Subtropics- a climatic zone located between the equatorial tropics and the temperate latitudes of the Southern and Northern hemispheres. Depending on the average annual amount and season of precipitation, the subtropics are divided into:

- wet. Characterized by year-round abundance atmospheric precipitation without a pronounced dry season - the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southeastern regions of China and Japan;

- seasonally wet. They are characterized by hot and dry summers and rainy, cool winters - Crimea, Mediterranean zone;

- monsoon. Prevail on eastern coasts continents. Climatic feature is dry and clear weather in winter and heavy rainfall in summer period– northern Florida, eastern central China, southern Korea, central Argentina;

- dry. Hot and long summers and short, dry winters – Fergana Valley, Pyrenees, Moroccan mountains.

The Mediterranean natural area is a subzone subtropical zone. Sometimes Mediterranean zones allocated to separate zones forest subtropics. Common in the pool Mediterranean Sea, in North and South America, in the southwest and south of Australia.

In the Mediterranean region, rigid-leaved plants predominate evergreen forests and shrubs, typical of which are a wide crown, strong bark or cork in the trunk, and hard perennial leaves. The structure of the leaves is maximally adapted to reduce evaporation: green matte color, shiny waxy coating, high content essential oils. Root system of many trees is capable of penetrating 10-20 m deep into the rock. Varieties of holm and cork oak grew on the shores of the Mediterranean already 3-4 thousand years ago. Currently, such forests very rare. Places free from crops and plantations cultivated plants, are occupied mainly by fire-resistant trees and shrubs: heathers, strawberry trees, wild olives, myrtle, pistachios. Shrubs are often entwined with thorny climbing plants. In places where trees are cut down, communities of low-growing shrubs and herbaceous plants. Kermes oak grows here - a shrub up to 1.5 m high.

For Mediterranean soil type, formed by dry forests and shrubs, are characterized by a high humus content and increased carbonate content. In the mountains of the Mediterranean, the soil color changes from coastal brown to forest brown. Fires, grazing, and exploitation land plots led to the development of soil erosion.

Formation Mediterranean climate due to protection from northern winds by the Alpine and Pyrenean mountain ranges. Long dry and hot summers give way to rainy and cool winters. The average annual precipitation on the plains is 300-400 mm, in the mountains it reaches 3000 mm. During warm periods, there is a significant moisture deficit. In winter, snow cover is established only high in the mountains. The growing season is over 200 days. Many areas of the Mediterranean are characterized by local winds - sirocco, mistral, bora, etc.

Subtropical zones such as India, Central America, China, the Mediterranean - were the birthplace of the main civilizations on Earth. Favorable conditions for life still make them the most densely populated areas in the world.

Which largely depends on local peculiarities territories. Subtropics are typical for the south of Australia, the north and extreme south of Africa, the coast of the Balkans, but they also exist in Russia.

Subtropical zone

The climate on Earth is not the same. Some places are unbearably hot, others are covered eternal ice and permeate with cold, in others there is a lot of heat and moisture. Based on the features weather conditions, there are several climate zones on our planet.

The subtropical zone is present in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It extends from 30 degrees northern latitude up to 40 degrees south, is transitional between the tropical and temperate zones. Study the features of sub tropical zone in 4th grade.

The conditions of the belt are determined by two dominant air masses, replacing each other. In winter they come from the temperate zone, bringing with them coolness and precipitation, in summer the wind comes from the tropics, saturating the air with warmth.

Winters in this zone are usually mild, with an average temperature of +4..+5 degrees. Serious cold snaps are extremely rare, and frosts usually do not exceed -10 degrees. Summers in the subtropical zone are hot, sunny and dry. average temperature is +20 degrees.

Diversity of the subtropics

Despite the presence common features, zones in different regions is different. Except seasonal winds, it is influenced by local landscapes, as well as the presence or absence of nearby seas and oceans. So, inside the belt there are humid, semi-humid and arid areas. They differ in the amount of precipitation and are present on each of the continents.

In the interior of the continents there are regions with a dry climate throughout the year. Within their boundaries there are zones of deserts, semi-deserts and steppes with woodlands, shrubs and cereals.

In the east and southeast of the continents, humidity is high in summer, winters are rainless, and there is virtually no seasonal temperature difference. Subtropical natural zones of the eastern part are represented mixed forests with bamboos, magnolias, pines, oaks, fir, palm trees; broad-leaved semi-deciduous forests - hemihyleas, with ferns, bamboos and vines.

On the western side are the semi-regions humid subtropics with a Mediterranean climate. There are wet winters and dry summer. The predominant areas are hard-leaved forests with evergreen oaks, pines, firs, junipers, olives and other plants.

Subtropical zone of Russia

Subtropics are not typical for Russia. Most of its territory lies in the temperate zone, and in the north it covers the subarctic and but there are also warmer areas where even in winter there are often above-zero temperatures.

The subtropical zone of Russia occupies a very small space and stretches along the Black Sea coast. Such conditions from Sochi to Anapa were formed thanks to the mountains and the sea.

The Caucasus ridge is a natural shield, a kind of barrier that does not allow cold, harsh winds from the east and north to pass through, and in summer delays sea air masses, preventing them from passing further to the continent.

The Caucasus Mountains form the border between temperate zone from the north of them and subtropical zone from the southern slopes. Moving from east to west, this difference becomes stronger due to the increase in the height of the mountains.

Climate and vegetation of the subtropics of Russia

The natural conditions of the Black Sea coast of Russia vary from dry steppe areas to highly humid areas. From Taman to arid, steppe. There are swamps and estuaries here, so the vegetation is predominantly aquatic.

Subtropics begin from Anapa. Around Tuapse the climate is Mediterranean. In winter there is a large amount of precipitation. Average annual temperatures range from +12 to +14 degrees. Olives, juniper woodlands, Crimean pines, and wild pistachios grow in this part of the coast. The climate is similar to the Balkan coast or the southern coast of Crimea. In the mountains, vegetation also changes with increasing altitude. Where the mountains are not very high, cold currents from the continent still find loopholes. They meet the warm sea air of the coast, forming local winds, burs. When bora blows, tornadoes, tornadoes and hurricanes often occur.

From Tuapse begins a zone of humid subtropics, similar to the climate of the coasts of Georgia, Abkhazia, and Colchis. In this area the mountains are higher, so the barrier from the winds is more reliable. On the western slopes, up to 3000 mm of precipitation falls throughout the year. This is the most damp place European part of the world.

There is also a lot of precipitation on the coast - up to 2000 mm/year. Multi-layered evergreen forests grow in the region. In the lower reaches grow beech, oak, and hornbeam, entwined with vines and with green undergrowth. Fruits, chestnuts, hazel, strawberry trees, and silk acacias grow in the foothills. Citrus fruits, figs, and pomegranates are grown in the gardens. In mountainous areas, vegetation corresponds to the altitudinal zone.

Every climate zone earth is different from others unique characteristics. Even such intermediate options as subarctic or subtropical have own characteristics. They can determine vegetable world or farming conditions. What exactly makes the subtropical zone stand out? Let's try to figure it out.

Where is he located?

The subtropical climate zone lies in two hemispheres. It is located between the equator and the tropics. Thanks to the extremely favorable conditions for human survival created by the subtropical zone, it was in such territory that the first ancient civilizations appeared. Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Greece are located in this zone. In addition, these are now the best areas for tourism and Agriculture: Olives, grapes, citrus fruits and many other species grow here.

Main characteristics

The subtropical zone is characterized by low rainfall in summer time- such conditions create areas high pressure and cyclones with frequent rains in winter. Temperature at the most warm month the average is twenty-five degrees, and at the coldest - five. Summer is dry and hot with minimal clouds, while winter is quite windy and rainy. Such conditions provide a small amount of snow that does not linger for long. If the territory of the subtropical zone covers high mountains, a so-called cold desert climate arises. It is characterized by extremely cold winters with temperatures down to minus fifty and cool summers, unstable snow and strong winds. In the eastern regions of the belt, the monsoon variant predominates. It is characterized by warmer and cloudier summers. Winter is getting drier. The subtropical zone, where precipitation is usually scanty, is characterized here by amounts reaching almost a thousand millimeters. Because of this, lush vegetation grows in this area and agriculture develops well.


Where does this kind of weather occur? The subtropical climate zone covers large territory Turkmenistan, Rajasthan in India, Afghanistan in the plains, pampas South America, Bukhara, Xinjiang depression, Large swimming pool South Australia.

Characteristic plants

The subtropical zone, whose precipitation is seasonal, is well suited for some types of flora. All vegetation can be divided into several types - hemihylea, monsoon, hard-leaved or Mediterranean forests. Each of them is accompanied by certain types of plants. Stiffleaf plants develop in a special way so as not to depend on large quantities water. The canopy of such a forest is located in one tier, with wide crowns. The hard-leaved areas are accompanied by a dense undergrowth of evergreen shrubs. Tree trunks branch from the very ground, they are covered with cork or crust. The subtropical zone also includes areas. The main trees inhabiting such areas are beeches, magnolias, fir, bamboos, and all kinds of palms. Such a forest consists of many tiers with dense undergrowth and vines. And finally, hemihylea. These are evergreens in which vines and epiphytes are not too common. Conifers, ferns, oaks, magnolias, and camphor laurels are common.

Characteristic animals

The fauna of the subtropics is well adapted to the climatic conditions of its habitat with hot summers, cool winters and possible droughts. Therefore, animal activity is often seasonal, tied to the moments of the most favorable combination of temperatures and air humidity. In this strip you can find ungulates, for example, mouflons and fallow deer. Small predators civets and wild cats. In the Pyrenees, bears are found in such a zone. In hard-leaved areas you can find monkeys, jackals, wolves, porcupines, and chameleons. Animals that feed on seeds are common - rodents, squirrels, and dormice. There are many different reptiles, and birds are represented by vultures, finches, falcons, linnets, goldfinches, great tits. In desert areas there are ungulates such as gazelles or common predators - tigers, leopards, cheetahs. There are many jackals and hyenas. In such an area you can find a lot of birds, including sparrows, finches, blue magpies, marbled teals, mockingbirds, and wheatears. Black vultures and griffon vultures are often seen. In areas of the Mediterranean, chameleons, geckos, lizards, and many snakes, including snakes and grass snakes, are common. The world of insects inhabiting the subtropics is also rich - butterflies, beetles, and termites are found here in an impressive variety.

Eurasia, as the world's largest continent, has the influence of all 7 climatic zones and, as always, out of the mass one is the best, the leader, and in our case, the most favorable for human habitation, and this primacy went to the subtropical climate.

It has two belts and is divided into subtypes, depending on geographical location, which is affected by various air masses, mainly Mediterranean, monsoon, dry and cold desert climates. The western parts of the continents are characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters under the influence of the Mediterranean sub tropical climate.

The average air temperature on the sea coasts in summer is +20- +25°C, and in winter +5- +10. During the year, 400-600 mm of precipitation falls, which evaporates in the summer, and there is a slight drought, but the sea air has a moisturizing effect.

The climate of the subtropical zone is an opportunity for every resident of Russia to experience without leaving its borders, because it covers everything Black Sea coast from Russia south coast Crimea to Abkhazia. In addition, its beneficial effects are partially noted in European countries Mediterranean: Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Turkey, Israel, etc. In addition, these are Chile, California, Africa, Australia.

Further from the sea coasts inland, a dry subtropical climate prevails. It is characterized by very hot summers, the temperature reaches +30°C, and in winter it drops to +2 - +5°C, but frosts and even very coldy. Precipitation will fall from 120 to 600 mm, depending on the prevailing air masses and numerous cyclones.

The dry climate in the subtropical zone is characteristic of deserts, semi-deserts and steppes of the Iranian Plateau, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, parts of North and South America, and Australia. The climate in the subtropical zone, despite its best conditions favorable for human habitation, is not very happy with the movement to the east. Getting to the highlands of Asia (Tibet, Pamir) we have quite cold winter with a reading on the thermometer down to -10°C, small snow cover with the slightest precipitation (80-100 mm) and increased evaporation, strong winds.

Such climatic conditions brings polar arctic air masses from the zone temperate zone. Summer gives way to the predominance of tropical air, which heats up the atmosphere to 30-35°C. Climate in the subtropical zone eastern parts The continents are hot and quite humid in summer (800-1000 mm per year), and in winter they are cool and relatively dry due to the monsoons. They blow through eastern China, southern Japan, part of South America, southeastern Australia and the USA.

The monsoon subtropical climate provides a fertile season for agricultural land. Many countries around the world have a subtropical climate, which varies in temperature, humidity, etc., depending on their geographical location from west to east and the degree of distance from the sea and ocean. The subtropical climate that is represented in our country is the most favorable for human habitation, which we should be proud of, use and protect.

You can also watch a video about subtropical zones

Russians, as residents of a country stretching its for the most part to live in temperate latitudes with a long cold winter, I like to relax in hot countries, especially where all year round summer. When choosing a vacation spot, managers from travel agency be sure to talk about the climate and weather conditions this or that resort, but to make a final decision, knowledge about the differences in climatic zones that determine the seasons of the year favorable for recreation is necessary.

Most popular resort areas are located in tropical and subtropical climate. Although both climate zones belong to hot climate zones, they differ in some geographical characteristics.

How are climate zones formed?

Form over continents and oceans large bodies of air, homogeneous in properties. Properties are expressed in the ratio of heat and moisture. If an air mass formed over a cold continent, then its properties will be dry and cold. The ocean saturates the atmosphere with moisture. In hot latitudes, the air heats up and loses moisture.

On globe There is an alternation of warm and cold belts, so air masses also alternate in the direction from the poles to the equator. Air masses, similar in properties, seem to encircle the planet and determine the type of climate zone.

The tropical climate is typical for tropical latitudes, and subtropical for the subtropics. According to geographical classification, the climatic zone in the tropics belongs to the main zones, and the subtropical zone belongs to the transitional zones.

Main characteristics of tropical climate

The tropical climate zone is located between the equator and the tropics in the northern and southern hemispheres. The tropic line is a parallel 23,5 0 , the last one from the equator, where the solstice occurs 2 times a year.

The tropical zone is a geographical latitude with high atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the air from here spreads in those directions where the pressure is low. Typical for the tropics constant movement air, causing the formation of winds called trade winds.

The tropics are the territory highest year-round temperatures, there the thermometer does not drop below +18 0 C throughout the year, and in deserts the temperature can reach +50 0 C. The amount of precipitation per year is up to 200 mm.

The climatic zone of the tropics is divided into two subzones:

  • With a tropical dry climate (continental areas of the continents);
  • With tropical humid climate(regions of the equator on all continents).

Dry subtropics are characteristic of the mainland climate zone, and wet - for oceanic islands. On the mainland of the tropical belt are the most famous vast deserts peace.

Main characteristics of the subtropical climate

The subtropics extend between the tropics and latitudes temperate climate within the boundaries of parallels 23.5 0 and 45 0 northern and southern hemisphere . As for everyone transition zones, the subtropics are characterized by a change in the dominant air masses twice a year. As a result of global atmospheric circulation, air enters the subtropics from the north for six months, and from the south for the other six months. So in the northern hemisphere, cold temperate air comes to the subtropics in winter, and dry and hot air from the tropical zone in summer. The seasons of the year are defined as non-tropical winter and tropical summer.

This results in large seasonal differences in temperature and precipitation. But the average annual temperature still remains positive and remains at +14 0 C.

According to the degree of moisture in the subtropical zone of each continent, the following subzones are distinguished:

  • Arid (Mediterranean) climate with maximum number precipitation in winter and mild summer.
  • Dry subtropics with low average annual precipitation.
  • Semi-humid subtropics.
  • Humid subtropics.

Despite the listed internal differences, among the subtropics there is not a single territory with characteristics similar to the tropics.

What are the differences between tropical and subtropical climates?

So, two climate zones - tropical and subtropical, located in the hot zones of the Earth, have significant differences.

  1. Geographical position. Each of the climatic zones has a latitudinal position within the boundaries of certain parallels. They do not intersect or overlap each other.
  2. Prevailing air masses, forming the climate zone. The climate of the tropical zone is formed by hot and dry air masses over the continent and humid air masses over the ocean. Temperate and tropical air alternately dominate in the subtropics.
  3. Pronounced seasonality. In the tropics there is no pronounced weather seasonality, since tropical air has year-round identical properties. In the subtropics, warm and cold periods are expressed, albeit with a small temperature difference and positive average annual temperatures.
  4. Constant winds. The tropics are characterized by trade winds - constant winds, blowing all year round in the northern hemisphere from north to east, and in the southern hemisphere - from north to west. The reason for their formation is the pressure difference between the tropics and the equator. In the subtropics air currents with constant directional movement are not formed.
  5. Average annual temperatures. In the tropical zone average annual temperatures are +25-30 0 C, maximum performance– more than +50 0 C. In the subtropics, average annual temperatures are also positive, but there is a contrast between winter and summer temperatures: from +4 0 C to +20 0 C. The absolute values ​​of both winter and summer temperatures differ greatly from the annual average in both sides.
  6. Amount of precipitation. Tropical zone- the driest zone on Earth, where on average less than 200 mm of precipitation falls per year. In the subtropics, the amount of precipitation varies with the seasons, so within the belt there are zones with a maximum amount of 500 to 700 mm per year, and zones with a minimum of 100 mm per year.
  7. Suitability for economic use . The tropical zone, due to its arid climate, is not suitable for economic activity. In semi-desert areas, only some livestock sectors have developed on a large scale. Opportunities for crop production are limited. The subtropical climate has all the conditions for the development of agriculture, horticulture and recreation. Well-known large resort centers of the Mediterranean, North American coast and South-East Asia are located in the subtropical zone and are taken annually great amount tourists.