Stories about animals K.D.Uushinsky are very sonsun. Full of kindness and heat. Wrote their Ushinsky being a boy.
From calls for a respectful attitude to our smaller brothers.

Stories about animals

Bush (story)

Well, ka, bishka, read that the book is written!

I smelled the dog to the book, and away went.

Cheerful cow (story)

We had a cow, yes such a characteristic, cheerful that trouble! Maybe therefore she had little milk.

Peelled with her and mother, and sisters. It happened, drive into the herd, and she will come home or home at noon, or it will be found in the lives, "go cut out!"

Especially when she had a calf - I would carry it out! Once even the whole horn turned out, he fought the calf, and her horn was long and straight. More than once my father was going to scream her story, but somehow he was postponed, as if he was premonished.

And what was lucky yes hip! How to raise the tail, lowers his head, let it wait, "you can't catch up on the horse.

Once in the summer she came running from the shepherd, long before the evening: she had a body home. Fore the mother of the cow, released the body and says the sister - the girl of Adak for years of twelve:

- Chase, Fenia, them to the river, let them graze on babe, but look, so that in lively it is not fastened. Until the night, it is still far that they are no sense.

Took the phenya twig, drove the body, and a cow; He drove on the beings, let them leave, and herself under the village of Vesilka and became a wreath of sprouting from Vasilkov, that on the road to rye narrow; Sheet and song sings.

Hears the Fenia, something in the slotie shelted, and the river was born with a dense slice of heated.

Looks like a phenya Something gray through a thick bed is presented, and show a stupid girl that this is our dog Serko. It is known that the wolf on the dog is quite similar, only the neck is a mustache, the tail stick, a little muzzle, and the eyes shine; But the hair dryer never resembled.

It was already a phenya dog to manhate:

- Serko, Serko! - As looking - the calf, and behind him, the cow rushes directly to her like mad. Fenia jumped, pressed to the willow, does not know what to do; The calon to her, and the cow of them both asked the tree to the tree, tilted his head, roars, the front hooves of the earth, the horns rightly put the wolf.

Fenia frightened, wrapped the tree with both hands, wanting to scream - there is no voice. And the wolf rushed directly to the cow, and bought off - from the first time, it can be seen, he hung up his horn. She sees the wolf that Nakhp did not take anything, and he began to throw something with that, then on the other hand, to cling to the cow to a cow, or to grab the body, - only where it woofs, Horn him everywhere.

Fenia still does not recognize what the matter, she wanted to escape, but the cow is not allowed, it humps to the tree.

It became here a girl shouting, to help call ... Our Cossack paked here on the swamp, heard that the cow was roaring, and the girl shouts, threw a hustle and ran into a cry.

He sees the Cossack, what is being done, but does not dare with bare hands on the wolf, it was such a big yes ostervea; Became the Cossack of the Son to Click that Paled immediately on the field.

How the Wolf envy is that people run, "the breakdown, snapped once again, two, overwhelmed and in a slot.

The anema of the Cossacks barely brought home - so the girl was frightened.

The father was pleased, then did not scold the cow of the horns.

In the summer forest (story)

No in the forest of that raznatya, like on the field; But it's good in it in a hot noon. And what you just do not look at the forest! High, reddish pines milked their igneous peaks, and green Christmas trees wound up their spiny branches. White barking birch with fragrant leaves; Sharpening a gray oxygen; And the chunky oak spread his car cut-off tent. The white eye of strawberries looks from the grass, and the fragrant berry is already blushing.

White lily of the lily of the valley swing between long, smooth leaves. Somewhere rubs the fastened woodpecker; Shouts out a complaint of the yellow Oriole; Summary of the year stray cuckoo. Gray bunny chemged into the bushes; Highly between branches flashed a fluffy tail. Chain squirrel.

Far into more often something cracks and break: Does the arc of a club-free teddy bear begging?

Vaska (story)

Kotchek-Kotok - Serious pubis. Laski Vasya, yes heter; Paws velvet, cohotok island. Vatutki - ears a bit, the mustache is long, the fur coat flies.

It cares cat, wound up, the tail wags, the eyes closes, sings the song, and the mouse came out - do not proceed! The eyes are big, the paws that steel, teeth are curves, claws graduation!

Raven and Soroka (story)

The pedestrian forty jumped on the branches of the tree and chatted without silent, and the crows sat silently.

- What are you silent, Kumaneuk, or you do not believe what I tell you? - asked, finally, forty.

"I believe bad, the bitter," the raven answered, "who chatting so much like you, he, probably, is lying a lot!"

Gaduka (story)

Around our farm, on ravines and wet places, there was a lot of snakes.

I'm not talking about the worst: I got used to harmlessly, we were accustomed that I don't have a snake. He has small sharp teeth in his mouth, he catches mice and even birds and, perhaps, can contact the skin; But there is no poison in these teeth, and the bite of the horny is completely harmless.

We had many; Especially in a pile of straw, which lay near the hum: how the sun prigerates, so they will craw out from there; They are hissing when you come up, tongue or sting show, but after all, without staring the snake biting. Even in the kitchen under the floor there were burgers, and how they would become, the children, sitting on the floor, the milk were bread, so it crashes and pulls his head to the cup, and the children with a spoon in the forehead.

But we were found with us and not some dicks: there was a poisonous snake, black, big, without those yellow stripes, which are visible from the horned head. Such a snake is called Wajuk. The viper was often biting cattle, and if they do not have time, it happened, call from the village of Old Grandfather Ohrimim, who knew some medicine against the bite of poisonous snakes, then the cattle would certainly fall - swell her, poor like a mountain.

One boy has so died from Vijuki. She bites him near the shoulder itself, and, before Ohrimim came, the tumor moved from his hands on her neck and chest: the child began to wander, stumbled in two days. As a child, I lived a lot about Vijuk and was afraid of them scary, as if I felt that I would have to meet with dangerous gadine.

We mowed in our garden, in a dry beam, where in the spring every year runs the stream, and in the summer only is damp and grows high thick grass. Every Coswarta was a holiday for me, especially how the hay is raking in the shock. Here, it happened, and you will run around the Senokosu and squeezed in the shock with all my swindle and flounded in the scented hay, until you drive out women, so as not to break the shields.

That's the way and this time I ran and tumbled: Bab was not, the kosari went far, and only our black big dog brought on a shine and bone bone.

I lured into one copy, turned two times in it and suddenly jumped with horror. Something cold and slippery waved my hand. The thought of Viper flashed in my head - and what? A huge viper, which I was disturbed, got out of the hay and, waving onto the tail, was ready to rush at me.

Instead of running, I'm standing like petrified, as if Gadda enchanted me with his borrowed, nonoragging eyes. Still a minute - and I died; But Brovko, as an arrow, flew from the shock, rushed to the snake, and struggled between them a deadly struggle.

The dog rolled the snake teeth, trampled his paws; Snake bit the dog and in the face, and in the chest, and in the stomach. But after a minute, only Gadyuki shreds lay on Earth, and browing rushed and disappeared.

But the stiffest thing is that he got lost from this day and wandered unknown where.

Only in two weeks he was packed home: thin, skinny, but healthy. Father told me that the dogs know the grass, which they are treated from the bite of viper.

Geese (story)

Vasya saw the wilderness of wild geese, which rushed high in the air.

Vasya. Can our home ducks just fly?

Father. Not.

Vasya. Who feeds wild geese?

Father. They themselves find themselves food.

Vasya. And winter?

Father. As soon as winter comes, wild geese flies away from us into warm countries, and in the spring they return again.

Vasya. But why did the home geese can't fly as well and why they do not fly away from us for the winter in warm countries?

Father. Because pets have already lost the greatest dexterity and the power and feelings of them are not so thin, like wild.

Vasya. But why did this happen to them?

Father. Because people about them take care and reassured them to use their own forces. From this you see that people should try to do all that can only. Those children rely on the services of others and are not involved in themselves to do everything that can ever will never be strong, smart and clever people.

Vasya. No, now I will try to do everything for myself, and not, perhaps, and with me can be done the same thing that with home geese, who have learned to fly.

Goose and crane (story)

Smeats goose around the pond and speaks loudly with himself with himself:

What I am, the right, amazing bird! And I go on the ground, and I swim around the water, and fly through the air: there is no other bird in the world! I king all birds!

Heaven his goose crane and tells him:

Musty bird, goose! Well, can you swim like a pike, run, like a deer, or fly like an eagle? It is better to know anything one, but good than everything, so bad.

Two goats (story)

Two stubborn goats met once on a narrow log, overlooking the stream. With both times to move the stream was impossible; I had to twist back, give another way and wait.

"I give way to me," said one.

- Here's another! Site you, what an important barin, "the other answered," I put it back, I was the first to climb the bridge.

- No, brother, I am much older than you for years, and I will give way to Molokosos! Never!

Here both, who did not think that for a long time, collided with strong foreheads, clung to the horns and, resting in thin legs in a deck, began to fight. But the deck was wet: both stubs slipped and flew straight into the water.

Woodpecker (story)

Knock-Knock! In the deaf forest on the pine, the Black Union carpenters. The legs cling to the tail rests on, he tagged with his nose, - Murasha yes, comes from the bark.

The barrel circle will hang, no one will notice.

Frightened Murashi:

- These de orders are not good! With fear, they are silent, they hide behind the bog - do not want to go.

Knock-Knock! A black woodpecker knocks his nose, a bark is hammering, a long tongue launches in holes, tormented, like a fish, pulls.

Playing dogs (story)

Volodya stood at the window and looked at the street where a big dog was warmed in the sun, Polcan.

A small Pug rank to the Polkan and began to throw and bark on him; She grabbed his teeth for huge paws, for the muzzle and, it seemed, very boring a big and sullen dog.

Wait to go, here she will ask you! - said Volodya. - She will examine you.

But Pug did not stop playing, and the Polcan looked at him very much.

You see, "said Father Volodya," Polcan is kinder. When you start playing your little brothers and sisters with you, then it certainly will end the thing that you will pin them. The Polcan knows that he is very shameful to offend the little and weak.

Goat (story)

The goat shaggy, goes bearded, faithful to the face, shook his borodes, sticks hoofers; Going, shutting, goats and goats calling. And the goats with goats in the garden left, the grass hungry, the bark is ghaged, the young risks spoil, the milk kids dug; And goats, small guys, the milk trembled, climbed the fence, the horns were overthrown.

Wait, the bearded owner will come already - everyone will give you order!

Cow (fairy tale)

Nekrasiva cow, yes milk gives. Her forehead is wide, ears aside; In the mouth of the teeth, it defects the face large; The ridge - the edge, tail - darling, the sides were hung, hooves double.

She tears her herce, chewing chewing, sinking, might and roar, the hostess calls: "Come out, the hostess; Take out the roots, pure rubble! I brought milk kids, thick cream. "

Cuckoo (story)

Gray cuckoo - a homeless Lenivian: the nest does not go, the eggs are putting the eggs in the nests, he gives his wrist, and he also pumped up, and it is still frightened, he praises in front of man: "Hee-hee-hee! Ha ha ha! Look, hubby, as I am oatmeal for the joy of the Egg demolished. "

And the taper hubby, on the birch of Sidychi, the tail unfolded, the wings lowered, the neck pulled out, sides, counts, counts, the stupid people do it.

Swallow (story)

The swallow-king point did not know, the day-day flew, straw tuskla, Lepil, Glinka, Nestshko Vila.

Sweet Snovesdishko: The testicles wore. Applied the testicles: it does not come off with the testicles, the kids wait.

Lasting deubs: kids are singing, they want to eat.

Swallow-clock day-day flies, the rest does not know: catches the midge, feeds crumbs.

It is time for an inevitable, the kids will be fell, all apart scatter, for the blue of the sea, for dark forests, for high mountains.

Lastochka-kingochka does not know the rest: the day-day everything is growing - small kids are looking for.

Horse (story)

The horse snaps, the ears will spin, the eyes of the eye, gnawing up, neck, like swan, beggars, the ground of the ground. Mane on the neck of the wave, behind the tail of the pipe, between the ears - the cheek, on the legs - the brush; Wool silver drops. In the mouth, I wondered, on the back the saddle, stirrups gold, steel horses.

Sit down and went! For trident lands, in the thirty kingdom!

The horse runs, the earth is trembling, from the mouth of foam, from the nostrils of pairs of valit.

Bear and log (story)

There is a bear in the forest and lifting lifting: is it possible to rejuvenate? Face - honey! Raised the bear face up and sees a hive on the pine tree, under the hives a smooth log on the rope hangs, but there is no little Misha to a log. I climbed a bear on a pine tree, there was a log, it is impossible to climb above - the log interferes.

Misha pushed his lard's log; The logs lightly turned back - and the knock of the Bear on the head. Misha pushed his trickle's log - I hit Misha's log in a log. Misha got angry and enough logs in all strength; A log turned out twice by two ago - and so I had enough Misha that I did not fall away from the tree. I cleared the bear, I forgot about the honey, I want to dig a log to him: well, it is not for the power, and without surrendering never stayed. Misha rushed with a log until the whole beaten fell from the tree; Under the tree, there were pegs of Natakans - and the bear paid for the crazy anger with his warm skin.

Not okay, yes firmly sewn (hare and yozh) (tale)

Whiten, smooth bunny said his hero:

What you have, brother, ugly, prickly dress!

True, - answered the Yozh, - but my spines save me from the teeth of a dog and a wolf; Do you also serve your pretty skin?

Bunny instead answered only sighed.

Eagle (story)

Eagle dear to all birds king. It goes nele on the rocks yes on old oaks; It flies high, sees far away, Nemigaychi looks at the sun.

Nose in eagle sickle, claws crochet; Wings are long; Breast honeycomb - youth.

Eagle and cat (story)

Behind the village there was a cheerful cat with his kittens. Spring sun root, and the little family was very happy. Suddenly, where neither take - a huge steppe eagle: Like zipper, he descended from the embroidered and grabbed one kitten. But I still did not have time to climb how my mother clung to him. Predator threw the kitten and grabbed with an old cat. Boiled battle for death.

Mighty wings, strong beak, severe paws with long, curves gave an eagle a big advantage: he ripped the skin of the cat and shone her eyes. But the cat did not lose courage, firmly clung to the eagle claws and snapped his right wing.

Now the victory has become cloning to the side of the cat; But the eagle was still very strong, and the cat is already tired; However, she collected his last forces, made a dexterous jump and poured an eagle to the ground. At the same moment she bit off his head and, forgetting his own wounds, began to lick his wounded kitten.

Cockerel with family (story)

Petschok walks around the courtyard: on the head - a red scallop, under his nose - a red beard. Nose in Petit Cholotz, the tail in Petit Koltsa, on the tail patterns, on the legs of the spur. Paws Peter a bunch jumps, chickens with chickens convenes:

Crested chicken! Bottomans-hostess! Penastic-ripples! Black and white! Going with chickens, with small guys: I will give you a grain!

Chicken with chickens gathered, once somewhat; The grain did not share - they turned off.

Petya-Cockerel disorders does not like - now the family reconciled: Tu for Khokhol, in Togo, for Vikhor, he eaten the grain, the wings took off, the wings were waving, all the throat shouted:

- "ka-ka-re-ku!"

Clarification (story)

Vasya is sitting on babe, he looks like a clarification in the pond tumble: wide spouts in the water are hiding, yellow paws are dried in the sun. You ordered the clarification of the clarity, and they left on the water - and old and small. How to drive them home now?

Here I became Vasya Pokishkin click:

Uti-Uti-clarification! Look-tarakochki, sponge sponge, sponast paws! Full up to you worms to carry, pinching herbs, Tina swallow, Zaobi to stuff - it's time to go home!

The clarification was obeyed, they went to the coast, go home, shifted on my legs.

Scientist Bear (story)

- Children! Children! - Screaming nanny. - Go bear to watch.

Children ran into the porch, and there already have a lot of people gathered. Nizhny Novgorod man, with a large stake in his hands, holds on the Bear Chains, and the boy prepared in the drum to beat.

"Well,", Misha, "says Nizhegorodets, pulling the bear with a chain," stand up, come up with a side on the side, honest to the gentlemen worship and young people show.

Bear was bore, reluctantly rose to the rear paws, with her legs standing up, to the right, the left is crushed.

- Well, the ka, Misha, - continues Nizhny Novgorod, - show how small kids are stealing: where is dry - on the belly; And Mokresko - on the knees.

And trampled a bear: she gets on the belly, the paws climbs, as if the peas pulls.

- And well, Misha, show how women are going to work.

There is a bear, it is neither; Back looks back, paw behind the ear scraper.

Several times the bear showed annoyance, roared, did not want to get up; But the iron ring of the chain, which has been done on the lip, and the number in the hands of the owner forced the poor beast to obey. When the bear redid all his things, Nizhegorodets said:

- And well, Misha, Terecherich from his legs on the leg turned around, honest the gentlemen worship, but do not be lazy, but lower worship! I swell the Lord and throwing the hat: I will put the bread, eat, and go back to me.

And the bear went, with a cap in the front paws, bypass the audience. Children put a grivenk; But they were a pity to the poor Misha: from the lip, the blood grid, the blood was frozen.

Javronia (story)

The dangle is our chamber, dangling and gluttony; Everything eats, it all mists, about the angles itching, the puddle will find - as in the period rushing, grunts, it is not enough.

Slow from the chavroorushka is not elegant: in the ground the nose rests, mouth to the ears; And ears, like rags, dangle; On each foot, four hooves, and goes - stumbles.

The tail has a chamber with a screw, ridge - hump; On the ridge of the bristle sticks out. She eats for three, grows up for five; But her hobs of holling, fed, woo sing; And breaks in the garden - it is polen.

Brave dog (story)

Dog, what are you lazy?

Wolves frighten.

Dog that tail pressed?

Wolves are afraid.

- END -

You can download the book of Ushinsky K.D. Children's animal stories in PDF format: Download \u003e\u003e

We lived on the sea, and my dad had a good boat with sails. I knew how to walk on it - and on wheels and under the sail. And all the same, my dad never allowed to go to the sea. And I was twelve years old.

Once, my sister and Nina and my sister learned that the father leaves the house for two days, and we started to go on the boat on the other side; And on that side of the bay stood a very pretty house: white, with a red roof. And the range of the house grew rose. We have never been there and thought that there is very good. Probably, they live good old with an old woman. And Nina says that they certainly have a dog and also good. And the old people, probably, eat eating and we will be delighted and we will give us.


I lived on the seashore and caught fish. I had a boat, grid and different fishing rods. In front of the house there was a booth, and on the chains a huge dog. Shaggy, all in black spots, - Ryabka. He erased the house. I fed it with his fish. I worked with a boy, and there was no one around for three versts. Rowbank is so used to talking to him, and he understood very simple. You ask him: "Ryabka, where Volodya?" The t-pot of the tail curves and turn the face, where Volodeka left. Air nose pulls, and always true. It happened, you will come from the sea with anything, and Ryabka is waiting for fish. It will stretch on the chain, hipshes.

Wrap it to him and say angrily:

Bad are our business, Rowbank! That's how ...

He sighs, will fall and put his head on the paws. I do not ask, understands.

When I went for a long time to go to the sea, I always dripped on my back and persuaded to be well erased.

One old man went at night through the ice. And at all came to the shore, as suddenly I was led, and the old man fell into the water. And the shore was a steamer, and from a steamhouse was an iron chain into the water to anchor.

The old man got to the chain and began to climb on it. Got out a bit, tired and began to shout: "Save!"

The sailor at the steamer heard, looked, - and on an anchor chain, someone clutched and screams.

Three brothers went in the mountains on the road. They walked down. There was an evening, and at the bottom they had already seen how the window was lit in their home.

Suddenly clouds gathered, it was immediately dark, thundered, and watered the rain. The rain was so strong that water dried down the road, as in the river. Senior said:

Stand, here is the rock, she will bother us a little from the rain.

All three crossed under the rock and began to wait.

Younger, Ahmet, tired of sitting, he said:

There is a cow Masha to look for the son of his own, the calf Aleshka. Do not see it anywhere. Where did he fight? It's time to go home.

And the challenge Aleshka clogged, tired, lean in the grass. Grass is high - Aleshka and not see.

The cow Masha was frightened, that her son Aleshka disappeared, but how she climbs that there are strength:

One collective farmer woke up early in the morning, looked out the window on the courtyard, and in the courtyard he had a wolf. The wolf stood around the chlev and scribe the paw door. And the sheep stood in Khlev.

The collective farmer grabbed the shovel - and into the courtyard. He wanted to hit the wolf on his head. But the Wolf Wolf turned and caught a shovel with his teeth behind the handle.

The collective farmer began to pull the wolf to the shovel. It was not here! The wolf grabbed his teeth so tightly, not to pull out.

The collective farmer began to call for help, and at home sleep, do not hear.

"Well," the collective farmer thinks, "not the century to keep the wolf to the shovel; and how he will release, I will break his shovel."

Brother and sister had a manual daw. She eaten out of her hands, was given to stroke, flew to the will and back flew.

Once the sister began to wash. She took the ring with his hands, put on the washbasin and washed her face with soap. And when she solved soap, he looked: where is the ring? And there is no ring.

She shouted his brother:

Give the ring, not teasing! Why did you take?

I did not take anything, "brother replied.

One uncle was harmony. He played very well on her, and I came to listen. He hid it and did not give anyone. The harmonic was very good, and he was afraid not to be broken. And I really wanted to try.

Once I came when Uncle dined. He cumshot there, and I began to ask, to play. And he said:

What game! I sleep hunting.

I began to ask and even cried. Then Uncle said:

Well, okay, unlikely.

Girl Kate wanted to fly away. No wings. And suddenly there is such a bird in the world - a big, like a horse, wings, like a roof. If you sit on such a bird, then you can fly through the sea into warm countries.

Only the bird should be touched before and feeding the bird with something good cherries, for example.

At dinner, Katya asked Pope:

No one believes. And the firefighs say:

Smoke is terrible fire. From the fire, the person runs away, and the smoke is not afraid and climbs into it. And there chips. And yet - nothing can be seen in the smoke. It is not visible where to run, where the doors where the windows. Smoke eats eyes, bites in her throat, pinch in the nose.

And the firefighters put on the face of the mask, and air goes into the mask on the tube. In such a mask, you can be in smoke for a long time, but only anyway does not see anything.

And once the fire houses were extinguished. The tenants ran to the street. Senior fireman shouted:

Well, count, is everything?

One tenant was lacking.

And the man shouted:

Petka is our room left!

Works broken on pages

Boris Zhitkov's stories

Children's literature should always maintain inspiration and talent. Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov First of all, it came out of the confidence that it could not manifest themselves as an addition to adult literature. After all, most of the books that will definitely read the children are a textbook of life. The invaluable experience that children acquire, reading books, has exactly the same value as a real life experience. The child always seeks to copy the heroes of the literary work or in open does not like them - in any case, literary works allow you to directly and very naturally join the real life, take the side of good and fight evil. That's why Fat stories about animals wrote such a wonderful language.

He very much understood that any book that would be read by the child would remain in memory of his life. Thanks to this boris Zhitkov's stories Quickly give children a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe interconnectedness of generations, valor of enthusiasts and workers.

Everything stories Zhitkov Presented in prose format, but the poetry of his narches is clearly felt in any line. The writer was convinced that without memory of his childhood, there was no sense to create literature for children. Allows clearly and brightly teaches children to determine where bad and good. He shares with his reader with his invaluable experience, seeks to most accurately transfer all his thoughts, trying to attract a child to active interaction.

Writer Boris Zhitkov Stories about animals It was created that they brightly reflect all his rich and sincere inner world, his principles and moral ideals. For example, in a wonderful story "about an elephant" of inks, it turns out about respect for someone else's work, and his story "Mongoose" clearly transfers energy, strength and accuracy of the Russian language. On our site we were injured to collect as many works as possible, so read stories Zhitkov And also see all of their list, you can absolutely free.

All the creativity of the beloved writer is inextricably linked with the Things about children and care about their upbringing. During his entire short life, he communicated with them, and, like a professional researcher, studied as his fairy tales And the stories affect sensitive and kind children's souls.

Der Tiger Ist Ein Großes Wildtier. Er Hat Gelbe Farbe Mit Schwarzen Streifen. Der Tiger Ist Stark Und Gewandt, Er Kann Laut Knurren, Gut Schwimmen, Springen Und Schnell Laufen. Dieses Tier Lebt in Asien Und Russland. MAN KANN ES AUCH IN EINEM ZOO ODER ZIRKUS SEHEN.

Tiger is a great wild animal. It has a yellow color with black stripes. Tiger - strong and clever, he knows how to grow loudly, swim well, jump and run quickly. This beast lives in Asia and Russia. It can also be seen in the zoo or circus.

Der Bär Gehört Zu Den Wildtieren. Er IST Groß und Beweglich. Er Hat Braunes Fell, Dicke BEINE UND KLEINE OHREN. Der Bär Kann Gut Schwimmen Und Klettern Auf Die Bäume. DIESES TIER LEBT IM WALD. Den Ganzen Winter Schläft Er in Seiner Höhle. Obwohl Er Das Raubtier IST, Mag Er Auch Beeren, Früchte, Korn, Gras Und Die Wurzeln der Pflanzen.

The bear belongs to the wild animals. He is big and movable. He has brown wool, thick legs and small ears. The bear swims well and climbs on trees. This beast lives in the forest. All winter he sleeps in his berrogue. Although he is a predator, he also loves berries, fruits, grains, grass and plant roots.

Der Wolf IST Ein Wildes Waldtier. Sein Fell Ist Meistens Grau, Aber Kann Auch Unterschiedlich Sein, Z.B. Weiß Oder Schwarz. ER IST EINEM HUND ÄHNLICH. Dieses Tier Ist Sehr Klug und Geschickt. Er Kann Schnell Laufen Und Gut Jagen. Er Isst Nur Das Fleisch Anderer Tiere.

Wolf is a wild forest animal. Its fur is most often gray, but may also differ, for example, be white or black. He looks like a dog. This beast is very clever and clever. He knows how to run quickly and well hunt. He eats only meat of other animals.

Der Hase Ist Ein Kleines Wildtier, Das Lange Ohren, Runden Flaumigen Schwanz Und Starke Hinterpfoten Hat. SEIN FELL IST GRAU IN SOMMER UND WEIß IM WINTER. Er LEBT AUF DER WIESE ODER IM WALD. ES IST Schwer Ihn Zu Fangen, Denn Er Läuft Sehr Schnell.

The hare is a small wild animal, which has a long ears, a round fluffy tail and strong rear paws. In the summer of its gray wool, and in the winter - white. He lives in a meadow or in the forest. It is difficult to catch it, because he runs very quickly.

Der Löwe IST EIN RAUBTIER, DAS IN DER SAVANNE LEBT. MAN NENNT IHN DEN ZAR DER TIERE. Er Hat Eine Schöne Dicke Mähne Und Starke Pfoten. Er Jagt Antilopen, Zebra Und Andere Tiere. Nach Dem Essen Schläft der Löwe Lange Gern. ES IST EIN SEHR KLUGES UN AUSDAUERNDES TIER. MAN KANN IHN Dressieren, Und Dann Tritt Er Im Zirkus AUF.

Lion is a predatory animal that lives in the savanna. He is called the "king" of animals. He has a beautiful thick mane and severe paws. He hunts the antelope, zebras and other animals. After eating the lion loves to sleep for a long time. This is a very smart and hardy animal. It can be trained, and then he acts in the circus.

Der Affe Ist Ein Wildtier, Das Meistens in Afrika Oder Südamerika Lebt. Es Kann Groß Oder Klein Sein. Dieses Tier Ist Sehr Furchtsam und Vorsichtig. Deshalb Klettert ES Fast Die Ganze Zeit Auf Den Bäumen, Auf Solche Weise Sucht Sich Die Nahrung. Die Affen Essen Die Insekten, Die Samen, Die Beeren Und Das Obst. Einige Von Ihnen Wohnen Im Zoo, Andere Tten Im Zirkus Auf.

Monkey is a wild animal that lives mainly in Africa or South America. It can be large or small. This animal is very buggy and carefully. Therefore, almost all the time climbs on trees, in such a way it is looking for food. Monkeys eat insects, seeds, berries and fruits. Some of them live in the zoo, others perform in the circus.

Street cat

Girl Katya

Smean under the Christmas tree


Hunter and dogs

About monkey

About Elephant

Brave dot.

Street cat

I lived on the seashore and caught fish. I had a boat, grid and different fishing rods. In front of the house there was a booth, and on the chains a huge dog. Shaggy, all in black spots, - Ryabka. He erased the house. I fed it with his fish. I worked with a boy, and there was no one around for three versts. Rowbank is so used to talking to him, and he understood very simple. You ask him: "Ryabka, where Volodya?" The t-pot of the tail curves and turn the face, where Volodeka left. Air nose pulls, and always true. It happened, you will come from the sea with anything, and Ryabka is waiting for fish. It will stretch on the chain, hipshes.

Wrap it to him and say angrily:

Bad are our business, Rowbank! That's how ...

He sighs, will fall and put his head on the paws. I do not ask, understands.

When I went for a long time to go to the sea, I always dripped on my back and persuaded to be well erased. And so I want to move away from him, and he will rise to the hind paws, will pull the chain and grabs me with his paws. Yes, so hard - it does not allow. Does not want to stay one long: and bored and hungry.

A good dog!

But I did not have the cats, and the mice beat. Mesh will wave, so they will climb in the grids, confused and exceed the threads, swell. I found them in the grids - the other is confused and comes. And at home everything is stealing that neither put.

So I went to the city. Lost, I think myself a cheerful cat, she flew all mice, and in the evening she will sit and purrab. Came to the city. For all the yards went - not a single cat. Well, nowhere!

I began to ask people:

Is there anyone kitty? I even pay money, give only.

And they became angry at me:

Does cats now? Everywhere hungry, there is nothing to have, and here cats are sorted.

And one said:

I would eat the cat myself, and not that it, Darmond, feed!

Here are those on! Where are all the cats walked? The cat is used to living on the ready-made: got drunk, I turned around and in the evening on a warm plate stretched. And suddenly such trouble! Furnaces are not fired, the owners themselves are sucking. And nothing to steal. Yes, and mice in the hungry house either do not get.

Cat translated in the city ... And what, maybe, and hungry people arrived. So no cat did not take.

Winter has come, and the sea froze. Fishing has become impossible. And I had a gun. So I charged the gun and went along the shore. Someone is a shot: wild rabbits lived on the shore in Norah.

Suddenly, I look at the place of the rabbit hole, a big hole excavation, as if the move for a large beast. I am rather there.

I sat down and looked in Nora. Dark. And when I looked at, I see: in the depths of two eyes glow.

What, I think, for the beast so started?

I threw a twig - and in Nora. And from there how will awake!

I backed back. Fu you! Yes this is a cat!

So here's where the cats from the city moved!

I began to call:

Kitty Kitty! Kisianka! - And she slept his hand in Nora.

And Kisankoka how to roll, and so the beast, that I and hand drove away.

I began to think how to remove the cat to my house.

Once I met a cat on the shore. Big, gray, facet. She, as I saw me, bounced aside and sat down. Evil eyes look at me. The whole focused, froze, only the tail shudders. Waiting for what I will do.

And I took a crust bread from my pocket and threw her. The cat looked where the crust fell, and herself either. Again stared at me. I walked around and looked around: the cat jumped, grabbed the crust and ran to her home, in Nora.

So we often met with her, but the cat never let me down. Once at twilight, I accepted it for the rabbit and wanted to shoot.

In the spring, I started fishing, and about my house smelled fish. Suddenly hear - my ripper barks. And it's ridiculous somehow baves: Miscellaneous, to different voices, and hipshes. I went out and see: on the spring grass does not hurry walking towards my house a large gray cat. I immediately recognized her. She was not at all afraid of a ripper, did not even look at him, but he chose only where she would have a walk. Cat saw me sat down and began to look and lick. I rather ran to the house, took out the fish and threw.

She grabbed the fish and jumped into the grass. I was seen from the porch, as she began to eat greedily. Yeah, I think the fish did not eat long ago.

And since then the cat has to go to visit me.

I all asked her and persuaded to move to me to live. And the cat has ever seen and did not touch him close. Fit fish and run away. As a beast.

Finally, I managed to stroke her, and the beast was cooled. The Ryankchik did not lie on her, but only stretched on the chain, whisked: he really wanted to meet a cat.

Now the cat is quickly driving around at home, but I did not want to live in the house.

Once she did not go spend the night to himself in Noura, but stayed at night at the Ryabik in the booth. Ryabchik completely squeezed into a lump in to give a place.

Ryabchik missed that he glad was a cat.

It rained times. I look out of the window - lies the tip in the pool around the booth, the whole wet, and does not climb the booth.

I went out and shouted:

Rowbank! In the booth!

He got up, confusely shook his tail. Retrieves the muzzle, turns, and does not climb the booth.

I came up and looked into the booth. Through the entire floor, the cat stretched out. The Ryabchik did not want to climb, so as not to wake up the cat, and the mock in the rain.

He loved so when the cat came to visit him, which tried to lick her like a puppy. The cat was sharpened and shaken.

I saw how the row with my paws held the cat when she, wanted, went through his business.

And it was about it.

Once hear - as if the child cries. I jumped up, I look: Katit Murka with a cliff. In the teeth she dangles something. Ran up, I look - in the teeth at Murki Rabbitonok. The rabby hung his paws and shouted, just like a small child. I took it away by the cat. She exchanged her fish. The rabbit went out and then lived in my house. Another time I found Murku when she had already worried a big rabbit. Rowbank on the chains was published.

There was a pit against the house with Paul Arshina Depth. I see from the window: Murka is sitting in the pit, all in a lump squeezed, the eyes are wild, and there is no one around. I began to follow.

Suddenly Murka jumped - I did not have time to blink, and she already swirl swallow. The case was to the rain, and the swallows were realized from the earth itself. And in the pit in the ambush, a cat was waiting. She was sitting on the clock all on a platoon like a trigger: waited until the swallow is chirknet over the pit itself. HAP! - And the paw hurts on the fly.

Another time I found her at sea. The storm threw a shell ashore. Murka cautiously walked on wet stones and rake the paws in a dry place. She ran across them like nuts, wrinkled and pulled the slug.

But the trouble came. Awesome dogs appeared on the shore. They were walking in the shore, hungry, abandoned. With Laem, with a screech they swept past our home. Ryabik all sulfate, strained. He grudge grudge and evil watched. Volodya grabbed the stick, and I rushed into a house for a gun. But the dogs swept past, and soon they were not heard.

The Ryabchik could not calm down for a long time: everything grumbled and looked, where the dogs ran away. And Murka at least that: she was sitting in the sun and the mature of the soap faucet.

I told Volodya:

Look, Murka is nothing afraid. Dogs are resorted - it is jumping on the pillar and on the pole on the roof.

Volodya says:

And the Ryabchik climbs into the booth and sprinkhes over any dog \u200b\u200bacross the hole. And I dial into the house.

There is nothing to fear.

I went to the city.

And when he returned, Volodley told me:

As you left, the hour did not pass, wild dogs returned. Stits eight. Rushed to Murku. And Murka did not run away. It's under the wall, in the corner, you know, pantry. She burles herds there. It has a lot of accumulated there. Murka rushed into the angle, hurt, brought to the rear paws and prepared claws. Dogs jumped, three immediately. Murka So earned the paws - wool only flew from dogs. And they squeeze, spend and alone through another climb, all to Murke, to Murke, are climbing on top!

What did you look?

Yes, I did not watch. I rather in the house, grabbed the gun and began to thwart the whole strength on dogs butt, butt. All in porridge knew. I thought, from Murki Klocheia, alone will remain. I've been to beat what I got. Here, look, all the butt stoked. You will not scold?

Well, and Murka, Murka?

And she is now on the Ryabki. Rowbank lies her. They are in the booth.

So it turned out. Ryabka curled the ring, and in the middle lay Murka. Rowbank her lisage and gladly glanced at me. It can be seen, I was afraid that I would hurt - I would take Murku.

A week later, Murka completely recovered and began to hunt.

Suddenly, we woke up from terrible and squeal at night.

Volodya jumped out, shouts:

Dogs, dogs!

I grabbed the gun and, as it was, jumped into the porch.

A whole bunch of dogs fought in the corner. They were so roaring that they did not hear how I came out.

I fired in the air. The whole flock rushed and rushed away without memory. I fired once again after. The Ryabka rushed on the chains, twitched from the runway, shared, but could not break the chains: he wanted to rush after the dogs.

I began to call Murku. She rushed and put a storage room in order: I instilled my paw burst the hole.

In the room at the light, I examined the cat. Her strongly bites the dogs, but the wounds were non-hazardous.

I noticed that Murka would grow up, - the kittens could be born soon.

I tried to leave her for the night in the hut, but she meowed and scratched, so I had to release it.

A street cat is used to living in the wild and never wanted to go to the house.

It was impossible to leave so the cat. It can be seen, wild dogs have fallen to us to run. Spear when we are with the Volodya will be in the sea, and Murki bolds at all. And so we decided to take away Murku away and leave to live from familiar fishermen. We planted a cat in a boat and went by the sea.

Far, in fifty miles away from us, we took Murk. Dogs do not run. There lived a lot of fishermen. They had a nemid. They every morning and every night brought the native to the sea and pulled him as shore. They always had a lot of fish. They were very happy when we brought them Murk. Now they fed her fish to the dump. I said that the cat in the house would not live and what you need to make a hole for her - this is not a simple cat, she is from the street and loves the will. She was made from the root of the house, and Murka remained walked the nem of mice.

And we returned home. Rowbank for a long time, and blossomedly ledal; Lyal and on us: Where did we delive the cat?

We were not long for a long time and only in the fall gathered to Murke.

We arrived in the morning when they pulled the nemid. The sea was quite calm, like water in a saucer. The nehel came to an end, and the whole Vataga of the naval crabs was pulled ashore along with the fish. They, like large spiders, clever, quickly run and evil. They become on the holes and click on the head of the claws: scare. And if they grab the finger, so hold on: to blood. Suddenly I watch: among all this courehs, our Murka is quiet. She deftly folded the crabs from the road. He feels his paw from behind, where he can not get it, and the storm is away. Crab gets up on rapids, affectionate, clangs with culbs, like a dog with teeth, and Murka does not pay attention, eats, like pebbles.

Four adults kitten followed her away, but they themselves were afraid and close to the law. And Murka climbed into the water, entered the neck, only his head sticks out one of the water. It goes along the bottom, and from the head the water is broken down.

Cat with paws snapped at the bottom of the small fish, which went out of the chief. These fish are hiding on the bottom, drunk in the sand - here they are here and caught Murka. Retained his paw, it hits the claws and throws his children ashore. And they were very big cats, but they were afraid and stepped onto the wet. Murka brought alive fish on dry sand, and then they fought and evil rude. Think about what hunters!

Fishermen could not grasp Mochka:

Ay yes cat! Battle cat! Well, and children did not go to the mother. Balbes and Lodi. They will slip like the Lord, and all of them are in the mouth. Won, looked, got rushed like! Pure pig. Yours, collapsed. Fuck, cakes!

The fisherman swung, and cats did not move.

That's just because of Momashi and tolerate. You should drive them out.

Cats so lazy that they were lazy to play with the mouse.

I saw Murka dragged the mouse in their teeth. She wanted to learn them how to catch mice. But the cats lazily move the paws and missed the mouse. Murka rushed after and again brought them. But they did not want to watch: lying on the sun on soft sand and waited for lunch, so as not to harm fish heads.

IS, Momashins are sons! - said Volodley and threw sand in them. - Watch disgusting. There you are!

Cats shook her ears and turned on the other side.


There is a cow Masha to look for the son of his own, the calf Aleshka. Do not see it anywhere. Where did he fight? It's time to go home.

And the challenge Aleshka clogged, tired, lean in the grass. Grass is high - Aleshka and not see.

The cow Masha was frightened, that her son Aleshka disappeared, but how she climbs that there are strength:

House Masha fell, left a whole bucket of pair milk. Poured Aleshka into a toss:

On, Pey, Aleshka.

Aleshka was delighted - he wanted a long milk, "everything drank and licked the tongue to the bottom.

Aleshka got drunk, he wanted to spend the yard. Only he ran, suddenly the puppy jumped out of the booth - and well bark on Aleshka. Aleshka was frightened: this is true, a terrible beast, if it barks loudly. And rushed to run.

Aleshka escaped, and did not bark the puppy. Quietly became a circle. Looked Aleshka - no one, everyone went to sleep. And he wanted to sleep. Loe and fell asleep in the yard.

He fell asleep and cow Masha on soft grass.

He fell asleep and puppy at his booth - tired, ledal all day.

He fell asleep and Petya's boy in his crib - tired, ran all day.

And the bird has long fallen for a long time.

He fell asleep on the branch and the head under the wing hid, so that the warmth was sleeping. Also tired. The whole day flew, midges caught.

Everyone fell asleep, everyone slept.

Only the wind is not sleeping.

He is rustling in the grass and rustles in the bushes.


One collective farmer woke up early in the morning, looked out the window on the courtyard, and in the courtyard he had a wolf. The wolf stood around the chlev and scribe the paw door. And the sheep stood in Khlev.

The collective farmer grabbed the shovel - and into the courtyard. He wanted to hit the wolf on his head. But the Wolf Wolf turned and caught a shovel with his teeth behind the handle.

The collective farmer began to pull the wolf to the shovel. It was not here! The wolf grabbed his teeth so tightly, not to pull out.

The collective farmer began to call for help, and at home sleep, do not hear.

"Well," the collective farmer thinks, "not the century to keep the wolf to the shovel; and how he will release, I will break his shovel."

And the wolf became the teeth handle and closer and closer and closer to the collective farmer ...

"To put a shovel?" Kolhomnik thinks. "The wolf will also throw a shovel on me." I will not run away. "

And the wolf is closer and closer. Sees a collective farmer: the case is bad - the wolf will shoot the hand soon.

A collective farmer was gathered with all the power Yes, how the wolf throats together with a shovel through the fence, and soon in the hut.

The wolf ran away. And the collective farmer of the house woke all.

After all, me, "says, did not learn under the window under the window. Eco sleep!

How, - the wife asks, - did you manage?

And I, "the collective farmer says," he thrown him for the fence.

I looked at my wife, and behind the fence of the shovel; All wolf teeth are grated.


Brother and sister had a manual daw. She eaten out of her hands, was given to stroke, flew to the will and back flew.

Once the sister began to wash. She took the ring with his hands, put on the washbasin and washed her face with soap. And when she solved soap, he looked: where is the ring? And there is no ring.

She shouted his brother:

Give the ring, not teasing! Why did you take?

I did not take anything, "brother replied.

The sister quarreled with him and cried.

Grandmother heard.

What do you have here? - He speaks. - Let me give me glasses, now I will find this ring.

Rushed to look for glasses - no glasses.

I just put them on the table, "the grandmother cry. - Where are they going? How am I now a thread in needle?

And screamed on the boy.

Your things are! Why do grandmother tease?

The boy was offended, ran out of the house. Looks, - and the Galka flies above the roof, and it shines something under her beak. Watched - yes these glasses! The boy was hidden behind the tree and began to look. And Janka sat down on the roof, looked around, whether anyone sees, and the glasses on the roof of the beak in the gap stuffed.

Grandmother came out on the porch, says the boy:

Speak where my glasses are?

On the roof! Said the boy.

The grandmother was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out glasses from the granma. Then pulled out from there and the ring. And then pulled out windows, and then different money many pieces.

Granny glasses was delighted, and sister rings and told his brother:

You forgive me, I thought on you, and this is a tank thief.

And came up with my brother.

Grandma said:

These are all of them, daws and Soroki. What glitters, all drags.

Girl Katya

Girl Kate wanted to fly away. No wings. And suddenly there is such a bird in the world - a big, like a horse, wings, like a roof. If you sit on such a bird, then you can fly through the sea into warm countries.

Only the bird should be touched before and feeding the bird with something good, cherries for example.

At dinner, Katya asked Pope:

Are there any birds like a horse?

There is no such thing, does not happen, "said Dad. And everything sits and reads the newspaper.

She saw Katya Sparrow. And thought: "What a crank tarank. Would I be a cockroach, would cut to a sparrow, I would sat down between the wings and would ride all over the world, and I would not know anything."

And asked Pope:

And what if the cockroach is sitting on the sparrow?

And dad said:

Sound the sparrow and eat cockroaches.

And it happens, - asked Katya, - that the eagle grabbing the girl and incur to his nest?

Do not raise an eagle girl, "said Dad.

And two eagles will carry? - asked Katya.

And dad answered nothing. Sits and a newspaper reads.

How many eagles need to bring the girl? - asked Katya.

A hundred, "said Dad.

And on the other day, Mom said that the eagles in the cities do not happen. And for a hundred pieces together, eagles never fly.

And evil eagles. Blood birds. Caught eagle a bird - will break into pieces. Grab the hare - and the paws will not leave.

And Katya thought: it is necessary to choose good white birds to live together, flying the flocks, flew firmly and waved wide wings, white feathers. Make friends with white birds, to carry all the crumbs from lunch, there is no candy for two years - everything is to give up to white birds, so that the birds fell in love with Katya to take her with themselves and would be taken over the sea.

And in fact - as they caress the wings, they scribble the whole packs - so the wind will rise and dust will go on the ground. And the birds are higher, heaway, slam down, pick up Katya ... so for which it fell, for the sleeve, for the dress, even if they grab the hair - it does not hurt - the kelners will catch. They swell above at home - everyone is looking - Mom is crying: "Katya, Katya!" And Katya only goes his head and says: "Goodbye, I will come."

Probably there are birds in the world. Katya asked mom:

Where to find out what birds are in the world?

Mom said:

Scientists know, and indeed - in Zoosada.

Walked Katya with mom in Zoo.

Well, they, Lviv - and do not need monkeys. And here in large bird cells. The cage is large, and the bird is barely seen. Well, it's small. So do not raise the dolls.

But the eagle. Wow, what a terrible.

The eagle was sitting on a gray stone and ripped on the shreds of meat. Bush, ripple, turns head. Beak - like iron ticks. Acute, strong, hooked.

Owls sat white. Eyes - as big buttons, fluffy fruffle, and in the fluff of crochet hidden a sharp beak. Eidny bird. Sandy.

Mom says: "Sovuka, Sovice," and she did not throw her finger.

But birds - and does not know Katya - Maybe the parrots, whlenniki, the wings are honed, make up, like verses, naughters are long, flying around the cage, it cannot be thrown away and everything is affectionate.

Mom by hand twists. "Come", "says. And Katya cries, grows up. Sees after all: those birds, white, kind, and wings are big.

What are their names?

And mom says:

I do not know. Well, birds like birds. White birds, in one word. And most importantly, it is time to dinner.

And at home Katya came up.

And what came up with - did not say anyone.

Take a rug that hangs over the bed, and to sew candy, seeds, bones, beads, beads to this rug on the edges - the entire mat around the whole rug, and white birds will catch, they make white wings, torn by keyboards for the carpet.

And on the carpet lies Katya. Lies like in the cradle, and the birds love it, and all the birds are three hundred, all shout, everyone is enough, they are missing, they carry like a mushkin. Above the roof over the whole city. Everyone is at the bottom, the heads were abandoned. "What," say - what is? " Tree raised above. "Do not be afraid, - shouting birds," do not let, do not let me go tight! " - shouting birds.

And Katya stretched out on the rug, and the wind hair trepal. Cloud meet. Bird flew into a soft cloud. Will the cloud and the blue sky - everything is blue - and farther, further. And there is far away, and there is far away, my mother remained, crying from joy: "Katenka our birds loved - they took with me. Also as a bird."

And then for the sea. Below goes the sea and blue waves. And the birds are not afraid of anything. "Do not drop, - shout, - do not drop!" And suddenly it became warm-warm. Flew to warm countries.

There all warm, and water, like tea, warm, and the earth is warm. And the grass is completely soft. And nowhere is there spines.

From this day, Katya put every morning for the window on the windowsill of crackers, crusts, sugar. Bila sugar on pieces, laid out the sideboard on the windowsill. There was nothing next.

The birds know - they grab at night, and in the afternoon, probably peep: they see that Katya loves them and do not regret their sweets.

The time has come. Rolled around the sky clouds. Mom got out of the Calosh basket. Katya ripped from the wall rug - milled the last threads. And the birds were waiting for the roof and secretly spy - whether Katya rug slowly. Katya stacked the rug in the room, lay down and tried out.

This is what the tricks, "said Mom," in the afternoon on the floor? "

Katya got up and immediately cried. Mom grabbed a rug.

What is this thread? This is what kind of dizziness is candy, smoking.

Katya cried even stronger. And my mother tears the thread, swears.

Katya thought: "I'll tell you - maybe it will be better." And everything told.

And mom sat on the carpet and said:

And you know, there are birds of the crows. Vidal: black, noses, like nails, fucking nose - and eye won. They are evil, chickens are dragging. They will fall on your white birds, as will begin to drop by evil noses - right, to the right, on the pennation melts all birds. From the height itself, from the highest to fly, like a cat from the window.

In the morning I went round the cat on the bed to Kat and woke up. Katya Cat did not throw off, and drove the dress from the chair under the blanket, everything, all: and stockings, and garters, and shoes. It became quietly dressed under the blanket. A little mom moves - Katya his head on the pillow, and the eyes will close.

Finally got dressed, quietly peeling to the floor. She put on a hat, pulled the coat, took bread in the kitchen - then quietly opened the door to the staircase and went through the stairs. Not down, and up. On the third floor, on the fourth floor, on the fifth floor and even higher. Here the attic begins, and the window is on the roof of without any brass. From the window wet wind blows.

Katya climbed into the window. Then on the roof. And the roof was slippery, wet. Katya climbed on his stomach, hands grabbed the iron ribs, there was a top of the top and sat down on the roof of the pipe itself. She saws bread, laid down and on the left and left and said to herself:

I will sit, do not move until birds arrive. Maybe they will take me so much. I will very much to ask them. So very much that I will pay.

Small rain from the sky went, I ordered the whole Katya. Flew the sparrow. I looked, looked, turned the head, looked at Katya, squeaked and flew away.

It hit me, it was his birds sent to see: whether Katya is waiting. Will fly now and say that it sits and waiting.

"Here," Katya thinks, "I'll close my eyes, I will sit like a stone, and then I will open, and all birds, birds will be around."

And he sees Katya that it is not on the roof, but in the gazebo. And the birds arrive to the gazebo, in the keyboards flowers - all the arbor sit down with flowers. And Kati on the head of flowers and on the dress flowers: and in the hands of a basket, in a basket of candy, everything that is needed on the road.

And the birds say:

By air ride scary. You will go to the stroller. Birds will harm instead of horses, and you don't need to do anything - you sit and hold on the back.

Suddenly, Katya hears - Thunder rang out. Early, you will fly away, birds, the thunderstorm will now.

The birds are mashed out of all the power of the wings, and the thunder is stronger, closer - and suddenly Katya hears: "Oh, here it is where."

Katya opened his eyes. This dad goes on the roof. It goes bent - and rattling, clashes iron under it.

Did not move, - shouts dad, "fall.

Casting Dad Katya across the abdomen and crawled from the roof. And at the bottom there is a mother. Hands under the chin squeezed, and tears drip out of the eyes.

How the elephant saved the host from the tiger

Hindu has manual elephants. One Hindu went with an elephant in the woods on the firewood.

The forest was deaf and wild. The elephant protested the owner road and helped throw the trees, and the owner sore them on an elephant.

Suddenly the elephant ceased to obey the owner, began to look around, shake his ears, and then raised the trunk and roared.

The owner also looked around, but did not notice anything.

He began to be angry with an elephant and beat him on the ears of the branch.

And the elephant launched a trunk with a crochet, to lift the owner on the back. The owner thought: "Singing him on the neck - so it will be more convenient for me to rule."

He sat down on an elephant and became a branch of the elephant on the ears. And the elephant was fivefolded, trampled and spit trunk. Then froze and alerted.

The owner raised the branch to hit the elephant with all his strength, but suddenly the huge tiger jumped out of the bushes. He wanted to attack an elephant from behind and jump on his back.

But he got his paws on firewood, firewood fell. Tiger wanted to jump the other time, but the elephant has already turned, grabbed the trunk of the tiger across the abdomen, squeezed as a thick rope. Tiger revealed his mouth, stood out the tongue and shred out with his paws.

And the elephant really raised him up, then squeezed semes and began to trample with his legs.

And the feet of the elephant - as pillars. And the elephant pulled the tiger in the cake. When the owner came to his fear, he said:

What a fool i'm kicking an elephant! And he saved my life.

The owner took bread from the bag, which prepared for himself, and all gave the elephant.

Smean under the Christmas tree

The boy took the mesh - a wicker sump - and went to the lake fish catching.

He caught the blue fish. Blue, shiny, with red rugs, with round eyes. Eye - like bugs. And the tail of the fish is just like silk: bluish, thin, golden hairs.

He took a boy with a circle, a small slim glass. He threw out of the lake from the lake in a moss, let the fish in a circle - let him float while.

The fish is angry, beats, breaks out, and the boy is rather her in a circle - boo!

The boy took a quiet fish behind the tail, threw it into a circle - not to see it at all. He himself ran next.

"That's," thinks, "wait, I will catch the fish, big crucian."

Who caught fish, the first who caught, he will be well done. Just do not grab immediately, do not swallow: there are spyerny fish - YORS, for example. Bring, show. I'll tell you what kind of fish is, what to spit.

Flew, floated ducklings in all directions. And one floated on all. I got to the shore, quit and went over. What if the fish are found on the bank? She sees - under the Christmas tree is a misechka. In the driver's mulk. "Dai-ka looked."

Fish in the water are swosquered, splashing, do it, there is no place to get out - everywhere glass. Dotted duckly, sees - ah yes fish! The biggest took and picked up. And rather to mom.

"I probably first. The very first fish caught, I and Well done."

Fish Red, white feathers, two mustache flips, on the sides of the dark strips, on the scallop of the spot, like a black eye.

Plugged the roofs, flew along the coast - to the mother directly.

The boy sees - the duck flies, lowly flies, over his head, in the beak holds a fish, a red fish with a finger. Shouted the boy in all her throat:

My fish! Duck-thief, now give!

I turned my hands, threw stones, shouted so scary that all the fish was dried.

Drinking duckly yes like a cry:

Quack quack!

I shouted the "Varya-Kry" and missed the fish.

Fishing flooded in the lake, in deep water, snapped with flocks, floated home.

"How to return to my empty beak to mom?" - Thought the duck, turned back, flew under the Christmas tree.

She sees - under the Christmas tree is a misechka. Little moss, in a driver's circle, and in a driver - fish.

Ring rank, rather grabbed the fish. Blue fish with a golden tail. Blue, shiny, with red rugs, with round eyes. Eye - like bugs. And the tail of the fish is just like silk: bluish, thin, golden hairs.

I flew clouds higher and rather to mom.

"Well, now I'm not crying, I will not cut the beak. Once it was already a difference."

So my mother is seen. That's very close. And my mother shouted:

Vary, what are you carrying?

Rus, it is a fish, blue, golden, - a glass of glass under the Christmas tree stands.

So again, the beak snapped, and the fish is plug in the water! Dovefish with golden tail. Shooted the tail, flashed and went, went, went deep into.

I turned back the duckly, flew under the tree, looked into the circle, and a small-small fish in a mouse, a small, not more mosquito, I can be seen. He pecked the duck in the water and that was the power flew back home.

Where do you have a fish? - asked the duck. - I can not see anything.

And the duck is silent, the beak does not open. Thinks: "I am tricky! Wow, what I am cunning! Introduce everyone! I will be silent, but I will open the beak - I will miss the fish. Two times dropped."

And the fish in the beak beats a thin mosquito, and climbs into the throat. Drinking dried: "Oh, it seems, now I swallow! Oh, it seems, swallowed!"

Brothers flew. Each fish. All walked to the mother and the beaks are stuffed. And the duck shouts the Ryanka:

Well, now you show what I brought! He opened the beak of the dot, and there is no fish.


I really wanted me to have a real, live mongoose. Your own. And I decided: when our steamer comes to Ceylon Island, I will buy my mangusto to myself and give all the money as much as they ask.

And here is our steamer of Ceylon Island. I wanted to easily run ashore, soon find where they are sold, these animals. And suddenly a black man comes to us on a steamer (all black people), and all the comrades have surrendered him, crowded, laugh, noisy. And someone shouted: "Mongoshos!" I rushed, all cleared all and see - in a black man in the hands of a cage, and in it gray animals. I was so afraid that anyone did not intercepted that shouted right in the face of this person:

- How many?

He was even frightened at first, so I shouted. Then I understood, I showed three fingers and put the cage in my hands. So, only three rubles, with a cage together, and not alone, but two mangone! I now paid to pay and translated the Spirit: I completely disappeared from joy. So I was glad that I forgot to ask this black person than feeding a mangown, manual they or wild. What if they bite? I was spooky, ran after a person, but it was already a footprint.

I decided to find out, the mangoshos bite or not. I slept my finger through the rod cell. And they did not have time to sleep, as I hear - ready: my finger grabbed. Grably small paws, chain, with marigolds. Quickly quickly bite me a mangoste for a finger. But it does not hurt at all - it is she who owns it. And the other was hammered into the corner of the cell and looks schos black shiny eyes.

I would soon wanted to take on my hands, stroke this that bites for a joke. And only I opened the cage, this migrable - Yukk! - And I ran through the cabin. She fussed, ran across the floor, all sniffed and kryakala: Crryk! Krryk! - As if the crow. I wanted to catch her, bent, stretched out my hand, and in the middle of the Mangoshus flashed past my hand, and already in the sleeve. I raised my hand - and I'm ready: the mangoshos is so for the sinus. She looked out because of the sinus, shouted merrily and hid again. And I hear - she is already under the arm, it makes his ways to another sleeve and jumped out of another sleeve on the will. I wanted to stroke her and only brought my hand, how suddenly the mangoste jumped up at once on all four paws, as if under each paw spring. I even pulled out a hand, as if from the shot. And the mangusta looked at me with fun and again: Crryk! And I look - my knees myself climbed to my knees and here it shows my tricks: it will turn, then the internship will deal, then the tail of the pipe, then suddenly the head will see the head between the rear legs. She is so gentle, so fun with me played, and then suddenly knocked in the cabin and caused me to work.

It was necessary to immerse the deck pieces of fifteen huge trunks of some Indian trees. They were cored, with broken bits, dumpy, pushed, in the cortex, - as they were from the forest. But from the scaled end it was visible, what they are inside are beautiful - pink, red, completely black! We put them with a slide on the deck and looked fixed with the chains so that it was not sinking into the sea. I worked and everyone thought: "What is my mangone there? After all, I didn't eat anything to eat. "

I asked black loaders, the local people that came from the shore, if they did not know how to feed the mangush, but they did not understand anything and smiled. And our spoke:

- Let's come on: she will squeak himself that she needs.

I scored meat from the cook, scaled bananas, dragged bread, a saucer of milk. All this put in the middle of the cabins and opened the cage. Myself climbed into the bed and began to look. A wild mongoose jumped out of the cell, and they along with hand straight rushed to meat. They praised his teeth, rugged and rushed, lacqual milk, then hand grabbed the banana and dragged him into the corner. Wild - Jump! - And already next to her. I wanted to look at what would happen, jumped off the bed, but it's too late: the mangoshos fled back. They licked the face, and from the banana remained on the floor alone skins like a rag.

The next morning we were already in the sea. I hung all my cabins with bananas garlands. They swing at the ropes under the ceiling. This is for a mangone. I will give gradually - enough for a long time. I released a mangone, and she was now running for me, and I lay a half-closed eye and real.

I look - the mangush jumped on the shelf, where there were books. Here it climbed the frame of the round shipping window. The frame was slightly wounded - the steamer Kacked. The mangoste is stronger, she looked down at me. I drank. The mangoste pushed his paw in the wall, and the frame went to the sidel. And at that very moment, when the frame was against the banana, the mangoshku rushed, jumped and the banana grabbed both legs. She hung at the time in the air, under the most ceiling. But Banana broke away, and the mangoste slapped on the floor. Not! Rockped something banana. Mongoose jumped on all four paws. I pushed to look, but the mangoshman was already taught under the bed. A minute later she came out with a mashed muzzle. She smoked from pleasure.

Ege! I had to turn the bananas to the middle of the cabin: the mangoshos has already tried to boil along the towel. She lasted as a monkey: she had a paws like a handle. Chain, deft, prompt. She was not afraid of me. I released her on the deck to take a walk in the sun. She immediately sniffed and ran through the deck as if she was no longer she anywhere else and here.

But on the steamer we had our long-standing owner on the deck. No, not captain, but a cat. Huge, fattened, in a copper collar. He really walked on the deck when it was dry. Dude was on this day. And the sun rose above the mast. The cat came out of the kitchen, looked, whether everything is in order.

He saw a mangusta and quickly went, and then began to go gently. He walked along the iron tube. She stretched along the deck. Just this pipe was fusing a mongoose. She seemed to have not seen a cat. And the cat was already completely over her. He could only stretch the paw to cling to her back to her. He waited to be more comfortable. I immediately realized what would be now. Mongoshka does not see, she's back to the cat, she smeared the deck as if nothing had happened; The cat was aiming.

I rushed jogging. But I did not run away. The cat extended the paw. And at the same moment, the mangoshta glanced her head between the rear paws, he loosened the mouth, painted loudly, and the tail was a huge fluffy tail - put up the post, and it became like a lamp hedgehog that the glasses were cleaning. In an instant, she turned into an incomprehensible, unprecedented monster. The cat dropped back, as from Kalenoy Iron. He immediately turned and, taking the tail with a stick, rushed away without regard. And the Mangoshka, as if nothing had happened again, fussed and smeared something on the deck. But since then the handsome cat rarely seen. Mongoose on the deck - cat and do not youlit. His called and "Kis-Kis", and "Vassenka". The cook with his meat was lining, but the cat could not find, at least the usual steamer. But the kitchen is now spinning mangoshos; They rushed, demanded meat cook. Poor Vassenka only made his way to the cook in the cabin at night, and the cook would fit it with meat. At night, when the mangoshos were in a cage, Vaskin's time was occurring.

But once at night I woke up from a shout on the deck. Anxiously, people shouted frightened. I quickly dressed and ran out. Kochegar Fedor shouted that he is now coming from the watch and here from these the most Indian trees, here the snake crawled out of this pile and now it hid. That snake - in! - In the hand thick, almost two sages are long. And even put on him. No one believed Fyodor, but still at the Indian trees looked at the octo. What if the snake really really? Well, not in hand thick, and poisonous? So go here at night! Someone said: "They love warmly, they are crawling towards people." All pricked. Suddenly everyone turned to me.

- Well, animals here, your mangoshos! Well, let them ...

I was afraid that night would not run away. But it is no longer thinking more: someone has escaped to me in the cabin and already carried here a cage. I opened it near the soast itself, where the trees ended and the black moves were visible between the trunks. Someone lit an electric chandelier. I saw the first one whispered in the black pass gun. And followed by her wild. I was afraid that they would fit the paws or tail among these heavy logs. But it was too late: both mangoshos went there.

- Nasi scrap! - Skilled someone.

And Fyodor was already standing with an ax. Then everyone died and he began to listen. But nothing heard was heard, except the squeak of the deoders. Suddenly someone shouted:

- Look, looked! Tail!

Fedor swallowed the ax, others snatched further. I grabbed Fedor by hand. He came with a fright near the tail of the tail; The tail was not a snake, but the mangoshosh - he was supervised, he retracted again. Then the rear paws appeared. The paws clung to the tree. It can be seen, something pulled a mangusta back.

- Help someone! See, she is not forces! Fedor shouted.

- And what's wrong? Commander what! - answered from the crowd.

No one helped, but everyone was five years ago, even Fedor with an ax. Suddenly the mangoshus was illuminated; It was clear how she was all the shock, clinging to the decks. She rushed and pulled a snake tail. The tail was drenched, he threw up a mangusta and blurted her about the deck.

- killed, killed! - shouted around.

But my mongoose was wild - jumped into paws. She held a snake for the tail, she dug into her with her sharp teeth. Snake squeezed, pulled wild again in a black pass. But Wildly rested with all the legs and pulled the snake more and more.

The snake was thick in two fingers, and she beat the tail of the deck, like a screak, and at the end she kept the mangoshu, and she threw it out of side. I wanted to beat this tail, but Fedor disappeared somewhere with an ax. His name was, but he did not respond. Everyone in fear was waiting for a snake head. Now the end is the end, and the whole snake will break out. What's this? This is not a snake head - it's a mangoste! So manual jumped on the deck, she dug into the neck of the snake on the side. The snake was wriggle, rushed, she was told by mongoons along the deck, and they kept them like leeches.

Suddenly someone shouted:

- Bay! - And hit the snake scrap.

Everyone rushed and who than began to thwart. I was afraid that the mangoste will kill in the stir. I touched the tail wild.

She was in such an evil that she bit my hand: she rushed and scratched. I threw off my hat and wrapped her face. The manual tears my friend. We sat them in a cage. They shouted and rushed, grabbed the grille tooth.

I threw them a piece of meat, but they did not pay attention. I put in the cabin in the cabin and went around iodine bold hands.

And there, on the deck, the snake was still thumb. Then they thrown overboard.

Since then, everyone has become very loved by my mangone and dragged them to eat that there was anyone. The manual put pressure on everyone, and it was difficult to call it in the evening: always at someone. She looked bigly on gear. And once in the evening, when the electricity was already lit, the mangush climbed onto the mast on the ropes, which was from the side. Everyone admired her dexterity, looked, headed. But the rope reached the mast. Further went naked, slippery tree. But the Mangusk erupted the whole body and grabbed the copper tubes. They walked along the mast. In them - electric wires to the lights above. Mongosus quickly climbed even higher. Everyone was shunted in your hands. Suddenly the electrical engineering shouted:

- There are naked wires! - And ran to stew electricity.

But the mongoose has already grabbed his paw for bare wires. It was hit by electric shock, and she fell from height. She was picked up, but she was already immovable.

She was still warm. I would soon suffer her to the cabin of the doctor. But the cabin was locked. I rushed to myself, carefully laid a mangust on the pillow and ran to look for our doctor. "Maybe he will save my animal?" - I thought. I ran throughout the ship, but someone already told the doctor, and he quickly went to meet me. I wanted to be soon, and drove the doctor by hand. Entered me.

- Well, where is she? Said Dr..

Indeed, where is it? It was not on the pillow. I looked under the bed. He began to smoke there. And suddenly: Crryk-Crryrt! - And the Mongoose jumped out from under the bed, as if nothing had happened - healthyness.

The doctor said that the electric current was probably just overwhelmed by her, but for now I ran to the doctor, the mangostea recovered. How I was happy! I pressed it all to face and stroked. And then everyone began to come to me, everyone joined and stroked the mangusta - so they loved her.

And the wild then completely tamed, and I brought a mangone to my home.


In Siberia, in the dense forest, in the taiga, the hunter-tungus huntered from the whole family in the leather tent. Once it came out of the house of firewood, sees: on Earth traces of elk-coat. Hunter was delighted, ran home, took his gun yes knife and said to his wife:

Soon do not wait again - I will go behind the sauhata.

Here he went in the footsteps, suddenly sees more traces - bearish. And where they lead the shattered traces, there and bear lead.

"Egue," the hunter thought, "I'm not alone at the silent I go, ahead of me the bear is driven away. I can't catch it up. The bear before I will catch me."

Still, the hunter went in the footsteps. She went for a long time, all the reserve ate, that he captured from the house, and everything goes and goes. Footprints began to ride in the mountain, and the forest does not rare, all the same thick.

I was spoiled, the hunter was angry, and everything goes and under his feet looks, as if traces not to lose. And along the way pine lie, storms bulk, stones, the grass overgrown. Tired hunter, stumbles, barely legs pulls. And everything looks: where is the grass of the wild, where the deer hoof the land is sold?

"I'm highly climbed," the hunter thinks, "where is the end of this mountain."

Suddenly hear: someone chasing. The hunter attached was quietly. And forgot that I was tired, where the forces came from. Clause, Colls Hunter and sees: Trees are quite rare, and then the end of the mountain - it converges the angle - and on the right, and on the left side. And in the corner in the corner there is a great bear, he grows the shatter, grumbling, chasing and does not feel a hunter.

"Yeah," the hunter thought, "you drove it here, at the very corner, and then he had his own. Hold!"

The hunter rose, sat down on his knee and began to go to the bear.

Here the bear saw him, frightened, I wanted to run, I fished to the edge, and there is a break. Breeded a bear. Then the hunter blurted out from the gun and killed.

The hunter sodished the skin with the bear, and the meat was cut and hung on a tree, so that the wolves did not get. The hunter of bearish meat and speeds home.

Mold a tent and from the whole family went, where he left the bearish meat.

Here, "the hunter said," Eat, and I will rest.


So I will tell you how I am Amestil, the only time in my life, and I revenge the blood, without squeezing the teeth, and kept the bustle in my chest until the trigger was lowered.

The name of his Myskin, the cat of my deceased. It was all gray, without a single spot, mouse color, from where and his name. He was not a year. His in the bag brought me my boy. Myshkin did not jump away from the bag, he stuck his round head and looked attentively. He neatly, slowly got out of the bag, joined the floor, smoked and became tongue to put the wool in order. He walked around the room, wriggling and worried, and felt that soft, gentle down in the middle, as lightning, would turn into a steel spring. He peered on my face all the time and carefully watched my movements without fear. I very soon learn him to give my paw, go on a whistle. I finally learned him on a conditional whistle jumping on my shoulders - I learned it when we went together along the autumn shore, among the high yellow bungyan, wet chillers and squirrel landslides. Deep clay cliff, on versts without housing. Myshkin searched, disappeared in this robbery Burniean, and this Burniean, raw and dead, still waved in the wind with his bare hands, when everything was lost, and still did not wait for happiness. I whistled, as we were agreed, and now Myshkin is a high waves jumping through the Burniean and with Makha joins with curls in the back, and here he is on his shoulder, and I feel warm soft wool from my ear. And I rub off with a cold ear and tried to hide it in the warm wool.

I walked with a rifle, in the hope that it would be possible, maybe to shoot Leporih - the French rabbit, which lived here in a wilderness in Norah. Lightly business bullet get into the rabbit! He will not sit and wait for a shot like a plywood target in a dash. But I knew what hunger and fear make miracles. And there were freezing, and the fish in our shores stopped catching. And Ice rain splashed out of low clouds. The empty sea of \u200b\u200ba turbid red wave without a sense of the day and night, without interruption. And I wanted to eat every day in the morning. And the nauseous trembling made through every time I went out and the wind slammed the door. I returned at three hours without a single shot and put the rifle into the angle. The boy cooked shells, which was selected during this time: they broke them with the stones and threw aside to the coast.

But that's what happened: Myshkin suddenly stretched out on my shoulder, he balancing on the collected legs and suddenly shot - he fired himself, so I joined the unexpected push. I stopped. Bournan flew ahead, and I followed the movements of Myshkina. Now he became. Bianoan rocked the wind. And suddenly a squeak, a thin squeak, not that child, not that birds. I ran ahead. Myshkin gave a rabbit's paw, he gnawed his teeth in the camp and froze, back. It seemed to be touched - and blood splashes out of it. He raised his eyes on me for a moment. The rabbit was still fighting. But he jerked the last time and froze, stretched out. Myshkin jumped into paws, he pretended that I was not there, he was concerned with a rabbit in his teeth. But I managed to step and rabbit came to my paws. Myshkin cleaned, so evil! Nothing! I sat down and kept my jaws with my hands. I spoke "Tube" at the same time. No, Myshkin did not scratch me. He stood at his feet and jar eyes looked at her prey. I quickly grabbed a paw knife and threw Myshkin. He rushed high jumps to Byrian. I hid a rabbit in my pocket and sat down on a stone. I wanted to come home soon - boast that we are looked. What are your shells stand! Rabbit, however, was small! But after all, cook yes two potatoes, Ego! I wanted to whistle Myshkin, but he himself left Byriana. He lied, the eyes were wild.

He did not look at me. The tail of an uneven whip wound on the sides. I got up and went. Myshkin jumping after me, I heard it.

Finally I decided to whistle. Myshkin with a scatter, like a stone, hit my back and Vigo was on my shoulder. He purred and dimly moved my cinema claws. He rubbed his head on his ear, he buried a fluffy forehead in the temple.

Seven times I told the boy about hunting. When they went to bed, he asked yet. Myshkin slept, as always, sitting on me over the blanket.

From now, it went better: we somehow returned even with a pair of rabbits. Myshkin got used to the divide and almost without protest gave prey.

And once I looked early in the morning in the rain-colored window, on muddy clouds, on a wet empty greasy and slowly smoked a cigarette from the last tobacco. Suddenly a cry, a sharp cry of deadly despair. I immediately found out that it was Myskin. I looked around: where, where? And the owl, dismissing the wings, plans for a break, in claws something gray, beats.

No, not a rabbit, it is Myskin. I did not remember when I captured a rifle on the way, "but no, she took steeply under a break, it was no longer anything. I ran to the cliff: here the wind put the gray gun. It can be seen, Myshkin was not immediately given. How did I notice? After all, it was almost in front of the eyes, here, in front of the window, twenty steps? I know: she probably did with him, as with a hare: she grabbed spreading paws behind the ass and shoulders, sharply jerked to break the ridge, and the lively stuck in her nest.

Another day, a little bit of a breakdown, I went out of the house. I went to the muddy, not stepping almost. Carefully suffocate. The teeth were compressed, and what an evil head on the shoulders! I cautiously searched the whole shore. It has already become almost light, but I could not return home. We didn't talk all day yesterday with the boy. He welded shells, but I did not eat. He slept again when I left. And the ps of my chain I did not stroke his hello; He walked from bitterness.

I walked to home all the same tense gait. I did not know how I would enter the house. The dog booth is already visible from behind a hill, here is the stump from the latter acacia on the firewood. Stop, what is it on the stump? She is! She was sitting on a stump, muddy white, sat against my chicken coop that under the window.

I slow down the steps. Now she turned her head to me. It remained steps sixty. I quietly began to descend on my knee. She looked all. I slowly, like a glass of water, began to raise a rifle. Now she will be on the fly. She sits motionless like a target, and I perfectly see her eyes. They are like daisies, with a black heart-pupil. Take under it, slightly lower legs. I froze and quietly pressed the descent.

And suddenly Owl seemed to remember that she forgot something at home, waved his wings and low above the ground flew over the house. I barely held the finger to not pull the descent. I knocked a butt about the ground, and the gun creaked in my evil arms. I was ready to sit here until the next morning. I know that the wind would not care about my malice, but I couldn't think about food.

I drowned until the evening, slid and fell on these clayigrahs. I even once mentioned as Myshkin, but so now I called myself that I ran off from the place where it happened to me.

I came home when it was dark. There was no light in the room. I do not know if the boy slept. Maybe I woke it up. Then he asked me: Which sovereign eggs? I said that tomorrow is drawing.

And in the morning ... wow! In the morning I accurately calculated from which side to approach. It is so that the brightening sunrise was in her eyes, and I was on the background of the cliff. I found this place. It was very dark, and I was not moving. I just moved the shutter to check if the cartridges were in the trunk. I ordained.

Only in the head of the real black flame was rage, like love, because only in love with a boy I could sit the whole night on a bench against her house, in the morning to see how she would go to school. Love me then warmed as she was rage now.

It became light. I really distinguished the stump. There was no one on it. Or will it? No, no one. I heard how my dog \u200b\u200bcame out of the booth, as shook out, rod chain. That and the rooster shouted in the chicken coop. The dawn was tightly tight. But now I see a clear stump. It is empty. I decided to close my eyes and count to three thousand and then look. I could not count to five hundred and opened my eyes: they straight looked at the stump, and she sat on the stump. She can see, just sat down, she shook yet. But the rifle itself rose. I stopped breathing. I remember this moment, sight, fly and her above. At that moment she turned her head to my daisies, and the gun shot himself. I breathed in doggy and looked. I did not know, she flew or fell. I jumped on my feet and ran.

Behind me, the breakdown wings, she lay. The eyes were open, and she was still overwhelmed with rumped paws, as if defended. For a few seconds, I did not break the eye and suddenly stunned with all the power butt on this head, on this beak.

I turned, I widely sighed for the first time all this time.

In the doorway stood a boy, opening his mouth. He heard a shot.

Her? - He is hoarse from excitement.

Looking, - and I nodded back.

This day we collected seashells together.

Hunter and dogs

Early in the morning the hunter got up, took a gun, cartridges, bag, called his two dogs and went to shoot the hares.

There was a strong frost, but there was no wind at all. The hunter was skiing and warmed out of walking. He was warm.

Dogs came forward and drove the hare hunter. The hunter cleverly shot and fed five pieces. Then he noticed that he went far.

"It's time and home," the hunter thought. "Footprints are visible from my skis, and until it happened, I will go home in the footsteps. I'll see the ravine, and there is already not far."

He went down and saw that in the ravine black and black from the check box. They sat right on the snow. The hunter realized that the case was wrong.

And right: he just left the ravine, as the wind blew, the snow began, and a blizzard began. There was nothing to come in front, the traces fastened the snow. The hunter whistled dogs.

"If the dogs do not bring me to the road," he thought, "I disappeared. Where to go, I don't know, I will get it, bring me to the snow, and I will frozen."

He put the dogs forward, and dogs will run off five steps - and the hunter is not visible, where to go behind them. Then he took off the belt, untied all the straps and rings, which on it were, tied dogs for the collar and put forward. Dog dragged him, and he skiing, as on a sleigh, came to his village.

He gave each dog on a whole hare, then went out and lean on the oven. And I thought everything myself:

"Kaba is not a dog, I would miss today."

About monkey

I was twelve, and I studied at school. Once on change comrade My Yuhimenko and says:

Do you want, I'll give you a monkey?

I did not believe it - I thought he would suit me now, so sparks from the eye will fall out, and say: this is the "monkey". I'm not Takovsky.

Okay, I say, we know.

No, "says," in fact. Live monkey. She is good. Her girl is called. And dad is angry.

On whom?

Yes, on us with a yashka. Clean, says where you know. I think you are only better.

After lessons, we went to it. I still did not believe. Is it really thought, I will have a live monkey? And everything asked what she was. And Yuhimemo says:

So you see, do not be afraid, she is small.

Indeed, it turned out to be small. If the paws get up, then no more half asserts. The face is wrinkled, the old women, and the eyes are alive, shiny. The wool on it is redhead, and the paws are black. As if human hands in black gloves. On it was a blue vest.

Yuhimemo shouted:

Yashka, Yashka, go that I will give!

And shoved his hand in his pocket. The monkey screamed: "Ah! Ah!" - And in two jumps jumped up the yuchime on the hands. He now put it in the chinel, for the sinus.

We go, "says.

I did not believe my eyes. We go down the street, we carry such a miracle, and no one knows what we have for the sinus.

Dear Yuhimenko told me than feeding.

Everything eats, all come on. Sweet loves. Candy - trouble! It will certainly be burned. Tea loves liquid and to be sweet. You are laying her bed. Two pieces. Do not mind if: Sugar will die, and the tea will not drink tea.

I listened to everything and thought: I will not regret her and three pieces, nice such as a toy man. Here I remembered that it does not have a tail.

You, - I say, - the tail snapped to her under the root?

She is Makak, "says Yuhimenko," they don't grow tails.

We came to our home. Mom and girls sat at lunch. Johnka and We are entered directly in overcoats.

I say:

And who we have!

Everyone turned around. Yuhimemo opened overcoat. No one else has time to disassemble anything, but Yashka how to jump from the yuchimen mom on the head; pushed with legs and on the buffet. Mom's whole hairstyle skest.

All jumped up, shouted:

Oh, who, who is it?

And Yashka sat on the buffet and builds muzzles, chaschats, clutch teeth.

Yuhimemko was afraid that now it will scold him, and most likely to the door. I did not look at him - everyone looked at a monkey. And suddenly the girl all in one voice tightened:

What a pretty!

And mom all hairstyle admired.

Where is it from?

I looked around. Yuhimemka is no longer. So I remained the owner. And I wanted to show that I know how to make a monkey. I shoved my hand in my pocket and shouted like a divecha Yuhimenko:

Yashka, Yashka! Go, I will give you!

Everyone was waiting. And Yashka did not glance - he began to hide a little and often with a black lape.

Until the evening, Yashka did not go down, and jumped by top: from the buffet on the door, with the door to the closet, from there to the stove.

In the evening, Father said:

It is impossible to leave it for the night, she flies the apartment upside down.

And I began to catch a yashka. I am to the buffet - he is on the oven. I am him from there with a brush he jump on the clock. Clock and steel swung. And the yashka is already swinging on the curtains. From there - to the picture - the picture glanced, "I was afraid that the yashka would throw on a hanging lamp.

But here everyone has already gathered and began to chase a bitter. They threw the ball, coils, matches and finally drove into the corner.

Yashka pressed against the wall, stumbled and snapped the tongue - began to scare. But it was covered with a woolen handkerchief and wrapped, confused.

Yashka floundered, shouted, but he was soon screwed up so that there was one head stitching. He shifted his head, clapped his eyes, and it seemed that he would now pay from the offense.

Do not swaddle monkey every time at night! Father said:

Tie For vest and to the leg, to the table.

I brought the rope, groped the button on the back of the button, I traveled the rope in the loop and tightly tied. The vest from the yashka on his back was stuck in three buttons. Then I drove a yashka, as he was, cooked, to the table, tied the rope to the leg and only then opened the handkerchief.

Wow, how he began to ride! But where to break the rope! He shouted, glanced and sat down sadly on the floor.

I took a sugar from the buffet and gave a yazhka. He grabbed a black paw piece, plugged behind the cheek. From this, all the face with him was twisted.

I asked Yashka Paw. He handed me his hand.

Here I looked at what kind of pretty blacks on it. Toy live handle! I began to iron my paw and think: just like a child. And he told him his palm. And the child - how to make the paw - once - and me on the cheek. I did not have a blink, and he gave me a fence and jump under the table. Sell \u200b\u200band rock. So the child!

But then I was drunk to sleep.

I wanted to bind to my bed, but I did not allow me. I loved everything that Yashka does, and I thought that he would certainly need to arrange a crib, so that he would sleep like people, and sheltered a blanket. Head would put on the pad. I thought I thought and fell asleep.

In the morning jumped up - and, not dressed, to the yazhka. No yashki on the rope. The rope is, on the rope the vest is tied, and there is no monkey. I look, all three buttons from behind are squirting. It was he unbuttoned the vest, left him on the rope, and he drew himself. I search around the room. I slap barefoot. Nowhere not. I strained. Well, how did you run away? The day did not stay, and here on you! I looked at the cabinets, in the stove - nowhere. I ran away, it means to the street. And on the street, frost - will leave, poor! And he himself became cold. Ranked dressing. Suddenly I see, in my own bed something will be sick. The blanket is moving. I even shuddered. Here he is where! It's cold on the floor became cold, he drew me on my bed. Bought under the blanket. And I slept and did not know. Yashka asked the asking did not spend, in his hands, and I hit him again a blue vest.

When they sat down to drink tea, Yashka jumped on the table, looked around, now I found the sugarist, launched the paw and jump on the door. He jumped so easily that it seemed to flies, not jumping. On the legs of the monkey fingers, as in their hands, and the yashka could have been missed. He did it. Sits like a child, in his arms, someone and the handles folded, and his foot from the table pulls something.

Shoot the knife and well with a knife ride. This is to be taken away from him, and he will be watched. Tea Yasha was given in a glass. He hugged a glass like a bucket, drank and smack. I did not regret the sugar.

When I went to school, I tied to the door to the door, to the handle. This time put it around a rope belt, so that I could not break. When I came home, I saw from the hallway than Yashka is doing. He hung on the door handle and rode on the doors, like a carousel. It will push off the jamb and goes to the wall. Shoots with a leg into the wall and rides back.

When I sat down to prepare lessons, I planted a yashka on the table. He really liked to warm around the lamp. He dreamed like an old man in the sun, she swayed and, squinting, looked like I am poking in ink. We had a strict teacher, and I wrote clean the page. It did not want to glow, not to spoil. Left to dry. I come and see: Sits of Yakov on a notebook, macales his finger into the inkwell, grumbling and removes ink bags in my scripture. Oh you, rubbish! I almost cried with grief. Rushed to Yashka. Yes where! He is on the curtains - all curtains ink flipper. Here it is why Yuhimemkin dad on them with a yashka was angry ...

But once and my dad was angry with Yashka. Yashka climbed the flowers that we were standing on the windows. Rights sheet and teases. Father caught and drove yashka. And then tied him in the punishment on the stairs, which led on the attic. Nearby ladder. And wider walked from the apartment down.

Here the father goes in the morning. I cleaned, put on a hat, descends on the stairs. Claw! Stucco drops. Father stopped, shook off his hat. I looked up - no one. Only went - clap, again a piece of the removal right on the head. What?

And I was visible on the side how I was doing Yashka. He broke away from the wall of the excitement, decomposed on the edges of the steps, and his herself, plotched on the stairs, just at the father above his head. Only Father went, and Yashka Tihonhechko is aptive with a leg with a foot with a step and so deftly tried out that he was still a fly on his hat, "he was avenger him for the fact that his father swatched him the day before.

But when the real winter began, overwhelmed the wind in the pipes, poured the windows with snow, Yashka became sad. I grabbed him, pressed to myself. The face of the yashki became sad, sagging, he wondered and stained with me. I tried to stick it for the sinus, under the jacket. Yashka immediately settled there: he grabbed all four paws for his shirt and so wishes, as she was glued. He also slept there without sprinkling his paw. Forget the other time that you have a living lane under the jacket, and wake up the table. Yashka is now a paw scores me side: gives me to know that be careful.

Once on Sunday came to visit the girl. Sake breakfast. Yashka was sniffing with my sinner, and it was not noticeable. At the end distributed candy. Only I began to turn first, suddenly because of the sinus, straight from my belly, pulled out a shaggy handle, grabbed the candy and back. Girls screamed from fear. And this yashka heard that they would rustle paper, and guessed that they were eating candy. And I say to girls: "This is my third hand; I am this hand right in the abdomen of candy candy, so as not to mess around." But everyone guess that it was a monkey, and from under the jacket it was heard, like a crunches of the candy: this is a bark of gnaw and chakal, as if I am a belly.

Yashka was angry with his father for a long time. I reconciled Yashka with him because of sweets. My father just quit smoking and instead of Papyros wore small candy in the portsigar. And every time after dinner, my father opened a tight lid of a portrait with a thumb, a nail, and took the candy. Yashka is here like here: it sits on his knees and waiting - rushes, stretches. Here is a father once and gave the entire cigarette box; The yashka took him in his hand, and the other hand, absolutely as my father, began to hide the lid with a thumb. He has a small finger, and the cover is tight and dense, and nothing comes out of the jasha. He overwhelmed from annoyance. And candy bryakat. Then Yashka grabbed his father for the thumb and his nail, like a chisel, began to pick out the lid. Father launched it, he opened the lid and drove the cigarette cigarette. Yashka immediately launched the paw, awarded a full handy, soon in his mouth and run away. Not every day such happiness!

We had a familiar doctor. Battle loved - trouble. Especially at lunch. All the cumshots, he had all her back on a plate, then he only had enough knocking, two pieces swarp:

Thank you, I'm fed.

Once he lies with us, pinched the plug into potatoes and the fork this waves, says. Divided - not to take. And Yasha, I see, on the back of the chair rises, quietly sketched and sat down at the doctor behind the shoulder. Doctor says:

And you understand, here just ... - and stopped the plug with potatoes near the ear - for one moment everything. Yashenka Lappa quietly for potatoes and took it off the plug - carefully, like a thief.

And imagine ... - And the chuck is an empty fork to my mouth. I thought I thought, shook the potatoes when I waved my hands, looking around. And there is no bites in the corner and can not burn potatoes, I scored the full throat.

The doctor himself laughed, but still offended by Yashka.

The Bashes staged a bed in a basket: with a sheet, a blanket, a pillow. But Yashka did not want to sleep in humans: everything wounds on himself a ball and so chucks sat all night. He was sewed at a dress, green, with Pelterinka, and he became similar to a short girl from the shelter.

Once I hear the ringing in the next room. What? I make my way quietly and see: it stands on the windowsill, a yashka in a green dress, in one hand he has a lamp glass, and in the other - hedgehog, and he sews with a osterveration cleans the glass. In such a rage came that he did not hear how I entered. It he saw a glass cleaned, and let's try.

And then leave it in the evening with the lamp, he turns the fire with a full flame of a lamp smoking, soot flies around the room, and he sits and growls on the lamp.

The trouble became with a yashka, even in the cage, Saysa! I scolded him and beat him, but I could not be angry with him for a long time. When Yashka wanted to like, he became very affectionate, climbed on his shoulder and began to search in my head. This means he loves you very much.

It is necessary for him to raise something - candies there or an apple, - now climbs on the shoulder and carefully starts to sort out the paws in her hair: looking for and the marigold rustles. Nothing finds anything, but pretends that I caught the beast: I swallow something from my fingers.

Once the lady came to visit us. She believed that she had colorful. Discharged. All so silly and rustle. On the head is not a hairstyle, but straight a whole gazebo from the hair is screwed down - in curls, in the location. And on the neck, on a long chain, a silver rim mirror.

I cautiously jumped to her on the floor.

Oh, what a monkey is pretty! - says the lady. And let's play the mirror with a yashka.

Yashka caught the mirror, turning the knees to the lady and became a mirror to the tooth trying.

The lady took away the mirror, closed in his hand. And Yashka wants the mirror to get. The lady stroked carelessly with a glove and slowly spikes from his knees. Here is Yashka and decided to like, squeeze to the lady. Jump her shoulder. Hardly grabbed the lace with the rear legs and took the hairstyle. Skrew all curls and began to look.

The lady blushed.

I went, went! - He speaks.

It was not here! Yashka tries even more: scrolls with marigolds, clips tickles.

This lady always sat against the mirror, so as he admire himself, and sees in the mirror, that he was hacking her yashka, - almost crying. I moved to revenue. Where there! Yashka clung to that there was a strength in her hair and looking at me wildly. The lady pulled him over the collar, and bang her bullshit. She looked at himself in the mirror - stuffed stuffed. I swung, I swung a yashka, and our guest grabbed the head and - at the door.

Disgrace, "says, - disgrace! - And I did not say goodbye to anyone.

"Well," I think, "I keep it before Spring and give someone if Yuhimenko does not take. So much I got behind this monkey!"

And here is spring. Warmed. Yashka came to life and put it even more. He really wanted to the courtyard, to the will. And we had a huge yard, with a tith. In the middle of the courtyard was made a mountain corolted coal, and around warehouses with a commodity. And from the thieves of the guard held in the courtyard to the whole dogs. Dogs are big, evil. And all the dogs commanded the red fog chestnut. To whom Kashtan will grind, on all the dogs rush. Whom chestnut will miss, and the dogs will not touched. And someone else's dog beat chestnut with a scatter. It will hit, heats up and stands on it, growls, and that soothing is afraid.

I looked out the window - I see no dogs in the yard. Give, I think I will go, I will bring a jaze to walk for the first time. I put on him a green dress so that he could not catch a cold, put a yashka to his shoulder and went. Only I opened the door, Yashka - the surprise of the ground and ran around the yard. And suddenly, where neither take, the whole flock of the dog, and chestnut ahead, right on the yashka. And he, like a green doll, is small. I decided that I was missing, - now rupture. Chestnut lured to the yazzka, but the Yashka turned to him, sat down, ate. Chestnut became over a step from the monkey, looked around and grumbled, but did not decrease to rush to such a miracle. Dogs were all sophisticated and waited for chestnut.

I wanted to rush to get off. But suddenly the yashka jumped and at one point he sat down at the neck. And here the wool flies flew from chestnut. In the face and eyes beat Yashka, so the lap was not visible. Heated chestnut, and such a terrible voice that all the dogs rushed. The chestnut broken his head was set to run, and Yashka sits, clutched his legs into the wool, firmly holds up, and his hands tear the chestnut behind her ears, shipping the wool shreds. Chestnut crazy: worn around the coal mountain with wild. Three folded the yard riding around the courtyard and jumped on the coal on the go. It climbed off at the very top. There was a wooden booth; He got to the booth, sat down and began to scratch his side as nothing had happened. Here, they say, I - I do not care!

And chestnut - in the gate from the terrible beast.

Since then, I boldly began to produce an derbashka into the yard: only a yashka from the porch is all the dogs in the gate. Yashka was not afraid of anyone.

We will come to the courtyard of the courtyard, the whole yard will score, there is no place. And Yashka with the WHO flew to WHO. Jumping the horse on the back - the horse trams, the mane is rocks, snorts, and the yashka does not rush to another jumps. Pervolors only laugh and surprise:

Look, what Satan jumps. You are! Uh!

And Yashka - on the bags. Looking for a pitch. I will see the paw and tales that there. Races, where the sunflowers, sitting and immediately on the crash. It happened that the nuts fasten the Yashka. Wills for cheeks and in all four hands tries to hear.

But I found an enemy from Yakov. What! In the yard was a cat. Note He lived at the office, and all it was fed with overs. He walked, became big like a dog. The evil was also a scratchy.

And just once the day walked around the yard. I could not get home in any way. I see, came to the yard of the quotes and jump on the bench, which stood under the tree. Yashka, as Cat saw, - right to him. Sat down and goes slowly on four paws. Right to the bench and eye from the cat does not descend. The cat picked up the paws, Nagorbil's back, prepared. And Yashka is closer closer. The cat eyes stacked, five. Yashka on the bench. The cat is still back to another edge, to the tree. My heart froze. And Yakov on the bench crawling on the cat. The cat squeezed into a lump, gotten all. And suddenly - jump, but not on the yashka, but on the tree. Cooking for the trunk and looks from above on a monkey. And Yashka is all the same way to the tree. The cat scratched above - get used to the trees. And Yashka on the tree, and still slowly, the cat is choke with black eyes. The cat is higher, above, got on the branch and sat down from the very edge. It looks that the yashka will do. And Yakov on the same branch crawls, and so confident that he didn't do anything else, but only cats caught. The cat is at the very edge, on a thin twig barely holds, swinging. And the yaks crawl and crawl, clinging to all four handles. Suddenly the cat jump from the highest on the bridge, shakeped and off the whole spirit without regard. And the Yaau, Yau, Yaau, is in a terrible, animal voice - I never heard such a terrible voice.

Now Yakov became completely the king in the yard. At home he really did not want anything, only drank tea with sugar. And if so, on the courtyard Izumu was found, that I barely left it. Yashka moaned, in front of tears, and looked at all. Everyone was very sorry for everyone, but when he saw that he was underway with him, began to break and scatter his hands, throw his head and step on various voices. We decided to bite it and give the Caster. Let him know!

And he liked the Castor, that he began to yell, so that he was still given. His washed and three days were not allowed to the courtyard.

Yashka soon recovered and began to rush to the courtyard. I was not afraid for him: no one could catch him, and Yashka jumped through the court for all days. The house has become calmer, and I flew less for Yashka. And as the autumn came, everything is in a single voice:

Where do you want to remove your monkey or sit in a cage, and so that this Satan is not worn throughout the apartment.

They said what kind of pretty, and now, I think, Satan has become. And as soon as the study began, I began to search in the classroom who would rush the yashka. I finally found a friend, recalled aside and said:

Want, I give you a monkey? Alive.

I don't know who he then splaved. But the first time, as did not bash in the house, I saw that everyone was missing, even though admitted and did not want.

About Elephant

We approached the steamer to India. In the morning they should have come. I changed from the watch, I was tired and could not fall asleep: I thought everything would be there. That's how if I used to bring a whole box of toys in childhood and only tomorrow you can open it. Everything thought - that morning, I will immediately open my eyes - and the Hindus, black, enter around, fit in incomprehensible, not what in the picture. Bananas right on the bush, the city is new - everything will move, will play. And elephants! The main thing - the elephants I wanted to see. Everything could not believe that they were not there as in zoological, but easily go, carry: on the street suddenly such a romance is rushing!

I could not fall asleep, straight legs from impatience scarce. After all, it is, you know when you go dry, not at all: you see how everything gradually changes. And then two weeks ocean - water and water, and immediately a new country. How the curtain in the theater was raised.

The next morning flooded on the deck, touched. I rushed to the window, to the window, - ready: the city of White on the shore is worth; Port, vessels, near the boat side: black in white chalms - teeth shine, scream something; The sun shines with all its strength, it seems, it seems to be light. Here I went crazy, suffocated right: as if I was not me and all this is a fairy tale. There is nothing in the morning I did not want. Comrades are expensive, I will stand two watch for you in the sea - you will go ashore soon.

Jumped together as shore. In the port, in the city, everything is boilit, boils, the people are sticking, and we are like frantic and do not know what to look, and do not go, but what carries us (and after the sea on the shore it is always strange to walk). We look - the tram. They sat in the tram, we do not really know, why we are going, just next, - wondered straight. Tram us rush, we stress around and did not notice how we left for the outskirts. Next does not go. Got out. Road. Let's go on the road. Come somewhere!

Here we calmed down a little and noticed that it was great. The sun over the mask itself is; The shadow does not lie from you, but the whole shadow under you: you go and shadow your trample.

There were few people already passed, there were no people to meet, we look - to meet the elephant. With him, four guys - run alongside the road. I didn't believe it right my eyes: I didn't see one in the city, but it comes easily on the road. It seemed to me that from zoological broke out. Elephant saw us and stopped. It became terrible: there are no nobody with him, guys alone. And who knows him that he has in his mind. Moth times a trunk - and ready.

And the elephant, probably thought about us: they are some extraordinary, unknown, - who knows them? And became. Now the trunk bent the crochet, the boy became a hook for a hook on this, as on the footboard, with his hand for a trunk he holds, and elephant him gently sent himself on his head. That there sat between the ears as on the table.

Then the elephant sent another two for two more, and the third was small, four years old must be - on it only the shirt was short, like a bra. Elephant hees a trunk - go, they say, sit down. And he makes different frills, laughs, runs away. Senior shouts to him from above, and he jumps and teases - you will not take, they say. The elephant did not wait, lowered the trunk and went - pretended that he did not want to watch on his tricks. It goes, a trunk is swaying, and the boy goes around his legs, shrivered. And just when he did not wait for nothing, the elephant suddenly the trunk of the DAC! Yes, so deft! Caught him for the shirt at the back and raises upwards. That hands, legs, like a bug. No one! No you. Raised the elephant, cautiously lowered himself on his head, and there the guys accepted him. He is there, on an elephant, still tried to fight.

We were stood, we go to the side of the road, and the elephant from another side and look at us carefully and carefully. And the guys also stare on us and whisper in themselves. Sit, like at home, on the roof.

Here, - I think - great: they have nothing to be afraid there. If B and Tiger caught towards, the elephant tiger caught, grabbing the hobishbie the abdomen, squeeze the tree above the tree and, if it would not be picked up on the fangs, it would still be hung on the fangs until it hits the cake.

And then the boy took, like a goat, two fingers: carefully and carefully.

The elephant passed by us: we look, turns out of the road and pop up the bushes. Bushes are dense, prickly, the wall is growing. And he - through them, like through Bournan, - only the branches hurt, - passing and went to the forest. I stopped near the tree, took a trunk and burned the guys. Those now they drank on their feet, grabbed over the branch and shatter from it. And the little jumps, he tries to grab myself too, it's not on an elephant, but it stands on Earth. The elephant launched the branch and drew another. Again the same story. There is a small one, it seems that I entered the role: I completely climbed this thread, so that he also got it, and works. All finished, the elephant was letting the branch, and a small one, we look and flew with a branch. Well, we think, disappeared - flew now as a bullet, in the forest. We rushed there. No, where there! Do not crawl through the bushes: spiny, and thick, and confused. We look, the elephant in the leaves of the trunk shake. Sold down this small, - he, it can be seen, I climbed a monkey, "I got it out and put in place. Then the elephant went on the road ahead of us and went back. We are behind him. He goes and at times looks around, we mowing: what, they say, there are some kind of come from behind? So we came to the house behind the elephant. Around the woven. The elephant opened the trunk of the Bimber and carefully soaked into the courtyard; There guys lowered to the ground. In the courtyard of the Htunch on him began to shout something. She did not immediately notice us. And we stand through the woven look.

The Hompault yells on an elephant, - the elephant reluctantly turned and went to the well. The well has two columns, and between them a view; On it the rope is wound and handle on the side. We look, the elephant took the trunk behind the handle and began to twirl: he drifted as if empty, pulled out - a whole badge there on the rope, the buckets of ten. The elephant rested the root of the trunk in the handle, so as not to get drunk, bent the trunk, picked up a badge and, as a mug with water, put on board the well. Baba scored water, the guys also forced to carry - she just washed. The elephant again descended and the full twisted upstairs.

The hostess began to scold him again. The elephant launched a badge into the well, shook her ears and went away - did not get the water more, went under a canopy. And there in the corner of the courtyard on the chlipping columns the canopy was arranged - only an elephant to bring to him. From above, revertantly and some leaves are long.

Here is the Hindu, the owner itself. See us. We say - the elephant came to watch. The owner knew a little in English, asked who we were; Everything on my Russian cap shows. I say Russians. And he did not know what Russians were.

Not the British?

No, - I say - not the British.

He was delighted, laughed, immediately the other became: called to himself.

And the Hindus of the British can not tolerate: the British have long been conquered by the country, they are managed there and the Hindus are held under the heel.

I'm asking:

What does this elephant come out?

And this he, - says, was offended, and, it means, not in vain. Now it will not work for work until it goes away.

We look, the elephant came out of a canopy, to the gate - and away from the courtyard. We think now it will go completely. And the Hindu laughs. The elephant went to the tree, leaned sideways and so straighten. The tree is healthy - right all the chaknuna. It hees itches as like a pig about the fence.

I scratched, scored dust in a trunk and there, where herself, dust, earth as a blow! Once, and also, and more! It will be revealed so that nothing in the folds does not start: all his skin is solid, like a sole, and in folds - a flexible, and in the southern countries of any insect bustaches mass.

After all, see what: about the columns in the barn it does not bope, so as not to rip out, carefully even makes the way there, and itching goes to the tree. I speak Hindu:

What is your smart!

And he laughs.

Well, "says, if I had lived a bowel station, it would not have learned. And he, - shows on an elephant, - My grandfather Nanchil.

I looked at the elephant - it seemed to me that not the Hindu here was the owner, but an elephant, an elephant here is the most important.

I say:

Old he is yours?

No, "he says," he is a myastopters, he herself! I have won elephant, his son, - twenty years old, is completely a child. By forty years, only to enter starts. Here, wait, the elephant will come, you will see: he is small.

Slonich came, and with her elephant - with a horse of magnitude, without fangs; He is behind the mother, like a foal, walked.

Hindu guys rushed to help, began to jump somewhere. Elephant also went; Slonich and Elephant - with them. Hindu explains that on the river. We are also with the guys.

They did not spend us. Everyone tried to talk - they are in their own way, we are in Russian - and laughed all the way. Little most of all praised us, - all my caps put on and shouted something funny - maybe about us.

Air in the forest odorless, spicy, thick. Wested forest. Came to the river.

Not a river, but the flow is fast and rushing, so shore and grows. To the water fragment in Arshin. Elephants entered the water, took the elephant with them. They set, where he was on the breast of water, and began to wash it together. Wrapped from the bottom of the sand with water in a trunk and, as from the intestine, it is watered. Great so - only splashes fly.

And the guys fear into the water to climb - it hurts a rapid flow, will take it. They jump on the shore and let's throw in the elephant with pebbles. He doesn't even pay attention to him, he doesn't pay attention - all his elephant washes. Then, I look, I scored in the trunk of water and suddenly, as it turns into boys and one right in the belly, as a blow, he and sat down. Laughs, poured.

Elephant again wash his wash. And the guys still beastly pebble to displays. Elephant Only ears shakes: Do not take, they say, you see, there is no time to indulge! And just when the boys were not waiting, thought - he dunet with water to the elephant, he immediately turned the trunk and in them.

Those are happy, tumble.

Elephant went ashore; Ilonenok him trunk stretched out his hand. The elephant worked his trunk about him and helped him to get out.

All went home: Three elephants and four guys.

Another day I asked where you can look at the elephants at work.

On the edge of the forest, the river, the whole city of the Taucan logs is crazy: Stacks are standing, each embroidering in the hut. Immediately stood one elephant. And it was immediately visible that he was absolutely an old man - the skin on it completely saved and buried, and the trunk, like a rag, dangles. The ears are sprayed some. I look, another elephant comes from the forest. The trot is swinging a log - a huge timber-shaped. Puddles must be in a hundred. The porter rolls over, suitable for old elephant. The old picks up the log from one end, and the porter lowers the log and moves the trunk to the other end. I look: what will they do? And elephants together, as a team, raised the log on trunk up and gently put on the stack. Yes, so smoothly and correctly - as a carpenter on the construction.

And not a single person near them.

I later found out that this old elephant is the main artel train: he was already at this work.

The porter left slowly into the forest, and the old man hung the trunk, turned back to the stack and began to look at the river, as if he wanted to say: "I was tired of it, and I would not see."

And the third elephant with a log is already from the forest. We - where the elephants came from.

It is clear to tell that we saw here. Elephants with forest developments drag these logs to the river. In one place at the road - two trees on the sides, and so that the elephant with a log is not to pass. The elephant will reach this place, lowers the log on the ground, will cause his knees, turns trunk and the very nose, the root of the trunk pushes a log forward. Earth, stones fly, tert and plow the log in the earth, and the elephant crawls and shoves. It can be seen how difficult it is in his knees of crawling. Then he gets, it will take enough and not immediately takes. Again will turn it across the road, again on the knees. Put the trunk on the ground and the knees rolling the log on the trunk. How trunk will not spread! Look, again I got up and carries. Swinging like a cargo pendulum, a log on a trunk.

There were eight hundreds of all elephants, - and everyone had to be shoved in a log in the nose: people did not want to cut those two trees that they stood on the road.

We were unpleasant to look at how old the old man was being grown, and the elephants were sorry, which crawled on the knees. We are not afraid and left.

Brave dot.

Each morning, the hostess took the full plate of chopped eggs ducklings. She put a plate near the bush, and he left.

As soon as they drove to the plate, suddenly a big dragonfly cracked out of the garden and started spinning over them.

She so scary shredded that the frightened ducklings ran and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly of them all snaps.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, I tried me and then flew. After that, ducklings have not come to the plate all day. They were afraid that dragonfly arrive again. In the evening, the hostess cleaned the plate and said: "Must be, our ducks got sick, something they don't eat anything." She did not know that the hungry went to bed every night.

Once, their neighbor came to visit the ducks, a small duck of Alyosha. When ducklings told him about dragonfly, he began to laugh.

Well and bravets! - he said. - I'm one run this dragonfly. Here you will see tomorrow.

You boast, "said ducklings," tomorrow you will be afraid and beat. "

At another morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate with chopped eggs on the ground and gone.

Well, look, "said bold Alyosha," I will fight your dragonfly. "

Only he said it, as dragonfly was sidden. It flew on top to the plate.

Ducklings wanted to escape, but Alyosha was not frightened. Dragonfly did not have time to take a plate, as Alyosha grabbed her with a beak behind the wing. She broke up with a breakdown and flew away with the broken wing.

Since then, she has never arrived in the garden, and ducklings every day they were united. They not only ate themselves, but also treated brave Alyosha for saving them from dragonfly.

The cat lives in our family. Your name is Masic. Soon he will be one year. He is like a family member. When we sit down at the table dine, he is here like here. Beats with his paw on the tablecloth - there is asking for. It turns out funny. He loves fish and bread. He also loves when I play with him. And the day, if there is no one at home, it is not enough on the balcony in the sun. Slept Masik with me or older sister Cristina.

I love him very much.

Tamin Anton, 2nd Class, School №11, Belgorod

My house has a feathered pet - Parrot Kesha. He appeared with us two years ago. Now he knows how to talk, quite boldly feels like people. My parrot is very funny, smart and talented.

I love him very much and I am very glad that I have it.

Varfolomeva Catherine, 2-Class, School №11, Belgorod

My friend

My mother and I went to the market, bought a kitten and brought it home. He began to hide everywhere. We called His Tishka. He grew up and began to catch mice. Soon we learned that it was a kitty, and now we are waiting for kittens.

Belevich Ksenia, 2nd Class, School №11, Belgorod

My turtle

My little turtle lives at home. Her name is Dina. We walk with her. She eats fresh grass on the street. Then I carry her home. She walks around the apartment and is looking for a dark corner. When you find, it sleeps in it an hour or two.

I have it taught her in the kitchen. Dina loves apples, cabbage, urinary bread, raw meat. Once a week we bathe a turtle in a basin.

Here is my turtle.

Miroshnikova Sophia, 2-Class, School №11, Belgorod

My favorite rabbit

I have a little rabbit. He is so nice, he has tiny red eyes. He is the most beautiful in the world! When I saw him first time, I could not tear away from his beauty.

The rabbit never runs away from me, and vice versa, as he sees me, he immediately asks for me on his hands. Well, quite like my younger brother! He is very smart. Loves eating grass and corn.

I love my rabbit!

Bobyl Denis, 7 years

Cat Samiek

I have no animals at home, but my friend cat Samson lives at my grandmother in the village. Beautiful, fluffy, black with white stains on the breast.

Usually are guarded at home dogs, and grandmother the guard is samie. At first he drove all mice from all sheds, from the basement. And now for several years not a single mouse! But that's not all. He does not allow other people's cats, dogs either in the garden, nor in the garden, nor into the courtyard, and this helps my grandmother! Even if someone is suitable for the house, samie begins to pour loudly, and the grandmother knows already - someone else came!

His guard of granny pokes milk, fish, sausage. After all, he is so clever! He deserves it!

Baidikov Vladislav

When I was small, we lived in the north in the city of Noyabrsk. We are with dad and mom on the market and bought two rabbits. One was white, and the other is gray. I was very happy! We bought for them food. They lived in a cage on the balcony. I fed them every day with carrots and cabbage, removed them in the cage. I loved rabbits very much and played with them.

When we left from the north, you could not take rabbits to the long road. They were afraid that they would die. Mom photographed me with them. I often remember them about them and miss.

Eremeeva Sabina, 7 years, 2 "A" Class, School №11, Belgorod