With the arrival of warm days, after heavy spring rains, the season for collecting mushrooms opens. Maslenok occupies a popular place in the circle of nutritious delicacies. Edible mushroom is used to prepare fragrant soups, delicious filling, and also fry and marinate.

To avoid unpleasant curiosities, not to be mistaken during the mushroom hunting and correctly identify the fungus, you should familiarize yourself with the description and main distinguishing features of the oil.


Mycologists (specialists in mushrooms) share all mushrooms into three groups:

  • tubular (caps consist of tiny tubes);
  • lamellar (wives in the form of plates);
  • temporary (disputes in storage-bags).

Oils belong to the tubular type. The hat is a sponge consisting of thin tubes, inside of which - disputes. Maslenka tubes, varied in the color range: from white to yellowish-brown.

The young mushroom hat has a hemispherical shape, a feet of the ring with a fringe. At older - a prostrated hat with bent edges, and the ring on the leg is almost imperceptible. If you cut the pulp, it will acquire a light blue.

Where is the oilbox grow?

Traditionally, the oils form mikurizu with some breeds of pines and larchs. Please note that the favorite places of this family are:

  • young coniferous landing;
  • solar edges and glade;
  • sideways of the forest road;
  • separate coniferous trees;
  • places after a fiction.

There are about 40 varieties of oil in the world. They are common in coniferous forests of the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, in the Far East, in Ukraine and Belarus. Some species are known in Australia and Africa. Mushroom prefers fruit on light sandy soils with limestone and organic matter.

A false mushroom is poisonous, can cause intestinal poisoning, has a bitter unpleasant taste. To avoid trouble, you should know how this kind looks like, familiarize yourself with the distinguished signs of a false mushroom from ordinary, present. The main difference of edible butters and false is the appearance.

If dangerous mushrooms met, it is necessary to immediately sharpen their attention on the color and structure of the Hats. The ordinary oil brown hat oil covered with a white film, which bursts, remains on the feet of a mushroom in the shape of a ring. In the pepper (false) oilbox, a pale purple hat with a yellow-cream inner surface.

Note: Internal tubes of false oils, a little more than the edible.

Oilly ordinary

The most common and popular in our region is an autumn or ordinary oil. The hat has a semi-shaped shape with a tubercle in the middle. Brown leather, less often olive shades.

Juicy flesh and tubular layer - yellow shades. A solid leg with a white cover at the Hat, and the old oil it becomes dark brown. The height of the legs of the autumnal oil reaches 10 cm.

The view can be found under the pines, in mixed forests next door to raw materials and white mushrooms. Sand soil with good drainage and heavy rains will delight mushrooms with harvest. Maslenok ordinary fruits from July to October. The optimal temperature for fruiting is the indicator of +18 degrees, at -3 degrees, the development stops.

Larch oils

A ball with a diameter to 10 cm, not separated from the leg. Over time, it becomes a hemispherical shape. Young butter adhesive and mucous meal caps. Uneven distribution of color-from cream to orange. Thick pulp with a thin mushroom fragrance has a yellow shade.

The cylindrical leg with a height of 5-7cm, up to 2 cm thick, a little twisted. It is clearly visible to the remnants of light covers, the flesh is tougher and darker than the hats. When cut, the pulp becomes pink. Copies of this species are most often developing under larch, but they are not rarely fruit and under the fir. The collection of larch Massee takes place from the second decade of June to mid-September.

Granular oil

Oil grainy prefers lime soils of coniferous forests. This species is found in the North Caucasus. A convex hat of young oils, with age becomes flat. Chocolate skin is fading, acquires a gray shade. The yellow leg does not change the color and has no rings like other species.

On the granular mushroom hat, much less mucus. At the edges of the tubes of young butter, you can see the droplets of a white liquid.

Massel red-red

Representatives of the species are distributed in the territory of Altai forests. Forming mycorrhizu at the roots of larch. Young oils have light orange with a semicircular shape hat.

Porous yellow paint tubes with supports. Orange leg narrowed to bottom and top. Lemon flesh on a break becomes red. The flesh is slightly sour taste. Fruit from July to the end of October.

Mushroom signs

Any mushroom has its own magic word for a hike in the forest. Who reads prayers, and who is mushroom sentences. In the Smolensk region, so far the deforest, before going for harvest, throw the basket up.

If it gets to the bottom - it's to the mushrooms, and if the bottom is the bottom - sit at home. In the Kaluga region there is a sign that in the forest can not sing songs, and then all mushrooms will scatter.

Useful properties of oils

Larch species are widely used in folk medicine. Its substances perfectly cope with gout attacks, as well as remove headaches.

  1. It is necessary to collect young oils, with a diameter of up to 4 cm, no more (worms are hardened in old individuals, and they also have a loose structure).
  2. Finding one maslin, look for near and others.
  3. Cut the mushroom should be neat with a knife so as not to damage the fragile fungal.
  4. When cleaning, medical thin gloves should be applied, since the brown matter of mushrooms is entrusted with the skin and is poorly mounted (more detailed information about the proper cleaning of the oil you can learn.

See video review Mushroom types Oil:

In nature, there are so-called "twin mushrooms", similar to their useful and delicious tribesmen, but not actually. How to distinguish the photos of false oils from edible? There are several simple tips that will help both beginners and experienced fans of a quiet hunting. Do not bring a product in Lukushka, able to cause a serious disorder of digestive and other organism systems.

Everyone knows the most dangerous mushrooms in the world, which when hitting the basket can spoil the entire harvest, assembled in the forest. It is an amicer and pale custodia. They are deadly, and often cause lethal outcomes. But there are less famous representatives of species growing in the forest.

For example, mushrooms, in appearance resembling chanterelles, oil and other popular varieties. They are usually not so dangerous as the aforementioned views with a high level of toxicity. But their use can lead to a violation of the liver function, digestive system, metabolic processes in the body. In general, after their eating, a significant food disorder is provided.

These include false oils, how to distinguish them in the photo from edible will be described further. They are very similar to mushrooms suitable for use. Representatives of false oils have a pleasant shade of a hat, a thick durable leg, even a mucous film, almost the same as in ordinary oils. But, nevertheless, these mushrooms are completely different.

The main difference is the structure of the Hat. In ordinary oil, it has a tubular structure. That is, under the hat there are minor pores, passing throughout its thickness to the very top. False oils belong to lamellar mushrooms, if you look under the hat, it will resemble an umbrella.

The novice mushroom is important to know that tubular mushrooms are extremely rarely poisonous, the bulk of toxic representatives accounts for lamellar varieties. Because if there is doubt about whether the mushroom liked is worth it in the basket, first of all you need to look at the hat.

Varieties of Oily

In nature there are about 50 varieties of oil. They differ in appearance, taste quality and place of growth. The most famous in Russia are the following varieties:

  • white;
  • cedar;
  • siberian;
  • swamp;
  • yellow-brown.

The most famous of them - the autumn oils growing almost throughout the country. Their name is due to active growth at the beginning and middle of autumn. The upper part of their cap has a brown color of different shades, leg and lower part of a light yellow cap or beige, depending on the age of the oilbox.

A characteristic feature of this species is the presence of a skirt forming a white bedspread under a hat. Over time, it cracks and departs. The leg has a cylindrical shape and a rough surface. There are no such features from false oils.

Where the oils grow

Mushrooms are quite common for Russia. They can be found in both deciduous and pine forests. Often, the masolok is found in landings and on the fields located near the wooded terrain.

The most optimal soil is sandstone and loose, clay soil. The oils do not like too darkened places, therefore they are difficult to meet in old, densely overgrown forests. Often together with them grow and similar to edible - false oils. They look almost the same, but have a hat with a small funnel and a lamellar structure.

Collect butters easily and quickly, they grow small families, in which you can see both large and very small mushrooms. If you get to the "mushroom" place, in a short period of time you can recruit a large amount of fragrant, delicious mushrooms.

Growing periods

This species loves moisture, which means it grows after the rains, especially - in the period when sunny weather came after cooling. Ripening of mushrooms begins with June and to the most frosts. But if the summer was hot with a small amount of rain - the butter in the forest will be rare. This species loves a moderate, mild climate and a sufficient amount of moisture.

When choosing an oil, it is worth remembering that small specimens, the diameter of the caps of which does not exceed four centimeters, much more tastier oversized oils. They have a delicate texture and sweet taste with a pronounced mushroom fragrance. It is better to leave older copies on the spot, in this they will have time to throw pores, after which the number of mushrooms in their wrestling will increase significantly.

How to recognize false oils

False mushrooms can easily determine their photos and descriptions, even though they have a certain similarity with edible. There are several obvious signs that displays the "twins" of classic oils:

  • the inner surface of the Hats I have a plate structure;
  • the upper surface is gray with a light purple tint, in real oils it has a brown color;
  • the ring on the leg, or skirt, in false oils of white or light-purple color, usually dries quickly and hangs on the leg.

This plate has classic oils has a purple shade and still rests on the leg, forming a film under the hat. One of the main features, due to which the false maslin is often confused with edible, is the oily surface of the mushroom. But this factor exactly should not be guided during a quiet hunting.

Important! After cooking, the false masona will also differ from edible: his taste will not be so pleasant, it can feel clear bitterness and shaggy. The structure will be more rigid and spongy.

If the total portion came, at least one such mushroom, all the dish should be thrown away. But it is not worth it to do this: if someone has already managed to eat a poisonous copy, perhaps mushrooms will also be needed to analyze the poisoning source.

Than dangerous false oils

Mushrooms, similar to ordinary edible oils, although there are poisonous, but such a phenomenon is quite rare. Usually they have a low level of toxicity. The eating of false oils, as a rule, leads to such consequences:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • general malaise;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • in some cases, an increase in body temperature.

Important! It should also be remembered that any poisoning, even minor, adversely affects the liver function.

What to do in cases of poisoning with false oils

If after eating the cooked mushrooms you felt, at least one of the above symptoms, you should need to make the following actions:

  • immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital item on their own;
  • before the arrival of the doctors need to rinse the stomach;
  • if the victim is observed signs of dehydration - it is necessary to give him strong, sweet tea.

But, you should not wait for the negative consequences of eating toxic fungi. Better specimens, causing you at least the slightest suspicions, leave in the forest or throw away instead of chambering for their number.

During the period of autumn warm days and rainy weather in the forests and armor, the mushrooms collect different types of fungi to their table.

Oils are ordinary

Oily - This is the name of the whole and quite large genus of tubular fungi. The name is given because all his representatives have slippery and oily cap. This feature allows you to distinguish with oil from other types of mushrooms. The varieties of the Great set are, but most often in domestic forests and armor there is an autumn oven, and a rarest-rare-oil is growing in dumbers. This mushroom is not poisonous, but it tastes taste and therefore it is necessary to taste in boiling water before use for the preparation of dishes and snacks. In the photo presented below, you can see these types of oil.

Maslenok - Mushroom delicious in grilled, pickled and salty form. He is good in soups, pies and salads. Thanks to the taste quality of the oil, they are valuable prey for any fan of "quiet hunting", however, you need to know that in the forests, in addition to the oils of ordinary, there are also oils of false, which are forbidden to eat categorically. How to distinguish false oils from the edible mushroom - we will tell below.

Description and photo of an autumn ordinary oil

In order to learn how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous - you need to thoroughly study the description of specific species. Description of the Oil of the ordinary looks like this:

  • The mushroom hat has a pronounced shape of a hemisphere and small, but a distinct tubercle in the core itself
  • The color of the peel is brown, in a variety of sample variations. Less commonly there are oils with hats with grayish or olive. Flesh with a yellow tint and easy to separate from the outer skin
  • The correct cylindrical leg of the oilbox can reach the size of 10-11 centimeters

You can find oils in deciduous forests and pine bodies, less often in landings where cereal crops grow. The oils "love" sandy and limestone soils are growing by group, thanks to which the mushroom picker can quickly fill its tasty trophy basket. Often, oils grow next to other edible mushrooms - raws, boring and chanterelles. On the "hunt" for oils can be also walking in summer and late autumn.

How not to confuse a poisonous view with edible mushroom?

False oils are poisonous mushrooms, very similar to the Ollats are ordinary. However, it is possible to distinguish false mushrooms from edible species: you just need to remember how false oils looks like, and take care during the collection of mushroom harvest.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the hat: a poisonous oilbox has a light, but noticeable violet shade, and the pulp of the inside is bright yellow. The structure of the cap of the false masona is the spongy, but the Ollarka is edible it will be porous.

Close to the leg - the false oilboxes on it will be a noticeable ring of white, descending to almost the very base. And if you can resize the mushroom, then notice that his flesh is reddish and spongy. The oilball of the real pulp with a cut or breakfast color does not change, remaining pleasant color.

Finally: do not collect mushrooms in edible, which you are unsure. Poisoning poisons that are present in certain types of mushrooms can lead to the saddest consequences, including - and to death.

How to distinguish false oils from edible?

The answer to this question will give you any mushroom. Remember 2 colors that define false oils - purple and bright yellow. His hat has a purple shade, and the flesh of the fungus is bright yellow, and not pale. The rest of the tips we gave in the previous chapter. It is very easy to distinguish these mushrooms. The main thing is not to panic and responsibly refer to the collection. Well, you can add this page to bookmarks and will never be mistaken when collecting a forest harvest.

Pale refraining and amansor are known to everyone from early childhood. Drink them in food is dangerous for life. But besides well-known inedible mushrooms, there are double mushrooms, which are often difficult to distinguish from good, so they are called false. For example, false oils, it would seem, do not differ from the edible "fellow". A beginner mushroom with certain knowledge is difficult to find differences between them, so you can go to the "quiet hunting", but having experience.

The name of the mushroom fully justifies itself: an oily and slippery hat, has a semi-shaped shape with a small tuberculk in the middle.

Hat light brown, Yellow mushroom pulp, sticky skin is easily separated. Under the hat, you can notice the remains of the bedspread in the form of a ring.

The leg has yellow shade and smooth shapereminiscent of the cylinder. Height up to 12 cm, diameter - no more than 4 cm. The upper part of the leg is most often lighter than the lower.

Where and when growing

You can prepare oil and for the winter - pick them up. To do this will need:

  • 1 l of water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Salt.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Fragrant pepper peas (enough 8-10 peas).
  • 1 carnation.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Dry dill and bay leaf.
  • 2 kg oil.

Rinse in several waters and clean the mushrooms. Cook in a slightly salted water of 10 minutes. Add 3 drops of vinegar to the water. Pour the first water. Boil re-15 minutes with the addition of salt, sugar and spices. Then the oil is tightly put into the jar and pour marinade. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%. Marine mushrooms only in sterilized dishes, but stored in a cool place.

Oil - delicious and useful mushrooms. The main qualities of their quality are a unique composition and excellent taste. Dishes from them - a decent appetizer, which even true gourmets will appreciate.

Well, simply not on the planet of a person who would not hear about such a mushroom as ancoal. In addition to its attractive appearance, the masolok is very tasty, useful and grows on absolutely any soil, where and where and the cheerfulness. But, they have a significant drawback - the complexity in preparation. This is not a champignon that you can just throw in a pan and fry without prior heat treatment. Maslenok requires more delicate manipulations when cooking. Well, let's not run in advance.


Mikologists share all mushrooms for three types:

  1. Tubular (their hat consists of small tubes).
  2. Plate (Hats form plates).
  3. Temples (disputes are in special storage).

Mushrooms oils are just referring to the first appearance. The hat is a sponge, which forms a lot of small tubes. Inside the tubes are disputes. A young mushroom hat has a semicircular shape with a ring on the edge. The old mushroom has an open hat, and the ring on the leg barely noticeable. When you cut the mushroom, then its edges begin to shine slightly.

Edible types of Maslenkov

Oilly ordinary. This species is the most common in Russia. Hat flat with curved edges. The center creates a noticeable tubercle. Brown color.

The flesh is very juicy. Floor solid, white. The old mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits, the leg becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

There is a view of almost everywhere, but a favorite place, however, as for any fungus, is a coniferous area.

Ideal conditions for the development of the family of the form:

  1. Sand soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

Growing from July to October.

Masinka larch. It received its name due to the fact that it most often can be found in the habitat of larch. Mushroom edible, but the taste is simple, without any taste.

  1. A convex hat, which, when aging, acquires a more flat form. Its color is very bright. There may be fruits of bright yellow, orange, less often, dark brown shade.
  2. The flesh is dense, yellow shade. In case of damage to the young mushroom, its color does not change. If you damage more adult fruit, then she will acquire a pink or reddish tint.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, in thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white / yellow, less often brown.

Oil grainy. Also a very popular appearance. It has a pleasant taste. Unlike other oils, this species has no rings on the leg.

The main characteristics of the fungus:

  1. The hat is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather glitters in the sun. During the rain, the mushroom becomes slug. The color of the peel brown, yellow-orange, less frequently burgundy.
  2. The flesh is dense, yellow shade. It smells like a forest nut. When damaged, the color does not change.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical shape, light yellow. Old mushrooms closer to the root becomes dark brown. Such a shade of the leg acquires due to the fact that the fungus allocates juice. In height, it is not more than 8 centimeters, in the thickness of 1.5-2 cm. On the surface of the leg, there are often granular formations, because of which, in fact, the mushroom and got its name.

This is not all kinds of this mushroom. There are also others, however, less common in the territory of the Russian Federation. This is: white, yellow-brown, gray, american and marsh oil.

False mushroom

False maslin is a poisonous representative of a kind. After its use, an intestinal disorder can happen. By itself, he is very unpleasant to taste.

In order not to poison, it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance, because it is he who distinguishes a poisonous representative from edible.

Edible mushrooms have a yellow, brown hat. At false - dark purple.

How to cook

You have read the description of edible species, saw their photos, now it came to tell how to prepare this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of your favorite varieties for culinary. They love not only adults, but also children.

There is a lot of processing methods oil. They can marry, fry, cook. Below we describe the examples of various ways to prepare these "mucous yummy yum."


The soup of them is very light, lean. I eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To cook it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion onions.
  5. A pair of laurel sheets.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking recipe is extremely simple. It is also prepared as other soups. Potatoes are first cooked, spices, roasted onions and potatoes are added and roasted oil-made oils are added.


Recipes cooking pickled oils mass. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Paul liters of water.
  3. One tablespoon sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and fragrant pepper 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of carnations.
  8. 6% vinegar - 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 clove of garlic.

Oclay is pre-cleaned and well washed. Then they are boiled over 20 minutes in salted water. For mushrooms do not darken, a little citric acid can be added to the water.

After the mushrooms are welded, you need to prepare marinade. To do this, take a saucepan, all the above ingredients except garlic and vinegar are poured into it. They put it on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture is boiling, oil is added to it and boil them for 30 minutes. Five minutes before the removal of the pan from the fire, vinegar add to the marinade.

Then all this sorted by banks. Banks pre-sterilize. The banks are put on the bottom of the clove of garlic, and the marinade is poured on top to it.

How to fry oils

Roasting in sour cream

No one fries mushrooms just like that. It is not so tasty as a combination of mushrooms with some kind of suitable product, for example, with sour cream. Sour cream will make mushrooms fragrant and gentle.

To prepare such a dish, we will need 500 g of the oils themselves, 4 spoons of sour cream, 1 replied bulb, a bit of vegetable and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now proceed to cooking:

  1. The first thing to rinse the butter, cut into small pieces and negotiate for 7-10 minutes in the salted water.
  2. Cut onion with rings and fry it on vegetable oil before purchasing a golden color.
  3. We add mushrooms and fry them in a pan about 5 minutes on medium heat. We put a weak fire and add butter. Farm meals for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish in a frying pan and something for about 5 minutes.
  5. Dish is ready to feed on the table.

Fried oils with potatoes

This is a standard way to prepare fried mushrooms. For preparation we will need 400 g of oil, 500 g of potatoes, 1 replied beaches, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling mushrooms put them in a colander in order to make an excess juice with them. In the meantime, heat the oil in a pan. Next, begin to fry the oil. In the meantime, finely crumbled onions and add to the butter. Fry mushrooms with bow for 3 minutes.

Prepare potatoes. It can be frying in the same frying pan, in which mushrooms were preparing, or use the second. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. Fry it. 2-3 minutes before complete preparation, add mushrooms. Dish is ready to use.