With the coming mushroom pore Hunters for these gifts rush into the forests. Some people prefer redheads; some people prefer boletus or russula, boletus or boletus, but White mushroom I want to find almost everyone. Therefore, all mushroom pickers want to know how to properly look for the places where porcini mushrooms grow and by what signs they can be identified.

It is important to understand and be able to determine the time when the mycelium is ready to produce the greatest harvest, how to properly look for porcini mushrooms so that the search is crowned with success.

Before deciding where to collect porcini mushrooms, you should understand what this trophy looks like quiet hunt. There are several main versions, but they all agree on one thing: this mushroom is popularly called white because it does not change its color when processed. In nature, mushrooms are called boletus mushrooms, and they grow mainly in colonies.

Experts say that their appearance directly depends on where this porcini mushroom grows.

  1. Birch mushroom is different in that it can grow singly or in groups. They often grow in birch forests and are distinguished by the fact that the cap is white or light yellow in color, and the leg is pale brown. Unlike other species, this mushroom can be distinguished by a characteristic light mesh near the cap.
  2. The oak species is large in size and is located mainly near oak plantings. The stem of this mushroom has a coffee tint or other light brown tones and a velvety skin. A brown mesh covers the entire stem of the mushroom.
  3. The pine species differs from others in its bright color and impressive size: The cap reaches up to 20 cm in diameter and has a red wine color. The leg is painted olive color, covered with a red mesh.

Depending on the forest in which porcini mushrooms grow, their appearance changes. Experienced mushroom pickers also know how to correctly determine the beginning mushroom season and hunting specifically for this variety.

The porcini mushroom itself is a capricious species. For its qualitative and quantitative growth, special conditions are required that take into account its increased sensitivity to weather changes and other climatic parameters. This little king loves shade and moisture, and is suspicious of straight sun rays and drought.

Time and location of boletus mushrooms

Borovik has rightfully taken the position of king of mushrooms and, like a real titled person, does not like to attract attention to himself. Perhaps this is why the answer to the question of where to look for them has many variations, except for one: never look for porcini mushrooms in open, steppe areas.

  1. Boletuses grow on almost all continents, with the only exceptions being Australia and Antarctica. This king especially prefers areas where there are mosses, lichens, loamy or sandy soils.
  2. In a pine, spruce or birch forest, the porcini mushroom is a frequent resident, especially if it old forest. In addition, in these places, boletus mushrooms mainly grow not singly, but in entire colonies, which attracts experienced mushroom pickers who want to collect whole baskets of forest gifts.
  3. Ecologists argue that the more remote the forest area is from settlements, the greater the likelihood of encountering a good fungus that has not absorbed toxic waste and chemical decomposition products. You can safely eat such gifts without fear of harming your health.

Spruce and pine trees, under which last year's and the year before last's needles lie in a thick carpet, often serve as an indicator that porcini mushrooms grow in this particular forest.

When is the best time to collect boletus mushrooms?

Even children know that spring and winter are absolutely unsuitable seasons for quiet hunting. That is why experienced mushroom pickers We are looking forward to the summer time, when we can pick mushrooms after the first warm rainy days.

The answer to the question of when to collect porcini mushrooms depends on the area in which the hunter is going to do it. There is no definite answer, but, according to many years of observations, it was concluded that in June this type of vegetable protein is already present in the forests.

  1. An indicator that boletus mushrooms can already be found in the forests is, first of all, the weather. After warm rains against the backdrop of stable warmth, you can safely go wandering through the forests, since the king of mushrooms is most likely already waiting for the first amateur mushroom pickers.
  2. IN autumn time You can also find such mushrooms, but the likelihood that they will be edible is too low. Such gifts grow very quickly; in 10 days they can outgrow their taste. In addition to humans, this mushroom is also favored by ants, worms and other insects, which is why it quickly becomes damaged by them and, accordingly, unsuitable for food.
  3. If the street is consistently humid and warm weather, then this mushroom is in the forests from June to October, provided there are no early frosts. But the best time to collect boletus mushrooms is July and August, when summer rains give way to warm, hot days.

In dry summers, they look for this mushroom closer to the trees, where they hide in the shade from the scorching arid rays of the sun. During the wet season summer season on the contrary, it willingly grows on open area, because it loves moisture, air and cloudy weather.

Collection rules

In order to be guaranteed to get a delicious forest trophy, it is important to follow the basic rules of collection. It is not enough to simply understand where it is best to look for boletus; it is also worth knowing and taking into account the time of day when this can be done productively and efficiently.

  1. You should come for mushrooms after sunrise, since at this time of day they are most visible and practically do not hide from the hunter.
  2. Particular care should be taken to inspect the soil with admixtures of sand and loam, and non-flooded areas.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to small specimens with a cap diameter of no more than 4 cm. It is believed that this species is the most optimal for consumption, moreover, insects do not have time to penetrate it and do not spoil it from the inside.
  4. The found mushroom is cut off carefully, avoiding damage to the mycelium. In the absence of a cutting tool, it is allowed to carefully twist the mushroom.
  5. The trophy is examined and cleaned of possible pests if it is not possible to select whole mushrooms at once.
  6. If the trophy has a small or standard leg, then it is placed in the basket with the cap down. Mushrooms with long stems should be carefully placed on their sides.
  7. It is not advisable to take specimens that are too large and overripe for processing; it is better to leave them on the ground.
  8. Healthy boletus mushrooms are not afraid of frost, so small and strong mushrooms can be taken even after the first frost.

Collected mushrooms require processing within the next ten hours, otherwise they will lose some of their beneficial and taste qualities.

When collecting boletus mushrooms, it is also important to take into account the fact that in nature there is Not edible mushroom called false white. This species differs from its healthy brother in its strong bitterness, so experienced mushroom pickers not only know how to distinguish it by appearance, but also due to strong bitterness.

Mushroom pickers also advise that when collecting boletus mushrooms, take into account the peculiarities of the local fauna: this mushroom willingly coexists with blueberries, lingonberries, and heather. It does not ignore porcini mushrooms and anthills, but at the same time has an absolutely negative attitude towards ravines. Therefore, when searching for the king of mushrooms, it is recommended to safely avoid ravines.

In which forest to collect porcini mushrooms?

The white mushroom, also known as the boletus mushroom, grows in a variety of forests, but it is not so easy to find. Among conifers and deciduous trees he prefers proximity to birch, oak, pine and spruce. The age of the trees should be as old as possible: more than 50 years; pine forest can be younger - 20-25 years.

Most porcini mushrooms are found in well-lit and sun-warmed meadows, but they also grow in the shade of dense crowns.

The soil

Boletus grows well in moist, but not swampy soil; it loves moss and lichen coverings. Pine forest with sandy soil – Here's the best place to pick porcini mushrooms.

Temperature and weather

The best temperature for the growth of porcini mushrooms: 15-18 °C in summer and 8-10 °Cat the beginning of autumn. Favorable conditions– moderately dry weather, without prolonged rains, and no sudden temperature changes. Porcini mushrooms love brief thunderstorms and warm, foggy nights.


The porcini mushroom grows not only in Russian forests, but throughout the world, except Australia. It is found even beyond the Arctic Circle. But the forests where to collect porcini mushrooms It’s a pleasure, they have a flat topography; the boletus disappears in the steppes and mountains.

Season: when to pick porcini mushrooms

In moderate climatic zone The boletus bears fruit from mid-June to the end of September, although sometimes it appears briefly in May. In more warm regions can grow quietly until October.

Answer the question briefly and clearly where to collect porcini mushrooms, impossible. To get your hands on one and enjoy this fragrant forest delicacy in the middle of winter, you will have to do a good “hunt.” But it's worth it!

Porcini- This is a large and strong dense mushroom. Belongs to the boletus genus, to the Boletaceae family. It is a tubular mushroom. There are quite a few names for porcini mushrooms. These include the yellowbird, pan, capercaillie, granny boletus, cow and others. But there are not many types of these mushrooms. They are rightfully considered the masters of the forest and are very popular among mushroom pickers.

Its shape resembles a barrel. But in the process of growth it can acquire a narrowed or expanded shape.

The stem of a porcini mushroom can reach an average of 10-12 cm in height (there are mushrooms with a stem height of up to 20-25 centimeters), the thickness of the stem is about 10 cm. It looks like a tuber near the ground, and then stretches out. It is thicker at the bottom, thinner at the top. Sometimes it has a thickening in the middle.

The cap of porcini mushrooms is round, the bottom of the cap is white. The flesh of the mushroom is white. The mushroom has a pronounced pleasant smell. The size of the mushroom directly depends on weather conditions. On average, it can reach a weight of 0.5 to 1.5 kg. But this is not the limit. There have been cases when mushrooms weighing up to 6 kg were found.

Where do porcini mushrooms grow?

The growing areas for porcini mushrooms are very extensive. Depending on the name of the mushroom (white birch mushroom and white pine mushroom) they are found in both conifers and deciduous forests.

Grows in forest areas throughout European territory. It even grows in the tundra, next to dwarf birch. Found in the Caucasus and taiga. This mushroom can be found in North America.

Where do porcini mushrooms grow?? It is found almost throughout Finland, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and Belarus. The eastern parts of this country are richest in these mushrooms.

It gets along well with almost all tree species, mainly in oak, pine, and birch forests, but experienced mushroom pickers know that the porcini mushroom never grows next to larch, despite the fact that it is quite widespread in Russia.

Grows well in sandy soils. It usually grows in groups, less often alone.

White mushroom nutritional properties

The porcini mushroom has gained great popularity due to its excellent taste and great variety ways of preparing it. The porcini mushroom is also the record holder for the presence of Manganese.

And there are a lot of ways to prepare these mushrooms, ranging from marinations and pickles, consumption in dried form, and consumption without lengthy, additional processing. At proper preparation porcini mushroom has delicious taste qualities. You can give a hundred recipes for dishes that can be prepared from these mushrooms.

Beneficial properties of porcini mushroom

I would like to stop separately and talk about the benefits of porcini mushroom in the field of medicine, and what properties this mushroom has.

Porcini mushroom contains many useful substances and belongs to the first category mushrooms. This means that it is absorbed in the human body better than any other mushrooms.

Porcini– an excellent source of proteins that our body needs so much. Its healing properties and the enzymes contained in these mushrooms are used to improve metabolism, in case of loss of strength, and to treat tuberculosis.

Porcini mushrooms contain sufficient amounts of riboflavin. This substance is responsible for the functions thyroid gland.

Porcini mushrooms have anti-infective and wound-healing abilities.

Porcini mushrooms contain ergothioneine, which supports cell regeneration processes, which is used for eye and skin diseases.

For the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, and a host of other diseases that porcini mushrooms help us fight. It must be said that everything medicinal properties, which porcini mushrooms possess, have not yet been fully studied by science.

Dangerous properties of porcini mushrooms

But with all our useful qualities Porcini mushrooms also have dangerous properties. What should you consider when collecting mushrooms and preparing them?

The disadvantage is the ability of mushrooms to absorb (gather) from environment toxic substances which are harmful to our body.

Therefore, when picking mushrooms (any), you should avoid places near industrial areas and busy highways.

White mushroom (lat. Boletus edulis) is a type of fungus that belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Boletaceae, family Boletaceae, . This is the most colorful representative of the mushroom kingdom. The abbreviated name of the mushroom is simply “white”, some call it boletus. Even inexperienced mushroom pickers easily recognize the “forest celebrity” and fill their baskets with it.

Why is the porcini mushroom called white?

The white mushroom got its name in ancient times, when mushrooms were often dried rather than fried or stewed. The marbled pulp of the porcini mushroom, even after heat treatment and drying, remains perfectly white. People noticed this feature and called the mushroom dark hat exactly white. Another version of the name is associated with the contrast of the porcini mushroom with the less tasty and less valuable “black” mushrooms, the flesh of which darkens when cut.

White mushroom - description and photo, characteristics and properties


All mushrooms of the boletus genus have a strikingly delicate aroma and piquant taste.
The brownish-brown cap of a mature porcini mushroom grows on average to 7-30 centimeters in diameter. But in certain latitudes, subject to heavy rains and mild temperature regime Porcini mushrooms with a cap diameter of 50 centimeters also appear.

Determining the age of a mushroom is quite simple: the cap of a young porcini mushroom has an almost artistically designed convex shape, while overripe mushrooms are flatter, sometimes even prostrate in appearance. The surface of the porcini mushroom cap in most cases has a pleasant to the touch, slightly velvety texture; the upper skin is tightly connected to the pulp, so it is difficult to separate from it. In dry and windy weather, the cap becomes covered with a network of small but deep wrinkles or cracks, which leads to damage to the internal pores of the mushroom. IN rainy weather a thin film of mucus can be seen on the top of the cap. The color of the porcini mushroom cap can vary - from reddish-brown to almost milky white. How older mushroom, the darker and denser the cap becomes, and the skin acquires a characteristic roughness.


The pulp of a ripe porcini mushroom is dense, juicy and mostly fleshy, with an attractive white color. In old mushrooms, it turns into a fibrous structure, the shade of the pulp acquires a slightly yellow or light beige tone.


The height of the leg of the porcini mushroom is small, on average reaching 12 centimeters, but you can also meet “tall” representatives, the leg of which reaches 25 centimeters in height. The diameter of the leg is 7 cm, less often – 10 cm. Distinctive feature porcini mushroom is the shape of its stem: it is barrel-shaped or club-shaped, over time in old mushrooms it becomes cylindrical, slightly elongated in the center and thick at the base and cap. Its color varies from white to deep brown, sometimes with dark red spots. There are porcini mushrooms, the colors of the caps and legs of which are almost completely identical. Often, at the base of the cap, the stem has a network of light, thin veins, sometimes almost indistinguishable against the main background of the skin.

Blanket and spore powder

There are no remains of the porcini mushroom’s cover – the base of the stem is perfectly clean.
The spore powder is a juicy olive-brown hue, the spores of porcini mushrooms themselves are shaped like a spindle, their dimensions are amazingly tiny: 15.5 x 5.5 microns. The tubular layer is light, then turns yellow, acquiring an olive green hue.

Where do porcini mushrooms grow?

Porcini mushrooms grow on all continents, with the exception of Australia, which is too dry and cold Antarctica. It is found throughout Europe, Northern and South America, in Mexico, in the territories of China, Japan and in northern regions Mongolia, in North Africa, in the British Isles, in the Caucasus, Kamchatka, Far East, in the middle and southern latitudes of Russia. Very often, porcini mushrooms can be found in the northern taiga, in the European part of Russia and in the Far East.

When and in what forests do porcini mushrooms grow?

The growth cycle of porcini mushrooms is very variable and depends on the place of growth. Porcini mushrooms begin to grow in May or June, and the abundant appearance of mushroom islands ends late autumn– in October-November (in warm regions). IN northern regions the white mushroom grows from June to September, and mass gathering begins in the second half of August. Growth phase white boletus quite long: in only a full week he reaches mature age. Mushrooms grow in families or ring colonies, so meeting even one porcini mushroom in the forest often promises sure success for a mushroom picker.

Porcini mushrooms grow in both coniferous and deciduous or mixed forests under trees such as spruce, pine, oak, birch, hornbeam, fir. Porcini mushrooms can be collected in places covered with moss and lichen, on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils, but these mushrooms rarely grow on swamp soils and peat bogs. White mushroom loves sunlight, but it can also grow in dark areas. The mushroom grows poorly when the soil is waterlogged and daily air temperatures are low. Whites rarely grow in the tundra and forest-tundra, forest-steppe, and in steppe regions whites are not found at all.

Types of porcini mushrooms, names and photos

Among porcini mushrooms, the following varieties are considered the most famous:

  • Porcini mushroom (net boletus) (lat.Boletus reticulatus )

Edible mushroom. It looks similar in appearance, has a cap of brown or ocher color, sometimes with an orange tint, located on a short cylindrical stem. The mesh on the mushroom stem is white or brown. The cap has a diameter of 6-30 cm. The flesh is white.

The reticulated porcini mushroom is found in beech, oak, hornbeam, and chestnut forests of Europe, North America and Africa, in Transcaucasia. Occurs in June-September, but not too often.

  • White mushroom dark bronze (copper, hornbeam) (bronze boletus) (lat. boletus aereus)

An edible type of porcini mushroom, it is distinguished by a very dark brown color of the cap and stem - sometimes they are almost black. On the leg there is a mesh, first white, then walnut. The leg has a cylindrical shape. The flesh of the bronze porcini mushroom is white, does not change color when cut, is dense, with a pleasant smell and taste.

The dark bronze porcini mushroom can be found in oak, beech, oak-hornbeam forests from July to October, and is common in western and southern countries Europe, often found in the United States.

  • White birch mushroom (spike mushroom) (lat. Boletus betulicol a )

A special feature of the species is its very light, almost White color caps, which reach 5-15 cm in diameter. Less commonly, its color has a slightly creamy or light yellow tint. The stem of the mushroom is barrel-shaped, white-brown in color, and has a white mesh in its upper part. When cut, the mushroom does not turn blue; the flesh of the mushroom is white.

It grows exclusively under birch trees and is found throughout its habitat, where there are birch forests and groves, along roads and on the edges. Fruits from June to October singly or in groups. It often grows throughout Russia, as well as in Western Europe.

  • White pine mushroom (pine mushroom, boletus pine-loving) (lat. Boletus pinophilus)

A type of porcini mushroom with a large, dark-colored cap, sometimes with a purple tint. The cap has a diameter of 6-30 cm. The flesh of the mushroom under the thin skin of the cap has a brownish-red color; in the stem it is white and does not turn blue when cut. The stem of the mushroom is thick, short, white or brown in color, and has a light brown or reddish mesh.

White pine mushroom grows in pine forests on sandy soils and in the mountains, less often in spruce and deciduous forests, found everywhere: in Europe, Central America, Russia (in northern regions European part, in Siberia).

  • White oak mushroom (lat. Boletus edulis f. quercicola)

A mushroom with a brown cap, but not with a brownish, but with a gray tint, sometimes light spots are “scattered” on the cap. The pulp of this species is loose and less dense than that of other white varieties.

Oak porcini mushroom can be found in the oak forests of the Caucasus and Primorsky Krai; it is often found in middle lane Russia and its southern territories.

  • White spruce mushroom (lat. Boletus edulis f. edulis)

The most common type of porcini mushroom. The leg is elongated and has a thickening at the bottom. The mesh reaches a third or half of the leg. The hat has a brown, reddish or chestnut color.

The spruce porcini mushroom grows in fir and spruce forests in Russia and Europe, except Iceland. The white mushroom appears in June and bears fruit until autumn.

Beneficial properties of porcini mushrooms, vitamins and minerals

Due to its high mineral content, porcini mushroom is one of the most popular and healthy mushrooms. What are the benefits of porcini mushroom?

  • First of all, the pulp of the porcini mushroom contains the optimal amount Selena, capable of curing cancer in the early stages.
  • Ascorbic acid, which is contained in white, is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs.
  • The aromatic, delicious white pulp contains calcium, vital for the human body iron, and phytohormones, allowing to reduce inflammatory processes in organism.
  • Riboflavin, which is part of the porcini mushroom, helps normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also improves the growth of hair and nails.
  • B vitamins contained in white have a beneficial effect on nervous system, energy metabolism, memory and brain function, protect skin and mucous membranes from infections, are responsible for sound sleep, good mood and appetite.
  • Lecithin porcini mushroom is beneficial for atherosclerosis and anemia, helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
  • The value of porcini mushroom also lies in the presence B-glucan, an antioxidant that protects immune system human and fights fungi, viruses and bacteria.
  • Ergothioneine as part of porcini mushroom, it stimulates the renewal of body cells, and is also beneficial for the kidneys, liver, eyes, and bone marrow.
  • The porcini mushroom also perfectly stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.

Porcini mushroom is low-calorie, consists of 90% water, is perfect for drying, it is fried and stewed, and pickled for future use in the winter. The taste of the cooked pulp is unusually soft; immediately after cleaning, it emits an attractive mushroom smell, which only intensifies after heat treatment. The white mushroom has the strongest aroma after proper drying when the pulp gradually loses moisture.

Any mushroom is quite difficult for human digestion. But it is dried porcini mushrooms that are most accessible for digestion, since in dried form, the human body absorbs up to 80% of porcini mushroom proteins. This is the form of the mushroom that nutritionists recommend.

Harm of porcini mushroom

Porcini mushroom is an edible mushroom, but it can also cause poisoning in several cases:

  1. Porcini mushroom contains chitin, which is difficult for children, pregnant women, and people with diseases to digest. digestive system and kidneys. Even porcini mushroom broth can lead to exacerbations.
  2. Porcini mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, accumulate toxic heavy metals contained in the soil. That is why you need to be careful and under no circumstances collect mushrooms growing within the city or near industrial enterprises, landfills, waste, near highways.
  3. Third reason feeling unwell when consuming porcini mushrooms – this is the occurrence allergic reaction for fungal spores.
  4. And, of course, poisoning can result from the consumption of poisonous and dangerous double white mushroom, which is called gall mushroom or bitter.

The simplest advice for people who do not understand mushrooms and may confuse a porcini mushroom with a gall mushroom is not to collect mushrooms that turn blue (pink, red) when cut and have a bitter taste!

False porcini mushroom (gall mushroom). How to distinguish a white mushroom from a false one?

  • Pulp

One of the main differences between porcini mushroom and false gall mushroom is the color of the cut. When cut, the flesh of the gall fungus darkens and becomes pinkish-brown. The pulp of the porcini mushroom does not change color and remains white.

  • Leg

The gall mushroom has a rather bright mesh-like pattern on its stalk, which the edible porcini mushroom does not have.

  • Hymenophore

The tubular layer of the false porcini mushroom is pinkish in color, while that of the true porcini mushroom is white or yellow.

Tubular layer of porcini mushroom

  • Taste

The false white mushroom is bitter, unlike the edible white mushroom. Moreover, the bitter taste of the gall fungus does not change when boiling or frying, but may decrease when pickling due to the addition of vinegar.

Read about the poisonous false porcini mushroom.

False white mushroom

The porcini mushroom has long been considered the king among all mushrooms. People call it differently: boletus, cow-cow, cow-shed, bear-crawler, pechura, cow, belovik. Even when there is a lot in the forest different mushrooms Each mushroom picker tries to collect as many boletus mushrooms as possible into his basket. This edible mushroom is so popular due to its irresistible appearance and excellent taste.

The stocky, strong king of the forest, the porcini mushroom, has a velvety, brown cap. It grows in spruce and pine forests. The mushroom has a chestnut-brown cap. The flesh of the cap is strong and has a pleasant smell. Its shape is round and convex; when broken, it retains its white color after a while. The mushroom cap is spongy below and smooth on top. In a young boletus, the tubular layer of the cap is white, in a mature one it is yellowish. The diameter of the cap is 25 cm. The leg is strong and thick. Near the ground it is often wider than in the upper part and has a light, thin mesh. In mushrooms that grow in shaded areas it is long. The thickness of the leg reaches 10cm, and the height is on average 12cm. The weight of a porcini mushroom is 200 g, but giants weighing up to 7 kg are found in nature.

Where does the king of mushrooms grow and when is the best time to go hunting for it? You can go to the forest for boletus from the beginning of June until mid-September. It is in these months after the rain that a “wave” of boletus growth occurs. The porcini mushroom is not always visible to the mushroom picker. It often hides in mosses, behind decaying brushwood or in fallen leaves.

Boletus loves to grow next to pine, birch, spruce, oak, beech and hornbeam. It can be found in birch forests and even near juniper thickets.

Porcini mushrooms prefer to grow when it is warm and humid. It can often be found in a lighted place on a sun-warmed lawn, in a sparse forest, on old paths overgrown with grass, on the edge, near clearings.

Having seen a porcini mushroom and taken it into a basket, do not rush to go far from this place. Look around carefully and see if there are any other boletus mushrooms nearby. Porcini mushrooms always grow in families. Sometimes in pine forests up to 19 porcini mushrooms were found in one place. In birch groves they sometimes form a family of 5 to 40 pieces.

In addition to trees, there are other noticeable details in nature that indicate the close proximity of the porcini mushroom. Red fly agaric, anthills and white grass are the most noticeable companions of the boletus mushroom.
Thus, having some knowledge, you can significantly increase the efficiency of searching for porcini mushrooms.

Elena Pozdnyakova