Boletaceae is a genus of mushrooms that belongs to the Boletaceae family. This family contains edible mushrooms, which are considered one of the most valuable for food consumption. But this family of mushrooms also includes inedible poisonous species. Edible boletus mushrooms have been used as food since ancient times, which is why they have become a popular ingredient in many varieties of dishes.

Where do boletus grow and what do they look like?

These mushrooms can be easily distinguished by their swollen stem, which has a thickening at the base or in the middle, often covered with a kind of mesh. The mushroom cap has the shape of a hemisphere or a pad. The hat has a dry and smooth surface and is slightly velvety to the touch. Each type of boletus has its own distinctive characteristics.

Boletuses are cosmopolitan mushrooms that are found on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. Certain species (for example, porcini mushroom) are not afraid of cold climates, and therefore grow on the borders of Iceland and Chukotka. Only boletus is more tolerant to low air temperatures. IN New Zealand, Africa and South America this species was introduced along with coniferous plants. Northern Europe, Africa and America are the natural habitat.

Certain types of fungus are listed in the Red Book. For example, the royal boletus is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Now this species is rare, like linden trees and some other species.

Why does boletus have such a name?

Boletus got its name because of the place where it grows. In order to find this mushroom, you need to go to the forest. These mushrooms cannot be found in fields or meadows, because they form mycosis together with the root system of deciduous or coniferous trees. This can be called a mutually beneficial neighborhood, since this involves active metabolism, which is beneficial to both parties.

Edible types of boletus mushrooms and description

Those types of boletus that are edible are of great value to people as a food product. All edible varieties of boletus have certain differences, but they all have excellent taste. Let's take a closer look at the description and photo of boletus mushrooms.

Bronze boletus

The bronze boletus mushroom has a dark brown skin, but over time it can become almost black. The cap has a diameter of 7 to 17 cm, and the diameter of the bronze leg with a red or white mesh can be up to 4 cm. These mushrooms are not very large in height - up to 12 cm.

Bronze boletus is a rather rare species that grows on humus soils with a high content of nutrients. organic matter V mixed forests or pine. In Russia, this species is found in the southern part, growing in one copy or in 2-3 pieces.

Boletus reticulum (white boletus mushroom)

This is a mushroom with a large spherical cap, which over time becomes convex or cushion-shaped. The diameter of the cap ranges from 8 to 25 cm, and when wet and warm weather can reach 30 cm. Below is a photo of a boletus mushroom. The surface of the skin is slightly velvety; over time, it cracks and acquires a pattern in the form of a kind of mesh. The color can be of different variations, but usually it is expressed in light tones of ocher or coffee color.

Maiden boletus

The cap of this type of boletus is pubescent and velvety to the touch. Over time, the velvety wears off and the cap becomes smooth. The diameter of the cap is from 7 to 20 cm, and the color can be brown with a red, yellow or brown tone. The leg has a cylindrical or club-shaped shape. The diameter of the leg is from 2 to 3 cm, and the height is from 6 to 12 cm. The leg is covered with a mesh, which disappears with old age.

This species is not easy to find. It grows in warm temperate climates climatic zone in mixed or deciduous forests, sometimes it can grow under fir trees. As many mycologists note, the maiden boletus grows well in limestone grants.

Birch white mushroom

This species is popularly called spikelet, due to the fact that its fruiting time falls during the ripening of rye. Birch White mushroom grows under birch trees near paths or on the edges, often in small groups.

The shape of the mushroom cap is cushion-shaped, but over time it becomes flatter. The diameter of the cap is from 5 to 15 cm. The mushroom is characterized by a light yellow color of the skin. The height of the leg is from 5 to 15 cm. Its shape is barrel-shaped. A white mesh is visible on the upper part of the leg.

The species is widespread near Murmansk. In addition, it is found on Far East, in Siberia, as well as in the western part of Europe.

Two-color boletus

This mushroom is found in North America. The mushroom cap is pink, as is the base of the stem. Top part has legs yellow, which is why the mushroom is called “bicolor”. This species has flesh that turns blue when cut.

White boletus

This species can easily be called the most famous among boletus mushrooms. People often call him the king of mushrooms. Everyone knows how wonderful this type of boletus mushroom tastes. The hat has a diameter of 8 to 30 cm. Its color is usually light brown, but you can also find dark or, on the contrary, white shades. The skin of the mushroom is smooth and dry, but cloudy weather it becomes moist and shiny. As a rule, the height of this species is no more than 12-15 cm, but in in rare cases this figure can reach 25 cm.

Inedible and poisonous boletus species

Not all types of boletus are edible. Among them there are mushrooms that are unsuitable for food, and there are even poisonous ones that, if consumed, can cause poisoning.


This mushroom does not pose a health hazard, but its pulp has a very bitter taste. And even after heat treatment, the unpleasant taste does not disappear, and therefore the mushroom is not used in cooking. The diameter of the mushroom cap reaches 20 cm and is gray in color. The height of the mushroom is no more than 8 cm, but in rare cases there are specimens up to 12 cm. The rooting boletus grows in Europe and America. The mushroom grows in deciduous forests that warm up well sun rays.


This boletus mushroom has a two-color stem: closer to the ground its color is red-brown, and under the cap the stem is lemon-colored with a white mesh. The cap of the mushroom contrasts strongly with the stem, since its color is usually light gray or brown or olive. Despite its attractive appearance, the mushroom has a bitter taste, which is why it is considered inedible. This species can be found in lowland forests under spruce trees or in mountainous area.

Le Gal

This beautiful view boletus, which got its name in honor of the mycologist, has a light pink cap, the diameter of which is from 5 to 15 cm. The stem of the mushroom is swollen. The height of the mushroom ranges from 8 to 16 cm. This boletus mushroom is widespread throughout European territory, growing next to oak, hornbeam and beeches.

Boletus the Beautiful

This mushroom contains substances that are toxic to the human body and cause disorders. gastrointestinal tract. But at the same time, this disorder does not cause significant harm to health and does not lead to fatal outcome. This boletus has a reddish or brown cap. There are fibers on the surface of the cap. The height of the stem reaches 15 cm. The most characteristic signs of the mushroom are the bloody color of the pores, and also the fact that when cut, the flesh of the mushroom turns from yellow to blue-blue. The species is most common in the western United States under coniferous trees.

Satanic mushroom

This poisonous mushroom is found in southern Europe and Russia. It grows in Primorye and the North Caucasus. The mushroom has a plump stem, from 5 to 15 cm in height. The diameter of the mushroom is up to 10 cm. The stem of the mushroom is reddish in color, as is the pulp. The color of the hemispherical cap can be olive, gray or white. Its diameter can reach 30 cm. Young specimens of the mushroom have a weak aroma, while old mushrooms are characterized by an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten meat or onions.

Mushroom pickers rightfully consider boletus, one of the representatives of the Boletaceae family, to be the most valuable “forest delicacy”. It is difficult to compare with other types of similar products: the fact is that this mushroom has exquisite taste, and its nutritional value lies in the fact that it is characterized by such a feature as rapid absorption in the human body.

Despite the fact that people have known the boletus mushroom for a long time, it continues to be confused with the false inedible porcini mushroom. This happens because it is difficult to distinguish it from the real thing, and quite often it becomes the cause of numerous poisonings. It should be noted that insidious doubles healthy delicacies, first of all, are gall and satanic mushrooms. Therefore, in order to avoid all sorts of troubles - including hospitalization - you should learn to distinguish one from the other.

The specimens, which are popularly called “gorchaki”, received this name because of their bitter taste. Due to this false boletus– gall mushroom – is not poisonous, but cannot be used for cooking and canning.

Looks like this type exactly the same as the original: it has a thick stem and a large cap, up to 15 cm in diameter, which becomes slightly sticky when exposed to rain moisture. Please note that in young specimens the tops have a slightly convex shape, and over time they acquire a flatter surface. The color of the thick caps of these false porcini mushrooms can vary from chocolate yellowish to deep brown. The legs, in turn, can grow up to 10 cm in length and have a shade of soft cream or pale brown. A characteristic feature is also the mesh of dark shades running across the top of the mushroom.

Description and photo of false gall fungus or popularly - bittersweet

At first glance, it is simply impossible to recognize that it is the doppelgänger - bitterling - of an edible type that has been included in the basket: this becomes clear only after you have tried it. Literally immediately an unpleasant taste appears on the tip of the tongue, somewhat reminiscent of onions that have already begun to rot. It should be remembered that one false specimen of boletus is enough for an entire culinary masterpiece to be irrevocably spoiled.

Mushroom hunters should keep in mind that bitterlings can be found on coniferous edges and in places where there is sufficient sunlight. In addition, this variety prefers areas with sandy or loamy soil, which will also be lightly sprinkled with pine needles. You need to be careful and not collect specimens that have taken a fancy to rotten trees, as this may also turn out to be inedible species. Most often, gall fungi grow both in groups - 10-15 pieces - and individually. You can see them in the forest from the beginning of July until October. Despite their notoriety, it is bittersweet that is used in medical practice as a choleretic agent.

You need to know exactly how to distinguish a real porcini mushroom from a false boletus: for this you should remember that the edible specimen is distinguished by a cap, the size of which can be from 7 to 50 cm, covered with a smooth or slightly saggy surface. When in contact with rainwater, the top of the original begins to shine and shine. In addition, the shade of the skin can range from light cream to pale scarlet, depending on which variety is encountered.

You should also pay attention to the fact that when cut, the color of the white pulp does not change: this also applies to those moments when the mushroom is subjected to heat treatment or a drying procedure.

Unlike the porcini mushroom, both the false gall and satanic ones have such a feature as a change in the color of the pulp. The first of them begins to acquire a reddish color when pressed, and dark brown patterns may appear on top of the legs. In addition, its spongy layer is distinguished by a dirty pink or pale flamingo tint. The flesh of the second specimen - the satanic one - when cut, becomes bluish, and then rich red. This happens because toxins begin to interact with oxygen.

Inexperienced hunters try to determine the taste of the false white mushroom, which is called gall or mustard: they taste its pulp. Of course it is effective method make sure that the double is in the basket edible boletus, however, such experiments are fraught with further deterioration of well-being. That is why, in order not to risk your health, you can resort to another proven method.

This recommendation from experts regarding how to distinguish false porcini mushrooms from their edible counterparts is quite simple. Unlike the original boletus, which is very often attacked by insects and animals - that is, they can be wormy or even slightly nibbled - the doubles retain their impeccable appearance, since they do not represent nutritional value for others.

False satanic mushroom

As with bitterlings, it is also difficult to tell the difference with edible specimens with the satanic mushroom.

It lives in oak groves, but is very rarely found near other forest delicacies. This false white mushroom is truly different gigantic size: its cap can be approximately 40 cm in diameter, and its leg can be up to 15 cm. Another characteristic feature This type is considered to have a top that resembles a pillow with a smooth surface. Please note that the skin of this cap double is quite dense. Like most real boletus, this specimen has a leg with a massive base, the girth of which can reach a diameter of up to 12 cm.

Another point in the description worthy of attention of the false porcini mushroom is its unpleasant, repulsive aroma, somewhat reminiscent of spoiled onions. However this feature is not always able to warn a newly minted mushroom picker, since young specimens may not have such a smell at all.

According to the results of numerous medical studies, 10 g of raw boletus is enough to cause complete paralysis in a person. nervous system. If the dose used is higher, it can result in death, which will be caused by impaired respiratory function or cardiac arrest.

That is why you should remember how to distinguish a false porcini mushroom from a real boletus: pay special attention to the cut that needs to be made on the stem. If after about 5 minutes it acquires a bluish tint, get rid of this mushroom immediately.

Despite the fact that in nature there really are poisonous doubles of this forest delicacy, experienced craftsmen know how to find safe types. We are talking about birch, spruce, oak and pine boletus, which are excellent for closing for the winter and, especially, for preparing aromatic culinary masterpieces. These edible mushrooms are famous not only for their taste, but also for their medicinal properties: in ancient times they were used to heal all sorts of ailments - frostbite of the extremities, ulcers and even tuberculosis!

The danger of false boletus: consequences and first aid

As they say, appearances are deceiving: if real porcini mushrooms cannot in any way harm human health, then their poisonous copies cause a lot of trouble. The toxins they contain—for example, the muscarine in the satanic mushroom—can cause significant harm to health. According to experts, 1 g of this specimen is enough to cause severe food poisoning, and 10 g is enough to end up in intensive care with a fatal outcome. Despite the fact that this false white mushroom is considered conditionally edible in Europe, experienced doctors recommend not to experiment and not risk your life. Of course, as some cooks believe, neutralize poisonous properties It is possible if you perform a long soaking procedure and subject it to 10-hour heat treatment - that is, cooking. However, this does not guarantee complete safety; moreover, all taste and edible qualities are irretrievably lost.

Therefore, there is no need to compare the white mushroom - boletus - and the false porcini mushroom: the consequences can be very tragic - toxic damage to the spleen, nerve centers and, of course, the liver.

In the event that something correctable has already happened, you should carefully monitor possible symptoms, which will not keep you waiting:

  • Severe bouts of vomiting.
  • Confused consciousness.
  • Diarrhea (with bloody discharge).
  • Migraine.
  • Paralysis of limbs.

In order to somehow help a person who has been poisoned by a false porcini mushroom, it is necessary to quickly rinse the stomach before the ambulance arrives: to do this, force the victim to take a soda solution (a teaspoon per 0.5 liter of water). In addition, several tablets of activated carbon can be effective. Do not forget that it will be necessary to force the victim to vomit what was eaten. It should also be remembered that the first symptoms of satanic mushroom poisoning will make themselves felt after 2 hours.

A secret from experienced mushroom pickers

In addition, such a false white mushroom as bitterling is also not harmless to humans. Of course, it is not capable of having the same effect as the satanic one - leading to death - but it also contains toxic substances. Moreover, one should take into account the fact that these toxic elements tend to instantly penetrate into the blood through ordinary contact with skin. It is in this regard that experts recommend being very careful when collecting forest delicacies: it is best to play it safe and wear gloves.

Contact with the toxins of the false white fungus - bitterling - is fraught with the fact that most people experience characteristic symptoms poisoning:

  • Dizziness.
  • Severe pain in the muscles.
  • Causeless weakness.

Doctors say that these phenomena pass fairly quickly, but after a few weeks the victim begins to suffer from liver dysfunction - that is, during the separation of bile.

Moreover, those hunters of forest delicacies who neglect doctors’ comments and still taste gall mushrooms risk developing cirrhosis over time - this happens because an excess amount of toxins accumulates in the body. In addition, this false white mushroom contains very harmful resinous substances that not only irritate the oral mucosa, but also damage the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite all the recommendations, false boletus hunters continue to collect mustard: people soak them for a long time and then preserve them. To somehow muffle the unpleasant aftertaste, cooks use a large number of spices

Experienced mushroom pickers say that heat treatment does not guarantee complete elimination of toxic substances contained in gall mushrooms. Therefore, you should not waste time and effort collecting and preparing these specimens.

Therefore, when going into the forest, remember possible risks, and if you don’t have enough experience, ask an experienced mushroom picker for help.

The white mushroom, or boletus, (Boletus edulis) is a representative of the Boletus genus. Eighteen forms are known, differing in the characteristics of mycorrhiza, the fruiting season and the way the fruiting body looks.

White mushroom, or boletus, is a representative of the Borovikov genus

A mature fungus has a convex, flat-convex, sometimes prostrate cap with a smooth or wrinkled, rarely cracking, bare or thin felt surface. The skin is of an adherent type and can vary in color from red-brown to almost white.

Pulp with sufficient hardness, juicy-fleshy type, white or yellowish color, rarely changing color on medium, with a soft, weak aroma and pleasant taste.

The leg is massive, barrel-shaped or club-shaped, with a whitish, brownish, rarely reddish surface, covered with a light mesh pattern. The shape of the leg may change with age. Tubular layer under the cap, easily separated from the pulp, light color with a yellow or olive-green tint. The spores are olive-brown and spindle-shaped.

The appearance of the porcini mushroom is significantly influenced by its origin or so-called growing conditions.

Where do they grow and when to collect boletus mushrooms?

The appearance of the porcini mushroom is significantly influenced by its origin or so-called growing conditions. For example, linden and white oak are noticeably different from each other, and they need to be collected in different places. Cosmopolitans have become quite widespread, almost universally globe, and are also a typical mycorrhiza-former with various foliage and coniferous trees. Most often, mycorrhiza forms with spruce, pine, oak and birch trees.

The boron form of the porcini mushroom bears fruit especially actively at the same time as greenfinches, green russula and chanterelles. This “noble” species gives preference to forest zones, which are distinguished by the presence of sufficient moss and lichen cover, where fruiting bodies most often form under fairly mature trees. Fruiting bodies need to be collected early in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, placing them in wicker baskets with the cap down.

Features of boletus mushrooms (video)

Why are boletus mushrooms called that?

Boletuses grow mainly in forests, forming mycorrhiza with conifers, thanks to which they got their unusual name. In addition, this species can be called wood grouse, yellow capercaillie, barnacle, cowbird, cowbird, bearbird and panther, as well as truthful.

Useful properties of boletus mushrooms

Forest boletuses are a natural and publicly available storehouse of essential vitamins and many beneficial properties. The composition of mushroom pulp is presented:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folates;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • alpha tocopherol;
  • vitamin PP;
  • niacin;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • gray;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • rubidium;
  • fluorine;
  • chrome;
  • zinc

The beneficial properties are also determined by the presence in the composition of a sufficiently large amount of digestible carbohydrates, essential and non-essential amino acids, which participate in metabolic processes, oxidative and reduction reactions occurring in the human body. Vitamins “A”, “B1”, “C” and “D” promote the growth of nails and hair, and minerals are necessary for bones and joints, to prevent osteoporosis and anemia, and to maintain normal functioning of the heart muscle.

IN folk medicine Boletus tinctures are used for sleep disturbances and increased nervous excitability. The antioxidants contained in the pulp prevent viral and bacterial infections, as well as many toxic and simply harmful substances, from entering the human body. However, it must be remembered that mushroom dishes not very useful for older people and preschool children.

Gallery: boletus mushroom (50 photos)

White mushroom, or boletus, (Boletus edulis) - a representative of the Borovikov genus

The appearance of the porcini mushroom is significantly influenced by its origin or so-called growing conditions.

Pink-skinned boletus

Edible boletus species

A large number of edible, highly nutritious varieties of boletus grow on the territory of our country.

Bronze boletus

Vol.aereus – edible variety with a bright brown, brownish or almost black, spherical or almost flat cap. Bronze or copper boleth grows mainly in deciduous forest areas. It has a dense stem in the shape of a cylinder or barrel with a reddish tint. The soft part is white and does not change color when cut.

Yellowjacket or semi-white bolet

Bol.immolitus - has a convex or flatter cap with permanent smooth or slightly wrinkled, matte, sometimes slimy, light brown or clay-tinged skin. The pulp is dense, white or light yellow in color, with a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. The leg area is rough, thickened below, without a pattern.

Yellowjacket or semi-white bolet

Maiden boletus

Vol.apprendiculatus is an edible variety with a brown-golden or reddish, most often flat, relatively large cap. The lower part of the leg with a mesh pattern has a strong point. The soft part is light yellow in color with a very characteristic bluish tint, noticeably turning blue when cut. The variety usually grows in mixed European forest zones.

Net boletus

Vol.reticulatus is an edible variety that has a fairly large and velvety cap of brown, brown or yellowish color. Thick and fleshy, with a smooth surface, the leg area is covered with relatively thin veins. Fruiting bodies are formed in deciduous and mixed forest zones . It is distinguished by the formation of mycorrhiza with beech, oak, chestnut or hornbeam.

Net boletus

Spruce white

Bol.edulis f is the most common variety, having an elongated stalk, often with a retained extension at the bottom. The cap is brown in color, with a reddish or chestnut tint, often unevenly colored, with a smooth and dry surface. Most often grows in spruce and fir forest zones, massively forming fruiting bodies from June to October.

Oak white

Bol.edulis f.Vassilk. - distinguished by a brownish cap with a grayish tint, and sometimes with light spots. The soft part is relatively loose, but with a pleasant, barely perceptible mushroom aroma and a delicate, delicate taste. Found mainly in oak forests, where it most often bears fruit from June to October.

Oak white

Poisonous, inedible and false boletus species

Inedible but non-toxic species, not capable of causing severe poisoning, but have an unpleasant taste. Poisonous varieties characterized by the presence of toxic substances that can cause severe damage to internal organs and tissues.

Variety Le Gal

Bol.legaliae – poisonous species with a hemispherical, smooth, pinkish-orange cap, whitish or yellowish flesh, blue when cut. The leg area is swollen, with a surface covered with a reddish mesh. Tubes with attached teeth and red pores. The spores are olive-brown and fusiform.

Bolet purple

Vol.purpureus - a low-toxic, but inedible variety has a hemispherical, then convex cap with uneven edges, covered with velvety, reddish-brown skin with rare blackish spots. The flesh is of a fleshy type, with very high density, immediately turning blue and then bright red when cut. The leg area is quite thick, club-shaped, covered with a thick reddish mesh pattern. The tubes are free, golden yellow or olive. Spores with an olive tint.

Bolet purple

Pink-skinned boletus

Vol.rhodoхanthus is a rarely seen and little-studied inedible species, having a hemispherical, cushion-shaped, outstretched and slightly depressed cap in the central part, covered with smooth or slightly velvety, sometimes slightly sticky, brownish-gray or dirty brownish-yellow skin with a characteristic reddish tint. The soft part is of sufficient density, lemon-yellow in color, slightly blue when cut, with a weak mushroom aroma and bitter taste. The stem is tuberous, often pointed at the very base, yellow in color, covered with a thin, bright red, rather convex mesh or looped pattern. The tubes are light yellow or bright beige-yellow. Olive colored spores.

Pink-skinned boletus

Bolet the Beautiful

Bol.pulcherrimus is a poisonous species with a hemispherical, woolly cap of reddish or olive-brown color. The soft part is quite dense, yellow in color, clearly turning blue when cut. The leg area, with swelling, is reddish-brown in color, with a dark reddish mesh. Tubes with an attached tooth, yellow-green, blood-red. The spores are brown, fusiform.

Rooting ache

Bol.radicans - due to its bitter taste, the mushroom is classified as inedible. It has a hemispherical or convex cap with a protruding leathery border. The skin is whitish, dirty gray or brownish gray, woolly or cracking. The soft part is lemon-yellow in color, turning blue when cut, with a slight mushroom aroma and an unpleasant bitter taste. The leg is swollen, cylindrical, with a tuberous base, matte yellow or lemon yellow, with a thin, evenly colored mesh pattern.

How to cook boletus mushrooms (video)

Toxic properties of false white or satanic mushroom Currently not fully studied, but the unpleasant taste allows us to classify it as an inedible variety. Boletus splendidus grows in oak and beech forest zones, in warm and fairly well-lit places. Fruiting bodies grow and develop best on calcareous soils. The variety is quite rare, so the distribution of such fruiting bodies is poorly understood.

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All representatives of the Boletaceae family are called Boletus. The most common type of this kind is a porcini mushroom, and some scientists include the boletus mushroom genus. What other types of boletus are there?

Boletuses have been used as food for a long time and among edible mushrooms they are considered the noblest and most delicious, which is why they deserve the name of the royal mushroom. The peculiarity of boletus mushrooms is that their color remains unchanged in any state: frozen, dried, boiled or canned.

There is quite big variety boletus mushrooms, differing in appearance and distribution characteristics.

The most common types of boletus

Burrows boletus (Boletus barrowsii)

The diameter of the Burrows boletus cap ranges from 7 to 25 centimeters. The shape of the cap can be either flat or convex. The color of the skin can range from white to gray and yellow-brown.

The height of the leg reaches 10-25 centimeters, and the width is 2-4 centimeters. The leg is club-shaped, white in color, its surface is mesh.

The pulp is dense, whitish in color with a sweetish taste. The thickness of the tubular layer is 2-3 centimeters. As they age, the tubes change from white to yellowish-green. Spore powder is brown-olive in color, the shape of the spores is spindle-shaped.

Burroughs' boletus creates mycorrhiza with conifers and deciduous trees. These mushrooms are common in North America, but they do not grow in Europe. They bear fruit singly or in large groups. The harvest can be harvested in June-August.

Bronze boletus (Boletus aereus)

The cap of the bronze boletus is dense and fleshy. Its shape changes with age from spherical to prostrate. The surface of the cap is velvety and may be granular with fine cracks. The color of the cap is dark - brownish-brown, almost black.

The pulp is dense, white, with a good smell and taste. The leg is cylindrical, thickened at the base, strong and massive. Its color is reddish-brown. The leg is decorated with a whitish mesh pattern.

The tubular layer is initially creamy white but becomes yellowish over time. The tubes are small and short. The spores are spindle-shaped, the color of the spore sac is olive.

Bronze boletuses grow in oak, beech and oak-hornbeam forests. These mushrooms are common in Southern and Western Europe, as well as North America. They grow in areas with warm climate. Rarely found in mountainous areas.

The collection season for bronze boletuses is from July to October. And in Austria they can begin to bear fruit as early as May. By taste characteristics this mushroom is equivalent to a porcini mushroom.

Boletus bicolor

The cap of the bicolor boletus is convex at first, but as it grows it changes to open. The color of the skin is pink-red. The pulp is very fleshy.

If the pulp is cut off, then it yellow will change to blue. The leg is pink-red. The tubular layer is yellow in color.

Bicolor boletuses grow in North America. The collection season is in the summer months.

Boletus appendiculatus

This mushroom is also called shortened boletus, brown-yellow boletus and reddish boletus.

The diameter of the boletus cap varies from 5 to 20 centimeters. Initially it has a hemispherical shape, but with age it becomes cushion-shaped. The color of the cap is yellow-brown, chestnut, light brown. The stem, flesh and tubular layer are deep yellow.

The stem is elongated; an additional growth can often grow on the stem, similar in appearance to a root. The color of the leg becomes darker from bottom to top. The leg is decorated with a light or brown mesh pattern. The pulp is dense, slightly bluish with a sour odor.

Boletus maidens grows in deciduous forests. The collection time is in the summer-autumn period.

Yellow boletus (Boletus impolitus)

Initially, the cap of the yellow boletus is hemispherical in shape, but then it changes to flat. The surface of the cap is slightly wrinkled or smooth, yellow-brown in color. In wet weather the cap is slimy, and in dry weather it becomes dull.

The height of the leg varies from 4 to 12 centimeters, its shape is tuberous. The color of the leg is yellow-brown, there is no mesh structure. The length of the tubes is 1-2 centimeters, their color is bright yellow. Olive colored spore powder.

Royal boletus (Boletus regius)

The diameter of the cap is 6-15 centimeters. It is fleshy, semicircular in shape, and velvety to the touch. In adult mushrooms, the cap is “naked” and may have small wrinkles on it. The color of the cap can vary over a wide range - from pink, red-pink, to red-brown and violet-red. The tubes are lemon yellow.

The height of the leg varies from 5 to 15 centimeters, the shape is barrel-shaped, and over time it becomes cylindrical. The color of the leg is chrome-yellow, its base is decorated with wine-red spots, and in the upper part there is a fine white mesh.

The pulp is very dense, quite hard, light yellow or bright yellow. In its raw form, the pulp has a pleasant taste, the smell is not pronounced.

The royal boletus grows in Southern Europe. In our country, these mushrooms are found in the Primorsky Territory. Their habitat is oak forests on calcareous and sandy soils.

The royal boletus harvest time is from May to September. By taste qualities The royal boletus belongs to category II, it is very tasty and also rich in vitamins. Royal boletus can be called a delicacy. These mushrooms can be salted, pickled, stewed, fried, dried and boiled. Royal boletuses have been domesticated and grown.

Porosporus boletus (Xerocomus porosporus)

This mushroom has a hemispherical or cushion-shaped cap. The skin on the cap often cracks, resulting in a characteristic network of white cracks on a gray-brown or dark brown background.

The color of the leg is gray-brown, its base is brighter. The tubes are lemon yellow and turn blue when pressed.

Boletus reticulatus

This boletus is sometimes classified as a type of porcini mushroom. In terms of taste, the boletus reticulum is valued as highly as the porcini mushroom. The cap is fleshy and durable, spherical in shape; over time it becomes convex. The skin is velvety, but as it grows, whitish cracks appear on it, from which the mushroom got its name. The color of the cap varies from ocher to brownish.

The leg is cylindrical, quite strong and fleshy, thickened at the base. The leg also has a white or brown mesh, and under the tubes it becomes yellowish. The tubes are very small. The pulp is white, slightly spongy, with a sweet taste and strong odor.

Reticulated boletuses grow in deciduous forests, preferring oaks and beeches. They can sometimes be found on the plains, but mostly grow in hilly areas. The fruiting season is from late spring to mid-autumn.

The nutritional qualities of the reticulated boletus are highly valued. This mushroom contains a large amount of riboflavin, which has a positive effect on the skin, nails and general condition of the body. These mushrooms are used to treat angina, ulcers, frostbite and other diseases.

Fechtner's boletus (Boletus fechtneri)

The cap is hemispherical, becomes flat as it grows, and is light brown or silvery-white in color. The surface of the cap is smooth or with slight wrinkles; in wet weather it becomes covered with mucus. The height of the leg is 4-15 centimeters.

The shape of the stalk is tuberous, its lower part is thickened. The color of the leg is yellow, red-brown at the base, with a mesh pattern. The tubular layer is yellow.

Horton's boletus (Boletus hortonii)

The young mushroom has a convex cap, and then it changes to a prostrate one, with an uneven surface of red-brown or ocher-brown color. The leg is cylindrical or club-shaped, 4-9 centimeters long. Spore powder is brown-olive in color.

Horton's boletus grows in fairly small groups in beech and oak forests. The fruiting season occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until the beginning of autumn.

The porcini mushroom, which is also called boletus, belongs to the Boletaceae family. The porcini mushroom has many popular names. It is called belovik, bebik, belevik, cow-cow, zheltyak, medvezhanik, pechura, borovik, cow, cow, truthful, dear, undercow and other names. This is one of the most valuable mushrooms.


The cap of the mushroom has an adherent skin; its color can range from brownish-red to almost white. With age, the color of the cap becomes darker.

Young boletus mushrooms have a convex cap, and as the mushroom ages it turns into a flat-convex one (rarely prostrate). The diameter of the cap can reach 10-25 centimeters. The surface of the cap can be both smooth and wrinkled. The tubular layer is 1-4 centimeters thick and has a notch near the stem. He's different light shade, the presence of small round pores and is easily separated from the pulp.

The stem of the mushroom is quite massive, at first it is club-shaped or barrel-shaped, but as it grows it becomes elongated. Its height is 10-20 centimeters, and its thickness is from 3 to 10 centimeters. The outside of the leg may be white, brownish, or less commonly reddish. Most often, on its surface there is a network of veins of a lighter shade.

The pulp of the porcini mushroom is fleshy and juicy; in young mushrooms it is white, in older mushrooms it is yellowish and fibrous.

The average weight of boletus is about 200 grams, but huge mushrooms weighing several kilograms can also be found.


Depending on the type, porcini mushrooms differ in mycorrhiza, fruiting season, growth characteristics and other characteristics. There are four independent types of boletus and many forms.

The types of porcini mushroom are:

  1. Spruce - the most common, with an elongated stem and a brown cap, grows in spruce forest, fruiting bodies appear from June to October.
  2. Birch - a lighter (almost white) cap, distinguished by its growth under birch trees.
  3. Oak - brown caps with a grayish tint, mushrooms with loose pulp, grow in oak forests.
  4. Pine - a large cap of a dark color, often with a purple tint.

The spruce borer has an elongated leg and a brown cap.

The birch borer has a light, almost white, cap.

The oak boletus has a brown cap with a grayish tint

In the pine porcini mushroom dark hat

Among these species there are subspecies, the most common of which are:

  • Maiden;
  • Polish;
  • Reticulate;
  • Beautiful.

Porcini mushrooms have the following forms:

  • early (appears in May),
  • late (begins to appear in August),
  • smooth-legged (without meshes on the legs),
  • pink-footed,
  • lemon yellow
  • olive brown,
  • special (purple hats),
  • bluish (when pressure is applied to the tubular layer, a slow bluish appearance appears),
  • orange-red,
  • light bronze,
  • dark bronze,
  • false purple,
  • Arctic,
  • mesh.

Where does it grow?

White mushroom is widespread in Russia. It grows well on sandy, loamy or sandy loam soil, that is, on soils that drain well and are not waterlogged.

Porcini mushrooms are found on all continents of the northern hemisphere.

Fungi typically form mycorrhizae with trees such as oak, pine, spruce and birch.

You can find porcini mushrooms in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forest. In summer it is found in young groves and plantings, and in autumn - deep in forests, next to abandoned roads, paths and old trees.

You can find porcini mushrooms both in forests and in clearings.

Porcini mushrooms do not like damp places, but prefer the presence of lichen or moss cover. Most often, boletus mushrooms grow in forests where the trees are more than 20 years old.

It is believed that boletus mushrooms love light, but mushrooms can often be found in a very dark place. If the year is fruitful, then the amount of light does not affect the porcini mushroom, but in years when a large harvest is interfered with Not favorable conditions(e.g. heavy rainfall, low temperatures at night), many boletus can be found on open areas, which warm up well.

How to find in the forest

You can go into the forest for porcini mushrooms as early as June and look for boletus mushrooms until mid-September.

Early forms of boletus may appear in early May, and in warm climates, fruiting bodies appear not only in September, but also in October. You can find porcini mushrooms after rain, but boletus mushrooms are often hidden from the eyes of mushroom pickers in fallen leaves and mosses. You can find porcini mushrooms in damp, warm places and on illuminated lawns warmed by the sun.

If you find a boletus and have already put it in a basket, do not rush to leave, but rather carefully examine everything around, because such mushrooms very often grow together with a “family” of up to 20-40 pieces.

If you find a porcini mushroom, do not rush to leave, but look around the area: the probability of finding a “family” is very high

Carefully inspect areas near spruce, pine, oak, birch and hornbeam trees. Anthills and red fly agarics can also tell you about the close proximity of boletus mushrooms. These are frequent companions of the porcini mushroom.

Watch the video to see how porcini mushrooms grow in families. It is extremely rare to find such a quantity of porcini mushrooms in a small area.

Features of collection

Fruiting of porcini mushrooms is divided into three stages:

  1. Rarely and singly they are found already at the end of June (they are called spikeworts).
  2. The second stage is the mushroom harvest in mid-July (such porcini mushrooms are called stubble mushrooms).
  3. Mushrooms also appear en masse towards the end of August and early September (these mushrooms are deciduous).

The optimal temperature for the appearance of boletus in summer period is +15+18 degrees, in autumn - +8+10 degrees. Both significant precipitation and night/day temperature changes prevent the development of porcini fungus. The most favorable conditions for the appearance of fruiting bodies are short thunderstorms, warm nights and fog in the morning.

How to choose and where to buy

  • You can buy porcini mushrooms in stores, markets, and also from mushroom pickers.
  • Try not to buy mushrooms in a dubious place, for example, near the road, because you will not be sure where they were collected and whether they contain harmful substances.
  • When buying boletus mushrooms, inspect the cap, stem, plates, skin and pulp.
  • If you notice wrinkles, suspicious plaque or mold, postpone your purchase.
  • Fresh mushrooms are distinguished by their smoothness, uniformity inside, and tight fit of the cap to the stem.
  • Smell the mushrooms - they should not have an unpleasant odor.

Porcini mushrooms are often sold in whole buckets at markets


  • The porcini mushroom is one of the best mushrooms, consumed as food.
  • The most massive growth of mushrooms in temperate climate celebrated in August.
  • Boletus mushrooms have the property of stimulating digestion.
  • Also, the substances contained in the porcini mushroom have antitumor properties.

Nutritional value and calorie content

In 100 gr. fresh mushroom contains:

  • 34 kcal;
  • 3.7 g protein;
  • 1.1 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.7 g fat.

Chemical composition

The composition of the porcini mushroom is quite complex and provides it with healing properties.

The fruiting bodies contain a lot of:

  • Belkov
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Dietary fiber
  • Polysaccharides
  • Lecithin
  • Vitamins (PP, carotene, C, B1, D, E, B9, PP, B2, B6)
  • Mineral salts (sodium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, iron, etc.)
  • Antioxidants and other active substances.

One of the alkaloids of the porcini mushroom is hercedin, known for its anticancer effect and ability to resist angina pectoris. This substance reduces heart pain and strengthens the immune system.

Beneficial features

Porcini mushrooms have the following medicinal properties:

  • Pain reliever;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Tonic;
  • Antitumor;
  • General strengthening;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antifungal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral.

In addition, they affect the body in the following ways:

  • Extension blood vessels;
  • Decreased blood clotting rate;
  • Cleansing blood vessels from plaques in atherosclerosis;
  • Blood thinning;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Reducing pain during angina pectoris;
  • Restoration of impaired metabolic processes;
  • Removal of harmful substances, for example, carcinogens and heavy metal salts;
  • Improved digestion.


You should not eat porcini mushrooms if:

  • Acute diseases of the digestive system
  • Gout
  • Under 7 years of age

Mushrooms take a long time to digest, so it is recommended to eat them in small quantities, supplemented with vegetables.

Since any mushrooms absorb substances from the soil, you cannot collect porcini mushrooms in industrial areas and near highways.


In cooking

  • The fruiting bodies of the porcini mushroom have very high nutritional and taste qualities.
  • These mushrooms have been used in cooking since ancient times.
  • They do not need to be boiled first.
  • You can use the mushroom in fresh, adding it to the first and second courses.
  • Porcini mushrooms are also dried, salted, pickled and frozen.

Prepared with porcini mushrooms:

  • snacks;
  • soups;
  • pie fillings;
  • salads;
  • mushroom caviar;
  • second courses;
  • casseroles;
  • sauces (go great with rice and meat).

How to clean

Before cleaning, soak the mushrooms for about an hour. cold water, this way you will partially get rid of forest debris. When catching mushrooms from the water, clean them of contaminants and cut them off dark places. When cutting mushrooms in half (small) or into several pieces (large), check that they are clean inside.


The maximum beneficial properties are preserved in dried mushrooms, which is why this form of porcini mushroom is most often used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Dried mushroom powder is added to various ready-made dishes.

When dried, porcini mushrooms do not lose their color and aroma. Such mushrooms can be stored for a very long time, and their nutritional value surpasses all other methods of preparing boletus mushrooms.

In dried form, porcini mushroom retains maximum benefits

The calorie content of dried mushrooms is higher than that of fresh ones - 100 grams of mushrooms contain about 282 kcal.

Dried porcini mushrooms are very healthy. Of these, up to 80% of proteins are absorbed by the body. Such mushrooms are rich in riboflavin, carotene, vitamins D, B1 and C. Also in dried mushrooms there is a lot of hercedin and other useful substances that give dried boletus mushrooms antitumor properties and the ability to treat angina pectoris.

Dried mushrooms are hygroscopic, so they require storage in a dry and ventilated place where there are no temperature changes, otherwise there is a risk of getting a damp and moldy product. It is best to place such mushrooms in cardboard containers or paper bags.

Dry mushrooms should not be stored together with pickles, fermented foods, nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables. Damp mushrooms need to be cleaned of spoiled ones and then dried.

Dried porcini mushrooms can be stored for up to a year, but they can be placed in the freezer, which will extend this period. The use of dry mushrooms includes boiling, stewing, frying, adding to soups, sauces, main courses, and fillings.

You can dry porcini mushroom:

  1. In the microwave. After placing the chopped mushrooms on a dish, set the power from 100 to 180 W. Turn on the cooking mode for 20 minutes, then ventilate the oven for 5 minutes and repeat cooking two or three times.
  2. In the oven. Place the chopped mushrooms on parchment and dry them with the oven door slightly open at +50 degrees for about 6-7 hours.

Please note that in the second case the oven door must be slightly open. When the door is closed, the mushrooms will give out juice and it will not be possible to dry them properly.

Another way is to dry it over the hob. For all the details, see the following video.


To marinate mushrooms you will need:

  • 2 kg fresh boletus
  • 500 ml water
  • 120 ml 6% vinegar
  • 10 bay leaves
  • Onion head
  • 1/2 tsp. spoons of black peppercorns
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
  • 4 table. spoons of salt
  • Cloves and pepper

After cleaning, washing and cutting the mushrooms into equal parts, boil them in water to which a bay leaf has been added for about half an hour. After placing the mushrooms in a colander, add spices, sugar and salt to the remaining broth. Put the broth on the fire, and when it boils, add vinegar and return the mushrooms. Cook for another 10 minutes, remembering to remove the foam. In prepared jars (scalded), place onion, cut into rings, at the bottom, and then mushrooms. Fill the containers with marinade, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

You can watch the recipe for pickled porcini mushrooms in the following video.


When the water boils, cook the porcini mushroom for about 20 minutes. After placing them in a colander, let the liquid drain from the mushrooms, and then place the mushrooms in a heated frying pan. You can pre-sauté the onions. You need to fry the boletus mushrooms for about 15 minutes.

Frozen and how to freeze

Porcini mushrooms tolerate freezing well and, when frozen, are used to prepare soups, caviar, pies and other dishes. There is no need to defrost the mushrooms at all. They are poured into a frying pan and kept covered until they are defrosted.

How to freeze

There are several ways to freeze boletus mushrooms:

  1. Peel and chop the washed fresh mushrooms, then place in a colander or sieve, place in bags or containers and place in the freezer.
  2. First boil the mushrooms in unsalted water for 5 minutes. After draining the water and keeping the mushrooms on a sieve, wait until they are completely cooled and place them in the freezer.
  3. Pre-fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil. The mushrooms in the frying pan will lose excess moisture and turn golden brown, then you need to wait for them to cool, put them in trays or bags and send them to freeze.
  4. Pre-fry the mushrooms in the oven. No oil, salt or other ingredients are needed for frying on a baking sheet.

Some more tips for freezing porcini mushrooms:

  • Cut the mushrooms into slices about 5 mm thick.
  • Make sure the mushrooms are well dried before placing them in the freezer. If you freeze them wet, the mushrooms will stick together and turn into an icy lump, which will affect their aroma and taste.
  • To avoid having to freeze mushrooms several times, immediately lay them out in portions - in each container or each bag, put mushrooms for one preparation.
  • Lay out the mushrooms in a not very thick layer.
  • If you freeze mushrooms in a container other than a bag, fill it completely to leave a minimum of air inside.
  • Do not store porcini mushrooms near frozen fish or meat.
  • Mushrooms can be stored for up to a year. The defrosted product is used immediately.

Boiled and how to cook

Before cooking, boletus mushrooms are cleaned and washed well. Then they are placed in a saucepan and filled with water, which will completely cover the mushrooms.

How long to cook porcini mushroom? Approximately 35-40 minutes, removing foam periodically.

If the mushrooms are dried, then first they are soaked for two to three hours, taking a glass of water for each handful of raw materials, and then boiled for about 20 minutes. In a double boiler and multicooker (baking mode), boil the boletus mushrooms for about 40 minutes.

Grilled mushrooms marinated in parsley

You will need:

  • 600 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • Two or three sprigs of parsley and thyme
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Pepper and salt
  • 100 g lettuce leaves

Fry peeled and sliced ​​mushrooms in olive oil (20 ml) on a grill pan on both sides. Place the fried mushrooms in a container, where you add the rest of the ol. oils, thyme and parsley (chopped), garlic (chopped), lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste. Leave the mushrooms to marinate for two hours, and then serve, adding a green salad to the dish.



  • 120 g green salad
  • 300 g porcini mushrooms
  • 100 g tomatoes
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 30 g butter
  • 80 g parmesan
  • Garlic clove
  • sprig of thyme

Wash and dry the lettuce leaves, tear them with your hands, and season with olive oil. oil, add tomatoes cut into slices. Wash the peeled mushrooms and boil for 5 minutes in salted water, then cut into cubes and fry to drain. oil, adding garlic and thyme to the pan. Add the mushrooms to the salad and tomatoes, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before serving.

Cream soup

For creamy cream soup you will need:

  • 150 grams of fresh porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and champignons
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 100 g onions
  • 200 ml cream
  • 40 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 liter of water
  • Garlic clove
  • Pepper and salt

Place peeled potatoes, cut into cubes, in a saucepan with vegetable oil and fry a little. Add peeled and chopped onions to the potatoes. After 5 minutes, add mushrooms and a clove of garlic, cut into large pieces, into the saucepan. After frying for another 5 minutes, add water and boil for 15 minutes. Next, you need to grind the dish with a blender, return it to the saucepan, add salt, pepper and cream to the soup, and then bring to a boil.

Baked mushrooms with cheese sauce


  • 200 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • 150 g cheese
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 1 sprig green basil
  • Garlic clove
  • 50 ml olives oils
  • Pepper and salt

Boil the washed, peeled mushrooms in water with salt until tender (10-15 minutes), then cut into thin slices and fry for about 1 minute. oil, adding thyme and garlic to the pan. First place the mushrooms in the baking dish, and then the cheese mixed with the yolks. Bake everything in the oven until golden brown. To serve, garnish with basil.

In medicine

Porcini mushroom can be used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, angina pectoris and hypertension;
  • intestinal infections;
  • impotence;
  • weakened state;
  • headaches;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • vein diseases;
  • Powder

    Powder from dry porcini mushrooms effectively copes with long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores, ulcers and similar skin problems. The affected areas should be sprinkled with powder several times a day until recovery.

    To strengthen the body

    To get a remedy from porcini mushroom that helps with weakening of the body and sexual disorders, take 500 grams of dried raw material and grind it into powder. Add sugar (50 grams) and vodka (30 ml) to the mushrooms, dilute with a little water. This product should be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take it before meals twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. A single serving of the mixture is a tablespoon.

    Alcohol tincture

    It is effective for all diseases mentioned above.


    • The caps of porcini mushrooms need to be washed and dried, and then placed in liter jar, filling it to the top.
    • Mushrooms are poured with vodka, tightly closed and left for 14 days in a dark place.
    • The product is filtered and squeezed out, after which it is stored in the refrigerator.

    To take this tincture, you need to dilute one teaspoon of it in cold water. boiled water. Take before meals twice daily for 1-3 months. If you need to treat thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, the tincture can also be rubbed into problem areas.

    How to grow

    Boletus mushrooms are not grown commercially. Such mushrooms are grown only by amateurs in their garden plots with coniferous and deciduous trees or in a designated area of ​​the forest.

    To grow porcini mushroom, you need to create conditions in which mycorrhiza forms. It is optimal to grow mushrooms in young plantings and groves (5-10 year old trees) with oak, spruce, pine or birch trees:

  1. To get the spores, you will need overripe mushrooms. They are placed in water for a day, and after mixing and filtering, the resulting liquid with spores is watered over the areas under the selected trees. The harvest with this cultivation will appear in the second or third year. Also, for sowing, you can remove the tubular layer from mature boletus mushrooms, dry it a little and place it in the soil in the form of small pieces.
  2. Another way to grow porcini mushrooms is to use soil containing mycelium taken from the forest. Having found a boletus in the forest, you need sharp knife cut a square of soil around it with a side of 20-30 centimeters and remove it to a depth of 10-15 centimeters. You can also purchase mycelium that has been grown artificially. In both cases, you need to remove a layer of soil from the site, fill the hole with several layers of humus, interspersing them with soil (horse manure, rotten oak wood and fallen oak leaves are used for humus). The mycelium or soil with mycelium is placed on a bed at a depth of 5-7 cm, after which it is watered and covered with leaves.

Watch the following video about growing porcini mushrooms at home.

  • Mushrooms are allowed to be eaten during Lent, so in Catholic countries, dishes with mushrooms are more in demand than in Protestant countries.
  • In Italy, it is prohibited to independently collect porcini mushrooms in the forest; to do this, you need to obtain a special permit.
  • In 1961, a boletus was found that weighed more than 10 kg. The diameter of his cap was 58 centimeters.