Clear January day. The snow sparkling under the sun blinds the eyes, and there is such silence around, as if the whole world had plunged into a heavy, uninterrupted sleep. And this dream is guarded by formidable warriors - majestic Siberian cedars. Leonid Maksimovich Leonov compared this to an epic cliff rising in the middle of a green ocean, at the sight of which “the hat itself falls off your head with respect.” amazing tree. Scientific name his - Siberian pine. Real cedars - Lebanese, Himalayan, Atlas, Cypriot - grow in North Africa, the Himalayas, the Middle East and the island of Cyprus. These are powerful trees with very valuable, pleasantly smelling wood, on the shortened shoots of which there are 30-40 needles. Why is Siberian pine often called cedar? Yes, to become special, longevity, impressive size, aromatic wood: pioneers of Siberia and North America any tree with a pleasant smelling wood was called cedar in the simplicity of the heart.
Contemporary of A. S. Pushkin, expert Siberian forests, naturalist and local historian V. Dmitriev, in the article “Siberian Cedar” in 1818, enthusiastically wrote: “Glorify, places beloved by the sun, be proud, Lebanese heights, of your cedars: not seeing you in my fatherland on the motherland that belongs to Russia, I don’t dare and dignify you, but in my eyes the shady cedar of rich Siberia will not yield to you in its beauty and will replace you for me. What majesty is in the bearing of this tree, what a sacred shadow in the density of its forests!..”
Siberian pine is significantly different from Scots pine, although they are close relatives. One of the differences concerns the seeds: in Scots pine they are small, with wings, while in Siberian cedar they are the well-known nuts. Their color is brown, they are covered with a peel and a thin inner shell, under which there is a white oily core. A large cone contains more than a hundred seeds.
The second difference concerns the needles: cedar has longer needles that last longer on the tree, and there are 5 needles in one bunch, while Scots pine has two. Cedar is distinguished by a more powerful cone-shaped dark green crown. And he lives one and a half to two times longer - up to 800-850 years.
The height of Siberian pine is 35-43 meters. Its trunk is brown-gray; old trees have fissured bark. The shoots are yellow-brown, covered with long red hairs. Root system is formed depending on the nature of the soil and soil.
At the end of spring, the cedar pine becomes dusty and at this time looks especially elegant: the crimson-colored male spikelets are clearly visible against the background of dark green needles in the middle and lower parts of the crown. And at the top there are female cones, oval, purple, collected in 2-7 pieces at the terminal bud of the shoot. In plantings there are sometimes trees with only male spikelets. Pollination occurs with the help of wind. In September of the following year, cones with seeds ripen, the shape of which can be ovoid, elongated-ovate, cylindrical or cone-shaped. Outside, the seeds are covered with durable scales strung on a thick rod.
Siberian cedar is winter-hardy, thanks to which it reaches far to the north. Its artificial plantings can be found in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, in particular on the Solovetsky Islands, the island of Valaam.
At the same time, the Siberian giant is undemanding to the soil, successfully tolerates both excess and lack of moisture, but prefers areas with sufficient moisture, so it grows well at the sources and along river valleys.
Cedar pine plays an important role in natural complex Siberia. It has been established that the drainage in cedar trees is several times greater than in other forests. It is not surprising that waters filtered by cedar tracts supply Baikal with water and nourish powerful rivers Siberia - Ob, Yenisei, Lena.
In addition, Siberian pine forests reliably protect soils, especially mountainous ones, from erosion. Cedar tracts located on mountain slopes Southern Siberia, play vital role in the formation of biological and climatic processes. So, they are rich in all kinds of living creatures. In years of abundant seed harvests, the numbers of sable and squirrels increase sharply. Forest inhabitants- jays, nutcrackers, squirrels, chipmunks - have become smarter at deftly extracting nuts from cones. And the bears, holding the pine cone with their paw, tear off the scales with their fangs - the nuts are exposed and go into the mouth without interference.
The existence of 70 species of mammals, 200 species of birds, and many species of insects is associated with cedar trees. Special mention should be made about the nutcracker bird: by feeding on the seeds of the Siberian pine and making provisions for the winter, it contributes to the spread of the cedar. According to experts, if he did not have such a reliable partner, he would hardly be able to survive to this day.
People receive great benefits from this unique, beautiful tree. The well-known cedar balsam, used in instrument making, as well as turpentine, rosin, varnishes, and camphor are made from cedar resin.
Wood Siberian pine- straight-layered, lightweight, durable, easy to process, resistant to rotting, - used in the production of pencils, drawing boards, and musical instruments. The Germans were the first to discover the high resonant qualities of cedar wood. German trading companies that purchased cedar oil in Russia suddenly demanded that it be exported in containers made of cedar wood, and the thickness of the container boards was almost doubled. It later turned out that when the boxes of oil arrived in Germany, they were very carefully broken down and the cedar planks were sent to musical instrument factories. Thanks to this, trading companies selling cedar oil had a very significant additional income.
Cedar trees, releasing essential oils that have bactericidal properties, improve the health of the air and give it a refined aroma. In dishes made of cedar wood, milk does not turn sour for a long time, and in chests made of cedar planks, moths do not grow. Residents of the Cis-Ural region have long preferred Siberian pine for finishing their homes; the considerable thickness of the wood made it possible to obtain wide boards suitable for making solid doors. In many cities of Siberia and the Urals - Turinsk, Tyumen, Tobolsk, Tomsk - buildings decorated with intricate wooden laces carved from cedar boards have been preserved. And in one of the churches in Tobolsk, an iconostasis was built from cedar.
Cedar pine needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid, macro- and microelements. They make it out of it vitamin flour and carotene paste used in animal husbandry. A persistent brown dye is obtained from cedar bark, tannins are extracted, and thermal insulation boards are made.
But perhaps the most significant for humans are the seeds of the cedar pine, which are tasty and nutritious. They contain 60-70 percent of beautiful golden-yellow oil, which has nutritional and technical significance, up to 20 percent of protein, which is similar in amino acid composition to egg, about 12 percent of carbohydrates, a complex of vitamins, and a rich set of macro- and microelements. Cedar oil is not inferior in quality to the famous olive oil; it is used not only by cooks, but also by artists - many famous masters diluted their paints with it.
Pine nuts are healing- help with atherosclerosis. A ethnoscience recommends using not only kernels, but also seed shells, young shoot tips, buds, needles, resin...
Since ancient times, since the times of Ivan the Terrible, Siberia has been the largest supplier of pine nuts to the world market. According to historians, they were sold to Persia, China, Sweden and other countries. In 1786, academician P. S. Pallas wrote: “In Switzerland they use pine nuts in pharmacies; Milk is made from them, which is prescribed for chest diseases... Because of their insightful, thin, partly balsamic oil, they are better, which is why they claim that they were usefully consumed by Czech people...” The main suppliers of nuts were the Tobolsk and Yenisei provinces.
The peoples of Siberia have long treated this valuable plant with great respect, considering it sacred, the guardian of goodness, truth and justice. In the Surgut area (Khanty-Mansi National District, Tyumen region) residents, when laying the foundation for a new house, placed a small cedar pine tree in the front corner, saying: “Here is a warm house and a shaggy cedar for you, mother-in-law!” The tree remained in the house - it was considered the habitat of the brownie.
According to Evenki legends, cedar helps to live honestly and selflessly, and is a source of strength, beauty and nobility. At the birth of a son, the Evenks planted cedar pine near their homes, and when a daughter was born, they planted a birch tree. The legends and fairy tales of the Nanai people of the Amur region say that only good spirits because she is the most generous tree. Emphasizing important of this plant, the Siberians used to say: “The taiga is alive with cedar.” They believed that if a child is given a handful of pine nuts every day, he will grow up to be a good young man, and no illness will overcome him.
There are many mysteries about the cedar pine: “It stands tall, it hangs curly, it’s shaggy at the edges, it’s sweet in the middle!”, “Don’t hit me, don’t break me; climb on me: I have it!”
Currently, cedar forests occupy about 40 million hectares, or about 5 percent of the territory covered by forests. This makes it possible to collect 1-1.5 million tons of pine nuts in Siberia, but only about 20 thousand tons are harvested. Foresters have identified early-ripening, large-cone, high-yielding forms of Siberian pine. To breed them, plantations are created in which cuttings taken from high-yielding plants are grafted onto young seedlings. A hectare of such plantings yields 500-600 kilograms, and in in some cases 1.5-2 tons of nuts.
Cedar pine plantations are beginning to appear in the European part of the USSR. However, its closest relative grows here - the European cedar pine, listed in the Red Book of the USSR. This rare relict species is found only in the Carpathians. On Far East another relative of the Siberian pine lives - Korean cedar, distinguished by larger cones and needles, stronger and thicker seed shells. Forests containing Korean pine occupy about 4 million hectares in our country. Outside the USSR, the tree grows in eastern China, Korea and Japan.

This tree is called Siberian cedar. Although botanists dispute the name - and rightly so: it does not belong to the Cedar genus, but is closely related to pine trees. This one is called biological species Siberian pine (in Latin Pinus sibirica). Sometimes “cedar” is added. Since we are not specialists - taxonomists, we do not go into such subtleties; we call the tree as is customary. It can be called differently - cedar, and Siberian cedar pine - it is important that we understand what we are talking about... And indeed, what should we do now if in Siberia forested areas from Siberian pine are called “cedar trees”? Don't rename...

First of all, Siberian cedar is very beautiful tree! Slender, covered with thick, long and soft needles. Take a closer look - in the bun Siberian cedar five long needles, not two, like . The needles are triangular, dark green, covered with a waxy coating. The bark also differs in color - in Siberian cedar it is grayish-brown. The crown is dense, with thick branches. Escapes last year stand out for their color - they are rather silver-brown.

The tree grows very slowly. Apparently, this is the reason why cedar grows so slender. He can live for a long time - up to five hundred years, and maybe more. And only at 50-60 years old does the Siberian cedar begin to bear fruit. Then female cones appear on the tops of young shoots, in which seed scales with two ovules are located under the covering scales. And near the base of the shoot of the last year, male cones grow, and pollen ripens in them. It is carried by the wind (as, indeed, in all pine trees).

The seeds of Siberian cedar ripen in cones for more than a year. They are very different from the seeds of Scots pine! Large - about a centimeter in length, more than half a centimeter in thickness - they are called “pine nuts” (although, from the point of view of biologists, they are not nuts!). They do not have any wings and cannot be carried by the wind, like the seeds of Scots pine, if only because of their weight. But taiga animals - the squirrel, the chipmunk, the nutcracker bird - take an active part in the distribution of seeds. Some of their winter supplies may be forgotten and lost. And then in the spring the seeds from such a “storehouse” germinate.

The seeds ripen by the end of summer of the year following pollination, in August. The cones dry out, become less resinous and begin to fall from the trees. It is then that the collection of “pine nuts” (the so-called “pine cone fight”) begins in places where Siberian pine grows massively. Previously, this process was quite strictly regulated by peasant communities. Then the state took over this function. What is happening now, we, who live far from the cedar trees, can only guess...

Pine nuts are eaten both directly and as part of various dishes. They are very useful, as they contain almost all the amino acids, B vitamins, vitamins E and K that we need. Siberian pine seeds are rich in microelements - manganese, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus. And yet, pine nuts are mainly used to produce pine nut oil.

Pine nuts contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. If they are extracted from the seeds, you will get valuable cedar oil, which can be used both in cooking and in medicinal purposes. It is superior in quality to olive oil! But when buying it, you need to make sure that you are buying a truly valuable product. The fact is that to extract oil there is several ways. The first one is cold pressed. The seeds are placed under a press and the oil is squeezed out of them. It is cold-pressed oil that should be used for medical purposes, as well as in cosmetics. There are also several methods of hot pressing. Basically, they are all similar in that the chopped nuts are heated and then pressed. In this case, the oil yield is greater, but its value decreases, since many substances are destroyed when heated. This oil is used in cooking. Finally, there is extraction. What it is? To extract the oil, a solvent is added to the seeds (for example, it can be gasoline), and then the oil and this same solvent are separated. I think there is no need to talk about the “health benefits” of the latest product. So it makes sense to buy cedar oil only from well-known sellers, asking for documents about where and how it was produced. Naturally, cold-pressed oil will also be the most expensive. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is used in cooking and in the confectionery industry.

Siberian cedar pine (Siberian cedar) in natural conditions grows in Eastern and Western Siberia, in Altai, the Urals and the northeast of the Russian Plain. One might think that this tree was once distributed much further to the west, since there is a European pine, close relative Siberian, inhabitant of the Carpathians. Perhaps during the last glaciation, which occurred 25 - 12 thousand years ago, the area was dissected by a glacier. Subsequently, developing in isolation, these plants gradually diverged in a number of characteristics, and two separate species arose.

Siberian cedar has long been successfully grown by foresters in many places in Russia. Such groves of Siberian pine exist in Arkhangelsk (near Koryazhma) and Vologda regions(near Veliky Ustyug, not far from Ustyuzhna). There are cedar plantations in both the central and northwestern regions of Russia. There are cedar nurseries where this tree is grown. And in the park of Illarion Ivanovich Dudorov in the north of the Vologda region they are also growing up cedar pines. I think there is great meaning maintain and disseminate this tradition. We can get (more precisely, of course, not us, not even our children, but our great-grandchildren!) the most valuable forest species.

Larch stands out in this row - it is much more durable and beautiful in texture, and is practically not affected by moisture. However, this material is expensive and not available to everyone. It should also be remembered that larch is a very durable and resinous material, and, therefore, the process of processing this type of wood is labor-intensive and expensive.

LARCHconifer tree, which lives about 600 years and reaches a height of 45 meters. This tree is 30% denser and stronger than pine, more resistant to dampness and putrefactive fungi. A larch building can last two or three centuries. But entire houses made of larch were rarely cut down due to the hardness of the wood - only a few lower crowns were laid from larch logs.

Larch is a soundwood species whose sapwood is relatively narrow (up to 20 annual layers). Late wood is dark brown in color. Due to the clearly visible rather wide annual layers and the straightness of the trunks, the wood appears striped in a radial section. Knots that have a horizontal direction are scattered singly and randomly. The texture is interesting, looks good after processing. Larch can remain in water for many centuries. After lying there for a long time in water it becomes very hard. That is why it went to the construction of bridges, piers and piers. It was on larch piles that its creator Montferrand decided to erect St. Isaac's Cathedral on the marshy soils of St. Petersburg. An example of durability and strength are the larch piles on which Venice stands. Larch wood does not rot or turn blue.

The relative biological resistance (susceptibility to destruction by fungi and insects) of the larch kernel is twice as high as that of the pine kernel. Sapwood, both larch and pine, is a fragile wood. Larch is a natural antiseptic. Due to the peculiarity of the resin impregnating it, it is not attacked by wood-boring insects, and also allows it to be used without any chemical treatment in cases where other species are susceptible to rot. In particular, the relative biological resistance (susceptibility to destruction by fungi and insects) of larch wood is twice as high as that of pine wood.

In terms of physical and mechanical properties, the durability of larch occupies an intermediate position between soft coniferous species, such as pine, and hard deciduous species, the most famous of which is oak. The fire resistance of larch wood is approximately twice as high as that of pine. Volumetric heat capacity larch wood is 30% higher than that of pine wood. This means that a leafy house has a correspondingly greater amount of accumulated heat. This is manifested in the fact that during the heated period the temperature in the room is more evenly distributed throughout the day, and in the hot summer time the feeling of coolness remains there.

In the house from Siberian larch the likelihood of migraines and neuroses associated with vascular spasms is reduced. Throughout its entire service life, larch evaporates natural phytoncides, which, when released into Airways humans, prevent colds and viral diseases. In hypertension there are positive results to lower blood pressure, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhages, increase visual acuity, and normalize metabolism. Comparative analysis physical and consumer properties larch and pine wood shows that in most basic indicators, buildings and structures made of larch wood, including those built from rounded logs, are superior in quality to similar structures made of pine wood.

CEDAR, or CEDAR PINE, lives 200-300 years. Its trunk is straight, reaches a diameter of 1.8 m and a height of 40 m. Sound-bearing cedar has the lightest and softest wood. The narrow core differs from the wide yellowish-white sapwood by a pinkish tint. Late wood is poorly developed and gradually transforms into early wood. Numerous resin passages in it are larger than those of other conifers, the arrangement of knots is whorled, with big amount individual shoots directed upwards. Resistant to rotting and cracking. Easy to cut in all directions. It has beautiful texture, easy to process.

Cedar belongs to the noble species of wood due to its unique properties. That is why the population of the Urals and Siberia at all times preferred Siberian cedar for finishing their homes. The amazing smell and healing effect of this type of wood on the human body is unique. And, nevertheless, cedar as a wall material is not available to everyone who wants to build a wooden house for the same reasons as larch. Therefore, most people choose pine and spruce.

PINE refers to coniferous species wood Lives 400-600 years and mature age(120-150 years) reaches a height of 30-40 meters. Its trunk is straight and even, easy to plan and saw.

The tree has a core part of the trunk, which in color is almost the same as the yellowish-white wide sapwood. When dried and stored, the kernel darkens and takes on a brownish-red hue. Early wood is lighter than late wood. Knots are located in the core at the end of the annual growth. The shoots are directed upward at an acute angle to the axis of the trunk, so in cross-section (on lumber) they have an oval shape. Resin passages are large and numerous. The wood is soft, easy to process, and does not crack when dry. Thanks to its beautiful color and clearly defined structure, it is wide application not only in the construction of houses, but also in the production of carpentry, in the production of artistic carvings and turning crafts.

Depending on the degree of resin, two varieties of pine are distinguished - resin, heavily resinous, and dry wood chips containing a minimal amount of resin. Dry wood chips were floated down rivers, but tar was not, since it was heavy and could sink along the way.

Tar can lie at the bottom of the river for decades. That’s why they used it where it was very damp: in the construction of piers, jetties, bridges, and parts of wooden ships. The carpenters tried to place three or four tar crowns in the log house first.

Dried wood chips are used to make products that cannot withstand heavy loads. It is easy to cut and plan, and lends itself well to etching and painting.

SPRUCE in terms of prevalence it ranks second after pine. She lives up to 300 years and in adulthood (120-150 years) sometimes reaches a height of 50 meters. Its trunk is round and straight. The wood is light, soft, coreless, uniformly white with a slightly golden tint, and can retain its natural color for a long time. Late wood has the appearance of a narrow light brown stripe, which gradually turns into early wood. The knots on the spruce are located whorled, almost at right angles to the axis of the trunk; because of this, they appear round in a tangential section.

The wood has low resin content and is resistant to cracking. Spruce wood is difficult to process due to the great hardness of the knots, but in some areas, huts were built entirely from spruce. They believed that it was easy to breathe in such a hut; there was even a saying: “A spruce hut is a healthy heart.”

OAK lives on average 1000 years. The trunk diameter can exceed 2 m. Than older age tree, the higher the quality of its wood. Our ancestors built wells from oak wood - the water in them did not “bloom”, it was cold and clean. Oak piles were also driven into the river. In a word, oak is not subject to time - it does not rot in water, it is not affected by fungus, it is not spoiled by either the wind or the sun.

Those that have come down to us speak about the value of wood. historical information. If a fine of 10 rubles was imposed for a reserved tree of any species under Peter 1, then for an oak tree the chopper was subject to death penalty. IN early XVII centuries, cutting down oak was prohibited throughout Rus'. The wood of the oak kernel is dead and filled with special toxic substances- tils, which seem to preserve the wood, protecting it from rot. The most valuable wood is located closer to the core; it does not warp and cracks moderately.

The color of the core is from light to dark brown, the sapwood is yellowish-brown. The sapwood is narrow – 8-10 annual layers. Small vessels in the later part of the annual layer are arranged in radial rows. The medullary rays are strongly developed and clearly visible in all sections. The wood is very durable and difficult to cut. Prone to cracking. It bends well. It has a beautiful coarse texture. Easily painted, stains to black. In the butt part large trees curliness occurs. In combination with a radial cut, the texture of such an oak board is very beautiful. When processed with a chisel, it is fragile, requires a hard and sharp tool and caution, and withstands large threads well. Small oak profiles are inexpressive.

For joinery it is necessary to use oak aged 15-20 years. The end of the oak board is darker than the board; this must be taken into account when choosing the type of connection facing the face.

LINDEN– a tree with soft wood, homogeneous structure, white with a light pink tint, having numerous heart-shaped rays, which in a radial section give the material a noticeable shine.

It has sufficient viscosity, is equally easy to cut along and across the fibers, almost does not warp or crack, and is easy to paint and polish. Barns and bathhouses were cut from linden: barns because this wood was not affected by rodents, and bathhouses retain heat well. Light and soft wood does not crack or warp when dried, and cuts easily and cleanly. Linden is the main type of wood for artistic work.


Cedar wood is expensive, prestigious and beautiful. Largely due to the fact that this tree was mentioned in the Bible and expensive products have been made from it from time immemorial, cedar is often called any coniferous wood. The Mediterranean countries are considered the birthplace of this tree, whose height does not exceed 50 meters. In Russia cedar different types grows on the southern coast of Crimea, as well as in Siberia. We do it in construction, as well as in furniture production.

Cedar, this is the second name for cedar, has a light core with a yellow or pink tint. It is practically no different from sapwood. The resin passages of cedar are smaller than those of pine. But at the same time they are more clearly expressed.

GOST 20022. 2-80 classifies cedar as a resistant species that very rarely rots. But at the same time, cedar wood is very soft and can be processed perfectly in all directions.

In Siberia, houses are still built from cedar. Moreover, as practice shows, they can last more than a hundred years.

They also make from cedar:

  • pencils;
  • plywood;
  • veneer;
  • furniture;
  • racks for mining production;
  • hives;
  • musical instruments;

The life expectancy of cedar is quite high. So, it can exist up to 4 centuries. In the Baltics there is a long-lived cedar, which is 1,500 years old. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how many years a cedar tree lives.

It is also worth mentioning beneficial properties cedar:


In total, 2 types of cedar form 9 subspecies. All trees do not grow very quickly, but their wood is very valuable, largely due to the fact that it is resistant to decay. It is surprising that cedar grows in Asia, Africa, Siberia, Crimea, and Transcaucasia. It is believed that this tree is heat-loving. Nevertheless, Siberian cedar tolerates harsh winters well.


Some experts still claim that there is no Siberian cedar, there is pine, which is similar to cedar. Therefore, this tree is classified as a pine species. However, Siberian pine pine is a frost-resistant evergreen tree.

Successfully growing in the Moscow region, Leningrad and Voronezh regions, as well as throughout Siberia, in Altai (Altai) and in the Urals. The lifespan of a tree reaches 800 years. In size, Siberian cedar is second only to sequoia. The diameter of its trunk reaches 2 meters.

The growing season of cedar is only 45 days; the rest of the time the tree remains dormant. The most valuable product of cedar is its nuts. They are rich in vitamins, healthy fats and minerals. Nuts are eaten raw and oil is made from them. Siberian cedar is a very beautiful tree, valuable to humans.

Photo of Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar Siberian cedar cones


An evergreen coniferous tree with a trunk up to 2.5 meters. This cedar grows slowly. It can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. Its bark is dark gray with small scales. This type of cedar is a symbol of Lebanon, where it comes from. It feels best at an altitude of 1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level. In Russia, Lebanese cedar grows on the Black Sea coast.

Cedar propagates by seeds. In youth it has a conical crown, in old age it has the shape of an umbrella. The cones are shaped like a barrel. By the way, earlier essential oils obtained from pine needles, and now from wood Lebanese cedar. This tree is depicted on the state symbols of Lebanon. And Lebanese cedar is often mistakenly called Libyan.

Photo of Lebanese cedar

Lebanese cedar cones Lebanese cedar


The oldest Canadian red cedar grows in Olympic Park Washington. Its age is 1,200 years. An ordinary Canadian cedar reaches a height of 75 meters, and the diameter of its trunk can be up to 6.5 meters. The tree has very soft, pliable wood.

Despite its name, Canadian red cedar has wood that ranges in color from light beige to brownish-red. When heated, Canadian cedar wood does not release resin. The wood does not crack during processing.

Photo of Canadian cedar tree


This cedar grows up to 50 meters, maximum width its trunk is no more than 3 meters. Its needles are soft and light green in color. Lives up to 1,000 years, but when favorable conditions capable of living up to 3,000. Cones ripen within a year and a half. Himalayan cedar tolerates darkness well.

The cedar crown is conical, but very wide. Loves high humidity, including soil, so it feels great in the conditions South Bank Crimea. Although this species is frost-resistant, which means it may well exist in the conditions of central Russia.

Photo of Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar Cones of the Himalayan cedar

Far Eastern

This is the most frost-resistant cedar. Its lifespan reaches 600 years. Far Eastern cedar grows in mixed forest. Next to him there is always a linden, birch, and fir tree. Its cones, like those of the Siberian cedar, have edible nuts. The cedar begins to bear fruit after its twentieth birthday.

The tree respects moderate watering and dry soil. Where Far Eastern cedars grow, there are always healthy trees and shrubs, and the air is fresh and even healing. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from cedar resin.

Photo of Far Eastern cedar


Scientists classify the tree as a member of the pine family. This cedar likes to grow on the south side of slopes at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,500 meters above sea level in Central Europe and Russia. The maximum tree height is 25 meters. European cedar is very similar to Siberian pine. Only its growth is lower and the trunk is thinner, and the bark is more beautiful and stronger.

And this is what a European cedar tree with cones looks like in the photo


The tree can grow up to 40 - 50 meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 meters. Scientists also classify this species as a pine tree. The bark has a reddish tint, in youth it is gray, and in more mature age it is brown. Young cedar has large cones of red color with a purple tint, but there are few of them. The old one has many times more, but the size is small.

The tree grows in Korea and the adjacent Russian territory. Korean cedar is a monoecious tree. Male spikelets have yellow. But the needles are bluish-green.

Photo of Korean cedar

Physical properties of cedar wood

Cedar is a core tree species. It resembles pine in texture, but has more pronounced lines. Physical properties cedar allows the tree to be classified as elite and therefore all products made from its wood have a high price.


The higher the humidity, the higher the density of the wood. The density of cedar in a completely dried state is 410 kg/m3. At a standard humidity of 12%, the density is 435 kg/m3, and the conditional density (the ratio of the mass of absolutely dry wood to the mass of the same volume of wood at the hygroscopicity stage) does not exceed 350 kg/m3.


Such an indicator as strength is standard, and its increase or decrease depends on the humidity of the environment and the defects of the wood.

The tensile strength of cedar can be as follows:

  • Compression along the fibers ranges from 33 to 40.6 MPa.
  • Static bending - 54.1 to 79.9 MPa.
  • Tension along the fibers is 90.2 MPa.
  • Chip along the fibers - 5.64 - 6.39 MPa.
  • Along the radial or tangential plane it ranges from 5.64 to 7.15 MPa.

For different types of cedar, these indicators differ slightly from each other and, in general, only Altai cedar has higher figures for physical and mechanical parameters.


In a freshly felled cedar, the humidity exceeds 100%, and with maximum water absorption it can double and reach 220%. The humidity of absolutely dry cedar is 420%. A distinctive feature of any type of cedar is that it is not afraid of moisture and therefore can be used where the humidity is quite high.

Cedar wood weight

The structure of the cellular tissue, as well as its quantity in its pure form, plus the water level and the content of organic and inorganic substances, are responsible for the weight of the wood. Roots weigh the least, branches and twigs weigh more. Specific gravity wood always depends on the type of tree. And these average figures for cedar vary in different reference books from 360 to 570 kg/m3.

The generally accepted indicators of the volumetric weight of 1 m3 of cedar are as follows:

Chemical composition

Cedar phytoncides disinfect the air, while its needles contain a lot of vitamin C and provitamin A. The cedar kernel contains 17% protein; 12% starch; 4% fiber; up to 20% carbohydrates; at least 60% oils. Wood contains organic acids, hydrocarbons, stilbenes, and flavonoids. In aromatherapy, cedar oils have a special place. Assessment of the chemical characteristics of wood 5.

Color and texture

All types of cedar wood are very similar in color. They have a light core with a brown or yellow tint. The wood has a pronounced cedar aroma and an oily surface. The contrast between the early and late zones is clearly visible.

The texture of cedar wood has the average size. Middle-aged cedar has straight grain. Himalayan cedar has brown lines on a longitudinal section. The appearance of cedar wood has distinctive features, which make it unusually interesting and beautiful.

An example of cedar wood texture

Mechanical properties of cedar wood

According to its physical and mechanical properties, cedar wood occupies a place between fir and spruce. Although it is more resistant to the processes of suppuration. Although soft, cedar wood is at the same time very durable.


The hardness of the side surface of cedar is 40% lower than the end surface. According to the Brinell scale, this wood is classified as soft and its hardness is 4 HB. Although its strength is rated quite highly.

Due to its softness but strength in carpentry, cedar wood is used to make products that will be subject to significant loads in the future. The cedar is rated 5 for these properties.

Combustion temperature and calorific value of cedar

Cedar does not make the best firewood. No from them great heat, and their resinousness can also ruin the chimney. But at the same time, cedar firewood takes a very long time to smolder. Although they have a low calorific value and its indicator is 4.3 kW/hour.

In terms of flammability, cedar belongs to the category of unstable wood. The fire resistance index does not exceed 1.1 - 1.5. The specific calorific value of cedar is close to that of pine. The more moisture there is in the wood, the harder it burns. The average calorific value of cedar, which has been dried as much as possible, can be from 4907 to 4952 calories.

Ash content

Cedar is a beautiful, powerful tree that, while growing, heals other trees and the air around it. And as wood it brings invaluable benefits to man and is used by him practically without a trace. Valuation of a tree, taking it into account appearance and all characteristics 5.