Between the Urals and the Yenisei stretches the vast West Siberian Plain, along which the Ob flows - one of greatest rivers peace. It is formed from the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers, originating in the Altai Mountains. Altai means “golden”. To the east of Lake Teletskoye there is Altai Nature Reserve. It was organized in 1932. Its area is currently 881 thousand hectares. After the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, the Altai Nature Reserve is the second largest in the country. In the village of Yailyu, on the northeastern shore of Lake Teletskoye, the base of the Altai Nature Reserve is located. The village is located in one of the most warm places Siberia. This is the only place in Siberia where there are suitable conditions for ripening walnut, grapes, prunes, apricots, antonovka six hundred grams and pears. More than 1000 species of plants grow in the moss-shrub tundra, in high alpine meadows, in the taiga, and in small steppe areas. The taiga near Lake Teletskoye is called Chernevoy. The dark coniferous forest consists of cedar (Siberian pine ), fir, ate. Between the trees grow giant grasses in which the rider can hide. Impenetrable thickets in the undergrowth black And red currant, raspberries, mountain ash, viburnum, bird cherry. They grow on screes and rocky mountain slopes. gooseberry And evergreen shrub - Rhododendron Daurian, local name picker. In early spring When the maralberry blooms, the rocks seem to be covered with pink-violet foam, which sways in the wind, and it seems that the mountains are covered with a transparent colored blanket. More than half forest areas are made up of cedar trees. In all zones, herbaceous plants create a colorful living carpet that changes its colors. Bloom in early spring white And bright yellow buttercups, large white And blue anemones. Golden and dazzling yellow silky flowers Adonis are replaced by purple meadows kandyka, lungworts, orange lights are blazing everywhere Zharkov. In summer there is more blue background from catchments or red from scarlet poppies and pink from carnation. Within the Altai Nature Reserve there are up to 20 species of relict plants: these are European hooffoot, woodruff, Voronets, Circe and others preserved from the Tertiary period. Right by the water on the shore of Lake Teletskoye, onions grow on sand, pebbles, and also high in the mountains; on dry rocky areas - bergenia.

A large amount of vegetation creates favorable conditions for animal life. Animals are distributed according to altitude natural belts. There are nomadic species that move from one mountain zone to another. Scientists of the Altai Nature Reserve have recorded 66 species of mammals, 331 species of birds, 3 species of amphibians and 6 reptiles, and 19 species of fish.

You can meet anywhere in the taiga bear. Restored in the forest zone sable, the number of which in the Altai Nature Reserve exceeds 1000 individuals. Lives in the forests of the Altai Mountains for a long time maral (Noble deer). In summer, the head of males is decorated with young, unossified antlers - antlers. The graceful nimble one is often found ermine. Along the Kamgi and Oyer valleys you can find roe deer. Come across wolverine, speakers, weasel, lynx and others. Moves quickly from one tree to another squirrel. A flying squirrel flies from tree to tree. Rare specially protected animals of the reserve - Siberian ibex And Snow Leopard.

Constantly hearing clicking and whistling noises chipmunk, living everywhere. Herds of herds have been preserved in the mountain tundra zone of the reserve reindeer. Several species live in the Chulyshman valley, in the Pritelets taiga bats . They winter in caves, tree hollows, even in bear dens. The bats very gluttonous. In a day they eat more than they weigh themselves. By destroying harmful insects (mosquitoes, flies), they bring great benefits to humans.

There are many birds in the Altai Nature Reserve. Often the silence of the forest is disturbed nutcrackers (nuts). They feed on pine nuts, which they often do not eat, but hide by burying them in the ground. A few years later, a cedar tree grows in place of the storeroom. Thus, nutcrackers help the reproduction of this tree. The forest is not visible in the variegated colors grouse in its protective plumage. In the Chulyshman valley live gray partridge And quail.

Most of the reserve is occupied by the Chulyshman Highlands, where mountain ranges and isolated elevations with rocky slopes rise. At an altitude of more than 2000 m, it is still winter in May, then a short, bright spring sets in. June is cold, at the beginning there is still snow. Most warm month- July. It's cold again in August.

Vast flat areas occupied by swamps are overgrown with mountain tundra shrubs. Saucer-shaped depressions are filled with water - here is the kingdom of small lakes. Among them is a giant lake - Dzhulukul, which gave rise to the Chulyshman River. Lives on the Chulyshman Highlands white partridge. It is widespread in places where it grows dwarf birch. Near Lake Julukul, there are up to 140 of these birds on one square kilometer. Comes across less often tundra partridge. They stop at the lakes migratory birds. On Lake Julukule, two small, barely noticeable islands are called bird colonies. In spring various waders that remain to nest. There are 16 species of ducks in the reserve. The smallest - teal-whistle nests in lakes and swamps of the Chulyshman Highlands. On the Shapshalsky ridge in the rocky tundra lives Altai snowcock, a very rare bird.

In the Altai Nature Reserve, all natural complex: the richest vegetation of mountain landscapes, wildlife, lakes, rivers, caves.

Lake of the Altai Nature Reserve

Lake Teletskoye, located on the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve, is one of the most beautiful lakes in our country. They say about the lake that it is a “blue wonder”, “the pearl of the Altai Mountains”, “the younger brother of Baikal”, and the Altaians call it “Altyn-Kel”, which means “Golden Lake”.

Lake Teletskoye is located at an altitude of 436m above sea level, its greatest depth is 325m. It ranks fourth in depth among the country's largest lakes. The Telets basin is shaped like a root giant plant: rivers and streams (and there are more than 70 of them), like hairy roots, cling to the lake on all sides and feed it with their waters. In the south, the Chulyshman River, originating from the high-mountain lake Dzhulukul, flows into Lake Teletskoye, and in the north the Biya River flows out of it.

On a clear sunny day, those sailing on boats on the greenish surface of the lake can see silvery ribbons descending from the slopes of the mountains - these are rivers. White and foamy water, along rocky and rocky beds with steep ledges, rushes down with a roar, forming waterfalls and raging whirlpools. Some waterfalls are located near the shore of Lake Teletskoye, for example, in the northeast, on a tributary of the Kamga River, the beautiful Bolshoi Shaltan waterfall. Not every daredevil manages to reach it: sheer cliffs They go into the sky, and below they come straight to the river. Huge stones and boulders cover the bottom of the gorge, and the water rushes through the dams in such a roaring stream that not even a rifle shot can be heard. When you approach the waterfall through the gorge, a strip of water 20 meters high blocks the exit. It seems that the strip is moving towards us, hits the ledges, breaks into tiny splashes, rises up in a cloud and falls again.

The lake is home to 13 species of fish: taimen, whitefish, grayling, Yelets, perches, loaches, sculpins etc. The smallest fish is found here - Teletska sprat (average weight its -13 g, and length 12 cm) and the most big fish- taimen (weighing more than 40 kg and almost 2 m long). Teletska sprat is poorly studied and it is unknown where it lives. It is caught in the deep-sea part of the lake and is considered very rare. There are known cases when it accumulated in large quantities in the shallow bays of the lake and at the sources of the Biya River. After strong storms Dead sprat are found on the shores of the lake. It is not clear why a deep-sea fish is washed ashore by a wave.

Most valuable commercial fish Lake Teletskoye - taimen. Taimen is a voracious predator; it eats everything it comes across in the water: fish, waterfowl, frogs, even squirrels if they begin to swim across the river flowing into the lake. With its huge mouth, taimen captures prey and holds it sharp teeth V powerful jaws. Taimen's teeth are arranged in two rows in a semicircle. In the spring, this fish accumulates at the mouth of the Chulyshman, where its spawning grounds are located. Large copper-colored fish with fiery red fins move upstream to spawn.

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Altaic biosphere reserve - This amazing place, where many species of flora and fauna have been preserved. The purest lakes here coexist with the middle and high mountains, and the taiga coexists with the tundra. Altaic state reserve It ceased to exist twice, but from 1967 to the present day it has been functioning again. This is definitely worth a visit for those who want to admire nature unspoiled by man, see reindeer, snow leopard, musk deer.

Where is it located and how to get to the Altai Nature Reserve

This unique place located in the northern and eastern parts of the Altai Republic. The territory of the reserve covers the Ulagansky and Turachaksky districts.

The main office of the reserve is located in the capital of the Republic, in Gorno-Altaisk, at the address: Naberezhny lane, building 1. Office phone number - 2-14-19, code - 388-22. Opening hours - from 8.00 to 16.00, lunch - from 12.00 to 13.00.
As for the central estate of the Altai Nature Reserve, it is located in the village of Yailyu, you can contact it by phone 8-495-645-22-62.

  • First of all, you need to get to. The most convenient and fastest way to do this is by plane.
  • If you decide to go by train, you need to take a ticket to Biysk station, and from there by regular bus or at Taxi get to Gorno-Altaisk.
  • The next section of the road is the path from the capital of Altai to the villages of Yailyu or Artybash. The most convenient way to do this is by car(please note that to travel you must fill out an online application a month before your visit).
  • You can also overcome part of the path on the boat- in the warm season.


To visit Altai nature reserve, you won’t have to save money for a long time - the entrance ticket will cost from 20 to 100 rubles (the exact cost depends on the chosen route and vacation spot).
It is best to go here in the summer, as well as in the first half of autumn. Traditionally September is best time for relaxation on the lakes.
Tourists will not be able to stop at the cordons - this is not provided for. However, you can live in the villages, which are located in Artybash or Yogach - villages nearby (green tourism is well developed here), as well as at the mouth of Lake Teletskoye. There are tourist centers, campsites, and guest houses here. There is a guest house in Yailyu; here tourists are accepted for accommodation and local residents.

  • There are several routes in the Altai Nature Reserve: to the observation deck at Korbu waterfall, route to Uchar waterfall– the cost of tickets in this case is 100 rubles per person daily.
  • You can also go to estate in Yailya, to the cordons Karatash, Baigazan, Chelyush, Kokshi, an interesting journey through Belinskaya terrace– each of these routes will cost 50 rubles.
  • Here's a visit eco-parking area “Urochishche Karagay” will cost only 20 rubles per tourist.

Flora and fauna of the Altai Nature Reserve

Plants of the Altai Nature Reserve

The highest species of vascular plants here include about one and a half thousand. Of these, 22 species are from the Red Book: lake grass, feather feather grass, Siberian kandyk, Zalessky feather grass, three species of Lady's slipper (swollen, large-flowered and true), Baltic fingerhorn, leafless migratory plant, as well as clopaceous neottiante, Lezel's liparis, helmeted orchis, Altai rhubarb , unfound wrestler, swollen-fruited oleaginous, Pascoe's wrestler, Siberian toothwort, Maryanova's cape, notched-leaved dendrathema, Altai kostenets, Rhodiola rosea.
There are almost five dozen plant species, which are listed in the Red Book of Altai.

Due to the vast area of ​​the reserve, it includes various zones: this and taiga, And tundra, And alpine meadows, And steppe areas. As for the forest, or rather the taiga, it is predominantly dark coniferous (black): spruce, cedar, and fir grow here. Lower tier plants consist of ferns and tall grasses. Also in the undergrowth there are many rowan trees, bird cherry trees, viburnum bushes, red and black currants.

Found in the mountains and foothills bushes, for example, rhododendron (here it is called maral), gooseberry. Onions grow near Lake Teletskoye, and bergenia grows in dry areas. Almost everywhere - abundance herbaceous plants, including honey plants.

Animals of the Altai Nature Reserve

Thanks to the diverse flora of the Altai Nature Reserve, you can find a large number of various animals and birds. The answer to the question of what animals live in the Altai Nature Reserve will take a lot of space, because fauna is represented by no less diversity than the flora: according to scientific research, more than 65 species of mammals, 330 of birds, 6 of reptiles, 19 of fish, and three species of amphibians live here.
Since the Altai Nature Reserve has several natural areas, some representatives of the animal world lead a sedentary lifestyle, while others move from one zone to another.

  • In the Altai Nature Reserve found as very rare animals, listed in the Red Book, and more common representatives of the fauna. Here you can meet sable and bear, red deer and ermine, wolverine and roe deer, lynx and weasel, snow leopard and Siberian ibex, flying squirrel and weasel.
  • When talking about what animals are in the Altai Nature Reserve, one cannot fail to mention chipmunks– these charming animals are found literally at every step.
  • Concerning rare representatives fauna of the Altai Nature Reserve, it is worth first of all remembering snow leopard and Altai mountain sheep– they are listed in the International Red Book. But reindeer are under federal protection.
    In general, the fauna of the Altai Nature Reserve includes almost six dozen rare or endangered fauna– these are more than half of the animal species that are protected by law in Altai. It's not just about mammals: three species of insects and eight species of bats are also protected.
  • Birds of the Altai Nature Reserve– another pride of scientists. There are more than 330 species, of which a significant part (184) nest here. These include the steppe eagle, the gray crane, the white-tailed eagle, the great godwit, the demoiselle crane, the gray-headed bunting, and the Mongolian bullfinch. All of them are listed in the Red Book. There are also other protected bird species here, for example, stilt and Dalmatian pelican. 12 bird species are included in the international Red Book, and 23 - in the federal Red Book.
  • There are a lot here and fish, including rare ones. One of most interesting species is taimen, a predator that lives in Lake Teletskoye.
  • Many tourists are interested in what animal is depicted on the emblem of the Altai Nature Reserve. The logo includes an image of not one, but two inhabitants of the Altai Nature Reserve: snow leopard(i.e. snow leopard), as well as argali ram. The latter is one of the most large species argali This is what tourists most often ask about, wondering who is depicted on the emblem of the Altai Nature Reserve. It should be emphasized that both the argali and the snow leopard are not only a symbol of the Altai Nature Reserve, but also the flag species of the entire Altai-Sayan ecological region.

Mountain sheep are one of the rarest inhabitants of the reserve.

Sights of the Altai Nature Reserve

Among the nature reserves of Russia, the Altai Nature Reserve occupies a special place, since there are not only many rare species plants and animals, but also many natural attractions.

  • One of most interesting places Altai Nature Reserve is Lake Teletskoye, included in the UNESCO list. It belongs to the most deep-sea lakes country, and its maximum depth recorded to date is more than 320 meters. They call it for the purest water younger brother Lake Baikal, and the locals call it Golden.
    The clear waters of Lake Teletskoye are home to many rare species of fish.
  • Uchar, or Big Chulchinsky, is the largest cascading waterfall in Altai, the total height of which is 160 meters. It amazes with its beauty and scale, attracting many tourists.
    Cascade waterfall Uchar is the largest in the Altai Mountains.
  • Not far from Lake Teletskoye there is another waterfall – Korbu. It can be reached by car, so this is where most tourists go.
    The Korbu waterfall is located on the river of the same name, which carries its waters to Lake Teletskoye.
  • Very interesting and journey to "To the Tramp", as the locals call the group of Bascon waterfalls. They differ from each other in both size and power, forming a single natural ensemble.
  • Julukul is a high-mountain lake, which is inferior to Teletskoye in size, but not in beauty. It is here that many species of fish spawn, and birds organize bird markets.
    The high-mountain lake Dzhulukul amazes with its purity and beauty.

History of the creation of the Altai Nature Reserve

  1. As already mentioned, this protected area has complicated story. Initially, the idea of ​​the Altai Nature Reserve, the purpose of which was to preserve species diversity flora and fauna of Altai, arose in 1929, when a large expedition was sent here. At the same time, they developed a plan according to which the reserve would cover about two million hectares (today the area is slightly less than 900 hectares), but it was not approved.
  2. A year later, the decision to create a reserve was nevertheless made, but the next expedition was organized to clarify its boundaries. In 1932 The Altai Nature Reserve began its existence.
  3. In 1951 together with the liquidation of the Office of Nature Reserves, the Altai Nature Reserve was abolished, but in 1958 it was restored. Having existed for three years - until the summer 1961 , it was disbanded again.
  4. In the mid-sixties, the public raised the question of its resumption, and in March 1967 The Altai nature reserve was again organized on the same territory as before. To the question of what the Altai Nature Reserve protects, the answer was given in founding document: complex of the Priteletskoye taiga, as well as Lake Teletskoye.

    Did you know? According to the original documentation, Lake Teletskoye was supposed to become the center and real heart of the Altai Nature Reserve.

  5. Since then, this reserve has not stopped its work, and since 2009 included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

    Did you know? This reserve, together with Katunsky, forms the “Golden Altai Mountains"and has been included in the UNESCO list since 1998.

Interesting facts about the Altai Nature Reserve

  • The Altai Nature Reserve presents great amount animals and plants, which allows him to enter five nature reserves with maximum biodiversity.
  • Reserve area makes up almost 10% of the territory of the Altai Republic, which makes it one of the largest in the country.
  • Cedar forests- This is a special pride of the reserve: the age of the trees here exceeds four centuries, and the diameter of the cedars is up to two meters.
  • Climate of the Altai Nature Reserve combines mountain and continental features, which makes it unique.
  • The relief of the Altai Nature Reserve is very diverse: These include highlands, highlands, valleys, and gorges. The elevation difference here ranges from 400 to 3.5 thousand meters above sea level.
  • The reserve's logo previously featured snow leopard and Mountain sheep , however, this year, the anniversary year, a new emblem of the Altai Nature Reserve was approved, depicting a mountain with three heads. There is a tree on it that raises its branches up. Below the mountain seems to be washed clearest waters lakes.

Altai Nature Reserve – photos and videos

The snow leopard is another “mascot” of the Altai Nature Reserve.

The cedar forests are the pride of the reserve.

The Altai Nature Reserve is truly an amazing place where you can spend more than one week. Peering into clear waters lakes, listening to polyphonic bird choirs, watching animals and admiring the grandeur of waterfalls, you will experience the power of nature in a new way and be able to feel its splendor.

Only wild nature, mountains and forest. Complete isolation from civilization: throughout the entire territory of the Altai Nature Reserve there is not a single hotel or hotel, moreover, not a single road or highway, they are replaced by foresters’ paths. Not far from the reserve, small wooden houses are available for tourists for no more than 500 rubles per day. Lovers of extreme recreation and hiking come here.

Altai Nature Reserve- one of largest reserves in Russia . Unique and specially protected natural area Russia. The Altai Nature Reserve is included in the list of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO as “Golden Mountains of Altai”.

It is included in the "Global-200" (WWF) list - pristine or little-changed ecoregions of the world, which contain 90% of the planet's biodiversity.

It occupies one of the first places among Russian nature reserves in terms of biological diversity.

Where is

Located in the northeastern part of the Altai Republic, on the territory of the Turchansky and Ulagansky districts.

About the reserve

The Altai Nature Reserve sets itself the following goals:

  1. Protection of Lake Teletskoye;
  2. Rescue and protection of cedar forests;
  3. Protection of endangered animals (sable, elk, etc.);
  4. Assisting in the study of the region's ecosystem;

It is surrounded by mountain ranges: in the North is the Abakansky Ridge (2890 m), in the South is the Chikhachev Ridge (3021 m), and in the East is the Shapshalsky Ridge (3507 m).

It’s not difficult to climb the mountains on foot and enjoy the pass beautiful view. On the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve there are 1190 lakes, all pure turquoise blue cold water and a lot of fish (protected by the state). The most big lake called Dzhulukul, more than 10 kilometers long, it is a unique reservoir of the Altai Nature Reserve.

The Altai Nature Reserve is one of the largest in Russia and the second in terms of biodiversity after the Far Eastern protected areas.

Included in the Global 200 list of the World Fund wildlife is a list of little-changed ecological regions of the planet where 90% of the world's biological diversity is located.

Where is the Altai Nature Reserve located?

The world-famous protected area is located in the Altai-Sayan Mountains. Administratively, the reserve covers the Ulagansky and Turochansky districts of the Altai Republic. The reserve also includes the water area of ​​Lake Terletskoye.


The area of ​​the Altai Nature Reserve is more than 863 thousand hectares, the main part of which is forests, and the smaller part is water areas.

Due to the different topography of the reserve (highlands, highlands, canyons and gorges, valleys - the difference in altitude above sea level is 400 - 3,500m), the climate is mountainous and continental. Winter is long and cold, short summer humid and warm. Average annual precipitation - 870mm


At the beginning of the 16th century, the inhabitants of Altai began to develop the territory of mountains, foothills, and mountainous regions. Local tribes of Mundus, Yamundus, Sayans and others hunted on this land. In the 18th century, nomadic tribes of local aborigines had already populated both banks of the Chulyshman River.

Altai Nature Reserve in winter. Terletskoe lake photo

The beauty of the local nature has attracted the attention of scientists, who have repeatedly drawn attention to the unique ecological system Altai Territory.

Based on the results of the study, numerous field expeditions, collected material and observations of flora and fauna, compiled maps and diagrams, the Altai Nature Reserve was officially opened in 1932.

The reason for the discovery was the need to preserve the ecosystems of Terletskoye Lake and the surrounding taiga, as well as to protect the population of animals that were subjected to intensive extermination - sable and deer. The reserve was closed twice, but since 1967 it has been operating continuously, and its boundaries have remained stable and unchanged since then.

Korbu waterfall photo

In 1998, the territory of the reserve was included in the UNESCO List as a natural heritage site. Since 2009, the reserve received biosphere status.

Altai Nature Reserve: animals

  • Amphibians - 2 species (gray toad, sharp-faced frog);
  • Reptiles - 6 species (patterned snake, common viper, steppe viper, viviparous lizard, sand lizard, common copperhead);
  • Fish - 19 species (burbot, pike, taimen, perch, etc.);
  • Birds - 343 species;
  • Mammals - over 50 species.

Altai Nature Reserve animals photo

The fauna of the Altai Nature Reserve is typical for taiga zone. Steppe animals are in the minority here. Among the taiga mammals that live here are roe deer, moose, lynx, deer, squirrels, wolverines, chipmunks, and bears. In alpine landscapes you can see snow leopards, mountain goats, reindeer, argali, Altai vole.

There are also quite a lot of birds in the reserve - partridges, jackdaws, snowcocks, white-naped accentors, larks, redstarts; you can see golden eagles and falcons on the mountain rocks.

The steppe fauna is represented by marmots, gophers, gazelles, and birds - quails, partridges, hoopoes, and horned lark. Waterfowl – goldeneye, swan, mallard, merganser, etc.

Altai Nature Reserve: plants

The flora of the Altai Nature Reserve contains 4 characteristics different belts: steppe, forest, subalpine and alpine. Most of the Altai Nature Reserve is occupied by mountain taiga forests, which mainly include coniferous trees- fir, spruce, pine, birch.

The forest ends at approximately 2 thousand meters above sea level. In the north of the reserve there is a kingdom of fir, in the south there are cedars and larches. There is almost no undergrowth here, and the grass is mostly grass. Pines grow in lake valleys, spruces grow in mountain valleys, birch and aspen grow in places of former fires or clearings.

vegetable world reserve photo

There are many clearings throughout the reserve where umbrellas, angelica, nettles, hellebores, and hogweeds grow. In alpine landscapes, birch forests and alpine meadows and lichen tundras are common. The main plants in the dwarf birch zone are dwarf birch and cuckoo flax moss.

In the alpine meadows grows lush grass with large stems - white-flowered geranium, fighter, bitterweed, moral root. In the meadows between the rocks grow violets, hyacinths, mytniks, and kopeks. In the steppe part of the reserve, the main flora is feather grass and fescue.

  • The grass in the clearings in the Altai Nature Reserve grows so high that it can sometimes hide a rider on a horse; Terletskoye Lake is fed by 70 rivers, and there are many along the shores of the lake. beautiful waterfalls;
  • There are almost 2560 lakes in the reserve;
  • Terletskoye Lake is called “Small Baikal of Siberia”;
  • The highest mountain lake in the reserve is Julukul, located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level;
  • Some cedars in the reserve are over 400 years old and reach two meters in diameter;
  • The territory of the reserve is very difficult to pass. Movement is carried out along special huntsman trails;
  • 8 species of bats living in the reserve are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory;
  • There are camera traps in the reserve, with the help of which staff monitor the animals.

cedar old-timer photo

Creation Altai Nature Reserve dates back to 1932, and last change territory of the reserve dates back to 1968. The reserve is located on the territory of two districts - Turochaksky and Ulansky, to the south Lake Teletskoye, in the northeast of the Altai Territory. takes a lot large area. According to the latest calculations by researchers, the area of ​​the reserve is 863,728 hectares, with forests occupying 247 thousand hectares and reservoirs 13 thousand hectares.

Located in the pool R. Chulyshman on the watershed of the Ob and Yenisei rivers. Climatic conditions harsh due to the fact that the reserve is located in the depths of the continent. In the north due to moisture-saturated air masses, there is a large amount of precipitation - more than 800 mm per year.

Is the main body of water Altai Nature Reserve. Its length is 78 km and its depth is up to 325 m. Small rivers and streams flowing into the lake form rapids and beautiful waterfalls.

Most of the reserve is occupied mountain taiga tundra. Conventionally, they are divided into four zones: steppe, forest, subalpine and alpine.
The forest composition of the protected area is different. In the south, cedar and cedar-fir forests predominate; tracts of rare larch trees also grow here. Fir taiga predominates in the north. Concerning pine forests, then they grow only near Lake Teletskoye and the river. Chulyshman.

Subalpine belt occupies more than 300 m vertically. Alpine belt wider and is divided into three stripes: shrub tundra and alpine meadows, rubble-lichen tundra and stone tundra. Dwarf birches and cuckoo flax are widely represented in the shrub tundra zone. Alpine meadows occupy a smaller area, but the flora is more diverse. White-flowered geranium, maral root, wrestler, bitterweed, angelica, and golden rosewort grow here. Steppe belt is located in the valley of the Chulyshman River and is represented by plants characteristic of the steppe - feathery feather grass and fescue.

Animal world Altai Nature Reserve mostly taiga. Recent studies have shown that about 73 species of mammals, more than 10 species of reptiles and 310 species of avifauna live here. Among the mammals that live here are sable, lynx, bear, chipmunk, musk deer, elk, deer and roe deer. Among the birds that live here are hazel grouse, kusha, capercaillie, nutcracker, bee-eater, chickadee, chickadee, nuthatch, etc.

Ichthyofauna not numerous - only 13 species. The most abundant species are grayling, pike, Siberian whitefish and burbot. Also lives in the Chulyshman River sole representative Mongolian ichthyofauna - osman fish.

Main focus research work is the study Mountain Altai- its animal and plant world.