Nature is everything that surrounds a person and was not made by his hands, namely the atmosphere, landscape, trees, animals, water, etc.

Nature is the mother of man, she created him and she influences his life in the most direct way. Thus, nature gives man health, the air he breathes, the land he walks on, minerals and food.

Nature has made man a biosocial being, which means that man has both biological and social needs. Biological (natural) needs include the need for food, drink, safety, and reproduction. And social (acquired) include the need for knowledge, communication, prestige, self-realization, etc.

Since ancient times, people have chosen their place of residence based on natural conditions and the surrounding landscape. So, the ancient Slavs settled along river beds so that there would be a constant source of water and fish. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without the struggle for mineral resources, which also indicates human dependence on nature. However, it is worth noting that not only humans depend on nature. The relationship between man and nature is based on interconnection and interdependence. This dependence can manifest itself in the following connections: nature can influence society (both positively and negatively), society can influence nature (both constructively and unconstructively).

Nature gives society a high harvest - this is an example positive influence nature per person. Natural disaster in the form of a hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake - Negative influence nature on society.

A man plants a vacant lot with trees, protects rare species animals and plants are an example of man's constructive influence on nature. Society pollutes the environment, kills animals, cuts down forests, etc. - unconstructive interaction.

Thus, in modern world, began to pay more attention global problems ecology, since the naked eye can see that if humanity does not reconsider its consumer attitude to nature, then soon there will be nothing left of nature, man will destroy his home. Therefore, such public organizations and movements as Greenpeace, Nature Conservation Teams, and the World Wide Fund are now gaining popularity. wildlife", UN Program "UNEP", etc.

Topic: “Nature, society, man, culture, as forms of being”

1. The role of nature in the life of society.

2. The doctrine of the noosphere.

3. Culture as “second nature”.

The role of nature in society

Nature is the natural habitat of organisms, not artificially created by man. In more in a broad sense nature is a living world that surrounds us everywhere. This world is endless and diverse. Nature is an objective reality that exists regardless of human consciousness.

Human society represents a part of nature. And this does not require special proof. After all, natural chemical, biological and other processes occur in the body of every person. The human body acts as the natural basis of its social activities in the field of production, politics, science, culture, etc.

Typically occurring in society natural processes acquire a social form, and natural, primarily biological, patterns act as biosocial. This can be said about satisfying people’s natural needs for food, warmth, procreation, and others. All of them are satisfied in social form with the help of appropriately prepared food (almost every nation has its own “kitchen”), a built home, most often meeting certain aesthetic criteria, and also with the help of socially organized family communication. Biosocial laws express mutual influences biological and social principles in the development of society.

The role of nature in the life of society has always been significant, because it acts as the natural basis of its existence and development. People satisfy many of their needs through nature, primarily the external natural environment. There is a so-called metabolism between man and nature - necessary condition existence of man and society. The development of any society, of all humanity, is included in the process of development of nature, in constant interaction with it, and ultimately - in the existence of the Universe.

Organic connection man and nature forces us to fully take into account natural factors in the development of society. That is why nature has always been the object of attention.

Having left the bosom of nature, as its highest and specific manifestation, society does not lose connections with it, although it significantly changes their character. Connections between people and nature are carried out mainly on the basis and within the framework of their social activities, primarily production, related to the field of material and spiritual production.

Nature has been and remains the natural environment and a prerequisite for the existence and development of society. Its natural environment primarily includes the earth's landscape, including mountains, plains, fields, forests, as well as rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, etc. All this constitutes the so-called geographical environment of human life. However, the natural environment is not limited to this. It also includes the bowels of the earth, the atmosphere and space, ultimately everything natural conditions people's lives and the development of society - from the microworld to the macro- and megaworld.

The importance for society of both inanimate and living nature is increasing. Live nature makes up the Earth's biosphere: plant and animal world, the existence of which is objectively necessary for the existence of man and society.

Assessing the importance of nature in the life of society, some thinkers came to the conclusion that it completely determines its development. Pointing to the harmony and beauty of nature, one of the representatives of philosophical romanticism, J. J. Rousseau, argued that the separation of humanity from nature and its transition to civilization (which he characterized as vicious) is the source of all the troubles and misfortunes of people. Preserving organic unity with nature is the key to the well-being of society, of every person. The truth and value of judgments about the unity of society and nature are especially clear to us today.

The decisive role of nature in the development of society was pointed out by the ancient thinker Herodotus and the modern thinkers C. Montesquieu, A. Turgot and others. The latter developed views called geographical determinism. Its essence lies in the assertion that nature, which is interpreted as the geographical environment of society, acts as the main cause of phenomena occurring in society. It determines not only the direction of people’s economic life, but also their mental make-up, temperament, character, customs and mores, aesthetic views and even forms of government and legislation, in a word, their entire social and personal life. Thus, C. Montesquieu argued that climate, soils" and geographical position countries are the reason for existence various forms state power and legislation, determine the psychology of people and their character. He wrote that “the peoples of hot climates are timid like old men, the peoples of cold climates are brave like youths.” In his opinion, climate and geographic environment determine “the character of the mind and the passions of the heart,” which inevitably affects the psychology of people, the nature of their art, morals and laws.

Thus, the role of nature is as follows:

1. Nature is, first of all, a living environment.

2. Nature also has economic importance. It is from nature that man draws all the necessary resources for the development of his economic activity; for extension material goods.

3. Scientific significance nature follows from the fact that it is the source of all knowledge.

4. Educational value nature is that communication with it has a beneficial effect on a person at any age and develops a diversified worldview.

5. The aesthetic significance of nature is enormous. Nature has always been an inspiration for art, occupying, for example, a central place in the work of landscape and animal painters. The beauty of nature attracts people and has a beneficial effect on their mood.

The doctrine of the noosphere

The doctrine of the noosphere combines many paradigms from disciplines that seem to have little in common: philosophy, economics, geology. What makes this concept unique?

The French mathematician Edouard Leroy first told the world about what the noosphere is in his publications in 1927. Several years earlier, he had listened to several lectures by the eminent Russian scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky concerning problems in the field of geochemistry (as well as biogeochemistry).

The noosphere is a special state of the biosphere, in which the key role belongs to the human mind. Man, using his intellect, creates a “second nature” along with the existing one. However, at the same time, it itself is part of nature. Therefore, the noosphere is still the result of evolution, occurring along the following chain: the development of the planet - the biosphere - the emergence of man - and, finally, the emergence of the noosphere. At the same time, in the concepts of V.I. Vernadsky, according to researchers, there is no clear answer to the question: “Does the noosphere already exist, or is it yet to appear?” At the same time, the scientist suggested that at the time when his granddaughter becomes an adult, the human mind, his creativity, most likely, will blossom and reveal themselves fully. And this could become indirect sign emergence of the noosphere.

Vernadsky’s doctrine of the noosphere, according to scientists, was connected precisely with that part of “evolution” when the biosphere turns into the noosphere. Vladimir Ivanovich in his book “Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon” writes that the transition from the biosphere to the noosphere is possible when this process is influenced by scientific thought.

In addition, the researchers note, Vernadsky identified several conditions for the emergence of the noosphere. Among these, for example, is the complete settlement of the planet by people (and in this case there will simply be no room left for the biosphere). It is also the improvement of means of communication and information exchange between people from different parts planets (and thanks to the Internet this already exists). The noosphere may arise when the Earth's geology becomes more dependent on humans than on nature. Concepts of scientific followers Scientists from various fields, having learned the teachings of Vernadsky and his like-minded people about what the noosphere is, created several concepts that develop the initial postulates of the Russian researcher. According to A.D. Ursul, for example, the noosphere is a system where moral reason, values ​​associated with intellect, and humanism will manifest themselves as a matter of priority. In the noosphere, according to Ursul, humanity lives in harmony with nature, in a mode of joint participation in evolutionary processes.

If Vernadsky’s doctrine of the noosphere implies the predominant disappearance of the biosphere, then, as modern researchers note, the authors’ concepts today contain theses that the noosphere and the biosphere will most likely exist simultaneously. One of the possible criteria for the presence of a noosphere - according to modern scientists - may be the achievement of the limit of human development, the maximum level of improvement of socio-economic institutions. There is an imperative of higher moral and cultural values.

Man and the noosphere are connected in the most direct way. It is thanks to the actions of man and the direction of his mind that the noosphere appears (Vernadsky’s teaching speaks precisely about this). A special era is emerging in the development of the planet’s geology. Man, having created an environment specific to himself, takes on part of the functions of the biosphere. People replace the natural, what already exists in nature, with the artificial. An environment is emerging where technology plays a significant role.

Landscapes emerge that are also created with the help of various types of machines controlled by people. Is it true to say that the noosphere is the sphere of the human mind? A number of researchers believe that human activity does not always depend on his understanding of how the world works. People tend to act by experimenting and making mistakes. Reason, if we adhere to this concept, will rather be a factor in improving technology as such, but not a condition for rational influence on the biosphere with the aim of transforming it into the noosphere.

Along with the concept of “noosphere” there is a term associated with a special type of thinking. It appeared relatively recently. It's about about noospheric thinking. It, according to a number of researchers, is characterized by several specific features. The most important of them is high degree criticality. Next - indoor installation people to improve the biosphere, to create material benefits that contribute to this. An important part of noospheric thinking is the priority of the public over the personal (especially in solving scientific problems). This is the desire to solve unusual problems that have not been solved by anyone. Another component of noospheric thinking is the desire to understand the essence of the processes that occur in nature and society.

Among scientists there is an opinion that not every person is naturally predisposed to noospheric thinking. Many people do not even know what the noosphere is. However, researchers believe that a person can be taught the art of mastering this type of thinking. This should happen within the framework of the so-called noospheric formation. The main emphasis in training here is on the capabilities of the human brain.

According to theorists of noospheric education, people must learn to stimulate the emergence of positive aspirations, a craving for harmony with the world around them, and a desire to understand the objective essence of the processes taking place in society. If positive aspirations, as the creators of this concept believe, are brought into politics and decisions economic problems, then humanity will take a huge step forward.

In his treatise “The Phenomenon of Man,” the French scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin put forward several philosophical concepts affecting such a phenomenon as the noosphere. They can be briefly outlined as follows: man has become not just an object of evolution, but also its engine. According to the scientist’s concepts, the main source of intelligence is reflection, a person’s ability to know himself. Teilhard de Chardin's theory and Vernadsky's concept are united by the hypothesis of the emergence of man. Both scientists believe that people have become special and different from other living beings due to the awareness of themselves as individuals. Fundamental difference understanding of the noosphere according to Teilhard De Chardin is that he operates with such categories as “superman” and “cosmos”.

Vernadsky's doctrine of the noosphere very seriously influenced the understanding of civilizational processes among researchers of various profiles. By knowing what the noosphere is (or at least getting closer to understanding this phenomenon), modern scientists have at their disposal a valuable tool that allows them to construct models for the development of the planet in the future. Approximately the same way Vernadsky succeeded, who actually predicted the emergence of the Internet and some socio-economic achievements. Concepts about the noosphere from the early 20th century give modern scientists the key to understanding evolution. The very first signs indicating the possible appearance of the noosphere were on Earth already during the Paleolithic and Mesolithic times. Since then, human activity associated with influencing the biosphere has only increased. The industrial revolution in the 19th century became a powerful impetus for the transformation of the biosphere to the noosphere; today the Internet is an equally influential factor. It is quite possible that even more advanced means of communication and technology await humanity.

1. Briefly answer the questions.

1) What is the role of nature in human life and society?

Nature plays both material and spiritual significance in human life. Material, since nature itself gives us food, shelter, clothing. And, it would seem, this idea is very simple, therefore, adhering to this view, a person should be grateful to nature. If there is no such feeling, then at least you need to understand simple thing: Without plowing, without fertilizing the field, there is no hope that next year you will have bread on the table. The spiritual significance of nature in human life, in my opinion, began to be lost long ago, when man began to pay more attention to himself, his inner world, and not their relations with the outside world.

Nature is the source of material and cultural benefits for humans. The rich reserves of nature are the basis for the development of the national economy and the creation of material benefits in a socialist society.

Nature is healing. It plays a big role in human health: green plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen into it. It has been established that forest air is 200 times cleaner air large industrial cities.

2) What is ecology?

Ecology is the science of the interactions of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

3) Why has the environmental problem become especially acute these days?

Because now there are a lot of factories, cars, etc. Production is expanding and, at the same time, waste is increasing. All this contributes to the accumulation toxic waste, air and water pollution and environmental degradation.

4) Why is it necessary to conserve inexhaustible resources?

Inexhaustible natural resources are resources whose quantity is not limited, but not absolutely, but relative to our needs and duration of existence (the waters of the world's oceans, atmospheric air, solar radiation). However, if the quantity of inexhaustible natural resources is relatively unlimited, then their quality may limit the possibility of their use by humans (for example, the amount of water is not limited, but the amount of drinking water is limited).

5) How is environmental pollution related to human health?

Polluted air, water, surrogate food poisoned with pesticides, seafood mixed with oil.

The immune system is weakened, the body quickly becomes polluted. The number of allergic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and cancer is increasing.

Large particles of pollutants can have a negative impact on the upper Airways, while smaller particles can penetrate into the small airways and alveoli of the lungs.

People exposed to air pollutants may experience both short-term and long-term effects, depending on the factors at play. Pollution environment in cities affects the increase in the number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations for lung diseases, heart diseases and strokes.

6) Why are various states interested in protecting nature not only in their territories, but also in other areas of the world?

Because the states are different, but the planet is the same for everyone, and countries with a developed and stable economy show concern about the environmental balance on the scale of the entire planet.

7) What does the expression “responsibly treat nature” mean?

We must understand that nature and its reserves are not limitless. If, for example, mining is going on, then it must be done in such a way that these minerals are extracted without damaging nature, without creating large voids, and mining is carried out environmentally in effective ways. If we collect medicinal herbs, then the collection must be done by cutting off these herbs with a knife, and not uprooting them. The same can be said about picking mushrooms and berries. When catching fish, you need to worry not only about how to catch more of it, but also about how to maintain its quantity and increase it. You can breed fry and then release them into aquatic environment. When launching a new production, install waste water treatment facilities and reduce the amount of waste water as much as possible. harmful emissions in atmosphere.

Even just relaxing “in nature,” you can treat it with care: make fires in strictly permitted places, clean up trash after yourself, and don’t leave bottle shards.

Nature is silent when we hurt it. But she can answer us with earthquakes, deserts and the scorching sun. Don't forget about this

8) Can a state, a union of states solve the problem of nature conservation without involving ordinary citizens in conservation activities? Why?

Perhaps, moreover, it is obligated, since it assumes the functions of regulating environmental management. However, the help of ordinary citizens will also be needed, because you need to start caring for nature from yourself.

2. Complete the sentences.

Man, like all animals, is characterized by innate forms of behavior - instincts. But whole line human qualities are developed throughout life. What distinguishes humans from animals is, for example, the ability to be aware of their actions, while in animals almost all actions are inherent in the blood. This ability is especially important in interactions with other people and in relation to nature. By treating nature irresponsibly, a person causes harm that is not always reparable to the people around him, because people’s lives are closely interconnected with nature. Therefore, by protecting nature, you benefit society.

3. In class you learned about amazing person- Albert Schweitzer, who gave his life to serving the community. What facts of his biography deserve respect?

On March 26, 1913, Albert Schweitzer and his wife, who had completed nursing courses, went to Africa. In the small village of Lambarene (Gabon province French colony French Equatorial Africa, later the Republic of Gabon) he founded a hospital with his own modest funds.

Get acquainted with a small fragment of A. Schweitzer’s thoughts about the relationship between man and nature and complete the tasks.

“A person is truly moral only when the inner conviction to help any life that he can help keeps him from causing any harm to a living person. He does not ask how much this or that life deserves his efforts, nor does he ask whether and to what extent it can feel his kindness. For him, life as such is sacred. He will not pick a leaf from a tree, he will not break it; not a single flower and will not crush a single insect...

The ethic of reverence for life... recognizes as good only that which serves to preserve and develop life. She characterizes any destruction of life or harm to it, regardless of the conditions under which it occurred, as evil. It recognizes no practical mutual compensation of ethics and necessity.”

1) Find and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

Ethics is unlimited responsibility for everything that lives.

2) Explain on your own or using a dictionary the meaning of the word “reverence” and the phrase “reverence for life.”

Reverence - The deepest reverence, a moral feeling expressing a lovingly respectful attitude towards something that transcends human subjectivity.

Reverence for life is a principle of the ethical teaching of Albert Schweitzer, the German humanist philosopher, laureate Nobel Prize peace. The essence of this principle is “to show equal reverence for life both in relation to my will to live and in relation to any other.” The principle of reverence for life, according to the author, conveys the essence of the ethical more accurately than compassion or even love, since it connects self-improvement with self-denial and affirms the anxiety of constant responsibility.

3) Explain how A. Schweitzer’s theory differs from generally accepted norms.

He is distinguished by the ethics of mercy and serving people by personal example. Schweitzer gave the world a formula for an ethical absolute: respect for life. In this case, generally accepted norms mean the dominance of the material over the spiritual, the social over the individual.

4. The American scientist B. Commoner formulated four rules that people should take into account in their activities.

Explain the meaning of each principle.

Everything is connected to everything. This law reflects the existence of a colossal network of connections in the biosphere between living organisms and the natural environment. Any change in the quality of the natural environment according to existing connections transmitted both within biogeocenoses and between them, affecting their development.

Nature knows best. In other words, a person needs to maintain the order that exists in nature, and not compete with it, considering his decisions to be the best.

Everything has to go somewhere. Nothing disappears without a trace; this or that substance simply moves from place to place, passes from one molecular form to another, thereby influencing the life processes of living organisms. The effect of this law is one of the main causes of the environmental crisis. Huge quantities Substances such as petroleum and ores are extracted from the earth, converted into new compounds and dispersed into the environment.

You have to pay for everything. (Nothing comes for free.) If we do not want to invest in nature conservation, then we will have to pay with the health of both our own and our descendants. This law is based on the results of the emergence and development of life on earth, on natural selection during the evolution of life. Thus, for any organic substance produced by organisms, there is an enzyme in nature that can decompose this substance. None in nature organic matter will not be synthesized if there are no means to decompose it.

5. Scientists conducted a survey of residents of several regions of Russia: “How would you assess the environmental situation in your region?” The results are presented in chart form. Study them and answer the questions.

1) What is the position of the majority of respondents?

The majority of respondents believe that their region is in satisfactory environmental condition.

2) Suggest why some were unable to assess the environmental situation in their region.

Perhaps because they do not know all the sources of pollution in their region or are not aware of their presence.

3) Is it right to say that a good assessment of the environmental situation allows one not to take active action to protect nature? Explain your answer.

Of course not. Man has greatly damaged the ecosystem through his activities, and more than one generation will have to deal with this. So you need to actively deal with this and introduce it into grafting, if it’s lying around, clean it up, and everything will be clean.

6. Public organizations, which regularly conduct environmental actions, received the following information about the readiness of citizens to participate in environmental actions. It is presented in the form of a diagram.

What conclusions can be drawn based on the data in the chart?

More than half of citizens are ready to participate in actions. This suggests that the population is not indifferent to the state of the environment. People taking part in such events understand the magnitude of the problem.

Explain why the participation of ordinary citizens in environmental activities is important.

If all citizens participate in environmental activities, this will save nature and contribute to the prevention of a culture of cleanliness.

For many, the word “nature” has become something abstract - around concrete jungle. Trying to earn a lot of money and provide themselves with a comfortable life, people lose track of time; night is no longer a time for sleep, but, on the contrary, hours for work and entertainment. Many children think that the forest is a park with asphalt paths, and milk comes from a large factory.

There's no doubt that most of The inhabitants of the planet do not even think about the role of nature in the life of man and society and what it is in principle.

Fortunately, the century information technologies gives a great chance to conservationists and simply ordinary people, who see injustice towards the planet, declare problems to the whole world, be heard and supported. Numerous actions, rescue operations, and fundraisers make it possible to at least slightly heal the wounds of the Earth. How does the natural sphere of the planet work, why is it so important to preserve it?

What is nature?

It is difficult to give an exact definition to the word “nature”. Planet Earth, along with its relief, land and oceans, plants and animals, is nature.

The position of the planet in the Universe, solar influence, magnetic fields, physical and chemical phenomena, weather and natural disasters- this is also nature.

The birth of a person, death, metabolism, blood circulation and pressure, changes in mood, the emergence of feelings in a person - and this is nature.

The common thing is that man was not involved in the creation of all this, he himself is nature.

Naturally, over time, human influence on nature has increased: anthropogenic landscapes have appeared, swamps have dried up, rivers have changed their courses, many species of plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the earth, and the subsoil has been depleted. All this did not pass without consequences: the balance of nature is disrupted, and more and more frequent natural disasters, millions of people are dying from hunger and disease, the land has become unfertile. If the population does not understand how important the role of nature is in people’s lives, then soon the shaky world threatens to collapse completely.

Nature is man's means of life and his home

The land on which houses stand, roads, favorite cafes and attractions are located is natural component, having its own characteristics and features. The earth is irreplaceable. Desertification occurs every year large territories, that is, replacing the soil with sandy rocks that cannot produce crops and are difficult to build and live on.

Air is an element of nature. Its role in people's lives is so great that one can die without it. However, air without oxygen will not help in any way; only with this substance will a person continue to breathe. It is produced by plants. A few trees near the house produce oxygen, but not in such quantities that it is enough for the residents of at least 5 apartments. The main contribution to oxygen enrichment is made by equatorial forests and taiga, the area of ​​which decreases annually by thousands of hectares. If there is no air with oxygen, then there is no life for a person.

Water is an equally important component of nature. Since ancient times, houses were built next to water; water in many countries is more valuable than gold, because water resources there are wars going on.

Nature is a source of material wealth

In people's lives, the role of nature, as it seems to them, is assigned only to enrichment. Naturally, this is a misconception. But nevertheless on natural resources make billions in revenue. Oil, gas, timber, metals, water - these are the main goods in the world for which there is a lot of struggle. In fact, man did not invest anything in their origin, but manages them as an owner, causing huge damage nature, which cannot protest. She just endures.

Only careful attitude will help you run your household harmoniously, without leaving behind wounds to nature that take thousands of years to recover.

Nature is a way for man to understand himself

Human - creative person. Artists, poets, singers admire sunsets and sunrises, see beauty and phenomena in the world around them that help them understand their own soul. The role of nature in people’s lives is measured not by money, but by harmony with oneself, moral and physical forces, moments of admiration and enjoyment of beauty, a loved one, a bizarre pattern of stars in the sky. A color scheme, perfect shapes, animal and plant life bring order to the mind and heart.

The role of living nature in human life is difficult to overestimate. Everyone’s task is to learn to treat the world around them with care, to try to return only goodness to the Earth, because it is the basis of human life.

Nature- this is the material world, which is the main object of study of science. Most often, “nature” is used to describe natural environment human habitation. This is the Universe, everything that surrounds a person, with the exception of man-made things. Nature is a collection natural conditions the existence of man and the society in which he is. Nature can be divided into categories and definitions: living and non-living, wild and cultivated, natural and artificial, etc. The Russian term “nature” partly comes from the Latin natura (material world). Encyclopedic value This word defines it as everything that exists in a broad sense. That is, the whole world in the diversity of its forms. Often used in conjunction with the concepts: universe, matter, Universe. Nature is an object of natural science. Human and social activities have a significant impact on nature, both negative and positive. These factors require the establishment of harmonious interaction between nature and. Constituting a single link, man and nature cannot do without each other. It is quite difficult to express the concept of “nature” in words, since it is something unsolved and immense. On the other hand, nature created us, it surrounds us. Nature- this is everything that our planet is filled and populated with: forests, mountains, seas, oceans, flora, people... It’s not that man is helpless in front of nature, but he is capable of destroying it. The state of nature depends to a great extent on human attitudes towards it. If modern, wittingly or unwittingly, there is a natural harmony, then you shouldn’t be surprised later global disasters And natural disasters. Everything in the world is interconnected. A person should treat it more carefully so as not to harm himself. He is quite capable of this.

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While taking a walk in the forest or relaxing on the river bank, you can see a variety of plants and amazing trees. Moreover, the lush vegetation in the forests of the Moscow region differs sharply from the traditional trees and dead wood of the steppe area. The wild animals inhabiting different natural habitats. All plant and animal species are called the “flora and fauna” of a particular region.

Flora and vegetation

Today, flora in botany represents all subspecies of plants that grow or previously grew in a strictly defined area. You can confuse the concepts of “vegetation” and “flora”, perceiving them as synonyms, although they are different things. For example, you can talk about flora Kursk region, Kola Peninsula or the flora of Primorye. Moreover, what larger size region, the richer its flora is represented.

So the flora of everything Stavropol Territory has approximately 1,200 species of plants, and the flora of Russia is already more than 18 thousand, including gymnosperms, ferns, horsetails and ground cover plants. Greenhouse and houseplants do not belong to flora.

The definition of “vegetation of a certain territory” is understood as the totality of plants growing in this region. For example, the Moscow region is characterized by different kinds forests, swamps and meadows. But the vegetation of the entire territory of Russia will be much richer and more diverse. It includes significantly more plant communities, incl. mountain, tundra, forest-steppe, desert, etc.

The phrase “flora and” is also used in the study of all microorganisms that are characteristic of a specific human organ. Like, for example, the flora of the larynx.

Representatives of fauna

The concept of fauna means the totality of all species of animals that lived or still live in a given area. Animals in zoos and pets are not included in the fauna. The main characteristic of each fauna is ecological nature species included in its composition. Yes, fauna tropical forest characterized by the presence large quantity animals adapted to living in trees. These are various climbing mammals, reptiles, birds, many insects and other animals that are accustomed to eating the fruits of trees or living off destroyed wood.

Using various methods of analysis, botanists can confidently talk about the origin of a particular fauna, as well as its relationships with distant and nearby faunas. Based on the results of these analyses, animal species with similar distributions are combined into certain groups according to their habitat, for example, the fauna of the island of Madagascar. In addition, the exact location of a particular animal in the corresponding section of the fauna is recorded. Thus, it refers to the entomofauna or insect fauna.