Nowadays, people in people have a lot of different foods, although, of course, many of them are artificial, created in industrially and called their full-fledged food. To this conclusion, many people come to this conclusion, who have a drop of common sense. But not everyone knows and thinks about the benefit of vegetables, which daily uses in food. People are accustomed to thinking that if not considered the presence of nitrates and pesticides in vegetables (the side effect of modern agriculture), the default vegetables are useful, because this is food created by nature itself. Alas, this opinion is erroneous, not all plants growing in wild conditions are useful for a person, the same applies to vegetables that people used to see almost daily at their desk.

Salad from tomato and cucumbers has become classic for us. However, only three hundred years ago, these vegetables were not familiar with our ancestors. As far as our diet has changed, and is it useful to have international food on the table, you can trace the example of Parenic.

What is Parenic?

Polenic (tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, chili, Bulgarian pepper, eggplant and others) - Favorite vegetables Slavs, Europeans and Americans. What is harmful in them? Polenic contains Solanin. Solanan is alkaloid, which causes diarrhea, head and articular pain, braverass, insomnia, nervousness, depression, dizziness, gastric colic and heart arrhythmia. They can also cause gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Solanin slows down the decay of acetylcholine, is a neurotransmitter.

The result becomes a stupor of muscles. Solanin also contributes to the incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland, chronic articular pains, increased intestinal permeability and depression. Calcitriol in Polenic Makes the intestine to suck calcium from food, but in too large quantities it leads to an increased content of calcium in the blood. The body is equipped with an extra calcium in soft tissues, tendons, cartilage, kidneys and skin. This may entail an osteoarthritis, a disease of the coronary artery, bone spurs and pain!

Dr. Norman Childress (doctor of philosophy, founder and chairman of the Center for the Study of Arthritis and Parenic) The first became interested in Polenovy in the 1950s. He was a scientist - a gardener who discovered that the diverticulitis was caused by the elevation.

Naturopath Garrett Smith says that the avoidance of grazing reduces pain during artirite, muscle pain, problems with a busty bubble and insomnia.

Norman Childers: Parenic - These are representatives of the SolanaAe family, which includes more than 90 genera and 2000 species. Tobacco also applies to this family. It was used for several centuries, but now many refuse him because of the harm that it hurts health. Products from the Parenic family include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and all kinds of peppers, with the exception of the black, which relates to another plant family, PipeRaceae. Mexican tomatoes are also Parenic, popular in Central and South America. Why in English Parenic is called literally "night shadows"?

According to some sources, the Romans used Parenic in cooking poison for their enemies. When a person drank a poisoned drink, a shadow of a long, eternal night fell on him - he died.

The Parenic family is a large group of plants consisting of 92 genera and more than 2,000 species. These include such beautiful flowers as petunias, juicy vegetables, causing tobacco-dependent drugs, such as scoplonin, which is part of the tablets from non-constant, and many poisonous plants, such as Beddonna with black berries that prohibit eating children, as well as bad smelling belane.

What problems arise in connection with Parenov?

Norman Childers: Because of several poisonous plants of this family, in the past, people were worse there are potatoes, and some older people still believe that tomatoes are poisonous. For more than a century, livestockovodes did not allow their livestock to eat Parenic, growing in the fields. Farmers sent their children to pull overland. Shepherds well know the famous song Jen, "Low Duram". The owners of livestock were observed as animals eate these herbs, sick and dying. Once tomatoes were known as "cancer apples". And tobacco for a long time applied explicit damage to the health of smokers, until the authorities, and now the media, did not start fighting him.

What do you offer people; What is your specialization?

Norman Childers: The question arises: is there a poorly studied passage threat to health? Nowadays, potatoes and tomatoes are major vegetables; Along with peppers and, possibly, eggplants, they are part of the daily diet of many people.

I drew attention to the problem of Parenov in the 1950s, when my doctor told me that the sharp pepper could cause the inflammation of the colon, as a result of which the operation was made. Being a vegetable room, I explored the representatives of the family of Parenic and eliminated these products and tobacco from their diet.

My health problems, including arthritis, disappeared. My colleagues paid attention to the fact that I cured arthritis. They began to keep the "my" diet, and, having received positive results, in the end, turned to me: "Why don't you help other suffering?" Therefore, collecting information in person and placing several ads with questions, we, in the end, received more than 400 positive feedback on the diet (72 and published a book called "Parenic and Health". Subsequently, the "Center for the Study of Parenic For Health" was organized; We distributed thousands of copies of the book "Childer diet, stopping arthritis" (in the original version of which changes were made), and now publish a "letter of news", which is obtained by 4,300 subscribers.

What can you advise people who are trying to give up Poleinov?

Norman Childers: Make it is not easy. A powerful motivation is needed in the form of a desire to get rid of pain and diseases, or it is necessary to just strive to avoid these plants and possible health problems. If an ordinary person is eating Pareni from time to time, he can safely do it over the years. But those passioned, like plant drugs - for example, tobacco - cause dependence. The greater the number of these drugs people use, the sooner problems arise, and the more serious nature of these problems are. Some people are more sensitive to Parenov, especially people suffering from arthritis and old men. But in our time, the mass consumption of parlor, fried potatoes and pizza, even children and adolescents, like adults, are forced to take medicines from headache, asthma, inflammation, etc. Parents are concerned about children.

The impact of Parenic is a subtle character, and problems with the heart, blood circulation, or even cancer may arise suddenly. It is known that the tobacco is the cause of cancer, and in the past, tomatoes used a similar reputation, but, unlike tobacco, it is difficult to say whether others can cause cancer, because they all eat them. It is impossible to carry out a comparative analysis. All Parenic contain drugs and similar drugs chemical components. All passionic to a greater or lesser extent cause addiction.

Summing up, I can say: We found out that a complete refusal of all the passibremen can fully or partially eliminate many serious illnesses. This conclusion is based on our experience. Based on the 45-year experience of treating tens of thousands of people, we assume that Parenic and tobacco are among our days the number one problem. Researchers should pay closer attention to these plants, the effect of which is clearly underestimated.

Think about it! Many millennia Slavs and Europeans lived without interbound (tomato, potatoes, eggplant, sweet pepper, etc.)! These plants were delivered from America about 400 years ago! What was your ancestors before this? Are they hungry? Let's remember that we ate our ancestors before the appearance of Parusyanov and begin to eat these plants, including wild plants!

Despite the popularity of potatoes, there was a time when this vegetable people considered to be poisonous. Along with tomatoes and, potatoes belong to the Polenic family, some representatives of which are actually poisonous. Today, potatoes, due to its versatility and low cost, belongs to one of the most popular cultures available all year round.

general characteristics

Potatoes are a starchy vegetable from the Parenic family. The underground part of the plant is used in food, which is called the tuber. Potatoes is the fourth most popular food culture in the world. It is only inferior to Wheat and.

Today there are several hundred varieties of potatoes. They vary in size, form, color, smell and content. As ripening, it distinguishes young and old potatoes.

Peaces of most ripe fruit - brown, yellow or reddish, it can be smooth or rough. Meanwhile, there are more unusual representatives of the species - with purple peel, and some have the same saturated purple pulp.

Today, this vegetable with a non-pronounced reputation is one of the most consumed in the world. For commercial purposes, it is grown in Russia, Poland, India, China, the United States and many other countries.

Potato varieties

Choosing potatoes, it is important to consider for what purpose a vegetable should serve. Ideal for mashed potatoes are highly observed varieties (Elizabeth, Sineglazka, Adret, Lorch). Such tubers are quickly boiled and easily welded, turning into a gentle puree. For soups, it is important to choose potatoes from varieties with a small amount of starch. As a rule, the Red Scarlett, Luck, Leader, Nikulinsky are coming for such purposes. They will not be confused and will not spoil the appearance and taste of soup. Planning to prepare fried potatoes, then all attention to the varieties in which the starch does not disintegrate, so that the finished potatoes retain its shape. For frying perfectly, potatoes from varieties hope, Felox, Kolobok, leader.

And now a little secret for those who do not want to memorize potato varieties suitable for certain purposes.

So, the less days require vegetable for maturation, the less starch in it is contained.

There is also a classification according to which all varieties of vegetable are divided into 4 grams:

  • group A is not welded, minimum starch;
  • the group B is poorly welded, suitable for the manufacture of chips;
  • the group C is strongly welded, suitable for the preparation of Potato FRI;
  • the group D - very quickly welded, good for puree.

Also, the connoisseurs of potatoes distinguish the color of the peel:

  • white: Bela Rosa, Mineview, Tiras; They contain a lot of vitamin C and starch, quickly welded;
  • red: Sheri, Red Tamb, Rose Finn Epl, Kamensky; they are rich, not welded, suitable for continuous storage;
  • yellow: Symphony, Vineta, Rosalind; Vegetables are rich in carotine, with a sweet taste, poorly welded.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without potatoes. But in the past times, people with fear avoided these fruits, although even 2,000 years ago, the ancients in the highlands of South America were grown by this plant. But even this date of historians do not call the "birthday" potatoes.

It is believed that this representative of Polenic grew on the territory of modern Peru is still in the VIII millennium BC. When Spanish conquistadors won Peruvian lands, they first discovered potatoes, which brought with them to Europe. Already by the end of the XVI century, the families of the Basque seafarers in the north of Spain willingly grown it. Just a few years later, this tradition was adopted by residents of Ireland. It took about four decades in order for potato tubers to capture the rest of Europe. In the end, European earthters understood that growing potatoes much more easier than wheat or. And in the period of "golden fever" (end of the XIX century) in Alaska, this nutritious vegetable was valued for almost the weight of precious metal. No less interesting fact from the "biographies" of this plant is that in 1995 NASA and American scientists have developed a methodology for growing potatoes in space.

Benefit for health

Potatoes are extremely popular in most kitchens in the world. But modern person more often uses this vegetable in its not the most useful form - in the form of chips or potatoes. Even baked potatoes, fascinated by butter, melted cheeses and bacon, loses many useful properties. In this form, this representative is not something that ceases to be useful, it sometimes turns into a dangerous food for man. This is especially true of persons with diabetes, heart impairment, patients with vessels, liver dysfunction or pancreas.

But contrary to everything, if you adhere to the rules of the preparation and use of this vegetable, it is very useful for a person. Potatoes contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant abilities. Among them are carotenoid health, Glycoprotein Pattin (important to combat free radicals).

In addition, studies have shown that potatoes reduce the risk of development of obesity, diabetes, cardiobolese, promotes health and skin health.

Benefit for heart and vessels

British scientists have revealed a unique substance with hypotensive properties as part of potatoes. It was previously believed that the found connection was found only in Chinese barberries.

It is also important to recall that the potatoes include fiber, vitamins C and B6, which are necessary for a strong heart. The fiber helps reduce the overall level of cholesterol than prevents the risk of heart disease and blood blocking. And potassium reduces the danger of ischemic heart disease. As for vitamin B6, it prevents accumulation in the body, the surplus of which lead to damage to the vessels.

Healthy bones and joints

Phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium contained in potatoes make their contribution to the creation and maintenance of bone health. Iron and zinc play a fundamental role in the production of collagen, which is important for joints and cartilage tissues. And phosphorus and calcium - an indispensable components of the optimal mineralization of bones.

Benefit for the brain and nervous system

Pyridoxin (Vitamin B6) contained in this vegetable is extremely useful for maintaining neurological health. This component contributes to the production of various useful substances, including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. That is, eating dishes from potatoes will help prevent or overcome depression, stress and even attention deficit syndrome caused by hyperactivity.

Its advantages has a large amount of carbohydrate in potatoes, since these substances are also significant for adequate work of the brain cells. The Americans have determined that even a small increase in doses improves learning quality. And potassium is the very element that is necessary for the health of the heart will also play not a latter role in maintaining the functioning of the brain. This substance, causing the extension of blood vessels, improves the supply of cerebral cells with blood and oxygen, without which mental activity is impossible.


Among chemical composite potatoes are. This is a "universal soldier." It is important to maintain healthy sleep, strengthening memory, improve abilities for learning, muscle strengthening. Holine affects the structure of cell membranes, contributes to the transfer of nerve impulses, fat metabolism, and is also important for the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation.

In scientific circles, it was long that the view was that potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and other representatives of the Polenic family cause aggravation of arthritis. Meanwhile, not so long ago, the results of new studies denied this opinion. Volunteers who participated in the study agreed: a 2-week potato diet reduced arthritis symptoms.

This made it possible to conclude that the paroles are useful in chronic inflammation, in particular in the joints. However, the study in this area is still continuing.

Anti-factor agent

In the cheese of vegetable there is folic acid, which is an indispensable component in the process of forming DNA. Avoiding complex scientific terms, it can be said that it is folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) prevents mutations in DNA cells, prevents the formation of cancer in the body. In addition, scientists have long proved the anti-cancer abilities of the fiber, which in potatoes is very much. And speaking about the anti-cancer properties of potatoes, you can not remember Vitamin C and Quercetin. Both substances are contained in vegetable and both have antioxidant abilities, and therefore, it is necessary for the body as protection against free radicals.

Digestion and obesity

And again you will have to remember the beneficial properties of food fibers contained in potatoes. They prevent irritation of the shells of the digestive tract. Food filled with fiber positively affects the functioning of the intestine, as well as important to prevent or get rid of excess weight. The fiber, falling into the digestive tract, for a long time ensures a sense of satiety, prevents overeating. But in this case we are talking about potatoes prepared without additional high-calorie ingredients and with a restriction of salt. For example, it can be baked potato or boiled in uniforms without oil, bacon or other components.

Choosing potatoes as the ingredient diet for weight loss, it is important to know that the caloric content of the boiled and fried product is significantly different.

Nutrition components

This starchy vegetable is one of the best sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, as well. It is extremely rich in potassium, but in addition to this nutrient, it contains a lot of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and. Most of us are accustomed to the fact that the best "suppliers" of ascorbic acid is citrus. Meanwhile, 100 grams of potatoes contain almost half of the daily rate of vitamin C (especially large ascorbine reserves are in young potatoes).

Interestingly, the proteins contained in a vegetable contain almost all necessary people.

Nutritional value per 100 g
Calorie 70 kcal
15.9 g
1.9 g
0.1 g
2.5 g
0.08 mg
0.038 mg
1.15 mg
0.28 mg
0.24 mg
18 μg
7 me
11.4 mg
2.9 μg
455 mg
6 mg
10 mg
0.73 mg
22 mg
0.41 mg
61 mg
0.33 mg

Sometimes people wonder: whether potato poisonous "eyes" can be eaten to food. Specialists in healthy nutrition say that poisonous "eyes" become only after germination. Also, it is also impossible to eat stems, leaves and fruits of a potato plant, since they actually contain poisonous components, such as arsenic and silin. For the same reason, green tubers are not eating.

Medical properties

As already mentioned, the first to grow potatoes thought the Inci. They have noticed the healing properties of this vegetable. For them, the assistant served not only with a nutrient dinner. Here are some interesting ways to use potato tubers as a medicine:

  1. Inci applied raw vegetable slices to fract times to speed up healing injury.
  2. Potatoes used as a means to prevent rheumatism.
  3. Used as a medicine during stomach disorders.
  4. In folk medicine, potato juice was used to get rid of pigment spots.
  5. Frozening and sunburns will cure a cashier from a raw vegetable or its juice.
  6. Ancient characteristics for the treatment of angina tied a baked potatoes wrapped in a tissue.
  7. In the old days from any kind of pain, rubbing the sore spot with water in which a vegetable was cooked.

Possible side effects

Potatoes in itself is not dangerous for a person. Meanwhile, there are nuances that determine the quality of the product and its useful properties. If in the process of growing a vegetable, a rich exposure to pesticides, he can be dangerous to health. Also harmful nutritionists are called fries in which trans-fats and carcinogenic substances are quite often present.

Also, do not forget that starchy potatoes contain quite a lot of carbohydrates that can quickly absorb, that is, belongs to food with a high glycemic index. And a sharp increase in blood concentration - the reaction is extremely unwanted for diabetics. For this reason, persons with "sugar disease" are recommended to stay from large portions of potatoes.

A healthy view and youth of the skin directly depend on the concentration of collagen in the body. Vitamin C, which is part of potatoes, except that it works as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of dust, smoke and UV radiation, also activates the production of collagen. Thus, it can be said that ordinary potatoes smoothes wrinkles and improves the overall skin.

Also potatoes will help:

  • remove dark circles under the eyes (attach raw slices for 20 minutes or put potato juice with a cotton swab);
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • removes pigment stains (apply a mask from chopped raw vegetable on the face);
  • heals sunburns (apply vegetable juice on damaged places or attach slices of raw potatoes);
  • nourishes dry skin (making masks of and raw potatoes);
  • removes itching after insect bites (attach slice to the place of bite);
  • reduces the edema of the eyelids.

In addition to the fact that potatoes are excellent cosmetic for the skin, it is also useful for hair:

  • strengthens hair (making a mask of potatoes, eggs and juice);
  • prevents the possession (rinse the hair with water in which potatoes were cooked);
  • stops hair loss (making a mask from honey, aloe and potatoes juice).

How to choose and store

Healthy potato tubers must be solid, relatively smooth, without external damage and rot. Buying potatoes in the store or on the market, it is important to avoid germinated tubers or vegetables of green. In both cases, this is a sign of the presence of a toxic alkaloid of Solanin, which gives a vegetable an unpleasant taste, and also does not most effect affect the condition of the heart, vessels, the respiratory system, causes headaches and diarrhea. Since young potatoes are collected before full ripening, such tubers are more vulnerable to damage and rot. Therefore, such a product is important to carefully examine.

The ideal storage conditions of potatoes are a dry room, where the temperature holds within 7-10 degrees Celsius. In warm (even at room temperature), the vegetable dries quickly and germinates.

Another important condition for the proper storage of potatoes is to avoid direct sunlight, Solanin is formed under their influence in the tubers. However, keep a vegetable in the refrigerator, as some do, it is also not worth it. In such conditions, the starch is transformed into sugar, giving a vegetable unwanted taste. It is also worth excluding the close neighborhood of potatoes and onions. In the opposite case, both vegetables spoil faster than usual. And no matter where potatoes are stored, you should not put it in plastic bags. It is better to give preference for paper or burlap.

Ripe potatoes can be stored from 2 months to six months (in acceptable conditions), young - as a rule, for a week or two. Vegetable dishes can be kept in the refrigerator for several days. But freezing the vegetable and dishes cannot be dishes.

What does the appearance of potatoes say:

  • the thicker the peel, the more mature vegetable, is so suitable for storage for the winter;
  • the holes on the surface - the vegetable damaged the bug-wire;
  • easy to "cut" the nail - contains nitrates;
  • brown spots - vegetable sick fungus;
  • the brighter the potato color, the more antioxidants in it.

We are accustomed that potatoes regularly appear in our diet. We know that potatoes are tasty, satisfying and easy to prepare. Many of this list of benefits are enough to ensure that there has always been a couple of fresh clubs. Meanwhile, potatoes are not only affordable, but also useful food. But it is useful only under the condition of proper cooking.

Botanical name - Potatoes or Pastor Stubnoy (Solanum Tuberosum) refers to the family of Parenic (Solanaceae).

Origin - South America.

Lighting - Lightweight.

The soil - Air and water permeable, weakly acidic.

Watering - Moderate, does not tolerate the convergence.

Predecessors - Cabbage, cucumber, salad, cutlery roots.

Landing - tubers, clubs, rarely seeds.

Potato description

Perennial grassy tuberous plant, cultivated as annual culture. It is a bush height up to 1 m, from 4-6, sometimes 6-8 stems, the number of which depends on the variety and the size of the planting tuber.

Stems naked, ribbed, immersed in the soil part of them produces long side processes, called columns. At the ends of the columns, modified thickened shoots, tubers, which are a productive organ plant used in food are developing.

Potato tubers

The potato tube is a crideline consisting of cells filled with starch, outside covered with a thin layer of cork tissue. On the surface of the tuber there are stubborn kidneys, the so-called eyes, of which young shoots are developing. On one club, depending on the variety, there are from 3 to 15 eyes, each of which contains several kidneys. One of them is called the main and germinates the first, the rest remain sleeping. If the sprouts of potatoes formed by the main kidney are damaged, sleeping kidneys wake up, but weaker shoots are formed.

To absorb air and evaporation of moisture on the surface of the tubers there are special organs called lentils.

Tubers depending on the variety can be round, oblong, oval, with a peel of white, pink, red-purple, flesh white, cream or yellow.

The root plant of the plant is urine, located 20-40 cm from the soil surface, maximum development reaches the moment of bootonization, when ripening tubers die.

Ground pieces of potatoes: leaves (tops), flowers and seeds

Potato leaves Intermittent-nonpoprisy, dissected, depending on the variety can be from light green to dark green. Consist of a petiole, several pairs of lateral fractions and the ultimate lobe, are located on the stem in the spiral.

Flowers White, pink or purple, with a co-shaped wedge, collected out of five petals, surrounded with each other, form a shield inflorescences located on the top of the stem. The plant self-polling, but there are also varieties with cross-pollination.

Fetus It is formed by autumn and is a dark green, in a ripe form a greenish-white fleshy berium 2 cm in diameter. The berry has an aroma of strawberries, but poisonous, since it contains an alkaloid Solanin.

Seeds Very small, 1000 pcs. About 0.5 g. For reproduction, it is rarely used, mainly in breeding purposes, although techniques of growing potatoes from seeds have been developed in order to obtain a healthier sowing material.

All potato tops, like berries, contains a poisonous alkaloid Solanin, which protects the plant from bacteria and some types of insects. Lightly tubers acquire a green color, accumulating chlorophyll, and silin also forms in them. Such tubers in food can not be used.

The history of the appearance and use of potatoes

Potatoes - South American plant, still occurring at home in a wild form. His story has more than 14 thousand years. Initially, tubers growing in nature in nature, in the future, the vegetable was introduced into the culture and became one of the main foods of the indigenous people of South America. The Indians worshiped the plant as a deity, and even brought him victims.

The first description of the potatoes, affordable by Europeans, was given by the Spanish Conquistor and the historian Ciez de Leon, who in his "Chronicles of Peru", published in 1553, led information not only about the appearance, but also on the ways of cooking and storing the vegetable. He brought the first copies of tubers to Spain, after which the plant spread to other European countries.

The Latin name Solanum Tuberosum (Pastor Stolenosny) was first given in 1596 by the Swiss Botany Kaspar Baugin, subsequently he borrowed Karl Linney. This is a scientific name of vegetable, in everyday life in different countries, it was called differently: in Spain - dad, in Italy - "Tartuffolls", for similarity with truffles, in England - Irish Batat, in France - "Pom de Terr", an earthen apple . The name "potatoes" may occur from the German words "Kraft" and "Toyfel", that is, the fruit of the devilish power.

Like many people from the American continent, the plant was divorced for a long time in botanical gardens as decorative. Up to the middle of the XVIII century, the vegetable was considered to be poisonous, at best she was used to feed a cattle. In 1748, the French Parliament was forbidden to use the tubers in food on the basis that they allegedly cause various diseases, including leprosy.

The achievement of the opening of potatoes as a food product belongs to French Agricon Antoi-Auguste Parmers. Once in Prussian captivity during the seven-year war, he was forced to eat with tubers for several years, and thus discovered that they were not only harmless, but they have high taste and nutritional qualities.

Returning to his homeland, the scientist began to promote a vegetable as a food culture. Thanks to his efforts in 1772, the potatoes were recognized as the Paris Medical Faculty of Edible Plant. The date of the beginning of a wide use of it as a food product can be considered 1795, when in recent months, the Paris Communes in a besieged starving Paris were grown even in the Tuilery garden.

In Russia, the potatoes first appeared under Peter I, but was widely widespread during the reign of Catherine II. It was at that time that a lot was done to spread the culture, then called "earthy apples", in peasant farms. The people there were persistent prejudice in front of the vegetable, caused by its ingenic origin, as well as cases of poisoning with poisonous berries.

For the propaganda of a new food plant in 1765, a special decree of the Senate "On the breeding of earth apples" was issued, then scientific articles of the outstanding Russian agronomist and the naturalist A.T. Bolotova, dedicated to the agrotechnik culture growing.

Despite all the efforts of the government, until the middle of the XIX century, the tubers were grown mainly in the noble estates. The massive introduction of culture in agriculture began after hunger of 1839-1840, when the highest command of the wide breeding of potatoes was published, lands under it, the appointment of monetary remuneration to the peasants to encourage its implementation.

And although the new vegetable has ever met the fierce resistance, expressed even in such extreme forms such as potato rebellion of 1834, 1840-1844, by the end of the XIX century area under the culture increased 6 times, amounting to more than 1.5 million hectares. The plant becomes one of the main foods, "second bread", and at the beginning of the 20th century the country goes to the first place in the world in its production.

Currently, potatoes are an important agricultural culture, grown in regions with a temperate climate worldwide and is an important part of the diet of the population of many countries, including Russia. The vegetable is used as food, feed and technical plant, starch and alcohol make out of it. Due to the high yield and a unique set of vital for the human body, a number of experts consider the culture of the "food of the future".

Composition and beneficial properties of potatoes

The chemical composition of potatoes will be much varied depending on the varieties and conditions of growth, but in the general, tubers contain about 75% of water, and 25% of dry substances. Dry potato substances are carbohydrates, mostly starch (on average 16%) and sugar (2%), proteins (2%), fats (0.2%), fiber and pectin (1%), and vitamins and minerals .

Starch - The main nutrient of tubers, a complex carbohydrate, in the intestine of a person, splitting and turning into glucose, which in turn is subjected to oxidation, highlighting energy. The amount of starch is one of the important characteristics of potatoes, in various grades it is contained from 14 to 22%. This is not only an easy-friendly food product, but also valuable raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

Although the protein in the tubers is a bit, but in its biological value it approaches animals, since it includes an indispensable amino acids in the same quantities and ratios as milk protein. Another advantage of potato protein is a property of improving the digestibility of animal proteins, which makes a vegetable very useful as a side dish with meat dishes.

Potatoes contain a small amount of fiber, besides, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, so the vegetable can be used not only in childhood, but also diet food with gastritis, ulcers and colitis. The fiber and pectins contained in potatoes contribute to the elimination of harmful cholesterol from the body, improve the intestinal microflora

Among the tubers of vitamins, vitamin C should be particularly mentioned (up to 20 mg per 100 g of product). The benefits of potatoes as a source of ascorbic acid in the winter and spring period are obvious. It is not for reason that the epidemics of Qingi in European countries ceased to the diet of this vegetable. Dishes from it are used by the population in large quantities, so despite the decrease in the content of vitamin C in the storage process of approximately a third, potatoes largely covers the needs of the body in ascorbic acid in the autumn-winter period.

High biological value of plants as a source of mineral elements: potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium; as well as trace elements: copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, etc.

The role of tubers as a source of iron responsible for the composition of the blood, the level of hemoglobin, copper, which helps reduce the level of sugar, improves blood performance, has an anti-cancer action, manganese that promotes fat disposal.

The plant is a high-calorie product, by caloric content (73 kcal) exceeding most vegetables. Simple cultivation technology, good yield, nutritional, a wide range of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances determine the important place of potatoes in the diet of the population of many countries of the world.

The content of the article

perennial (in culture - annual) The plant of the Polenic family (SolanaEae), widely cultivated for its edible tubers. Rank SolanumTo which potatoes belong, there is approx. 2000 species, but only a few dozen of them form tubers. In culture, mostly two close species - Andyian potatoes ( S. Andigenum), has long been grown in South America, and potatoes Chilean, or languid ( S. tuberosum), widespread in countries with temperate climates. Edible sweet potatoes, or batt ( Ipomoea Batatas.), refers to another plant family.

Cheat potatoes are grown in 130 countries where 75% of the world's population lives. This is the fifth value after wheat, corn, rice and barley source calorie in the diet of a modern person. The average harvest of this culture is approx. 150 c / ha. The leading manufacturers of potatoes are Russia, China, Poland, USA and India.

In the world, 50% of the potato produced is in food, 35% - on the feed of cattle and approx. 10% is left on boarding material. In the United States, 92% of products are consumed for food needs, and 57% of it is processed by industry and 35% sold in the raw form for home cooking. The food industry produces fried potatoes (chips), dried, quick-frozen, in the form of dehydrated slices for frying, potato flakes for puree, etc.

In the cheese club of potatoes of tubren 79% water, 18% of carbohydrates, 2% protein, 0.9% of ash substances and 0.4% cellulose. Tubers are rich in vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.


Potatoes are tubren - a herbaceous plant, stretched at a young age, but after a bunch of running. Stems with a length of 0.5-1.5 m, nonpoperistic leaves, usually with 6-8 large-sized sheets and small slices located between them. From underground sheets, modified shoots (pins) expanding on the ends in the tubers are departed. The root system is urine with a radius of up to 60 cm penetrates to a depth of 1.5 m. Flowers are formed by 6-12 in inflorescences, a yellow, purple or blue whisk. Pollination by wind or insects, self-pollination is widespread. The fruit is a spherical berry, a magenta, containing up to 300 seeds. Seeds are flat, yellow or brown, very small.

The formation of tubers begins in front of the blossom and ends at the end of the growing season. Anatomically, they are arranged as an ordinary stem, but with a very powerful core, in which starch is stored. On the surface of the tuber, in the grooves, bounded by the sheet scar, are so-called. The eyes carrying 3-4 kidneys. Tubers have a spherical or oblong shape; The food usually goes that have reached a length of 8-13 cm. The outdoor painting is white, yellow, pink, red or blue; The inside is more or less white.

The potatoes on light loams with a weakly acidic reaction containing more than 2% of the organic matter are growing. Usually apply crop rotation with clover, which is placed before planting potatoes.

Fit small tubers or their fragments with one and three eyes. The optimal landing depth is 5-8 cm.

The high yield is ensured by making a large number of fertilizers, first of all nitrogen and potash.

Approximately 10 days before harvesting, the above-ground shoots (tops) are mounted. This is done in order to reduce tuber damage during digging and storage. When storing approx. 5% of the weight of the tuber is lost due to dehydration and continuing breathing. Usually more than a year, tubers do not store.


The birthplace of potatoes of the tubren - Peru and Bolivia, where he was an extractive in about 2500 years ago. In the 16th century Potatoes was brought to Spain, and by the middle of 17 century. He became one of the main food crops of northern Europe. Once in Ireland in 1586, potatoes have already turned into the main food product of the Irish. The dependence of the population from this culture was so great that when in 1845 and 1846 the entire potato harvest in the country died from phytoofluorosis from North America (the pathogen - Mushroom Phytophthora infestans), a terrible hunger came, because of which about a million people died and the same amount emigrated, mainly in the United States.

In the North American ownership of the UK, potatoes were brought from Ireland at the beginning of the 18th century. For many years, the area of \u200b\u200bhis cultivation was limited to the New England and the mid-Atlantic colonies, but with the expansion of the US territory to the West, the spread of this culture was quickly. By mid 19 in. Potatoes were grown in all states.

Potatoes, or Panlarken, is a perennial tuber plant from the flowering department, two-column class, the order of polo-colored, the family of Parenic, the genus is gentle.

The name "Potatoes" ( Solanum tuberosum), under which today's intention is known this plant (vegetable), proposed Kaspar Baugin in 1596. Italians because of the external similarity of fruit bodies with potato tubers began to call them "Tartuffolls" or "Tartofel". From this word, a German version of the name of the underground fruit "Kartoffel", which gave the Russian name was formed.

Potatoes - description and appearance. Building Plants and Vegetable

The number of stalks in one plant ranges from 4 to 8-10. Their height, depending on the variety of potatoes, may not exceed 30 cm or reach 1.5 meters. On the straight meaty stems of green (sometimes with a brown tint), the colors are distinctly distinguished by peculiar ribs. Dark green potato leaves on short stiffers spirally rose from the base to the top.

From immersed in the ground, part of the stalk of potatoes in different directions are diverged by shoots (collises), the length of which can reach 0.5 m. At their ends, the potato tubers are located, the thin outer shell of which is formed by cork tissue. On their surface there are recesses, called eye. They are several kidneys, of which a new plant is developing.

Plant flowers collected on the top of the stems, usually have white. However, there are varieties with pink, blue or purple painting flowers. Below you can see what the stalk of potatoes looks like, as well as a detailed structure of potatoes.

An overhead potato fruit is a poisonous green berry, resembling a miniature tomato form.

As it ripen, it acquires a whiten shade.

The appearance, weight, the color of the top layer of potato tuber and its pulp differ depending on the varietal supplies. The peel of the tuber can be painted in various shades of brown, yellow, pink or purple.

Therefore, to the question of which color potatoes, the definite answer will not be possible.

The flesh of potatoes on the cut is usually white, but there are varieties with dark yellow, cream or even purple, blue and pink color.

The form of potato tubers is round, oblong, spherical or abstract, with protrusions and irregularities, and the weight of individual instances can reach 1 kg or more.

Potato - Photo and Description

Today, approximately 5000 potato varieties are known. On the territory of Russia to breed in large farms and for private use recommended 260.

According to practical use, all varieties are divided into the following groups:

  • "Felox"

the variety of table potatoes, having tubers elongated weighing up to 110 g. The flesh is painted in light yellow color, the skin is darker.

  • "Red Scarlett"

potato grade with oval tubers Weight up to 85. One bush contains up to 23 potatoes with a smooth red skin and yellow pulp.

  • "Nevsky"

potatoes with green-shaped tubers with pink eyes and weighing up to 130. Upper layer and white flesh.

  • "Vitotot"

the variety of purple potatoes, has a tunnel-shaped tuber with a length of up to 10 cm. High-voltage, strongly welded, while cooking retains its purple blue. Ripens late and has low yield, so it is not grown on an industrial scale.

Technical varieties of potatoes - Used as raw materials with industrial production of alcohol and starch. The content of starch in tubers exceeds 18%. Most often grown the following varieties:

  • "Accent"

with large potatoes having a smooth yellow surface and flesh of a light cream shade.

  • "Climber"

medium potatoes. The peel of yellow color is covered with a shallow meshe with numerous fine eyes. Tuber on the cut cream color.

  • "Out"

under one bush can be up to 10 potatoes weighing about 135. The surface of the yellow peel is covered with a rare meshe. The flesh is painted in cream color.

Feed varieties of potatoes - Used as livestock feed. A characteristic feature of the feed potato is the increased protein content, reaching 3%. Among them, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • "Wiltman"

forage grade potato, having red tubers with numerous blond eyes and white pulp. Have an incorrect angular shape.

  • "LORCH"

the oblong tubers covered by the smooth leather beige color have a white flesh with a protein content of up to 2.2% and vitamin C to 18%. Numerous shallow eyes are located all over the surface of the tuber.

Universal potato varieties occupy an intermediate position between table varieties and potatoes intended for technical use.

  • "Berlikhingen"

potato grade with red oval tubes. Surface rush and thick with surface eyes. White pulp during cooking darkens.

  • "Arose"

grade with oval reddish tubers and yellow pulp. Stems splashing with wrenches of red-purple color.

  • "Santa"

it has tubers of oval shape with a leather and flesh of light yellow.

  • "Lasunok"

its tubers are medium sized oval shape with a mesh leather light yellow painting and cream pulp.

Mature period of potatoes

There is a potato classification in terms of its maturation:

  • Early potato varieties. The maturity of early potatoes occurs after 50-60 days, so it is practically not intended for long-term storage. The following varieties are popular:
    • Minerva;
    • Ariel;
    • Felox;
    • Rad Scarlett and others.
  • Medium grade potatoes. To obtain a good harvest of medium-grained potatoes, the planting material is germinated in advance. The duration of the ripening period of this type is up to 80 days. The most popular varieties are:
    • Carat;
    • Santa;
    • Adret, etc.
  • Over-timed varieties of potatoes. The duration of the growing season of the average flesh potato reaches 100 days. Such varieties are enjoyed in great demand:
    • Nevsky;
    • Altair;
    • Betina;
    • Rosinka and others.
  • Medium Amploitation and Late Potato Varieties. The ripening period is from 100 to 120 days. It is designed for long-term storage. It is possible to plant such a landing material without prior extension. Good results gives landing such popular varieties as:
    • Bernette;
    • Berlinger;
    • Folva;
    • Accent;
    • Slavyanka, etc.