The best way to maintain order in the house is to stop mindless consumption. The fewer things in your apartment, the easier it is to organize and determine what you need, and what can be given or throw out.
In the meantime, you are reviewing your views on consumption, take seven useful habits to combat mess.

Kris Krüg /

Paper mail has a property to accumulate - on the desktop or on the bedside table in the corridor. You throw a letter without opening it, and the whole mountain of waste paper is accumulated.

Take the rule to immediately open paper letters and determine the place for them - in the garbage bucket or in the folder on the desktop. And checks and warranty coupons - fold them in one place and periodically review to throw out that over time it has become useless.

Jennifer Miller /

Do it, especially if you hate dishes. It is easier to wash one or two plates than to move the whole mountain of dishes with the suichet food. You spend two minutes, and the kitchen remains clean and pleases the eye.

Place bed every morning

The mess generates a mess. And the bedroom clearly demonstrates this principle. Your bed is the heart of the bedroom, and when it remains inaccurate, the mess begins to accumulate.

So the first thing to do, retracting in the bedroom, - to fix the bed. And the first thing that should be done so that in the house there is always order, - to get out right in the morning (or find a person who will do it for you).

Remove things from the kitchen table

liz West /

The kitchen table is one of the places attracting mess. Make sure that the kitchen table remain clean: the perfectly clean table hand will not rise to put things that should not be there. Yes, and dining will become much more pleasant.

Return things to your place

Each thing has its own purpose and its place. Take the rule to return things into place at the end of the day. This has repeatedly told us in childhood, but many have never treated for order.

It takes quite a bit of time, but every morning you will start in a clean apartment and stop looking for the right things.

Immediately do everything you can do in a couple of minutes

Often, mess begins with procrastination when you postpone some minor things for later.

Remember a simple rule: if the task can be done in two minutes, do now.

Take the garbage, throw dirty things in a washing machine, return the remote from the TV to the place, wipe the dusty monitor. Every time you complete a small task, you make another step to order in the house.


The mess is often there, where too many things are stored in a limited space: too much clothes in the closet, too many bed linen in the box, accessories in the bathroom, books, gadgets and other things on the shelf.

When some kind of corner of your home is overwhelmed with things, free the space - disassemble them and throw away unnecessary. And do not postpone, it will take two to 15 minutes, and one of the sources of disorder will be eliminated.

Each of these habits will help you maintain order in the house. And, of course, the fewer things you keep at home, the easier it is to keep these rules.

Want a clean house - do not buy too much. It always works.

How do you support order in your home?

What are they needed for?

To distract from any problem and relax, as well as hide your motives and intentions, a person often resorts to harmful habitswhich for many years fixed it. Some of them are very common.

So what bad habits Most Popular? What do they give a person and why arise? Below just this will be discussed.

Bad habits

This list of bad habits can be added and expanded. Here only the main one.

1 place is cigarettes.

Smoking has a tremendous scale. The cigarette market flourishes every year, drawing more dependent in their ranks.

As a rule, the habit of smoking the cigarette signals the deep problems of personality, insufficient love of themselves, the absence of aspiration for

Smokers are very susceptible to the influence of others and often can not defend their point of view. The hazard of smoking is that this harmful habit addresses all the segments of the population and literally strives all it.

2nd place - these are alcoholic beverages.

The scale of alcohol abuse is quite large, as it swallows temporary negative and gives the illusion of fun.

Favorite phrase in justification for drinking: "So, still drink!" And the reason is always: both grief, and joy, and a meeting, and just a day off.

Drinking people tend to drive their problems deep inside and do not solve with them to understand. The lack of maternal love and approval subconsciously pushes a person into an alcohol abyss. No less influence has a genetic factor.

3rd place - This is total laziness and passivity.

The habit of lying on the sofa is characteristic not only by the male sex, but also women. Total reluctance to strain and properly distribute its lead to a decrease in the standard of living.

The motives of the laziness are different: a man wants to relax and relax physically, then how the female semi likes sometimes throw off for their lives on others.

Pathological laziness arises from those people whose aspirations and works once did not appreciate the closest one who was constantly compared and brought to the example of peers, sisters, brothers. Laziness is also peculiar to people who are extremely uncertain in themselves.

4th place - It is nibble nails.

This habit occurs against the background of emotional overvoltage and stress.

When a man gnaws his nails, he subconsciously returns during early childhood, where there were no problems and difficulties.

Nails are often psychologically immature and infantile, as well as those who are very scared.

5th place - This is the habit of eating in front of the TV.

Nutritionists argue that thus the food is poorly absorbed, which can arise gastritis or problems with the pancreas.

The desire to eat in front of the TV says that a person is very tired of life routine and needs care. Such people lack entertainment, recreation and skills to manage their time.

6th place - This is a habit of late.

It is peculiar to people living in a metropolis. Inorganizedness and problems with punctuality are talking about the displacement of priorities in humans, about its insufficient motivation, the absence of planning skills.

7 place - This is an excess of sweets in the diet.

Excessive use of sweet food can lead to disorders in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, provoke the development of diabetes.

If sweets are present in your life too often and are the main mood stimulator, then it is worth thinking.

This harmful habit talks about the helplessness of a person, about his disadvantage and short-mindedness in childhood.

8th place - It's all done at the last moment.

The harmful habit of this nature speaks of neurosis and chronic fatigue. Unrealized in life and permanent monetary problems only aggravate the situation. Therefore, you need to trust yourself more and correctly plan free.

9th place - This is the habit of leave behind the mess.

Inorganizedness and tendency to chaotic movements characterize a person's creative, but misintermetative.

In such a way, it is necessary to learn to observe the day of the day, do not succumb to external weaknesses.

Sport helps to cope with this bad habit, the work of the skill is all the case to bring to the end and walks out the fresh air.

Is there a mood and desire to change?

If we talk about bad habits, then many immediately remember drug addiction, toxicism, alcohol and smoking abuse.

But on this list of bad habits does not end and it can be continued - sleep, eat on the night, see the night at the computer, playing toys, go off the weekend near TV, etc. And then many are surprised: "I do not drink, I do not smoke, I do not use drugs, and honey looks like an" Encyclopedia of Diseases "... and what would it be?" Therefore, from all this "good" you need to get rid of.

To begin with, we define what to get rid of


1. Drug addict

2. Alcoholism

3. Smoking

To bad habits that affect health, also include:

- incorrect and unhealthy food

- absence or not observance of the day

- insufficient motor activity (because of laziness)

- Non-sleeping

- Long, continuous work for PC

All this prevents people to remain healthy for many years.

Someone can admit that bad habits really exist, but here's the fact that they have them - it is already harder. Everyone knows that an alcoholic never recognizes himself as such. He says that he can control himself, but "traction" remains for alcohol drinks.

The goal is to get rid of the desire, "traction" to do what brings harm to health.

Someone may say that he is still young, he will have time and he has enough time to accustom himself to helpful habits. But, this is only an illusion. How many older people are physically tightened today, are optimistic, mentally active and do not have chronic diseases? Agree, not much. If a healthy lifestyle does not start leading right today, then at a young age you can "acquire" chronic diseases.

Over the years it will be harder and harder to begin to produce useful habits, because with many acquired chronic diseases, more and more restrictions. People with diseases of the kidneys and heart should drink a limited amount of water. With ulcers and gastritis, such useful products like garlic, lemon and grapefruit are contraindicated, etc. And in order to regain a "precious" health, you need to make tremendous efforts. Therefore, the earlier you begin to do this, the easier it will save your health for many years.

But this does not mean that if you already have chronic diseases, the way to a healthy lifestyle is blocked. You need to start acting, because it is better late than ever!


The main thing is to realize the presence of bad habits. Take a piece of paper and write your bad habits that are inherent. Choose from them the most difficult and start working on it.

List of common bad habits

1. Use of narcotic substances

2. Smoking (including and "light" cigarettes)

3. Excessive use of alcoholic and low alcohol drinks

4. Game (computer games, automata, cards)

5. Shopogolism

6. Incorrect and unhealthy nutrition (overeating, malnutrition, irregular meals, use of harmful products)

7. Not observance of the day

8. Lying or sedentary lifestyle

9. Non-sleeping

10. Continuous work for PC for a long time

11. Gorbit and slouch

12 . Sit down, throwing my leg

13. There is no wash

14. There is before TV

15. Fall asleep before turnable tv

16. Talk "without a case" by phone clock

17. Nibble nails, handle, pencil, seeds

18. Bless the lips to blood

19 . Unbelieve cosmetics

20. Obscenely express

21. Random sexual ties

22. Take medicine without appointments of a doctor

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One girl once wrote in a blog about her attempts to keep clean in the house:

"I once again in despair from the fact that in my house the order does not hold for more than 5 minutes. I have no system, plus there are bad habits - I leave things right next to the bed before bedtime, instead of hanging them on the shoulders or immediately put in the basket for linen.

I'm so tired of constant mess and chaos! He pulls me out. I feel that I can not do business or just have fun until I give the house in order. But in my house there is never about the order, so I can't take it for something. "

The house in which the mess reigns can be crazy, and the necessary habits that helped maintain cleanliness in the house is quite difficult to develop.

But everything is not so bad: the road will be aswaling, and the road from a thousand steps begins with the first step. Acquire the necessary habits need slowly, step by step.

Try to comply with each rule for two weeks before proceeding to the following:

Hang clothes on my shoulders right away how you removed her
. Put all the papers that you have in one basket, after the end of the day disassemble
. Support the sink clean (wash the dishes immediately after use, and be sure to clean the sink)
. Raise from the floor of the garbage before lie down in bed or go to work
. Take out garbage daily
. Arrange the 15-minute house cleaning sessions every day.
. Clean the sink, shower or bath every time after use (in fact, takes no more than five minutes)
. Let every thing in the house there will be their place, put things in your place immediately after use
. Each morning refuel the bed
. Keep the surfaces of the tables clean

The necessary habits, as we see, quite a lot, and at first it seems that they cannot be assimilated. But if you try to produce one habit at a time, it does not matter in what order, everything will turn out. Give yourself a few months to achieve the goal - do not expect you to wake up with a full arsenal the next morning!

How to produce every habit:

1. Record the goal.
2. Stick it somewhere on the prominent place.
3. Enter the magazine for recording - celebrate every day in it, you managed to follow the new habit today or not
4. Delive to your results every day in your blog or on the forum, or simply send the email to the family and friends
5. Come up with yourself a reward for successful task.
6. Or punish yourself with electric shock, if something suddenly did not work out (joke !!!)
7. If something failed today, think why it did not work out, and what you need to do to correct the situation. Do not register yourself for failure and tell me that today everything will turn out much better
8. Try to concentrate on the goal at least within 2-3 weeks
9. Celebrate productive work

If the desired habit has been working out (and this may take a month or even two), go to the next. Do not try to do everything at the same time! Make small steps, and you will definitely come to the destination.

And so, before you a list of bad habits, habits from which you can, and for sure and you need to refuse. As Carlos Castaneda "If you don't like the location where you are, change it, you are not a tree! " It is only necessary to take into account that some habits are firmly rooted in us. Life can be started with a clean sheet, but the handwriting itself is much more complicated. Change and choose your handwriting for yourself and by yourself. With the help of the site Centr-CRM - one of the best sites on the topic of self-development!

List of bad habits, a list of habits that need to be refused

1. Tolerate what you do not like.
2. Communicate with people who kill your self-esteem
3. Think about what others will say.
4. Trying to keep everything under control.
5. Fly for the flow and choose the path of least resistance.
6. Hold your opinion and all feelings with you.
7. Fee to risk.
8. Think only about others, and not about yourself.
9. Try to please all.
10. Forget about loved ones and parents.
11. Conduct all free time in four walls.
12. Constantly hurry.
13. Condemn yourself.
14. Fight errors.
15. Talking "I can not" and tune myself for failure.
16. Compare yourself with others.
17. Calculate on the past.
18. Think only about the future.
19. Complaining life.
20. To keep offense.
21. Buy and store unnecessary things.
22. Do all yourself.
23. Trying to be perfect.
24. Shift responsibility on others.
25. To give promises that you can not hold back.
26. Think of bad.
27. Stretch.
28. Repeat your errors.
29. Enforce.
30. frown.