Bears are the largest predatory mammals, living mainly in the northern hemisphere of our Planet. They can live in steppes, forests, highlands and arctic ice. Therefore, lifestyle and nutrition different types very different.

All bears living on our Planet belong to the class of mammals, order - carnivores (suborder - canids), family - bears. Canine animals are characterized by the presence of a sharp muzzle and the fact that they cannot retract their claws, like carnivores from the suborder Felidae.

The bear family unites eight species of bears: brown bear, polar bear, black bear Baribal, Himalayan bear, spectacled bear, Sloth bear, Malayan bear - Biruang, Giant Panda.

2 Polar bear.

3 Black bear - Baribal.

7 Malayan bear – Biruang

Map of the distribution of bears on the Planet.


Compared to other families of the order Carnivora, the bear family is characterized by the uniformity of their appearance and internal structure. All of them are terrestrial animals and the largest predators. For example, a polar bear can reach a length of up to three meters and weigh up to 725 kg. The smallest bear is considered to be the Malayan bear - Biruang. It does not grow higher than 1.5 meters and weighs up to 65 kg. Males are always larger than females.

In Polar bears, the male is almost twice as large as the female. All bear fur is thick, tall, coarse and shaggy. Only in the Malayan bear is it rare and low. They do not change color with the seasons. Basically it is monochromatic. But Panda's color is black and white (contrasting). All individuals have a stocky, powerful body with a short thick neck and high withers. Their strong five-fingered paws have long claws, thanks to which bears dig the ground and climb trees. If a bear has very long claws (for example, a Grizzly bear's claws are 15 cm long), then he cannot climb trees. The number of teeth is from 32-42 pieces. The sense of smell is better developed than that of dogs, but vision and hearing are slightly weaker.


The life expectancy of bears is 25-40 years. They have practically no enemies. The only animal that can hunt a bear is the tiger. But he doesn’t really want to date him either. Bears can live in a variety of environments from steppes to arctic ice. They mainly live in temperate forests and tropical latitudes. Some species are attached to water. If the Brown Bear can be found in the steppes, forests and sea coasts, then the Polar Bear lives only in the Arctic and is classified as semi-aquatic. The Malayan bear climbs trees well and builds nests on them. Bears are mainly active at night, but the polar bear is a diurnal animal. All of them are omnivores by nature of nutrition. But there are also those who prefer more plant foods (Panda) or animal foods (Polar Bear). There are species that hibernate in winter (Brown bear, Baribal and Himalayan). The rest do not sleep in winter.


Bears begin to reproduce after the third year of their life. A female bear gives birth at intervals of one to four years. A litter can have one or five cubs. Babies are born blind and weigh from 90 – 680 grams. The male usually does not care for his offspring. The female feeds her children with milk from three and a half (Himalayan bear) to nine (Panda) months. Young individuals can stay close to their mother for up to 18 months.

Jackals. In contrast, clubfooted animals are stockier and more powerful. Like other canids, bears are predators, but sometimes they feast on berries, mushrooms and honey.

There are also pseudo-clubfooted animals that do not belong to canines or even predatory animals. The name bear is given only because of its external resemblance to the true representatives of the genus.

Real bears

The second name for bears is plantigrade. Having wide legs, clubfoots step completely on them. Other canids, as a rule, touch the ground with only part of their paws, as if walking on their toes. This is how animals speed up. Bears cannot reach a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour.

Brown bear

Included in types of bears in Russia, the most numerous and popular in the country. However, the largest clubfoot was caught outside the Federation, on the American island of Kodiak. From there they took the animal for the Berlin Zoo. I came across a bear weighing 1134 kilograms when the norm is 150-500 kilograms.

It is assumed that brown came to America about 40 million years ago through the Bering Isthmus. The animals came from Asia, where representatives of the species are also found.

The largest clubfoot in Russia are found on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Giants live there for 20-30 years. In captivity, with good content, bears live up to half a century.

Polar bear

Based on its habitat, it is called polar. The scientific name of the species is translated in Latin as “sea bear.” Predators are associated with snow and the vastness of the ocean. Polars hunt in the water, catching fish and seals.

The ocean does not prevent the migration of polar clubfoot. They travel hundreds of kilometers on water, using their wide front feet like oars. The hind legs act as a steering wheel. When going out on ice floes, bears do not slide because they have rough feet.

The animal is the largest among terrestrial predators. The predator reaches 3 meters in length. The standard weight is 700 kilograms. So polar bear species awesome. In nature, animals have no enemies except humans.

Studying types of bears, only the polar one will find hollow wool. The hairs are empty from the inside. Firstly, it provides an additional layer of air in the fur coat. Gas is a poor conductor of heat and does not release it from the skin of a predator.

Secondly, the cavities in the white hairs are needed to reflect light. In fact, the fur of clubfoot is colorless. The hair only looks white, allowing the predator to blend in with the surrounding snow.

Himalayan bear

Otherwise called the Asian black bear. It is distinguished by large ears, an elegant physique by the standards of clubfoot, and an elongated muzzle.

The Himalayan habitat extends from Iran to Japan. The predator chooses mountainous areas. Hence the name of the species. In Russia, its representatives live beyond the Amur, as a rule, in the Ussuri region.

The black bear is named for its dark fur color. On the head and neck it is longer, forming something like a mane. There is a predator on the chest White spot. However, there are subspecies of the animal without it.

Weight Limit Himalayan bear is 140 kilograms. The animal reaches one and a half meters in length. But the claws of a predator are thicker and larger than those of brown and polar individuals. The reason is the black bear's lifestyle. Most he spends time in the trees. The claws help to climb them.

The Asian clubfoot cannot be called a formidable predator. Of animal food, the bear usually eats only insects. The basis of the diet is herbs, roots, berries, and acorns.


An alternative name is black bear. It lives in Northern, especially in the east of the continent. The appearance of the predator is close to the appearance of the brown clubfoot. However, the baribal has more prominent shoulders, lower ears and, as the name implies, black fur. However, on the face it is lighter.

The name of the animal is similar to the name of the family to which it is assigned. There are no other members of the family. This, by the way, also applies to the red panda. She is also one of a kind.

The closest relative of the koala is, and not a bear at all, and not even little panda.

About 30 million years ago, 18 species of marsupial “bears” lived on the planet. There were also unprecedented modern man true clubfoot. Among them, 5-6 species became extinct.

Extinct bears

The number of extinct bears is vague because the existence of one species is in question. There is a glimmer of hope that the Tibetan clubfoot still exists, although for a long time it has not been seen by people or captured by video cameras. If you see one, let the scientists know. The bear looks like a brown one, but the front part of the body is reddish. The animal's withers are almost black. In the groin area the fur is red. The rest of the fur on the back of the predator is dark brown. The bear lived in the east of the Tibetan plateau.

California grizzly

It appears on the California flag, but has not been found in the state or beyond since 1922. Then they killed the last representative type of animal.

Bear was distinguished by its golden coat color. The beast was a totemic animal among the Indians. The Redskins believed that they were descended from grizzly bears, so they did not hunt the ancestor. The white settlers exterminated the clubfoot.

Mexican grizzly

Officially declared extinct in the 60s of the last century. The animal was large, weighing approximately 360 kilograms.

The Mexican grizzly bear was distinguished by whitish claws on its front paws, small ears and a high forehead.

Etruscan bear

Fossil species, lived back in the Pliocene. This geological period ended 2.5 million years ago. The second name of the predator is short-faced bear. This is the one with 13 pairs of ribs.

Skeletons of Etruscan bears are found only in southern latitudes. Therefore, scientists assume that the animal was heat-loving. It is also known that the extinct animal was large, weighing approximately 600 kilograms.

Atlas bear

Inhabited lands from Morocco to Libya. The last individual was killed by hunters in the 1870s. Externally, the animal was distinguished by reddish fur on the underside of the body and dark brown hair on top. There was a white spot on the bear's face.

Unlike most bears, the Atlas bear preferred desert and arid areas. The name of the species is associated with the chain of mountains where the clubfoot lived. Zoologists classified them as a subspecies of brown bear.

Giant polar bear

Appearance polar bear was similar to the appearance of the modern one. Only the beast reached 4 meters in length and weighed 1200 kilograms. Such giants lived on the planet 100 thousand years ago.

So far, scientists have found the only ulna bone of a giant bear. The bone was discovered in Pleistocene sediments in Great Britain.

The survival of modern polar bears is also in question. The number of the species is sharply declining. This is due to climate change. Glaciers are melting. Animals have to make increasingly longer swims. Many predators reach the shore exhausted. Meanwhile, it is not easy for bears that are full of energy to get food in the snowy expanses.

Brown or common bear, is a predatory mammal from the bear family. This is one of the largest and dangerous species terrestrial predators. There are about twenty subspecies of brown bear, differing in appearance and distribution area.

Description and appearance

The appearance of a brown bear is typical of all representatives of the bear family. The body of the animal is well developed and powerful.


There is a high withers, as well as a fairly massive head with small ears and eyes. Length relative short tail varies between 6.5-21.0 cm. The paws are quite strong and well developed, with powerful and non-retractable claws. The feet are very wide, five-toed.

Dimensions of a brown bear

The average length of a brown bear living in the European part is usually about one and a half to two meters with a body weight in the range of 135-250 kg. There are several individuals inhabiting the central zone of our country smaller in size and can weigh approximately 100-120 kg. The Far Eastern bears and bears are considered the largest, their sizes often reaching three meters.

Skin color

The color of a brown bear is quite variable. Differences in the color of the skin depend on the habitat, and the color of the fur can vary from a light fawn shade to a bluish-black. Brown color is considered standard.

This is interesting! A characteristic feature of the grizzly bear is the presence of hair on the back with whitish ends, due to which there is a kind of graying on the coat. Individuals with a grayish-white color are found in the Himalayas. Animals with reddish-brown fur inhabit Syria.


Under natural conditions, the average life expectancy of a brown bear is approximately twenty to thirty years. In captivity, this species can live fifty years, and sometimes more. Rare individuals survive in natural conditions to the age of fifteen years.

Subspecies of brown bear

The brown bear species includes several subspecies or so-called geographical races, which differ in size and color.

The most common subspecies:

  • European Brown bear with a body length of 150-250 cm, tail length of 5-15 cm, height at the withers of 90-110 cm and an average weight of 150-300 kg. A large subspecies with a powerful build and a pronounced hump at the withers. General coloration varies from light grayish-yellow to blackish-dark brown. The fur is thick and long enough;
  • Caucasian brown bear with an average body length of 185-215 cm and body weight of 120-240 kg. The coat is short, coarse, and paler in color than that of the Eurasian subspecies. Color ranges from a pale straw color to a uniform gray-brown color. There is a pronounced, large dark-colored spot in the withers area;
  • East Siberian brown bear with a body weight of up to 330-350 kg and a large skull size. The fur is long, soft and dense, with a pronounced shine. The wool has a light brown or blackish-brown or dark brown color. Some individuals are characterized by the presence of fairly clearly visible yellowish and black shades in color;
  • Ussuri or Amur brown bear. In our country, this subspecies is well known as the black grizzly. The average body weight of an adult male can vary between 350-450 kg. The subspecies is characterized by the presence of a large and well-developed skull with an elongated nasal part. The skin is almost black. Distinctive feature is presence long hair on the ears.

One of the largest subspecies in our country is the Far Eastern or Kamchatka brown bear, average weight whose body often exceeds 450-500 kg. Large adults have a large, massive skull and a wide, raised front of the head. The fur is long, dense and soft, pale yellow, blackish-brown or completely black in color.

The area where the brown bear lives

The natural distribution area of ​​brown bears has undergone significant changes over the last century. Previously, subspecies were found in vast areas stretching from England to Japanese Islands, as well as from Alaska to central Mexico.

Today, due to the active extermination of brown bears and their eviction from inhabited territories, the most numerous groups of the predator are recorded only in the western part of Canada, as well as in Alaska and in the forest areas of our country.

Bear lifestyle

The period of activity of the predator occurs at dusk, early morning And evening hours. The brown bear is a very sensitive animal, orienting itself in space mainly through hearing, as well as smell. Poor vision is characteristic. Despite impressive size and large body mass, brown bears are almost silent, fast and very easy to move predators.

This is interesting! The average running speed is 55-60 km/h. Bears swim quite well, but they can move through deep snow cover with great difficulty.

Brown bears belong to the category of sedentary animals, but young animals separated from the family are capable of wandering and actively looking for a partner. Bears mark and defend the boundaries of their territory. IN summer period bears rest directly on the ground, located among forbs and low shrubby plants. With the onset of autumn, the animal begins to prepare for itself a reliable winter shelter.

Nutrition and prey of the brown bear

Brown bears are omnivores, but the basis of their diet is vegetation, represented by berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and the stem parts of plants. In a lean year, oats and corn are good substitutes for berries. Also, the predator’s diet necessarily includes all kinds of insects, represented by ants, worms, lizards, frogs, field and forest rodents.

Large adult predators are capable of attacking young artiodactyls. Roe deer, fallow deer, deer, wild boar and elk can become prey. An adult brown bear can break the back of its prey with one blow of its paw, after which it covers it with brushwood and guards it until the carcass is completely eaten. Near water areas, some subspecies of brown bears hunt seals, fish and seals.

Grizzly bears are capable of attacking baribal bears and taking prey from smaller predators.

This is interesting! Regardless of age, brown bears have excellent memory. These wild animals are able to easily remember mushroom or berry places, and also quickly find their way to them.

The basis of the diet of the Far Eastern brown bear in summer and autumn period becomes salmon going to spawn. In lean years and poor food supply, a large predator is capable of attacking even domestic animals and grazing livestock.

Reproduction and offspring

Mating season The brown bear season lasts a couple of months and begins in May, when the males engage in fierce fights. Females mate with several adult males at once. Latent pregnancy involves the development of an embryo only during the hibernation stage of the animal. The female carries the cubs for approximately six to eight months.. Blind and deaf, completely helpless and covered with sparse hair, the cubs are born in a den. As a rule, the female bears two or three babies, whose height at the time of birth does not exceed a quarter of a meter and weighs 450-500 g.

This is interesting! In the den, the cubs feed on milk and grow to three months, after which they develop milk teeth and become able to independently feed on berries, vegetation and insects. However, on breastfeeding cubs stay for up to one and a half years or more.

Not only the female takes care of the offspring, but also the so-called nurse daughter, who appeared in the previous litter. The cubs live next to the female until they are about three or four years old, until they reach puberty. The female usually produces offspring once every three years.

Brown bear hibernation

The sleep of a brown bear is completely different from the period of hibernation characteristic of other species of mammals. During hibernation, the brown bear's body temperature, breathing rate, and pulse remain virtually unchanged. The bear does not fall into a state of complete stupor, and in the first days only dozes.

At this time, the predator listens sensitively and reacts to the slightest danger by leaving the den. In warm and little snowy winters, if available large quantity food, some males do not hibernate. Sleep occurs only with the onset of severe frosts and can last less than a month. During sleep, the reserves of subcutaneous fat that were accumulated in the summer and autumn are wasted.

Preparation for sleep

Winter shelters are established by adults in reliable, remote and dry places, under a windbreak or the roots of a fallen tree. The predator is able to independently dig a deep den in the ground or occupy mountain caves and rock crevices. Pregnant brown bears try to create a deeper, more spacious, warm den for themselves and their offspring, which is then lined from the inside with moss, spruce branches and fallen leaves.

This is interesting! Young bear cubs always spend the winter with their mother. Such a company can be joined by bear cubs in their second year of life.

All adult and solitary predators hibernate alone. The exception is individuals living on the territory of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Here, the presence of several adult individuals in one den is often observed.

Duration of hibernation

Depending on the weather conditions and some other factors, brown bears are able to stay in a den for up to six months. The period when a bear lies in a den, as well as the duration of hibernation itself, may depend on the conditions imposed by weather conditions, the yield of the fattening food base, gender, age parameters and even the physiological state of the animal.

This is interesting! Old and fat wild animal goes into hibernation much earlier, even before significant precipitation falls. snow cover, and young and insufficiently fed individuals lie in the den in November-December.

The period of occurrence lasts for a couple of weeks or several months. Pregnant females are the first to settle in for the winter. Lastly, old males occupy dens. The same place for hibernation in winter can be used by a brown bear for several years.


Shatun is a brown bear that has not had time to accumulate a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat and, for this reason, is not able to hibernate. In the process of searching for any food, such a predator is capable of wandering around the surrounding area all winter. As a rule, such a brown bear moves uncertainly and has a shabby and relatively exhausted appearance.

This is interesting! When meeting dangerous opponents, brown bears emit a very loud roar and stand on hind legs and try to knock down their opponent with a strong blow from their powerful front paws.

Hunger forces the beast to often appear in close proximity to human habitation. The connecting rod bear is typical for the northern regions, characterized by harsh winters, including the territory of the Far East and Siberia. A massive invasion of connecting rod bears can occur during lean seasons, approximately once every ten years. Hunting connecting rod bears is not a commercial activity, but a necessary measure.

The common brown bear is a predatory mammal of the bear family. This large predator is considered one of the most dangerous. There are about 20 subspecies, which differ in habitat and appearance.


All subspecies of brown bear have a well-developed powerful body, have a fairly large head with small eyes and rounded ears, and high withers. The tail is short (from 6.5 to 21 cm). Strong paws with powerful non-retractable claws up to 10 cm long, five-toed feet, quite wide. The appearance of the subspecies varies significantly. Males are approximately one and a half times larger than females.


The individuals inhabiting Europe are the smallest, reaching two meters in length and weighing 200 kg. Brown bears living in middle lane Russia is larger in size and weighs about 300 kg. The largest are grizzlies and Far Eastern bears, their length reaches three meters and their weight reaches 500 kg or more.


What a bear looks like and what color its skin is depends on its habitat. There are bears from light fawn to black and blue. Brown fur color is considered standard.

Grizzlies living in Rocky Mountains, the fur on the back is white at the tips, which creates a grayish tint. Brown bears living in the Himalayas have a completely grayish color, while those living in Syria have a light, brownish-red skin.

Brown bears shed once a year, from spring to autumn. Spring molt is often separated from autumn molt. Spring molt It is most intense during the rut and lasts quite a long time. Autumn flows almost unnoticed and ends by the time it begins. hibernation bears.


The lifespan of a bear directly depends on the conditions in which it lives. How many years do bears live? Average duration life in the wild favorable conditions is 20-30 years.

How many years does a brown bear live in captivity? At good care brown bears reach the age of 45-50 years.


Population differences in the brown bear are very large, and previously they were divided into many individual species. Today, all browns have been combined into one species, with several subspecies. Let's look at the most common ones.

European (Eurasian) brown

A large, powerful animal with a strongly pronounced hump.

Main characteristics:

  • body length - 150-250 cm;
  • weight - 150-300 kg;
  • height at withers - 90-110 cm.

The fur is yellowish-gray to dark brown, quite long and thick.

Caucasian brown

There are two forms of this subspecies - large and small.

Greater Caucasian:

  • body length - 185-215 cm;
  • weight - 120-240 kg.

Lesser Caucasian:

  • body length - 130-140 cm;
  • weight - no more than 65 kg.

This subspecies combines external signs Syrian and European bears. Short, coarse coat ranging from light yellowish to brownish-gray. There is a dark spot in the withers area.

Siberian brown

One of the largest subspecies.

Its dimensions:

  • body length - 200-250 cm;
  • weight - 300-400 kg.

It has a large head, long and soft shiny coat from light brown to brown-brown. Some individuals have a yellowish or black tint in color.

Ussuri brown

Also known as the Asian black grizzly or Amur.

  • length - up to 2 m;
  • weight - 300-400 kg.

It stands out for its developed skull with an elongated nose and very dark, almost black skin. The long hair on the round ears will also help distinguish it from other subspecies.

Far Eastern (Kamchatka) brown

The largest subspecies found in Russia.

Its dimensions:

  • length - up to 2.5 m;
  • weight - 350-450 kg. Some males reach 500 kg or more.

This subspecies has a massive head with a rather short nose and a wide front part raised above it, and small rounded ears. Dense, long and soft wool from fawn to blackish-brown color. Claws are dark up to 10 cm.


The brown bear inhabits almost all forest zone from western Russia and the forests of the Caucasus to Pacific Ocean. It can also be found in Japan on the island of Hokkaido, in some Asian countries, in Europe, Canada and in the northwestern states of America.

For life he chooses forested areas, with windbreaks and bushes, prefers coniferous forests. It can wander into the tundra or settle in high mountain forests, with an undergrowth of edible plants.

The habitat is not tied to a specific place; often the feeding places and the bear’s home are located far from each other and the bear has to make long journeys during the day.

Habits and lifestyle

The brown bear is a loner. Males live separately, and females raise cubs. Each adult its own territory, the size of which can reach several hundred square kilometers. Males "own" much larger territory than females. The boundaries of the territory are marked by scratches on the trees and the scent of the owner.

The habits of bears are typical of a predator. During the day, as a rule, animals rest, choosing secluded areas among grass or bushes. They go out in search of food in the morning or evening. Despite poor eyesight, bears are excellent at navigating using their sense of smell and hearing.

Despite its impressive dimensions and apparent clumsiness, it is a fairly agile and fast animal, capable of climbing trees, swimming and running at speeds of up to 60 km/h.


The diet of a brown bear is very diverse, because bears eat almost everything. Its main diet consists of plant foods: berries, nuts, acorns, stems, tubers and roots of plants. If possible, he will not miss the opportunity to wander into the fields to feast on oats and corn. It also eats various insects, frogs, lizards and rodents.

Adults hunt young moose, fallow deer, deer, roe deer and wild boar. Large predator is capable of breaking the backbone of its prey with one blow of its paw, then hides the carcass, covering it with brushwood, and guards it until it is completely eaten. For the Far Eastern brown, the main diet in the summer-autumn period is salmon going to spawn.

When the food supply is insufficient, bears often destroy apiaries and attack livestock.

These animals have amazing memory. Having found mushrooms or berries that bears eat in the forest, they remember the places and then easily find their way to them. The lifespan of a brown bear in the wild largely depends on adequate nutrition.


How do bears reproduce? The mating season begins in May and lasts a couple of months. The rut is active, accompanied by fights between males and roaring. After 6-8 months, cubs are born. Bear cubs are born in the middle of winter, when the bear is hibernating.

Cubs are born weighing only 400-500 grams, blind, with sparse hair. As a rule, there are 2-4 cubs in a litter. More than a year After birth, they feed on mother's milk, but immediately after leaving the den, the mother begins to accustom them to various foods.

The cubs and their mother live for three to four years, then they separate and begin to live independently. Females reach sexual maturity in the third or fourth year, males develop 1-2 years longer.


From mid-summer and throughout autumn, bears actively prepare for hibernation, feeding heavily and accumulating fat. The hibernation of a bear differs from the hibernation of other mammals; it is not suspended animation, but simply a sound sleep, during which neither the breathing nor the pulse of the animal changes practically. A bear in hibernation does not fall into complete stupor.


Shelters for the winter are arranged in remote and dry places, under tree roots or under windbreaks. The clubfoot can dig a den on its own, or it can occupy a crevice in the mountains or a small cave. Pregnant females build a spacious and deep den, insulating it from the inside with moss, leaves and spruce branches.

One-year-old cubs always spend the winter in their mother's den, often joined by two-year-old cubs. Adults lie in the den one at a time.

Duration of hibernation

How long does a bear sleep? It all depends on weather conditions and other factors; the brown one can hibernate for up to six months.

A bear's hibernation in winter and its duration depend on the weather, age, gender, state of health and the amount of fat gained during the summer-autumn period. So, for example, an old individual that has gained enough fat will go into hibernation long before the snow cover falls, and young individuals go to the den only in November or December. Pregnant females settle in for the winter first.

Bear rod

A shatun is an animal that has not had time to accumulate the required amount of fat, which is why it cannot hibernate and is forced to look for food for itself all winter.

Why is a connecting rod bear dangerous? IN very coldy, when there is an acute shortage of food, shatuns often approach populated areas in search of food. There are more than one known cases of a connecting rod attacking domestic animals and even humans.


We have all known these powerful animals since childhood. But few people know what types of bears exist. Pictures in children's books most often introduced us to brown and polar bears. It turns out that there are several species of these animals on Earth. Let's get to know them better.

Appearance of the bear

If we compare bears with other predators, they differ in the most uniform appearance, internal structure, and size. Currently these are the most major representatives terrestrial predatory animals. For example, polar bears can reach a body length of up to three meters and weigh 750 and even 1000 kg!

Animal fur has a well-developed undercoat; it is quite rough to the touch. Hairline- high. He just can’t boast of such a fur coat - his coat is low and sparse.

The color is varied - from black to white, and can be contrasting. The color does not change over the seasons.


Different species of bears live in the most different conditions. They thrive in the steppes and highlands, in forests and in arctic ice. In this regard, the types of bears differ in their feeding methods and lifestyle. Most representatives of these predators prefer to settle in mountain or lowland forests, much less often in treeless highlands.

Bears are active mainly at night. The only exception is polar bear- a type of animal that leads a diurnal lifestyle.

Bears are omnivores. However, some species have a preference for one food or another. For example, a polar bear almost always eats mammalian meat, but not a panda. better treats than bamboo shoots. True, they supplement it with a small amount of animal food.

Variety of species

Quite often, animal lovers ask the question: “How many species of bears live on Earth?” For those interested in these animals, there seems to be a myriad of them. Unfortunately, it is not. Today our planet is inhabited by species of bears, a list of which can be presented as follows:

There are subspecies and varieties of these animals, but we will talk about this in another article.

Brown bears

These are large and clumsy-looking animals. They belong to the bear family. Body length - from 200 to 280 cm.

This is a fairly common type. lives throughout the Eurasian and North American forests. Nowadays, this predator has completely disappeared from Japan, although in ancient times it was widespread here. On the territory of Western and Central Europe The brown bear can be found quite rarely in some mountainous areas. There is reason to claim that in these areas it is an endangered species. The brown bear is still widespread in Siberia, the Far East and northern regions our country.

Brown bears are sedentary animals. A forest area occupied by one individual can reach several hundred square kilometers. It cannot be said that bears strictly guard the boundaries of their territories. Each site has permanent places, where the animal feeds, builds temporary shelters and dens.

Despite being sedentary, this predator can wander over a distance of more than 300 kilometers in hungry years in search of more abundant food.


Everyone knows that in winter the brown bear hibernates. He first carefully prepares his den, which he arranges in hard-to-reach places - on islands in the middle of swamps, in a windfall. The bear lines the bottom of its winter home with dry grass or moss.

To survive the winter safely, a bear must accumulate at least fifty kilograms of fat. To do this, he eats about 700 kilograms of berries and about 500 kilograms of pine nuts, not counting other food. When there is a lean year for berries, bears in the northern regions raid fields sown with oats, and in the southern regions - corn crops. Some bears attack apiaries and destroy them.

Many people believe that during hibernation, animals go into suspended animation. This is not entirely true. They sleep quite lightly. During hibernation, when the animal lies motionless, its cardiac and pulmonary systems slow down their activity. A bear's body temperature ranges from 29 to 34 degrees. Every 5-10 breaths there is a long pause, sometimes lasting up to four minutes. In this state, the fat reserve is used sparingly. If during this period the bear is raised from the den, it begins to quickly lose weight and is in dire need of food. Such a bear turns into a “tramp”, or, as it is popularly called, a connecting rod. In this state he is very dangerous.

Depending on the climatic conditions the predator can hibernate for three to six months. If there is food in the southern regions, bears may not go into continuous hibernation at all, but only fall asleep for a short time. Females with one-year-old cubs sleep in the same den.


Different types of bears prefer to eat different foods. Animals of this species most often feed on fruits, berries, etc. plant foods, but sometimes they can eat ants, insect larvae, rodents, along with winter supplies. Quite rarely, males hunt forest ungulates. Despite its external clumsiness, the brown bear can be very fast and agile. It sneaks up on its prey unnoticed and grabs it in a quick lunge. At the same time, its speed reaches 50 km/h.

White bears

IUCN - International Union For the first time in several years, Nature Conservation has expanded the list of animals that are on the verge of extinction. New species appeared in it. Polar bears were brought not only into this international list, but also in the Red Book of Russia. Today their number is only 25 thousand individuals. According to scientists, this population will decline by almost 70% in the next 50 years.

Rare species of bears (you can see the photo in our article), which recently include white individuals, suffer from industrial pollution of their habitats, global warming and, of course, poaching.


Many people believe that white, polar, northern, sea or oshkuy are types of polar bears. In fact, this is what one species is called carnivorous mammal from the bear family, the closest relative of the brown bear.

Its length is three meters, weight is about a ton. The largest animals are found off the coast, the smallest are found on Spitsbergen.

Polar bears are distinguished from other species by their long hair and flat head. The color can be completely white or with a yellowish tint. IN summer time the fur turns yellow when exposed to sunlight. The skin of these animals is black.

The soles of the paws are reliably protected by wool so as not to slip on ice and not freeze.

Lifestyle and nutrition

According to scientists, the polar bear is the most predatory of the entire family. After all, he practically does not consume plant foods. Different kinds bears (photos and names of which are posted in our article) are almost never the first to attack a person. Unlike its counterparts, the polar bear quite often hunts people.

The main “menu” of these predators consists of seals, mainly ringed seal. In addition, he feeds on any animals that he manages to kill. These could be rodents, birds, walruses, or whales washed ashore. For the predator itself, killer whales pose a danger, as they can sometimes attack in the water.


In October, females begin to dig a den in the snow. They settle there in mid-November. Pregnancy lasts 230-240 days. Cubs are born at the end of the Arctic winter. The female first bears offspring when she is 4-6 years old. Cubs appear once every two to three years. There are from one to three cubs in a litter. Newborns are completely helpless and weigh about 750 grams. The babies begin to see after a month, after two months their teeth erupt, and the babies begin to gradually leave the den. They do not part with the bear until she is one and a half years old. Polar bears are not very fertile, so their numbers are recovering too slowly.

Black bear

It is also called baribal. Its body length is 1.8 m, weight is about 150 kg. The bear has a sharp muzzle, high paws with long and sharp claws, short and smooth black fur. Sometimes the color is black-brown, except for the light yellow muzzle.

The black bear feeds exclusively on plant foods - larvae, insects, and small vertebrates.

The female's pregnancy lasts up to 210 days, the cubs are born in January-February, weighing 400 grams, and remain with the mother until April.

Himalayan bear

This animal is smaller in size than the brown one. In addition, these types of bears differ in appearance. The Himalayan bear has a slimmer build, a thin muzzle, thick and lush fur, usually black in color with a white, sometimes yellowish spot on the chest (shaped like the letter V).

Large adult individuals can reach a length of 170 cm and weigh 140-150 kg. Habitat - East Asia. In the west, it can be found in Afghanistan, Indochina, and on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. On the territory of our country it is found only in the Ussuri region, north of the Amur.

In spring it feeds on last year's acorns and pine nuts. In summer, he enjoys eating juicy grass, berries, and insects. There is evidence that in South Asia it often attacks domestic animals and can be dangerous to humans.

There are usually two cubs in a litter. Their weight does not exceed 400 grams. They develop very slowly, even at the age of a month and a half, and are completely helpless.

Spectacled bear

We continue to study types of bears, getting to know an indigenous resident South America. He settles in the mountains - from Colombia to Northern Chile. This is a spectacled bear - not a very good animal large sizes. Its body, no more than 1.7 m long, weighs about 140 kg.

The bear is covered with thick, shaggy fur of black or black-brown color, with white spots around the eyes (hence its name). Preferring mountains, the animal also often appears on meadow slopes. Its biology is still poorly understood, but at the same time, scientists consider it the most herbivorous in the entire family. He is a lover of leaves and roots, fruits and branches of young bushes. Sometimes he climbs tall palm trees to get his favorite delicacy, breaks young branches, and then eats them on the ground.

Sloth bear

For our compatriots, the last animals on our list are exotic species bears. You can see their photos and names in numerous domestic and foreign publications about animals.

The sloth bear is an inhabitant of tropical countries. He lives in the forests of Hindustan and Ceylon. It can be up to 1.8 m long and weighs approximately 140 kg. This is a rather slender animal, on high legs, with huge claws. The muzzle is somewhat pointed. There is a light V-shaped mark on the chest. The bear is active at night. During the day he sleeps soundly, and (which is typical only for this species) snores surprisingly loudly.

The sloth fish feeds mainly on fruits and insects. With the help of huge claws, he easily breaks rotten, dilapidated tree trunks, and then he uses an amazing device that can resemble a pump. Long muzzle The animal has very mobile lips that extend, forming something like a tube.

The sponge fish lacks the upper pair of incisors, as a result of which oral cavity there is a gap. This feature allows the animal to hunt for termites. First, it blows out all the dust and dirt from the insects’ “house,” and then draws in the prey through its lips elongated into a tube.

Mating of spongers occurs in June, after seven months 2-3 babies appear. They spend 3 months in a shelter with their mother. At first, the father of the family takes care of his cubs, which is not typical for other bear species.


This animal, 1.2 m long and weighing up to 160 kg, lives in the mountain forests of the western provinces of China. Prefers solitude, except during mating time. This is usually spring.

Offspring appear in January. Mostly 2 cubs are born, weighing about two kilograms each. Unlike other bears, it does not hibernate. Feeds various plants, bamboo roots, sometimes small rodents and fish.


This is the name of the Malayan bear. This is the smallest representative of the bear family. Its body length does not exceed 1.4 m, its height is no more than 0.7 m, and its weight is about 65 kg. Despite its modest size, compared to its brothers, this animal is strong. Biruang has a short muzzle, wide paws with powerful curved claws. The body of the animal is covered with smooth, short, straight, black hair. There is a mark of white or orange color, in the shape of a horseshoe. The muzzle is orange or gray. Sometimes the legs are also light.

Biruang is a nocturnal animal, so during the day it sleeps and basks in sun rays, in the branches of trees. By the way, he climbs trees very well and feels completely comfortable on them.

Feeds on young shoots. The female gives birth to two cubs. The animal does not hibernate.