Outside the window, it rains, then snow, then the sun, and all this within one day and each organism reacts to such weather changes in different ways. According to statistics, a third of Russians suffer from meteorological dependence.

It seems that the weather is just driving us. What to do? Resign, wait, and can somehow get rid of meteorological dependence.

How the weather affects a person

The fact that the weather affects a person is an indisputable fact. The number of people experiencing changes in the weather is constantly growing.

The relationship between weather change and health has been noticed since ancient times. Greek Aesculapians in their writings described in detail how the weather affects a person. Of course, in our time, scientists know much more about such an influence.

Our circulatory system is closely related to atmospheric pressure, therefore, a person suffers its sharp jumps worst of all, especially people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

As a rule, our body is able to rebuild when pressure changes, even in people with chronic diseases. The effect is exerted by a change in pressure together with other natural factors.

For example, a sharp drop in air temperature at elevated atmospheric pressure has a very adverse effect on the body. The oxygen content in the air increases, but it does not breathe easier. The blood flow velocity increases, vasospasm sets in, and this, as a rule, headache, high blood pressure, risk of blood clots. Such weather has a particularly negative effect on hypertensive patients.

At sharp warming(by more than 8-10 degrees) the humidity of the air rises and if the atmospheric pressure decreases, then the oxygen content in the air drops. The speed of blood flow decreases and gases are formed, they raise the diaphragm, which presses on the heart and lungs. A person experiences a lack of air, heaviness in the head, weakness, drowsiness appears. Hypotonic people, people suffering from chronic oxygen deficiency, people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack are very difficult to tolerate such weather.

How else does the weather affect a person. Differences in atmospheric pressure affect not only our blood vessels, but also on the nerve endings of the pleura, peritoneum, joint capsules. Therefore, sudden surges in pressure have an effect on people with sore joints, chronic pleurisy, and disturbances from the outside are possible. gastrointestinal tract... The tone of the bronchi is affected by a change in atmospheric pressure, therefore, a change in weather is difficult for asthmatics.

  • Magnetic storms

During magnetic storms, a large number of adrenaline, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, depression, slows down the reaction, decreases attention, therefore increases the risk of injury, accidents. And although for many magnetic storms pass unnoticed, there is a category of people on whom they affect strong influence... These are, as a rule, people over 55 years old, people who have suffered craniocerebral trauma, strokes, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the endocrine system.

Meteo-dependent people can be from strong winds, with a solar and lunar eclipse, increased solar activity.

How to get rid of weather dependence

Doctors say that this is possible, and in fairly simple ways.

There are a number of effective recommendations that allow, if not completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, then minimize their manifestation as much as possible during the period of changing weather conditions.

  • Monitor your health. Do not run your illnesses, especially chronic ones, watch your blood pressure. If you notice small changes in your body, undergo an examination - an early diagnosis will prevent the onset of the disease from developing into a chronic one.
  • Train the vessels. A Russian bath, swimming, hardening procedures, for example, a contrast shower, as well as physical exercises, especially yoga, are very good for this.

And if not everyone can go to the bathhouse or swimming, and it is not always possible to walk, then everyone can accustom themselves to do exercises in the morning, and then take a contrast shower. Personally, these two good habits helped to reduce meteorological dependence, I rarely react to the weather now.

Watch one of the exercises to strengthen blood vessels.

What else will help get rid of weather dependence?

  • Visit more often fresh air... Walking in the morning, when there is more biologically active oxygen in the air, is especially useful. And do not say that there is no time in the morning, not everyone drives to work by personal transport, but from public transport it is quite possible to get off at least one stop earlier. Ideally 2-3 km of hiking per day.
  • Proper nutrition. Meals should be regular at least 3 times a day, doctors say that those who leave the house without breakfast are candidates for meteorological dependence.

Include the following foods in your diet as often as possible:

  1. beets - it helps to normalize blood pressure, reduces the risk of blood clots;
  2. honey, lemon, garlic - improve blood circulation;
  3. pumpkin, zucchini - rid our blood vessels of "bad" cholesterol (oh useful properties these products can be read and).
  4. products containing vitamins C, A, P - strengthen the vascular walls, have a beneficial effect on microcirculatory processes;
  5. it is also recommended to include in the diet low-fat marine and river fish, seaweed, whole grain cereals.
  • Give up bad habits... Smoking, alcohol consumption, and caffeine abuse do not naturally add points to your health.
  • Monitor your weight. Being overweight affects the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes- concomitant diseases in obesity), excess weight reduces immunity, negatively affects the health of the spine - all these problems also affect meteorological dependence.
  • Help to get rid of meteorological dependence healthy sleep, massage courses, soothing pine baths, spa treatment, good rest, a healthy psychological atmosphere in your home.

According to doctors, if you follow all these rules, then your body will eventually accept this statement - nature does not have bad weather.

The result, of course, will be, but we must understand that this will not happen tomorrow or even in a month, but it may be bad for us today.

It is also possible to alleviate your condition - I suggest watching the video.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy.

P.S. Check yourself for weather dependence. You can take the test.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Snow is able to bring not only benefits, but also harm, including in the country. Sometimes he saves summer residents from additional troubles, and sometimes, on the contrary, adds them extra work. It is for this reason that it is very important to figure out in which cases the snow should be left, and in which - to get rid of it in a timely manner.

The benefits of snow

Snow is an excellent heat-insulating material, in the thickness of which its own special microclimate is created. Even in severe frosts, it is much warmer under the snow cover than on the surface. Since the snow keeps the temperature well, the soil, along with the sown vegetation, does not freeze thanks to it. When snow cover reaches a thickness of 50 cm, then the depth of the non-frozen soil increases up to 80 cm. Accordingly, the more snow in the country, the easier it is to endure the winter for berry, fruit and various decorative crops, roses, perennials. In a snowy winter, many summer residents do not resort to the help of additional shelters at all, since even 7-10 cm of snow is quite good insulation.

Also, snow provides excellent protection of vegetation from such scourges as sunburn... Of course, light and warmth are certainly very good, but their combination with chilly wind and strong frosts can cause tremendous damage to trees, as well as shrubs and flowers.

Snow is also considered a positive factor because water is extremely important for vegetation. When snow melts in spring, the earth is saturated with life-giving moisture. True, this cannot be said about the lowlands - the excess amount of moisture in them has a negative effect. Stagnant melt water together with high level ground waters often leads to the fact that they begin to rot and root system plants, and seeds, and vegetation that has already sprung up. In such a situation, geoplastics or leveling the territory, excluding plants from such planting zones, filling and building rather high flower beds and flower beds can help. In winters with little snow, the snow collected from the rows in the garden, from the platforms and paths, additionally insulates the plantings of perennial flower crops, as well as the tree trunks and shrubs.

Another positive factor is that by the tracks in the snow, you can easily recognize various pests that penetrate into the country. Thus, it is possible to find out not only how often hares come to the site, but also whether some human individuals are trying to enter the site for profit. And, of course, thanks to the presence of snow, winter recreation at the dacha becomes much more varied and interesting. You can arrange funny winter games, make a snowman, build a snow house. Drawing in the snow, as well as skiing and sledding will be no less fun.

Snow damage

As a rule, only fluffy and soft snow is useful. If it is trampled or covered with an ice crust, the consequences can be very negative. If an ice crust has formed on the snow surface or the snow is trampled down, it turns from an airtight insulator into a cold mass, and the vegetation under such "packing" very often freezes or suffocates.

When there is too much snow, it is heavy and wet, then from an assistant to plants it also becomes a real pest, accumulating in huge amount in the crowns of trees. And during the thaw period, it firmly adheres to the branches of trees and bushes, which, bending under its weight, often break. Separately, it is worth mentioning such an unpleasant phenomenon as freezing rain, which also does not benefit the plants.

A large amount of wet snow represents serious danger for conifers. So that conifers and shrubs (including those with a columnar crown shape) do not acquire an unsightly appearance by the spring, they should be tied with twine in the fall. For conifers low spherical varieties of snow is also not useful: stuffing between the branches, it breaks the crown, as a result of which about the correct beautiful form plants should be forgotten. Therefore, as snow accumulates, it should be discarded in a timely manner. Also, a large amount of snow can significantly damage the electrical cable, especially when it is poorly tensioned. And if the cable is energized, breaking it can be very dangerous.

Snow bends canopies on buildings and structures, cut off gutters. An impressive pile of snow that has fallen sharply from the roof can not only bend the visor over the porch or disrupt an expensive drainage system, but also easily injure people. Therefore, it is also necessary to get rid of such a danger in a timely manner. You can purchase snow holders - these are quite common among roofers and fairly inexpensive structures can always be easily installed on your own.

School scientific and practical conference

young researchers of the program "Step into the Future 2014"

Novoloktinskaya average comprehensive school

Effect of snow

on human health

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich

8th grade student,

MAOU Novoloktinskaya secondary school


Lugovsky Ekaterina Nikolaevna,

chemistry teacher

MAOU Novoloktinskaya secondary school

Novolokti, 2015

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich,

Russia, Novolokti village, Ishim district,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Brief annotation.

this work is devoted to the study of the snow water of the village of Novolokti. Snow flakes are the best air purifiers due to their large surface area. Therefore, snow melt water contains a large amount harmful substances dropped out of the atmosphere with emissions from the processing of fuels and lubricants and accumulated in the snow during the winter period. And when the snow cover melts, impurities pollute water bodies. By applying the available techniques, it is possible to use the snow cover as an indicator to determine the state of environmental pollution.

« The effect of snow on human health "

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich,

Russia, Novolokti village, Ishim district,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Novoloktinskaya secondary school, grade 8.


Environment has a great impact on human health.That is why the analysis of snowmelt water most clearly shows the nature and process of environmental pollution.This work is devoted to the study of snow water in the village of Novolokti. Snow flakes are the best air purifiers due to their large surface area. Therefore, snowmelt water contains a large amount of harmful substances that have fallen out of the atmosphere with emissions. industrial enterprises and accumulated in the snow during the winter. And when the snow cover melts, impurities pollute water bodies.

The relevance of research:Now we can confidently say that ecology is actual problem modernity, since every year more and more chemical-harmful substances that pollute the environment are added.

Purpose of work: to study the physicochemical indicators of snow water with. Novolokti for the content of contaminants affecting human health.

Research objectives:

    Investigation of samples of snow cover in the village. Novolokti for the maintenance of some chemical elements and connections, identifying physical properties melt water from these snow samples;

    Based on the analysis of the data obtained in the process of research and processing of the results, draw a conclusion about possible sources of snow pollution in our area and find out the ecological situation in the village;

    To study the physicochemical indicators of the snow cover of various parts of the village of Novolokti for the content of pollution.

Object of study: samples of snow water from the village of Novolokti.

Subject of study: snow water and pollutants in it.


Research methods:

    Analysis and study of literary sources that reveal theoretical aspects properties of water, its biological role and ecological status.

    Study of various methods for studying the state of snow water for pollutants: organoleptic, bioindication method.

« The effect of snow on human health "

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich,

Russia, Novolokti village, Ishim district,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Novoloktinskaya secondary school, grade 8.

Research Article

Snow cover is an effective accumulator of aerosol pollutants falling out of the atmospheric air. During snowmelt, these substances enter the natural environment, mainly water, polluting them.

When snow forms and falls as a result of dry and wet washout processes, the concentration of pollutants in it is usually 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than in atmospheric air... Therefore, the content of these substances can be measured sufficiently simple methods and with high degree reliability. Sampling of snow cover allows to obtain the degree of pollution in the winter season, and just one sample throughout the entire thickness of the snow cover gives representative data on pollution from the formation of stable snow cover to the moment of sampling.

In our country ecological situation in many regions proved to be catastrophic. Pollutants emitted into the environment are transferred to the atmosphere, soil and water, and are gradually dispersed in the biosphere. In this case, pollutants can be absorbed by living organisms, having a harmful effect on them.

Polluting the biosphere, a person who takes the place of a superpredator in relation to other living organisms is faced with a boomerang effect. At the very end of the food chain, it becomes the consumer of the most contaminated food.. Therefore, we decided to find out what is the ecological situation in our village, in comparison with other regions of our country through the study of the degree of pollution of the snow cover.

Snow, by its composition, is currently a "poison" for the environment. For example, "our" snow can eat through concrete. The percentage of a number of snow components under increased anthropogenic load exceeds the standard level by a factor of thousands, which makes snow so dangerous even for humans, because a person breathes vaporized water vapor from poisoned snow.

The impact of vehicles on snow pollution was assessed as significant. It can inhibit the growth of trees and shrubs in the 10-20-meter zone adjacent to the road.

Salt waters have a detrimental effect on plant growth and cause soil salinization. The use of salt, a cheap way to “melt” snow, increases the chloride content of soil and groundwater. Atmospheric precipitation does not wash out the salt spilled in winter from the holes of the soil, and it accumulates from year to year around the roads, and eventually gets into water bodies. Even when salt has been used for just one winter, so much of it remains in the soil that a dangerous concentration of salt may persist after several years.

Chlorine - one of the most important biogenic macronutrients found in all living organisms. Chloride ion is formed as a result of dissolution and solvation of ionic salts containing the chlorine anion (chlorides). The main source of chloride ions is salt used in cooking food products, is also explained by the pollution of the reservoir with sewage from some industries.Molecular chlorine, as well as many of its compounds, are highly toxic.

Carbonates ... Normal carbonates are widespread in nature. The main source of hydrocarbonate and carbonate ions in surface waters are the processes of chemical weathering and dissolution of carbonate rocks such as limestones, marls, dolomites. Some of the hydrocarbonate ions come from atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. Hydrocarbonate and carbonate ions are carried into reservoirs with wastewater from chemical, silicate, soda industries, etc.

Sulphates are present in almost all surface waters and are one of the most important anions. Increased content sulfates impair the organoleptic properties of water and have a physiological effect on the human body. The mainsourcedissolvedin sulphate wateris gypsum. In undergroundwaterswith contentsulfateand sheusually higher thanin waterrivers and lakes. Significant amounts of sulfates enter water bodies in the process of dying off organisms and oxidation of terrestrial and aquatic substances of plant and animal origin and with groundwater runoff. Sulfates are found in large quantities in mine waters and industrial effluents from industries that use sulfuric acid, such as pyrite oxidation. Sulfates are also carried out with wastewater communal services and agricultural production.

Copper - one of the most important trace elements. The main source of copper entering natural waters is wastewater from chemical and metallurgical industries, mine waters, aldehyde reagents used to destroy algae. Copper can appear as a result of corrosion of copper pipes and other structures used in water supply systems. In groundwater, the copper content is due to the interaction of water with rocks containing it (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, covellite, bornite, malachite, azurite, chrysacolla, brotantine). Excessive concentrations of copper have an adverse effect on plant and animal organisms. Excess copper can enter the body with food or water, while there is: a metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hemolytic anemia, renal and hepatic failure develops.

Phenols are derivatives of benzene with one or more hydroxyl groups. Phenols are one of the most common contaminants entering surface waters with effluents from enterprises of oil refining, oil shale processing, timber chemical, coke-chemical, aniline-paint industry, etc. waste water of these enterprises, the content of phenols can exceed 10-20 g / dm3 3 with very diverse combinations. Phenol is poisonous. Causes burns on contact with the skin, while it is absorbed through the skin and causes poisoning.

The main sources of pollution in our village are:

    Transport.A car burns an average of two tons of fuel per year, while absorbing thirty tons of oxygen. Quintals of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other combustion products are emitted into the atmosphere. The share of transport in total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from all sources today exceeds 45 percent;

    Household waste. Intensive anthropogenic activity affects the soil cover.Soil pollution is an indicator of the geochemical state of the environment as a whole and reflects the results of many years of accumulation of pollutants in the territory of the village.

The snow cover survey was carried out in January 2015. Snow sampling was carried out near the road and in the yard of the house. For more accurate results, each analysis was performed at least twice.

Organoleptic research (Appendix 1) :

    The results of determining the color of the snow water of the upper layer of the studied areas:

    Almost all water samples do not correspond to ideal values ​​(distilled water), which indicates contamination with fuels and lubricants.

    Research shows that the snow cover has significant contamination of the site.

    The results of determining the nature and intensity of the smell of the studied samples of snow water:

    The snow water of the yard sample has no smell;

    The snow water of the roadside layer of the object has a distinct artificial smell associated with the ingress of exhaust gases, various chemical compounds into the snow;

Chemical indicators (Appendix 2):

    The values pH value snow water of the studied areas:

    The snow water of the courtyard layer “has a slightly alkaline medium, therefore, a small amount of substances are dissolved in it, which have weak basic properties;

    The water of the upper layer of snow has a slightly acidic environment, which means that it is not dissolved significant amount carbon dioxide or other gases;

    Investigation of the content of chloride ions:

    The highest content is observed in the samples of snow water from the roadside layer of the object, and in the courtyard layer, chloride ions are practically absent.

    Study of the content of carbonate ions:

    Low content of carbonate ionsobserved in snow water samples.

    Highest contentcarbonate ions showed roadside samples.

    The content of carbonate ions in the samples of snow water remains at a constant level.

    Investigation of the content of sulfate ions:

    The highest content of sulfate ions is observed in samples of snow water from the roadside layer;

    The least contaminated with sulfate anions are samples of snow water taken in the courtyard of the house.

    Study of the content of copper ions:

    There is little or no copper ion content in water samples from objects.

    Research on phenol content:

    There is little or no phenol content in water samples from objects.

Bioindication results (Appendix 3):

    On the fifth day, the length of the shoots is observed for potatoes placed in a water sample from a yard layer of snow.

    A potato placed in a water sample from a roadside layer of snow has rotted away without ever germinating.

« The effect of snow on human health "

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich,

Russia, Novolokti village, Ishim district,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Novoloktinskaya secondary school, grade 8.


This work is devoted to the study of the degree of snow pollution in the village of Novolokti, which affects human health, thereby revealing the ecological situation in the village. Research data showed that the greatest amount of harmful substances contained in the snow cover is located in the immediate vicinity of the road. The further we move away from the road, the fewer of them become.

    The level of pollution of the snow cover of the objects under study differs from the norm;

    Various studies have shown that snow water is hazardous to human health;

    The indicators of pollution of the roadside layer are higher than that of the yard layer of the snow cover, therefore, when snow melts in the spring, evaporation with the presence of harmful substances will occur, harming human health;

    Since the qualitative composition of the snow water of the village in the courtyards has a lower degree of pollution and the thickness of the snow cover of the courtyards, it can be judged that the ecological situation in the village is at an average level. In the future, we plan to work on quality composition snow cover of Ishim city in comparison with snow cover countryside, and draw conclusions about the environmental situation of the nearest city

    We have confirmed the hypothesis that snow cover affects human health. The substances contained in melt snow water are harmful to the body to varying degrees.

The progress of mankind leads to unwanted pollution of nature and the air as well. The atmosphere knows no national boundaries, which means that the air in one region can be strongly influenced by actions taken in another, and these actions must be reasonable. And the snow isan effective accumulator of aerosol pollutants falling out of the atmospheric air.Keeping the air clean for our and future generations is not only the task of all mankind as a whole, but also of each person individually. Everyone should remember this.We have a civic responsibility to strive for a cleaner environment. We are responsible for the knowledge we receive.

« The effect of snow on human health "

Dolgushin Artem Sergeevich,

Russia, Novolokti village, Ishim district,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Novoloktinskaya secondary school, grade 8.

Study plan

Problem situation

The environment has a major impact on human health.The composition of snow water directly depends on the state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. That is why the analysis of snowmelt water most clearly shows the nature and process of environmental pollution.This work is devoted to the study of snow water in the village of Novolokti. Using various methods: organoleptic, colorimetric, bioindication method, he studied the physicochemical characteristics of melt water. Snow flakes are the best air purifiers due to their large surface area. Therefore, snowmelt water contains a large amount of harmful substances that have fallen out of the atmosphere with emissions from industrial enterprises and accumulated in the snow during the winter period. And when the snow cover melts, impurities pollute water bodies. By applying the available techniques, it is possible to use the snow cover as an indicator to determine the state of environmental pollution.

Hypothesis: if the snow cover contains pollution, then it can affect human health.

Research novelty:

No one has yet studied the snow cover of the village for pollution with harmful substances that affect human health.In the course of our work, we studied scientific literature on this topic, conducted experiments.

Practical value research is that ecology is an integral part of the life of any person. And the ecological situation in the area depends on the people living in the area.

Research methods :

    Determination of the color of water. A qualitative assessment of the color of water can be carried out by comparing it with distilled water, against the background of a sheet of white paper, compare the observed color (colorless, light brown, yellowish, gray, turbid, etc.);

    Determination of odor. Determination of the smell of water is carried out as follows: 100 ml of test water at room temperature poured into a flask with a capacity of 150-200 ml with a wide neck. Cover with a watch glass or a ground stopper, shake with a rotating motion, open the cork or move the watch glass and quickly determine the nature and intensity of the smell. The flask is then heated to 60 ° C. in a water bath and odor is also evaluated.

    Determination of the pH of water samples. This study allows you to determine the acidity of water - pH. In a test tube with not big amount water is lowered with a universal indicator paper. The pH of the medium is determined by its color.

    Qualitative determination of chloride ions.To detect chloride ion Cl-, use a solution of silver nitrate AgNO 3 in the presence of a dilute solution of nitric acid HNO 3 ... Standard solution with Cl- ion with addition of AgNO 3 acquires White color and the kind of "curdled sediment". The control does not change the opalescent color of the solution (due to the AgNO 3 ) when adding reagent.The approximate chloride content is determined by sediment or cloudiness.

    Qualitative determination of carbonate ions In a test tube, add 10 ml of the used water and add a few drops of a 10% hydrochloric acid solution with a pipette. Formed by the reaction carbon monoxide (IV) stands out as bubbles. The intensity of their release is judged on a more or less significant content of carbonates.

    Qualitative content of sulfate ions.The method for determining the mass concentration of sulfate ions is based on the reaction of sulfate ions with barium cations with the formation of an insoluble suspension of barium sulfate. The analysis is performed in water. For operation, a turbidity meter is required - a simple device for measuring the content of suspended particles in a solution. Add 2 drops of hydrochloric acid solution and 14-15 drops of barium nitrate solution to a test tube with analyzed water. The resulting suspension ( white sediment) is transferred into the second test tube until the first one shows the image of the pattern on the bottom. Measure the height of the suspension column in the first test tube. Continue to transfer the suspension until the picture of the drawing disappears in it. Measure the height of the suspension column in the second test tube. The arithmetic mean of the height of the suspension column is calculated by the formula:h= ( h 1+ h 2 )/2

    Copper ion content. Ammonia, when added in a small amount, precipitates a greenish salt, readily soluble in an excess of the reagent (ammonia), with the formation of an intense of blue color complex ammonia copper compound.

    Determination of phenol. The FeCl reagent can be used to detect phenol. 3 ... In the standard solution, when the reagent is poured in, a violet color appears, and in the control solution, a yellow color.The approximate phenol content is determined by the color change.


1.S.V. Alekssev, N.V. Gruzdeva, E.V. Gushchina "Schoolchild's Ecological Workshop". Ed. " Educational literature"2005.

2.L.A. Tsvetkov " Organic chemistry" tutorial.

3. Internet resources

http:// biology. krc. karelia. ru/ misc/

http:// www. gicpv. ru/

http:// www. agrovodcom. ru/ info_ vibor_ pumps. php Annex 1









Brown with lots of floating particles.

    Odor intensity

There is no smell.

Smell of exhaust gases, gasoline, oil.

Appendix 2







The pH value of snow water

The medium is slightly alkaline

A small amount of substances that have weak basic properties are dissolved in snow water.

Sour environment

A significant amount of carbon dioxide and other gases is dissolved in the snow water.

ContentCl - ions

Snow is practically non-toxic.

Snow is highly toxic

CO content 3 - ions

Insignificant amount

There are no substances in the snowfor the chemical, silicate, soda industry

Contains a significant amount

Substances from fuels and lubricants processing are scattered near the track

ContentSO 4 - ions

Contains a significant amount

The surface of the earth is oxidizing and living beings are dying

Contains a larger amount

Gypsum is present in the snow, due to the oxidation of the earth's surface and the death of living things.

ContentCu + ions

Contains a small amount

Contains a significant amount

There is copper rust in the snow.

Phenol content

Contains a small amount

Contains a small amount

Appendix 3


p / p






Potato sprouts

Based on the bioindication method, the following conclusions can be drawn: in clean snow, potatoes sprouted already on the 5th day

Potatoes rotted

Based on the bioindication method, the following conclusions can be drawn: in dirty snow, potatoes began to rot, as a result of the influence of pollutants in roadside snow on potatoes.

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Long time official medicine did not recognize the fact of the significant influence of weather on health, psyche and well-being of a person. Only in recent decades a number of studies have appeared confirming the relationship of weather changes with exacerbations of chronic and mental illnesses, heart attacks, strokes and attacks of bronchial asthma.


Even the ancients noticed that a change in the weather significantly affects a person's well-being. So, the ancient Germans called joint pain that occurs in raw cold period, "Weather pain", and Hippocrates spoke of meteorological dependence as early as 400 BC. NS. In Tibet, it was believed that all diseases are somehow related to weather phenomena.

In the voluminous work The Sick and the Weather, its author, William Ferdinand Petersen, bluntly stated that our well-being depends even on a change in the direction of the wind. He believed that the continuous change of warm atmospheric fronts to cold and vice versa is the main reason such a dangerous effect of the weather on the human body, when even with small changes people develop lethargy and malaise.

"If there is an organism created as an active resonator of cosmic events," wrote Petersen, "then it is a human body."

The change in the general state of the body under the influence of a change in weather is called meteopathy (Greek “meteora” - a heavenly phenomenon and “pathos” - illness, suffering). Increased sensitivity organism to the change of weather is called meteosensitivity. According to various sources, from a third to 40% of people on the planet are meteosensitive. Among the elderly and those suffering from certain diseases, up to 80% can react negatively to a change in meteorological conditions.


For those who have not yet acquired chronic diseases, but are weather-dependent, a change in the weather can cause a variety of ailments and disorders. Increased fatigue often occurs, it manifests itself not only in the loss physical strength, but also in a decline in mental activity. Creative natures(writers, composers, etc.) cannot collect their thoughts and create something worthwhile, and even those who are engaged in manual labor are losing everything.

Often a change in weather affects sleep: some literally sleep on the go, others suffer from insomnia. Unreasonable anxiety, irritability, irascibility may occur. Meteosensitive people experience headaches, it may not be clear why the blood pressure rises, the temperature rises slightly (up to 37.3). Sometimes there are cramping abdominal pains that are not associated with poisoning or any disease.

The body of meteosensitive people also reacts to magnetic storms that occur after solar flares. During such a storm, headaches, surges in blood pressure, and heart failure can occur. Some doctors believe that regular warnings about magnetic storms can cause some healthy, but suspicious, people ailments associated not with the storm, but with self-hypnosis.

However, according to statistics, during periods of magnetic storms, they scurry along the streets every now and then. ambulances, the number of calls is increasing, as is the number of hypertensive crises, heart attacks and strokes. The number of deaths due to heart attacks and strokes is also on the rise. So to magnetic storms should be taken seriously.


It seems, what can the wind do to a person who is behind the thick walls of his house? Alas, he is able to cause various health complications. For example, researchers in Japan have noted an increase in asthma attacks when the wind changes direction.

Are infamous for their negative influence downward directed winds on a person's well-being. They are formed when the air travels from above to the foot of the mountain range, becoming warmer, drier along the road and often picking up a fairly significant speed.

Such winds - the European foehn (wind in the Alps) and mistral (north or northwest wind in the south of France) - can affect large areas. During the period of such winds, scientists note an increase in heart attacks. Biometeorologists believe that any negative effects on human well-being - from general ailment to headaches - may be associated with local prevailing winds.

Dr. Conchita Rojo has conducted research related to the influence of the northern wind of tramontana blowing in the Mediterranean on the psyche of people. Even ancient legends said that this wind brings madness to some, and brilliant insights to others. Rojo decided to check it out.

During the tramontana season, she analyzed the behavior of 300 people and made the following conclusion: “ Climatic phenomena are reflected in the state of the neurons of the brain. Tramontana can cause depression and exhaustion, or, conversely, have a stimulating effect similar to the effect of strong antidepressants. "


When the weather changes, the human body is forced to adapt to them. If the adaptation mechanisms work well, there is no negative response to the change of weather; otherwise, the meteosensitivity appears, which we have already mentioned. Perhaps one of the most dangerous weather factors is an increase (especially sharp) in atmospheric pressure. An atmospheric pressure of 750 mm Hg is considered comfortable for a person. pillar.

An increase in atmospheric pressure (BP) is especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases. At this time, the tone of the diseased vessels changes, blood clotting increases, and this leads to increased thrombus formation. A sharp increase in atmospheric pressure is always accompanied by an increase in the number of myocardial infarctions.

It is dangerous to increase blood pressure for those suffering from diseases of the cerebral vessels, the likelihood of a stroke increases. By the way, an increase in blood pressure causes a decrease in our immunity, and we become more vulnerable to various infections.

As we know, the increase in blood pressure is associated with the rise of the anticyclone over the territory with its clear and calm weather. In such weather, the concentration of harmful industrial impurities, gases from vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions increases in the air. Naturally, problems arise in people with respiratory diseases and allergy sufferers. Scientists also say that an increase in blood pressure negatively affects a person's emotions and is often the main cause of sexual dysfunctions.

Well, if an anticyclone becomes blocking and hovers for a long time over any territory, everyone already knows what this leads to. Such a killer anticyclone did a lot of trouble in 2010 and caused the premature death of thousands of people. I still remember crisp underfoot like glass, dried grass and air saturated with smoke. I have no doubt that that atmospheric monster took away one or two years of life from each of us, because how many harmful substances, along with the air, got into our body then!

A drop in barometric pressure is also not painless for many people. With a decrease in blood pressure, the anticyclone is replaced by a cyclone, the air humidity rises, depending on the season, it starts to rain or snow. The first to react to this are hypotensive people (people with low blood pressure), as well as those suffering from diseases of the heart or respiratory system. Many have general weakness, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath. In people with high intracranial pressure, migraine attacks are exacerbated.

If you lower blood pressure, it often brings discomfort to the intestines, and increased gas production begins. Due to the increase in air humidity, people with respiratory diseases mainly suffer, they experience an exacerbation of the disease. Besides, high humidity contributes to the spread of infections, which is an additional risk factor. In this regard, humid summer heat and dank winter slush are the most dangerous.

Dangerous for our health and sharp fluctuations in air temperature (10 degrees or more during the day). In such cases, the body produces a significant amount of histamine, a substance that provokes the onset of allergic reactions even in healthy people... With a jump in temperature, many people experience a deterioration in mood and causeless irritation.

So, a sharp change in the weather is dangerous for our health and even life, therefore, meteosensitive people should take good care of themselves during such a period. You should avoid physical and emotional stress, control your blood pressure, take medications prescribed by your doctor on time, exclude any types of alcohol, do not forget about vitamins and healthy food.

Andrey Sidorenko

The snow cover is playing important role in the functioning of ecosystems. It affects the climate, relief, hydrological and soil-forming processes, the life of plants and animals.

The influence of snow cover on climate is manifested through its interaction with the atmosphere. With its high albedo, the snow cover significantly reduces the flow of short-wave radiation to the earth's surface. At the same time, snow cover reduces heat transfer between the earth and the atmosphere, making it difficult to remove heat to the atmosphere. However, it should be noted that the reflective properties of snow affect the energy balance of the atmosphere more than insulating ones. At the same time, snow itself is a good emitter and loses a lot of heat in the form of long-wave radiation. The radiative, reflective and insulating properties of the snow cover in combination lead to cooling of the air and the formation of surface radiation temperature inversions (the most low temperature observed at the surface of the snow cover, and with increasing height it grows). In spring, a significant part of the incoming heat goes to melting snow.

In the interaction of the snow cover with the soil (soils), the main ones are its insulating and water properties... It reduces the heat flow directed upward from the soil, reducing heat losses to the atmosphere, and reduces soil freezing and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations. In the period of snow melting, on the contrary, the snow cover delays the flow of heat into the soil. Water reserves concentrated in the snow cover affect water regime soil.

The role of snow cover is great in the water cycle in nature. Snow feeding occupies a significant place in the river runoff of the territories where the snow cover is formed. It determines the amount of annual runoff, the level of spring floods, ice regime rivers, the intensity of ice and avalanche processes, the annual balance of glaciers.

Snowfields contribute to the development of nivation - a complex of denudation processes (frost and thermal weathering, solifluction, flow and swelling of soils, planar washout and erosion, suffusion and dissolution of rocks) of the underlying rocks with education specific forms relief. Among the forms of the nival complex, one can distinguish a snow niche, nival fine earth, and a nival slope. The snow niche is a depression of several tens or even the first hundred meters. Nival fine earth is a dusty organic-mineral rock inside the snowfield and its bed. Nival slope - place

the occurrence of a snowfield on a mountain slope with characteristic traces of nivation (gravelly strips, furrows and grit accumulations).

The role of snow cover in plant life is diverse. It changes the thermal and water regimes of the plant habitat, exerts a direct mechanical effect on them. The snow cover protects them from freezing (especially buds of renewal) and wind drying in winter. At the same time, it can promote damping off of plants. The dates of destruction of stable snow cover determine the duration of the growing season and the dates of the onset of phenophases. Spring soil moisture and, consequently, plant productivity depend on the water reserve in the snow cover. The snow cover puts pressure on the plants, especially in the mountains, where snow creeps or even avalanches are observed on the slopes. It promotes the development of life forms of plants, affects the species diversity and the ratio of ecological types of plants in a particular territory.

Snow water, moistening the soil, is a source of moisture for agricultural and forest plants, nourishes groundwater, replenishes the river. Winter precipitation, especially snow, prevents the soil from freezing, protects plants or parts of them from freezing, and often also from drying out.

Pine and spruce seeds spread far across the snow.

In places where the snow cover lasts a long time in spring, the blooming of medium-sized plants is delayed, and therefore they do not suffer from late frosts. Along with this, the accumulation of snow cover and slow melting of snow contribute to the development of the "snow shyute" fungus, which, damaging the needles, leads to the death of the young generation of pine, which has not reached a height of more snow thickness.

Snow cover is an important environmental factor for animals. Its insulating properties allow many species to avoid low air temperatures. Due to the snow cover, many species of small rodents lead an active lifestyle (up to breeding) in winter. A number of birds burrow into the snow for the night.

For many animals, the snow cover makes it difficult to get food. In some cases, this is due to the thickness of the snow cover, and sometimes to the structure of the snow mass. The appearance of ground and other crusts is especially unfavorable for herbivores. The increase in the thickness of the snow cover causes difficulties in movement of a number of species, which changes the relationship in the “prey-predator” system. In this regard, snow cover is one of the factors in the migration of animals and the density of their distribution.

Snow cover is also a factor in the seasonal change in color of animals. The dates of the establishment and destruction of stable snow cover affect the dates of seasonal molting.