The project "Tape Bors of Altai - Unique Natural Heritage of Russia" is nearing completion, supported by Russian geographical society. Its purpose was the preservation of the natural complexes of Altai tape bors, their landscape and biological diversity. Currently, the processing of a rich actual material collected during expeditions is completed, but you can already sum up the preliminary results of the project.

Seen from space

If you look at the South South of Western Siberia, the look involuntarily attracts some dark-green parallel forest bands, sharply contrasting with surrounding agricultural landscapes. Under the clue, you can see that all these bands are four: the two are the biggest - stretch from the Obi Valley, merging near the border with Kazakhstan into a single array, which continues to southwest to Irtysh. Two ribbons are smaller, starting at the coast of Ob, end in the expanses of the Kulundy Plain. Two more portions of pine boron are very small, traditionally called seeding, more similar not to tapes, but on the emerald islets, lost in the sea of \u200b\u200bendless fields.

For the Altai Territory, tape bors - one of the main brands, an object that can be seen from the space, which is called the "unarmed eye". The secret of the unusual linear arrangement of these forest arrays is that they occupy the bottoms of narrow and long flavors of ancient flow with powerful sand deposits, according to the most common version left by aquatic flows of glacial eras. Experts are still arguing about the age and origin of the boron sands and the Borov themselves. Corresponding, however, remains the fact of the uniqueness of tape bars not only on the scale of Siberia, but also of all Russia.

Bills have great socio-economic importance for the western part of the Altai Territory. They serve as the main source of wood for the residents of the steppe zone; They have a mitigating effect on the climate of the adjacent areas (near the ribbon bars falls about 50 mm more precipitation than on flameshed sites), are a traditional place of rest, harvesting berries and mushrooms.

Due to the contrasting combination of natural conditions within intrazonal belts, natural complexes are adjacent, very different from each other. The winding sections with a nick and xerophyte disintegration are sometimes located near the sphagnum swamps, and in a pair of a troika kilometers from a shady green growingman can be dried by the Sun Solonchak.

According to secluded places distant from settlements, in the shade of age-old pines, you can find a whole bouquet of northern orchids - from inconspicuous at first glance of nesting flowers and Ladyan, to spectacular verieral shoes. The role of tape borov in preserving populations of such globally rare and included in various red books of animal species, like an eagle grain, a large sub-up, orlan-Belochvost, Filin, Black Stork, and other vulnerable bird species.

Need a special approach

Unfortunately, the high economic development of tape borov led to the fact that many valuable natural complexes, a population of rare animal and plants, were threatened, despite the formal protection.

The first specially protected natural territories (regional values) were created in tape bodies in the 60-70s of the last century. Then the primary importance was paid to the reproduction of hunting and fishing species, later the Borovy reserves received the status of complex (landscape). Nevertheless, to date, the main type of economic activity - the divuts of the forest was carried out in boring reserves in the same mode and with the same intensity as at all other areas of boron that did not have the status of specially protected natural territories. It could not not affect the state of protected objects.

So, quite recently, the southern part of the Kulundy belt boron (the Zavyalovsky reserve) was the only territory in the world, where the nesting group of a large subsistence was maintained in numbers more than such in all over foreign Europe, and the eagles nested here with a density maximum for the type - 1-1, 5 km between adjacent sockets. Currently, more than half of the habitats of the undergraduate are destroyed. Therefore, the preservation of the remaining valuable sites is of particular importance. It is obvious that to the reserves, or even only their individual parts (where the habitats of rare species are still preserved) need a special approach.

Thanks to the grant support of the Russian geographical society, this year a large-scale examination of the territories of the regional reserves located in tape bodies was carried out. The main idea was to identify areas with the maximum density of "red-bodies" for the subsequent allocation of them in particularly protected areas of the reserves and especially protective areas of forests.

The studies of the Altai branch of the Russian Geographical Society (including a member of the constant environmental commission of the RGO - Doctor of Geographic Sciences Dmitry Black), Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tihirere Reserve, Altai State University, Students, Volunteers (including schoolchildren - participants Programs "Usinovi Reserve" implemented by the Goeblera Environmental Society and the Tijirek Reserve).

In the territory of the Kasmalin reserve, more than 270 points of growth 13 species of plants and mushrooms included in the Red Books of Russia and the Altai Territory (Picky Picky, Nest-Cobbing, Ladyan's Sneakers, Slemer Sleeping, Veinean Sleepy, Largender and Drip, SPAIscisis Curchasm and Other Rare, endangered species). Within the same reserve, occupied nesting sites of the Eagle-Mogilnik, a large undergraduate and Filin.

To date, by the Kasmalinsky reserve, a scientific substantiation of changes in the regime of protection and environmental management has already been trained, in particular - the allocation of the zone of special protection, where key habitats of rare species and reference sites close to the natural state of natural complexes of Kasmalin tape boron will be maintained.

In the Kulundin reserve, more than fifty points of growing five types of plants listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Altai Territory were identified. Complexes of sphagnum swamps are noted for ribbon bars. Significant value is the arrays of old-age pine forests, located in the edges of the boron near the edge preserved in this part of the edge of fairly extensive steppe plots. It is similar places, by virtue of an ecoton effect, are strips of concentration of biological diversity, including asylums rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Mammoth and Cornilovsky reserves, thanks to the combination of large lakes and boron complexes, are extremely important for the conservation of habitats of rare and endangered species of large feathered predators. Here are nesting plots of such types included in the Red Books of Russia and the Altai Territory, like Orlan-Belochvost, Berkut, Eagle grain, a large subzap, Filin, bearded to bark, as well as such a rare forest bird, like a black stork. Special protection here is subject to non-rodded sections of old-age pine forests on the border with wetlands. In the crowns of the largest pine patriarchs, rare birds suite their massive nests, and on the lakes and swamps they produce food to feed chicks.

In general, according to the results of the project, a database was created for the propagation of rare species of plants and animals in the ribbon boras of the region; Within the above-mentioned reserves, the most common areas in environmental attitude. Currently, substantiations and suggestions are being finalized to improve the protection regimes of Borovy Reservations.

It should be noted that in the authorized body of the government - in the General Directorate of Natural Resources and the Ecology of the Altai Territory - supported the initiative of the environmental community to enhance the protection of boron ecosystems. Currently, documentation is being prepared for changing the regime of the Kasmalinsky reserve in terms of restricting forest logs. In addition, in the current year, three new monuments of nature were created within the Barnaul belt boron, the projects of creating two more monuments made a positive conclusion of state environmental impact assessment.

The results of the project "Tape Bors of Altai - Unique Natural Heritage of Russia will be in demand in real environmental practice and will serve as sustainable conservation of tape bors in all of their diversity.

The material prepared the head of the project "Altai belts - the unique natural heritage of Russia" Lyudmila Nehhoroshev.

In the territory of the region and have a lot of economic importance. Due to the significant diversity of the geographical and climatic zones of the Altai Territory in the region at a low distance from each other, completely different types of forest arrays are combined: blackhouse taiga, mixed forest and ribbon bors.

General characteristics of the forests of the Altai Territory

According to forest management of the Altai Territory, forest ecosystems occupy 28% of the region. The total area of \u200b\u200bland funds is 4429.4 thousand hectares. Forests are in four climatic zones: steppe, forest-steppe, lowland zone of salaire and altai altai zone.

The following types of forests are presented in the Altai Territory:

  • ribbon bors along the rivers flowing in the steppe zone of the region;
  • mixed forest on the right bank of the river Ob;
  • lowland taiga on the slopes of the salair ridge in the northeastern part of the edge;
  • blacknaya Taiga on the spurs of the Altai mountains in the southeastern part;
  • birch slices in the left bank of Obi and Katun, as well as in the zone of the Biish-Chief Hills;
  • artificial protective forest belts and forest arrays in various areas.

Vegetable world

The floral world of the forests of the Altai Territory is distinguished by a variety. In the ribbon boras of the steppe zone prevailing pine. Priobsky Forest - mixed with a predominance of pine and birch, with an admixture of aspen, cherry and shrubs. Spruce and fir predominate in the Salair Taiga. In the high mountain taiga of Charysh and Soloneshensky districts there are arrays of cedar and larch. In the rods of Levobasya Ob dominates birch with an admixture of shrubs.

Each type of grazing corresponds to its type of undergrowth. Ribbon bors in the south of the edge almost do not have an undergrowth. Priobsky Boron - on the contrary, has a powerful complex undergrowth consisting of shrubs, various herbaceous plants, moss, horsages and fern.

Animal world

The animal world of forests of the Altai Territory is also diverse. Universally in the forests of the edge inhabit hoofs (roeloy, elk, goats), hare, as well as eating their predatory beasts: Wolf, Fox, badger. A brown bear is found in the taiga. Diverse the world of rodents. From the insectivore animals in the Altai Territory, Yozh ordinary and Mole live. In the forests there are a large variety of birds. Reptiles are represented by the ordinary and violent ordinary. Forest reservoirs are inhabited by frogs. In the raw and shady areas of forests dwells the toad ordinary. The world of insects is diverse, among which are found both harmful to forests and useful.


Although the fungal world of forests of the Altai Territory is poorer than in the European part of Russia and in the Urals, both in the species diversity and in quantity, however, mushrooms play an important role in the life of the forests of the region. Practically widespread refruits white, black, black, voyage, cheeseing. In Birch and Mixed Forests, an ordinary, pink, autumn, drums, amanomors grow in birch and mixed forests. In Priobsk, the white mushroom is common, the boletus is red, the grive pine tree. In the taiga grow fried firing, butterboxes. In the topolesale forests, the rob in the poplar is common. In the row and the islands in robust Ob and Bii in large quantities grudge aspen.

Ecological role

Altai Territory - region with a dry climate. Therefore, the forests of the Altai Territory perform primarily a protective role. Forest plantings hold snow and raindling moisture, reduce soil wind erosion. In the forests are refuge from the scorching summer heat, many species of animals. In fact, it is thanks to forests, primarily tape boras, most of the territory of the Altai Territory saves desertification. In the east of the region in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crossed terrain of the forest protect the soil from water erosion. Priobsky Forest plays a very important role in stabilizing the water regime and its tributaries. Four forests participate in the formation of a favorable microclimate of these territories.

Economic significance

Most of the forests of the Altai Territory refers to the category of protective. Nevertheless, the workpiece of wood is produced in them, but the solid logging method is applied only on low-value areas of the forest. In the economy of a number of districts: Soloneshensky, Charysh, Solton, Troitsky, Zalevsky, Talmenky forest industry knows the leading place.

Protection of forests

Due to the weather-climatic features of the Forest region of the Altai Territory, in particular - tape bors, are susceptible to increased risk of forest fires. For this reason, a developed network of fire and chemical stations is operating in the region (as of 2013 - 159 stations). On the highly horizontal areas of the forest (south-west of the region), events for the creation of firebreaks, barriers and mineralized bands are regularly emerging.

In the depths of the huge continent, Eurasia lies a mountainous country - Altai. The nearest seas-oceans are almost 2.5 thousand km. On the one hand, Altai is bordered by the greatest in the world of West Siberian plains, on the other - with the belt of the mountains of Southern Siberia. This mysterious and mysterious land keeps the history of human culture from the Stone Age and to the present day. Nikolay Roerich argued: "If you want to find the most beautiful place, look for the oldest." One of these places for him was Altai, where until the last days of life sought his soul.

Country of contrasts

A variety of relief forms lead to formation on a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bAltai whole range of microclimate, which on another territory of our country corresponds to hundreds and thousands of kilometers. This contributes to the species wealth of animal and plant world.

Here are all natural zones of Central Siberia: steppes, forest-steppe, mixed forests, subalpine and alpine meadows. The species composition of vegetation includes two-thirds of the total species diversity of Western Siberia, and a considerable percentage falls on endemics plants found only in Altai Mountains. There are also relics. A lot of medicinal plants (Rhodiola pink, a penny forgotten, St. John's wort, nine and others.).

As in any mountainous country, the vegetation of the mountain altai obeys the law of vertical explanation, although, of course, the boundaries of these belts are not expressed by clear lines, they vary greatly depending on local conditions.

The word "Altai" is most often translated as "Altyn-Tau" ("Golden Mountains"), sometimes like "Ala-Tau" ("Mottle Mountains"). Scientists-orientalists lead another interpretation - "Al-Taiga", which means "high stony mountains" in translating.

From steppes to mountain taiga

At an altitude of 800-1500 m, there is a mountain steppe belt, where there is almost no forest, low grass grows here and separate stuffing bushes. The color of the steppe as a whole is a dull yellowish-gray, sometimes on the shores of rivers and reservoirs there are stains of a live green and light green.

Where the steppes go to the foothills, the dark green forest belt appears (1200-2400 m) - the mountain and taiga belt. Wide forests in most areas of the mountain altai are weakly represented. Mountain taiga consists of larch, Siberian cedar, pine, spruce and fir. The larch taiga rises to 2000 m. The forest of this, light, with a gentle greens, especially beautiful is in the spring, when the young needle of lacrimits begins to bloom. But the higher you climb, the more often the Siberian cedar is found, or pine cedar Siberian, forming the top border of the forest. Unlike slender larchs, cedar pines are usually clouds, their trunks can take the most bizarre forms. A fabulously fantastic view of the forest gives dark fir firing, like garlands, lichens.

Under the local arid climate, the Altai forests are performed primarily protective fiction - plantings hold snow and rain moisture, reduce the wind erosion of the soil.

Giant and dwarfs

The transition area between the Taiga and Alpine meadows in Altai occupies a fairly extensive belt, which can be called mountain tundra. It overgrown with low shrubs - mostly polar birch (in local - "Chira", or "Yernik"), but also a variety of low-speed Yves.

Alpine and subalpian meadows (2500-3000 m) are represented by bright dispersion. The herbs here seem to be real jungle - their height reaches 1.5-2 m, and in the middle of the summer they are able to hide the rider with a horse. With the rise in the mountain, the vegetation gradually decreases and goes into the Alpine low-flow.

It is very high, in the cracks of the cliffs and on the tiny stains of the Alpine meadows, the miniature dwarf will fall across, just a few centimeters height. Far in the mountains, near Beluhi (the highest peak of Siberia), you can meet Edelweissi - Flowers of love and loyalty. And on flat raw places grows amazing in softness, depth and beauty of moss. At the most upper sections of the slopes, you can admire the paintings created by nature from multicolored lichens - black, orange, silver-white, yellow and other colors. But it turns out, life continues and higher. In the summer, on the glaciers, the snow may acquire a pink shade, as if it highlights the evening setting sun, the cause of this microscopic algae.

Cedar forests

But still about half of the territory of Altai occupy forests, mostly coniferous, although there are significant part of them from cedar pine forests, they are also called cedars. Cedar pines - sacred trees for the northern peoples. Beautiful and greatest, they give beautiful wood, delicious, useful and nutritious cedar nuts, which other people feed other taiga residents: bears, sable, chipmunks, proteins ...

Forests with a predominance of cedar pine are dark. On the plains of Pine, cedar Siberian is more often growing next to her fir, fir, pine ordinary, birch, but it is possible to meet clean kerchants around many Siberian settlements. The fact is that the peasants-migrants quickly rated this tree, and therefore cut down the larch, fir and other breeds around the housing, and pine pine pine. Behind the cedar forests were cared for their own vegetable garden. In the benefits of the economy of Siberians sometimes equate the hectare of cedar forest to the cow.

Unfortunately, until recently, a large-scale industrial harvesting was carried out in the Mountain Altai. Cedar forests caused significant damage. One of the main tasks of ecologists is to revive this wonderful woody rock of the Altai Taiga.

Plant World of Altai (Flora)
Completed: Chabanova Marina Gennadievna, primary school teacher MBOU Sarasinskaya Sosh, S.Saras Altai district of the Altai Territory 2014

Flora of the Altai Territory is rich and diverse. The geological history of the development of the territory, and climate, and a kind of relief have affected the vegetation. In Altai, there are almost all types of vegetation of North and Central Asia, Eastern Kazakhstan, the European part of Russia. Forests cover most of the Altai Territory. Here, the only ribbon porous bors in the whole area are growing - unique natural formation like which is not anywhere on our planet.

The origin of tape pine bors has an interesting story, which is associated with a period when in the south of West Siberian lowland was a large sea, the flow of water from it was held in deep offshores towards the Aral basin. The flowing water carried sand and, when the climate was warm, and Ob again flowed into the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean, on the sand filled with sand pine trees began to grow. Thus formed five ribbons of pine bors, which stretch parallel to each other from Barnaul in the south-west direction towards Irtysh and Kulundin lowland.

The woody vegetation world of the mountain portion of Altai is richer than on the plain. Here are growing cedar-fir forests with birch impurities and in large quantities - pine. This is the so-called black taiga, which is not found in other forest areas of the country. There are many shrubs - raspberries, rowabins, viburnums, currants, cherrys in the Cherry Taiga.

Very common tree - larch in Altai. The larch wood is solid and durable, well retains its qualities in the ground, and in water. The larch is a valuable building material: they build houses that can stand for centuries, make dams, build bridges, moorings, are used for the manufacture of railway sleepers and telegraph pillars. Forests from larch - bright and clean and resemble natural parks in which every tree grows apart.

Siberian cedar pine, cedar - the famous tree breed of Altai forests. This is a mighty tree with a dark green crown, with a barbed long cheese. Forms frequent, solid cedaras on the slopes of the mountains or occur as an admixture of deciduous and fir forests.

In the forests of the Altai Territory from hardwood, birch, aspen and poplar are most common. In the flat portion of Altai, there are everywhere both birch and mixed slices - small groves from trees of these breeds with abundant shrub.

Shrubs in the region grows several dozen species, many of which give an edible berry - raspberries, blackberry, currant, honeysuckle, blueberry, lingonberry. Beautiful early spring slopes of mountains, blossoming bright raspberry-violet color evergreen lattice (Bagizn Siberian, Rhododendron Dauri).

Often there are overgrown juniper, nepchatka, Toll. Sladen, the edge of abundant thickets of the useful shrub - sea buckthorn, giving berries, from which a valuable drug is manufactured - sea buckthorn oil.

On the taiga meadows with mountain varnish bees, exclusively fragrant honey is harvested, the fame of which is known far beyond our country. In the spring and early summer of the plain and the slopes of the Altai Mountains are a beautiful carpet of colorful colors: bright orange lights, dark blue and pink tulips, blue bells, carnations, chamomile, white and yellow buttercups.

Forest Foundation Altai Region It occupies a total area of \u200b\u200b436.4 thousand hectares or 26% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region, from which forest land is 3,827.9 thousand hectares. Covered forest The area is 3561.5 thousand hectares or 81.6% of the total area forests (on accounting of the Forest Foundation as of 01.01.98). Forestness territory Altai Region is 21.1%.

Forestness ranges from 54.6% to 1 and less percent. The highest percentage forestry In the Zarinsky district - 54.6%, in Talnmen district - 52.9%, in the Trinity area - 45.4%. Less than one percent forestness in Tabunsky, Slavgorodsky, Pospelichinsky districts.

The total stock of wood - 395 million m 3, the share of Gare from the total area forests - 0.141%, fragment fragments from total area forests - 1,08%.

The woods Distributed unevenly. Basically, they are located in the North-East and East Altai Region. On the sands and sandy soils in the floodplain r. Obi and rivers for hundreds of kilometers stretched unique ribbon bars. Significant area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains and foreguides occupy taiga arrays.

The woods Group 1 occupy 2918.9 thousand hectares. The woods 2 groups occupy 818 thousand hectares. The woods 3 groups occupy an area of \u200b\u200b625.6 thousand hectares.

In natural and forestry conditions, role and value in forest State fund allocated 4 forest areas:

  • Ribbon Borov - forest belt borov, everything the woods Are attributed to "especially valuable forestry", the total area is 1123.5 thousand hectares, incl. covered forest Area - 880.1 thousand hectares;
  • Priobsky - are classified the woods Priobya: Total area 837.7 thousand hectares, incl. covered forest Area - 661.1 thousand hectares;
  • Salairsky - are classified the woods Salair Chernova Taiga, total area forests 583.3 thousand hectares, incl. covered forest - 515.6 thousand hectares;
  • Pre-saying - foothill the woods Altai, total area forests 836.3 thousand hectares, incl. covered forest 646.6 thousand hectares.

Predominant breeds B. forests of the Altai Territory are coniferous - 54% (including cedar - 1.9%), small-scale - 46%. Average age forests Gosplanfond - 66 years, incl. Conifers - 80 years and deciduous - 48 years. The stock of the whole forest fund is 494.85 million m 3, incl. Gosplanefond - 400.08 million m 3.

The average annual increase reaches 6.5 million m 3, of which 3.5 million m 3 and deciduous - 3 million m 3 account for conifers.

The estimated logbook on the main use is 2040 thousand m 3, incl. By coniferous economy - 331 thousand m 3.

The intensity of forest management decreases annually, so in 1994 - 900 thousand m 3, in 1995 - 800 thousand m 3, in 1996 - 500 thousand m 3, in 1997 - 331.3 thousand m 3.

Forests of the Altai Territory divided by fire hazard classes into 5 classes. TO forest The 1st and 2nd class of natural fire hazard are mainly ribbon bars (middle class 1.8) and Priobysi the woods (middle class 2,6), in which a large number of coniferous planes of dry types are concentrated the woods, coniferous young and forest crops.

As a result of intensive operation forests, especially priobysky arrays, decreased areas of coniferous young people, increased the area of \u200b\u200bripe and overvalued plantings, there was a dangerous phenomenon of shifting of coniferous rocks less valuable deciduous.