Rashid Dairabaev was tired of hiding the unconventional sexual orientation of his ward. In order not to sleep with his wife, Baskov urged her, as if, before and after the execution of Aria, sex could not be engaged in two days ... "Kolya - the most prompt gay, whom I once met in life!", "Said Ex-producer of the singer.

Not so long ago we visited the hospital for the former producer Nikolai Basque Rashid Dairabaeva. The media wrote about a unique technique, with the help of which the legend of show business is restored after the transferred stroke and hypertensive crisis, and they were laughed that the cause of Rashid Yakubzhanovich's illness was parting with the ward and the reaction to the nasty, which the singer diluted to his producer.

Rashid Yakubzhanovich in the Hospital Chamber

The journalists met Rashid in the Sanatorium near Moscow, where he continues to bring health to the show-business in order, and asked him to tell about Nicolae the truth. And not the noodle that is printed in glossy magazines.

Many believe that in your relations with Nikolai, a fateful role was played by his scandalous interview in the musical edition of Rolling Stone, where Basque calls you a thief, a traitor and a homosexual. On the Internet, so far, when mentioning your last name, all this garbage falls out. Why are you silent? Why do not react to rudeness? Are you afraid of his powerful testing - Senator Spiegel?

After Brad Nicholas in Rolling Stone, one famous investor with whom I was signed by an agreement on the promotion of one R & B team, ripped with me a 1.5 million contract. Parents of the guys, after reading the interview with the star of the Russian pop, asked the investor to lead their children from me, without sobering in the essence of the question. Just for them Basque is authority, Basque - Star. Only they did not think about those who lit this star. Parents asked me to bring me out of the contract as the general producer of the team. So thanks to drunk wanderings, if my business reputation was damaged to a minimum of $ 1,500,000.

Strange, because in show business it was long ago said that Nikolai seems to be Gay himself. They don't write about it only because not one photographer has not yet managed to pick up him with her lover. True, after his wedding and the birth of the Son, the conversations on this topic stopped.

No one just tried to photograph. I'm tired of hiding the fact that Baskov is the most real homosexual, but I never paid attention to it. I believe that in the XXI century, who, as he wants, and ... tusses, sorry, lives. Kohl is the most composite gay, which I once met in my life. Of course, I as a person standing at the origins of his career, everything is known, but who is what's wrong. This is a personal life of everyone. Its complexes associated with the theme of homosexuality developed from him from the first steps on the scene. Therefore, he began to push the photographs with his wife in the press, hence the unfortunate and constant drop on one knee in front of any woman who came to the scene to give him flowers. From here these appeals at concerts give not flowers, but diapers for a child. Hooray! Event! Happened. After five years of living life became a father! It has finally prepared!

Kolya: with a friend, St. Petersburg Antiquarian Sasha

Hence his interview. Basque shouts to everyone that, they say, he is not gay, that he loves women that he is a hero's father. But it's long known that on the thief the hat is burning. Although, frankly, I did not understand the silence of the lights, which I knew another October and at which this interview was given.

Of course, I am not afraid Boris Spiegel. I have a very warm friendly relationship with this family for many years. I have poliming with them, was in all sorts of alterations, I learned a lot from the head of the family, a person respected by me and kind.

I did not want to respond to the attacks of the boy, who created Boris Spiegel through its financial capabilities, connections, talent and the gift of foresight. And my friends, people respected, said that I should not pay attention to the PR-outlets of the former ward. But it's so insulting when you are silent, and you continue to smear mud. This idiotic intelligence, the desire to keep everything inside yourself and laid me on the hospital bed.

- You lacquered in the hospital almost all summer. Nikolai came to visit you?

In the life of the Basque goes "by corpses". He is not needed a sick former friend.

Wedding: Once Nicholas and Svetlana felt behind the back of the producer as a stone wall

- Why is Nikolai so stupid, in fact, no matter you insulted you?

Just because. He did not think to insult, blurted out that he came to mind, and his intelligence was zero. We somehow flew on the plane four hours. At the beginning of the flight gave him the simplest scanword. He only did it. I look at the landing that he guess, and there only five words in the cells are written.

- How did you meet the package?

On the morning of May 9, 1999, I woke up from the call of Boris Spiegel, who announced that we were all together today at the Soviet Army Theater on the Creative Evening of Alexander Morozov, in which the famous artists of Moldova, Belarus and Russia take part.

In the evening we came to the concert and, having familiarized yourself with the composition of the participants, sat down in the partner. Boria tells me that a young guy in the name of Baskov will soon be released on stage, the performance of which he needs to look at the request of the Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev.

On the scene floated something cull, all in white. We and Zhenya, wife of Spiegel, a little bit of laughter did not fall from the chairs. And here it is repaired by the memory of Cairo. I can not say anything, it was fine. We liked. After the concert, the composer Morozov invited guests to the buffet, where Basque was led. He came again in all of the white, greeted in position, stressing that he was tenor. He said that he could not have anything, only warm water can be drunk without gas. We still laughed with Zhenya for a long time. Boris after this concert everything asked me, a person from show business, an opinion on what was seen. I was extremely laconic and said that this niche is free and he can take it with a good investment of money, with good management. Then Boris Isaakovich invited me to take the place of the executive producer.

- How did Kolya do the star?

First of all, I went with Boris Isaakovich to wear it. Nikolai came to the boutique in some short pants in the tightness. They were small for him to two. Well, we scored a heap of costumes, we give Kole - try on. He asks to get out of the cabin and dug the curtain. We are shocked. After all, in the store alone men. Without waiting, while I call, they pushed the curtain to see, and he was there without panties. At first I thought - the pervert, and after I, I guess that if Kolya walked under the panties, then the pants in which he came to him would be definitely not tolerable.

Half a year left on the selection of songs, costumes, ballet, arrangers, clipmers. It was all: and trips to contests, meetings with exemplary, Kazarnovskaya, and lessons on the scene-movement, did not teach him the latter. In a word, he created him the image of a positive hero-lover. Created ...

Creative Union: Dairabaev, Spiegel, Basque and Montserrat Caballe ...

Soon there were dizzying alllands, the first places in the charts, fees, from which the boy was demolished. He did not believe that before meeting with the spikel, he participated in Morning concerts in the big and received $ 200 for the month of labor. Why work? Yes, because there you need to sing Aria Lensky. And then I drove past the concert hall "Russia", accurate at 20 o'clock went on stage, danced one or two songs. Why did you dance? Yes, because she sings the tape recorder, and the one who must sing only opens the mouth. Put for it in a minimum of 6,000 bucks for it, kissed Rashid and hello. Spa-cards, manicures, pedicures, masks, hair rise endless, leeches, massages. Then up to four in the morning solid verdines.

He comes home, and the play for the native mother Elena Nikolaevna begins. One - for her, the other - for his wife, Thai, testing. And the whole truth is all these years.

- Do you mean the second - blue life?

She began not suddenly. In the distant Novosibirsk, he met Mr., who headed the club of the Bolshoi Theater, then. He introduced him to the conductor Mark Hermler. He, moving to Moscow, invited Basque to Gabt to the position of Soli Stamer. Here and rushed. Military choir, familiar blue uncle, including military. Especially Nikolai loved generals, well, and they too. Basque, by all the truths and inconsistencies, falls into the concert group of composer Alexander Morozova, who introduces him with the daughter of the leading St. Petersburg program "Music Ring" Tamara Maximova - Anastasia Maximova.

He starts to kill her, play the role of a lovely young man. But naturally, nothing happens. Nicholas has other interests.

I remember, he rushed on tour to the Riga seaside, in Dzintari. I was surprised - why, but it turned out that someone told him that in Riga a chic gay club. Nikolai quickly worked the concert, drove his guard, so that the vigilance lost, and, yawning, allegedly lay down in her room to sleep. Ten minutes later, frightened after me, together we go to the parking lot, take a taxi and go to Riga to look for a stake.

- In Europe and America, every second star does it. Why hide?

Ask him. Basque somehow approached one Italian opera diva and said literally the following: "Kohl, it is necessary to open at the peak of popularity. At this moment, people are still gay you or not gay. But then you can easily live. "

Nikolay Baskov, Sergey Lazarev, Philip Kirkorov

But I repeat, gay, do not gay - it really doesn't care. The point is in the other. Everything rests on money. According to the Basque agreement, it was supposed to receive 40 percent of the entire profits and received them immediately since the signing of the contract. After that, he seduced the daughter of Boris and Evgenia Spiegel, skidd her head and married. I was against this marriage and spoke on this occasion openly. He said that Baskov is not the one for whom it gives out that he is only interested in money. So it turned out. After the wedding, he asks me that I persuade Boris Isaakovich to abandon 40 percent due to this. This is motivated by the fact that he is now son-in-law that money is needed for a young family. I talked with Boris, and he agreed. Said 20 percent to you, Rashid, and 80 - a bunch.

And he did not guessed that the son-in-law was gay?

Yes, Boris Isaakovich Okay. How does light live with him? That's what is surprising. He told her that two days before and after the concert - he is strictly forbidden to have sex. I sat with him in the recording studios until four, five in the morning, we just watched a telly, listened to music, laughed. I understood - Kohl is waiting to come when light will fall asleep.

Some of his calls from Spain, where they went to the honeymoon, which cost. "Rashidik, I have a holiday. I am lying around the pool. Sveta appeared, went to the room, the hair will dry for two hours, and I will go to the restaurant, we will rest from the marital debt. You can not even imagine what the waiters here - the eye will not tear off. "

By the way, this is true that Nikolai has not made plastic surgery and sucking fat?

This is the fiction of the newspaper "Life". Kolya did only teeth and hair. No fat sucking. He was sitting on hard diets, lived in the gym, constant massages and leeches. If necessary, Nikolai always quickly led himself to a good form. In this regard, he is a worker and a big well done.

It is felt that, in spite of everything, you do not keep evil on him and treat him. how to your child.

I stopped watching his work, because it hurts me from what I see in his performance. I want to ask him: Kohl, why did I sleep at night? What would you see this horror? I know that he has no such fees that were. His attacks in my address is also a PR-move in order to have read these articles and say, let it be bad, but if only they said, just to pay for tickets to his concerts.

"So, then, are you going to collect the cashier now with your interview?"

It turns out yes.

- High relationships. By the way, what are you doing now?

Recovering (laughs). And seriously, I'm going to do a new project - the singer Maxim Katrev. A man is a talented, possessing a magnificent voice. He is a laureate of all kinds of vocal competitions, Bariton.

Bariton Maxim Katyrev: New Protege Dairabaeva

No longer wanted to talk about him. I do not want that later Basque said that thanks to him I spout a new artist. Although, if it were not in the life of Boris Isaakovich Spiegel me, he would never have become doing show business and, accordingly, there would be nothing at all at Basque. And when they say "Talent always breaks his way", this is such a nonsense! Won how many talented sing in our transitions and restaurants.

He graduated from the Moscow Correspondence Financial Institute with a degree in economist.

1988 - 1991 - Director of the team "All-Union Central Creative Studio for Gifted Children" Lasky May ".

1991 -1992 - Director of Igor Saruhanova.

1992 -1993 - Director of Vicky Tsyganova.

1999 - 2005 - Executive producer Nikolai Baskov.

"We are already broken by life: we have a divorce, baggage of previous relations, there are children. Therefore, we are not in a hurry, we do not force the events, we do not build plans, but just enjoy life ... "Nikolai Baskov and his friend Sophie, which the singer officially introduced at the New Wave at the festival in Jurmala, for the first time talk about their novel.

Nikolai, you are ready for the fact that, after reading this interview, someone will say: "The next PR-Roman!", And about Sophie - they say, next to him, the girl got good enough for him?

I have no doubt, people will discuss, condemn, build guesses. And this is normal. Once I am a public person, it means my relationship to sight. Accordingly, there will always be wishes to comment on my novel, say that this is PR, showing. But today it does not waste me. Truth. In a personal plan I do not want to adapt to public opinion anymore, something to explain to someone, to prove ... You know, I'm already at that age and status when I can afford to live as I think it's necessary. Still, life is alone, and she is not infinite, as it seemed in 20 years. I have not once buried friends who left suddenly, in the heighters of the forces - their peers, someone younger ... and at such moments you understand that everything can end up at any moment - the second chance will not live life. And so I want to be happy here and now. Without looking at someone else's opinion.

In this moment, it is important for me that I feel comfortable next to Sophie. We had a harmonious relationship. As for the calculation on its part, it is just ridiculous. Sophie - the girl quite consisted, materially independent, always lived in good conditions. Her grandfather was a man in heaven - at one time, family capital was successfully invested. We are not talking about some unthinkable amounts, but also to search for a man who should provide her faceless old age, no sense.

- And where did you meet such a self-sufficient young lady?

Sophie - singer, so we have a lot of common acquaintances. So they met.

Sophie: For the first time we saw 10 years ago at some party. We were presented, Kolya even treated me sushi. Only he completely forgot about it!

Nikolay: I was then married, I was a faithful husband and did not look around. I remembered another meeting - five years ago. Then periodically intersected in the same company - sang under the karaoke, they danced on the dance floor until the morning. Take care of a friend. And a year ago I couldn't clicked something inside. Began to look closely to each other. (With a smile.) Soon I gave Sophie to understand that she was wondering me as a girl and my intentions with me in relation to her the most serious. Sophie in response hinted that nothing against nothing. (Laughs.)

Sophie: I came to Moscow from Kazakhstan to enroll in the State Circus and Pop Art School. In my city, I often participated in the competitions of parodies - my corona number was Angelica Varum. At one of the contests, I was advised exactly this educational institution. Received, studied in the specialty "The Art of Estrada", a year and a half he worked as a soloist at the State Theater of Pop Representations "Music Agency" Lion Leschenko. At the same time, with its help, two clips were removed - "do not go" and "three mysterious tulips". After that, again, with the filing of Leo Valeryanovich, began to cooperate with the most famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, with whom we removed my third clip. And then I began a stormy personal life - I got married, got pregnant. What sorry Yuri Schmierevich. But we agreed that as soon as I would recover after childbirth, we would return to our cooperation. Unfortunately, this did not happen: the trouble happened - Eisenshpis died. And for several years I completely plunged into home care, I was engaged in raising my son. But when Bogdan was four years old, my husband and my husband were divorced. Fortunately, we stayed in good relationships, he communicates with the child. I grate to him for my son and for love, although she is in the past. Now he has a new family: a wife and little daughter.

My son has been nine years old. And for me (expressively looking at Nikolai) again there is something very important in his personal life. And in a career. After all, I got a new diploma diploma - I want to try myself and in this quality.

- And in these areas, acquaintance with Baskov turns out to be likewise ...

Nikolay: I hope Sophie will help me like a producer. And in terms of singing ... Listen, she really sings well, I have nothing to do with it! (Laughs.) There are plans to write a joint song and remove the clip. We recently returned from Barcelona - I took a video on my new song "Zaya, I love you!". So believe it, Sophie not only helped in organizing the process, she literally overshadowed a beauty model that I invited to play in the clip! In general, she is wise, my girl, did not leave me alone in the company of Beauty. (Laughs.) A couple of days I spent on the shooting, and then, and I enjoyed the atmosphere of Barcelona - sitting in the cafes, walked, I showed my favorite places in the city. We like to travel together - we already rested together in the Maldives, in Turkey, went to Riga ...

- And yet what "hooked" you in each other?

You know, I have noticed a long time ago: people converge in interest. Whoever takes from my surroundings: Presnyakov - Podolskaya, Nikolaev - Proskuryakova, Agutin - Varum, Pugacheva - Galkin ... These couples are not only living together, they breathe in one air, they are doing the same thing. Therefore, and next to me it would be strange to see the girl of another profession. It is extremely important to me that your beloved woman understands me, so that we are on one emotional wave. I, let's say, vitally needed that at the moment when I perform on the stage, she sat in the hall or standing behind the scenes, or when I come home to night and I need to urgently discuss a new song, I could find an understanding and sincere interest. I really need it.

Sophie:Kohl is unusually emotional, thinly feeling man. At the same time, he striking me with its energeticness. I love to watch how he works, as communicating with friends, fans, how easily finds a common language with any person, has to himself. He knows how to create a holiday. How many times have I witnessed such a picture ... the company sits, no one has a mood, occasionally throw out in words - the mortal boredom. But it is worth the cola - in five minutes everything laughs, smile! He has a gift to share a good mood. At the same time, as I already understood, it should be alone from time to time to one, just to silend. And at such a time it should not pester with questions and conversations. But it lasts not long! Long silence is not about Kole! (Laughs.)

Nikolay:As any creative person, I periodically need to relax from people. For example, I recently flew to Thailand, in a slimming clinic - a weekly course of cleansing the body was held there. And although Sophie neatly hints so much so that I took her with myself, I flew alone. Still, I did not rest there, the diet is a certain job, since it implies regime, restrictions. In addition, it turned out that I chose a hotel in which you can use a mobile phone exclusively in the room! That is, all the conditions in order not to be distracted by the events of the outside world. I had the opportunity to think about life. But in the evening Sophie called to learn how I was doing, and we spent several hours about conversations. (Laughs.)

Sophie:What to say, with Kalia unusually easily and ... Comfortable.

Nikolay: Conveniently with me! I am comfortable like a sofa! (Laughs.) In fact, we understand each other with a half-clow. Sophie is not from those who roll hysterics or scenes of jealousy, who without ending something requires and makes a claim. On the contrary, she does everything so that I was good. Such an attitude for me to a novelty. I am grateful to all women with whom fate associated me, but ... so it turned out that I was always invested in a relationship a little more. Often, my girlfriends was like this: if he is good, then I must be superhower. And now it's the opposite. Sonya first of all thinks that it was good for me. It turns out to surround me with attention and care, while not to be overly intrusive. In a word, I do not feel from Sophie no pressure. It admires me and binds to her even more.

Sophie: I have a feeling that we know each other a hundred years. True, I still can not get used to his surprises. For example, a call to the door - I open, but on the verge of a courier with a silent flowers ... Kohl from those rare men who do not need to hint what you want to get as a gift, just look at it . (Laughs.) I'm already uncomfortable: it is worth a glance at the store's shop window - Kohl immediately drags me inside and buy half of everything that they have. And, believe me, there are no options for retreat. (Laughs.) Sometimes it bows me the dresses, and always guess the size.

Nikolay:First, Sophie has a miniature, accurate figurine, so choose the dress of difficulties does not represent. And secondly, at first glance I unmistakably determine which outfit is ideal for any of my costumes, so the decision to buy is ripening quickly. As for joint purchases, I really wonder how a woman is trying on new things, as pretty inspects himself in the mirror, as her eyes burn. And if I have the opportunity to please your loved one - how can I refuse this pleasure to myself and she?!

- Your relationship with Sophie can be called a civil marriage?

We have a guest marriage, and such relationships at the moment are arranged both. In any case, I think so. (Laughs.) We meet when there is an opportunity. Still, we already have both lives to a certain extent: we have a divorce, baggage of previous relations, there are children. Therefore, we are not in a hurry, we do not force the events, we do not build plans, but just enjoy life ... more often I come to Sophie to her country house, because it is comfortable on its territory. Besides, she has a son there.

- Women, as a rule, are prone to greater definiteness in relationships ...

Sophie:And I'm not an exception. But I fully agree with Kali: it's not necessary to hurry. Well, in addition, I feel that Kolya is still watching me, looks after, studying. Although trying not to show it. Of course, like any woman, I want a family, more children, but I will never hurry a man. For me, in principle in close relations in the first place - a man. I am not from those who pull the blanket on yourself, on the contrary, ready to adapt to, make compromises.

- How was the first meeting of Nicholas with your son?

At first, Bogdan was angry, surf. Not surprisingly - before that, he saw Kohl only on TV, and then suddenly live. But I have a calm, adequate boy. No jealousy from his part arose, and there was no reason for that. It is clear that Kohl is not going to replace Bogdan Father - he has his own, and they communicate perfectly. But for me, as for Mom, it is important that they can be.

Nikolay:The general language with him was easily found, and it happened in the most natural way. First, I love children, secondly - cartoons. At first we watched the animation film in the cinema, and then went to the toy store. Bogdan - a wonderful boy, brought up. Calls me uncle Kiely. Unfortunately, the theme of children is painful for me - after all, the own son is growing, Bronislav, with which, so it happened, we do not communicate, we do not see. I can't not think about it ... Recently spoke with Sophie, and she, as it were, he dropped away: "And let's give birth to you a baby - Girl!" But I honestly answered that I'm not ready yet. I repeat: For me, this is a sore topic, I still can not discuss it ...

- Nikolai, have you told parents about their new novel?

Sophie got acquainted with them after one of my speeches in Moscow. For the scenes I presented them with each other.

Sophie: They are stunning. And it can be seen that the Son is infinitely, they are proud of them. All the time that we communicated, they spoke exclusively about Kola. Elena Nikolaevna recalled that he always wanted him to bind his life with the stage, and Dad saw him in sports - swimmer. And the mother stressed that Kolya loves to eat deliciously, so it is necessary to feed well. (Laughs.) I try not to let. Another thing is that Kohl sits on a diet more often than me.

Nikolay: The only thing that I asked Sophie is to prepare me for breakfast of cheese, mother's corporate dish. I love very much. (Smiles.) For mom, the main thing is to be healthy. I know that parents will accept any of my choice and will never allow themselves to discuss him (we have not been accepted in the family). For them, first of all it is important that I feel good and comfortable. Of course, they dream that I had a family, still children, but I repeat will never interfere in my personal life with advice and comments. And they liked Sophie, be sure!

- How did your friends accepted Sophie?

I presented to them Sophie on the "New Wave" in Jurmala. Still, the moment came when it was already necessary to get out of the shadow. (Smiles.) And again, everything happened in the most natural way. For example, in one of the days of the festival, Maxim Galkin called with a proposal to go to them with Alla and dinner together. I decided to look at five minutes, and Sonya did not go - somehow was not ready to get acquainted so immediately with Allle Borisovna. As a result, as soon as I went, he heard from the threshold from Pugacheva: "Well, where is your girl? Come here! " Alla Borisovna, as usual, is aware of all news. (Laughs.) Sophia shifted timidly. Alla Borisovna looked at her with a gaze, turned to me: "Well, another creative tandem?" - "Well, yes," say in response. "That's right, all in the family!" In fact, all the warmth accepted Sophie, as it should be adequate to people. After some gatherings, when Sophie came out, Ani Lorak whispered to me: "Listen, and she fits you!" She had enough fifteen minutes of communication to come to this conclusion.

- Nikolai, what do you think the experience of past relations helps to avoid mistakes in new?

And I'm not afraid to make mistakes - I am confident man in myself. And in general, I try to treat everything easier. You need to rush to live and enjoy every moment. Right say: "While you complain about life, it passes." If something does not add up in relationships, why spoil each other nerves and take time? We must part, saying each other thanks for what was. I fully agree with Marquez, who wrote: "Do not cry because it ended; Smile because it was! "

I am a happy person - I have something to remember. And now I am happy about life, I appreciate it and immensely grateful for what I have. The Lord gives me an opportunity to deal with the case I adore. I have my audience, fans, I earn enough in order to adequately live and ensure the same life with my loved ones. And finally, I love and love! Why think about some errors?

Marina Kuznetsova, Telendel
Photo by Vladimir Wisdom

Later in the fall, a celebratory viewer, switching channels, could not but stumble upon this clip, where the young man with peach-colored face diligently fed Italian words. ╚Nikolai Baskov ╚ Pämäti cargo √ Personal signature. In the near-disconnect circles spores broke out. Someone claimed that the young man sings did not himself, someone accused him of sustainability and popsiness, and brutal rockers just wrinkled noses.

The first video followed the second, then the third, and now on March 23, Nikolay Baskov gives his first solo concert in the GCCs ╚rossy. The concert is dedicated to the release of the debut album of the singer. In addition, our hero, it turns out, is not so simple: the artist of the Bolshoi Theater, traveled with the concerts of Polmir, studied at the greatest singers of the twentieth century.

All this certainly gives a reason for curiosity. Call with a singer, negotiating the meeting: ╚Good, let's meet in a cafe, next to the casino. There is written ╚Catch and something connected with coffee. At the appointed time, I approach the appointed place and I discover that keywords are written in two neighboring doors in order, but doors lead to completely different institutions. None, nor in the other, nothing like Nikolai Baskova is observed. I smoke in the middle viciously on the street, under wet snow, when I suddenly see a wonderful picture: a young man moves on a new Arbat in a luxurious fur coat to hee and with a mobile phone in his hand. Having come to themselves from such magnificence, bumping √ really, he. We arrange in a cafe, I continue to look at: low growth, very light hair, in the devil really is something soft and feminine, dressed in a stylish and clearly dear suit. Crane with the dessert, begin the conversation:

- To begin with, tell me a little about yourself. Where were you born when I started doing music┘

And it is necessary? I was born in Moscow, I traveled a lot with my parents in the country, as Dad served. He studied at an ordinary music school, then in a music school at the conservatory in Novosibirsk, then, from eleven to fifteen years, in the music theater of the young actor. In sixteen-seventeen years I studied in Gitis, then, since I dreamed of singing, I entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic. Now I am a fourth year student, because I took an academic vacation due to concert trips.

- You yourself wanted to become a musician or is it the will of your parents?

No, well, of course, Mom from the earliest childhood put me for the piano √ thought that I would be a great pianist. Then the athlete was made of me. I am a professional swimmer, I have a second category, surfing and snorkeling. The vocals began to engage in sixteen years. I have my teacher with whom I do constantly, and from the great world of this, with whom I met, made some of my amendments.

- Who exactly from the ╚vetniki world of this is a sign?

With many. With José Carreras, with Evgeny Svetlana, with Western conduirs; with the Opera Stars √ with the love of Kazarnovskaya, for example, we even have a joint project (By the way, the duet of Baskov and Kazarnovskaya will sound at a concert on March 23 √ z.r).

- And with Galina Vishnevskaya?

Personally, we are not familiar, but I was present on her master classes. Most of all I was struck by a meeting with Carreras. When I sang in his honor, he was standing applauded, and then, at the meeting, we called very simple and equal. He said that he began with the classic, and ends with pop music, and I can start with a popular pop, and finish the classics √ it won't hurt. Invited to his master class to Spain.

"Why, actually, did you decide to engage in pop music?" You are the Opera singer.

In the West there is such a tendency √ all opera singers, and the tenor in particular combine singing classic with a pop show. In New York, I got on the Sarah Brightman show, and I was struck that the opera singer performs both the stage, and the classics. But the press never let go in her address any silent, because she is very professional. And I thought: why don't I try so much? I realized that I can, and it turns out professionally. Many recording studios are interested in what I do, and offered cooperation.

Yes, but the specifics of our show business is in his division into genres. And the artist once he who declared himself in ╚popsex, maybe then from this stimple just not to wash.

Everything changes in our lives. We must do your business professionally, and then the story will show. Rockovoy also got it first, and then he was declared a genius. I think the most important thing is to health and your favorite business. I have enough of what I leave onto the operatic scene and start singing. When you seven times they cause bis and arrange ovations, it says a lot. In the last concerts, the audience meets non-ovations, but silence, like: I'll see what you can actually see. Clip √ This, of course, is good, beautiful, but let's listen live. But I judge by how I declared me, and I am satisfied.

- Who are your favorite composers?

Moskani, Verdi and Tchaikovsky.

- What is your current opera repertoire, and what else would you like to sing?

I am now ready for two parties √ Lensky in the ╚ Egyptian and Alfred in ╚tviat. I am still learning Pinketon in ╚madam Butterflyy and I plan to sing Kavaradosi in the mouth. But since I am still very young, then many say that most importantly - so that I do not hurry. That is, everything is in order, but everything should be measured. If you feel that you are ready to sing, then you have to sing. I dream to sing Radams in ╚aidu, Othello, for years so 32-33.

Opera singer's career begins at twenty-seven or twenty-eight years, especially at the tenor. Western artists were generally surprised as I sing at twenty-two.

You √ the youngest artist of Lensky's party in the Bolshoi Theater. What do you think, why did this situation be created in the Russian opera that the parties of young characters sing people a very middle-aged year and not the first freshness?

Now the level of professionalism has fallen in Russia. We have a lot of talented young opera singers, but everyone leaves to the West. And they remain standing down the people of the old hardening. Opera √ such a genre. In the West, they believe that if you are Yun and talented, then some technical problems with vocals that you have will disappear and flooded during life. The public and the press understand it.

- And you do not seek to the West?

Maybe Russia would not see me because there was a period when I was ready to leave. After the speech in the presidential club in America, proposals were received. But I'm a patriot, and then, I have a lot of friends here, parents.

I want to represent Russia in the West, and if people do not see the snob in me, I will be happy.

- What language is it easier for you to sing?

Of course, in Italian. Many experts believe that I have an Italian school √ I inherited a manner of singing from my teacher. Italian public is the most demanding, and although they said that I was young and I need a lot to work, everyone was sure that I studied in Italy. In Russian, I also cope well.

- Do you have idols?

On the one hand, Mario Lanz. On the other - Pavarotti. I like what he is doing now is adequately delight and worship. Man in his 65 years in such a beautiful vocal form! He can sing better or worse, but √ he is Pavarotti. From our √ Kazarnovskaya, Borodin, very love to the Bashmet.

- Why did the debut be chosen to ╚ammyati caruso? ╩

It was the first Svetai and a song recorded by me. I always sang it and everywhere. And one day, when I sang her, Tchaikovsky's hall did not let me go twenty minutes. I thought that this song will penetrate into the hearts of people, but did not even assume that she will give such a resonance. When it all started, no one even thought about it. At first, we wanted to call the album ╚pamatica cargo, but, since it is very diverse, stopped on the title ╚ binding. The album includes very interesting songs √ from ╚good bye My love, good bye Demis Russos, the Russian text for which Dolphin wrote to the song to the music of Evgeny Martynov.

From the author: Tickets for a concert on March 23 scattered, not having time to appear on sale. In connection with such demand, Nikolay Baskov will give three more concerts. April 15-16-17, everyone will be able to make sure that Basque sings himself, and sings well.

This week, the singer will celebrate his birthday - he will be 41 years old. Now the artist tours through the country with the new show "Game". And on his birthday, he also acts in Baku. Woman`s day found out how Nicholas managed to lose weight in a short time, and it would be silent on his future wedding with Victoria Lopierva.

"It's time to grow up, but I don't feel that I am 41"

Nikolai, October 15 will be 41 years old ...

Yes. It would be better than 31 (laughs).

In his "Instagram", Basque posted a photo before and after weight loss and wrote: "If you put a goal and gradually go to her, then you will definitely achieve it !!!"

You can say half everyium passed. How do you feel your age?

For me - a quarter of life, I'm going to die at 120! 40 years I did not celebrate, by the way. In numerology, when the figure is "0" in the year, it means the emptiness and the formation of something new. My mother is a very expensive and important person in my life - said that 40 years is a big inner restructuring. And yes, I have an internal struggle with myself, the feeling that I need a reboot as an artist. Almost all 17 years old that I am on stage, associate with a holiday person who performs funny, light songs. Therefore, I want to move away from a huge number of all sorts of television shows, programs, in the future, filter my appearance in concerts, because some kind of inner ... is not fatigue, no. But I need time to jump into something more fascinating.

Probably it's time to grow up. But I can't grow up, I think all the time that I am a young boy who just started his career. I do not understand at all, as I ran 17 years ... I do not feel that I am 41. As of the state, I probably have 26-27 years old. And, thank God, lately and I do not look for 41 years. Recently met with classmates (laughs) ... They asked me that I drink for youth.

Discover and us a secret that you drink for youth? How did you manage to come to such a beautiful form in a short time?

I have a personal trainer who is engaged in me in terms of physical training. He is a nutritionist and massage therapist, a word, a person who corrects me. The body is hard to withstand our ecology and stressful mode. Therefore, I participate in the program of the Academy of Gerontology in St. Petersburg. Thanks to the sanctions, our science does not stand still. Petersburg scientists have achieved some success. Their innovation is a complex of drugs, which I experienced on myself: These are capsules with a solution of natural vitamins, amino acids and peptides. And cream on the same database. I liked the result: fatigue quickly leaves, energy appears. I even decided to release a special set of funds based on these three components, it will be called "Star Energy" - Energy Star. Soon you will see it in my instagram. The cost will be normal, as this is manufactured abroad.

I continue to cooperate with the Academy of Gerontology - there are many influential people, politicians, they make droppers, take drugs, but they hide it.

"Vika said to me:" I will not sing "

Nikolai, your bride Victoria Lopirez recently soldered - at the New Wave Competition. Do you give her the lessons of vocal?

Well, no, she will not sing, it was a pure fan. Although I like how Vika sings, I generally like it when the girls who are next to me are engaged in creativity. Vika told me categorically: "I will not sing! I am the ambassador of the World Cup 2018, leading, TV presenter, model, therefore - no. You will sing you. "

On the "New Wave" Victoria sang with other singers

A few years ago, I know, Victoria requested you to spoke at her wedding ...

No, she wanted me to led her wedding. And on those dates when she called and called me, I was busy. In general, you know, everything is so unpredictable, I can honestly tell you! Sometimes you do not know what awaits you behind the turn ... It's so interesting - to live. At the same time, to live, not paying attention to anything to the checker comments, or on the discussion of your plans. When, in the program Malakhov "Direct Ether", my mother explained why the date of our marriage is transferred, the headlines in the media were very funny! I'm already very resistant to this pressure. But I can say: live like you want. This is your life, no one will give you the next day. Let discuss you, believe or do not believe, and you do what you are good. Such a lot of people, public people, we bring the topic to each person to conversation.

Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lockarev in the program "Direct Ether" from Malakhov admitted that the wedding was postponed

"Some do not understand why I'm on the stage - in the dress"

Tell us about your show with whom you are traveling around the cities.

This is not just a show, but a theatrical costumed presentation. About 2 million euros spent on it: these are 4 decoration wagons, 72 people serve the show, all costumes are exclusive, stitched in one copy on sketches of two wonderful fashion designers - Valentina Yudashkin and Vladimir Middle. I know that about 80 thousand rhises took their creation. Some were made in France in the studio, where they sew the costumes for the series "Game of Thrones". One of the costumes is Prince Calaf from the Opera "Turandot" - about two meters, weighs almost 40 kilograms. And it is technically equipped in such a way that during the song from it leaves and the muzzles of dragons with burning eyes go.

And in the song "Wanderer" in the background there is a fight of gladiators. Once I was so inspired, as they fight, and forgot that I need to sing. Opening his mouth, stood, thought: I wonder, he will hit him with a sword or not (laughs).

Show "Game" - not just a collection of songs, but a certain story. One of the outstanding directions Alexey Sechin, who did the Olympics and the Universiade, worked on it. I told him that I want to play in different epochs. Name options were different - "movement in time", "fiction". We decided to preserve historical facts from my creative biography - certain songs in certain images. For example, the image of the emperor in which I received a "golden gramophone" in 2012. The show sounds a split music: both popular, and classical, and operetta, and buffones.

The show is so expensive that it does not cover the costs, it is not profitable. But as an artist, I created such a brainchild that will leave my trail. This is what I can be proud to date. It did not leave anyone indifferent. Maxim Fadeev after my concert, wrote that she did not see anything big. In the Kremlin, standing ovation was in the middle of the concert. For me, it was indicative how my friends dragged their husbands to this show. Those left: "No, Basque ... Well, the first branch of the sessions and we leave." But no (knocks his fist on the table) - Basque won! People remained to the end.

Suit of Prince Calaf from the opera "Turandot" weighs 40 kilo!

The main hero of the show - mask. What does he mean for you?

The show is called "game" because we are all playing, put on the masks. Here you come to an interview - and you put on the mask of the journalist, come home - you put on a mask or a loving wife or bitch. All people play, probably, we are the most natural when we remain alone.

Mask is the manifestations of my inner J. The first part of the show - shine and pompousness. The second part is romance, the third is the real theater (operetta and opera). The fourth part is the triumph of strength and power - the Roman Empire. The fifth part is a natural blond, a man in love with himself. And the sixth block - the triumph mask, in which I go out at the end to the audience.

We have very much caustic people on comments and, without going into reasons why I appear on the throne in a bright suit, and I have an imperial crown on my head, it is believed that Baskov completely went head - put on the dress. They do not understand that this is a fragment from the opera of Puccini "Turandot", where Prince Kalaaf sings his famous Aria. And the imperial costume in China is just a long dress. And only understanding people wrote that "it was surprising to plunge into the atmosphere of the opera."

Nikolay Baskov will represent an atypical album. Artist "Sharmanka" songs, "Let me go", "Black" recorded a disk of modern spiritual music. As the singer came to such a genre - by first person:

- In a dream heard the voice that I need to write songs, glorify God. I was on the shore, I clearly said that I should sing songs about God. It somehow mystically happened. Before that, one of my friends, who works in Patriarchate, told me that he also writes music and asked to throw something. I agreed. After some time, Irina Lebedeva's poems are given to me, the book of spiritual poems. I thought it was providence. Mystic. I met her, met, selected poems and invited the authors of Alexei Romanov and Sergey Reftov, my peers who write popular music. I said: "Guys, you need to write an album, not about love and humor, as usual, but about God and repentance. After all, God does not need anything else. "

Basque also told that it was thanks to God that he became an opera singer. For the first time, he turned to the Almighty at 17, when his future career was threatened.

- Since childhood I was close to God. When I was kicked out of guitis, I did not speak my parents, "I wanted to enter another academy. There is a church between the conservatory and the Academy, and I went to her, I was 17 years old. I went to church, stood and did not understand anything. The grandmother approached me and asked: "Son, what do you want?" I said that I want to do that she showed me the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker and said: "Go every day and ask." I ask: "What about?" "In your own words," she replied. I began to walk and ask for what to do. And I entered a huge competitive basis.

- God is always with me in my heart. And I thank God every morning and I apologize for what I did wrong. In my life everything is connected with miracles. I asked what I was needed, and it appeared. As one scientist proved, when a person is in a coma, and does not react to any music or microcurrents connected to the head, "God can save him. When the priest came to the ward to such a patient and began to read prayers, the human brain earned.

Prayers, according to the artist, helped him survive and created the real miracle, which did not even believe doctors. The hairs from the death of Baskov was due to the gap of appendix.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

"I asked for fans to pray for me, I needed to take hormones, I broke out appendicitis. I fanned and filmed me from the shooting platform. And in two months, when I passed the tests, the doctors did not believe. They began to ask: "What did you do?" And I talked inside myself with every cell with God. There are such moments, in the plane I'm flying, and I begin to read prayers, Psalms. From this cleaned brain.

Montserrat Caballe taught Basque to breathe correctly

Each time, going to the scene, Nikolai Baskov reads prayers to himself. Voice, according to the singer, a very subtle tool and can not be trusted, so it is very important to have support. And better over.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

"You know, I came to the opinion that I was not alien to me." I did not perform very correct actions, but it would not go from it. I am a creative man. Voice is a conductor. When you go to the scene, you do not know how two small voice ligaments will earn. Always when I started singing in the opera theaters, I think, many opera and pop singers do the same, I always turned to the Almighty, prayed. Without it, it is impossible. This is an internal state, you one go out and need support: "I know you're near."

At the same time, the singer noted that he does not get tired completely, although the workahol. The famous opera diva Montserrat Cabala taught his special admission to relax.

- When I was engaged in Montserrat Caballe, she taught me breathing technique. A school of breathing technology is based on meditation. When it is hard for me, I can reset fatigue at the expense of breathing. There are exercises, you can find them on the Internet. Inhalet of a certain pose. When the body begins to vibrate, you are ready. "

Basque on the coin and young artists

The artist creates his audience, "Basque considers rightly. In an interview with the fifth channel, he honestly admitted that he knew about the existence of a coin singers and buckwheat, and even heard a cheerful song of one of the singers, that's just not knowing what. In the memory of Baskov, only Zemfira scandal remained.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

- I heard in the news that there was a conflict with Zemfira. I remember someone in Facebook heard a cheerful song "If I had paid, when I think about you." Current I do not know who sang it, or buckwheat, or a coin.<…> I think it's fine that we have young performers. Each audience should have their heroes, an open soul that understands the problems of modern society. I am positive about all artists who are trying to find themselves. Because it is easy to declare about yourself, but it is very difficult to hold out, because the viewer is such. There are artists who love, and then may not love. And there are those who will love and with him people live their whole life. We have a lot of such legends: Pugacheva, Rotaru and Kirkorov.

About Haip on Ibiza

Basque said that it was incredibly impressed with the scandal that broke out around the video "Ibiza", issued together with Philip Kirkorov. The clip assures the "golden voice of Russia" - the reaction to the news of the yellow press. Also Baskov noted that the clip was created for the audience, which subtly understands everything.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

- I am 20 years on stage. It happens that in Instagram I write in personal messages of 13 and 15-year-olds. I am surprised that they listen to my songs. Maybe none of them recognize on a universal ferris, which listens to Basque. Although after the Kirkorov Hypanuli and unexpectedly, we turned out to be in the first place in YouTube.<…> I do not feel that I am 41 years old, I feel like a 28-year-old man. I am confident that many young people do not understand this, but the moment will come and they will understand this condition. All came up with the beeps with Urgant. They are to blame for everything. But I am satisfied with the work. The video, which we shot, we were more actors in it. As the images create images and we created antiheroes. But nice, such an explosion! For today on one resource, 14 million views, on the other twelve. For 2 weeks - it's strong!<…> We did for those who understand everything fine. We have said everything that writes yellow presses about us. This is all mixed and submit. There is actually a thin hidden psychological promise. But what, I'll tell you then.

About rap battles and duet with Sarah Brightman

Answering the question about Rap, Basque stressed that the artist is always outside the genre framework. If you love, then you do everything right, but the guidance of the musical direction can show only time.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

- It exists in the West for a long time. For me, if the artist conquers the audience, then this is a real artist. And after the past, you can judge if a person took place. For the year or two or five it is difficult to understand. With that young artists are looking for their way, their direction. And it happens already another, and it is necessary to finely catch this moment, on time to find the breath of the air creative.

Baskov noted that it was not going to try in the genre "rap" himself, but leaves a space for creativity in the future. The same one who craves to see Basque in the new role, the singer recommended to listen to another album, which comes out in November, - "Christmas album". The album will be an unexpected track with Sarah Brightman.

- Maybe I have not thought about this topic. Still, Philippe sank rap 50 with something. I'll wait. Maybe a new generation will grow. All say, expand creative plans. If we were told everyone, it would not be interesting. Artist is a sudden clapper! Elevations, discontent. This is the life of the artist. About the new musical direction I do not think yet.<…> In November, it will be released on Universal Christmas American album. There is a duet with Sarah Brightman. It has long been recorded, but I did not release. Song Holy Night. Gorgeous work. Wrote in Hollywood. Fans of "Other Basque" will have the opportunity to listen to the new album in November.

Basque admitted that he was listening to Serdyuchka

In an interview with Basque, said that it was opened for almost any music. At the same time, in the singer's player, not only classic arias. Basque monitors the novelties and tries to be "in trend".

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

- I love everything! I have a playlist at home. And there is a Verka Serduchka, there and Loboda, and Celine Dion, and Torzanand Barabara, and much more. Is there no Rammstein. It is hard for me. I love Spanish, Italian pop. I am generally interested in music, I always go to iTunes and watch new items. The audience is different to someone like one, someone else. Also me. I choose what is interesting to me.

About heritage and negligence to autographs

Basque admitted that it would not be against if his things and autographs in the future would leave the hammer. He himself has repeatedly acquired the personal things of the idols. However, about his heritage to speak early, - says Baskov, - at least the next 50 years.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

"It seems to me that I will still be in a hundred years." If it lives, the energy lives in the things of the beloved artist, - why not? I have an autograph Callas, which I bought at the auction. I have a belt mario del Monaco, in which he sang "Girl from the West", Opera. I have antique things belonging to famous people. I bought it nice it was interesting. I believe that there is nothing terrible. If a person wanted to buy a passport of Tsoi, there is nothing terrible. Maybe he has memories of youth or love with his dignity, or Tsoi turned his fate.

On unfortunate love and ovations of the public

What the famous tenor is missing in the truth is love. Baskov admitted that he was once crammed with a heart. The singer would be glad to tie himself to marriage, but so far I have not met that very much. Therefore, the opera singer is so focused on creativity, but sometimes he thinks of love.

Video: Fifth Channel, Photo Globallookpress.com

- I think about it all the time. George Clooney, too, constantly thought about it and finally married after 50. What to think about it?! It seems to me that it is very difficult to such a person how I find the understanding, taking care of a woman. There were moments when I was broken very much. When it finally glues, it can meet his destiny. Until it turns out.

Basque will find out about their "love adventures" of Basque. However, the stories attracted by journalists are rather amused by the matt of domestic pop. Basque said that it was so tired of such publications that he himself was not watching them for a long time, and the "latest news" learns from fans.

- I will throw out fans in Instagram or on Twitter some articles. I go, but I don't react to this for a long time. How many years old in show business! So calmly treat it. I like what they write, I like what to argue. Invent different stories, refutations, - this is the life of a popular person. There are situations where you are not under the scrutiny not because you wanted it, but just it happened. You turn out to be in sight, and in the end everything is broken. You know, as they say, happiness loves silence. For example, my colleagues are young getting married, all this is covered in the press, and then in two years they are bred, divide property, children ...<…> I had a hard experience, then there were a difficult strongly emotional relationship. I will not talk. It was hard for it. This, imagine how to shove your hand with boiling water in the pan, do you want to do it again? No, I was not offended. These were feelings. Sometimes I, by virtue of my youth, dull, principled, egoism did not understand everything. Few people public find themselves happy in personal, unfortunately ...

At the same time, Baskov noted that it is not ready to change its popularity on simple human happiness.

- It seems to me that everyone has a certain mission. A man may look at this interview and dreams of a scene, about a career, but he has a wife and two ETE. And so he looks and says: "I would have threw everything to become such." And we have a reverse situation.<…> I can't quit it all. This is my life. Independent sensations when you go to the scene. And there from two to one hundred thousand. And on TV, you are generally watching millions and it's hard to jump from it.

Material of Natalia Kirillova and Annia Bathaeva