The skull and jaws teeth predators are divided into cutters, fangs and indigenous. The most developed fangs and four indigenous teeth are the most developed., Unlike other indigenous teeth, are called predatory. Fanging predators kill and break the prey, the muscles and tendons are overloaded with root teeth, and the cutters scrape meat from the bones of animals killed.

The limbs in predatory are four or five fingers on each of the paws. The thumb is not opposed to other fingers and in some species atrophied or reduced. The dice of the wrist, as a rule, stroked, thanks to which the joints are stronger. The clavicle of both the lastonodium and other families is reduced or completely absent. However, in predatory, which are primarily adapted to the persecution of production, limbs are moving mainly only forward and forth. Some predatory, such as feline and ping representatives, walk on the fingers, while bears rely on the feet. The limbs of the lastonodii are strongly adapted to the water habitat and are transformed into flippers, in which the fingers are connected by leathery.

Organs, due to usually low specialization in the adoption of certain food, the digestive system, like the jaw, compared with many vegetative, very archaic, but at the same time provides great adaptive opportunities. It consists of a stomach and a relatively short intestine. In females, a two-round uterus, and the dairy glands are located on the stomach. Males, with the exception of hyenas, possess bakulyum, and the testicles are located outside the body. The brain is relatively large and has furrows of the cortex of the brain.

Power Most of predatory - carnivorous animals. The need for meat they are covered by hunting or food Padal. However, most of the predatory is omnivorous, that is, their diet complements other types of food, such as berries or herbs. Many small predatory, such as mangoshos, as well as larger foods, including invertebrates, mostly insects. Some types of predatory, such as a badger, a raccoon dog, a small panda, a big panda and kinka, vegetable food is even paramount, if not the only one. Nevertheless, classic predators enter this particular detachment.

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Presentation - Painted Animals

Text of this presentation

Predatory animals
Presentation is made to the lesson of biology student 6 A class

Predators who are they?
Predatory beasts (Carnivora), a detachment of mammals. According to modern ideas, includes families of wolf, bearish, raccoon, hyenic, kunih, willer, mangostess, cats, as well as three families united earlier in a detachment detachment: seal, eared talenter of walruses; Total about 270 species. Dissolves all export, there are only visible visible in Russia. The size of the body of adult animals can be from 12 cm with a mass of 50 g (caress) to 3 m and 700 kg (polar bear) and even 6.5 m and 3000 kg (sea elephant). The specific features of the structure of the body and lifestyle are very different from representatives of different systematic and environmental groups. Various types of predatory can maintain ground (most of the species), half impected (some visual, raccoon), semi-water (otter) and water (cailat, seal) lifestyle. Inhabiting a variety of landscapes - from the Arctic deserts to the desert and highly. Most species feed mainly animal food, but among land forms are also found omnivorous and even predominantly vegetative (for example, a big panda). Some species are distributed in very large territories, found in various biotopes, are characterized by a wide food spectrum. Another characteristic of a narrow biotope or food specialization is peculiar. For terrestrial predatory, the monogamy and the birth of underdeveloped and blind young.

Wolf (pie, doggy; canidae), a family of mammalian detachment of predatory animals, includes 11 clans (about 35 species), including grivy wolves, red wolves, sands, raccoon dogs, phenosi (in all in one species), wolves, foxes . Most of the species enters the subfamily of wolf. Always live hundreds of 6-8 animals The main feature of wolf character is "friendliness", the length of an adult wolf from the tip of the nose to the tail is 2 meters. They weigh 43-45 kg. Feel the smell for 1.5 km. Running running per day 65-80 km at a speed of 55-60 km / h eaten in one sitting up to 6 kg of meat, the rest is hiding about the reserve

Cuns, or cunish (lat. Mustelidae) - family of mammals of the detachment of predatory. Are one of the richest types of families. Kuni appeared 40 million years ago their sizes for predators are quite small. Kunov include cunits, minks, widers, badgers, ferrets, and so on. Cuns are able to adapt well to different conditions, so presented in all parts of the world.

Retreat (Procyonidae), a family of mammals of predatory detachment; Includes 8 bodies, 15-21 species. Most of the raccoon - animals of medium size with an elongated flexible body (31-67 cm), long (20-69 cm) tail, in some grateful. Mass from 0.8 to 22 kg. The muzzle is almost all short, pointed, ears standing. Paws with long chain fingers, porous or finger-fitting, sometimes with half-breeding claws. Color varies from gray to bright red-brown. On the face there are often marked, characterized by a ring drawing of the tail. Most species live in South and Central America, one species - in North America, two species - in Asia (Panda). Radies live mainly in tropical, mixed and mountain forests. Some species are immersed in hibernation (raccoon rod). Retrootes are powered by amphibians, fish, rodents, as well as vegetable food (fruit, berries) and insects. They breed once a year, usually born from 2 to 6 young. Some species (raccoon rods) are a commercial object.

Hyaenidae, family of predatory mammals; Includes four types. Hynes are quite large animals: the length of their body is 55-165 cm, the tail is 20-33 cm, the mass is 10-80 kg. They possess a short torso. The head is massive, in most species with mighty jaws. The legs are strong, somewhat curved. The front limbs are longer than the rear. In real hyen on both legs of 4 fingers, from an earthen wolf - 5. Long claws, but stupid, comfortable for digging. Coarse wool, shaggy, on the ridge in the form of a long standing mane. The overall color of the color is dirty, yellowish gray, or brown, with a striped or spotted pattern on the whole body or only on the legs. Hynes are common in Africa, Front, Central and South-West Asia. One species is a striped hyena (body length about 1 m, a tail of about 30 cm) in the Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The smallest view is an earthen wolf (Proteles Cristatus). The length of his body is up to 80 cm, tail up to 30 cm. It is common in Eastern and South Africa. An earthen wolf is not powered, unlike other species, but in the main insects and their larvae (termites), less often with small mammals and birds. An important means of protection is the extraction of anal glands that scare predators. Spotted hyena is the largest representative of the Gien family. The number of hyenas is reduced due to a decrease in wild hoofs whose corpses are mainly powered. Brunnea Buurana (Hyaena Brunnea) and striped hyenas are listed in the International Red Book.

Viverta (ViverRidae), a family of mammalian trades of predatory (Carnivora). Mostly small slender animals with short legs and a long tail; Many V. in appearance are similar to the representatives of the Kunih family. In some there are special glands located near the rear passage and distinguishing the odorless secret - cybetin. 36 (or 37) clans, including about 75 species (the largest family of predatory detachment). Completed in South Asia, Africa (including Madagascar) and South-Western Europe. They lead a terrestrial lifestyle, some dwell on trees. Feed small animals, sometimes fruits and nuts. Main delivery: Genelta (6 species), Viverra (3 species), Binturong (one species), phossa (one species), Inta (8 species), Mungo (one species), African Cywett (CivetTictis, One View), African Palm Coletta (Nandinia, one species) and others. Many V. - Hunting object; Used cybetin used in perfumery and medicine. Some V. contain in captivity also to obtain cybitin.

Tiger (lat. Panthera Tigris) is the type of predatory mammals of catfish families, which refers to the submissions of large cats. Reaches a length of 3.5 meters. Weigh 300 kg. Hungry tiger eats all: deer, bulls, cow, buffaloes, lynx, wolves, fish, locust, snakes, frogs, mice. They live closer to the water, well swim the tigers hunt in the evening. One way of the paws kill the horse.

What is developed?
Perfection of the brain is a high level of nervous activity peculiar to predatory, ensured by the great perfection of the brain. It has well-developed hemispheres with three grooves, numerous convulsions, major olfactory shares. The number of respiratory movements in mammals is depending on the magnitude of the animal, which determines the different intensity of metabolism. It is (in 1 minute): the horse is 8-16, a black bear - 15-25, in the fox -25-40, in the rat - 100-150, at the mouse - about 200. The ventilation of the lungs does not only provide gas exchange, But has the thermoregulation value. With increasing temperature, the number of respiats increases, and at the same time the amount of heat derived from the body increases. So, the dog has the ratio of heat recovery when breathing to the total loss at an air temperature of 8 ° C is (in percent) 14, at 15 ° C-22, at 30 ° - 46. Excellent developed all the organs of predators are well developed. feelings. Especially smelling: it is stronger than human thousands of times. The sense of smell gives predator information about the world more than it, too, acute vision.

Predator birds
Birds are predatory - birds that hunt in flight. They have good vision, large claws and beaks adapted to capture or kill the victim. Painting birds do not constitute a single taxonomic group, but are several taxa combined by common features. Most of the day predatory birds belong to the Falconiformes detachment (calcipitridae) Skopina (Pandionidae) Secretaries (Sagittariidae) Salconidae (Falconidae) to the nightly birds of predatory birds include representatives of the Soviet Council (Strigiformes), which include two families: Sovic (Strigidae) Sipukhov (Tytonidae)

What is characteristic of birds of prey?
a certain set of digestive enzymes necessary for effective digestion of animal food, and appropriate forms of behavior used in the hunting on various animals (birds, mammals, reptile, etc.), a large scale of wings, strongly pointed claws, bevelled beaks, acute vision and good hearing .

Humble (lat. Accipitridae) - Family of falconized birds. They meet on all continents besides Antarctica and some oceanic islands, are most diverse and numerous in the tropics. There are views of cosmopolitans, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich covers several parts of the world, island shapes have a point area. They are found in a wide variety of types of landscapes: forests, tundra, steppes, deserts, in the mountains to a height of 7000 meters above sea level.

Skop (Pandion Haliaetus) The only view of the Sopina family - has a cosmopolitan distribution, meeting near the reservoirs. It lives in Europe and Asia (except TundR, south to Spain, Mediterranean and South China), in North Africa, Australia, North America, on a number of islands in the Pacific. In the northern part of the nesting area of \u200b\u200bthe skill, winters in South Africa, India, Indochita, in the south of North America. In April, it flew into our country in April, when the reservoirs are exempt from ice cover, flies to wintering in September. Skop length 55-60 cm, weight 1.3-1.9 kg.

Secretary Bird, or Secretary [(Lat. Sagittarius Serpentarius) - a bird from a falcon-shaped squad, the only type of family of secretaries. Her peculiar name comes from black feathers on the head, reminiscent of goose feathers, who previously loved inserting the judicial secretaries to their wigs.

Falconida (Lat. Falconidae) - a family of birds from falconiforms (Falconiformes). Contains 12 genera and about 60 species. These include the smallest birds of prey - dwarf falcons, whose magnitude ranging from 15 to 19 cm.

Soviet (lat. Strigidae) - a family of predatory birds belonging to the detachment of the co-formation. The Soviet belongs, for example, eared owls, bassati, plins and Filin. In total, 23 kinds and more than 200 species are counted. Most of the owls hunt solely at night or at dusk. From other predatory birds differ in the absence of goiter, the presence of long blind intestines. Many nations of owls are a symbol of wisdom. Owl has always been depicted along with the ancient Greek goddess of the wisdom of Athena Stalladia and Roman Miner.

Sipukhovy (lat. Tytonidae) is one of two families of the cognizable. The front drive of the triangular shape, a narrowing book, distinguishes Sipukhov from the present owls. The body is slim, the head is narrow and long. All Sipukhovy are night hunters and eat mostly small mammals, such as mice, earthroopers, as well as small birds, large insects. To avoid sounds when flying, there are special fluff on their feathers, and the feathers themselves have a special structure.

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The strategy for the development of the Russian Federation is indicated on the need to work with different children, the creation of various conditions for obtaining quality education. The use of modern educational technologies is improving training, makes it more saturated, dynamic, creative.

The technology of project activity makes it possible to reveal the ability of each child, to increase its cognitive activity, gives the skills of cooperation, teaches working with information, to think and generalize and generalize, broadcast the results obtained, prepares for continuous self-education, receiving the profession.

Use when conducting a lesson of students' projects makes schoolchildren with active participants in the educational process and class co-authors.

Objectives lesson:


  • To identify general signs of the external structure and behavior of predatory mammals.
  • Show features of the structure, behavior, lifestyle of representatives of some families of the detachment of predatory.


  • Increase the level of cognitive abilities and self-education of students through the inclusion of them in project activities using ICT.
  • To form the ability to work with the presentation materials, allocate the main thing, compare, formulate questions and conclusions, orient in the text.
  • Develop the skills of independent student work.


  • Show the value of predatory mammals in the nature and life of a person, justify the need for their protection.

Planned results:


  • Systematization and summarization of students' knowledge of the detachments of mammals, including predatory.
  • Definition of a family for specific animal features.
  • Expanding students' representations on the role of predatory mammals in nature, their features and diversity.


  • Development of oral speech students.
  • Development of work skills with various computer programs
  • Development of analyzing skills and synthesis of material being studied.


  • Improving students' learning motivation through project activities.
  • Formation of readiness for education and self-education.
  • Improvement of monologic and dialogical speech.

Type of lesson: Lesson studying new material

Equipment: multimedia projector, PowerPoint presentation, distribution material.

Technologies: Information and Communication, Developing, Project Activities.

During the classes

1. The organizational principle of the lesson.

2. Repetition of the material passed.

Issues of students.

TO how the detachments of mammals include the following representatives: exhaust, nutria, rabbit, mole, kilot, food, protein, horseshoes? What features can I define the representatives of each detachment?

Independent work. Using handouts. <Приложение 1>

Set the correspondence between the signs of representatives of the mammalian class and units (groups) for which they are characteristic.


BUT B. IN G. D. E. J. Z. AND
2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1

3. Studying a new material.

When conducting a lesson, the presentation of "predatory mammals" is used, which is the result of the project activities of the Group of Grade 7. Students protect their project.

Topic of the lesson: detachments of predatory mammals<СЛАЙД 1>

Actions of the teacher Student actions
1. Opening word about the topic and purposes of lesson.

2. Conversation with students

Try to call the mammals that you attribute to the predatory.

Why are they so named? Specify the general features of such animals.

Record theme lesson

Answer questions, express their judgments.

2. Explanation of the new material using the presentation

<СЛАЙДЫ 2 - 6>

The whole detachment of predatory mammals is divided into 15-16 families, from which we will get to know four. Precious combine general signs, such as: cubs are born blind and helpless, carnivorous hunters, among the rooted teeth, predatory teeth are distinguished, well-developed hemispheres of the brain with a large number of convulsions; complex behavior; The care of the offspring and others is well developed.

Fix signs in a notebook.
The teacher conveys the word students who prepared the project.

Each family has its own characteristics. We point out the distinctive features of each family, briefly introduce the guys with representatives, and show interesting moments using videos that make it possible to more clearly demonstrate animal life in their natural habitat: behavioral features, care for offspring. Videos are brief, to save your time.

Speakers lead lesson:

  • talk about the general signs of representatives of pings, feline, kunih, bearish;
  • call typical representatives, their features;
  • using videos showing the lifestyle of animal data;
  • they are talking about the predatory mammals listed in the Red Book, using the distribution material "Predatory Mammals to be protected".

Family Wolf (PS)<СЛАЙДЫ 7 - 11>

Feline family <СЛАЙДЫ 12 - 20>

Family Kuni.<СЛАЙДЫ 21 - 24>

Family of Medvezhia <СЛАЙДЫ 25 - 28>

Fill table



Specify questions with students on the project, report the well-known information.

Work with the application

3. Generalization of the material.

Why do you need to study these animals? What significance in nature and human life do they have?

Try to determine who is superfluous? Which family treats "superfront" animal? What do you know about him?<СЛАЙД 29>

A) fox, sandy, cheetah, jackal

B) caress, rat, protein, beaver

C) couss, aphalin, white, hyena

Solve Remus<СЛАЙДЫ 30 - 31>

Estimated Student Answers:

important link in power circuits

regulate the number of other animals, destroying weak and patients

singing corpses perform a sanitary role

have a commercial value

attack livestock, causing harm to man

distribute some dangerous diseases and others.

Perform teacher's tasks

4. Reflection

Students give an assessment of the work of the project team: the quality of the presentation, the presentation of the material, the ability to own the attention of the listeners. Students evaluate their activity in the lesson.

The teacher issues estimates.

5. Homework.

Paragraph 33, task 5 working notebook, p.89.

"Mammal detachments" - Mole. Donkey. Squirrel. Representatives of the Family Wolf. Subclass beasts. Homework: Tapir is plain. Family of bearish. Cat family. Rhinoceros. Cat breed. (Temple). Beluha. Mammalian manifold. Catto-shaped squad. Mink. Muskrat. Walrus. Wolf. Hyena. Horse. Shrew. Objectives lesson:

"The external structure of mammals" - obolovaya mammals. Ground - wood mammals. Tasks of the lesson: Thus, mammals make up the most highly organized class of vertebrates. Inhabit forests and open spaces. Problem question. Methods of movement - walking, running, jumping.

"Detachment of Lastonodi" - Family Real Seals Family Eared Sealing Burfies Family. Red Book. Origin. Classification of lastonovy. Are part of the power circuits using tissue, meat, fat, skin. Conclusions. Half crews become 3-7 years in a year give birth to one young. Unified collection of digital educational resources: environmental groups of mammals.

"Rodents" - rodent detachments and touches. Figure 1. Areal represents isolated space north of Tomsk. Tables with rodent manifold. Equipment: Features of the structure of the teeth: Stuffed hare or rabbit. The variety of rodents. Figure 2. To acquaint with economic activities. The purpose of the lesson: reveal the biological features of rodents.

"Detachment of mammals" - about the author. Modern predatory animals know about 240 species. In the skeleton of non-parunning there are no clavicle. Temple. Distributed on all continents, except Antark-Tida and Australia. Parquance. Test. The total number of known species is about 400. Photo. Primates. The subcutaneous layer of fat is about 10 cm. The total number of teeth in various species from 28 to 48.

"Detachment Rodent" - 2007. In winter, many rodents run in a hibernation. Animals from the rodent squad did not accidentally get their name. 6 families: beaver, American beavers, squirrels, flying, sobbing rats, sobble-barred. What is the most distinctive feature of the mammalian data? Rodents. Hook.

Total in the subject of 28 presentations