The most big country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of mineral reserves.

This can be most clearly represented in numbers. More than 200 thousand deposits have now been discovered in Russia, and the total value of all minerals is about 30 trillion. dollars.

Here is Russia's share in world reserves individual species fossils:

  • Oil— 12%
  • Natural gas — 32%
  • Coal— 30 %
  • Potassium salts — 31%
  • Cobalt— 21%
  • Iron— 25%
  • Nickel— 15%.

Features of the relief of Russia

Russia occupies the largest territory in the world, and therefore has a varied and complex terrain. Among the features of the relief are:

1. The predominance of plains in the European part of the country and central regions.

2. Mountains are located mainly in the south, east and northeast (not counting Ural ridge, which crosses Russia from north to south).

3. The relief has a general slope to the north, so most rivers flow into the waters of the Arctic seas.

These character traits relief influence the distribution of mineral deposits. Rocks are mined in the Caucasus and Eastern Siberia, peat - in forests, bauxite and iron ores - on the plains.

Types of minerals

Minerals are minerals and rocks that are used by humans. There are several classifications of minerals, but most often they are divided by type of use.


  • Coal- sedimentary rock, occurs in layers. The most important species fuel, used in metallurgy. The most important reserves in Russia are the Kuzbass, Pechora, and Tunguska deposits.
  • Peat formed in swamps from rotting plant remains. Contains up to 60% carbon. Used as cheap fuel, for fertilizers and for the extraction of acetic acid.
  • Oiloily liquid black, burns perfectly. It lies between sedimentary rocks at different depths. It is the most important fossil fuel. In the Russian Federation, the largest deposits are the West Siberian basin, basins North Caucasus and Volga region.
  • Natural gas- Forms in rock voids. Sometimes its accumulations can amount to millions of cubic meters. This is the cheapest and most convenient fuel.
  • Oil shale- sedimentary rocks, which are a mixture of siliceous clay and the remains of organic substances. When shale is distilled, a resin is obtained that is similar in composition and properties to oil.


  • Rocks(marble, mica, asphalt, tuff, potassium salt, phosphorites). Have different origins and are used in almost all industrial sectors.

Thus, tuffs and marble are used in construction, micas - in the electrical and radio industries, asbestos - for thermal insulation and fireproofing, asphalt - for road surfaces.

  • Metal ores(iron, copper, nickel, non-ferrous metals) are rock accumulations containing metals. For example, aluminum is mined from bauxite, nepheline and alunite, iron is mined from iron ore, brown, red and magnetic iron ore.
  • Non-metallic ores(sand, asbestos).


  • Gems- natural stones of organic or mineral origin. Used in jewelry making, medicine, chemical industry.
  • Sand, gravel, clay, chalk, salt- hard rocks used in almost all areas of industry.

Resources and deposits

About 30 types of fossils are represented on the territory of Russia. Here is a description of the main deposits and reserves of just some of them.

Oil and gas

Oil is produced mainly in the eastern and northern parts countries, as well as on the shelf seas of the Arctic and Far East. Currently, 2,152 oil fields are being actively developed. Up to 600 million tons are mined annually, and projected reserves are estimated at 50 billion tons.

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. About 650 billion cubic meters of gas are produced annually. More than 10 deposits have been explored, which are called unique, since the predicted reserves in them exceed the 1 trillion mark. cubic meters


Russia ranks third in the world in coal production. Only proven reserves will last the country for 400 years. Coal basins are concentrated mainly in the east of the country - behind Ural mountains. The largest deposits are the Tunguska (more than 2200 billion tons) and Lena basins (1647 billion tons).

Oil shale

The main deposits are concentrated in the European part of the country. The largest is the Baltic shale basin.


The main peat reserves are located in the Asian part of Russia. In total, more than 46 thousand deposits have been explored. The largest is Vasyuganskoye, where 15% of peat reserves in the Russian Federation are mined.

Iron ores

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of iron ore deposits. The largest deposits are concentrated in the European part (Kursk magnetic anomaly, Baltic shield on Kola Peninsula, KMA Basin).


In the Russian Federation, manganese is mined mainly of the carbonate type. To date, 14 deposits have been explored in the Urals, Siberia and Far East. The total amount of reserves is about 150 million tons. Largest deposits— Yurkinskoe, Berezovskoe, Polunochnoe.


Russia has sufficient reserves of bauxite and nepheline in the Urals and Western Siberia. But the problem is that the ores are of low quality, and aluminum mining seems expensive. The most promising in this regard are the bauxite reserves of the North Ural region.

Non-ferrous metals

In terms of reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, Russia ranks 1st in the world, and total cost proven reserves - more than 1.8 trillion. dollars. The richest ore deposits were found in Eastern Siberia and Taimyr. For example, Russia’s share in global diamond production is 25%. More is mined only in South Africa.

Non-metallic building materials

Experts note the main problems that prevent Russia from fully exploiting the potential in the field of mineral reserves - these are insufficient funding for geological surveys, problems with taxation, a lack of manufacturing enterprises and the inability to provide a sufficient sales market.

It is carried out with the aim of clarifying their genesis and industrial value. It is carried out using field and laboratory methods. Field research determines; position of mineral bodies in the stratigraphic section, their connection with igneous rocks, relation to the composition of the host rocks and geological structure; shape, structure and mineral composition of deposits. Basic method field research— geological mapping, drawing up geological maps and sections of scales 1:500 - 1:50000. Laboratory research are associated with the study of the substance of minerals and are divided into the study of mineral composition, chemical composition and physical and technical properties of minerals.

Mineral resources of mineral aggregates that were formed throughout the history of the development of the earth’s crust under its characteristic processes and physicochemical conditions. The substances necessary for the formation of such mineral aggregates came in magmatic melts, in liquid and gaseous aqueous and other solutions from the upper mantle, from rocks of the Earth's crust, or were carried away from the surface of the Earth. They were deposited when geological, geographical and physicochemical conditions changed, favoring the accumulation of minerals. The emergence of various minerals depended on a favorable combination of many factors - geological, physico-chemical, and for those that formed on the surface of the Earth, also on physico-geographical conditions. Accumulations of minerals in and on the surface of the Earth form mineral deposits. The geological structure of mineral deposits, the morphology of mineral bodies, their structure and composition, as well as their total quantity and reserves are determined as a result of geological exploration (see).

Minerals were formed as a result of endogenous and metamorphogenic processes in the bowels of the Earth, as well as due to exogenous processes on its surface (Fig.).

As a result of exogenous processes, sedimentary, placer and residual mineral deposits arose on the Earth's surface. Sedimentary minerals accumulated at the bottom of ancient seas, lakes, rivers, and swamps, forming stratified deposits in the host sedimentary rocks (see Sedimentary deposits). Among them are mechanical, chemical and biochemical (organogenic) sediments. Mechanical sediments include gravel and clay. TO chemical precipitation- some limestones, dolomites, salts (see Potassium salts, Rock salt), as well as aluminum ores (bauxites), iron, manganese ores, and sometimes copper ores and other non-ferrous metals. Biochemical sedimentary deposits include, according to most scientists, oil and combustible gas, as well as coal, oil shale, diatomite, some varieties of limestone and other minerals. Placers were formed during the accumulation of chemically stable heavy valuable minerals (platinum, diamonds, tin and tungsten minerals) in coastal oceanic, sea and lake sands, as well as river sands.

Residual minerals are concentrated in the ancient and modern weathering crust (see) when easily soluble compounds are leached from them by groundwater and valuable minerals accumulate in the residue, as well as due to the redeposition of some of the mineral mass that occurs. Their representatives can be deposits of native sulfur, gypsum, kaolin, magnesite, talc ores, ores of nickel, iron, manganese, aluminum (bauxite), copper and uranium. Metamorphic processes produce metamorphosed and metamorphic minerals. Metamorphosed mineral deposits are formed due to changes in pre-existing endogenous and exogenous accumulations of minerals. These include the largest industrially important iron ore deposits of Precambrian age (for example, the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin, the Kursk magnetic anomaly, Lake Verkhnee, etc.), as well as manganese deposits in India and other countries. Metamorphic mineral deposits arise during the metamorphism of various rocks due to the rearrangement and concentration of some components that make up these rocks (some deposits of graphite and high-alumina minerals - kyanite, sillimanite).

Patterns of formation and placement of mineral resources in time and space. At successive stages of development of the earth's crust, strictly defined formations of rocks and associated mineral complexes arose. The recurrence of such formations in the history of the development of the earth's crust led to recurrence in the formation of similar groups of minerals from the most ancient to the youngest stages geological history, marked by metallogenic (or mineragenic) epochs. The sequential regular placement of rock formations and associated mineral complexes determined their regular distribution within the earth's crust, outlining metallogenic (or mineragenic) provinces. Within ore provinces, ore regions are distinguished, which are divided into ore districts. On the territory of ore districts, ore fields or ore clusters are isolated with a set of deposits united by a common origin and geological structure. Ore fields consist of ore deposits spanning one or more ore bodies.

Determining the conditions of formation and geological patterns of distribution of minerals is the scientific basis for their search and exploration (see.

Natural mineral substances used in the national economy are called minerals, and their accumulations in the bowels or on the surface of the Earth are called deposits. Minerals are solid, liquid and gaseous. Based on their area of ​​use, they are divided into five groups. The first group consists of fuel and energy mineral resources (coal, oil, natural gas, peat, oil shale, uranium). The second includes ores of metals: ferrous (iron), non-ferrous (copper, aluminum, zinc, tin), rare and noble (vanadium, germanium, etc.). The third group is chemical raw materials: sulfur, potassium salts, apatites, phosphorites, etc. The fourth group is building materials, ornamental and gems(granite, marble, refractory raw materials, jasper, agate, diamond, etc.). Fifth - hydromineral minerals (underground fresh and mineralized waters).

In the bowels of the Earth there is very a large number of coal - its estimated reserves are, according to some sources, 15 trillion. t. There are very large deposits of iron ore in the depths. There are large reserves of oil shale, peat and natural gas. The scale of mining is indicated by the following fact: for each inhabitant of our planet, on average, about 5-6 tons are mined annually.

IN last years needs for various types mineral resources are increasing. From different places, geologists report the discovery of new and new mineral deposits. Advances in engineering and technology make it possible to extract valuable substances from the poorest ores and the most inaccessible deposits.

Mineral reserves the depths are not limitless. And although nature can restore its strength and in the depths of the Earth there is a constant process of formation and accumulation of mineral wealth, the pace of this restoration is incommensurate with the current rate of use of the earth's resources.

In just one day, in various furnaces and power plants around the world, as much mineral fuel is burned as nature has created in the depths over many, many years. long years. Today, the total reserves of many minerals have been calculated. Taking into account the rate of their production, the approximate time frame within which they can be exhausted has been determined.

For some types of minerals these periods are short, so the attitude towards mineral wealth must be very careful.

Needs to be implemented everywhere complex use mineral.

With this method of using minerals, everything that is raised from the bowels of the Earth is subjected to complex processing at mining and processing and mining and metallurgical plants using various mechanical and physical-chemical processes. And at each stage of processing, more and more new elements are extracted. Wastes from one process serve as valuable raw materials for another.

In the Soviet Union there are already many examples of this complex method of mining and processing minerals. At non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, along with 12 main non-ferrous metals, another 62 elements are simultaneously extracted from ore. Thus, together with copper and aluminum, silver, bismuth, platinum, and platinum group metals are obtained. They begin to extract sulfur and helium as a by-product from natural gas deposits, and from coal deposits - rare metals. Even waste rock that has to be brought to the surface to open up valuable deposits can be used to make building materials.

Mineral beneficiation. Mineral resources extracted from the depths, as a rule, cannot be immediately sent to metallurgical furnaces or thermal power plants. The coal is clogged with pieces of sandstone, limestone, and clay; ores are a solid mixture of minerals and a variety of substances. Even in rich iron ore, pure iron rarely exceeds 50%, and in copper, lead, tin, zinc ores - only a few percent or fractions of a percent of these essential metals. The process of isolating the most valuable component from minerals and freeing them from various impurities is called enrichment.

The process of ore enrichment begins in powerful crushers, where massive steel rods, cones or balls are used to grind and crush fossils, turning large pieces into small ones.

The second stage is sorting the ground minerals by size. Crushed ore and coal are sifted on vibrating sieves and sieves with “windows” of different sizes. Large pieces are sent again for crushing, the rest goes to the final stage of enrichment.

At the final stage, grains of valuable minerals are separated due to their special, unique properties. If they are heavier than others, the so-called gravitational method is used. Minerals of different densities are also separated in a centrifuge, for example, diamonds are separated from their less valuable companions. Many metal ores are enriched by magnetic separation, using the ability of metals to be attracted to a magnet. Electrical separation is based on the different ability of minerals to conduct electric current.

Each mineral has its own special color, luster, shape, coefficient of friction, and interacts differently with acids and alkalis. All this is used in the enrichment of various minerals.

The most common enrichment method is flotation (from the French flotation - swimming) - based on the difference in the wettability of substances with water. Substances that are well wetted are called hydrophilic, and substances that are not wetted by water are called hydrophobic. Hydrophobic substances collect air bubbles around themselves and rise to the surface. The operation of the flotation machine is based on this property. In its large tanks, crushed ore is mixed with water, to which special substances are added - foaming agents. Air is forced through this mixture. Formed great amount foam - tiny air bubbles. They stick to particles of copper, silver or lead, but do not stick to grains of impurities. The waste rock sinks, and the necessary particles, although they are heavier, float up along with the foam. The main advantage of flotation is that it allows you to isolate any minerals contained in the ore.


Minerals are rocks and minerals used in the sphere of material production and in the national economy. Currently, about 250 types of minerals are known. They are divided into:
- combustibles (coal, oil, natural gas, peat, oil shale);
- ore (ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals);
- non-metallic (clay, limestone, various salts);
- stone-colored raw materials (jasper, agate, onyx, chalcedony, jade);
- (diamond, emerald, sapphire, ruby);
- hydromineral (underground and mineral water);
- mining chemical raw materials (apatites, barites, borates)

Minerals, by the will of man, are transformed into the most necessary things that provide safety, heat, transport, and food. They are necessary in modern world everywhere. Almost all of it is produced at stations operating on coal, gas, fuel oil, radioactive substances. Most of transport runs on fossil fuel energy.

The basis of the construction industry is rocks. Ferrous and metallurgy also operates entirely on mineral raw materials, as does industry, where its share reaches 75%. Most metals are used as structural metals (ferrous, alloying, non-ferrous), in mechanical engineering, and in electronics. Ornamental stones, such as jasper and ruby, are used in jewelry. Diamond, due to its hardness and strength, is used for cutting hard materials, and when cut it is a diamond. The mountain mineral apatite is necessary for the production of phosphate fertilizers. Transparent barite crystals are used in optical devices.

The mineral reserves of the earth's interior are not limitless. And although the process of formation and accumulation natural resources never stops, the pace of this restoration is completely incommensurate with the rate of use of the earth's resources.


  • Minerals

Minerals are natural mineral formations of inorganic and organic origin used in the field of material production. Currently, more than 200 species are mined mineral resources.

Classification of minerals

There are several classifications of mineral resources. By physical properties They distinguish solid mineral formations (various ores, coal, granite, salts), liquid (oil, water) and gaseous (gases, methane, helium).

Based on their origin, minerals are divided into sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.

Based on the scope of use, a distinction is made between combustible resources (natural gas, coal, peat, oil), ore resources (rock ores) and nonmetallic resources (sand, clay, limestone, sulfur, potassium salts). Precious and ornamental stones are a separate group.


Modern searches for mineral resources are based not only on the use the latest technology and sensitive instruments, but also on scientific forecasts. Scientific prediction is based on knowledge of connections geological structure with the conditions for the formation of minerals.

There are several ways to extract mineral resources. With the open method, rocks are mined in. This is a cost-effective method, but not an environmentally friendly method, since abandoned careers can cause education. Using the open-pit method, fossils located on the surface of the earth or lying shallow in the subsoil. Usually these are limestone, sand, chalk, peat, iron and copper ores, and some types of coal.

Solid minerals located on great depth, are mined using underground mines. Most often this is how coal is obtained. The mine method is considered the most unsafe for the lives of workers.

Liquid and gaseous minerals (oil, The groundwater, natural gas) is extracted using boreholes, sometimes using mines. A number of fields use a combination of extraction methods. The choice of method is determined mainly by the geological conditions of the occurrence of minerals and economic calculations.

New methods of extracting mineral resources are constantly being developed. But we must not forget that minerals are exhaustible, so it is necessary to spend them more economically and wisely.

To do this, we need to strive to reduce the loss of resources during their extraction, achieve a more complete extraction of all beneficial properties, pay more attention to the search for new, more promising deposits.

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A huge amount of minerals have been found in Siberia, the deposits of which were formed as a result of various geological processes. The diversity of mineral resources is due to the vast territory and complex history formation of this section of the earth's crust.

Hard and brown coal

Coal in most cases occurs in places where tectonic plates deflect. Two huge coal basins were found in Siberia: Lensky and Tunguska. Coal reserves in the first are 2,600 billion tons, and in the second, according to scientists, slightly less - approximately 1,750 billion tons.

In total, about 80% of Russia's coal reserves are located in Siberia. On this moment A minority of all coal deposits have been developed, since mining is impossible in some basins due to the harsh natural conditions of Siberia.

Non-metallic fossils

Typically, Siberia's fossil resources include oil and natural gas. Oil fields in Siberia began to be developed recently. Thus, in the last few decades the Markov oil field was discovered. Gas production is carried out in the Taas-Tumus field.

Western Siberia, in particular Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs, produce more than 90% of all natural gas produced in Russia and about 75% of crude oil.

In addition to oil and gas, non-metallic minerals of Siberia include rock salt. Basically, salt deposits are located at the bottom of ancient seas. For example, salt mining is carried out in Yakutia, near rivers such as the Lena and Vilyuya.


The first diamonds in Siberia were found in late XIX century. These minerals are located in areas with high volcanic activity. At first, diamantaires were not interested in them due to their small size. But in the 30s of the 20th century, Soviet geologist Alexander Burov discovered a fragment of a large stone, which made it possible to conclude that Siberia is diamond-bearing.

Large diamond deposits in Siberia have been discovered quite recently. In recent years, diamond mining has begun in Yakutia, in the basins of the Vilyuya and Olenyoka rivers.

Iron ores

There are huge deposits of iron ore in Siberia. The deposits of these minerals are among the most ancient. In this region you can find ores of metals such as tin, platinum, nickel, and mercury.


The gold reserves of Siberia have been known for several centuries. And gold mining has been going on for a very long time. The largest reserves of the metal are located in the Allah-Yun, Yan, Aldan, and Bodaibo regions.

When people start to think about how much is made from, they are struck by the vast range of uses of this oily substance. It would seem that you poured gasoline into the car tank, bought motor oil - this limits the scope of its use. But many everyday things: lipstick, nylon stockings and even an aspirin tablet are made from oil.


Oil is just organic matter, which is a host of molecules, by changing the structure of which, you can get an object with completely different characteristics. Like graphite under the influence high temperatures and pressure make diamonds, so the raw material for fuel is also the basis for the production of cosmetics, household items, clothes and even food. Chewing gum has long been no longer made from natural resins; such gum can only be found in pharmacies. Its main components are petroleum polymers. It is in vain that people who use chewing gum and throw it away on the street believe that any food will gradually dissolve. Chewing gum is not a regular food and can lie on the ground for years in the form of a dense lump.

There is no need to be afraid that paraffin and other components of lipstick are petroleum derivatives, because they are the ones that have replaced the harmful components that were once present in this women's accessory. Eye shadows, corrective pencils for eyes and lips, nail polish - all these cosmetics contain a piece of natural substance. And housewives cannot imagine their lives without one more product - plastic, because the housings are made of it household appliances, A plastic bags help carry heavy purchases from the store.

A complex chain of chemical transformations even makes it possible to obtain aspirin, an unsurpassed remedy for headaches and other types of pain, as well as a number of salicylic acids that are part of anti-tuberculosis and antibacterial drugs. Aniline, isolated from nitrobenzene, helped take a step forward in the fight against microorganisms. Diseases can be treated not only from the inside, but also from the outside - for this, doctors use prostheses made of medical plastic.

Women who study clothing labels have noticed that many items contain polyester, and some are made 100% of this synthetic material. Externally, it is similar to viscose and therefore is well suited for sewing dresses and blouses, as well as linings for jackets. Polyester clothing does not wrinkle and is durable, just like nylon tights. Petroleum products are found in abundance in the kitchen in the form of plastic utensils and furniture, and in the nursery - as dolls, tumblers, cubes and other toys. We can’t talk about their harmfulness or allergenicity, because absolutely all the food that lies on store shelves is packaged with polyethylene, and some medications with the inclusion of oil derivatives successfully help get rid of allergies.

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Gravel is one of the most inexpensive and popular building materials. It is mined in open quarries and has many undeniable advantages. In order not to confuse gravel with crushed stone, you need to know the difference between these stones.


Gravel is fragments of rock. These are mainly granites, sandstones, limestones and diabases. Gravel is mined by open-pit mining in sand and gravel deposits. These stones different sizes and are inexpensive and in demand building material. They are used as a filler in the preparation of concrete, in road construction, and for paving paths and areas in private households. After extracting the sand and gravel mixture, the sand is sifted out and the stones are sorted into the most popular fractions. In the construction of buildings and roads, this size is 20/40 mm.

How is gravel different from crushed stone? These two types of stones are often confused. However, there is a difference between them, and a significant one. Both of these products are inorganic bulk materials. But gravel is formed as a result of natural fractures of rocks, and crushed stone is a product of their artificial crushing. Gravel is predominantly round, and the shape of crushed stone is most often pointed.

All about gravel. These stones come in a variety of colors: blue-gray, dark gray, brown, black, yellowish and pinkish. Many of them are intricately combined and tend to change shade depending on the degree of air humidity or lighting. For this reason, gravel is a favorite of landscape designers, who use it to decorate gardens and farmsteads, improve flower beds, and create pedestrian paths. The shape of stones of any size is solid, they never have cracks.

In nature, there are three main fractions: small (1-3 mm), medium (3-7 mm) and large (7-12 mm). These stones contain many impurities - particles of clay, sand, dust and dirt. Depending on the deposit, there are different types of gravel: lake, mountain, sea, river, glacial, etc. Cleaner stones are sea and river. Their surface is smooth, so they are widely used in laying and filling roads.

In the construction of houses and buildings, preference is given to mountain gravel, since it has a rougher surface and, therefore, provides better adhesion in concrete mixtures. Small fractions of stones are one of the components in the production of certain types of roofing materials. Gravel has the first

What are minerals and why are they called that? Have you ever thought about it?

They are useful because people create from them, which later serve for comfort, heating and safety. Fossils - because they are extracted from the depths of the earth.

No one knows the exact time when the first mining began. However, around 2600 BC, the Egyptians went to the Sinai Peninsula to mine mica, and discovered and mined more useful mineral copper.

To develop their state, the Romans built mines from Africa to Britain. Among them was the Rio Tinto mine in Spain, where many precious metals were mined:

  • gold and silver,
  • copper and tin,
  • lead and iron.

In the development of trade and military affairs, the extraction of various iron and precious ores played a large role.

I hope you've heard about the gold rush in the mid-19th century. South America? In addition to gold, diamond deposits were found there.

And in childhood, I hope everyone read a fairy tale about the mistress of the copper mountain. There, master Danila wanted to make a stone flower alive. The events in the fairy tale took place in the Urals, and the minerals from which he made his flower were found in the mountains.

What are natural resources?

The list of natural resources is very rich and varied.

All these riches of our land can be classified based on their main characteristics:

  • Hard, such as granite, types of coal, ore different metals, salt.
  • Liquids, such as mineral waters, mercury, oil.
  • Gaseous, these include flammable and non-flammable gases.

Types of minerals will reveal their origin.

  1. Combustible (sedimentary)
  2. Ore (igneous)
  3. Non-metallic (non-metallic)
  4. The groundwater

It will be interesting for you to know that in addition to igneous rocks, there are also metamorphic rocks. I'll tell you a little about them. This very name - igneous rock - reveals to us the secret of its origin. The ordinary pumice that you have in your bathtub, as well as granite, basalts and liparites, are all of igneous origin.

What is metamorphic rock? This is even more interesting. Metamorphoses or changes in rock under the influence atmospheric pressure and temperatures environment led to the formation of new minerals such as marble, talc, chlorite, graphite and pace.

Metallic and non-metallic natural resources

As you probably already guessed, metal ones are those that contain metal, for example iron ore, manganese ore, tin ore and others. Non-metallic are the remaining hard rocks.

To make it clearer, I will show you the map and symbols natural resources around the world. World mineral reserves in earth's crust it is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible, to evaluate. Every year, according to scientists, approximately 120 billion tons of various fuels and raw materials are mined.

For the development of production and prosperity of any state important role mineral resources play a role. Their use is important in any sector of the economy, as a raw material or combustible material.

Did you know that in the beginning, mineral deposits were predicted by scientists based on scientific predictions and prospecting? only confirmed these predictions and discovered the exact locations of valuable raw materials, using advances in technology and instrumentation.

The development of mineral deposits has become much easier in our time, and mineral resources are becoming scarcer.

With the advent of such human achievements as electricity and the creation different types With special machines, the extraction of natural resources also accelerated. The following methods of developing mineral deposits have become widespread:

  1. Open method - creating pits (cuts and quarries)
  2. Closed method - used at great depths of mineral deposits (mines and adits)
  3. Drilling of the wells
  4. Marine method - mining below sea level.

The types of deposits depend on the types of natural resources, which can be classified into several main groups -

  • Metal
  • Non-metallic
  • Mineral
  • Flammable
  • Water

These names speak for themselves. All countries and states on our planet have different quantity natural resources. They are distributed unevenly throughout the huge planet.

This depends on many factors, including geographical location and the geological structure of the earth. We won’t look for rock deposits or iron ore on the plain, will we? Of course not, because their formation requires certain conditions.

What methods of mining exist today?

Do you know that minerals such as coal, gold and diamonds are mined open method. Develop a quarry using special equipment, delving deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth. The extracted rock is transported to mining enterprises, where it is further processed. This is the most efficient method of extraction.

The second method of extraction is an underground mine shaft or adit, which has access to the surface of the earth, from where it is removed rock. Such mines have both horizontal and vertical workings, where hard rocks are drilled.

Rich mineral reserves: coal and natural gas, oil and minerals are located throughout to the globe. And all this must be rationally used and extracted from the deep bowels of our earth, without harming nature and the environment.

The rational use of the earth's natural resources is simply vital in our time, because their reserves are not limitless. Therefore, we must extract natural raw materials without loss, taking care, among other things.

Today there are more rational methods of extracting natural resources, which allow them to be extracted and processed with low costs and losses. They also allow the extraction of related substances and raw materials, which are often contained in rock.

I hope you liked mine short review minerals located in the depths of our earth and you learned a lot of useful things for yourself. Write your feedback about my article in the comments. I will be interested in reading them. And that's all for today. Let me say goodbye to you and see you again.

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