The world flooded the armies of mobile technology, each person has a smartphone or at least a common "dialer", so it is not surprising that the number of calls to the service centers for the repair of cellular only grows. One of the popular references is a battery breakdown or why the phone does not charge completely. Not only the owners of smartphones, but also of ordinary cell phones suffer from this problem. The technologies in the battery are used alone and the same, therefore the solution will be universal and approach to any device. Start.

To start a little theory of batteries and how they work. Batteries or battery no difference, the principle of operation is one for all - the energy is produced due to the difference between the potentials arising between the plates of metal in a liquid or gel-like electrolyte solution. The principle of operation is known for a very long time, a couple of centuries for sure.

Modern telephone batteries work at exactly the same principle. The only, materials and methods of manufacturing have changed much, now the metal of lithium, cobalt and carbon salts are used. Li-Ion batteries, unlike NiCD, have no memory effect, they can be charged with any degree of discharge. Many make the warranty period of use, without falling the capacity, more than 300 full cycles.

It is not surprising that the NICD battery does not get to the end and does not work at full power. The same problem comes with Li-Ion, but it is rather an exception to the rules and in most cases the container can be restored to the initial one. This explains why the phone battery is sometimes not charged completely.

Among the users of smartphones there is a persistent opinion that the new, just purchased Li-Ion-battery you need to "rally". You do not need to do this, although there will be no particular harm to this action, but also the benefits of minimum. It is better not to discharge the battery below 40% and not exceed when charging 80% of complete containers. In this case, the battery will not only last long, but for a very long time, coming out far behind the 300-400 full cycles. In some batteries, controllers that limit the charge prior to these values \u200b\u200bare embedded, but they are rare and too expensive for ordinary consumers.

It is worth remembering at temperatures below 0 and above + 45 degrees, the battery idone will not be able to charge more than 1 percent, as it comes out for performance.

Take care of the battery from overheating and from frost, only in this case it will last long and not losing the container.

The reasons

Now we smoothly go from the theory to practice, we will examine why the Li-Ion battery does not charge until the end at normal temperature on the cell phone. The main reasons are somewhat, we give a list of basic problems:

  1. It may be broken or burned, to begin to check it out.
  2. The temperature regime is not met, for Li-Ion battery, the temperature is required from + 2-3 degrees to + 45 degrees Celsius, otherwise the question will arise, why the phone refuses to accept the charge and does not charge until the end.
  3. Cliff or strong charging cable.
  4. Hardware is not compatible cable and smartphone or use not native charging
  5. Charging jack on a smartphone is broken or clogged.
  6. "Died" battery.
  7. Overwhelmed the power controller or problem in another board;

If you have found a familiar problem here, then you could find an answer to the question why your phone does not charge until 100 percent. How to fix and what to do, read in the next section, but for now let's see a useful video on the topic.

Bad or not fully incoming energy

As already mentioned, it is necessary to check the cable for damage and inflection, enough and one of the alkali interrupted in the shoelace, which would be charged the phone for a long time and did not reach 100 percent. What to do in this case, the man will ask? Everything is simple, take the lace and the power adapter (block with a USB output) from another phone, and try to put on charging.

If, after 2-3 hours, the battery is complete, it means it was precisely in the wire, and it is worth finding a replacement. If, the energy in the battery is only 10-40 percent, then we continue to seek the cause of the breakdown.

Observe the temperature regime

Now we will pay attention to the ambient temperatures. If you want to charge Samsung or iPhone on the street with minus 10 degrees, better leave your idea, nothing will come out. Operating temperature in Li-Ion batteries from + 2-3 degrees to + 45 degrees Celsius. When exiting this range, the smartphone will not charge up to 100%, no matter how hard you try.

Another example, leave an iPhone or samsung smartphone on a car torpedo in a summer heat. After 2 hours of arrival under the sun, the device will refuse not only to charge the battery, but also just turn on. It will work the damage to the gadget damage. Therefore, you should not wonder why my phone is poorly charged and does not charge completely in the summer heat on the sun. " The answer is obvious.

Use of high-quality accessories

Users often worried: can it be charged your phone is not original or not native charging. Yes, it is possible, just carefully.

It is worth more attentively to choose accessories for your technology, do not chase the cheapness, it can get sideways. For example, a power controller can be burned, which will have to be soldered, and it is expensive. Or even damage the battery, as it will be charged not a suitable voltage for a long time.

Original accessories are still preferable, they are already configured to the desired smartphone current and voltage, there will be no problems with such an adapter. Watch out for the quality of wires and adapters of food and then the smartphone and the battery in it will live long and will delight the owner a lot of autonomous time.

Another reason why the phone is poorly charged and \\ or it is not fully charged, it may become a problem in software. For Androyd Platforms, viruses are known to interfere in all system processes, including to interfere with the full charge of the battery package.

To exclude this probability, if you have a problem with the battery, it suffices to reset the smartphone to the factory settings. How to do it, written in the articles:

  1. Reset to factory settings for Android devices
  2. Reset to factory settings for iPhone

There is a high probability that it will help if not, read on

Hardware problems

Everyone was tried, but nothing helps in your situation, the question "why doesn't this be charged ... .. .. Phone to the end" is still relevant? Then it remains to contact the masters on the repair of mobile equipment, the problems personally can hardly decide. Most likely the battery itself was covered, on some Samsung models you can try to change yourself, but it will not work out on the iPhone, you will have to open the device body. What is categorically not recommended for people who do not have special knowledge.


In this article, they tried to answer the beaten question: why the cell phone is not charged completely, many controversial moments disassembled and listed solutions to the dilemma.

  1. Use original cable and power adapters
  2. Follow the device temperature
  3. We are not trying to repair the battery yourself - we turn to the service center, if nothing helped.

Laptops differ from stationary PCs with their mobility, which is ensured by the presence of a battery in them.

This circumstance makes users of laptops more carefully refer to the power supply settings for their laptop.

After buying a new laptop, as soon as the hands reach it, you need to configure the parameters of the laptop power supply. What for? To be operated in suitable conditions.

In Windows 7, the laptop power is configured as follows: Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Power Supply - Configuring Display Disconnection - Change Additional Power Settings.

  • Disconnect the hard disk - "after 20 minutes" (As shown in Fig. 1 below, you can click on the drawing to increase it)

Fig.1 Setting up a laptop power supply

  • Energy Saving Mode - "Maximum Performance" (here and then settings are made by analogy with previous settings for turning off the hard disk in Fig. 1. More precisely, I click on the sign + next to the name of the corresponding laptop power parameter, for example, "Sleep" in Fig.1 The "Sleep" tab is disclosed, set the necessary values \u200b\u200bin the required tab. Recommendations of these values \u200b\u200bare shown below.)
  • Sleep after - "Never".
  • Allow the hybrid sleep mode - "Off"
  • Hibernation after - "Never."
  • Allow awakening timers - "Never".
  • Cover closing actions - "Action is not required".
  • The power button is "Sleep".
  • The action of the sleep mode button is "Sleep".
  • Extinguish the screen after - "5 min."
  • Disable the screen through - "10 min."
  • Multimedia parameters with general access to multimedia - "Disable the transition from idle status to sleep mode."
  • The effect of almost complete discharge of the battery is "hibernation".
  • Low charge level of the battery - "10%".
  • The level of almost complete battery discharge is "5%".
  • Notification of low battery charge - "On"
  • The action of a low battery charge - "Action is not required".

The basic rule for the user of the new laptop is that before doing something with it, you need to configure the laptop power management system, and perform other battery settings, if it is provided by the design and laptop software. This work can not be left for later. This must be done first.

And what is this "other settings", which were mentioned in the previous paragraph? The fact is that some laptop manufacturers began to apply special software and technical means that extend the life of batteries. Not everyone, unfortunately, but some manufacturers began to do it. To manage the power supply, these manufacturers began to offer laptop users not only standard Windows programs, but also special laptop power management programs. On the presence of such programs can be found only from the description, which should be attached along with a laptop in paper or electronically.

If there is still a laptop power management software, then they need to use. Usually, this special software allows you to adjust the level of maximum charge of the battery (sample of the screen of such a special program, see Figure 2):

Fig. 2 Battery Care Laptop

It is believed that if limiting the level of maximum battery charge up to 80% or 50%, then its service life will be much longer than if the maximum battery charging level will be familiar 100%.

At the same time, 80% should be set to those users of the laptop that more often use a laptop from the battery outside the house and away from the 220V electrical network.

And 50% should be installed by the laptop users that use it mainly in conditions of the house or office from the 220V network.

How to make these settings? Examine the documentation for the laptop, and if it has recommendations on how to manage the maximum battery level, use them.

However, the attentive reader will notice that in the article "" is offered when the laptop is first turned on after its purchase, the battery is charged to 100%. And this article refers to limiting the maximum level of charge to 80% or 50%. How to be?

Everything is correctly noticed. The first time the battery should be charged to 100%, therefore it is impossible to limit the level of charge to 80% or 50%. Moreover, after the initial charge of the battery to 100%, it is advisable to fully discharge it three times and again charge up to 100%. And only after that it is possible to limit the maximum level of charge to 80% or 50%.

Why is it so difficult? Then that the first 3 cycles of the battery "lived" fully:

  • charge up to 100%, discharge up to 5%,
  • again charge up to 100%, again discharge up to 5%,
  • finally, charge up to 100%, discharge up to 5%.

And after that it is already possible to charge to the level, as will be installed using the additional special laptop software. If you installed the maximum charge level of 80%, then I charge the battery to 80%. If you installed 50%, then I charge up to 50%, if there are no special power management programs, then I charge the battery to 100%.

Now everything is fine. The battery will be on automatic control. On automatic power supply of a laptop.

Although, wait, not everything is said, because along with automatic control there is also manual control and manual power control of a laptop ... Check the settings for automatic power management of your laptop, and I will prepare for you an article about manual power management.

Charging the battery to 80% is normal, because In modern laptops, this feature is laid on a laptop software to prevent the battery aging when the laptop is connected to the power grid.
It slightly reduces the maximum battery life, but significantly extends the battery life.

This mode can be controlled, i.e. You can charge a battery 100% or 80%.

In Samsung's laptops, the utility is responsible for it.

"Start" - "All Programs" - "Samsung" - "Battery Life Extender" (or Power Management) - Select the desired mode.

In the VAIO laptops - utility.

"Start" - "All Programs" - "Vaio Control Center" - "Power Management" - Select the desired one.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition Driver 19.9.2 Optional

The new version of the AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition driver 19.9.2 Optional increases the performance in the Borderlands 3 game and adds support for Radeon Image Sharpening Image Correction Technology.

Cumulative update Windows 10 1903 KB4515384 (Added)

On September 10, 2019, Microsoft has released a cumulative update for Windows 10 version 1903 - KB4515384 with a number of security improvements and a correction of an error that has violated Windows Search and caused a high loading of the CPU.

Game Ready GeForce 436.30 Driver WHQL

NVIDIA has released a Game Ready GeForce 436.30 WHQL driver package, which is designed to optimize in games: "Gears 5", "Borderlands 3" and "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", "FIFA 20", "The Surge 2" and "Code Vein, "corrects a number of errors seen in previous releases, and expands the list of displays of the G-Sync Compatible category.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Driver 19.9.1 Edition

The first September issue of graphic drivers AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 19.9.1 Edition is optimized for GEARS 5 game.

Manufacturers are constantly improving the old and introduce new technologies with which there are problems with users who are accustomed to some traditional solutions. On the forums and in the comments is often found the same question - why the battery is charged to 80%, although it was always 100% before? If you click on the tray icon, this message will be seen:

80% Available (connected, not charging)

Many begin to blame in the whole battery, or even at all, without understanding the problem, they buy a new one. Someone recalls that Pushing OK in the junction of the window with some text about the battery.

In fact, the solution to the problem is quite simple and elegant. As a rule, with a charge of laptop batteries up to 79% or 80%, owners of laptops are facing. The Korean company to extend the battery life allows you to charge them not completely, and it actually increases their service life. However, if you have a new laptop that you are planning to use no more than two or three years, this option will be controversial from the point of view of practicality.

How to return the battery charge to 100%

If you are important than the battery life of the Laptop away from the outlet, and not an enlarged battery life, then it will be logical to disable this "green" option. This can be done in the following ways.

Open Start - All Programs - Samsung - Samsung Battery Manager And in the running utility, turn off the charge up to 80%.

If this utility you do not have installed, open Start - All Programs - SAMSUNG - SETTINGS And set the desired parameters in it (tab Power Management - Battery Service).

If you do not have this utility, then try to find it on other names: Battery Life Extender., Easy Setting., Battery Long Life.. To do this, open the Start and enter the name in the search bar.

If you still don't find anything like, the last option remains - you can change this parameter in Bios.. When you turn on the laptop, go to Bios. Use the button F2. or the other provided in your laptop.

In the tab Advanced We need a parameter Battery Life Cycle Extension.
Enabled. - inclusion, charge up to 80%.
Disabled. - Shutdown, charge up to 100%.

After installing the desired parameter, we save the changes and exit from the BIOS. Other manufacturers of mobile computers also apply this technology, but they implement it in a few other way - the controller is responsible for incomplete charge of the battery, and the user can not change anything independently. At the same time, in order not to embarrass the user with a charge of 80% or 90%, the operating system will show a level of 100%.

All this time you charged your smartphone Wrong July 19th, 2016

Why is it wrong? Because there are dozens of theories and ways how to charge the phone batteries and a laptop as efficiently for the life cycle of the device.

Many of us have the opinion that small recharges of the smartphone apply long-term damage to his battery, and that it is better to put it for charging when the battery is almost at zero. It supposedly removes the "memory effect". There is but how we were mistaken!

Let me introduce you to Charging Tips from Cadex Electronics. This company is engaged in the development and production of chargers, as well as tools for express testing and diagnostics of batteries, including industrial needs. In addition, the company supports research Battery University - an educational web project designed to make more accessible information about the correct and most efficient use of batteries.

So, on the company's website describes in detail that lithium-ion batteries in our smartphones are sensitive to what they perceive as stress. And, as in the case of people, long-term stress can cause long-term damage to the battery of your smartphone.

Do not leave the smartphone on the network when its battery is already fully charged.

According to the findings of the University of Studies and Batteries, if you leave the phone included in the network, when its battery is fully charged (which you may be doing, putting it for charging for a whole night), it will eventually cause damage to the battery.

When the battery charge in your smartphone reaches 100%, the continuous recharging of the battery with a small current begins so that the charge remains at 100% all the time until the smartphone is on the network.

Such a drip recharge requires a battery of hard work, which exhausts it and wear out the chemical that is contained.

Employees of the Institute for Research and Battery Making Punish into scientific justification of why this happens, and also summarize all this with wonderful words:

"When the phone battery is fully charged, disconnect it" from the charger. "This is like muscle relaxation after physical exercise".

You would also go to the disorder if you had to work for hours without stopping.

You can not charge the laptop battery up to 100% of its maximum container. Ideally, the battery charging should begin with a 40% charge level, and stop when the charge indicator is 80%.

This significantly increases the life of the battery - in some cases more than 4 times. The reason for this is the principle of operation of lithium-polymer batteries: the voltage in each cell is proportional to the charge level. Close to the maximum standard voltage level faster shears the battery, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the number of charging cycles and accelerate the capacity of the battery.

Research Battery University vividly demonstrate Reliability of approval: When charging up to 100%, the battery maintains 300-500 cycles, while in charge of up to 70%, the number of cycles increases to 1200-2000.

Unfortunately, to maintain the correct amplitude of the battery charge can be extremely difficult. You can not constantly monitor the battery indicator while working. Search for appropriate applications for OS X and Windows did not give a positive result. Some manufacturers provide laptops with special software that limits the level of charging, but not all do that. The only optimal output here can be a measure of time required for charging and discharging the battery to the desired level. In the future, temporary segments are fairly easily monitored using any timer with notifications.

Connect the phone to the network wherever you are

It turns out that for batteries in our smartphones, it is much better to recharge them from time to time during the day, instead of connecting them to a network for a long charge when the battery is already at zero.

Specialists of the University of Research and Battery Production argue that it is best to connect the phone to the network when he spent only 10% of charging.

Obviously, few people should such a scenario, but here it is a solution - just connect the phone to the network as soon as there is such an opportunity. Multiple telephone connection to the network and disconnecting from it during the day does not harm the phone.

This not only extends the service life of your battery, but also allows you to save a full charge during the day.

Plus, a periodic connection to the network will allow you to enjoy the features of the phone that you usually neglect in order to save battery, such as the geolocation feature for which the operation of the GPS antenna of your smartphone is required.

Here we, by the way, disassembled in detail