Homemade cows and bulls have already become part of our life. Even the urban residents know how they look, and have repeatedly seen these animals in villages, grazing by roads. And who was the ancestor of domestic cows and bulls?

Indian buffalo is widely used in agriculture


The famous wild forest bull is a tour, a ancestor of a domestic cattle.


He lived in the eastern hemisphere:

  • throughout Europe;
  • North Africa;
  • Asia Minor;
  • In the Caucasus.

However, he was destroyed. Only in forests Central Europe There are few of these bulls. In 1400, they were met in Belarus, Poland, Lithuania. But even there the number of animals was reduced every year, in 1627 the last representative of this species died.


What did the famous wild forest bull look like? It was an animal weighing up to 800 kg. His height is 170-180 cm. The horns were conquered on his head. Matured males - black, but along the back there was a decoration - narrow white stripe. Female individuals and young were brown, with a reddish tint. Preferred to live in the forest-steppe, but gradually moved into the forest. Ate grass, shoots. Gathered in herd.

Reconstruction external view Tour

Bulls are found everywhere. The famous wild American bull is Bizon, who was the owner of North America. There were huge herds of these animals. They did not have natural enemies, except for wolves, and they could not overcome the adult animal. But the first Europeans killed animals to local residents There was no source of food. The number of animals fell from 600 million to 835.

Now the number of bison has increased - up to 30 thousand. But wild individuals in the US and Canada will no longer meet.


Bison is characterized by force and sizes. His body is up to 3 m in length. It is covered with gray-buoy wool. It is distinguished by its density and length. Therefore, the bison is not flawed in winter. The back decorates the hump. Head and neck darker. Bulls are larger, their weight up to 1.5 thousand kg.

Habitat and nutrition

Live in North America. Choose the plain territory, but are found in the forest. For them, the main thing is the presence of a source of food. They feed on herbal vegetation. In winter, the food under the layers of snow. To live, choose those places where thick vegetation. Live herds: males - separately, females with calves, too separately. In the stage, the main one's oldest male.

Bison - North American Wild Bull

European bison


This contemporary Mammoth is an animal, the length of the body of which reaches 3 m, and height is up to 2 m, weight up to 1 ton. There is a hump. Wool color - dark brown. Curly hairs decorate head, chest and shoulders, front legs. Through the mane's eyes from male individuals, the cows and calves it is not so pronounced.

About the animal

Bison can easily overcome an obstacle in 2 m. Able to swim. He has no natural enemies. They have sharp scents and rumors, but the vision is bad. Eating grass and leaves of trees. Live herds. If two claim the leader, the question is solved by the fight. The loser goes. Live bison 30-40 years old.

European bison can swim and jump high


The main decoration of animals is the horns. Wild Bull With huge horns are Yak. This subspecies of the bull was domesticated in the first millennium. Homemade yaks are not so large as wild, they have a calmer, the painting is different.


The height of the yak in the withers is up to 2 m, the length is 4 m in males. Females less: length up to 2.8 m, and height is 1.6 m. There is a hump on the back. The horns are long, look at the sides, and then bend, their length is up to 95 cm. Wool is long and dusty, it completely closes the legs of the bull, brown or grayish black, but white spots are visible on the face.

About the animal

Wild Yak is not studied, because This subspecies dwells only where there are no people. Now they are found only in high-altitude Tibet. But there are not much left there. Live herds or families, the old bulls prefer loneliness. Life expectancy is 25 years. Wild Yakov It remains very small, because They die out in the territories mastered by people. These are ferocious and strong animals. Tibetan chronicles talk about them as animal dangerous for people. He, without thinking, attacks the man who attacked him, so such a hunt is deadly. It is not easy to kill it, because Yak hardy.

Wild yak carefully avoids people

The largest wild forest bull is gaur. This is also a rare animal. They live in India, there are 30 thousand Gaurov, there are fewer them in other countries - only a few hundred.


Most large bull Amazes with its size. Its height in the withers - 1.7 - 2.2 m, and the weight is 700-1000 kg, but there are individuals that weigh 1.3 -1.5 tons. Females are slightly smaller. The horns are also huge, up to 90 cm, in shape resemble crescents.

On the back there is a ridge, which stretches from the shoulders of the middle of the body.

The skin of dark brown color covered with short hair. Males older - black. Top part Heads a little lighter.

About the animal

Active during the day, but where many people are preferred to be awake at night. Females and calves live herds, and males - single. Feed grass, shoots of plants and fruits. In the heat prefer to hide in the shade of trees. Live up to 30 years. Natural enemies are tigers and crocodiles.

Gaur can weigh up to one and a half tons


It is also strong and bold large bulls. Distinguish 4 types of buffaloes:

  1. African.
  2. Indian.
  3. Dwarfs (ANOA).
  4. Tamarau.

Most large subspecies Among buffaloes. His weight can reach 1200 kg, but it is rare. The height is relatively small - 1.5-1.6 m. Some subspecies are much smaller than these sizes. Male always larger females. Wool color - black. They have weak eyesight, they rely on their sense of smell.

The African buffalo sees badly, so focusing on the scent

The length of adults is more than 3 m, and height comes up to 2 m. Weight average about 900 kg, but it happens more. The length of the horns reaches up to 2 m, they are directed back and look like crescent. Now there are not many representatives of this species, because A person destroys their habitat. These wild bulls are eaten herbs early in the morning or evening. In the afternoon, prefer to hide from the heat, immersed in liquid dirt.

Live herds, but the old bulls prefer loneliness.


This is an animal from the genus of Indian buffaloes, which differs from them with a small growth and form of horns. Its height is 106 cm, the length of the body is 220 cm, it weighs from 180 to 300 kg. The color of the skins - black or dark brown, on the back a dark line is visible. This is an extinctional look, so protected by law. In captivity, they do not multiply, so the number of animals is rapidly falling every year. The main threat is the lack of habitat of these animals. It is single animals, females and calves live by groups that are preserved throughout the year.

Tamaraau - Philippine Buffalo


The smallest bull is Anoa. The length of his body is only 160 cm, and the height is 80 cm. The males weigh 300 kg, females 2 times less. They are hairless, the skin is painted in brown or black. Under the threat of extinction. This animal is protected by law, but poachers shoot them in order to sell tourists. Therefore, the population has decreased by 90% (from 1079 to 1994).

Cattle since ancient times has been one of the main sources of human feed, thanks to its nutritional meat and milk. Animal skins were used to make clothes and dwellings. After many centuries, agriculture continues to flourish, of course, something has changed, technologies came to help, and farmers bring all new bulls.

Reference. IN modern world There are more than one thousand species, among which 300 are used everywhere for the needs of a person, of which 70 in the CIS.

Characteristics and types of breeds

Nowadays, these animal data are divided into three types:

  1. Dairy- Oracle, which are bred for the production of dairy products. Because of their thin body, the use for the production of beef becomes unprofitable, but they are distinguished by a calm character and balanced behavior.
  2. Meat breeds of bulls Allocated with large dimensions compared with previous representatives. Fast muscle weight gains a large number of Meat and its high quality.
  3. CombinedThat is, universal breeds are characterized by the fact that they combine the quality of both directions.


This specification has a large marine margin, so used to bottom. She was bred in France due to a long selection during the XVIII-XIX centuries. On the territory of the USSR, its representatives appeared in the middle of the last century. Now they are used to eliminate new breed By breeding with more dairy features. In Russia, the number of livestock of this breed is relatively small, only 1.8% of the total livestock.

The characteristics of the structure of the body of limousine bulls include:

  • strong legs;
  • massive muscles;
  • little head and wide forehead;
  • wide breasts and rounded massive ribs.

The appearance is distinguished by red-brown colors of suit and light shades horns and hoofs. The mass of females is about 600 kg, and the bulls reaches 1100 kg. In the year they give approximately 1,700 kg of milk fatness of 5%. Cows are very non-conmenced to content conditions, capable of transferring very coldy And easily calm.


Simmal cow belongs to combined cattle breeds. She was brought to us from Switzerland about 200 years ago. Their muscles are developed, the weight reaches 1100 kg, and the bull grows up to 145 cm in the withers. Coloring usually pale yellow shades, sometimes with white spots. Annual fishing of one individual is approximately 4500 kg. Also, they are often cross with other dairy species to increase production and the quality of milk.

The symmetal breed cow is ready to bring offspring for 31 months and to deal every year. Holocho occurs easy that, if necessary, makes it possible to accept childbirth right in the middle of the field. Calves also do not pick up food, can for a long time Feed milk, which allows not to take care of their feed. Representatives of this breed can gain a kilogram per day. In addition, they adapt very well to weather conditions.


Most often occurred among raw materials cattle. The dimensions of the adult bull can be compared with individuals that are grown on slaughter - 1200 kg with a height in the withers 160 cm, and the annual fishing is superior to the majority of other breeds - 7500 kg. The black and print suit is an external distinctive feature of these cows. They are characterized by a deep chest, a wedge-shaped torso, a big ditch.

It was bred by the North American farmers, and their ancestors were from the Western European countries - Germany, Belgium, and others. Treed a variety of US territory in mid XIX. For centuries, selection work immediately began to improve animal productivity.

Drub performance depends on many factors such as food and weather. IN different parts The world average of the annual fishing of gelshtin cows ranges from 7.5 to 10 tons of milk. Also, the percentage of fatty differs, the highest indicator gives individuals with a red-motley coloring - almost 4%, but the amount of milk produced is much less.

Santa Gertruda

Got the name in honor of the farm on which the selection path was derived. It refers to meat type of livestock. The mass of the cows is from 560 kg to 600 kg, while the bulls weigh from 830 to 1000 kg. The breed was derived for farms in steppe areas, so in Russia it is most often found in the southern regions. Masty color most often burgundy red.

As a basis for selection, the subspecies of the wild bull zebu and the Shortgorn breed of cows were taken. The work on the removal lasted 30 years, and as a result, scientists managed to get 150 calves, which transferred their genotype to the descendants to the present day.

Features of the Santa Gertrud breed: the meat of the highest variety, while the milk produced is enough to feed calves. Animals are perfectly adapted to hot weather, but at the same time not susceptible to insects living in such a climate.


It is one of the most massive breeds. It was brought by French farmers in the XVIII century, and they were delivered relatively recently to Russia. It is most often white without spin. It has a strong and harmonious physique.

Adult bull reaches a mass of 1400 kg, and a cow - 1100 kg. Regarding the body head small. Also this breed is characterized by a wide chest and direct spin. With a large mass, the share of bones in it is only 20%, and taste and culinary qualities Meat on summit. Refers to meat species of livestock. Annual fishing is rather small, but allows you to feed the growing calves.

Cows of the Sharolese breed can be used for about 15 years, but at the same time they are very picky to climate and nutrition. For low temperatures suffer from frostbite. In addition, the hotels are pretty hard, often resort to cesarean cross section.

Belgian blue

This is an amazing bull breed. Her brood has a very favorable ratio of meat to the bones. Due to the long selection and genetic experiments, scientists managed to remove the gene, the inhibit complex of muscle mass. Unfortunately, in Russia, representatives of this species are not bred.

Oracle do not differ high height, on average 150 cm. Need often white and blue colorBut also often there are individuals in black color. The muscles of the neck, the waist, shoulders and legs are strongly developed. Temperament is very quiet and calm. The living weight of individuals on average reaches 1250 kg. Not bad average annual fishing, about 3000 liters.

But W. large mass There are its cons, one of them is that the natural hotel is almost impossible. In most cases, it is resorted to a cesarean cross section. The first offspring of the female is ready to produce in 28 months. Pregnancy proceeds pretty quickly - 285 days.


One of the oldest breeds of meat livestock is - Shortgornskaya. She got its name because of short horns. Just like the previous one, is the meat native cattle. It was removed in England in the XVIII century by crossing ingenic types of livestock. Through the century was brought to the territory of Russia.


  • the suit of different shades of red, from light red to burgundy;
  • in the animal loose physique and tender constitution;
  • well-developed musculature and large, barrel-shaped body;
  • the height in the withers reaches 130 cm, which is a rather modest indicator;
  • k. climatic conditions and feed.

Medium weight Adult bull is 800 kg, and females - 600 kg. It has sufficiently gentle meat, which is customary to call "marble", besides, the percentage of the meat product in the carcaste more than 80%.

Dilmed this species almost all over the world, including the regions of Russia, such as Orenburg, Rostov, Tyumen and others. Now the number of representatives is increasing faster, due to a small natural increase.


The most common among meat breeds. Animals of this species dwell in Australia, Africa, America and in many other corners of the world. Right from the UK, where it was bred in the XVIII century.

Very unpretentious under conditions of content and are able to withstand long distillations, which allows it to breed it in the condition of the steppe, and thanks to a strong physique, it is perfectly adapting to any climate.

Different with a rather rough constitution: short neck, imperceptibly flowing into the body, big head, long, low body, short legs.

Height adult individual exceeds 130 cm, and the weight is about 1000 kg, a maximum of 1500 kg. A wide girth of the chest to 215 cm. Gives very little milk, only 300 liters per year. Its meat is valued for the beautiful taste and is ideal for cooking steaks.

It is easily lying, and newborns with a good feeder grow rapidly. Growth of the mass per day of about 1000 g.

Aberdeen Angus

Another breed, whose taste of meat is highly appreciated, originally from Scotland. Her ancestors were faded cattle, they used for needs agriculture. By long-term selection in 1775, he gained his name. Thanks to the strength of livestock, quickly arrived in Australia and in the CIS. In addition, when crossing, the offspring was endowed with all the positive qualities of ancestor.

Animals are characterized by black color and low growth - 120 cm in the withers. They have:

  • large neck and small head;
  • powerful breasts;
  • muscular body of a rounded shape;
  • straight back.

For maximum constituency, it is recommended to high quality and feed a lot. For half a year, calf is eaten up to 180 kg of live masses. A day can be added a kilogram, the weight of the adult bull comes to 1000 kg. Thin bones determine the high slaughter output - 83%. Burenka for the year gives approximately 1,700 kg of milk.


This ancient breed of livestock is from Asia. It is common, as follows from the name, in the steppe terrain, including in many regions of Russia. Refers to the CRS meat category. Perfectly adapted to constant distillations, as their ancestors served to the nomadic peoples of Mongolia.

Oranges of this type:

  • have a strong constitution;
  • color color from burgundy to light red;
  • possess a massive neck and a small head;
  • have horns white color;
  • they have muscles developed, massive breasts.

On average, an individual's growing is rather small - 130 cm. Straight, strong back and bulk loaf.
The mass of a live rose - 420-480 kg, and a bull - up to 950 kg. Udo per year to 1500 kg of milk fatness up to 4.4%. Muscle mass content in carcasses 70%, fat - 10%.

Kalmyk cattle is unpretentious to weather and feeding, very quickly gaining weight in the pasture season. Easy reproduction. Marble meat, characteristic of this breed, is valued worldwide.


A variety was derived due to the crossing of Herraford with a local cattle, thanks to which it was possible to combine positive traits Both breeds. Well tolerate any weather and unpretentious to feed, while their meat has excellent taste.

Color suit: a variety of shades of red, but some parts of the body of white. Well-developed musculature is distinctive trait Meat type of livestock. The pyrical strokes strongly, the body is rounded. Bulls grow 130 cm, and their chest girth is 190 cm.

Live weight of bulls up to 950 kg, cows - up to 800 kg. Udo per year does not exceed 1500 l of milk, the fat content of 3.8%. Very high breed fertility. The average yield of slaughter animals is approximately 55%.


A variety of livestock types are common worldwide, so such a variety of bull breeds appeared. At the same time, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so it should be seriously related to the selection of certain cattle for its farm.

Mighty animal wild bull is an ornament wildlife. Let's find out which kinds of nature exist than they differ and what they look.

One of the largest herbivores in the northern part of America. The height of the animal body reaches 2 meters, and the length is up to 2.5 or even 3 meters. The front of the body in the bison is massive, is clearly expressed, while the rear is much weaker, and the muscular mass is less on it. Breast, head and part of the back at the North American animal are covered with wool, often smoked.

All bushes are horns, but the horns are expressed in different ways. The beasts have a short tail with a tassel on the end, the suit is predominantly brown, black, but there are white, gray individuals. Distinguish steppe and forest bison. The steppe wild bull is usually smaller than the forestry at a similar age, has more wool, the horns are hidden by bangs. Forest is a direct descendant of Bison Priscus - primitive bison.

The wild North American bull loves spacious pastures, semi-desert plains and a well-lit terrain, forest glads. The mass of an adult male is more tons, females weigh much less. Inside the type of zoologists, another variety, the nearest relative of the bison - bison. Between themselves, bison and bison cross, and their offspring - bison is used by the population different countries To work in the fields. For example, in India or Africa, fields will plow.

European bison

Another member of the family of wild bulls. It is very similar to the bison, but the head is more clearly expressed and has a smaller size. European bison - the most large mammal throughout Europe. He is the last representative of the kind of wild ancestors on the European mainland. Animal has brown wool color, powerful body (The shape closer to square), the elongated coat along the spine from the withers and a short tail.

The bison is divided into Belovezhskaya and Caucasian. Caucasian has been curly and more thick wool than Belovezhsky. Unfortunately, he was finally exterminated in 1927. Belovezhsky his relatives live currently in European reserves and is guarded International Union Nature conservation.

Forest Bull

Wild Forest (Forest Tour) or Bos Taurus Primigenius dwell in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. The closest relatives of their forest ancestor is now Ukrainian domestic cattle. Forest tour is extincted as a result of active hunting and cutting down by man. The death of the last representative of this species occurred 1627. Externally, the animal looked massive, the weight reached a ton, the height of it was 180 cm. The males color was black with a white strip along the back, and females - brown with a redhead.

Forest tours have lived with small groups or one, only for the winter, uniting bigger than the winter. Nowadays, scientists from the reserve of the Ostredermaster (the Netherlands) were introduced to the Bull Heck, externally similar to the forest wild. Thanks to the efforts of breeder zoologists today, we can see how the forest tour looked like.

Indian bull (zebu)

It dwells on the thumbs of India in tropical and subtropical latitudes of the continent. Zebu belongs to a somewhat-in-law, in no way associated with a tour. In India, these bulls are used for household needs - They perform the function of transport (blame in the wagon), assistants of farmers (plow the fields). Not only in India zebu in width, they are especially respected in Madagascar. There is a wild Indian bull is considered sacred.

In some regions, India zebu is crossped with domestic cows, resulting in endless hybrids that give milk and have greater force than the usual cow. The average weight of such an animal is equal to 600-800 kg, the surface of the body is smooth, there is a characteristic "hump" on the withers and a chest fold. Not only in India there is zeba, they willingly contain large zoos and reserves (for example, a zoo in Baku).


It is considered the biggest wild bull in the world. Gaura - peace-loving, but very impressive creatures. Height reaches 3 meters, weight - more than 1600 kg. In some sources, Gaura is called Asian or Indian bison. The color is dark brown, the legs are light, smooth, short and shiny wool, neat, but large hornsLocated perpendicular to the Earth. IN natural environment Gaurs form herds, keep independently and fearlessly, since even tigers attack these animals extremely rare.

The domesticated form of Gaura is Gayal (or Mitun). In the same India, these animals are very popular. From Gaura, they differ only for smaller sizes and larger horns of a modified form. Gayalov can often be found freely walking on Indian streets or harvested in the cart.

Video "American Bison - History of View"

An interesting plot from the National Geographic about the life of the Bizonov in the wild, about the enemies of these wild bulls and how they survive these heavyweights in nature.

The biggest wild bull in the world is November 2nd, 2013

As a rule, herbivore megafaun is represented as a group consisting of elephants, rhinos and giraffes. However, one of the most specific representatives of Megafaun is an Indian bull. With increasing 3 meters (10 feet), Gaur is really a giant animal, and the biggest wild cow in the world. This massive creature with truly huge horns can break through the forests and fields of India, while sometimes destroying the gardens.

This species is under threat of extinction, although it is not terrible with most threats and it weighs up to 1600 kg (3500 pounds). Among Megafauna, which can break through the way through tropical vegetation, only elephants, rhinos or giraffes can be larger and higher. Gaur is more obedient than an African buffalo, but sometimes human sacrifices happen. There was a case when the tiger attacked Gaura. Gaur literally ruined the tiger input.

Let's find out about them more ...

Few wild bulls can be compared with Gaur in beauty, strength and sizes. This is perhaps the largest bull of the world, which means the most large representative The families of the rods, both today and in prehistoric times. Cleps Gaura 68 cm long - more than any skull of giant bison. This is not only the largest and strong, but also the most beautiful bulls.

Gaura is sometimes called Asian bison, and indeed, he is a little remind of his american relative. Gaura distinguishes from other bulls a very powerful physique, embossed muscles and impressive appearance.

If the appearance of African buffalo can symbolize indomitable power, then Gaur personifies calm confidence and strength. The height in the withers of the old males comes to 213 cm, mass -800-1000 kg. Thick and massive horns from the base bend down somewhat down-back, and then up and a little inside. The length of them in males reaches 100-115 ate, and the distance between the ends is 120 cm. The forehead is wide, flat. The female Gaura is much smaller, their horns are shorter and thinner. Hair Pokrov The dense, short, adjacent to the body, the color is brilliantly black, less often dark brown, on the legs of animals white "stockings". Although the Areal Gaura covers a huge territory, including India, Nepal, Burma, Assam and Peninsula Indochina and Malacca, the number of this bull is small. In fact, it is preserved only in national Parks and reservations. They are not only hunters, but also frequent Epizootia pester, plague and other diseases.

Truth, strict prohibition hunting throughout and energetic quarantine supervision as if outlined some fracture in the position of Gaura, and the number of it in last years somewhat increased. Gaur inhabit wooded terrain, preferring mountain forests up to 2000 m above sea level. However, he avoids solid forests with a thick undergrowth and keeps in the illuminated areas near the Pollas. At the same time, Gaura can be found in bamboo jungle, as well as on herbaceous plains with shrub thickets. He strongly avoids treated lands. Favorite food Gaura is fresh grass, young bamboo seedlings, shoot shrubs. It needs regular water and bathing, but, unlike buffaloes, dirt bath does not accept. Gaura graze early in the morning and before sunset, and at night and sleep at noon. Highlights are held by small groups, which usually consists of 1-2 adults, 2-3 young bulls, 5-10 cows with calves and adolescents. Along with this, the bands are often consisting of young bulls. Adults severe males often leave the herd and lead the life of hermites.

A certain order is always complied with Gaurov. Calves are usually held together, and the whole " kindergarten"Located under a non-grade mothers. The leader of the herd is more often the old cow, which, when the herd runs away, is in the head either, on the contrary, in the angroup. Old bulls, as showed observations, do not participate in defense and do not even respond to an alarm that sounds like a piercing snort. After healing such a snort, the remaining members of the herds freeze, lifting the head, and if the alarm source is installed, the nearest animal makes a thickening wash, along which the herd takes a combat order. Exceptionally interesting way to attack Gaura. Unlike other bulls, he does not attack his forehead, but sideways, and low lowers his head and sees a little on the hind legs, having hit one horn. It is noticed that the old bulls have one of the horns more than more erased than the other. Zoologist J. Shacherler believes that such an attack style developed from the usual Imption posture for Gaurov, when the animal demonstrates his huge silhouette in the most impressive perspective.

By the way, Gaurov's fights, as a rule, further demonstrations and do not enter. Gone's period of Gaurov begins in November, and ends in March - April. Single males at this time join the herds, and between them the fights are not uncommon. A peculiar invasive roar of Gaura is similar to the roar of rogue-deer and is heard in the evening or at night at a distance of more than one and a half kilometers. Pregnancy lasts 270-280 days, the hotels happen more often in August - September. At the time of the cow, the cow is removed from the herd and in the first days it is exceptionally careful and aggressive. Usually it brings one calf, less often twins. The feeding period by milk ends on the ninth day of the calf. Gaura willingly unite in herds with supervisors and other hoofs.

Tigers are almost not afraid, although tigers attack occasionally on young animals. The special friendship of Gaurov with wild churars is described by Zoologist Olivier, who in 1955 it was possible to observe how a young cock for two weeks was cleared daily to festers, damaged hors of female Gaura. Despite the soreness of this operation, the cow at the sight of the rooster put his head on the ground and turned the horn towards "Sanitar". Gayal is nothing but a domesticated gaurn. But as a result of Domestication, Gayal has changed much: it is much smaller, lighter and weaker Gaura, his muzzle is shorter, the forehead is wider, the horns are relatively short, very thick, straight, conical. Gayal is phlegmatic and calmer Gaura. At the same time, Gayalov does not contain domestic cows in Europe.

They will always graze on full freedomAnd when you need to catch Gayala, it is embarrassed by a piece of stone salt either tie a cow in the forest. Use Gayal on meat, in places are used as a major force, and in some nations of South Asia, he acts as a kind of money or is used as a sacrificial animal. Gayala cows often mate with wildkers.

The ancestor of the domestic cow is the wild bull tour, which, according to scientists, existed on the planet more than 7,000 years ago. This species of livestock began to actively spread in the household during the early neolithic times after sheep, pigs and goats. Later people Began to breed and other types of cattle. It was originally appreciated only by the meat of wild cows and bulls, but as agriculture developed, people began to use cattle as a major force.

Description of the first ancestor of the modern cow

The first domesticated tours were incredibly hardy and productive. They had very long and massive horns.

Initially, the wild bull with huge horns served as a carrier of large-sized goods between European countries, Africa, Malaya Asia and the Caucasus. The appearance of the wild ancestor CRS had the following data:

  • muscular animal reached a mass of 800 kg;
  • the height could fluctuate from 170 to 180 cm;
  • men's individuals had a characteristic black coloring with a narrow strip of white low tide along the back;
  • veal and adult female individuals have a brown wool color with reddish.

The diet of the ancient tours was shooting, leaves of shrubs and trees, as well as a variety of forest grass. Animals preferred to gather into small handhelters or live alone, and only in the winter could be gathered in herd.

The last tour died in 1627.

North American Bison.

IN North America Looms the largest herbivorous species of wild cattle - North American Bison. This animal reaches a height of 2 m and length of 3 m.

The front of the body is expressed most massively, and the rear is characterized by a weakly developed muscular mass. The head and partly back of the animal are framed by the swelled wool. Bison have large horns that each individual is developed in its own way. Most often, the bison is characterized by black color, but brown, gray or white representatives can occur.

North American bison is divided into steppe and forest. Steppe wild bulls are much smaller than forest, have more thick coats and coated bangs.

North American individuals love the space, so they choose forest plains and glads for existence, maximizing the light. Adult bridges weigh more tons. Female individuals, although there are massive dimensions, but this weight does not reach.

European bison

This type of horned livestock is difficult to distinguish from North American representatives, but, looking at, you can see the characteristic key points their appearance. European bison is endowed with a well-highlighted body with a head and a square figure with a brownish color.

The body length of the bison reaches 3 m, height - 2 m. Animal has a dark brown color of wool. Men's individuals are distinguished by a pronounced mane.

The European bison is endowed with an excellent hearing and silent, perfectly floats and jumps. The duration of his life is from 30 to 40 years.

In ancient times, the Caucasian subspecies of European cattle could be observed in the ancient times in the meadows and pastures, which was distinguished by crushed and thick wool.

Today, European reserves contain Belovezhskaya individuals, which are the only descendants of the European ancient bison. In nature, this subspecies is protected by the International Union of Nature Protection.

Yak - wild bull with massive horns

This subspecies of cattle is difficult to study, as it prefers to live away from people. Today, Jac can only be found in a high-altitude Tibet, but here they remained very little. Prefer to keep cohesive groups or shall small families. Old individual choose single image Life.

Fierce and strong yak has long and rude wool, which completely covers his legs. Animals can have different colorBut more often there are brown or black with a gray-shade of individuals having white marks on the head.

The main thing distinctive feature This type of livestock is the characteristic hump on the back.

Wild male bulls reaches 2 m in height and 4 m in length. Female individuals have a length of 2.8 m, the height does not exceed 1.6 m. The horns of both sexes are very long (reach up to 95 cm). From the foundation of growth they are directed to opposite sidesAs elongations are smoothly bend and acquire a cup-shaped form. Yak can live 25 years old.

Tamarau and Anaa

Tamarau refers to the genus of Asian buffaloes. Endowed with small growth and short horns. In the height, the animal reaches 106 cm, in length - 220 cm, while its weight can vary from 180 to 300 kg. Color from black to dark brown.

Tamarau refers to the bouiling disappearing. In captivity, these animals cannot multiply, therefore their number is noticeably reduced. They prefer a single lifestyle in forest areas, but cows and calves live together until the independence of the latter. Tamarau is under the strictest security.

The most small representative of the CRS is the bull of Ana. The weight of the male individual does not exceed 300 kg, female - 150 kg. In length, the body does not have more than 160 cm, in height - 80 cm. These are hairless animals with a dark skin of brown or black colors. Also, like Tamarau, Anaa are under threat of disappearance and are protected by law. From 1079 to 1994, the population of Ana decreased by 90%.

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