread of infection not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

In the event of signs of stomatitis in a child, to visit the doctor to determine the type of illness and the appointment of the appropriate therapy should be selected.

In what cases should you urgently consult a doctor?

It is necessary to seek medical care when the first symptoms of stomatitis appeared on the lip, without waiting for the development of complications. Highly qualified dentist based on patient complaints, clinical picture and symptoms of the disease will determine the disease and will recommend methods of treatment.

Folk treatments

If there are only local signs, when the overall state is not broken, it is allowed to use ways folk MedicineHowever, this should be done only after the consultation of the specialist.

Stomatitis, which appeared on the lip, can be treated in the following ways:

  • Soda solution. A teaspoon of soda must be dissolved in 150 ml boiled waterobtained by means to wipe the affected area 4-5 times a day.
  • Anti-inflammatory decoctions. Dry collection, consisting of chamomile or calendula, should be pouring boiling water and leave for insistence. Rinse the oral cavity 3 times a day after eating.
  • Oak bark. This agent has a binding effect, due to which inflammation is removed and wound healing is accelerated. Processing the mucous membrane of the lines with a cooled solution with a gauze tampon.
  • Calando juice. The leaf of the plant must be cut into two parts and attach the pulp to the painful area.

What is fraught with the absence of treatment

If stomatitis is not in time, complications may appear:

  • ulcerative-necrotic lesion, which affects soft tissues, and in some cases can lead to osteomyelitis of maxillary bones;
  • gangrenous inflammation, developing when joining a special type of pathogens (Gonokokk, Pale Treplema, etc.);
  • the propagation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • transforming into recurrent stomatitis, which requires long-term treatment.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition character I. eating habits Directly affect the positive outcome of the disease.

Therefore, before treating stomatitis on the lip, it is necessary to revise your diet and eliminate products provoking irritation of ulcerations:

  • Avoid solid food that can cause additional discomfort in the lesions zone.
  • Refuse sharp and salty dishes.
  • It is necessary to limit sweets and baking with diagnosed candidal stomatitis.
  • Adhere to optimal temperature modeSince unnecessarily cold and hot food can cause irritation.

Prevention Stomatitis

To reduce the likelihood of stomatitis on the lip, it is necessary to carefully refer to the health of the oral cavity:

  • timely treasure teeth, affected, as they are a source of infection;
  • carry out daily hygienic care for the oral cavity;
  • do not allow the development of gum inflammation.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the state of immunity. To do this, it is recommended to take the vitamin complexes, there are fresh vegetables and fruits, carrying out soil procedures.

Holding healthy image Life and principles proper nutrition, it is much easier to protect yourself from joining any infectious disease, including stomatitis on the lips.

Useful video about the reasons for the occurrence and treatment of stomatitis

The ulcer on the lip inside is a variety of herpes. In essence, it is a violation of the gum mucosa, lips, cheeks. Usually they are grayish or white.

They deliver discomfort to a person, as they interfere with there and speak. Herpes is distinguished first and second type. The first type includes defeats above a person's belt.

In principle, the ulcer on the lip inside is the result of a virus that constantly lives in our body, but at some point wakes up.

What are the causes of the appearance of an ulcer?

Select a number of reasons that contribute to the formation of ulcers on the lip:

  • thermal irritation, i.e. burn,
  • mechanical irritation
  • chemical - alcohol, smoking,
  • weather change,
  • congenital defects.

An ulcer inside the lip is often formed in those people who pass a course of radiation or chemotherapy. Often ulcers in the mouth appear under the influence of stress or after a long stay in the sun.

Usually such an ulcer has an oval or round shape. Sometimes the sizes of ulcers reach a centimeter. It can buy a yellowish tint, and the area around it will become reddish. Sometimes there may be several foci at once, the number can reach to 5. However, they all pass in a week.

If the ulcer does not heal more than three weeks, you can show anxiety, because it may be that these are the consequences of HIV, the disease of the root or ulcerative colitis.

And you know about: Ulcers in the mouth cause and treatment

Methods for treating yazens on the lip

If you are worried about the question ulcers on the lip inside how to treatHere you can take advantage of any ways - folk or medical. From home remedies are often used by applying ice, tea bags, petroleum lubrication.

Folk medicine offers options such as grated potatoes, crude carrots, fresh cranberry juice. Often apply honey and leaves of strawberries.

However, an ulcer inside the lip often worries a person and sometimes even painkillers are required. Also now medicine offers various options for treating ulcers inside lips. First of all, it is necessary to use food soda, it can irrigate the mouth to apply tampons moistened in water with soda to ulcers. The teeth are also brushing soda until all the scars disappear.

It is also important to change the old brush or boil it, because the infection could be in a bristle. You can handle ulcers with green, but it is pretty hurt. It is better to process them with special modern gels, some of them contain lidocaine for anesthesia. If ulcers are on the lip on the edge, then the acyclovir can be applied. There are also a special antiseptic in a pharmacy and gels with dexamethasone.

Which doctor to go with an ulcer on the lip?

The dentist is engaged in this problem. In a special service you can search a doctor in your city

And you know about: ulcer in the mouth treatment at home

The damage to the mucous membrane is not so rarity. Given constant contact with the external environment, food and chemicals, as well as the vulnerability of the shell, it is subject to various damage. In particular, ulcers on the lips can be considered a common state. Because of what they arise, as they appear and are treated - this is what the most people are worried about the indicated problem.

The origin of the ulcer lesion of the skin and the lip mucosa is very diverse. Speech can go both about the local pathological process and the system. The leading role belongs inflammatory processes Bacterial, viral or fungal origin. But erosion and ulcers in the oral cavity can be a sign of sufficiently serious common disorders. Therefore, among the reasons it is worth noting:

  • Aphtose Stomatitis.
  • Simple herpes.
  • Thrush (candidiasis).
  • Malignant tumors (cancer).
  • Blood pathology (leukemia).
  • System Vasculitis (Behalet's disease).
  • Connective tissue diseases (red lupus).
  • Chronic infections (syphilis, tuberculosis, HIV).

Defects on the mucous membranes and the oral cavity may also appear with leucoplakia, bubble, red flat delay. The specified phenomenon is provoked by many factors of the external and internal environment:

  • Mechanical injury (coarse food, fragments of teeth, prostheses, boning).
  • Unsatisfactory hygiene oral cavity (caries, flare in the language).
  • Dear habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  • Production harm (contact with benzene derivatives, acids, alkalis, fertilizers and other chemicals).
  • Defective nutrition (shortage of vitamins and minerals).
  • Reception medicines (cytostatic, immunosuppressants).
  • Exposure to radiation (radiation disease, consequences of tumor radiotherapy).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (reflux-esophagitis, chronic gastritis).
  • Toxico-allergic reactions.
  • Reduced local and general immunity.
  • Genetic predisposition.

Therefore, the problem of erosive-ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The reason may hide enough deeply and you can not always determine it immediately. That is why careful differential diagnostics acquires exceptional importance, which makes it possible to exclude some states and confirm the others.

The causes of ulcers on the lips and in the mouth are very diverse: from local damage to systemic pathological processes.


Each disease has a certain set of signs - both non-specific and quite characteristic. And to identify them, a clinical examination of the patient is necessary. At the primary diagnostic stage, the doctor finds out all complaints, details and analyzes them. Other physical techniques are needed to obtain objective data (for example, palpation).

If the sore appears in the mouth, then first you need to determine its characteristics. The peculiarities of the local pathological process can be:

  1. View of the elements of the rash: primary (stain, tuberculosis, bubble, plaque, oxades) and secondary (erosion, ulcer, crack, crust).
  2. The sizes of the hearth (small, large), its shape (round, polygonal) and color (red, whitish, dirty gray).
  3. Surface structure (rough, smooth or grainy).
  4. Localization (on the inner or outer surface of the lip, mucosa, tongue, language, heaven).
  5. Prevalence (single, multiple, individual or drain, covering almost all mucous membranes) and symmetry (single or bilateral).
  6. Borders (surrounded by a hyperemia, clear or blurred, smooth or wave-like).
  7. View of the fall (purulent, "curly", fibrinous or necrotic).
  8. Consistency of the base and edges (soft or dense).

It is important to determine if there are any subjective sensations from the defect of the mucous membrane. Because of it, pain, burning, itching can occur, but there are asymptomatic cases. Not only the lips and the mouth cavity are subject to inspection, but also other parts of the body, because similar elements are sometimes detected and there, which indicates the system of lesion.

Aphtose Stomatitis

AFTs are erosion or ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity coated with a raid and surrounded by a strip of redness. Most often, they occur on the inner surface of the lips, cheeks and side sections of the language. The defect has rounded outlines, smooth and soft edges, is not inclined to increase and merger. The bottom is flat and covered with a white and gray raid.

Subjectively, patients complain about soreness when chewing food, a feeling of burning in the mouth. Aphtose Stomatitis proceeds chronically when exacerbations that continue about 10 days alternate with remissions. But the epithelization of the ulcers can delay, especially with the necrotic, stricter or deforming form of pathology. The protracted inflammation is often accompanied by an increase in regional lymph nodes (corners and submandibular), and sometimes - and increasing temperature.

Simple herpes

Many people probably had to face herpes on the lips ("cold"). This is a disease of viral origin. The causative agent is constantly in the body, and when favorable conditions (Precooling, monthly, other infection) begins to activate. Simple herpes 1 type virus amazes skin and mucous membranes, often in the mouth area. Because of it, ulcers on the lip can also occur.

First, there is a burning sensitivity and increase in sensitivity on the site of the alleged damage. Then the skin or mucosa blushes, small elevations are appearing on it, transforming into bubbles with transparent content. The latter winding up with time, exposing the erosioned surface, which is gradually covered with a crust.

Many people suffer simple herpes, therefore erosion in the field of lips is often connected with him.


The thrush in the mouth often arises in early childhood, when the body is just beginning to adapt to life in external environment. Colonization of the orange ozhen-like mushroom cavity leads to the appearance white Nalea - First in the language, and then in other areas. It has a curly-like consistency and is quite easy to remove. But the fabrics are inflamed: reddened, edema, wounded. Sometimes the surface defects of the epithelium in the form of small erosions are formed under the collapse. The child becomes a capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps badly, he can increase the temperature.

Cancer Guba

Those who at the lip appeared an ulcer, should take a very carefully to this, because sometimes there is a risk of a malignant process. And although the cancer of this localization is quite rare, but it is still necessary to exclude such a probability. It all begins with the appearance of a small formation, resembling a nodule, wart, an ulcers or a crack in the field of the red border of the lips (more often). It is covered with a peeling crust, which after removal is re-formed, but even more.

The cancer ulcer is painless, does not have an inflammatory wedge, has dense edges, uneven outlines, covered with decaying tissues and expansions (vegetation). The patient can feel discomfort during the meal, itching, often observed salivation. In later stages, surrounding lymph nodes increase. The emergence of these signs should alert and force to consult a doctor.

Additional diagnostics

Exclusively important To determine the cause of the defect of the mucous lip have additional diagnostic measures. To understand why ulcers can appear, after a clinical examination, a patient should be sent to laboratory and instrumental procedures:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry: antibodies to infections, immunogram, sharp-phase indicators, oncomarkers, etc.
  3. A smear smear or scraping: microscopy (bacteria, fungi, epithelial and atypical cells), sowing, PCR.
  4. Serological analyzes: IFA, RSK, Reef, RPGA.
  5. Biomicroscopy.
  6. Biopsy with histological examination.

Only when the nature of the pathological process is clarified, its degree of gravity and prevalence can be considered to establish a final diagnosis. Often this requires the attraction of adjacent specialists: a dentist, infectiousnessist, dermatovenerologist, rheumatologist, oncologist.

The doctor makes a conclusion on the basis of a clinical picture of the disease and additional research methods.


After determining the cause of the ulcers and establish an accurate diagnosis, it is a question of how to treat pathology. Therapy is carried out in several directions: local and overall correction (with the impact on the cause, development mechanisms and symptoms of pathology). The treatment plan is drawn up by a doctor, taking into account all the features of the disease and the state of the patient.


In the treatment of erosive-ulcerative lesions, local forms of drugs are widely used. Use various binds, oak appliqués, rinsing, irrigation, washing, robust baths. Taking into account the cause of the defect and its manifestations, the doctor may prescribe such drugs:

  1. Antiseptics (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, iodinol, lugol solution).
  2. Antifungal (nistasy ointment and suspension, Cream Clotrimazole, Lev Room).
  3. Antiviral (Ointment of Acyclovir, Zovirax).
  4. Local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine).
  5. Stimulating regeneration (solkossyril, methyluracyl ointment, cigerol, Empozha).

To eliminate annoying factors, timely elimination of teeth problems: removal of fragments and roots, plaque, sealing and grinding of sharp edges, adequate prosthetics. Food must be mechanically, thermally and chemically gentle. If a malignant and specific process was excluded during the survey, then physiothereders, accelerating healing: NO-therapy, Couff, hydrotherapy, can be used.


Systemic therapy resorts to severe cases or when the ulcer on the lip is a sign of a general disease. In the treatment of such patients, both specific funds and medications can be used with more wide spectrum Applications:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Anti-tuberculosis.
  • Anti-library.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Vitamins and trace elements.

Sometimes patients require infusion therapy and disintellation. In neurotic reactions, medicines with sedative effect and antidepressants are shown. The criteria of recovery are: healing defects and restoration of the structure of the mucous membrane, normalization of laboratory indicators, the absence of other signs of the disease. If conservative therapy does not bring results for 2 weeks, then resort to surgical excision of the focus with a further histological examination of the tissue.

Ulcers on the inner or outer surface of the lips are found quite often. But their origin in various patients can radically differ. To find out the cause of the defect of the mucous membrane, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will conduct high-quality diagnostics and prescribe effective treatment.