In which forest to collect porcini mushrooms?

The white mushroom, also known as the boletus mushroom, grows in a variety of forests, but it is not so easy to find. Among conifers and deciduous trees he prefers proximity to birch, oak, pine and spruce. The age of the trees should be as old as possible: more than 50 years; pine forest can be younger - 20-25 years.

Most porcini mushrooms are found in well-lit and sun-warmed meadows, but they also grow in the shade of dense crowns.

The soil

Boletus grows well in moist, but not swampy soil; it loves moss and lichen coverings. Pine forest with sandy soil – Here's the best place to pick porcini mushrooms.

Temperature and weather

The best temperature for the growth of porcini mushrooms: 15-18 °C in summer and 8-10 °Cat the beginning of autumn. Favorable conditions– moderately dry weather, without prolonged rains, and no sudden temperature changes. Porcini mushrooms love brief thunderstorms and warm, foggy nights.


The porcini mushroom grows not only in Russian forests, but throughout the world, except Australia. It is found even beyond the Arctic Circle. But the forests where to collect porcini mushrooms It’s a pleasure, they have a flat topography; the boletus disappears in the steppes and mountains.

Season: when to pick porcini mushrooms

In moderate climatic zone The boletus bears fruit from mid-June to the end of September, although sometimes it appears briefly in May. In more warm regions can grow quietly until October.

Answer the question briefly and clearly where to collect porcini mushrooms, impossible. To get your hands on one and enjoy this fragrant forest delicacy in the middle of winter, you will have to do a good “hunt.” But it's worth it!

Since ancient times, porcini mushroom has been considered the most valuable and delicious mushroom of all those mushrooms that grow in the forest. The cap of a mature porcini mushroom reaches sizes from 7 to 30 cm, in some cases it can be larger. The pulp is quite strong and has a meaty consistency. If you cut White mushroom, the color on the cut does not change, which makes it possible to distinguish it from a similar twin of the poisonous mushroom. The mushroom stem reaches a height of 8 to 24 cm, and on average is 11-13 cm; the thickness of the porcini mushroom stem is on average 7 - 8 cm.


When is it worth picking porcini mushrooms in the north? temperate climate Russia? In this case, the white mushroom grows from mid-June to the end of September. We recommend that you read

When is it worth picking porcini mushrooms in the warm climate of Russia? In this case, the porcini mushroom can be found from mid-May to October.

Although in some cases the timing and season for collecting porcini mushrooms may be delayed depending on climatic conditions weather conditions.

When does the porcini mushroom grow the most? The most mass collection The period of porcini mushroom growth is considered to be from mid-August to early September. It is during this period that the bulk of mushroom pickers come out to hunt and collect porcini mushrooms, and knowing mushroom places, return home with a full basket.


It is worth collecting and searching for porcini mushrooms mainly in forests dominated by coniferous trees, spruce, and pine; it is also good if these forests are mixed with oak and birch.

To find porcini mushroom, you need to give preference to deciduous forests with trees over 50 years old, and in pine forests with the age of the pine forest 20 - 30 years.

It is necessary to collect the white mushroom at the very peak of its growth, which occurs at an air temperature of 15 to 19 degrees in the presence of light, rare precipitation. If the air temperature fluctuates greatly between day and night and precipitation is very frequent, it will be more difficult to collect the porcini mushroom, since such a climate prevents its growth.

Look for and collect porcini mushrooms on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils, since it is in such places that the porcini mushroom grows best, but you should not look for it on wet and swampy soils, it practically does not grow there. We recommend that you read

Considering that the porcini mushroom loves light, it is worth looking for it in illuminated areas of forests, although in good fruitful years it can also be found in unlit and even heavily darkened areas of the forest.


Alexey: I really love picking mushrooms, but, unfortunately, I find white mushrooms very, very rarely. Maybe they don’t grow in our area, or maybe I just don’t know how to look for and collect them. Tell me where the porcini mushroom grows and how to collect it correctly?

Navalny: Start looking for porcini mushrooms in July, try to pay attention and look for them in the forests where as many pine trees as possible grow. In such forests I found them most often, I don’t know why, but the porcini mushroom grows on moss in pine forests more than in other places.


The porcini mushroom (boletus) is the real king of mushrooms and perhaps the most desirable prey during a “silent hunt”. To know where porcini mushrooms grow and when exactly the mycelium produces the largest harvest - cherished dream and the goal of any avid mushroom picker.

The porcini mushroom is considered the most valuable, tasty, aromatic and nutritious.

The boletus has won enormous popularity and even the love of many admirers of one of the most “natural” types of leisure not only for its appearance, regal bearing and rich taste. It is very practical to prepare and prepare in a variety of forms - dried, salted and pickled. In addition, searching for it in the forest is in itself an exciting activity that develops in a person the healthy qualities of a true seeker.

But before we go to the places of the most widespread, traditional habitat of this spore plant, let’s briefly get acquainted with their varieties and their distinctive features.

White mushroom and its main types

There are several versions of why this mushroom was popularly called white (although it also has another, more official name - boletus). But despite the diversity of all versions, most likely, the etymology of the usual name is associated with unique property this forest beauty- it is the only one among the huge kingdom of various tubular mushrooms that retains its pleasant white color during drying, heat treatment, and also in cut areas.

Traditionally experienced mushroom pickers The porcini mushroom is easily distinguished by its special color scheme and shape of the cap and stem, as well as by the density of its pulp and excellent taste.

Moreover, in size and shape different parts we can determine whether the mushroom in front of us is young or old.

Yes, in my early age The boletus has an almost spherical cap. The legs of the noble mushroom “young growth” are usually characterized by a pronounced barrel shape, regular color legs - either light gray or light brown.

Over time, the cap of a growing boletus straightens out more and more, often so much that it becomes almost flat. At its maximum, the cap of this plant sometimes reaches a size of 20-30 cm. Noticeable metamorphoses also occur with the stem. As it grows, it becomes more and more elongated in height and therefore gradually turns from barrel-shaped into a fairly slender cylinder. On average, the height of the porcini mushroom stalk reaches 10-15 cm, and its diameter reaches 5-7 cm.

Usually its strong, fleshy pulp is white in color and has a pleasant, pronounced mushroom aroma.

Porcini mushrooms form in their “colonies” forest area mycorrhiza - a symbiosis of mushroom mycelium with tree roots, mainly spruce, pine, oak and birch. Due to the fact that the mycelium penetrates into the roots higher plants, both “cohabitants” receive mutual benefits.

Most often white birch mushroom can be found on the edges and along roads.

By the way, the color of its cap depends on which tree the boletus forms a close connection with, the spectrum of which ranges from light brown to brown and dark brown. In total, there are 3 main varieties of porcini mushrooms:

  1. Birch. Most often it grows in small groups or singly. Its cap is usually either white or light yellow. The pale brown stalk of the birch porcini mushroom has characteristic difference from the stems of other porcini mushrooms - the light mesh on it can only be distinguished near the cap.
  2. Oak. Characteristic feature This species is characterized by its rather large size, light-colored legs of brownish, ocher or coffee color, and the presence of a velvety skin. A white (brown) mesh completely covers the entire cylindrical leg.
  3. Pine. The most brightly colored type among all the described varieties. IN mature age its cap grows up to 20 cm in diameter and takes on the color of dark red wine. The tubular layer of the cap is olive-colored, and the leg is covered from bottom to top with a reddish mesh.

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When and where do boletus grow?

Oak white mushroom grows in deciduous forests: under oaks, hornbeams, beeches, lindens and chestnuts.

Porcini mushroom in general is enough capricious creature. The fact is that he is extremely sensitive to features temperature regime the area in which it grows, to the level of humidity and other climatic parameters. This main reason, according to which boletus usually does not produce too much harvest.

At the same time, if climatic conditions They suit him, he grows quite quickly. The period of growth and full maturation takes only a few days, and within a week (maximum 10 days) aging begins with all negative consequences- loss of unique taste qualities, increased worminess and accumulation in the body of the fungus of toxic waste products of microorganisms, which, just like people, love this plant.

Therefore, the mushroom picker should prepare in advance for active “ quiet hunt"and try to catch the period when this can be done with maximum results. Of course, you need to know exactly where to look for the “mushroom king”.

If we talk about the distribution area of ​​the boletus, it can be noted that almost the entire world has been “mastered” by it. The only exceptions are Australia and the polar (Arctic) zone. True, in Russia this mushroom is occasionally found in the southern regions of the tundra on the Chukotka and Kamchatka peninsulas, in the Khibiny tundra.

Mainly pine white mushroom grows in coniferous forests in the summer-autumn period.

Colonies of this noble plant grow quite actively in Siberian taiga. But the richest porcini mushroom harvest in the Russian Federation is traditionally European part countries where vast mixed forests they feel especially good. The most unloved areas for boletus are the steppe regions.

Boletus can grow in both old and young forests. However, he loves the first ones more. It is in them that abundant mosses and lichens are often found. At the same time, this mushroom also does well on loamy and sandy soils, which predominate in coniferous forests.

Wherein different types Boletus mushrooms demonstrate individual preferences regarding the place of their settlement. Thus, white birch trees grow mainly along forest roads and paths, on forest edges. The oak species, in addition to oak forests, also gravitates towards lindens, chestnuts and hornbeams. Pine boletus gets along equally well both in fairly light and warm meadows and in the shade of dense tree crowns. It should always be borne in mind that this mushroom never grows in completely open areas.

You can search for our forest delicacies from June to September inclusive. However, the second half of August is traditionally considered the most productive period, when almost ideal conditions for development with short but heavy rains and warm nights with fogs. However, if the spring turned out to be quite warm and rainy, the appearance of young mushroom shoots is possible in May.

Acquaintance with porcini mushrooms begins in... childhood. After all, it is the porcini mushroom that is most often depicted in children’s books, and in fairy tales the “old boletus” helps lost travelers in the forest. Boletus - one of the names of the porcini mushroom - just speaks of its place of growth.

The porcini mushroom is the king among other mushrooms. Because it is the most delicious, the healthiest, the most...

The mere fact that the porcini mushroom does not change its color even when dried remains white even in the form of mushroom powder, puts it at the highest level among other mushrooms.

And it’s not without reason that mushroom pickers, both experienced and beginners, dream of returning with mushroom hunting with a full bag of porcini mushrooms.

But the white mushroom is cunning! Despite the fact that it is found everywhere - from the Volga to Far East, goes to the North, wedged almost into the Arctic latitudes, not everyone manages to find it.

Where to look for porcini mushroom

Its very name - boletus, birch, oak - indicates that the porcini mushroom grows in forests: pine, birch, oak, spruce. But not in every one, but only in those where there are old-time trees no younger than fifty years old. So it will be problematic to find a mushroom in a young spruce forest or birch grove.

Porcini mushrooms do not grow densely. But if you come across a mushroom, you need to look for its friends and comrades.

The porcini mushroom loves sunny places, so it can be found on the edge of the forest, in clearings, among mighty trees, but with open crowns so that it gets as much light as possible.

The porcini mushroom grows on various soils - clayey, sandy, poor in humus, but these mushrooms do not grow on peat soil.

The porcini mushroom loves to grow among grass, lichens, ferns, and moss, but the porcini mushroom does not grow in dense forests or tall grass. But it is often found where the grass cover is interrupted by paths or where cattle are often driven. But on trampled soil without vegetation, this fungus is found in isolated cases.

The porcini mushroom loves moist soils, but not swampy ones. Loves warmth, but cannot stand heat. Therefore, during frequent rains he moves to drier elevations, and on hot, dry days he huddles closer to the trees, in the shade. The white mushroom grows well during periods when the temperature is between 10-18° Celsius, but during frosts the mushrooms disappear completely, although the mycelium itself remains viable even at extreme heat, and in the bitter cold.

Experienced mushroom pickers also pay attention to secondary signs by which they can determine whether there is a boletus mushroom in the immediate environment or not. A phenological indicator of the presence of porcini mushrooms are... fly agaric mushrooms. And also valui and nigella. If here and there these mushrooms peek out from the grass, then it means that a porcini mushroom is somewhere nearby.

When does the porcini mushroom grow?

The porcini mushroom, however, like the others, grows in “waves”, or as they call it in mycology – layers.

The first layer of mushrooms appears when the rye begins to ear. Approximately in June. Such mushrooms are called “spikelets”.

Early July a second layer of porcini mushrooms appears, which are called “stubbers”. It falls during the grain harvest.

The third layer of porcini mushrooms is for autumn - at the time of leaf fall. It is called “deciduous”.

All three periods of the appearance of porcini mushrooms are active in lowland forests. In high-mountain forests, the richest harvest of porcini mushrooms is in August.

In the northern forests, the white mushroom grows small, with a cap up to 5 cm in diameter.

IN middle lane Porcini mushroom caps range from 3 to 20 cm in diameter. But there are truly giant mushrooms, whose weight reaches 3 kg. Once, near Vladimir, they found a white mushroom weighing 6 kg, and the cap of which was 46 cm in diameter!

But such huge mushrooms, of course, are wormy and cannot be collected.

What novice mushroom pickers should know

In the forests there are inedible and even poisonous mushrooms, which are very similar to porcini mushrooms. Therefore, you need to know the obvious signs of distinguishing porcini mushrooms from inedible ones.

White mushroom is very common in different countries. It is popular due to its excellent taste, aroma and nutritional value. Porcini mushroom can be canned, pickled, dried and prepared in any other way without losing taste and aroma. The mushroom contains a number of useful substances, proteins, vitamins and minerals that benefit the body.

But the mushroom can be dangerous - it has a poisonous counterpart, which inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse with edible. To prevent this from happening, you need to study in detail the exact description of the porcini mushroom, find out where and when it grows, and also become familiar with the differences between poisonous twin mushrooms.

White mushroom description.

The porcini mushroom is part of the Borovikov genus, the Boletaceae family. To date, it has managed to spread across all continents. Even though there are several varieties of porcini mushroom, they still have similar characteristics. Let's look at the general description.

The porcini mushroom belongs to the category of tubular mushrooms. It can easily adapt to any type of soil, except those saturated with peat.

In addition, the fungus is able to grow on the surface tree species. The best taste qualities in those mushrooms that grow in birch and spruce forests. Mushrooms growing in pine groves lack a characteristic aroma and may be less tasty. There are many popular names. The porcini mushroom is known by the following names:

  • capercaillie;
  • boletus;
  • bear bear;
  • yellowtail;
  • grandmother;
  • cow.

How to distinguish a porcini mushroom?

In order not to confuse the mushroom with any dangerous and poisonous looking, you need to know the basics external signs by which it can be distinguished. Let's look at them.

  1. Hat.

First of all, pay attention to the hat. It can be from 7 to 25 cm in diameter. In old mushrooms, the fleshy cap is cushion-shaped, while in young mushrooms it is hemispherical. The color of the surface of the cap may differ depending on the area in which the mushroom grows and its varieties. As a rule, the cap is white to dark brown.

On the underside of the cap there is a tubular layer, which must be white. The main difference is that the porcini mushroom pulp has White color, and does not change shade over time, unlike poisonous double, the cut of which darkens and becomes pinkish-brown.

  1. Leg.

The base of the leg is slightly widened, up to 7-8 cm in diameter, and closer to the cap it narrows to 5 cm. The color of the leg is white or light brown with a noticeable mesh pattern on the surface.. Most of mushroom stem hidden underground. It can reach a maximum height of 25 cm, but, as a rule, its height ranges from 7-12 cm.

  1. Controversy.

It is important to pay attention to the shade of the spore powder - it should be olive or brown. The spore-bearing layer is white, but then turns yellow. The spores of the porcini mushroom are spherical, small and light in color.

Where does the porcini mushroom grow?

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are collected after the rains, starting in June and ending in mid-autumn. Most porcini mushrooms can be found in August-September, after light rainfall, alternating sunny weather. For rapid growth of mushrooms, moisture and warmth are needed, so you need to look for porcini mushrooms in dimly lit clearings in forests and groves. You can find porcini mushrooms in the following places:

  • in a birch grove;
  • in the middle of a spruce forest, pine forest, under a juniper bush;
  • in the thickets of oak trees;
  • under a beech or hornbeam.

The porcini mushroom grows in partial shade, as it requires warmth for its development. You can often find this mushroom in the middle of grassy meadows and on forest paths overgrown with greenery. As a rule, it does not grow alone - near the discovered porcini mushroom, there will be another 5-10 similar mushrooms nearby, growing within a radius of 2-3 meters.

Dangerous double.

Beginning mushroom pickers should be careful, because in the forests you can often find dangerous mushroom, which in the initial stage of growth can be very similar to white in external characteristics. It's about about the so-called gall mushroom, or mustard, it looks exactly the same as the porcini mushroom, but has several significant differences.

Firstly, in the cut you can notice a change in color - from white to pink or even brown-brown.

Secondly, unlike porcini mushroom, which has a delicate, nutty taste, gall mushroom bitter. Another difference is the shade of the tubular layer. In the false, poisonous porcini mushroom, the tubular layer has a pinkish-brown tint.

The benefits and harms of porcini mushroom.

Porcini mushroom is very popular among chefs, as it can be used to prepare a lot of different useful and delicious dishes. In addition, the porcini mushroom has some healing properties, therefore, extracts from it are sometimes used to create natural preparations.

Thanks to its low calorie content and high concentration useful substances, porcini mushroom is considered an indispensable product for people who control body weight. But not everyone can use this product. Consider the list useful properties and contraindications. So, what are the benefits of porcini mushroom?

  1. Relatively low calorie content - about 25 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  2. Vitamins A, B1, C, D are contained in high concentrations. In addition to them, the mushroom pulp also contains other vitamins, but in less significant quantities.
  3. Eating porcini mushrooms - prevention cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to the presence of rutin, ascorbic acid and lecithin, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the accumulation of harmful cholesterol on them is prevented.
  4. Porcini mushroom is recognized as effective in preventing the development of cancer problems.
  5. In addition, pharmaceuticals use the ability of porcini mushroom to gently cleanse the liver and gallbladder. The product has a mild hepatoprotective effect and is indicated for minor disorders of the liver and gall bladder.

But we must not lose sight of the fact that eating porcini mushroom can be dangerous for the body. The harm of this product is that it contains chitin in high concentration. This substance has a detrimental effect on digestive system, and in some cases can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. The product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and people with chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

White mushroom photo.