Spring came. The sun flared with a hot fire, and everything around began to awaken: thawed patches appeared near the tree trunks, the branches swelled and thickened, the snow melted and became saturated with moisture. The streams began to rumble more and more confidently. In the vast thawed areas, the first thin leaves were pecking out from under last year's leaves and grass.

Every corner of the forest is filled with life, and during this period the first spring mushrooms begin to appear. Of course, many will immediately remember morels and strings, but besides them, quite a lot of mushrooms appear in the spring.

Let's start getting acquainted with spring mushrooms.

There are two types of morels: ordinary morel, or real morel, and conical morel. They begin to grow from late April to May. They prefer deciduous and mixed forests. Morels are found in open, sun-warmed places: in clearings, on forest edges, along river banks. The mushroom has permanent place residence, you just need to find the place where they live - it could be a small patch (5x5 meters) of a clearing on the river bank, but there will be a lot of mushrooms there, and every year in this same place, at the same time, morels will delight you with a harvest . Morels can be immediately recognized by their unusual cap: round, with irregularly shaped cells, the color is most often ocher, brownish, or egg-colored, but it can also be brownish. The edges of the cap are fused with the stem. The mushroom is hollow inside. Morels have a pleasant, delicate mushroom taste.

Most often, stitches are found in pine forests, preferring sandy soils, also in clearings. They also grow in other places: on the edges of the forest, in burnt-out areas, in ditches, on the sides of forest roads. There are two types of stitches: ordinary stitch and giant stitch. The cap of the line has sinuous folds, wrinkled, usually brown, brown in color, but it can also be light brown. The leg is very short. String is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, since the mushroom contains a toxin - gyrometrin. When boiling the lines for 10 minutes in large quantities water, the level of gyrometrin in mushrooms drops below 1%, but the broth must be drained and the mushrooms rinsed in running water. Then you can stew it in cream, sour cream or butter.

Morel caps grow in light deciduous forests, in clearings and forest edges, preferring aspen and linden trees. But they can also grow among birches, oaks, and are found in alder thickets. They begin to bear fruit from the beginning of May, appearing en masse by mid-May. The cap of the mushroom is bell-shaped, wrinkled, and is supported by a stalk only in the upper part. The leg is long, yellowish in color, hollow inside. An excellent edible mushroom, the taste is even better than morels, which are already good.

Starts to grow May mushroom in mid or late May. You can find it on the bright edges of forests, in clearings, in gardens and parks, growing in circles or rows, forming “mushroom paths” in the grass. May mushroom is medium-sized: the stem is 5-8 cm, and the cap is 4-8 cm in diameter, white or cream in color. The mushroom belongs to the row mushrooms and has a characteristic row smell - the smell of wet flour. May mushroom is considered a good edible mushroom, but what a smell! So the mushroom is not for everybody.

The snow has melted, and charming bright red cups can be found in the forest. The mushroom appears in April and bears fruit until mid-May. Grows on rotting wood and fallen branches. This beautiful mushroom more like a glass: the stem is up to 3 cm, the diameter of the cap is 1-5 cm with curved edges. Sarcoscifa is edible, but what's the point? The mushroom is tasteless and very rubbery. It’s better to just admire the mushroom, because in such a way gray forest The bright red sarcoscipha is truly a decoration.

Simultaneously with morels and lines in mixed and coniferous forests You can find strange mushrooms on or near the rotting remains of trees; they resemble small brownish plates with wavy edges. This is Discina thyroid: the mushroom has practically no legs, the diameter of the cap is 2-15 cm with many wrinkles, tubercles and grooves, and veins protrude from the lower part. It grows massively in May, but can be found until mid-summer. Discina thyroid is considered an edible mushroom. The pulp of the mushrooms is thin, brittle, with a weak mushroom smell and taste. If you didn’t find morels in the forest, but came across thickets of large discinas, then you can try them. There are no toxic substances in mushrooms.

The mushroom grows in May, and can be found until mid-June on forest edges, in deciduous and mixed forests, and parks. This is an unremarkable mushroom: the cap does not exceed 5 cm, cone-shaped, often with a characteristic tubercle in the middle, the stem is 3-4 (8) cm, with a diameter of about 0.5 cm. The color of the cap is usually gray-brown, sometimes with an olive or reddish tint . The leg is painted the same color as the cap, or lighter. The plates of spring entoloma are wide, wavy, free, of an indefinite dirty color.

It is better to treat entholoms with caution; among them there are both edible and highly poisonous mushrooms. Spring entoloma is poisonous mushroom, according to some sources, simply inedible.

The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus settles on the remains of trees or on weakened broad-leaved trees: oaks, elms, and less often on poplar, willow, birch, and alder. It begins to grow at the end of May, beginning of June. The second wave of its growth occurs closer to autumn. At the first stage of development, the tinder fungus looks sulfur-yellow, like a floating yellow mass on a tree trunk. Then the mushroom hardens and resembles a more natural form for tinder fungi - a cantilever shape, consisting of several fused pseudo-caps.

The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus is edible in at a young age when its fruiting body is saturated yellow color, soft and slightly moist. By old age, the mushroom becomes pale yellow, hard and dry, unsuitable for food.

, or scaly

Grows from mid-May to late summer in deciduous forests, parks, found in city alleys, preferring weakened trees or remnants of trees.

The motley polypore is noticeable in the forest from afar; huge saucers grow white on fallen trees. The large fruiting bodies of this tinder fungus often have a saddle shape. The yellowish cap has large brown scales. The thick, short stalk is lateral or eccentrically located to the cap, dark brown at the base, dense and hard, even in young mushrooms.

Edible when young. The pulp of young mushrooms is very tender, fragrant, and fleshy.

Mushrooms are a special gift of nature! They are tasty and are used by chefs in a wide variety of dishes. And what a pleasure it is to pick mushrooms: a forest filled with the aromas of herbs and foliage, the chirping of birds and the delight of mushroom finds! And no mushrooms from a store can compare with the fragrant mushrooms from the forest found in person. How to pick mushrooms and when to pick mushrooms. The answers to these questions will be given by the mushroom calendar or mushroom calendar.

Mushroom picking- is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance. There is an optimal time to pick mushrooms different types. And of course you need appropriate weather conditions. The mushroom calendar will help you choose the time to go for mushroom gifts of nature. Experienced mushroom pickers, of course, can do without it, but beginners will find the mushroom calendar very useful.

Mushroom calendar

A novice mushroom picker should definitely know that the mushroom year begins in April and ends in the second half of October. Please note that each mushroom grows at a certain time, and not all the time. Therefore, if you are specifically targeting honey mushrooms or russula, then first you need to look at the mushroom calendar and check the months when they grow.

  • Mushroom calendar for April

April The most difficult month for mushrooms, the mushroom calendar records. At such times there are often frosts, so not all mushrooms are able to survive frost, snow and cold. Only the most resilient survive. Mushrooms appear around mid-April. You can find morels in the thick of the forest, right where there is still snow. They grow on open areas, where it falls most sunlight. But oak and pine forests They will definitely delight you with stitches and burnt omphalias.

  • Mushroom calendar for May

May also does not particularly please mushroom pickers with the abundance of its gifts, according to the mushroom calendar. This is the month when mushrooms are just preparing for their summer and bountiful season. But if you try hard enough, you can find morel caps and chunky stitches deep in the forest. The end of May will please mushroom pickers more, since during this period there is a high probability of finding boletus and chanterelles. Of course, the bulk of this type of mushroom will appear a little later, but if you are so impatient, then you have the opportunity to find such pioneer mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for June

In June, as the mushroom calendar says, there is folk sign: If the strawberries have already turned red in the grass, and the rowan and viburnum are already covered with flowers, then you can safely go in search of russula. Finding them will not be difficult, since they are located in open places and do not hide from anyone. In mid-June, you can safely go collecting boletus, boletus and moss mushrooms. The end of the month will generously delight you with strong boletus, mushrooms and loads.

  • Mushroom calendar for July

July, as the mushroom calendar records, is one of the least successful months for a mushroom picker. There is little rain during this period, and the scorching sun simply does not allow mushrooms to grow and develop normally. Therefore, during this period you should not hope for a special mushroom harvest. But, still, if installed rainy weather, then you can safely go into the forest in search of boletus, boletus and boletus, reports the mushroom calendar.

  • Mushroom calendar for August

August is one of the most favorable months for mushroom pickers, according to the mushroom calendar. The heat subsides, night fogs become more frequent, and dew becomes more abundant. You can find in the forests great amount oily. You will also definitely be lucky in the autumn honey mushrooms and Polish mushrooms. Saffron milk caps are the most a real gift for a mushroom picker who went to the forest in August.

  • Mushroom calendar for September, October

September and October are cold months, during which it is already difficult to find a large number of mushrooms, but it’s still worth a try. The Mushroom Calendar notes that if you show persistence and perseverance, you will be able to please yourself with russulas, goats and greenfinches.

More details about the mushroom growth schedule can be found in the Mushroom Calendar below. Every month is rich in mushrooms. Simply, a special time is allocated for each mushroom. Therefore, if you have any preferences, then it is best for you to navigate the mushroom picker’s calendar this way.

Mushroom calendar for June July August spring and autumn

What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
mushrooms in April mushrooms in May mushrooms in June mushrooms in July mushrooms in August mushrooms in September mushrooms in October
Morels + + +
Stitches + + +
May mushroom + +
Oyster mushroom + + + + + +
Meadow honey fungus + + + +
boletus + + + +
Oiler grainy + + +
Summer honey fungus + + + + +
The fox is real + + +
Porcini + + + + +
Boletus + + + + +
Pluteus deer + + + + +
Spiky raincoat + + + + + +
Common champignon + + + +
Field champignon + +
Valuy + + +
Funnel talker + + +
White umbrella mushroom + + +
Variegated umbrella mushroom + + + +
Real milk mushroom + +
Poddubovik + + +
Ivyshen + + +
Loader white + +
Loader black + +
Fat pig + +

Russula yellow,

food, etc.

+ + + + +
Green moss + + + + +
Yellow hedgehog + +
Ringed cap + + +
Larch oiler + + +
Volnushka pink + + +
Black breast + + + +
Spruce green camelina + + +
Pine mushroom + + +
Gray talker + +
Late oiler + +
Winter mushroom + +
Loader black and white + +
Polish mushroom +
Autumn oyster mushroom +
Gray row +
Autumn stitch + +
Autumn honey fungus + +
Row purple + +
Greenfinch + + +
Hygrophor brown + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms. Hurry - end of June - beautiful time for collecting young mushrooms suitable for delicious dishes. While you can still treat yourself to delicious mushroom food, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickles and pickling for the remaining two summer months! And for a snack interesting information about mushrooms and advice for mushroom pickers.

Lifespan of mushrooms

Mushrooms grow quickly, increasing by approximately 1-2 cm per day. The mushroom acquires an average size in 3-6 days. The lifespan of honey mushroom, chanterelle, and boletus is 10 days. Live up to 14 days White mushroom and boletus, up to 40 - champignon. With the maturation of spores, the number of which amounts to tens of millions, the mushrooms age and often rot.

Mushrooms are tasty and nutritious. If you follow some rules, mushroom season will bring you only joy:

  1. The first sign of a clean area in which to collect mushrooms is the abundance of fly agaric mushrooms.
  2. If only russula grow at the edge of the forest, it is better to avoid it - most likely, the soil is contaminated.
  3. 90% of mushrooms grow along the edges, clearings and young plantings, so there is no point in climbing into the thickets at the risk of not finding your way home.
  4. Mushrooms grow from 1 day to 3 days. Optimal conditions: 10-20 degrees Celsius, for lamellar and noble ones - from 5 to 15 degrees above zero. Air humidity is 80-90%, rain and heavy dew are desirable.
  5. Only young mushrooms whose caps are not fully opened or partially opened are suitable for food. Overripe mushrooms with a cap open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a branch - let the spores spread throughout the area. But if the cap is curved like a dome, it means that the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to that of a corpse is formed in it. It is dangerous and is the main cause of poisoning.

When it gets warm outside spring weather many people want to spend their weekends on fresh air, away from the bustle of the city, relax, recuperate, and mushroom pickers can also replenish their supplies, but before we go into the forest, let’s still find out what mushrooms grow in May?

It must be said that the opinion of inexperienced people that there are no mushrooms at this time or there are very few of them is erroneous. This is the period when the warm May rains occur, the air is already warmed up, which means that it’s time for May mushrooms to appear. According to official data, more than sixty varieties of mushrooms can be found in the forest during this period. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you are looking for, so that poisonous species do not accidentally end up in the basket.

Brief description of the most common May mushrooms

Warm May is characterized by the fact that it is at this time that the popular and fairly well-known May mushroom appears. It can be found in the first half of May, by taste characteristics belongs to the first category, although it has some mealy taste, but this only gives it a special piquancy, and it is quite easy to recognize it. The May mushroom is similar in appearance to cultivated champignons. Its cap is medium in size, about ten centimeters, white with a slight yellowish tint towards the center, it sits on a short thick stem. You should look for the May mushroom in the forest in open areas.

May mushroom

Also in early May, mushroom pickers collect sulfur-yellow polypores. But you need to be extremely careful with these mushrooms, since they are tasty and aromatic only when they are young, and when the fruiting body begins to age and release toxins, the mushroom should under no circumstances be eaten. In terms of taste, it is classified in the fourth category.

Peculiarities weather conditions in May, they allow mushroom pickers to collect mushrooms that are characteristic of the early spring months; among them you can find morels, strings, saucers, birch sponge, chaga and other species.

If the month turns out to be rainy, then in the forest there will be a huge number of puffballs, oyster mushrooms, garlic mushrooms, and common mushrooms.

You need to look for morels in large clearings and forest edges. And since these mushrooms are constant, be sure to remember where you collect them, because next season you can easily find morels in the same place.

The lines live mainly in pine forests on sandy soils. You can recognize it by its wrinkled, shrunken cap of a brownish or light brown color.

Puffballs, although they belong to the fourth category, are considered the most delicious May mushrooms. Many don't experienced mushroom pickers, they are often ignored because they are often confused with toadstools. The edibility of puffballs remains until they darken; if spots appear on the cap, then such a mushroom cannot be eaten. Puffballs are mushrooms that are not salted or dried, but fresh they are used to prepare delicious dishes.

In May, scaly polypores and winter polypores, which belong to the oyster mushroom family, are also collected, as well as cultivated and double-ringed champignons, and dung mushrooms actively sprout near dwellings.

In grassy edges, near forest roads at the end of May, meadow honey fungus grows, which is very popular among mushroom pickers because it has a pleasant mushroom aroma and high taste.

Honey fungus

In birch groves and forests, mushrooms such as boletus are also collected in May. Which also have high nutritional value.

Among all the diversity, there are boletus and even porcini mushrooms, although the latter is characterized by the autumn season.

You need to look for butterflies in well-lit clearings. This is where there are a lot of them after warm rains.

As we can see there is big choice mushrooms that can be collected in May.

The spring months are not traditional for mushroom picking, although more than 60 edible species begin to grow at this time. In spring, mushrooms begin to appear immediately after the snow melts, some grow exclusively until summer, while others continue to delight with their harvest even after the onset of autumn. We will talk further about what types of mushrooms can be collected in May.

Counts conditionally edible mushroom , as it requires pre-cooking for 15 minutes before further heat treatment. Raw morels do not have a distinct taste or smell, but when cooked their aroma and taste are very good.
This species can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests on the edges, between trees, in mossy and burnt areas. Prefers humus or sandy soil with sufficient moisture. You can often find morels along highways and roads, in logging areas. In general, the area should be well lit by the sun.
You can collect forest gifts from early April to early June. And if the winter is warm enough, then the first morels appear at the end of March. Sometimes colonies of mushrooms grow in September-October. However, as soon as lush greenery appears in the spring, the growth of this species ends.

Important!Most favorable time collection is April. Morel growth lasts only a couple of weeks, until mass appearance greenery, so it is important not to miss the harvest season.

The mushroom belongs to the morel family, the most common type is the common (real) morel, but there are also other types: conical and delicate morel, morel cap, the morel is thick-legged and semi-free. These types may differ slightly in the shape of the folds on the cap and the shape of the cap.
The cap of ordinary morels can be spherical or oblong, with numerous indentations various shapes. The color can be different: from all shades of yellow and brown to gray-brown. How older mushroom, the darker the cap. Its size does not exceed 5-8 cm in height and 4-8 cm in diameter. The leg grows from 3 to 9 cm, in diameter - up to 3 cm, and is colored yellow or white. The cap and stem are empty inside and form one common cavity.

Cook from data spring mushrooms You can use any dish: fried and stewed, they complement side dishes well, they can be frozen, dried, or pickled.

Video: cooking morels

This mushroom is also conditionally edible, since in fresh form it can cause severe poisoning with fatal. In the West, the mushroom is considered poisonous; in some countries it is prohibited for harvesting.
On the territory of the former Soviet Union the mushroom could be consumed, but only with preliminary heat treatment. When cooked, it has a pleasant taste and aroma. Collection time is April-May.

This species can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests, on sandy soils. Mushrooms prefer edges, clearings, places where trees have been cut down, and can be found near the road.
The line has a very unusual, expressive appearance. The cap is shapeless, very wrinkled and tortuous, resembling walnut, empty inside, diameter is 2-10 cm. The color depends on environmental conditions and can vary from light brown to dark brown with a red tone. The leg is short and thick, diameter and height are up to 3 cm, color ranges from white to cream, hollow. The edges of the cap are connected to the stem. The pulp is white, very brittle and tender.

Important!The mushroom contains toxic substance gyromitrine, which destroys the central nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract. To detoxify, raw materials need to be boiled twice for at least 30 minutes, changing the water between sessions. Under no circumstances should the broth be tasted, but rather discarded. Since gyromitrin is volatile, mushrooms can be dried for 6 months to poisonous substance evaporated. Then the mushrooms can be cooked according to the recipe.

You can prepare any dishes from this type: they are great for frying and stewing, they are used for salads, side dishes with cereals, and added to meat and chicken.

Video: collecting and preparing stitches

This is an edible and safe variety of mushrooms. However, not everyone likes their specific smell and taste, which is why some simply adore this type, while others avoid it.
The smell of a fresh mushroom resembles the aroma of wet flour (mealy smell), but some note the similarity with the aroma of cucumber or herbs, the smell is very pronounced and specific. The May mushroom, as the name suggests, appears in the latter spring month. It prefers open, well-lit areas - it grows in clearings, edges of low grass, is found even in city parks and flower beds, and is generally not picky about soil or terrain. With the onset of summer heat, the harvest season ends.
The cap and leg of this species are plain, painted whitish or cream. The cap is hemispherical in shape, with thin plates located at the bottom. The diameter can reach 3-10 cm. The leg is cylindrical, thicker at the bottom, short: in height - up to 8 cm, in diameter - up to 3 cm. The pulp is snow-white, dense, fleshy.

This is another name for this species. Like all representatives of the genus Ryadovka, the May mushroom grows in colonies, which are often called “witch circles.”
When cooked, the mushroom acquires an amazing delicate taste and aroma. The most popular cooking method is frying, but mushrooms are great for pickling, salting, and drying. Pairs well with meat dishes, added to salads and sauces.

Video: May row

Counts fully edible form , however, only small young specimens should be eaten, which are characterized by a pleasant taste and aroma, snow-white, elastic flesh.

Over time, the pulp loses its taste, becomes loose and turns green. Because collected mushrooms They cannot be stored for a long time; they must be cooked within 24 hours. Raincoats should be collected in late spring or early summer, after precipitation.
They bear fruit from the second half of May, during summer months and until autumn. Raincoats are preferred fertile soils And open area: they can be found in meadows, fields, pastures, forest edges and clearings.

Did you know? The raincoat is considered the record holder for the release of spores: 7 trillion spores are ejected from the mushroom at a speed of 90 km/h.

There are several types of raincoats, which differ in the size and shape of the cap. For example, a giant (gigantic) raincoat is extremely large - the weight can reach 10 kg, and the cap in diameter is 30-50 cm. The cap is spherical in shape, the stem is either very short or absent. Spiky raincoats are modest in size: up to 6 cm in height, the surface is covered with small spikes up to 6 mm.
As mentioned earlier, the flesh of young representatives is snow-white, dense, but over time it loses turgor and becomes gray, purple or greenish. Only young specimens are suitable for food. They are best used for drying, frying, and stewing. They are an excellent filling for pies and complement salads and snacks. Boiling is not the most successful method of cooking, since by absorbing a lot of water, the mushrooms lose their shape.

Video: fried raincoats

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus

In Russia and Ukraine it grows from the end of May to the end of June. The most intensive collection period occurs in mid-June. They can be found at low altitudes on trunks or stumps.
At the initial stage of development, the tinder fungus is a drop-shaped mass of rich yellow or orange color. Over time, the body of the fungus hardens, takes on a typical shape resembling an ear, and the number of pseudocaps increases. At the base, the thickness of the mushroom is 7-10 cm, the size of the caps varies from 10 to 40 cm. The caps are fan-shaped, wavy, with numerous blades. Since many large caps can be located on one leg, the mass of some representatives is 10 kg.

Did you know?Most of the mushroom is located underground and hidden from our eyes. can reach impressive size and spread over hundreds of square kilometers underground. For example, in Oregon, a mycelium was discovered covering an area of ​​almost 1000 hectares, weighing hundreds of tons.

The tinder fungus has snow-white, brittle, tender and juicy pulp. It keeps well when frozen, and can also be used for pickling, salting and drying. Popular cooking methods are frying and stewing. The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus can be used to make minced meat for filling pies and adding to casseroles.

Video: collecting and preparing tinder fungus


It is a completely edible mushroom, safe for consumption. It has self-explanatory name, from which it is clear that this mushroom can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, but its favorite place of growth is birch groves. It prefers high soil and air humidity, which is why it often “settles” near water bodies and in marshy areas. You can collect boletus mushrooms from the end of May and throughout the summer. This type highly regarded for its excellent taste qualities, composition and aroma.
This mushroom has more than 40 varieties, but the differences between them are minor. The color of the mushroom varies from light brown to gray-black. The cap size is up to 15 cm, the shape is hemispherical, with high humidity covered with a mucous film. The leg can reach 3-15 cm in height, up to 4 cm in diameter, cylindrical, wider at the bottom, scaly.
The pulp of this species is colored White color, does not have a special smell or taste, very soft. Mushrooms are characterized by rapid growth: a week after their appearance they reach maximum sizes and begin to age, while the pulp becomes loose, watery, and loses its elasticity. That is why only young, elastic specimens are suitable for food.

Despite the fact that June is not considered a month rich in mushroom harvests, it is still possible to collect a whole basket of forest gifts. If you look hard enough, you can even find boletus and boletus, which are rare at this time. Follow deep into the forest or birch grove, carefully inspect nearby bushes next to suburban areas. Surely you will notice several edible mushrooms.

What mushrooms grow in June

Go to the summer forest soon after the rain, when the soil is saturated with moisture and becomes favorable environment for the formation and growth of fruiting bodies. The table below shows the types of mushrooms that you can find in early June.

Name Where to find
Champignon It is found in oak forests, near separately growing pines. The mushroom grows in bright places
Porcini Found rarely, mainly in mixed forest or a birch grove. Individual specimens can be found near suburban areas
Russula Appears in large quantities in any forest, avoids remote and dark places
boletus It grows singly near birch and pine trees, sometimes it can be found far from large trees
Boletus Mushroom pickers find it very rarely in June; it usually grows where young aspen trees are found
Summer honey fungus A group of these mushrooms is found on stumps and near clearings deciduous trees
Oil can Found in small quantities where pine and spruce trees grow

In June, when it settles warm weather, visit the forest or nearby tree plantings at least once a week. There you can find the first edible mushrooms, which seem especially delicious after the long winter months.

Characteristics of edible June species

They grow small and in large groups, decorating the green carpet of moss with their colorful hats. The fruit body is small, the blades are frequent, their color varies from white to cream. The pulp is tender, slightly spicy in taste. The young mushroom is suitable for frying and pickling. The gifts of the forest are carefully cut with a knife or carefully twisted, as they are very fragile and easily damaged. The color of the russula cap can be greenish, red, yellow or gray. It cannot be confused with other mushrooms.

Champignons emerge from the ground after rain. In early June, you will be able to find these mushrooms and recognize them by their pinkish or brown plates, as well as a straight stalk that widens towards the base. There are fruiting bodies of white, cream and gray colors. The forest products of this species have a pronounced mushroom smell, thanks to which champignons are suitable for preparing many dishes. You can find them in the nearest park, but it is best to collect mushrooms away from major cities and industrial enterprises.

First mushrooms in June: picking (video)

The size of the fruiting body depends on growing conditions and weather, but, as a rule, only small specimens can be found at the beginning of summer. The cap is gray, brown or brownish, shaped like a pillow. The stem of the mushroom is long, has scales and tapers towards the top. You can find it near swamps, damp places and in the vicinity of birches. The boletus pulp does not have a distinct taste or smell.

Unfortunately, it is very rare in June. Such mushrooms are collected in thickets of young aspens, where they hide in thick grass. The leg of the redhead is dirty white or dark gray, has scales and turns black over time. The tubular layer is white, olive or yellowish. Old mushrooms are often affected by worms; it is not recommended to take them. A striking difference between the boletus and other types of forest products is its orange cap, thanks to which it cannot be confused with poisonous fruiting bodies.

Porcini mushrooms also rarely end up in the mushroom picker’s basket in June. However, some people do not find it in a single copy. True, summer boletus mushrooms are small in size. The stem of this mushroom is dense, fleshy, usually lighter than the cap and has a cylindrical shape and a reddish tint. The tubular layer is olive-colored and crumbles easily. The cap is brown, smooth and often cracks. Look for fruiting bodies where oak trees grow, and also walk along suburban areas after rain.

Summer honey mushrooms are often found in summer forest, there are especially many of them on the stumps of deciduous trees, fallen birch trees, some specimens can be found even on the ground. Fruiting body small size, its color varies from brown to light brown. The hat is slippery, and after rain it becomes colorless and flatter. You can distinguish the summer honey fungus from other gifts of the forest by the characteristic tubercle in the center of it. The plates are loose, their color darkens as the mushroom ages. The smell of this honey fungus is reminiscent of the aroma of freshly sawn wood.

Butterflies are almost impossible to confuse with other mushrooms due to their special properties. The mucous skin of these gifts of the forest seems to be lubricated with vegetable oil and is very slippery. The color of the cap varies from olive to chocolate; the stem of the oil can has a dirty yellow tint. The tubular layer is soft, yellowish and dense. The oil can comes across very rarely; you can find it near oaks and pine trees, where the ground is sandy.

Collection rules

Before you go searching, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting forest gifts. Never break the fruiting bodies or break off the stem of the mushroom.

Go for the first harvest soon after the rain; drought is not the best time for quiet hunt. Mushrooms that have been lost most moisture, it is not recommended to eat.

It is important to know the following points regarding the collection of summer forest gifts:

  • using a basket instead of a plastic bag;
  • the location of hard fruiting bodies at the bottom of the basket, and fragile ones on top;
  • conscious refusal to collect dubious and old specimens.

By following basic rules and correctly sorting mushrooms, you can get the maximum benefit from the harvest.

How to cook chanterelles (video)

Contrary to popular belief, early summer is a good time for quiet hunting. Of course, the harvest of edible mushrooms will be small, but you will enjoy searching for the gifts of the forest and try aromatic dishes of them.